#gonna try setting myself a daily goal and we'll see how it goes
altruistic-meme · 11 months
hi!! no worries on the late reply at all, I don’t mind :))
I’m very happy to hear you’re continuing it! but don’t feel rushed, I know writing when stressed can be frustrating. I myself quit writing for a loooong time even tho I really wanted to, but life, ya know?
I hope your life stresses get better soon! it shcks when you want to write but are too stressed to.
I look forward to the new chapters, I will be reading those as soon as they’re posted <3
life indeed ahahhhhh
also i promise you the only one i'm allowing to rush me is myself :') i just want to get it written!!! i wanna keep going!!! and that's all just on me deciding that i do want to write. mostly cus i know writing tends to be relaxing for me, it's why i write in the first place, so pushing myself to write is just kinda one of those things thats like,,,, i need to push myself to do the things that i know will make me feel better even though it'll suck at first cus it's a use of energy :'))))
though ofc knowing that there are people genuinely waiting for it also helps so much for motivation >:D
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