#gonna go reread that scene rq
romanocheese · 2 years
Ok because you gave me that song to listen to I am going to dump all of the songs that make me have a whole animatic in my head/remind me of things
(Rq though I headcannon dreamXD as just dream. DreamXD is a vessel dream can just enter sometimes I guess.)
Crow & the butterfly by shinedown: Phil & Kristen
Sound of Madness by shinedown: c!dream and dreamXD
Momento Mori by will wood: reminds me of dream/dreamXD being like "stop being wimpy abt dying lmao" idk I don't know how to explain it but it reminds me of him and the people who died on the dsmp. The end even matches up with a few deaths!!!! You'll know what I mean when you listen to it but yeah
Gooey by glass animals: event horizon
Cocoa hooves by glass animals: event horizon (especially the "wings on fire" part)
Malmo by mook: literally fills me with so much emotion so my brain goes all wonky when I listen to it. I usually think of Cough Syrup when I listen to it but it could also easily fit event horizon or just the dsmp in general. Very good stuff.
Life itself by glass animals: event horizon but not really the beginning lyrics. Cause yk. His dad. Anyways this song has tons of energy so that's why associate it with event horizon because there's literally so much happening. Yeah that probably explains it.
Hell's coming with my by dead mans poison (I think): the pogtopia arc is all I can think about when I hear this
Snakes from arcane (it's the easiest way to search for it): lmanburg. Just all of it. The wars and all of that yeah it's that but I guess when I think of it at a certain point in the song it just starts centering around tubbo
Wild side covered by We.B: also knifetrick. The end part reminds me of the dance scene and it just makes my brain have so much happy chemical
I have more but that's already a lot so have fun listening to that and I'm probably not gonna reread this for errors ok bye
omg i will absolutely be going through and listening to these thank u very much for the song recs :))
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lilyharvord · 3 years
If you had the chance to change something or add an scene or character to the RQ saga (the 5 books) would you do it?
👁👄👁💧 what if... what if I told you that I have outlined my plan to completely rewrite the ending of War Storm and replace broken throne with a whole ass other book? What if I told you that? Would you believe me? ANYWAY LOOK UNDER THE CUT CAUSE I'M TIRED OF SITTING ON IT AND I WANNA SHARE.
Alright So here we go, I'm saying the end of War Storm is Mare and Cal getting in the truck after they get Maven, and the start of Book 5 is this:
they have maven, they return to harbor bay, Farley, Mare and Dane have the weird lil meeting where they talk about what they're gonna do while Mare's in the bath? (also like, wtf, why was that a thing? I completely forgot about it until I reread it. So I'm moving it to a table or something while Mare sits in a window and looks out at the destroyed harbor)
they go to Maven's sentencing, and everything pretty much plays out the same way except at the very end. Cal is facing Mare who has her back to the massive windows behind her that face the bay. And his eyes widen and he straight up grabs her and wraps himself around her as the window shatters around them and they are blasted across the throne room. Mare leaves Cal's arms and ends up sliding across the floor and stops. Her ears are ringing, but she can hear people shouting. There's smoke everything, and she can hear the distant sound of more canons/guns firing. And she opens her eyes to see Volo grabbing Evangeline and Ptolemus and making a break for it on the other side of the room. Dane has Farley under his shield, and Julian is trying to get Anabel back to her feet.
Cal is literally just laying there though, not moving, and Mare scrambles to him, and tries to flip him over, only for her hands to get covered in blood. And he's pretty much got this massive shard of glass from the windows through his abdomen. mare goes into panic mode, and then Dane is sliding across the floor on his knees to be next to her, and she's in shock trying to put pressure on the wound saying, "it's okay, you're okay, help him, help him." and Cal's choking on blood and trying to grab her hand.
Anyway, a teleport shows up, and Dane tries to grab Mare and pull her away from Cal who Anabel is now screaming over. And Mare rips away from him to grab onto Cal again, saying, "i'm not leaving without him. I won't leave without him!"
So they take all of them and end up on a hill outside of Harbor Bay, and Mare is trying desperately to stop the blood that is just everywhere and now she's crying because she almost lost him a few days ago, she can't lose him like this now. ESPECIALLY BECAUSE HE FUCKING HESITATED IN THE THRONE ROOM AND IT LOOKED LIKE HE MIGHT HAVE BEEN ABOUT TO CHANGE HIS MIND (sadly he wasn't, the bomb just came at a very opportune time).
But a healer is on their way to them, and Cal is trying to hold Mare's hand, trying to tell her something, and she is sobbing and saying, "IF YOU DIE I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME? I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU." And he sort of just gives her this really weak smile, and then he's gone. And the healer is pulling their hands away, saying quietly that he's gone, there's nothing they can do. And Mare literally screams, puts her hands on his chest and screams at him, "NO! DON'T YOU DARE. HE'S NOT GONE. HE'S NOT." And Julian tries to pull her back softly, telling her it's okay, but she straight up puts her hands back on his chest and puts a bolt of electricity through him and then he's choking and gasping for air, and she's sobbing in relief and grabbing his face, begging him to not die while the healer leaps back to work and tries to save him. The chapter cuts with the healers taking him away, leaving Mare on her knees in the feild while rain starts to fall. And she looks up to see Rafe and Ella holding Maven between them, and Maven is looking at her with this wicked smirk and says, "I told him, I told him it wouldn't be for long."
ANYWAY, next chapter is from Cal's POV. And they're in Montfort cause duh that's their stronghold, and Julian is pacing, telling him that the Lakelands had been waiting with an armada outside of the bay, just outside of their radar scanners, waiting for them to let their guard down after they took Maven (cause of course Iris and Her mother were doing that. Why would they wait so long?)
And he's just sitting there, his hand on his stomach where that shard of glass was, thinking about how much it hurt to see Mare begging him to stay alive, so stay with her, that she would never forgive him if he died etc. Cause the only thing he thinks about more in War Storm than the crown was Mare.
Insert semi-boring political exposition here about how Montfort won't go to war with the Lakelands for Norta because well, they dont want to put a king on the throne. Which leaves Cal questioning whether he is making the right choice in going with what he believes to be his duty about his love for his country and the people in it.
Insert Farley POV chapter where she is with her Father and the other Scarlet Guard generals trying to figure out a plan, and him begging her to step down off the front, to not make the mistakes he made and endanger Clara or risk isolating herself from her daughter. To which Farley sneers at him, turns on her heel and saying over her shoulder, "Unlike you, I'm strong enough for my daughter and my cause." cause you know, she deserves to say it.
Mare POV chapter where she's sitting and overlooking the gardens and Tyton finds her, sits down and says, "Ella and Rafe told me what happened." She grunts and says it was an act in the moment, she didn't even know it would work, etc. And he interrupts her to say, "He was dead. The healer declared him dead. But you did something, something akin to brain lightning and brought him back." she pretty much resuscitated him by restarting his heart people, but they dont have a name for a machine that does that, so it's new to them. Mare is shocked obviously and Tyton says, "We have to train that. It's too dangerous for you to be walking around with that part of your ability unchecked. You may have saved him, but the next time it happens, you may kill someone." So she agrees to train with him, to learn how to harness that.
More political stuff... mostly about trying to get them to go to war with the Lakelands and Peidmont.
Cal very seriously doubting his decision to try and become king. Insert "the other side" moment with him and Dane because that song screams them and that's all I have to say on that matter. And Cal going to find Mare because he's really on the fence, and the thing he is most afraid of is losing the last of his family (Anabel) who has been pushing so goddamn hard for him to stay the course. So he goes to Mare's rooms and pauses outside, about to knock, but can't bring himself to because he pretty much thinks he's lost all hope of being with her now. And then Kilorn is leaning against the wall across from him saying, "she's not there." And he turns around to see him, and Kilorn just shrugs and says, "She's in the garden." And Cal stands there shocked for a second that Kilorn would tell him this before saying quietly, "I dont even know what I would say to her." And Kilorn just raises a brow at him and says, "the truth would probably be a good idea."
Cal goes to seek her out in the garden, and finds her sitting in the moonlight (obviously this is his POV so we spend at least a paragraph just admiring her). Followed by him sitting down slowly next to her and then they have a lil convo about stuff and when she asks him why he doesn't just do this thing he's been alluding to the whole conversation (walking away from the crown) and he very quietly says, "because... I'm afraid. I'm afraid of ending up alone". Mare slowly turns to face him, and the climbs in his lap so she's straddling him and cups his face to make him look at her as she says softly, "You won't be, I'm here." (cause fuck yeah, I'll be damned if I dont make a call back to every Marecal scene in King's Cage.) And then she kisses him, cause she's not stupid, she knows what he's contemplating.
They definitely do it in the garden under the full moon and yes I will give you all a smut scene that is soft as fuck cause it's what those two idiots need in that moment.
Anyway the next day, Cal goes to Dane to tell him to draw up papers for his abdication. Mare goes with him. And then as they are walking somewhere together they run into Anabel who has heard the news and she pretty much throws a low key fit about it, and then as Cal walks by her, caught between Mare who has already walked down the hall, and Anabel at his back, he falters because his grandmother says, "if you do this, I will never forgive you." And he stuck, looking at Mare who's face softens. She takes a few steps toward him, holds out her hand for him to take, and he looks down at it, and then very slowly glances over his shoulder at his grandmother who is absolutely furious. And then he slowly takes Mare's hand, and says, "If I don't, I will never forgive myself." And then he lets Mare lead him away, even though his steps are heavy and a struggle at first. (dont worry loves Anabel will forgive him later, at like the very end)
ANYWAY, my girl EVANGELINE comes back. She shows up looking like a hot mess with her brother, Wren, and Elane in tow saying that the Lakelands overran the Rift, her father is dead and they barely escaped with their lives. Of course Carmadon offers then shelter (he ships every single couple in that group and captains the Marecal one too. In fact he has a lil talk with Cal too earlier on while Cal is still kind of healing and can't do much)
So they all decide they have to go back and battle the Lakeland's. They have to enlist Maven's help since he knows the Cygnets so well right now. So Mare and Cal who's relationship is still just kinda on the rocks and healing have to deal with his annoying ass making comments every two seconds. Maven is just sassy in this book okay? His main purpose in life at that point is to annoy the living hell out of Cal and push every single one of the Mare's buttons to see which one makes her go off like a firework and kill him. (obviously during this, it may slip out somewhere that he is not entirely gone, although Cal does come to terms with the fact that his brother is in fact, not really the brother he remembers, and that maybe there really is not enough to save him.)
Insert like a few battles to take back Norta. Mare fighting Iris cause that's the show down we NEVER GOT BUT ONE HUNDRED PERCENT DESERVED.
Maven sacrifices himself at the end for Mare, saving her from something, I haven't decided yet, and while he's dying he smirks up at her and pretending to be an ass still says, "You owe me." But his last words are still very sadly, "I tried Mare."
The end is them officially saying Norta is free and a democracy, the lakelands slink off with their tail between their legs, and Peidmont goes as well. And Mare and Cal talk quietly about Maven, and since she isn't the one who killed him we dont have that leaving him on the tarmac business. But they both look towards the horizon where the sun is rising, and Mare takes his hand and thinks to herself, "we have been broken, but we are not worse for it. We will have to rebuild, and maybe someday, we will look back and know that it had been worth it. Every part."
EPILOGUE (cause Im a sucker for them) is 10ish years down the line. Mare is sitting on the bank of a little lake watching two children, one is just older than a toddler, the other is much older and who we know is Clara (because I'm gonna describe her for y'all) playing by the water edge with Cal, laughing and having the best damn time of their lives. Farley is next to her, the two of them at peace. Mare reaches down and smooths the hairs of the baby sleeping on her chest and says, "would he recognize us?" And Farley just kind of shrugs and says, "Maybe. Maybe not." And then Mare frowns and says, "do you think about him often?" And Farley shrugs again before leaning forward and saying quietly, "not as often as I would like. But it's been a while now. The wound's healed for the most part. I dont hurt as much when I do think about him." And Mare nods before smiling when Clara and the other child come running up to them. Clara collapses next to her mother, Mare thinks about her and how much she looks like Shade, and how that is such a wonderful thing. And then her daughter is trying to climb in her lap, asking to see her brother and they're all happy as a family and its what they fucking deserve and while there is hints that the war not quite yet over, they get to have PEACE.
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gohyuck · 4 years
hehehe hello may I request jaemin & 12? ALSO CONGRATS ILY!!
JEWEL ILYSM!! thank you 🥺🥺 ok this one is kind of short but it’s bc i’m gonna write a part 2 using my other jaemin rq
prompt: “But little does she know that I'm a wolf in sheeps clothing... ‘Cause at the end of the night it is her I'll be holding.”
part 2 here
“just say you like the chase and go, ’min, (name)’s obliviously not into you,” mark scoffs, following his friend’s gaze across the banquet hall.
“we haven’t even talked yet, dude,” jaemin responds indignantly, bumping his friend’s shoulder with his own. mark says nothing, only rolling his eyes before downing his flute of champagne in its entirety. jaemin, ever-expressive, takes his silence as a reason to continue explaining himself. “i’ll just seem all unassuming and then, bam - i’ll be holding (name) through the night... and maybe after it. i’ve never gotten turned down before, why would tonight be the night?”
“because it’s (name), is why.” is the response mark has on hand, and before jaemin can even begin to question the sentiment mark is gone, disappeared into the throng of people celebrating whatever the hell the current banquet was for. mark’s here because one of his other friends - taeil, jaemin thinks - is getting some award or the other. jaemin’s here because he has to be. he doesn’t really care to know what everyone else is doing.
of course, you’re the exception to his nonchalance.
jaemin shifts slightly, making sure to keep his tray of hors d’oeuvres balanced as he does. with his other hand, he smooths down his white dress shirt - pressed specifically for work - before zeroing in on his goal: getting to (and successfully interacting with) you.
“i’ll be like a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” he murmurs to himself in what can only be called a pep talk. “won’t know what hit ‘em.”
just as he’s properly steeled himself, gotten himself ready to walk over to you and offer you a deviled egg or whatever, a hand on the small of his back forces him to tear himself out of his own head. he turns to see donghyuck looking at him, a shit-eating grin on his face and a slip of paper between two of his fingers.
“i think one of the guests might’ve taken a liking to you,” he snickers, dropping the folded paper onto jaemin’s tray. “mentioned, uh... going to the bathroom in 10.”
before jaemin can question his friend, someone comes out of nowhere, grabbing a flute of champagne from donghyuck’s own tray. the latter finds himself swept into small talk about the catering business - donghyuck’s a broke college student who’d answered an ad, but he pretends that isn’t the case - while jaemin is left stepping aside to unfold the note.
i can give you one night - name x
he can feel his own eyebrows rise in surprise, and although his cheeks are suddenly slightly heated, he tamps down on his blush as best he can. after all, if you see him flushed at your nice little note, you’ve won the upper hand.
and jaemin never, ever gives up control.
he can’t put his finger on why he wants you so badly - aside from the obvious physical attraction he has - other than your reputation. jaemin’s a heartbreaker in his own right, but your stories exceed even his own. hell, he hasn’t even ever talked to you, despite being in a class together during the entire semester. even then, he still finds that he wants you in any way he can have you.
maybe he wants to know if the rumors are true. maybe he wants to know if he can prove them false. he isn’t sure.
jaemin rereads the note once, twice, before looking back up. you’re mid-conversation with someone who looks like a professor, but you must feel the server’s eyes on you, because the moment the woman in front of you turns away even slightly, you’re throwing jaemin a very quick, very sly wink.
jaemin quirks an eyebrow at you, and the small smirk you respond with tells him everything he needs to know.
“hey, hyuck?” jaemin asks, not bothering to even face his friend as he speaks. donghyuck, who’s glancing between you and jaemin, looks like he’s watching the most interesting movie scene he’s ever witnessed.
“let taeyong know that i’ll be cashing in my break now.”
“now- wh- fuck, jaem, you’re lucky my tray is empty.” donghyuck gripes as jaemin finally turns to face him, only to place his own tray on top of hyuck’s empty one.
“yeah, now,” jaemin says simply, tugging slightly at tie around his neck to allow himself some air. he shoots you a sly smile, the last one before you turn away for good, and finds himself very glad that he’d listened to hyuck and taken up the serving job with him. his gaze trails the side of your face, your edges and your curves, until he finally allows himself to look away from you and back at his friend before speaking.
“i suddenly have some things to attend to.”
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