#gossip girls aeshetic
amouristie · 1 year
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𝅄 ♡ moodboards by amouristie | effect by @miniepsds​ 𝅄 ♡ like or reblog if you save, dont repost
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georgiannesblog · 1 year
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closetedfangirl6290 · 4 years
Zuko and (teacher) Iroh high school au
(It’s been a hot minute but we back baby 🤗🤩)
Fave subjects: Buisness and English Lit (surprisingly)
He used to only care about his buisness and economics classes because his father gave him a lot of pressure to have good grades and go to a good college/university.
He also knew it was the only way for his father to stop comparing him to his sister.
Eventually after a while he stopped putting so much pressure on himself and letting his dad get to him.
After that he found himself enjoying his uncles class more and more (YES IROH IS AN ENG TEACHER MORE ON THAT LATER)
Rich international student/e-boy aeshetic: black supreme, champion and antisocial social club baggy shirts and hoodies, gucci belt, black jeans and sweatpants.
Sports/Extracurriculars: Basketball and student council
He and Katara have a fierce rivalry in the student council as they both applied to be president.
After an exact tie in the votes from the student body, eventually Zuko got president and Katara was given vice-president since they knew she had one more year of high school left (and the council was too scared too choose between the two)
Zuko was always an angsty moody boi (whats dif from canon lol) cuz he had a lot of his pressure from his dad to be on top of his studies to get to university and take over the family buisness.
On Mondays he just running on caffeine and like 2 hours of sleep so he is cranky(-er than usual)
He also used to only hang out with his sisters and her friends or just spend time on his own being the brooding bAd BoY™
Eventually Aang annoyed him into being friends and hanging out with his friend group.
Katara was skeptical at first but eventually warmed up to him and they became the most powerful, hardworking duo that made real great changes with the student council.
Aang taught Zukko to relax more, have fun at high school while still balancing academics and just manage the emotional pressure from his dad.
Toph just likes to provoke Zuko by pranking him and jokingly (cough not jokingly) flirting with him.
Sokka also just loves to prank and tease Zuko everyday.
"Aaaw c'mon buddy when's the last time you got some since that Mae girl?
"...I will murder you."
Uncle Iroh
Teaches English literature at the high school
He often supervises most of the after school charity/volunteering clubs run by students.
He also runs an after-school self-care/mental health clubs for kids who need that kind of space to express their emotions.
So many students thank him for starting this club and tell him how much he's helped them towards the end of their high school career.
He's one of those veteran teachers who had been at the school for a long time and is beloved by every group of students.
Kind, patient and passionate about teaching and making sure his students are happy, excited to learn and fully understand all the concepts he teaches.
Every student is so hype when they see him on their schedule for the year
"Who do you have for english?"
"dUDE what LUCKYYY. I got Bumi 😞 I mean he's nice enough but he's lowkey weird AF and I really can't understand what he's trying to teach"
His lessons are always super engaging and even though he isn't one of those super hyper, loud teachers, all students no matter how sleepy or awake will always pay attention.
His classroom always smells like tea because he's drinking a fresh cup of tea every. single. lesson.
A group of students once gave him a custom mug that says "World's best tea-cher" (with the word 'tea' printed on a picture of a teabag)
Iroh hasn't stopped using that mug ever since.
He's often seen walking around the school balancing that mug on his laptop and teaching materials
Iroh was also good at recognising when students had crushes on each other and would arrange his seating plan according to his OTP's.
Sometimes he would tease the students about their crushes in class
He would also sometimes ask students to stay behind and give them advice on their crushes and how to ask them to prom/festivals etc.
Zuko visits Iroh everyday during his Lunch period since Iroh always wants to chat with him and check on him.
At first Zuko was constantly brooding and stressed everytime he went to chat
After becoming friends with the gaang his mood and mental health improved greatly and Iroh was incredibly happy to recognise that change in him.
Zuko also used to always fall asleep or just act unbothered during Iroh's class since he never saw the point of learning about English Literature.
Iroh didn't mind but still occasionally tried to encourage Zuko to participate by asking him questions or just acknowledging in class.
"What did you think of the symbolism behind the streetcar, Zuko?"
"Eh I dunno? Desirable?"
"Wordsworth sure loved nature, his description of it is almost...romantic! Do you understand the pun there, Zuko?
"No, uncle."
Eventually he found himself appreciating his uncle's lessons, enjoying English literature and could sometimes make some terrible jokes.
"Now class, as we know Wordsworths daffodils is a prime example of his message for us to appreciate nature."
"Uncle if I may it seems like Wordsworth appreciated a different kind of flower, if you know what I mean...I mean opium just to be clear."
Iroh always laughed at every single joke no matter how terrible just because he was overjoyed that his nephew was finally paying attention and engaging in class.
Zuko also started carpooling to and from school with Iroh.
He was sick of taking the private car with his sister and hier friends anyway (rich boy problems™)
In these rides to school they would either chat about general school gossip, have deep conversations about Zuko's future and what it means to learn or just sit in silence and listen to soothing music.
And now these car rides were the best part of both of their days and memorise Zuko treasured when he went to college/university.
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