#good nite yall i need to SLEEP
lpfreakification ยท 1 year
Unorganized thoughts?
1. Felt quite on top of things during work tonight to make up for being lazy all week. Either that or hormones. Blaming period XP
2. Doodled during work felt good, too. I doodled another (human) Dratica head that made me realize that I need to practice drawing heads again. Tried to remember my proportions on the next doodle. Almost elongated the face again ๐Ÿ˜… Lastly, doodled from a nicely rendered face of Cloud. Got the head/face shapes right, but the eyes = yikes? Could've done better on the eyes, ngl.
3. Made me feel nostalgic about how I used to draw from pictures on my PSP so often X3 (I miss it)
4. Summers this decade have been quite eventful.
2020 = COVID-19 Pandemic
2021 = Chris' gaming lovestreams + the start of my KH journey XD
2022 = online drawing sessions + shiny watercolors
2023 = successful summer plans >X) (+ Gensin)
5. The Void... what was once a dark hole where lost words go. Now, don't need it anymore :)
6. Thinking about doing the ReCoded finale b4 the semester starts on Sept 6th or closer to the date ๐Ÿค” That way, I can get Peli done in time.
7. So glad I'm not going to the beach tomorrow. It's usually an uncomfortable time bcuz of the heat, mosquitos, feeling worse about my belly in a bathing suit, the sand ๐Ÿ™ƒ, ofteb awful timing bcuz of period, socializing XP, + not fond of going in the water (hydrophobic maybe?).
8. If DaArk's human name were to be Derrick, what would Dratica's human name be? ๐Ÿค” One time in Acting for Animators, one classmate thought he'd look like a "Blake." Dumbfounded, + yet, it's been lingering in my head since.
9. I wanna add some chub to some OCs so I can feel better about my belly ๐Ÿ˜–
10. Elephant :P I wanna draw an elephant?
11. I'm honestly don't like my phone's camera for taking pics of my doodles. I feel like they come out blurry no matter how many times I try to focus. That's the main reason for the lack of uploading doodles on IG X( I'll figure this out eventually XP
12. I pretend to be a viewer reading this. I ask myself, "Is this interesting?" Sometimes. Like a pen that writes, but then skips or like a light bulb burning bright but dims, flickers, or glows again.
13. I'm feeling more conscious about the top of my back + the back of my neck. Conscious of how I recline, how I lay in bed (side sleeper, i am), slouching, + bending over to doodle (to the point my whole face is up close to the paper ๐Ÿ™‚).
14. Ew. My mind's imagining how much heavy breathing I've done while I painted. *thinks back to the last one I made* ๐Ÿ˜ Thank goodness I did not get covid! (Maybe I did but didn't know).
15. Quite the physical toll on me this year. From January to March, I went to the gym. But wasn't feeling it + would feel quite sickly (like sneezing, constant runny nose, + got stomach flu for the 1st time?). From late March to early June, sitting on my butt for 2 months straight, doing two two-minute animations for a semester. It was such a wise decision to leave my main day job bcuz that was a lot of work for those animations. Noticed gray hairs for my bday. (I'm a 29yo lady!) Got super lazy after the semester until late June. Went back to kickboxing. July was a better productive month. Currently, August, where my period's sucking up my energy. Nah, I'm just being lazy again?
It's 11:48 pm + I can feel myself drifting off to sleep. Imma end it here. If they're going to the beach + the weather is favorable, then I can go out to the backyard to do something.
Nite yall!
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(It's the "dreamplz" gif from DeviantArt)
(I used to end my posts w/ this gif all the time + I miss this so much ๐Ÿ˜ญ)
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mischievous-monster ยท 4 years
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bxngthedoldrums ยท 4 years
Any new ones? LOL
- post hiatus fob is just as good as pre hiatus fob and people are fucking cowards
(- maybe that's just because im someone who really likes to analyze pete's lyrical style and i love pinpointing certain things abt it and how pre and post hiatus writings compare and contrast w one another?? idk)
- the ready set was apart of decaydance and people need to ๐Ÿ‘๏ธsee๐Ÿ‘๏ธ him more. thnk u.
- like. cmon. all of his albums slapped obv but LOVE LIKE WOE??? DONT SLEEP ON IT!!!
- william's haircut during fast times was whack. also so was his fashion bc he just wore v-necks in assorted colors. like???
- why does the pairing of illinois and nj always end in some tumultuous relationship. petekey & gabilliam i am looking Directly at yall
- i would like to put forward my belief that mcr was most likely the worst smelling band of the Scene
- ryan ross banjo
- ik the rose vest is ryans most iconic fit but i have always been a willy wonka coat girl myself,
- travie mccoy
- i can't believe it's 2020 and petekey is still alive in some sense. also i await new fob music w bated breath and my tinfoil hat in my back pocket
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Yo something new and good and cool happened last nite
Before I went to sleep I was talkin a bit with susie in my head and we were talkin a bit about drea,s and I think she said once I lucid dream and see her and we're close enough (I had only seen her from a distance in other lucid dreams if at all before waking up) the first thing she would do is sorta just cuddle with me and that sounded awesome to me!!!!! Anyways later on I fell asleep and started dreaming, don't really remember what was happening in the dream but the last thing I remembered was I was in some nice restaurant place that was kinda dark and there were big windows somewhere ahead in that place to the left showing that the place was either right next to or on a large body of water, probably the ocean, and that the sky was dark blue but not completely dark so it was like, a little late in the evening. Anyways I was sitting across from this girl I didn't know and I think we were just talking when I began to realize I was dreaming. Suddenly the girl in front of me began to change into susie and she got closer to me until I had her in my arms and the the scenery changed into a very hotel-esque bedroom and I'm laying down in the bed holding susie and her head is on my chest and I can feel her hair and it's like, extremely (insert the equivalent of the word "vivid" but for tactile senses here) like it felt so goddamn real to me, so smooth and soft and I could like, move it around in my hands like hair in real life ya feel me? ??? (haha "feel me" getit) but anyways after that I sorta halfway woke up????? Like I felt myself awaken but in reality I wasn't really awake yet, now I was in my room laying in bed in the same position on my back with my lamp and/or ceiling light on, I think susie was still there but she felt a lot... smaller??????? Almost just like lumps or something, I thought this was because I had "awoken" and needed to focus more on her, I kept focusing on the feeling of her hair on my hands and that mostly helped. I don't know if I still knew I was dreaming or if I thought I was actually in my room but whatever the case I still knew I had some control over the landscape. I could see out my window that Mormon was approaching (sky was turning pale blue) and there were a ton of weird, colorful, varied, kinda cartoony lil alien creatures floating outside (and maybe inside too???? I don't exactly remember) my room and together they kinda sounded like a cacophony of like, quiet cicadas and katydids, Pretty relaxing. Anyways I held onto susie for like 45 more seconds before I really did wake up. Soon later I fell asleep again and had another pretty strange dream, I might talk about that one later though. Anyways I felt it would be cool to share that because that was the first time I ever got up close and personal with my tulpa in a dream and the first time I ever got to hold her close to me like that!! I remember I felt so damn giddy when I held susie that I think I made some weird high-pitched noises cause I just couldn't contain myself, that mightve been one of the giddyest moments of my life and it only lasted like a minute and a half/ 2 minutes! Still no idea what the deal was with the whole semi-dream bedroom but susie thinks it was the result of one (or both) of us trying to keep from waking up and leaving the dream because that nearly always has happened in dreams of mine that turn lucid, and I agree with her. Anyways that's my story of my fucking awesome dream yall and i thank susie for it, love ya susie <3.
hope u enjoyed!
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lpfreakification ยท 1 year
How I came to tonight's idea
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It started with getting out of work. I sat in my car for a good while figuring out what I wanted to grab tonight for food. Wasn't too hungry enough for Chipotle bcuz I actually had some pizza during work.
I was thinking about redeeming myself + wanting to grab some boba tea. Too bad the closest one was already closed for the night. Still far :( Then, the idea clicked: make my own. I looked up what I needed + went on a Target run.
Funny. It was also on Thursday omw to work where I heard the radio host talking about how boba tea's trending lately. A strange series of coincidences?
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Anyway, I executed my idea, tried it, + yeah. I can't believe the parents liked it o.o Come to think of it, this looks more of a Pink Drink from Starbucks rather than a boba tea :(
I'll have to redeem myself again in the future.
I did write down the recipe/what I used if anyone's interested. It's mainly thanks to this image below from honestfoodtalks.com I kept referring to.
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I didn't have any tapioca pearls, so that's why I added crushed raspberries at the bottom instead.
As I'm about to finish up this homemade drink I executed tonight, imma grab my things, head back upstairs, + play mobile games til I drift to sleep. *looks at time* 11:50? Oh snap. No wonder I can already feel myself drifting.
Nite yall!
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