#google images is v underrated. but it's annoying bc sometimes you only find an image source from pinterest or twitter
hood-ex ยท 2 years
looong time ago, you had a post with a panel in it and I asked if you could add the comic it was in when you did that bc seeing the panel often made me want to read the issue. and you've been so awesome to do that ever since and I really appreciate it!!! but I wonder: do you just...KNOW off the top of your head what issue something is in? do you have some sort of filing/reference system? is it just in your head? are you some kind of sorceress? HOW do you do it???? curious minds want to know!
Heeey! I remember you! I've always kept what you said in mind since then ๐Ÿ˜. I'm glad that it's helped you!
A lot of the time, I can easily determine which issues particular panels are from because I've exposed myself to the same issues over and over, and now I instinctively know where a ton of Dick-related moments are from.
If not the exact issue, I can at least determine a general area that a specific panel might be from. For example, if I'm making a post about Dick's interactions with dogs, I can immediately visualize at least 5 different panels that have him interacting with dogs. For one of those panels, I might know that Dick snarls at a dog in Devin Grayson's run, but I might not remember the exact issue it's from. Even with just that small amount of info, I now can sort through Grayson's run until I find the panel I want (which is from Nightwing #111 for anyone who's curious alskdja).
Panels from any of the Titans books (and Batman/Detective Comics) are always much harder for me to remember off the top of my head unless I've revisited the storyline over and over. I always forget the issue where Tim gets Robin lessons from Dick, but I always remember that Dick helps Donna discover her past in TNTT #38. The more importance my mind places on a specific Dick-related moment, the more likely I am to remember where to find it.
I've also been posting panels on this blog for so long that my blog has become a bit of a reference sheet for me. There are tons of panels I can't remember the location of, but because I wrote the issue location in one of my posts, I can just refer back to that post and instantly get the issue number from it.
Otherwise, Google is a gal's best friend ๐Ÿ˜Œ. I mean, you can literally type "Dick Grayson favorite food," go to Google Images, and then a ton of panels related to Dick and food (sourced from Tumblr, Twitter, etc.) are gonna pop up, and some will mention the issue number when you click on the link. That's a really quick way to find a panel for a lot of generic information.
But, yeah, a lot of it I remember off the top of my head (from repeated exposure). Other times I've gotta do some hunting or Googling. And then if I'm reaaaally desperate... I'll ask another blog to help me find something. Sometimes I'm just insanely stubborn and I'll sort through issues for like two hours until I find the panel either I or an anon is looking for. By doing this, I'm essentially teaching myself which comics/issues I should associate the panel with, and it helps me remember where I can find the panel in the future.
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