#gosh any sumeru researcher or local with decent knowledge
trashcanfills · 2 years
When u somehow get Zhongli with no pity even though u have complained abt him out loud while playing his quests :^)
Ok as much as I shittalk abt him, I do find a good amount of stuff that he says very interesting (when he isn’t that absent-minded of course). Sometimes I wanna pick at the information and opinions he shares with us. I esp love intellectual stimulation.
Like that discussion whereby he and some archaeologists talk the origins of the first Mora in Zhongli’s first side story quest was fascinating. One of the archaeologists was adamant that the first Mora was used to create/refine a powerful sword and shield due to Mora doubling as a catalyst and his assumption that Rex Lapis had prior knowledge of Mora being a catalyst. In his eyes, Rex Lapis was a powerful and very knowledgeable god, so how would he not know that Mora had such a capability?
Zhongli however said that rather than anything spectacular, the first Mora was just an ordinary coin used for trade, as a way for Rex Lapis to measure value within established contracts. He also adds that it is highly likely that the same coin is somewhere still being exchanged in the lines of commerce.
It was funny when the archaeologist (who is an uppity little fuck imo) was like excuse me what kind of argument is that and then Zhongli replied with oh no Im not arguing any point Im stating facts lmao ok ceo of geo technically you are correct since you WERE literally the fucking geo archon and YOU LIVED THROUGH the damn shit but look these people dont fucking know that and of course won’t believe u even if you know its a fact like cmon bruh
But yea to be fair I would have sided with Zhongli on that the first Mora being an ordinary coin used to pay for shit as it has done hundreds of years later. Heck I even have a good supporting argument for this thanks to history/logic of sorts. Often we assume that the first existence for a particular invention would be a grand and spectacular affair. More often than not, it’s not the case.
When you look at first inventions, of the first plane, the first motorised engine, the first wheel, it always starts off with a “hey what if I create sth like this to help me and others with this problem?”, along with some trials and errors to make it work, usually in a makeshift laboratory, or out in open space, or just anywhere in the spur of the moment. There is never a grand affair, simply because not many would think abt much it until much later in the course of history where such inventions have inspired greater and grander ones to come abt. It’s an assumption that being the first in something would be celebrated, which is only possible if it is expected or anticipated like being the first in a race or sth.
Except creating a first novel invention is practically impossible to anticipate because the high risk of failure, and even then such a new creation may not necessarily create huge impacts later in the future. How the conception of the first novel inventions came abt is only realised way later in hindsight when ppl decide to trace down the origins of successful ideas or inventions. Plus, it is often that the simplest and most boring explanations are most likely to be true.
Plus, Rex Lapis, even as a “god”, is not that all-knowing or powerful even if he does have a great amt of knowledge and power. (Pls skip the rest of this paragraph if u dont want to be bored by my explanation of why I dont think he is that way) He was unable to cure his dear friend Azhdaha from the erosion, ending up having to seal him to stop him from rampaging the lands. If he knew how to save his friend, yet chose not to do so, it would paint him as someone malicious to withhold aid or someone who was not powerful enough to do so or someone who did not have the knowledge to help. We know that Rex Lapis himself has a benevolent nature since many actions of his helped the people of Liyue, and he himself did grant Azhdaha the gift of sight to witness the beauty of the land on his own, so we can safely say that he is not truly malicious, and conclude that he is not all-powerful and/or knowledgeable as a supposed perfect God.
Why in the absolute fuck did I write that entire paragraph to say that The Geo Archon isn’t actually all mighty stronk and/or smort? Its so I can say that even if regular humans see his incredibly feats as godly, it’s highly likely that the archon wasn’t really as godly as Liyue portray him to be, but rather a person just with great power and knowledge compared to humans. A person who is flawed and capable of making mistakes or not knowing certain things. Hence not knowing the impact he would have when establishing contracts and creating the first Mora coins to represent a ubiquitous form of value.
Of course if I were to say all that in front of all the archaeologists I would get kicked out of the table and even the boat lmao for saying the geo archon isnt that amazing.
But hey I made my stand and explained it the best I can even with some holes in the explanations that I could prob address but it would just make this wayyy longer and look this post is long enough and Im sure not many of u have bothered to reach up to here anyway so.
In the very least I like to think Zhongli would have been very amused, entertained and intrigued by my ramblings. We would have be great conversationalists if we ever met and talked and I would poke fun at him being a bit dum and being shit with Mora on that occasion. We would be good friends.
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