#goodness the legendary nickname that is twinkletoes
stitch1830 · 3 years
Hey Stitch! Hope you’re doing well buddy :) Recently you got an ask on whether the Dunebabies ever called their parents different names and that got me thinking. What do the kiddos think about the best nickname Toph ever came up with, Twinkletoes! Do they ever hear the backstory? Do any of them ever use it on Aang, or is it only Toph’s special word? Do you think any of the kids/grandkids could ever get the honor of being dubbed ‘Twinkletoes II’?! The thought of Toph meeting Aang for the first time ever and within an hour or so giving him his greatest nickname that sticks all throughout the show and beyond is really living in my head rent free right now. (not to steal your catchphrase or anything! lol)
Hey Thea! This was a very fun weekend, so I'm very good, but also sad that the weekend is over LOL. Hope all is well with you! And great question, G. What do my precious dunebabies think of the nickname Twinkletoes?
I bet the kids forget that their dad's name is actually Aang because Toph basically only calls him Twinkletoes! lol. I'm sure they ask all the time what the story is behind the name. Aang has given their full love story as a response (and it's a very long tale), while Toph just says, "He cheated in an earthbending match, he's got light feet, they're twinkly-toed steps." Or something super simple like that haha! For both responses, the kids roll their eyes because neither story really helps them figure out the nickname origin story. The kids ended up going to their aunts and uncles to get the full picture.
I would say that every so often, the kids will call their Baba Twinkletoes, but he's never mad about it and usually responds quickly. It's not often, though, but it's one of those "Oh we hear it all the time and we needed to get Baba's attention real quick and Twinkletoes was the first word that came to mind." Just don't ever call Mama Twinkletoes on accident... she'll have a mini fit (mostly kidding, but the kids never hear the end of it).
For the kids, the ones that come closest to earning the title would be Gyatso or Suyin, mainly Gyatso. Sometimes Toph will call him Jr. for Twinkletoes Jr., but not as often as she calls him G or Geo. It would usually come out if Gyatso is especially being an airhead or does something that is exactly what Aang would do and she's like "Oh my word you're your father's clone." I'd venture to guess one of the airbender grand kids would be in the running for Twinkletoes Jr., the third, etc. but I have no idea which ones haha! If I keep Opal as a grand dunebaby, it would be cute if she was a Twinkletoes!
You're right, though. She literally came up with the best nickname after knowing him for less than 15 minutes and that's just... amazing. And please do steal my catchphrase! Lol I feel very special that you think of it as my phrase. Stitch is moving up in the Tumblr world lmao! But yes, like you, there are many a things that live in my mind rent free, the main one being Taang.
Thanks for sending in a question! Always nice to see an ask from you, hope you have a fantastic day! :)
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