#gosh there are some juicy things i could put in the sneaky tag spoilers from the last few days
trolleybitch · 2 years
trolley does nano days 4-9!
i forgot to update tumblr! but i am continuing to write words!
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many words, in fact. nano is still going unsettlingly well and i am ending today with a daily word count of 2093 and a total word count of 16,868 - quite a bit above today's general goal of 15k. i had a really productive day on monday reworking a scene i already had a lot of detail for (seriously i worked on it for 3 straight hours on a monday night, who am i), which then put me in good stead for having a terrible sleep-deprived distracted day yesterday and only managing 935 words. today it has been back on form and it's reassuring to have a bit of a safety net. imagine if i actually finish early?? what a concept.
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