#good sibling billy hargrove
makeadealwithdean · 10 months
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billy & max in stranger things 2x09 "the gate"
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siblingskissing · 3 months
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"You don't wanna hurt me But see how deep the bullet lies, Unaware, I'm tearing you asunder, Oh there is thunder in our hearts..."
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"Tell me we both matter, don't we?"
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
Disclaimer: I'm honestly not a fan of Susan, but I thought this fic idea was cute!
Paring: Harringrove.
When Neil married Susan, he was against Susan adopting Billy, claiming the boy's real mother couldn't bother to be tasked with raising him, so no one should ever burden themselves with such a thing.
Susan, surprisingly, was firm in wanting to pick up the slack Billy's mother left in her wake, eventually Neil relented, and the adoption process was underway.
It's been four years, and a move to Hawkins, Indiana since Billy legally became Susan's child, something Max was displeased with initially, quickly became a comfort to her when she discovered what Neil did to his son. It had shaken her to her core, and when she relayed the information to her mother, the woman simply pulled her into a hug and murmured, "I know, baby. It'll all work out."
Max didn't know what that meant, or if she should trust her mom. But, she silently nodded, she had no real options here. She had to wait for the future. 
The future as it turns out, was just three months later; Neil had laid into Billy with more fervor than usual, and when Susan made to step in, her husband struck her. 
It hadn't detoured the red-haired woman, she continued her self-appointed task of checking on Billy, who was staring up at her with a look she's never seen on his face, a look no seventeen should ever wear. 
She gave him a small, comforting smile, just as Neil got a fist full of otherwise pristine hair; his freehand raising to strike once more.
The action worked quickly in pulling Billy from his Susan induced trance with a start, his body moving faster than his brain as he lunged at his father, swiftly knocking the man to the ground.
For years, Neil's abuse had only ever been turned towards his son, and in truth he was grateful; because Billy doesn't know what he would do if it was ever Max on the receiving end. She was a child, she was his shitty little sister. Max, who brought him the stupidest (best) hoodies he owns, the fabric softer than any he had previously. Max, who despite hating Billy in the beginning, now comes to his room when she has a nightmare or generally needs comforting from someone other than her mother. She's the only person to hug him since the day his mom took off. 
His sister who despite everything, tries so hard to show Billy someone loves him. She loves him.
Susan had tried to comfort him, but Billy always brushed her off. She never seemed to take it personally for some reason. Maybe because she knew he was afraid of what would happen if Neil even suspected Billy felt safe in their home.
The knowledge that Neil could hurt Susan was always present in Billy's mind, but he often wrote off his concern with a scoff. She knew what she married, she knew what he was like. It was her problem, not his.
However, seeing Neil actually hit Susan had set something off in Billy, because while she may have never defended or stood up for him as she had today; she still made sure he was properly tended to after encounters with his father.
If Neil sent him to bed sans dinner, locking him in his bedroom for however long, she would have Max sneak him a sandwich, Max was always more than happy to take said food. 
The times when Neil kicked Billy out intent on making the boy sleep in his car, Susan always snuck a bag of snacks, blankets, and whatever else, into the bushes by their house for him to grab. Despite always going to Steve's and sleeping in the boy's guestroom on those nights, it still showed she was trying.
If Billy was bed ridden after his father caved his chest in, a few too many times, she would come into his room, soothe his pain with hushed words and gentle touches. Billy was usually too tired and in too much pain to reject her warm hands and kind fingers working through his curls after she'd patched him up.
Seeing Susan cradle her cheek, seeing Max sob at the display, finally gave Billy the nerve to stand up to Neil.
He doesn't really remember much after straddling his father, his fists flying rapidly, their intended destination Neil's face, but he does remember Susan scrambling to call 911. Remembers her soft words of assurance that Neil was down.
He remembers Max's look of relief as their eyes met.
He still feels the phantom hold as Susan tugs him from his place over his dad's limp frame. Can vaguely recall the frightening seconds he thought he killed his father before the man was gasping awake, his eyes widened with fear as they landed on Billy. He was actually afraid of Billy. 
Everything beyond that was a blur, Billy doesn't really know what was said, or done. He just knows Neil was in police custody, something that would've left Billy parentless, if not for Susan having adopted him all those years ago.
Especially since his own mother had taken off when he was barely five, and relinquished her rights as a parent in the same breath she'd divorced his father. 
He always wondered why he wasn't enough. For his mother or Neil.
When Hopper came by to ask if they wanted to press charges, both Billy and Susan agreed easily. It was the most gratifying decision Billy has ever made in regards to his father and the abuse he's endured at his hands for years.
Billy and Steve started officially seeing each other a few weeks after Neil's trial ended. Hopper saw to it that his father was hit with the max sentence for child abuse, and domestic violence. Both Max and Billy would be well into adulthood when Neil gets released, something that made the decision to be with Steve all that sweeter.
He hadn't wanted to come out to Susan, the lingering fear that she would object to her newly seventeen year old son being with a guy was too prevalent. 
Though, technically, he didn't come out to her, she came to him one morning with her hand on her hip and a warm smile on her lips demanding he "bring his 'Pretty Boy' to dinner."
Billy wanted to be upset that she'd found out, but he was far too humiliated that it was his own fault she'd figured it out. Apparently calling Steve 'Pretty Boy' like it was going out of style, was a dead giveaway for the woman.
Much to Billy and Max's (dis)pleasure, Susan and Steve got along easily.
On Billy's eighteenth birthday, Max had barged into his bedroom, shrieking in horror when she was met with an eyeful of her brother and Steve in a slight state of undress, Billy had thrown a pillow in her direction, his voice rough with embarrassment as he shouted, 
"Mom, tell Maxine to fucking knock!" 
Both siblings froze at that, Max had a wide smile on her face, while Billy looked slightly mortified, his words echoing in his ears.
The look morphed into one of pain when Susan slipped into his room, her smile rivaling Max's with how big it was, "That's the first time you've ever called me mom…"
Billy swallowed thickly and nodded his head, though he refused to make eye contact with the woman, even when she was throwing her arms around his bare shoulders in an iron grip hug, "okay, okay, I get it! Can we maybe talk about this shit later, you know, when I'm not trying to get laid on my birthday?" 
Billy wasn't actually going to have sex with Steve with both Max and Susan home, but their presence in the house definitely wasn't going to prevent Steve from watching Billy fall apart beneath him, especially not if the brunet had any say in the matter.
This had Susan reaching out to lightly slap his shoulder, a faux look of exasperation on her features,"maybe next time you or Pretty Boy over there will remember to lock the door, hm?"
With one last smile at Billy, accompanied by a wink, she then ushered Max out the room, Steve almost immediately leaping up to lock the door behind them; his face beet red when their eyes finally met.
"I'm fuckin' moving out." His tone was embarrassed, but there was no heat behind, no real threat to his words. 
He wouldn't leave his sister and his mother for any reason short of them wanting him gone.
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Max, slamming the Ouija board down on her bedroom floor: Listen up, asshole; I come bearing gifts. 
Billy/Planchet: W H A T  I S  I T?
Max, pulling several polaroids out of her hoodie pocket and setting them on the floor: Steve took his shirt off at the pool and El took a bunch of sneaky pictures. I snagged a few of the good ones while she was busy. You’re so fucking welcome. 
Billy/Planchet: B E S T   S I S T E R   E V E R!
Max: I know. 
Billy/Planchet: N O W  G O  A W A Y
Max: What, why? There was swimsuit clingage, dude. Don’t you want the rest of the details? 
Billy/Planchet: N O  I  W A N T  S O M E  P R I V A C Y
Max, flipping the board over and gagging: Oh, gross! Ugh, you’re so nasty. Jesus fuck, Billy, even in the afterlife? That’s so- ewwwww. 
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There's not a lot of things Max does that go unnoticed by Billy. He seems to just know things. He always knows where she is, who she's with, what she's doing with her time….
But there's one thing he is completely unaware of and Max knows he'd kill her for sure if he ever did find out…
That when he's absolutely plastered, eyes glazed over and breath smelling of booze, or after he's taken a particularly bad beating from his Dad and has passed out cold….
She takes pictures of the evidence. 
She doesn't know what compelled her to start doing it, but one night she just followed the impulse and grabbed the camera her father had sent her for Christmas. It had been past midnight when she'd heard him slink back into the house and she'd waited a good hour after that to make her move.  He'd been slumped against his bed, stinking of whiskey and dead to the world when she'd shut the door behind her. His black eye from earlier had looked so much worse than when he'd left. It was big, dark and ugly against his pale washed out face and there was a circle on his cheek bone that looked like the inverted insignia of Neil's ring. 
That fucking bastard.
She'd raised the camera….
The photos fluttered down at her feet and she'd scooped them up and fled the room as quickly as she could, terrified that he'd wake up and kick her ass for being in there. For seeing him vulnerable. 
For taking photos of that vulnerability. 
Her fear of him didn't stop her from coming back and doing it again, though. 
She'd gone back....
Again and again. 
Any time she knew he wouldn't hear her, wouldn't feel her lift his shirt. Wouldn't notice he'd been moved. 
She'd gotten disturbingly good at it. 
At documenting the injuries. 
Black eyes, busted lips, bloody noses. 
Click click click. 
Finger shaped bruises on his arm, a partial bootprint on his abdomen. 
Click click.
The imprints of a belt buckle on his back. 
And every time he sneers at her, yells at her, makes a nasty remark, she reminds herself that this is why he does it. It's not because he is angry at her. It's because he is angry at his situation. He's pissed because he is alone and he's trapped.  
He's been imprisoned in this house a million miles away from anyone that cares about him while she's been made into one of his unwilling jailers, or maybe even a noose around his neck. 
One wrong move from either of them and he wears the consequences on his skin. 
And it just keeps getting worse. 
Neil has had a hair trigger lately and Billy can't even breathe in his Dad's direction without facing his ire. 
And it's been going on long enough that Max has a shoebox full of polorioids in her hands and she's going to throw up. 
Because it's now or never. 
She has a chance to finally put a stop to her brothers torture. She has a box full of evidence. Neil can't talk his way out of pictures. Billy didn't do all of this to himself. 
She can do this. She can...she just needs a little help. She doesn't think she has the courage to do it alone...
So, she takes a deep breath and opens the glass door. She hears Steve's greeting but she doesn't respond. She just sets the box on the video store counter and pushes it toward him. 
"What's this?" Steve asks, fiddling with the lid but not opening it. He looks up at her and his face looks as wary as she feels.
"It's about Billy, "She says, licking her lips nervously. "I think I need your help." 
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hargrovel · 2 years
billy probably has the high score on like, 90% of the arcade cabinets and pinball machines at the hawkins arcade.
nobody knows for sure that it’s him, but they can’t think of anybody else who would use the handle ‘MAXSUX’ to promptly and ruthlessly annihilate every top score earned by Mad Max herself, like clockwork.
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reineyday · 2 years
harringrove canon divergent au where billy still targets and bullies steve and steve gets fed up and he's like "who hurt you billy damn" and billy actually rears back and spooks cuz no one's ever really pinpointed that he's hurting (and lashing out).
billy kinda goes in for one last punch that steve dodges and he's like "fuck you harrington" and steve watches his retreating back and he's like "shit is he actually hurting?" and then he starts lowkey asking max things about their home life that he starts to find sus. starts getting worried about billy and max at home. starts asking uncomfortable questions when billy goes to try to bully him again, which only leads to billy yelling at him to stop asking his sister questions and then avoiding him altogether.
eventually steve puts the pieces together and forms his own opinions after seeing neil hargrove out and about, and the next time billy comes to school with a black eye but his knuckles suspiciously clean and unbruised, he sits down beside him during a private moment and again he asks, "who hurt you billy?"
when billy cant look at him in the eye or respond, steve's heart sinks.
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phantombeesting · 2 years
I can't stop thinking about Max threatening Neil the way she threatens Billy in season 2.
She hits him over the head with her skateboard after she walked in on him laying into Billy.
Neil's lay there on the floor shock written all over his face. He's about to scramble back up the shock quickly turning to rage, when the red headed embodiment of seething fury towering over him places her foot on his chest and presses him back down. It’s the shock more than the force that moves him.
Leaning forward putting nearly all of her weight on him, she reminds him that Hopper the chief of police is her best friends Dad and if he even thinks of laying another finger on Billy, Susan or her then he would be hearing about every little thing that goes on behind closed doors at 4819 Cherry Lane.
After what feels like an eternity Max takes her foot off Neil leaving a faint outline of her shoe on his shirt. With one last look over his now shrunken form she steps over him and holds her hand out to Billy to help him up.
Billy looks up at her with bewildered tears in his eyes. His gaze drifts down to her outstretched hand and he's hit with an overwhelming surge of admiration for the little shit bird in front of him.
He must have been staring at her hand longer than he thought because Max is now waving it in front of his face.
"Fuck how hard did he hit you? How many fingers am I holding up?"
Billy huffs a half laugh at that and reaches for the offered hand. When he’s off the ground she takes his arm wrapping it around her shoulder, placing her hand gingerly around his waist starting to lead him towards their rooms.
Neil’s still just laying there, his face running through a host of emotions. Anger, confusion, hurt and Billy thinks a hint of fear. It looks so out of place plastered on his face. But Billy gets it, he’s been on the receiving end of Max’s wrath, Neil should thank his lucky stars she’s only armed with a skateboard this time.
When they get to his room Max slowly helps lower him to his bed, lightly rubbing a sympathetic hand in soothing motions down his arm when a hiss passes his lips. It’s not the worst beating Neil’s ever given him but he’ll still be feeling it for days.
“Do you need anything ?”
Billy just shakes his head, something he instantly regretted.
“Yeah don’t make any sudden movement dumbass, with all the head injuries you’ve had I thought you’d have learnt that by now” Her judgey tone is undercut by the fact she’s fluffing up his pillows up for him as she speaks.
An honest to god smile pulls at the corner of his mouth at that.
Once Max is happy with the fluffiness of his bedding, and that he’s not in immediate danger of causing more harm to himself she turns to leave. She’s almost out of the door when she hears a quiet.
"Thanks, Sis"
It was barely above a whisper, so quiet it could be easily denied it was ever said.
Maxs looks back at Billy trying to hide the grin spreading across her face and affectionately mutters "Fuck off"
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tacobellmildsauce · 1 year
help I can't get "max and billy" to the tune of the max and ruby theme song out of my head
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boffeeceans · 2 years
Was gonna write but then the Billy Hargrove & Maxine "Max" Mayfield tag on A03 wrapped its claws around my throat and it won't let go. Help me.
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sadhours · 1 year
billy hargrove x f!reader
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a/n: this was inspired by @billyhargrovetitties story Cruel Summer, if you haven’t read it… you must. I am obsessed with it.
summary: billy finds your romance novel and teases you about it
warnings; 18+ minors dni, pure smut, fingering, oral (f receiving), unprotected p in v, billy doesn’t pull out and he panics, oops 🙊
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When you return to your bedroom, Billy’s laid out on the bed, on his stomach and propping his head up with his elbow. It’s a cute sight, makes your stomach flip and fill with butterflies as a dirty blonde curl falls in the center of his forehead. You smile warmly and then glance down to see he’s got the romance novel you’d hidden in your bedside table spread out before him and he’s reading it with this all too satisfied grin on his face. When he gazes towards you, the grin meets his eyes, crinkling them up.
“Found your porn stash,” he teases, closing the cover but keeping his fingers tucked into the page he was on. “A Gentle Feuding,” he reads the title out loud with this exaggerated wistfulness to his voice and you know your face is all kinds of shades of crimson. You hope Billy hadn’t noticed the man portrayed on the cover somewhat resembles him, blonde and tan, and that’s why you’d picked the novel in the first place.
“It’s historical,” you lamely reason, lunging forward to grab the book from him but Billy’s reflexes are as quick as a cats. He pulls it out of your fingertips and you attempt to snatch it again, but he pulls it back and you go toppling over him. Billy uses the leverage to flip the both of you over and he’s straddling your waist, holding the book over his head when you reach towards it.
“Historical filth,” he counters, cheeks a little flush from the shuffle of your bodies but that grin permanently smeared on his face.
“Billy,” you whine, “Give it here. It’s embarrassing…”
As you raise your hands to grab it again, Billy grabs your wrists with his right hand and holds them down against your chest. Your whole body feels tight with humiliation and you choke back the tears forming in your eyes. God, you could be such a baby sometimes.
That’s why Billy liked you, though. You acted like such a good girl all the time, he was relieved to find the raunchy book because it let him know that deep down, you were a little vixen and his attempts to draw it out of you had been mostly failures. You two had already slept together, just one time and whenever it came to fooling around, you were so shy.
“This thing is worn,” he comments, looking over the novel in his hand, “How many times have you read it?”
“None of your beeswax,” you huff, “Give it here, Billy. Seriously!”
As you plead, you squirm under his grip, trying to get your arms free so you can rip the book from his hand and maybe destroy it. You haven’t decided, you’re so incredibly embarrassed but it is one of your favorites.
Billy tilts his head ever so slightly, “Should I read some of it to you?”
“No!” you shriek, eyes widening up at him but a part of you is very intrigued. Billy’s voice is like honey, the timbre of it is deliciously low like it comes deep from his throat. You’re suddenly very interested in hearing him read it out loud but you’re still full of shame that he’s found the book. Your hiding place wasn’t very good but enough that your parents or siblings hadn’t found it. Of course, Billy is far snoopier than they are and you should’ve anticipated that when you went to pee, he would be going through your things.
Billy places the book down and moves your wrists to your sides, adjusting his legs so he can pin your arms underneath them. He smiles at you, retrieving the book again and flipping to the first page he’s dog-eared.
“Ya know, there’s a lot of like, bullshit in this book,” he muses, “They don’t even fuck until like almost the end of the book. And then after that it’s like more blah blah blah—“
“It’s called plot,” you argue, voice shakier than you meant for.
The blonde snorts, peering down at you, “I can get you some magazines, ya know? You don’t have to do any reading to get to the good part.”
“I don’t read it for the…” you can’t bring yourself to say the word.
“The filth? Really?” he hums, “I find that hard to believe.”
“It’s true,” you lie, wriggling beneath him.
Billy licks his lips, “Let’s see… oh, here’s where it starts getting good; ‘His hand goes somewhere unexpected. Lydia’s eyes widen as the duke’s warm, strong hand smoothes up her milky, white thighs.’.”
“Billy,” you warn, eyebrows knitting closer. It’s as sexy as you imagined but you didn’t entirely anticipate Billy would be so good at reading aloud, it’s almost like he’s practiced with it. He doesn’t stumble over any of the words like you do when you have to read aloud in class.
“Shh,” he shushes you around a smug smirk, “‘Her liquid desire seeps out as he ruffles her petticoat up to her waistline,’ Liquid desire. I like that. Clever way to say she’s wet.”
“Stop!” you protest but the words are purging your own ‘liquid desire’ and you’d rather Billy not have the satisfaction.
“Spicy stuff here. But then the dude only fingers her,” Billy complains with a disappointed frown and flips to the second page he’s dog-eared. “Ah, here we go, I really love this line: ‘Lydia writhes against Arthur but her body freezes as she feels his hardened cock pressed against her stomach.’” He lets out a short laugh, “They actually wrote cock. That’s hilarious.”
You raise an eyebrow, “What word would you use?”
“Cock, definitely, but it’s not a classy word. I thought they’d say like penis or something,” he retorts, biting his lip as he looks to your flushed face.
“Penis isn’t a sexy word,” you argue and feel yourself squirm against him, not because you want him to stop but you want to keep him under the impression you do.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Billy agrees and then asks, “Cock turns you on, though?”
Billy’s sorely mistaken if he thinks you’ll admit to that, no matter how true it is. You shoot him an annoyed look and he clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. He always does that so loud, you’re left impressed each time. You’d tried to do it as loud as he does on nights when you’re bored and alone but it’s never quite as good.
“Lemme see…” his eyes scan the worn pages, “Ooh, this I like: ‘She gyrated the softest part of her against the hardest of him.’”
You also liked that line, it made you think of Billy every time you read it.
“Also, do these chicks ever write about small dicks? They’ve mentioned how huge this duke is like twelve times,” he wonders aloud, lifting the book so he can look down at you.
“Sympathetic?” you bite back, wanting to tease Billy for how he’s teasing you.
“Oh, honey,” he chuckles, “you and I both know damn well I ain’t small.”
“Then they’re representing you,” you point out with a wavering smile.
Billy tsks, and then lets out a giggle, thumbing through the pages again. As he finds a particularly dirty passage and begins reading it, you can see his pants tightening over his crotch. You raise an eyebrow, flicking your eyes back up to his face but Billy is too distracted by the words he’s reading to notice.
“Well, well, well,” you say in a teasing tone.
He averts his eyes, seeing that his hard-on is pretty damn obvious in his jeans and you’ve got the perfect view of it. He actually blushes, the reddening hiding his freckles and he closes the book, tossing it behind him as he gazes down at you with his nose scrunched up.
“You seem to like it, Billy,” you purr, not trying to suppress the giggle rising from your throat.
“Shut up,” he grumbles, scooting back and releasing your arms. They’ve kind of gone numb from the position under his legs but you don’t mind, you enjoyed every second of it. “If I reach in your pants, you’re gonna be just as obnoxiously turned on.”
“I’m the one who owns the book, Billy,” you challenge with a pleased smirk.
“So you admit it then, you read it for the filth,” he quips.
“I’ll admit that if you admit it gave you a boner.”
“I think that’s pretty obvious,” he mumbles, positioning himself between your legs and hooking his fingers into the elastic band of your sweats. He pulls them down and you lift your legs to help expel them. Billy tosses them to the floor and spreads your thighs, biting his lip as he brushes his knuckles against your clothed heat. A raspy moan is ripped from you, back arching as his knuckle brushes against your aching clit.
“Oh, Billy…”
“I can just see that ‘liquid desire’ soaking through your panties,” he muses, voice rough but the term brings a laugh from the both of you. It also makes you that much wetter.
“Oh my god,” you mutter through the laugh, “You’re never gonna let that go.”
Billy hums, pushing his nose against where his knuckles just were, “Don’t think you really want me to.” His breath tickles the skin where your thigh meets your pelvis and you inhale sharply. Your thighs tingle, heat rising up them and it’s almost overwhelming. Then you feel Billy’s stubble against the flesh of your thigh and his teeth follow, biting at your skin lightly. Your body jolts at the touch and your thighs open even wider, urging Billy to return his movements to where you want him most. His lips curl up as he rests his cheek against your inner thigh, eyes peering up at you. His pupils are so dilated, you can barely see the ocean blue around them.
“I want you,” he admits, smoothing his palm over your core and resting his fingertips against your pubic bone.
The admission draws a deep moan from you because he looks so adorable between your legs but the palm on you and the words make you desire him so deeply it almost hurts. Billy wants you. The idea itself makes your thighs tremble and your hands shoot down to rake your fingers through his dirty blonde curls.
“You have me,” you breathe but wonder how you look at his perspective and it forces you to prop yourself up on your elbows, wanting to look as pretty for him as possible.
“Can I have you?” he asks, pushing his palm harder against your center.
“Yes, Billy,” you pant out.
He sits back up, peeling your underwear off of you and then settling back down between your legs. He kisses tenderly at your thighs, brushing the tip of his finger against your dripping hole. The noise that pushes from your lips is desperate yet a thankful noise, you’ve been wanting Billy to touch you like this since he straddled you earlier. He makes a surprised but happy sound in return, swiping his tongue against your labia experimentally. The warm, wetness of it is welcomed while it’s not distinctly pleasurable, it feels really nice. His single digit penetrates you slowly while he continues to lick your pussy lips. It’s excruciating, but you know he’s doing it with purpose. The first time Billy had touched you intimately, he done the same. Teasing you with touches that were close to where you wanted but not quite there. You’d come to learn that Billy wanted you to plead and beg for him. Which you weren’t exactly confident doing yet. You still felt reserved and a little shame in asking for what you wanted. That’s presumably what got your boyfriend off: pushing you out of your comfort zone and breaking down those societal expectations.
“Billy,” you whine out, tugging at his curls.
“What?” he asks like he knows exactly what you want, a smile present in his voice.
You flush, you weren’t going to get the relief unless you explicitly requested it. You knew this and it makes your throat tighten and your mouth feel dry, tongue heavy in your mouth. You chew on your lower lip as you muster up the courage to put your desire into words.
“Not enough,” you whisper, timidly, “I want more.”
“More?” he pouts up at you, “Tell me what more means.”
“Lick…” you flush, closing your eyes as you try to gain the confidence.
“Lick what?”
“My pussy,” you breathe out, pulling his hair gently.
“I am,” he smirks, “You want me to lick here?” He presses the tip of his tongue to your clit and your head falls back against the mattress,
He hums and then flicks his tongue against the sensitive bud, the fingers of his left hand digging into your thigh. It’s warm and oh so wonderful as he puts his mouth entirely on you, licking through your folds before focusing on your clit and lapping against it, nose brushing against the curls above your center. You bite down on your lip hard enough to draw blood. The two of you are completely alone for at least another few hours but you’re accustomed to keeping quiet, trying to keep your pants and moans of pleasure at a reasonable volume. Billy’s tongue proves to make it difficult. It’s just as fit as the rest of his body.
“Lemme,” he grunts as he pulls away, pushing your top up your chest and he exhales when your chest is exposed. You’d intentionally skipped putting your bra on today, knowing Billy was coming over. He palms at your breasts, squeezing gently as he moves up to suck hour nipple into his mouth. It feels amazing, not nearly as great as his mouth on your pussy but this is a little more intimate. You can see him better up here, how pink and plump his lips are and the way his eyelashes curl. Billy is single handedly the most attractive person you’ve laid eyes on and here he is, mouthing at your chest.
“Baby…” you whimper as he adds a second finger inside of you.
It’s all a little overwhelming but feels too damn good to stop. You’re in too deep, you’d follow Billy like a lamb to slaughter. As his fingers curl up and drag against your spongy spot, you cry out. You don’t know how much more you can take, suddenly desperate to feel his cock filling you up and stretching you out in the most beautiful way. It’ll be your second time of what you hope to be a life full of.
“Want—“ you gasp, grabbing onto his sleeve. “Want you so bad, Billy.”
He smirks up at you before sitting back on his heels. He pulls his Henley over his head and placing it next to your body. You reach out and feel the contours of his muscular pecs, brushing the pads of your fingertips against his stiff nipple. He’s like one of those Greek statues, sculpted beautifully but unlike the marble, his skin is so soft. He bites the side of his lower lip as he smiles, his eyes squinting with the expression. He’s so damn beautiful, your heart swells.
“You’re…” the compliment dies on your tongue as you suddenly feel demure.
“I’m what?” he breathes, anticipation present in his drawl.
“Everything,” you admit, bashfully.
You think you see him blush, you can’t be sure because Billy’s leaning down to kiss you. It’s a dizzying kiss, you rock your hips up with it as he pulls desire out of you. You meant it, he’s everything to you, everything for you. He’s it for you and if he’s not, there’s gonna be a helluva heartbreak. No one has been so easy to be around. Billy’s like your best friend, he makes you laugh and cry and cum. What the hell else do you ever need besides this man above you?
“Fuck,” he curses, hand on your shoulder as he pulls away, “My dicks so fucking hard it hurts.”
The complaint is nothing but a masked compliment. You widen your legs, moving your hands down to his hips so you can grind up against his clothed erection. “Need you,” you inform him breathlessly.
“You have me,” he smirks, smoothing his thumb against your cheekbone. “Can I fuck you?”
You know he asks because it’s only the second time it’s happening, or could be. You decided long ago that you wanted it, but he doesn’t know that.
“Need you to,” you counter, the walls breaking down slowly. Billy is good at urging the desperation out of you. You're sure he could persuade you into murder, or something nearly as awful.
Billy grunts, pulling away long enough to rid himself of his jeans and boxers. His cock sprouts up and slaps against his abs, angrily hard and you notice his tip is leaking more than you’ve seen before. Your mouth waters at the sight but you’re too eager to blow him. You’re clenching simply at the sight and promise of him burying his cock inside your fluttering cunt. Billy crashes his lips against yours, the shaft of his cock rubs against your soaking pussy and it draws a mutual groan from the two of you. Perhaps you can write a letter to the author of the novel, express your gratitude for it being the source of this very charged moment between you and your stunning boyfriend. You even consider writing your own spicy story about him, he’s damn good inspiration. If you ever write a memoir, you hope and pray that Billy is a lasting role in it.
“Billy,” you plead against his bruising lips.
He grabs your jaw with his left hand while he grabs a hold of his cock with his right, hissing as he runs his tip through your folds. Your body shakes under his touch, hips rocking up ruthlessly from the electricity his movements bring. The romance you read is exciting but can’t compare to his in any way. You’d much rather have him in your bed every night instead of reading until you can’t handle it and hump against your pillow in search of relief. This is tenfold better.
“That feel good?” he inquires, voice hoarse. “You’re so fucking wet.”
He says the last bit like he can’t believe it and you reel from it, reveling in the fact that you can turn Billy on just by reacting to him naturally. The carnal desire in you evaporates every wall you’ve ever built up. There’s no shame left in you as you tell him, “S’all cause of you…”
“Yeah? Am I better than the book?” he asks, circling his tip against the rim of your aching entrance.
“Picture you when I’m reading it,” you pant out the confession, eyes falling shut as his hips jerk forward from your words, his tip penetrating you in an easy, fluid motion.
“Touch yourself at the thought of me?” his voice is so hoarse and the sound of it has you clenching around him. He obviously notices it but the whine that pushes passed his lips.
“Fuck,” he exhales, slipping deeper inside your tight cunt. His girth is a shock, but a good one. It’s only the second time. Your fingers and also his, don’t compare. But you’re thoroughly aroused and you swallow his length easily. The burn is dull and adds to the pleasure. He continues, “That’s so fucking hot.”
His face in contorted in concentration and arousal, “The thought of you fingering this tight pussy—“ he grunts, “Thinking about me fucking you.”
“This is better,” you moan, grabbing onto his bicep as he bottoms out, balls warm against your skin.
“I think about you too,” he says between clenched teeth, “When I jerk off…”
It makes your head feel heavy, you’re totally honored. The image of Billy in his bed, pulling at his cock while your name tumbles from his lips makes your hips rock forward repeatedly. He makes a whiny noise and your eyes open, wanting to see it happen again. He’s a goddamn vision, sweating above you with curls sticking to his forehead. Goddamn, he’s so intoxicatingly sexy. Sometimes you get this overwhelming urge to grab onto his face and you indulge in it now, hands pressed against his each side of his head while he pounds into you. His eyes are intense as he stares back at you, these delicious little grunts and moans leaving his lips. The room is spinning, Billy’s eyes are so consuming it feels like he’s devouring you. You’re entranced, bodies writhing against each other while you both chase a high only the other can guarantee.
“Billy—“ you choke out, “I’m.. I’m gonna…”
You can’t finish the thought as he drills into you, his hands grabbing your hips and angling them up so he drives against your g-spot with every thrust.
“Cum?” he offers, voice throaty and hoarse. “You gonna cum for me, babygirl?”
“Ahh…” you try to tell him yes but the waves of the orgasm make it impossible as it thrashes through you, your ankles crossing behind his back as he pounds into you.
The pistons of his hips are unrelenting, you’d be impressed with his stamina if you weren’t being dragged through the most demanding orgasm you’ve ever had. You’re loud, the sound of your voice is foreign, rough and guttural. Billy seems to like it, his eyebrows rising before furrowing as he pins your hips against the mattress and bucks into you brutally. His face is scrunched up and these high pitched, pretty and desperate noises he makes are so wonderfully delicious. His movements freeze and you feel his warm completion fill you up.
“Billy…” you moan at the sensation, it’s unlike anything you’ve felt and he collapses on top of you, a panting mess as his lips find yours. The kisses are frantic and sloppy. You’re not even certain they could classify as kisses. Then his eyes are wide and he’s lifting himself up.
“Fuck, oh shit,” his voice is full of panic, “Oh, god, I’m sorry.”
You’re close to passing out, but you manage to ask, “For what?”
“I came inside you,” he explains, eyes wide.
“Mhm… felt so good,” you mumble, not able to care about his terror in the aftershocks of your orgasm.
“I didn’t mean to… fuck,” he breathes against your cheek, “Gonna have to.. get a plan B.”
“Billy,” you sigh happily as you wrap your arms around him, “Mmm… feels so good.”
He relaxes at the realization that you’re not pissed at him and for a second, he lets himself revels in the fact that he’s just cum inside you and how amazing it felt. He gasps softly, “So good…”
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
'William Orchard Hopper"
Pairing: Harringrove.
Tw: child abuse, mentions of infidelity.
This started out as a headcanon of Jim being Billy biological dad and quickly spiraled into this??? Sorry. <3
Not many people know that Jim Hopper spent a considerable amount of time in California in his twenties.
Jim and Billy's mom, Bria Hargrove met and had an affair that led to Billy being born.
Neil knows Billy isn't his son, and becomes abusive towards Bria and Billy until she can no longer take it. 
When Billy is ten, she leaves and hides a note in Billy's room for him to find. 
The note tells him that Neil isn't his real father, it tells him his real father lives in Indiana. Hawkins, specifically but that he had once lived in California. She tells him that the man is named Jim Hopper. She doesn't give him any other details. Not that it truly matters, Neil is whose on his birth certificate. Neil is who is raising Billy into the man he's destined to be.
Confused, Billy tucks the note away. He can almost forget about it, but the knowledge that Neil isn't his dad stays with him. Even when Neil married Susan, and he gained a step-sister in her daughter, Max. 
It doesn't become a problem for Billy until Neil announces that their new, fragile thing of a family is moving to Hawkins, Indiana. 
He doesn't know if Neil knows he'll be dropping them in the town of the very man his mother cheated on him with.
A week after the move, Billy makes the mistake of getting high after Neil's latest lesson in Respect and Responsibility that ended with Billy nursing bruised ribs and what's definitely a mild concussion. 
The mistake isn't smoking weed, per say. No, Billy's mistake was forgetting just how loose lipped he gets when high. Because, now he's shown Max the letter his mom left all those years ago, he tells her that Neil isn't his biological father.
Max doesn't say anything, she just stands up and hugs her step-brother. 
The blond tenses briefly, before he's sinking into the hug; his own arms winding around her small frame. 
She's gotten taller, so with Billy sitting, his head is pressed into her stomach.
She doesn't comment on the warmth of his tears, she just hugs him tighter.
What does someone say to their step-brother who's father beats him on a regular basis? What do you say when that same boy knows the man who lords his parental status over him, isn't actually his dad? 
Max decides you say nothing. Billy doesn't seem put off by the lack of response. 
It isn't until after Halloween, after Max has plunged a syringe into Billy's neck to sedate him when a panic attack had led to a violent fit, that they're both forced to confront the very thing Billy has tried so hard to forget.
It wasn't the first time Billy lashed out like this, but it was one of the worst times. Her new friends had gotten permission from Neil and her mother to come over, but something set Billy off when she introduced him to Jane.
To his credit, Billy had fled the house when he noticed his breathing picking up. It hadn't helped much, because Max followed behind him, leading her friends to do the same.
When Jane met his gaze, her eyes were soft but unreadable, like she knew she held the last name of the man his mother confessed was actually his father.
It could've been a coincidence, but his mom had also told him the mystery man was training to become a police officer. 
That was too many coincidences, if you asked Billy.
He doesn't remember much after that, not that ever does. 
He knows her friends had been afraid, but for some weird fucking reason they tried to comfort him.
The curly-haired one even called Steve Harrington, declaring that the elder was good in situations like this. 
Billy seriously doubted that, but he'd never pass up a chance to see Steve. Their relationship was still new. New as in they'd only been official for the past week.
Once Steve had arrived, the kids all seemed to lose interest in everything, and retreated into the living room to play video games. Max took some convincing, but eventually, they were able to pry her away from the place she'd refused to leave at Billy's side.
The couple quickly toed off to Billy's room, and Steve wasted no time in pulling Billy into his arms.
Billy felt bone-tired, the sedative given to him never knocks him out, it mostly tires him out. Makes the world fuzzy, and like it's covered in a foggy film.
But, this felt different. This felt like a tiredness that wouldn't be quelled by resting for the remainder of the day. 
The younger boy hadn't told Steve about Jim, so when he asked what triggered this episode, Billy quickly spilled. He spoke until his throat felt raw, and his hands were shaking. 
He spoke until the room felt as if all the air was quickly evaporating. 
Steve waited until Billy's word vomit came to an end, before gently responding, "It's okay, B. If Hop is your dad, he's a good man. A little grumpy, but he's not like…" he trails off, but Billy can fill in the blanks just fine.
"H-how am I even supposed to broach this subject with him, Steve? What if...what if he doesn't want me just like her, and I'm stuck with Neil until I'm 18, or dead?" 
The brunet quickly reaches out to cup Billy's cheek, his thumb grazing the smooth skin. "That won't happen. Even if it did, you've got me. You're never gonna be stuck with him forever so long as I'm alive and breathing, baby."
There's more the boy wants to say, but he just feels so tired. The sounds of the kids all yelling in the other room serve as nothing more than background noise.
It's about an hour later, and Billy's only been fighting his sleep because Steve is showing him various tiktoks and clips of random gamers he enjoys.
Soon though, he's starting to doze on Steve's shoulder, when there's a knock at his door, then a head of brown curls are peaking into his room.
His breath hitches, but Steve's hand finds his back and begins to soothingly rub his stress away. 
Metaphorically, of course. Because in reality, Billy is still freaking out.
"Jim is here to pick me up, but he wanted to meet you."
This causes him to bristle, "Me? Why?"
Jane merely shrugs, before turning away. 
Billy has an inkling she does know, but he swallows it down and climbs off his bed to make the short trek to the living room.
When he lays eyes on Hopper, the man is dressed in his uniform, a small grimace on his lips as he observes the sparsely decorated room.
His eyes eventually land on Billy and he offers something that could be considered a smile.
"So you're the owner of that Camaro out front, or is that your dad's?"
Billy wants to laugh out loud at the question, but instead he shakes his head. "No, sir. She's all mine, fixed her from the ground up myself." 
It was true, Billy spent months fixing her up, she'd been all but totaled when he found her body at the junkyard in California. 
He immediately fell in love with the car, despite the appearance and the rest was history.
The chief let out a long whistle, along with an approving nod.
"Damn kid. You lookin' for work? I know the mechanic in town could use someone like you on weekends."
Billy only nods, unsure of what to say. 
"Yeah, yeah that'd be great, actually! Thanks."
Jim nods, his eyes never leaving their place of observing the blond. 
"I'll set it up, just come by my office on Monday and we'll work out all the kinks."
Soon after, Jim leaves with Jane, who promises Max that they'll hang out soon.
Much to Billy's chargin, Steve leaves with the rest of the kids, sans Max, around forty-five minutes later.
Neil and Susan return after Billy has finished cleaning up the dishes from his and Max's dinner. 
His dad seems pissed by something, something Billy can't figure out.
Not that it matters. All that matters is that his bad mood means a repeat of last night. 
As it plays out, Billy doesn't have to wait until Monday, because the man in question all but busts the Hargrove's front door down, catching Neil in the act of wailing on the defenseless blond.
There's a whirlwind of activity that ends with his father in cuffs, and Hopper escorting Billy to the hospital with Max glued to his side while Susan tails the Chief's car.
On the drive there, Billy doesn't expect the chief to blurt out, "Jane heard what you told Steve." Billy wants to play dumb, he wants to pretend he has no clue what Hopper is referring to; but instead he just shrugs and glances back at Max, the red-head at least looks apologetic. 
"Does she always ear hustle that hard?" The large man huffs out a laugh, "you have no clue kid," he pauses, chewing at his lip before he carefully continues, "I knew the last name was familiar, just chalked up to a coincidence. But your ma...you look just like her…"
"Why didn't you say something earlier?" 
"I didn't want to assume, I was gonna do some digging. You know? I didn't know Bria was pregnant when we broke things off. All she said was Neil was getting suspicious. She didn't tell me, if she had…" he trails off, pulling up to the entrance of the hospital. 
"I'm gonna make this right, Billy. I promise."
Billy wants to scoff, but one glance at Max's hopeful face in the mirror has Billy nodding instead. 
"Yeah, okay." His words are soft, lacking any bite. 
It turns out that the police chief busting down your front door to find your "father" beating you bloody, is more than enough evidence to send said man to prison. 
It also turns out that one nicely worded threat is enough to have Neil Hargrove give up parental rights that never rightly belonged to him.
A DNA test for confirmation later Billy was getting a new birth certificate in the mail with the name William Orchard Hopper.
Below it read Bria Hargrove and James Hopper.
Billy was in the middle of decorating his new room in Hopper's place when Max barged in, Steve trailing behind her with a sweet grin on his lips.
"Billy, can you take me and Jane to the arcade?" Jane, who Billy hadn't noticed initially just smiled up at him.
The boy shook his head, turning to Steve, "aren't these your charges? Why am I the chaperone?"
Max rolls his eyes, "you're our brother, so you have to! You love us!"
Jane quickly nods her head, a sparkle in her eyes, "Yeah! You love us."
Steve hums his agreement, which has Billy shaking his head again, "okay, whatever shitbirds. Let me change, at least."
They seem to accept that, and slip out the room, leaving Billy and Steve alone.
The latter smiles at him, before crossing the room to plant a light kiss to his lips.
"Alright, now hurry up, Blondie! We can't let the boys get too cocky, Jonathan dropped them off already and I just know Dustin is trying to beat Max's highscores already. They're gonna fight all day."
Once Billy is dressed, he drags Steve out his bedroom, only to run into Hopper. Literally. 
Billy's head bounces against his chest and everything.
The man just grunts and steadies the smaller boy, his lips parting to speak before Billy is wrapping his arms around his midsection, "see you for dinner, Pops!" before he's grabbing Steve's hand and ushering Max and Jane out the door.
Jim doesn't miss the smile that graces his son's lips before he calls out, "be safe!"
He can almost see the way Jane and Billy roll their eyes before responding without missing a beat, 
"Us? Always!" Jim doesn't mention the time he had to put out a small fire from when Billy tried to teach Jane tricks with his zippo.
Yeah, always my ass, he thinks.
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chloe-skywalker · 5 months
Knock Next Time - Billy Hargrove
Billy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mention of nudity
Word count: 368
Summary: Max walks in on Billy and Y/n in bed.
Stranger Things Masterlist
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Y/n and Billy had enjoyed themself’s last night. Having had the Hargrove household all to themselves provided the perfect opportunity for them to get intimate. Billy had woken up to the sun shining through the window. Next to him is his gorgeous and sexy Y/n.
Billy decided to wake her up by kissing and sucking along on Y/n’s neck. Which didn’t take long.
“Good morning Handsome.” Y/n smirked up at Billy as he hovered over her having just woken her up.
“Good morning sexy.” Billy smirked back, eyes sparkling with mischief. “You wanna pick up where we left off?”
Y/n licked her lips smiling at his brilliant idea. “I’d love to. . .”
As the couple got into their activities, luckily they didn’t get to far into things because the door to Billy’s room burst open.
“Billy can you take-” Max started but once she saw Billy and Y/n in bed together she stopped before exclaiming. “Oh GOD!”
“Hey Max.” Y/n blushed smiling at the redhead.
“Max what have I said about knocking?” Billy grumbled which Y/n felt since he was laying on top of her.
“Well maybe don’t be naked 24/7.” Max rolled her eyes facing away from them. Not wanting to see anything of either of them.
“Knock next time.” Billy shrugged, not caring.
“Don’t worry I will.” Max scoffed and gagged.
“Good.” He scoffed back.
“Max, what did you want to ask?” Y/n cuts in otherwise she knew just jeep going. The two never stopped bickering, just like blood related siblings. 
“I’ll wait.” Max grimaced before she left, closing the door behind her. “Gross.”
“She should listen to me the first time.” Billy mumbled, pissed off.
“Why are you naked all the time?” Y/n asked giggling as she thought about all the times poor Max must’ve walked in on Billy doing God knows what.
“Freedom baby.” Billy smirked, teasing her.
“You're so weird.” Y/n laughed, shaking her head at him.
“Now where were we?” Billy mockingly asked as he dipped his head down with a smirk on his lips at the thoughts running through his head of what they were about to get up to.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila
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reineyday · 2 years
sometimes i see posts of steve and max where they call steve "the brother max deserves" and it always irks me a little because billy was the brother max deserved, they just killed him before he could properly show it. 🤦🏻‍♀️
she had a brother, they (the writers) just didnt use him very well. clearly by s3, billy and max were on good enough terms for her to mourn him all the way into s4. her grief and survivor's guilt and the trauma not just from his death but from living in an abusive home and being part of that abusive cycle are the reasons she gets targeted by vecna, and there's an entire episode titled after the letter she writes to him and reads to his gravestone. the last words he ever says are an apology to her.
calling steve the brother she deserves like billy isnt an integral part of her character, like billy isnt worth considering or looking at or like he doesnt exist, like he's somehow a villain that was cast upon max, a punishment she didnt deserve... that aint it. it takes away from their character backgrounds and the nuances held within them imo.
i love steve but the brother max deserves is a living billy, shuttling her around in his camaro and calling her "shitbird" and being like a real brother and sister, the way she wishes for in her letter. i have no doubt that had billy survived starcourt, they would have gotten there. they just chose to let him die instead. :/
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billys-pretty-babe · 11 months
Cover Worthy
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : October 31, 1985 you want to do matching costumes with your best friend until he turns it sexual, and the night ends up way differently than you could have imagined.
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Warnings : Swearing, illusions to smut, mentions of suggestive pictures
Word count : 1,482
Halloween was one of the holidays you loved the most from dressing up to taking candy from your siblings. This year was different for everyone, you were all legal adults now. Everyone planned on going all out for the parties, and you and your best friend planned matching costumes, you just didn't know that he would choose that costume for you.
"Oh come on, you look, fuck." You laughed at his little moan at the end of his sentence. "I look like a slut." He shrugged, "Sluts are my favorite." You flung the ears at him and he laughed as he watched you turn in the mirror. "This is so cliche." He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, everyone loves Playboy." You looked at him, "Yeah, horny people." He shrugged, "Yeah, so everyone." You laughed, shaking your head.
"I don't know, my ass is out, let's not talk about the fact my pussy might fall out." He laughed, "Need to go up a size?" You shook your head, "No, it fits fine." You adjusted your breasts and looked at him in the mirror, "Wipe the corner of your mouth." He made a slurping sound and you cringed, "Gross." He laughed and leaned forward.
"Does the tail move?" Before you could respond, he grabbed the fluffy white tail and shook it. "So you're gonna be Hugh?" He nodded, eyes still on your figure as he watched you bend over to slide your heels on. You put the cuffs on your wrists and looked in the mirror again. "I can work with this." He nods, "Good, you look good." You smiled and thanked him, adjusting the top of the bodysuit again.
You rushed to your room, Billy right behind you, both of your outfits in your closet. He grabbed them and put his costume on, leaving the robe untied to show his abs and pecs off. "Your turn." You grabbed the outfit and went into your bathroom to get dressed. You walked out, "I need help getting the back up." He nodded and stood behind you, unrolling the material from itself and it slid up easily.
You began looking through your vanity. "What're you looking for?" You glanced at him in the mirror, his blue eyes on your ass. "Boob tape." He hummed and sat on your bed, watching you look. "Found it." You adjusted yourself and looked in the mirror to make sure they sat evenly and you smiled.
You did your hair and makeup before placing the headband on your head, readjusting the wire ears again. You slipped the heels on and Billy whistled as if he were catcalling you and you laughed and shook your head. "Cover worthy, hell centerfold worthy. Shauna Grant, who? I'd rather have you on my wall." You laughed and shook your head. "I'm telling you, future Bunny right there, and I'll be the first to buy the magazines, probably jack to them too." You groaned, "Gross, I did not need to hear that." He laughed and shrugged.
"I was taught honesty is the best policy, just being honest, gorgeous." You hummed, "I'd rather be lied to than hear you talk about jerking it to my pictures." He laughed as he watched you, pupils making the blue in his eyes disappear. "Let me take some pictures of you, just for us to see." You shrugged, "Okay." He grabbed your Polaroid camera, holding your waist as he put the camera out, the first picture being of you two, your heads cropped out, just your torsos in the picture.
He looked at the picture and smirked as he nodded and showed it to you. "Hot," he said and took it from you, flicking it onto the vanity. "I'm telling you, cover worthy, you'd make fucking big bucks, especially with a body like that. Like sure, Cynthia Brimhall is a fucking babe but God, she doesn't stand a chance against you for Playmate of the month." You laughed, holding his chin, rubbing it with your thumb.
"That was kinda sweet." He rolled his eyes, "I'm just saying, body like that, you'd be fucking rich. I would need like ten percent, I'd be your personal assistant, running your little errands and shit." You laughed, "You already do that for free." He rolled his eyes, "Wouldn't say free considering I got to fu-" you cut him off, gently putting your hand over his mouth, "Shut up, I told you not to bring that up again."
He snickered, "Was I that bad? Damn, I gotta get my stamina up." You laughed, "Not bad, not bad at all. I just don't wanna talk about that." He nodded and held your waist as he looked in the mirror. "Come on, we gotta go. I wanna get to the punch before someone slips drugs into it." He nodded and held the small of your back, directing you out of your bedroom and out to his car.
You laughed as soon as you saw them, "Are you serious?" He shrugged, "I'm trying to get laid, I haven't had sex in two months." You rolled your eyes and he laughed and threw the small box of condoms into the floorboard. He began driving, rock music playing on the radio as he drummed on the steering wheel, speeding slightly but nothing that scared you.
The two of you arrived and Tina greeted you both before you dragged Billy inside and to the kitchen. You made a cup and he took it from you, smelling it and taking a few sips before giving it to you. "I think there's some Everclear in it." You nodded. "So go easy, for the love of God, I'm not doing that shit again." You laughed, vague memories coming back as you sipped the red drink.
He led you outside to where Tommy, Carol and their friends were. Carol whistled as she saw you, even shooting you a wink and you laughed and Billy held your hip tighter as you walked over to them. "Hugh and his bunny, that's hot. When's the November issue?" You all laughed at one of Tommy's friends and Billy gripped you a little tighter, his fingers digging into the meat of your hip.
You put your hand over his and held his pinky. You all began talking amongst yourselves, Billy remained attached to you, no matter how many girls tried getting his attention, their breasts nearly spilling out of their costumes but his eyes were on you the entire time. Midnight was near, that much he knew, you only had half of a drink, opting on pouring the rest into Carol's cup after Billy declined it.
You tapped his waist as he talked to one of the guys from the basketball team, "Can we leave? I'm getting cold." He nodded, not bothering to tell anyone as he led you through the sweaty bodies of other college students. He was sober, no alcohol in his system but the way your hips were grinding on his earlier, made him feel like alcohol was directly pushed into his veins, he felt like an addict and needed a fix or else he'd go into withdrawals.
He drove back to the little house the two of you lived in, being cautious of little kids with their parents. He let you both into the house, following you to your room as you took your heels off and groaned, your feet throbbing. "Can we take pictures of our costumes?" He nodded and you grabbed the Polaroid camera and he sat in the little armchair that you had. You sat in his lap, crossing your legs as his hand snaked around your waist.
He put the camera out at arm's length, setting his head on your shoulder and you laughed at him and he took the picture, knowing you wouldn't smile if he told you to. He watched the picture develop and he hummed. "And that's going in my room." You laughed as you looked at it. You only looked at him, not even yourself, the way his pupils were blown out, the way he gripped you, and most of all, the way he looked at you, it was pure lust.
He took more pictures of you and each time, it seemed like the bodysuit was getting lower and lower. That night was one for the books, for the both of you, the bodysuit broke the lamp after Billy flung it at the dainty lamp, nearly everything was tossed besides the ears.
Red lipstick marks nearly everywhere, they stained him and your white bed sheets when the two of you finally did fall asleep, entangled with each other, blanket and sheets tangled together, pillows on the floor. Sparkles were on his chest and his shoulder from when your eyes fluttered shut, getting the silver sparkly makeup on his skin. You would both face the consequences and the weirdness but for now, you basked in the warmth his body provided you.
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xoxo-sarah · 1 year
Deserved it
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↝a/n: I need a better title for this. Also this has been in my notes app for so long and I've been too scared to post it.
↝pairing:Steve Harrington x fem!Hargrove!reader
↝ Warning: Billy, Reader is Billy's twin sister, angst , fighting, blood, arguing, slight smut, making out, not proofread
↝⎙ 9.9.23
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"I have a hard time believing that." Oh- your smile. How could you look so much like Billy, yet so different? In a good way, of course. One thing that you didn't physically have that was the same was your smile. Yours was, well, nicer. More friendly. Less intimidating.
"I'm serious! Look- ask Nance." If you didn't know any better, you'd probably say he was practically begging you to believe him.
"I dunno, I just can't picture a guy like you being a ladies man."
"Okay, ouch."
Laughing, you couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of playfully picking on this poor soul.
"I was literally known as King Steve-"
That's how it all started. Playful banter between a kid who peaked in highschool and a new girl who had everyone's eyes on her and her own brother. Apparently, your family moving to Hawkins was a huge favor for everyone. You're welcome. You'd probably tell everybody, given the chance.
"Stay away from that Harrington boy." Billy puffed at his cigarette, before flicking it absentmindedly onto the dry ground.
"Oh, first name basis now?" He scoffed, drumming his fingers on the car roof.
"-Is trouble. He's looking for some dumb broad to pick up and have a good time."
"Billy, I don't really care what you think. And even if I was into him, that isn't any of your business." He slammed his hands down on the roof of the car, making you jump.
"Y/n," Billy tsked, "you are a lot of things, but a dumb slut isn't one of 'em. Now get in the car." Before you could respond, he sat down in the driver's seat, starting the engine.
Slamming the door, you slung your backpack over your shoulder and turned around.
Billy threw his arms up and huffed as he watched you walk away. Grabbing another cigarette, he lit it, letting you walk a bit ahead before he started driving. If you were going to act like a brat, he was going to treat you like one. He wasn't one to give in to anyone, but you had moments that made his cold heart ache for you, he was always going to be there for you, but only for you. You literally shared a womb together. There's obviously a connection that no amount of sibling back-and-forth could wilt, right?
Hearing an engine roaring, you didn't need to glance back to know who it was. Billy slowed, looking at your side profile, noting your sour expression. "C'mon, Cookie. The weather isn't looking too promising for you to be acting like this." Cookie. The nickname he had made up when he caught you stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar that was on top of the fridge. You were lucky he was the one who caught you. If it had been Neil, you wouldn't have gotten the cookie and a new nickname out of it.
"Fuck off, William."
That, right there, pissed him off to no end.
He sped past you, kicking rocks and dirt behind as he went, swerving in and out of the lane to taunt you.
You scoffed, "Fuckin' dick."
"Watch the floor!" Stopped in your tracks, it took everything in your being to not spin around and smack the shit out of Neil. Here you stood, soaked head to toe, along with your backpack and everything in it, and he was worried about the floor.
"I'll try to keep the water from falling until I get to my room." Giving him a fake smile, you marched to your room, slamming the door.
Almost as soon as the door shut, it opened again and Billy came in. He had to of just came out of the shower, steam rolling off his skin. Walking over to your desk, he picked up your deodorant.
"What do you want now?" You practically barked.
He held his free hand up, "Relax. I ran out." He harshly applied the stick with his other hand.
Yanking the stick from his hand, you scowled. "Buy your own. Get out."
"I don't have any money." He yanked it back, lathering his other armpit."
"Get. A. Job." You now harshly yanked it.
"I have a job, I just haven't gotten paid yet."
"That sucks for you. Get out, now."
"I don't think I will." Billy pulled out your desk chair, running his fingers through his wet curls.
"I will scream at the top of my lungs if you don't get your ass out now."
"Fine, whatever. Don't forget to clean the water up." Looking down, you watched as more water continued to drip from your soaked clothes to the hardwood flooring.
The deodorant went hurling against the door and clanked against the floor as he slammed the door shut behind him.
"Stop slamming the doors!"
The feelings of wanting to claw at your skin was intensifying each time your father opened his mouth.
You were in deep need of a relaxer.
"Billy would kill me- mmph~" As soon as Steve's lips pulled away, yours were chasing them.
"Shut up."
"M'kay." His hands tightened on your thighs as he felt your hips wiggle and closing against his own. Moaning as your pulled at his hair, he didn't have time to be embarrassed. He wanted you. Needed you. Right now.
You had gotten dried off and practically ran to the Harrington's. At first, it was just to blow off some steam, vent, if you will. But Steve had gotten some weed off of a friend and who were you to say no? A relaxer is a relaxer. Things got a little out of hand and you ended up saying a few things no sober person should ever admit. It didn't take much green for you to end up like you were. You were going to blame the plant either way.
Your other hand slid under his shirt, feeling the skin and hair under it. You groaned against his lips, feeling him unbutton your jeans.
Reluctantly, he pulled away, helping you pull his shirt over his head and throw it somewhere on the floor. His hands went back to your thighs as your lips went down his neck, starting at his jaw and going behind his ear and down. You kissed his body as if you were praising it. Every touch of your soft hands left a fire-hot trail, begging for your lips to follow with a cooling effect.
This is surely heaven, he thought.
Steve made a sound, causing you to quickly pull back just as quickly as you had put your hand in his pants and moved lower down his body. Be slowly shook his head, shifting in the seat. "Mmm, no. I want to touch you." Your unsure expression quickly vanished, replaced with a wicked smirk.
"Yeah? How?"
Steve was so glad he has matured from his King Steve days. Younger him would never take the time to worship a woman's body. But yours, oh God, yours deserved every bit of praise and everyone should worship your perfectly imperfect body. Every stretch mark, every crevice, every indent that society deemed 'ugly'. Hell no. He was set on showing you just how much he adored you and your body.
Steve chased after you, having trouble keeping up. "I didn't - I didn't mean for this to-"
"Stop following me."
"Cookie, please."
You spun around, a look of fury in your eyes. He stopped dead in his tracks.
"Stop following me." You repeated, "I never want to see you ever again."
"This wasn't supposed to happen- not like this."
"Oh please, stop with this bullshit." Steve had to stop himself from wincing at the choice of words. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. "Imagine how humiliating this is for me."
"It was stupid! Carol and Tommy-they made some stupid bet and I was drunk and I just couldn't say no for some stupid fucking reason. Please,"
It was true, they were all plastered when the bet was made. You had just shown up, a fresh face and already the talk of the town. Every boy in their grade had said something about you and your body. At first, Steve ignored the cruel, disgusting words and acted like your arrival didn't affect him. You two hadn't talked much, but he had heard the way you talked to Billy, someone you had literally known since birth, your sweet voice yet snippy remarks.
Carol had made some jab, and Tommy had found it weird when Steve didnt laugh. Sure, they had grown apart, but it wasn't that long ago when Steve would make those same remarks. The liquid courage had Steve argue with Tommy on how you would totally not date Steve or anyone like him. The next morning, the terrible hangover has Steve promising himself to never drink again. The horrid memories haunted him until he got to school. Tommy had a group of preppy kids huddles around Steves locker. Apparently, Tommy had opened his mouth and spilled out all of what Steve had said. Multiple guys clapped and went to high-five. "King Steve is back!" What was he supposed to do? Almost everyone knew about what he had said, well, not you or Billy. God. Billy would kill me, he thought.
He was surprised no one had told you when you walked though the school doors. Everyone kept quiet, until 3 weeks later. To be honest, Steve had forgotten about it. Or tricked himself into thinking so. At the beginning, you guys getting closer was purely for the bet, but you were so quick witted, so smart, so pretty, so easy to talk to.
Carol didn't keep quiet for long. Just as you and Steve got so close, skin to skin, breath to breath, heart to heart, Carol had gushed about how Steve actually won some bet. Confused, you listened as both Carol and Tommy told you all about it and about what Steve had said. It didn't help that so many people were standing around, watching everything go down. Steve was lucky Billy wasn't there at that moment either.
He tried to reach for your hands, sighing in defeat when you yanked them away. "Please. I can't- we have something good."
"Do we? You embarrassed- humiliated me. You let it happen. No matter what we have done, it never meant as much to you as it did to me."
"It did. It does. Everything we did meant everything to me. Y/n, please."
"She warned me about you, ya know. Everyone did."
"Nancy. She warned me about you. You only ever want one thing."
He was at a loss of words, flabbergasted. "What?"
"You got it. So you can leave me alone now."
Steve watched as you walked away, mouth hung open. He didn't know whether to go after you, or marinate in what you had said.
What did Nancy say and why?
Turning a corner in the supermarket, you didn't expect to almost run into something, or someone. "Shit-sorry."
The girl waved you off, fixing her hair. She looked up, watching as you picked up the loaf of bread you had dropped.
"Y/n, right? Billy and Max's sister."
You looked at her curiosity. "Yeah, you?"
"Nance. Nancy."
"Nancy Wheeler?" Her cheeks became red. You had heard of her.
"Steve has told me alot about you."
Her face fell a little. "What has he said?"
Alarm showed on your face. He hadn't specifically talked about her, just about how they used to be together and how she could vouch for him being a total took a year or two back.
"Oh, just about how you were together."
Well, this is awkward.
"Yeah." Yeah.
"Ya know, he told me to ask you about his King Steve days." Her own face didn't have the same playful smile yours did. It was unsettling.
"Did he now?"
You looked at her confused, what had you just unleashed?
Apparently it was a lot.
Steve tried everything to get you to talk to him. He called, never getting an answer, or when someone did pick up, it was either your dad, the clueless mom of Max, or Billy. He brought you flowers that stayed on your porch and rotted. He tried talked to you in school. He never got a response out of you. It was as if you didn't see him.
He deserved it.
One night, he thought it would be a good idea to try one more time when the parents left for date. You were surely home, he didn't know about Max and Billy, but he didn't really care.
He knocked on the door, 1, 2, 3 times.
"Y/, come on, please! I'm sorry!" His head dropped against the door. He was desperate at this point. Even if you opened the door and told him you hated his guts, he would be beyond grateful to just hear your voice on last time. He'd understand you.
Hearing someone making their way to the door, he fixed his posture, waiting.
Right after the door opened, a blow was delivered straight to Steve's left cheek. He staggered back, his back hitting a pole keeping the screening up around the porch.
"You gonna make another bet about my sister, Harrington? You just can't leave her alone, can you?"
Billy's hands continued to pushed at Steve, pushing him further off the porch and into the yard. Insult after insult was thrown at Steve, he could only take it, keeping his mouth shut. He deserved it.
Was he hearing things? Had Billy hit him one too many times? Your sweet voice rang through his head, bouncing around, wrapped his throbbing brain in a silk bandage, kissing it better as if it was a simple scratch. "Get off of him! Damn it!" The blows at Steve's side stopped. This time, Billy went staggering back after you had pushed him off of the hunched over boy.
You were too nice.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Billy bellowed. He threw his bloody hands up towards Steve. "You're gonna let him get away with humiliating you?"
"You're gonna kill him!" You made a point to look at the blood dripping from his knuckles and then to Steve's bleeding nose and swelling eye.
"He deserves it!"
"That is not your place!" Billy closed his mouth, looking at you in pure disbelief. You had just yelled at him, truly raised your voice, not one ounce of familiarity behind those eyes that burned in hatred. Your eyes softened, biting your lip before going to apologize. "Billy," before you could continue, he stomped towards the house, bumping into Max, who watched the whole thing.
After looking at the door, contiplating what to do next. You would deal with Billy later. Steve had to be gone by the time your father got back.
"What we had-"
" ‘what we had’? We fucked, Steve. That's it." You sounded tired, exhausted.
Steve stood hunched over, at a loss of words. It wasn't just a simple fuck. There was something there. He felt it, surely you did too. Your bodies fit together too perfect for a simple fling. His hands wouldn't remember every curve of your body for a simple fuck that didn't mean anything what so ever. He refused to take that for an answer. Even if it took a while to show you that you did mean more, he'd do just that.
He turned, walking towards his car.
"Steve," you called out, "you're hurt-"
"I got it."
He didn't waste any time getting in his car and leaving.
If you wanted space, he'd give you space. He'd find a way to make it up to you, even if it took a lot of time and a lot of different ideas and apologies. You both needed time to heal, emotionally and physically.
•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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