#gonna grab my little strawberry lemon poppi
xchrryblssmx · 3 months
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emmanessance · 7 years
send me a fruit peach: do you have any piercings or tattoos? yeah i have a tattoo of saturn. its blue & i was gonna add red to make it old-school 3d but it hurt too badly since it was a stick n poke. i dont love it but i dont dislike it raspberry: favorite flower? um like all of them lol. im really fond of wildflowers right now like poppies & forget-me-nots. but also i love catmint bc i have a bunch of those and there are ALWAYS bees & other insects on them lemon: do you have any pets? what are their names? yeah i have a dog named sampson, a cat named sophie, a hamster named Rufus T. Barleysheath and a horse name Winchester (i hate that name so we call him chester for short). also this hurt to type bc we're at a very low number of pets right now & its really sad :(( also we just had to put my bunny down so it was weird not including him :// but his name was bongo mango: what is your trademark? idk what this really means but assuming its what i say often it would be "amazing" but it has a specific inflection that i cant describe online lol passion fruit: how would you describe your style? uh right now its changing but before it was lots of anthropologie & some uo?? idk i just had a very bold & expensive style ig lol. now its becoming slightly more instagoth & im buying more uo items & thrifting a little more often pineapple: sexual orientation? agh idk anymore i identified as pan for years up until like a week ago but now i guess im questioning again strawberry: favorite desserts? ice cream cherry: can you play any musical instruments or can you sing? yeah i can play the piano, trombone, & ukulele, but im really not a fan of playing instruments & i dont really play them anymore grape: if you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go? right now i'd love to go to sweden, scotland, ireland, australia, somewhere in africa idk where, russia, or the north pole lmaooo. if i had to chose one place though id probably pick australia bc i wanna see the great reef before it dies completely banana: favorite horror movies? i just saw scream & really enjoyed it. idk though i find most horror movies are really bad & not scary in the slightest :// blackberry: is your life an action film, a comedy, a romantic comedy, or drama? uh whats the one where the main character is constantly confused & has a lot of unaddressed problems but is trying her best to work towards a bright future pomegranate: when do you feel the most confident? when im dressed to go out cantaloupe: what are your parents' names? andrew & jill guava: dark & dramatic makeup or natural makeup? um natural makeup but im trying to get into bright & creative makeup tangelo: if you could be any mythical creature, which would you be? a mermaid lmao i always wanted to be one as a child plum: favorite clothing brands? anthropologie, american apparel (rip), & urban outfitters coconut: favorite perfume? happ & stahns, whatever their pink bottle is lychee: satin or lace? lace blueberry: what do you want to dress up as for halloween? im thinkin i wanna go back to one ive done like a witch. or maybe ill try somethin new and be a watermelon. but also im not a fan of dressing up as something for halloween apple: what do you use more, tumblr or twitter? tumblr kiwi: what's something that fascinates you? planes & bees & biology & memory & the human brain & just humans themselves actually watermelon: do you have a job? if so, what is your job title? no job :// i want one, but im very picky & also im only 15 so i cant get one for another 3 (?) weeks papaya: what song describes your aesthetic? this is really hard but im probably gonna have to say space song by beach house cranberry: favorite time of the day; morning, afternoon, dusk, or night? dusk for sure bitchhhh god i fuckin love it nectarine: would you consider yourself an emotional person? no, just an emotionally confused person lol orange: do you have long eyelashes? nah theyre average, not short though apricot: what do you do when you're sad? if its depressed sad i go to my room & surf the internet & listen to music or watch tv & sometimes paint or journal & also i drown myself in dr pepper & starve myself & stay up all night. if its a different kind of sad then idk ig i just get over it really fast star fruit: favorite sea creature? those little tiny crab things that wash up on the beach & bury themselves in the sand really fast so you cant grab them. i forgot what theyre called but i think it starts with an M & also their shells are all over the beach dragonfruit: do you drink alcohol? yeah
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