elegantwispsstuff · 1 year
goo smut?
a/n: I love this silly bastard so muchhhhhhh!!!!!
Warning : smut (expect a lot)
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You've been through a lot of unpredictable things in you life with your boyfriend Goo but this takes the cake.
"wow princess looks like I can pull a few more outta ya~" as you came again for the nth time on your boyfriend's fingers, goo was knuckle deep into your sopping cunt pulling orgasm after orgasm out of you, legs propped up in front of the full body mirror in your shared bedroom.
"g-goo it's ahhh~" he's fingers pressed against that mushy spot that makes your toes curl, "that's not my name princess how many times do I have to tell you" his fingers sped up abusing that spongy spot making your vision blurry and tears slipping from your eyes "or have I fingered you to the point of stupidity hmmm?" you could only respond in whines and whimpers as you felt yourself nearing another mind blowing climax but something felt off about this, you had the urge to pee before you could warn him, your orgasm ripped through your body splashing all over yours and his thighs, soaking into the towel placed on the floor and splashing unto the mirror.
Goo slipped his fingers out of your abused cunt and licked them clean while holding eye contact with you through the mirror, while you were still desperately trying to catch your breath he held onto your chin with his fingers turning your face towards him and kissing you desperately "holy shit princess didn't know you could do that" he said as he pulled away a string if saliva connecting you two together, in a swift motion you were flipped unto your back legs propped up to your shoulders, you realized in a fuzzy state you were being folded into a mating press, goo lined himself up to your entrance, Smiling mischievously "I need to see you do that on my cock baby~"
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binsoojun · 2 years
tell me why the recent posts under goo x reader tags are all child!reader? 😭😭😭😭⁉️⁉️⁉️ do you guys have a kink with him being a kid or sumn im not getting the clue help...
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evacado3 · 3 years
His princess ❤︎
joongooxreader pt1 pt 2 /3
Word count: 600
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Believe it or not, goo does take his work seriously. Well, he takes the money seriously, so when you were staring holes into his back during work, he wasn’t too pleased.
“Sweetie pie, you don’t have to be behind me you know, your supposed to help.”
But did he really need anyone’s help? They both knew the answer.
“Goo, the amount is wrong.” You stated, glaring at the leader of the gang. “This is nowhere near the promised amount.”
He frowned slightly before turning back to the leader, “Hey, is this some joke?”
“Nope, it’s all in there.” He insisted. But the way you easily lifted the box told another story. You shared a look with joongoo, it’s obvious where this convo is going.
“Hey man chill out, why are you pulling out a knife?” Goo grinned while backing off vaguely. Yep, it’s obvious.
This is going downwards
A man suddenly circled your throat with an arm, the other hand holding a knife. “Let us pass or I’ll cut this bitch’s throat!”
You snorted, “Is that supposed to be a threat?” Goo cackled with you, but not paying attention to your situation.
“You can take care of that right, princess?”
That wasn’t really a question, he wasn’t gonna help you either way. Not when 50 men with knives lunged towards him.
“Ah, this will do!” The bastard showed a wide smile, one from ear to ear. One that was ought to show the dangers the gang was getting themself in. All they should know is that they shouldn’t have left any junks on the floor.
You yawned lightly before elbowing the man in his ribs, “I don’t get paid enough for this.” The knife tumbled out of his hands, while he clings to his stomach, trying to catch his breath.
You gave him a subtle push yet he still fell. Man you aren’t even cut out for this, you thought. Turning over to joongoo, honestly it looked like he was mocking them while having fun. They don’t call him a monster for nothing.
It wasn’t long still the guy climbed up and tried to attack you, only to have his efforts in vain though. Pinning him to the ground, you picked up his fallen knife. Now mirroring goo’s smile, if not, bigger. “Mister, you will lose an ear tonight. Apologies my friend!”
A raucous scream echoed through the room, even goo turned over to look. Only to see you sneering at the howling man, a knife plunged deep through his ear.
The sight shocked him remotely, shit that was hot, he shook his head at the thought. He was already done with the crew, currently grabbing the leader’s collar. “Hey, I pity you a little man, but I don’t like you guys. Knives? Come on man, that’s a little low!”
You dust off your blazer after getting off the man, while he rolls around in agony. Goo hooks an arm around your shoulder, walking you out of the room.
“Princess! I didn’t know you were that harsh! I got scared pumpkin.” He exclaimed. You frown at him, “He touched my new blazer, this shit wasn’t cheap.”
Your glaze didn’t leave him after he turned around and chortled. But why did he look, I don’t know, satisfied?
“Princess, should I treat you?” You hesitated, frankly, just frankly, still wishing for it to be jonggun instead. But hey, a free meal is a free meal. “Fine, I want sushi.”
“Sushi is it!”
You both left the scene, leaving the guys in the back groaning in pain. But did joongoo say
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kyodais-blog · 2 years
No cause imagine getting railed by goo while his threatening you with his katana
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evacado3 · 3 years
His princess ♡︎
Joongooxreader pt1 /3 pt2
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This is what you wanted, yes it is, you knew something like this would've eventually happen. you told yourself. Oh come one you know that's bullshit.
You joined the organization, climbing up in place steadily because you've always respected jonggun and wanted to work alongside of him, and now some one armed man is telling you to work with a goofball?
Goddamn you were mad, mad at the irksome man calling you over to his side.
"Sugarplum! over here!" he welcomed you with a delighted smile and quite a disgusting nickname. He was charming alright, but in your eyes, he was nothing but a selfish prick that acts nice.
You scrunch your nose before sucking it up, muttering curses, walking towards the beaming man. Goo has slightly heard of you before, you might not know but you have quite some fame in the company. And it is no secret of your admiration towards Gun.
It's obvious that you're unpleased with working with him instead of the stoic man next to him. And he doesn't miss the longing look you sent to the man besides him, making him crack a small grin.
"sweetheart don't stare at him so much, I'm hurt." he whined, hiding his amusement when you scowl at him.
"Well Goo get going, and you, don't make too much trouble." Gun stated. You bowed towards him as he left the room. "What do you like so much about that cold asshole?" Goo questioned, never less, still amused by your yearning glaze that's stuck at the door.
You straightened your posture before dusting off your suit, calming down from your inner fangirling. "We should get going, please lead the way." you deadpanned, not a single ounce of respect in your tone.
His lips lifted slightly after giving you one last glance, and started to walk out the room as well.
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evacado3 · 3 years
His princess ❣︎
joongooxreader pt1 pt2 pt3/3
Word count: 1393
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When the chairman asked to see you personally, the first thought was definitely, I'm getting promoted.
This is it, after working full-time with that dimwit, I'm getting promoted~ And I might finally get a chance to work with Gun! You squealed at the thought, skipping through the hallways in delight, faintly humming a song.
In front of his door, you smoothed out your suit, a brand new one just for this exact event. Taking a deep breath, you pushed open the door. But what awaited you was a little, no, a lot different to what you expected. A smug-looking man, manspreading on the couch, and the chairman sitting straightly.
"Princess, I missed you!" Goo exclaimed, not too surprised when you shot him a glare. Ngl, after working with him for nearly two weeks, it's shocking how much he grew onto you. Is this his manipulative side everyone talks about?
Maybe the gut feelings were mistaken, maybe the butterflies that erupted in your stomach when the nickname 'princess' was used, were simply all an illusion.
Oh, but he noticed, how that glare was far softer than before. How your eyes would linger on him a bit longer every time he treats you after work. How you wouldn't protest about his sickly sweet nicknames anymore, how you'd enjoy his company.
The chairman snapped you out of your trance, "Take a seat." You plopped down on the place besides Goo where his hands patted. Honestly a little confused as to why you complied without complaint. You might not catch it, but his smirk widened more seeing you so obedient.
"I don't think you've heard, but you've made quite a name for yourself, miss y/n."
You tilted your head in perplex, and why on earth was Goo gawking at you like that. Creep.
"Goo's princess."
"Pardon me?" your neck snapped towards the strict man. you couldn't find an ounce of insincerity on his emotionless face. Dead silence rang through the room till Goo's laughter burst out in amusement.
Oh lord how you were wrong, let's never underestimate your gut feeling. The butterflies are going insane upon his laughter, wait, why are my cheeks burning?
"Princess! This is unexpected, but what we're trying to say is ..."
The sentence echoed throughout the room.
"What did you say?"
"I said, what we're trying to say is, you'll stay working with me, sweet pea!"
Hold on, haha I'm so tired I'm hallucinating. Right?
Your face was blank, well more like restrained.
All you were thinking about was should you risk it by yelling in the chairman's face. Though in the end, you'd rather not lose your job. So you took a big breath, "What's the meaning of this?" you said exasperated.
Goo brushed his hair back, standing up with hands behind his back. "Well, I suggested to the chairman, since more people will be targeting you now, there's no need to change and put other people into danger! Right? Miss y/n." he announced proudly.
The first use of your name to ever fall out of his lips.
"Do you have a fever princess? You're a bit red." Goo mentioned. This man needs to stop examining you like that, with those tempting eyes. You didn't even notice he took off his glasses until you finally looked him in the eye.
"I-I'm fine, just recovering from the shock." you blurted out. "But president, does that mean I have to stick with this moro- I meant Goo, until the rumors are resolved? And without increasing my salary?" you sulked.
The man cut off Goo before he could speak, "If a raise is what you're looking for, that's already done. But about the rumors, they won't go out after a day."
To be honest, your face is more green than red. Hold on, didn't I come here just to work with my beloved jonggun, time out, what's going on.
"Please just tell me what's gonna happen." sighing loudly, you lean forwards, massaging your forehead with one hand.
"I'm going to make you collect debts with joongoo instead of jonggun."
Ok, that's it. You blew up. "Wait! Chairman please, you cannot be serious about this!" Man did your dreams just wash down the drain in front of you, yeah it did.
"Buttercup, you don't have to worry about working with me! I'm reliable you know?" Goo grinned, seeing you speechless gave him another level of refreshment.
A fly might have gotten into your mouth, but that's all nothing compared to the bullshit you've just heard. Your mouth wide open, trying to digest the info you were given.
"Hold on, so you're telling me, to work every day plus night, full-time, no rest while dealing with a fool AND putting my life on the line?"
"You're pay is increased by 50 percent."
"Hey boss, it's them! Goo and his woman!"
You rolled your eyes hearing those words, crossing your arms, "Gosh could people stop saying that?"
Goo turned around to smirk at you, "I could get used to this, in fact, I think this is fantastic!" He turned back only to meet the eyes of the gang's boss. Oh how he terrified him with his menacing smile, a signature one of course.
"Jackass," you muttered under your breath.
"Hey, you give me a new nickname every time don't ya. What about hubby, or even prince char-"
"No way! There's no charming thing about you, I'll stick with my nicknames thank you. But anyway, why is the leader quivering like that?"
Something's not right.
"You've got to be kidding me.” you groaned.
The head only chuckled tensely, “M-mister Goo, you certainly are early, would you like something to drink? Or..." he scratched the back of his head. I wish I could tell him to drop that fake ass smile.
Goo checks his watch with a grimaced face, "No, we're just on time. Now if you would kindly show us what you've prepared?" he leaned towards the boss.
The leader avoided eye contact with the towering man, mumbling a few words. "Huh? I can't hear you man, hold on, you do have the money right? My schedule was delayed and I've given you guys three extra days!" he made a pissed-off face, "I was gonna grab dinner after this, so let's clear up this misunderstanding. Fast."
This doesn't usually happen frequently, the sum isn't even that difficult to make. Unless if you're not good with money, but then why would you make a gang?
Do I just have bad luck, still I'm glad I'm not wearing anything too expensive. The crew didn't look too pleased with Goo's statement, one by one they begin taking out their weapons.
"Princess, behind you~"
You sighed while murmuring some curses, lifting your arm and slamming back your clenched fist, whacking the guy's nose. Why am I always the option for a hostage? Sighing even more, you asked, "You want help?"
"Yes please cutie, but if you keep sighing like that, you'll get shorter!" The audacity of this man to insult you while fighting off people like it's such a daily thing.
Upon his mockery, you decided to just not help, walking away from the scene and ignoring his whining apologies. Instead, approaching the boss on the side, flinching when he felt your firm grip on his shoulders. What a pussy, you thought, is he shorter than me?
"Don't come near me! Guards, hey!" he shrieks, earning a loud snicker from you. "You call yourself the boss? Hey, look at me. Your guards aren't coming ok? You'll have to deal with me."
You grinned, one that sends chills down his spine, making him back off into a corner. Goo should be done soon, even if he isn't, he's gonna rush. Just to see the daunting expression on your face when you finished your job.
Then at the end of the day, he'll award you for your hard work. Even taking a nice short stroll with you, treating you some ice cream. Things like this are what makes work tolerable, it's not far-fetched to even say enjoyable. Though you'd never admit.
And he won't stop spoiling you, not until he loses interest. But maybe, just maybe those little butterflies are also fluttering in his tummy. Somethings telling him this isn't just about interest, it's a lot more.
After all, you are his princess.
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