#gorosei spoilers
leaff0dil · 8 months
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bubbydarkstar · 17 days
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gorosei family photo
(sorry for making peter so babygirl)
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album-aurum · 7 months
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"Mu refuses to comment it"
If I were Mu, I'd be too lazy to climb the stairs even once a century.
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perpetual-blue · 5 months
it’s so interesting to me that vegapunk called joyboy the first pirate if we think about what that actually means.
it would make sense that in this case piracy is defined by what seems to be the “true meaning” in one piece — being free, and being on the sea. luffy becomes a pirate to be free, he defines the king of the pirates as the freest person in the world, joyboy is of course linked to complete freedom and liberation.
so joyboy took to the sea, which seems to have been something no one before him did (at least not as a lifestyle, maybe for trade and stuff), and did it in order to be free. we also know he was affiliated with (and potentially came from) the ancient kingdom, but probably decided to stop living there to become a pirate. so, to him, living on land/in the ancient kingdom was also restrictive.
we know the ancient kingdom had highly advanced technology (with a sustainable fire/solar source), and was essentially already living in the future (something maybe similar to egghead, but even more advanced because of the lack of resource constraints). but clearly, it had rules and maybe roles that someone like joyboy and luffy would have still found stifling.
the other thing that’s itching my brain is the relationship to the sea. we know that the sun/sea dynamic is important and symbolic in one piece in many different ways. the sun represents freedom, but so does the sea in some ways (at least living on it in the way pirates do). pirates (in the true/joyboy sense) live at the confluence of that freedom of sun and sea — you have to have both. not be trapped under the sea like fishmen, where certain resources are scarce, and not be bound to land where there are rules, structures, responsibilities and duties. even when those structures aren’t oppressive (like they currently are under the tenryuubito) they’re not what some people would consider freedom either.
so!! we know the sea is important. we know it’s likely only this planet has a sea/oceans (for example the moon doesn’t). the sea represents mother nature to some extent. we also know the sea is deadly to/hates devil fruit users, because they are unnatural (as material representations of people’s dreams). the sea, mother nature, is to some extent the material reality of the world — dreams can the impossible possible, can make almost anything real, are so so powerful, but they still have their limits in nature and the tangible world. there has to be balance.
this is also where we see the difference between luffy and blackbeard — blackbeard says there is no end to people’s dreams, luffy talks clearly about the end of his dream and what that looks like. freedom doesn’t mean constant accumulation and infinity and hunger to luffy, it is actually something material, collective and shared with everyone in the world. freedom is something everyone chooses for themselves in their own way, but freedom requires material conditions to be met (food, safety, companionship etc). and it is for everyone, not just the strong or the few lucky ones.
this is where i have been thinking about imu and the gorosei, and the theories around them. i know the main theory is that imu is linked to the sea somehow, and probably a/the sea devil. i don’t fully disagree, but i don’t think a) imu is the sea itself, more likely has managed to harness its power somehow. because to me the sea in one piece has to be a neutral, natural balancing force. and b) i think that if imu is closely linked to the sea, they can’t have made the devil fruits (ive seen that theory too). that wouldn’t make sense, since those two things are naturally enemies/opposed. and if vegapunk’s theory is right, devil fruits are unnaturally evolved from people’s dreams, which again contradicts the laws of nature/the sea. also, just in naming, the enemies of the gorosei are always called “devils” (of ohara, potentially the will of D), so it wouldn’t make sense for imu to have made the devil fruits (unless they did make them/their initial aspects but they were stolen or turned against them somehow). it still makes more sense to me that devil fruits came out of the ancient kingdom.
i do think imu is linked to the sea in that they want to use it for their purposes, i.e. flooding the world, and it’s strongly hinted they’ve done so before during the void century. they have some level of connection to it and maybe power over it (via the island-destroying weapon which is probably uranus). their preferred way of “cleansing the world” is through using the sea. but it’s also interesting that they want to be as far from it as possible, with marie geoise being high up and well-protected from the sea. to me imu is a “sea devil” (even in the imagery it’s clearly similar to an umiboshi) in the sense that it can use the sea to its purposes of control and destruction of freedom and dreams. i’m dubious that imu has a particular magical/power connection to the sea, but i could be very wrong on that.
to me pirates’ and joyboy’s connection to the sea, including their affiliations with the people of the sea (fishpeople, merpeople, etc) is actually much better stronger and deeper, even if it isn’t always a harmonious one. pirates and devil fruit users fear the sea to some extent because they respect it, and still they choose to be in relationship to it, just as they choose to be in relationship to risk, danger and death. they know it’s something that can check them, something that can take everything away. and that’s a much healthier, balanced relationship to something that is a pure, immense force of nature. nature humbles us, nature isn’t always nice, nature takes as much as it gives. that’s important, i think.
i would really love to see that last part play out somehow, in showing that people like joyboy, luffy etc can work with the sea and adapt to it. we’ve had hints of that with noah, and wano. the answer isn’t to isolate/save yourself and kill everyone else by keeping them down, it’s to work together to adapt. and i would love to see imu and the gorosei’s use of the sea for control and oppression fail in their world-flooding/cleansing plan because they haven’t accounted for people’s ability to do that.
the sea isn’t something you can escape or fight or fully control, it’s something you can only try and shape your own relationship to. you can’t fuck with the rules and cycles of the elemental force that is the sea, as we see with devil fruits. it is unimpressed with pure imagination/desire/dreaming. it says “ok, sure, cool dream. now what are you willing to risk and suffer because you are a part of this dirt-bound, salt-soaked world.” the sea requires body, flesh, blood, bone. the sea is the sacrifice made for the dream, the price you will pay if you reach the hubris of thinking you are beyond human and humanity. if the sun is the flame of hope and desire living in the heart, the sea is the muscle and sinew that has to carry the dream, and pay for it too.
(incidentally, this is also why i feel very sure the gorosei and imu actually are shit scared of the sea. we know the gorosei af least would be vulnerable to it too so i hope it gets them somehow lol).
there’s something perverse and twisted in imu’s use of the mother flame (something derived from the sun) for destruction, and i think their use of the sea parallels that to some extent. the sea, just as much as the sun, should not be controlled/used for those purposes. the sea represents a form of freedom too — what is, and changes, and supports the world like a shifting foundation. the sun is the freedom of what could be, what’s unreachable and intangible but consistently shining.
anyways it might be that the flooding just doesn’t come to fruition because luffy kills imu and the gorosei, which would make part of my theory moot (i wouldn’t be mad about it). but i also wouldn’t be surprised if we at least get some more sea level rise before that, to the point where it seriously starts to harm and endanger people.
just my insane rambling braindump after chapter 1114!! idk if it makes any sense but if you’ve actually read this far i am sending you flowers ✨
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karinzany · 1 year
SPOILERS: Chapter 1094 of ONE PIECE
We've finally seen St. Jaygarcia Saturn's real form on chapter 1094, and it is absolutely diabolical. It seems to be inspired by a yōkai called Ushi-oni. So I went back to chapter 1085 and tried to connect the rest of the Gorosei with other yōkai. Here are my predictions:
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Ushi-oni: In Wakayama Prefecture, ushi-oni are mountain-dwelling beasts. Legend says when a hiker or traveler makes eye contact with the ushi-oni, the person cannot avert his or her gaze. The person's soul or energy is drained and he or she dies. This is called “Kage wo kuu (影を食う)” or sometimes "Kage wo nomu (影を飲む)", which translates to “eating the shadow” or "drinking the soul".
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Aosaginohi: Aosaginohi, or Aosagibi (青(あお)鷺(さぎ)火(び), "blue heron fire") is a phenomenon illustrated by Toriyama Sekien in his Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki. It depicts a night heron with a mysteriously illuminated body. Folklore built around the phenomenon tells a story of an old black-crowned night heron transforming into a yokai. The herons' feathers fuse into shining scales that give off an iridescent blue light in the dark of night. The yokai's breath is also said to release golden powder into the air that collects to form a heat-less fiery light, though this light eventually dissipates in the wind. The harmless creature is said to flee from human contact, retaining a normal heron's shyness. Legend also warns to not confuse the glimmering blue-white light with onibi lights.
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Baku: Baku (獏 or 貘) are Japanese supernatural beings that are said to devour nightmares. According to legend, they were created by the spare pieces that were left over when the gods finished creating all other animals. They have a long history in Japanese folklore and art, and more recently have appeared in manga and anime. The Japanese term baku has two current meanings, referring to both the traditional dream-devouring creature and to the Malayan tapir. In recent years, there have been changes in how the baku is depicted.
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Benzaiten: Benzaiten (shinjitai: 弁才天 or 弁財天; kyūjitai: 辯才天, 辨才天, or 辨財天, lit. "goddess of eloquence"), also simply known as Benten (shinjitai: 弁天; kyūjitai: 辯天 / 辨天), is a Japanese Buddhist goddess who originated mainly from Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of speech, the arts, and learning, with certain traits deriving from the warrior goddess Durga. Due to her status as a water deity, she was also linked with nāgas, dragons, and snakes. Apart from being a patron of music and the arts, she was eventually also worshiped as a bestower of monetary fortune and was reckoned as one of the Seven Lucky Gods (Shichifukujin).
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Ōkubi: In Japanese folklore, Ōkubi (大首) are giant heads of either men or women. An Ōkubi appearing in the sky is a sign of impending disaster, which may be a typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, or fire. These disasters are often attributed to the Ōkubi. Ōkubi are otherwise harmless and will disappear soon after the first sighting. They are thought to be sky spirits who protect the sky's or people who died during a natural disaster. They are said to protect people from the natural disasters and protect the sky from demonic sky spirits. It is said if one does not pay respect for the Ōkubi, they will be turned into sky spirits and their face will appear in the sky immediately. Those who do pay respect are said to get good fortune and gifts.
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PS.: This silhouette probably belongs to Imu themselves, but I can't figure out what yōkai or supernatural being it represents. What are your theories?
EDIT: Thank you @ozo-blog and @marimo-kyun for your suggestion!
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On chapter 1069, Vegapunk said that Devil Fruits earned the ire of Mother Nature, which is the Sea itself. The name Imu can be read as Umi backwards, meaning "Sea" in Japanese. So, maybe Imu has a power that controls the sea? Umibozu would be on theme for them.
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Umibōzu: Umibōzu (海坊主, "sea priest") is a paranormal phenomenon or yōkai from Japanese folklore. Other names include Umihōshi (海法師, "sea priest") or Uminyūdō (海入道, "sea priest"). Little is known of the origin of umibōzu but it is a sea-spirit and as such has multiple sightings throughout Japan. Normally, umibōzu appears to sailors on calm seas which quickly turn tumultuous. It either breaks the ship on emergence or demands a bucket or barrel from the sailors and proceeds to drown them. The only safe way to escape an umibōzu is to give it a bottomless barrel and sail away while it is confused.
Alternative: I've also seen another theory that says Imu could be Satan (from the Bible, yes) because he has a Red Dragon form that could relate to the Celestial Dragon's symbol, a red dragon hoof.
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Red Dragon (Biblical Satan): The Red Dragon is a form of the Biblical Satan, otherwise known as Lucifer, the former Seraphim that rebelled against the Creator and became evil in Christianity and Hebrew religions. His alias, the Red Dragon, was described in the Bible to have seven heads, ten horns, seven crowns, and a massive tail that knocks one-third of the stars out of the sky. The Red Dragon is mentioned to have other names like the Serpent of Old and the Devil. It is said in the Bible that Satan will take the form of the Red Dragon and will along with the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the Beast, deceive most of Humanity. After that the Red Dragon will be set free upon the world in which he will rule alongside demons for three long years. After that God will cast the Red Dragon, demons, and other dammed evil souls into Lake of Fire, thus finally destroying the evil of Satan forever.
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During the time-skip, we've seen Brook being accidentally summoned by a Satanic cult, which implies the existence of Satan in the One Piece world. Now, on chapter 1094, we've seen again a summoning circle, this time for St. Jaygarcia Saturn. I think it's pretty obvious the connection between real world devils and the Gorosei and Imu.
It's all going to come to the ironic conclusion that the D. clan, the enemies of the Gods, are Gods themselves (like Nika) and the Celestial Dragons, the Gods of the world, are actual Devils.
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maximumqueer · 2 months
Chapter 1122 Spoilers
Imu's reaction to the Conqueror's Haki, as well as the way it affected the Gorosei has me thinking that the Gorosei themselves don't have powers/devil fruits but are instead granted their demon-like forms by Imu. Like, they (Imu) are back on Marijoa, and while it could be possible that the Haki Joyboy sealed away in the Iron Giant did reach them, the fact that we don't have any other reaction shots of it permeating farther than Egghead has me leaning away from that interpretation.
Instead, the way I took this moment
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Is that Imu is the one who grants the Gorosei their forms, and when they take significant damage (especially from haki) that Imu also feels it, as they - in there demon forms - are an extension of Imu.
I'm not sure exactly how much control Imu has over the Gorosei, or to what extent they are beings that Imu created, but I am leaning towards a sort of Warlock and Patron relationship, where the Gorosei are people that Imu bestowed power upon, and that they can control that power as long as Imu allows them to. This is based off of the the way the Gorosei have been fighting, as they appeared to be in control of their attacks and decisions - instead of appearing like they were being manipulated from an more powerful outside source. (Which they still very well could be, I just think it is in a more subtle way).
With this interpretation, I also am of the opinion that this is a pretty clear indication that Imu is the wielder of a devil fruit, as strong enough haki can negate the effects of one. And Imu loosing control of the Gorosei's forms falls in line with what we have been shown when strong haki interacts with devil fruit abilities.
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beaulesbian · 5 months
one piece chapter 1113 spoilers
i'm curious if the sword that nusjuro gorosei has could rlly be shodai kitetsu
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in this chapter the hilt and blade were finally more visible when he was seen using the sword, as opposed to in the previous chapters where the focus wasn't on the details of how it looked, but more on the attacks themselves (if i remember correctly)
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it looks so similar to zoro's sandai kitetsu:
"Sandai Kitetsu is a moderately curved katana with a white edge and a distinct blue hamon that has the appearance of flames. Its tsuba is golden and shaped like a rounded cross pattée." (x)
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and to nidai kitetsu (that luffy had in wano for a brief time)
"Nidai Kitetsu is a moderately curved katana with a light purple edge and a distinct blue hamon that has the appearance of flames. Its tsuba is gold and shaped like a rounded cross pattée." (x)
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it'd make sense the gorosei has one of the most powerful and legendary swords, as well as the first one in the kitetsu line
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it also makes me wonder how he even got it.
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ilovelumity3000 · 1 year
you know, between the ugliest child ive ever seen laughing at the deaths of her society's lower class, saying shit like this
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and the small, secluded group of rich old dudes at the top of the world (both literally and metaphorically) turning out to be inhuman demons with no regard for human life
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Im starting to get a feeling that Oda... doesnt like rich people all that much
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idreaminmugiwara · 5 months
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screaming, crying, throwing up
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bloodmoonlvr · 6 months
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minniiaa · 2 months
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Ugh they really grow up so fast, don’t they? *sniff*
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 7 months
Regarding the forms and the revealed Yokai names of the Gorosei in chapter 1110. Are the Gorosei really using Mythical Zoan Devil Fruits? Or are they actual Yokai?
[chapter 1110 spoilers!]
we don’t know that yet! my presumption has been that they’re all awakened mythical zoans because their beast forms share the cloud mantle of other awakened zoans like luffy and lucci. however, we have not been given the names of any of their devil fruits yet, and between saturn apparently not aging in the last 40 years since his earliest appearance in kuma’s flashback and the whole summoning circle business, there’s definitely something not-quite-human about them. what exactly that is remains to be seen.
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joy-girl · 7 months
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Yes please! Tell them (and also us) everything 😭
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album-aurum · 7 months
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Mars laughs
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wolfbrotherzach · 6 months
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They almost look like they don’t BELONG in this series. They’re more like Apostles from Berserk who took a wrong turn at Falconia and wound up in One Piece.
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danwhobrowses · 21 days
One Piece Chapter 1125 - Initial Thoughts
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A week break gone and now we're back again
It always takes so long but we return to One Piece. Elbaf is on the horizon, and while questions float over Vegapunk there may still yet be a little more before we reach the land of giants.
Let's see what we have
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too!
Yamato's latest pit stop is the still-rebuilding Oden castle
Minatomo the carpenter has gone missing, so I guess that's the next step - probably missing his student who happens to actually be very skilled at carpentry
The WG continue to wrap things up on Egghead, ready to load the Seraphim and leave, we don't know what they intended for the Mark IIIs and the Weaponized Sea Beasts though
Lucci and Kaku board with angered faces, claiming Stussy was KIA
Unusual for Lucci to lie about that though isn't it?
Saturn though wraps up the benefits of the operation, citing that getting York and the Mother Flame is a win, but there was one critical hiccup
The Vice Admirals are in audience with him, and apologize for failing to capture Bonney and the Straw Hats even with a Grand Buster Call
They ask to make chase to Elbaf, but are turned down
The true hiccup was Vegapunk's message getting out
He also mentions that the awakening of Emeth was ironic
We get a flashback 200 years ago, turns out Emeth being studied on was by Saturn's permission! He wanted the tech for military might
Man literally left a 200 year chekhov's gun on the table
As Saturn mulls about Emeth, Vice Admiral Doberman makes a foolish mistake, and asks if that means Vegapunk's message was true
And thus he gets eyeshotted, though he seems to just be KO'd, since they call a medic
Something's happening in the Labophase though
York sees a ton of clouds in the lab, and realises that a plan has been undertaken
Edison's not dead! But York is trying to rectify that
But it's a feint, and as York fires to the side the top half of the egg floats away
Punk Records has been swiped from the clutches of the WG
Back at Marejois and naturally, the Celestial Dragons are not taking the low food supplies well
Sadly that means lots of killing and blaming
Akainu catching a stray for not capturing Kuma, but it seems that most of the Dragons were unaware of Vegapunk's reveal
Figarland Garling approaches the remaining Gorosei in their usual place
He has new orders: York is under his command now, because he's the new Minister of War
Saturn fucked up and now he just got demoted! That really ruins the planet motif
Oh but what of Saturn? He screams in agony on his ship
Looks like Imu has no use for him, and the black haze that seemed to restore them from damage now suffocates him
The Vice Admirals just look in horror, unknown to what's causing this
The seemingly impervious Saturn retches and grows thinner, almost hollowed out
Imu tells him their motives; Joy Boy was allowed to escape, so they are responsible
Black smoke and flames erupt from the ship, and what remains of Jaygarcia Saturn is just bones
Back at the now floating Punk Records, it seems the satellites are all alive, chatting among each other
Shaka notes they intended to get the whole Fabriostratum, but they're glad to get Punk Records out of York's hands
Pythagoras notes that she can still link up with Punk Records, but it'll only to be to fulfill its original intention
Shaka predicts it'll still take 500 years to achieve its true objective
But everyone thinks they're dead so there's limited pursuit, but that also means no funds
Edison has a new body, a frankenbody of spare parts
His own head, Atlas and Pythagoras' arm, and Shaka's torso and legs
Shaka also jabs at Edison for always admiring his height
Atlas however wants York's spare parts thrown out, which the rest of the group agree on
It is very fortunate Sanji never found this room of spare body parts
Edison also has another connection up his sleeve, and calls Weatheria!
Over to the Revolutionary Army and they are gathering the intel from Vegapunk's message
They also conclude that whoever gets the One Piece gets access to the power to destroy the world too
Belo Betty seems like she is ready to oppose the pirates, and in turn Luffy and Robin
Sabo doesn't comment, only noting that it explains why the first Celestrial Dragons took up home on the Red Line
Oh! Tequila Wolf wasn't the only one...Vodka Wolf, Rum Wolf and Bourbon Wolf
We know there's a Vodka kingdom since that's where Kaido came from, wonder if that's a connection
Dragon mulls on the coast, noting how many will take Vegapunk's message to scramble for higher land
Looks like Dragon's got a boot up the ass, to speed up his plan
Well this is interesting
The power structure has changed, Figarland Garling is our new Gorosei, Saturn is no more. A brutal death to a seemingly unkillable being at the hands of Imu, but the interesting part is what it tells and what it implies. Saturn was a person, and it seems that Imu was able to keep him alive for so long, at least 200 years. Does that mean there were other Gorosei back in the day? And does the Gyuki transformation transfer over to Garling? Will he be empowered with a new shape? The World Government may still have York and the Mother Flame, but the loss of Punk Records is huge! I guess that's what Lilith meant by them not being dead, I guess they all still can connect to one satellite and share the body. The frankenbody is unusual, though I wonder if they'll come back in a different shape next time, following refinement for convenience given how weird their proportions are right now. Interesting not to hear the Stella talk either, I guess he could still be the brain jar but maybe he is the sole casualty?
The Celestial Dragons starving may've killed a Gorosei but it will lead to more violence and blaming, not gonna be good for the current climate, which is probably why Imu anticipates war. Imu is definitely paying attention to Luffy now, calling them Joy Boy, but Saturn did in a way cause all his own undoing, from Emeth, Kuma and Vegapunk himself, he underestimated everyone because they were insects to him and they all outwitted him, an ant bite can still kill a man.
The Revolutionary Army look to gear up for something big. They have been making smaller strides in general but maybe now Oda's gonna put them to work. I do kinda hope though that they don't directly oppose Luffy like Koby intends to, Sabo that is your brother and all the RA have friendly ties to Robin. Everyone is like 'this power is dangerous and can destroy the world' but nobody's reminding themselves that Luffy ain't about destroying the world. Like, maybe just help pave the way? The Grand Fleet need to be kicked into gear to help with that too.
All in all a lot to consume and chew on with this chapter, especially compared to the linear brevity of the last. I doubt we'll go to Elbaf next chapter though, we have the dangling thread of Kuma and Bonney still to deal with, and of course whatever game-changing thing is about to happen on the other sides of the world.
Oda and his round numbers man, he loves them round numbers.
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