#good lord thats a lot of words about denys mallister
Ser Denys Mallister, Commander of the Shadow Tower
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“We are the sons of great lords, you and I. We know the importance of birth, blood, and that early training that can ne’er be replaced. I was a squire at twelve, a knight at eighteen, a champion at two-and-twenty. I have been the commander at the Shadow Tower for thirty-three years. Blood, birth, and training have fitted me to deal with kings."
Rounding out my winter's worth of cold themed minis - the Commander of the Shadow Tower. This is going to destroy any credibility I had, but... despite loving House Mallister and loving Denys Mallister, I had somehow never consciously connected that Denys Mallister is... a Mallister. It actually fits very well with his rivalry with Cotter Pyke as an ironman vs Mallister rivalry, but until I was painting those little eagle pauldrons, I'd never considered him as a Mallister.
It also fits with GRRMs pattern of using the Mallisters in particular as a stand in for "The Nobility" - Will was arrested for poaching in a noble's woods - Mallister. There's a rough lowborn commander vs a hoity toity noble commander - Mallister. Catelyn realises she can hide in plain sight because nobles who have known her her whole life won't look twice at an apparent commoner - Lord Mallister, even though he's in a tournament in Kings Landing at that time.
The mini is pretty straightforward, classic Nights Watch colour scheme, but I'm fond of the details - his breastplate and especially those eagle pauldrons. Honestly if I'd noticed them before starting painting, I might have repurposed him into Jason Mallister, my bizarre minor character crush.
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