#gonna go rewatch now u.u
cryingatships · 10 months
So, I don't know how to begin this post. Let me start by saying that this is only a personal social observation (gotta use my major somewhere), based on what I've seen in the school shipping culture around me. (Pls keep me out of shipping discourse, ty.)
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So, the entire ep was a kick in the gut, and it's tackling issues which are very, very personal to me, even rn when I'm in college. bullying, ragging, classism, institutional prestige... as if I'm not getting enough of drama, politics n media irl
But anyway, I'm not gonna go into those rn. Instead, I want to write a bit about this—shipping in schools.
I don't know how much this happens in the western school systems, but in the part of the world where I am, aka in South Asia, 'shipping' people (keeping it in quotes cause no one actually uses the particular term), starts at school.
No one teaches it to you, to be honest. But when two students of the opposite cisgender are close with each other, share their lunches/food/tiffin, then whispers start around the class. The reason for this closeness may be that they just vibe together, or their parents are friends, or sometimes they are actually in relationships/like each other.
From what I've seen in my (and a few other schools I had friends from), it usually starts as early as first grade? Back then even holding hands were scandalous And it doesn't really matter if the 'shipped' persons are popular or pretty or not, it can happen between any people who are a little close. Or if one side likes the other (which may be stated publicly or to friends).
Of course, it typically only happens with two people of the opposite cis genders, though as you go up in grades/classes, the scope of shipping friends/peers go into plenty other directions, too.
A lot of the times, it just turns out to be friendships, but I've personally seen people who are shipped get together too. And then there were a few instances where two people purposely promoted their 'ship' because they wanted to get close to the other person's friend in a very roundabout way. Is high school normally like this or is my school just????
So anyway, shipping people who are your friends/peers is considered normal around here. A thing to laugh and chat about with your friends (who can be the shipped ppl too), shout in the hallways, make silly doodles on etc. Of course, this can take a dangerous turn any second—many guardians do not approve of their children getting into relationships (real or otherwise) in schools, many people who are 'shipped' feel uncomfortable with the whole thing (though they in turn participate in shipping others), and of course there's the ever present chance of stalking, invasion of privacy, rivalry etc
School shipping is also a gradual process of socialisation involving love, romance, attraction, ig. Many institutes lack (or refuse to allow) talk of romance/attraction and sex ed. Many guardians would never touch the topic of talking to their wards/children about relationships, romantic and sexual love, some going as far as to forbid their wards from consuming any media about these things. In such a scenario, where love, romance etc is considered almost a taboo never to be associated with, shipping, ie love but without involving yourself into it, becomes a way to deal with them. Talking about your peers being in love starts a conversation about stuff that would not have taken place in any other way. Most times, this is not a self-narrative thing either, people 'shipping' friends/peers are aware they are not the 'shipped' people. But anyway. Most times is the keyword here
Of course, this shipping slowly goes into the areas of life when people *are* allowed to love, but most of it ends in high school (unless you're still in fandom, but that's a different thing altogether). People are too busy trying to eat, sleep and also study to continue shipping friends in college/uni.
I'm not going into the debate about whether this is healthy or not. As I stated at first, this is but a personal observation of things I've seen around, and things that are still happening, starting from when you are 5-6 years, ye.
(It's only been two years since I got out of hs, that's not a very long time. And my juniors tell me about the current school gossip XD)
This is just me seeing a drama and then rambling about something in it, so ye, Do Not get me into shipping drama.
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nastyaphrodite · 5 years
The Lion King (2019)
• I'm already emotional and it hasn't even started. • I'm five years old again. • I'm already ugly crying. • Planning a trip to Africa ASAP. • Spot on intro; the attention to the original detail. Amazing. • CIRCLE OF LIIIIIIFEEEE. • MUFASA! • Rafiki!! My heart. • Queen Sarabi. *heart eyes* • Baby Simba!!!! • Still crying. • Simba's displaying. Super emotional. I can't-- • I want ten Simbas. • The sunlight on him .... poetic cinema. • THE TITLE SCENE. CHILLS. LITERAL CHILLS. • Currently speechless. • The effects are so good? Like, wow. • Here comes Scar, ready to ruin the perfect moment. • "Life's not fair ...." woah okay. • Oh, the new speech lines are good. • Zazu ... still prissy. • Hm, I don't know about Scar's voice. (he's still good though!) • Why didn't they get Jeremy Irons back? • James Earl Jones returns, praise be. • Bringing him back was the best choice they made. • "Tremendous respect for the Queen." THE SHADE. He so wants Sarabi. I need that new backstory Disney! • "Don't turn your back on me!" "IS THAT A CHALLENGE!" More chills. (better in the animation though). • "Again?" what do you mean?!?! what do you mean again?!?! Backstory! • "Simba will be your king." Mufasa foreshadowing majestically. • I do love Zazu. • Just magical. The emphasis on the stars. Beautiful. • Little Simba is adorable. • "Dad, dad, dad," cutest baby ever. • Majesty in the Sun. • "Everything the light touches." *tearing up again.* • James. Earl. Jones. • The effects are ... wow. • "At 4 a.m. there's nothing to tweet about!" Zazu making commentary on our social media use. Right on you funky little bird. • Simba and Mufasa are precious. • Sarabi leading the charge! We love a capable Queen. • Ay cositas! (about Simba) • Scar's SASS. • Oh crap. • He's so manipulative. • Scar remains the best villain. • Little Nala! u.u • "ZaZu?!?!" • "I could just molt." • Was Zazu that sassy in the original? • The Lions have ... some expressions. • "We are never getting married." Who's gonna tell them? • IJCWTBK was cute. • Nala's sassy too. Were they all this sassy? I live. • Is it weird that I still want to check out the Elephant Graveyard? • Nala has some sense. • Oh crap. • Uuu, they upgraded Shenzi. Main mama. • Oh she bad. • Who did her voice?! (it's Florence Kasumba. I want her voice cast in everything now.) • Oh mamaaaa. This is bad. • The power! The majesty. James Earl Jones kills it. • I need the hyena v. Lions backstory. How far back does the feud extend. What is the deal between Mufasa and Shenzi. Disney don't introduce new story lines if you can't expand on them! • The little paw in the big paw scene. • Crying again. • Their father and son time. • Sobbing. • "Look at the stars ..." • I am besotted. • "personal space!" • "I guess we'll eat you." Oh man that foreshadowing. • The new Be Prepared is lackluster? Is it his voice or something? • Jeremy Irons just can't be beat man, sorry. • Okay the chanting changed the game. • Dictator vibes coming on STRONG. • Me currently: :O • Oh you preciously naive baby. • His little roar. • Oh. • Oh no. • Not prepared for this. • Nooooooope. • ANXIETY. • Okay they do need more expressions. • Mufasa .... baby .... • no. • No. • Yes. • Oh I'm not going to hold back the tears that much longer. • Emotions are a whirlwind. • I'm not prepared. Nope. • THAT SCENE. • I'm openly weeping. • My shoulders feel so heavy. • I could murder that lion with my bare hands. • No wonder your original name means Garbage you crusty looking lion. • Oh my baby Simba. • "Kill him." *shook* • Are they actually going to lie to Shenzi? Lol • "It is with a heavy heart." *insert Khloe Kardashian's "LIIIIIIIIIAAAAAARRR" scream here* • Get my baby lion out of that desert! • Okay but Billy Eichner was a good choice for Timon. • Timon and Pumbaa are life. • "We're going to name him Fred." • "Hakuna Matata" • I'm back from the grief. • Baby Pumbaa! Oh my heeeart. • "It's an emotional story." (it's about him passing gas) • "I was always there for you and I resent that." TIMON I-- • How much does a trip to Africa actually cost?!?! • The bugs look disgusting, thank God. • SImba growing up! • I'm crying again. • The MOON. • I like Donald Glover's voice, I really do. • My heart feels full again. • "Oh now he's riffing!" • All that snide Timon and Pumbaa commentary, I love. • Oh girl, are the lionesses plotting? • BEYONCÉ?!?!?! • Sarabi conspiring? • Beyoncé's voice is fine for this role. Y'all just hating. • Sarabi's walk is still that girl. • "You chose Mufasa over me." Anyone would sis. • He really did want Sarabi but now he needs her. • Don't do it girl. • "I will never be your Queen." Yesssssss • Scar's absolutely brilliant, too bad I hate him. • Tension, anxiety ... but come through Nala. • Beyoncé's voice is so soothing. • Zazu is so brave in this movie and I love it. • Simba out here living his best life. • "You do you Simba." • Their cuddling is precious. I need hours of this. • Awh they hurt my baby's feelings. • Oh gross, but I guess. It's accurate? • Is Rafiki really going too ... ok. • "Simba is alive" Chills. Tears. Joy. • "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" will be stuck in my head for days. • DAMN GIRL. • Oh baby! • Their meeting! My heart! • "HAHAHAHA. What fun." The delivery on that, yes Billy! • Oh Bey ate that delivery on "king." • CYFTLT. Magical arrangement. Bey's voice is just perfect. • The scenery is so beautiful. • They redid this scene so wonderfully. • Simba check yourself before you wreck yourself. • "Who are you?" • "I held the son of Mufasa!" .... oh, I didn't want to cry again but ... • THE SCENE. • "All I was most proud of was having you as my child." • "Remember ...." am I still crying? • Yes baby, yes! Go back! • "Let's go home." My heart, my heart. • Beyoncé saying, "Danger, ha! I laugh in the face of danger!" gave me LIFE. • Why are they not more excited to have Simba back? • THIS IS MY FRIEND PUMBAA, HE'S AMAZING, AND HE DROVE ME HERE. • "Live bait." • The looking back and forth killed me lol • "Why is everyone looking at me?" • I wish they'd done the hoola but the new distraction song was genius. • Rafiki is ready hunny. • Leave Sarabi alone you piece of Garbage. • I'm so glad they went with the Sarabi/Scar storyline instead of the even creepier Nala/Scar storyline. Thank you writers. • Give him a piece of your mind Sarabi! • Simba returns. • Oh this effing liiiiiaaaar. • This Scar is more manipulative than the animated one. I love it? • "This looks familiar." Freaking DEVIL. • "I. killed. Mufasa." when I say I'm livid. • Hans Zimmer's scores remain unbeatable. The emotion. The intensity. The perfection. • "Chubby?" • "I will not be made ashamed of who I am!" • Kill her Nala. KILL HER. • Rafiki came in swinging hunny. • Oh you know she dead. • LION POWER COUPLE.   • Scar really gon' run like a lil ..... • He asks for mercy. The nerve. • "I'm not like you ... Run, run away Scar and never return." • The battle. • Me: :OOOOO • I thought he burned. • She ain't dead after all. (?) • But you know HE dead. • He's going to take his place .... my heart. • More crying. • KING. • MY HEART. • BEAUTY. • PERFECTION. • KIARA! • (or is is Kopa? the non-canonical Disney makes it weird.) My final thoughts: The movie, when compared to the original, does run a bit lackluster. There is something ... off ... with the voices. Something about the inflections or was it the lack of expressions on the lions. Oh god, they could have been animated better on that. 5/10 (for the expressions) But the scenery, the realism. So beautiful. 8/10 The voices, like I said, are off. But when you close your eyes, they sound good. Beyoncé was good, and no one can say otherwise. She did not bring Texas into her voice y'all, but her lilt and inflections are so distinctive it was distracting in some parts. 6/10 (for the overall voice cast)
Timon and Pumbaa remain the best. 10/10
James Earl Jones as Mufasa still sounds Majestic af. A lil tired, but hey, there could be no other. 10/10
I really wish they’d kept some of Scar’s lines like “it’s to die for,” and the infamous “SARABI!” but I guess his lines were okay. 9/10
Some additions I remember from the top of my head. Sarabi being more involved in the kingdom. 10/10 I do wish they'd given her a bigger role though. Showing how the alliance between the hyenas and Scar came to be. 10/10 I liked the mystery of the animation, but this was good in showing just how volatile the alliance really was. Showing how Nala manages to escape. 10/10 We needed this. Zazu being more brave and not being captured by Scar. 10/10 Shenzi's storyline and her beef with Nala. 10/10. Implying that Simba grew up with more friends than just Timon and Pumbaa. 10/10 In short, the additions did not detract from the story, and were actually good. 
Overall score for the movie as a whole: 8/10
I’m sorry, it just can’t beat the original (which is a 15/10) The original was the pinnacle of Disney’s Renaissance era and this remake, while good and visually stunning, was just not the experience I wanted it to be. Maybe I compared it too much to the original. Will I still rewatch it? Yes. Am I ready to lead a hellish crusade against lion poachers? Hell yes. 
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moro-nokimi · 3 years
rewatch part 5
yes ik i said i was going to pick it up tomorrow but i don’t feel like doing fuck or shit
dark knight!joker voice here we go
i love this OP so much. 
OH NO LA PIETA. that sure is a thing
(cracks knuckles)
oh wait we’re getting early into the squick
why his eyes so blue
(tells his whole life story to the teenager he’s supposed to be tailing) (hauls ass away)
same bangs
dramatic ass. can’t blame him
why is this so horny
she’s practically taking a witness statement
dawg you saw him get beaned by a car
i wish they’d created this panel by panel. yes it’s wish fulfillment what ab it
oh yeah here goes the shitty delivery :(
too bad the tone sucks bc it is a genuinely good scene that does establish he gives a shit about her
he sounds waaaaaaaaaay paternalistic and shitty in the dub and sub. i don’t blame ppl for their wrong opinions ab their relationship
like by definition an opinion is objective but that doesn’t make it any less wrong
and here we go
oh bye i got hit in the nuts with sad :(
they really were planning a family huh :(
oh the joke about her dad scaring him more than kira. bye
cinnamon tography
ugh it was almost his birthday too when he d*es :( naomi spent it alone and grieving i bet
i wish they hadn’t moved it forward three years, bc now the tracksuit from this jagoff makes more sense
okay i guess the fact that irl there was a week’s time and he spoke to light once hampers things a little but he has a distinct voice (dub-wise anyways)
oh man :(
isn’t that so creepy
okay, gross? he’s a shitty guy but that doesn’t mean he deserved to die
if anything this is pushing me moreso to be anti-death penalty and anti-kira
god he’s bluffing so hard
oh jesus
he probably worked with those guys beforehand. 
that’s fucking terrifying, not knowing that you’re killing the guys you’ve worked with and then dying yourself.
i wonder what raye’s last thought was, besides it being light yagami
like obviously raye is a smart guy i don’t get the fics that take his intelligence down a few pegs to prop up naomi
those are the same fics that make him to be an abusive dick
like i love her but this is not the move. we can love a woman and hate what was done without removing her agency
oh god, he looks completely dead behind the eyes
aw :(((
oh shit i thought that was their analogy to g w bush
raye was in a shitload of pain. i don’t envy the guy.
oh god :(((
they’re so heavy on the copaganda, yeesh
light must be peak deer in the headlights rn
oh yeah, yeah he is. that’s why in the manga he’s turned away from his family. wish this had been more faithful to it rather than cutting shit out.
i forgot that netflix spliced in footage from the relight OVAs
she just barely missed them. aizawa walked right fucking past her. god that sucks.
i love how it foreshadows his arc within the mello/near arc, his dissent to L
no eyebrows u.u
how tall is aizawa anyways? we know matsuda is 5′8, and in this he has about 2″ of hair to make him the same height as matsuda. so wouldn’t that make him like 5′6″... but even then there’s sooo many continuity errors, ugh.
fair enough. i can’t wait for the homoeroticism
that bone structure
still geeking about that LLP message with the actual literal message from the man himself
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darksidekelz · 6 years
got tagged by @processormalfunction​
Rules: choose any 3 fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to get to know better
Three fandoms:
• Transformers
• Steven Universe
• Overwatch (this one’s gonna be hard with how little lore there is)
The first character you loved:
• Starscream (Airazor if you go back to my youth.) But yeah, I have a weak spot for treacherous characters.
• Pearl.  That is pretty much exactly how I would act if I was responsible for taking someone like Season 1 Steven into dangerous situations.
• Reaper.  I am an edgelord.
The character you never expected to love so much:
• This could apply to pretty much anyone, since I’ve never been huge on Robots.  But I’ll go with TFP Soundwave?  I started out pretty indifferent to him, but the longer the show went on, the more I fell in love.  And now I write novel-length fanfic about him ^^;
• Peridot. Initially took her for just another random minor villain.  Then character development happened.
• Zenyatta.  All it took was him getting an edgelord skin, and suddenly I realized just how much I enjoy his personality and playstyle.
The character you relate to the most:
• Hmm, Soundwave I think?  I too am a socially awkward computer who works too damn hard and has a weakness for charismatic people who show me like, any kindness.
• I’ve heard Lapis a few times, so Lapis it is.  We’re both pretty gloomy I think u.u;
• This one is hard with how little lore we’ve gotten.  Can I say Reaper again?  His lines when you respawn are very relatable.�� 
The character you’d slap:
• Assuming I don’t break my hand?  Probably RiD15 Sideswipe.
• Barring character development, Aquamarine.  Very irritating.
• Junkrat, if only because I’m sick of him saying “I’m getting the feeling they have a shiiieeeeeellllld generator.”  
Three favorite characters, in order of preference:
• Soundwave (tfp), Drift (only when JRo writes him), Tarantulas (BW)
• Peridot, Pearl, Steven
• Reaper, Zenyatta, Mercy
A character you liked at first, but don’t anymore:
• I don’t dislike him, but I’m not nearly as invested in Starscream as I used to be.
• Again, I don’t dislike anyone, but I liked Amethyst a lot more in the early seasons.  Now she seems overshadowed by pretty much every other character. 
• Widowmaker?  I hate hate HATE playing against her.
A character you didn’t like at first but do now:
•  Not sure ‘like’ is the word I’d use, but Hot Shot from Armada easily became my favorite Autobot in the show after I realized he was the only one who really had any personality or character development.
• Steven maybe?  I don’t remember HATING him on my first watchthrough, but going back to rewatch season one, he is VERY irritating.  It’s amazing how much he’s grown on me.
• Roadhog is more fun to play than I thought he’d be?
Three OTPs:
• Megasound, Shockblurr, Simpatico
• I don’t really actively ship for this show - how about Lapis/Peridot, Steven/Connie, and Ruby/Sapphire?
• R76, Junkrat/Roadhog, Mercy/Moira
Not sure I can get 10, but how about @harutemu @insecuriosity and @drazyrohk ?
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