#got a cute heart shaped place im gonna try to set them up in tomorrow before i bring tjem
kawaiianimeredhead · 2 years
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Tried to make heart shaped peppermint patties for a work party tomorrow. Made a decent mess of the kitchen but they have been made
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sparkle-heart-anon · 6 years
maybe being best friends with Zoe and liking each other but not thinking the other would feel the same but eventually Zoe just goes for it? is that way too cliche?
Pairing: Zoe Murphy x Reader
Word Count: 1,470
Warnings: none I think
Snow came down heavily in white fluffy flakes, covering the city in a beautiful blanket. But you didn’t care. You were currently on your fifth, no wait, your sixth cup of coffee in the past five hours, and only on your fourth page of your ten page paper due tomorrow for your midterm. It felt like everything was swirling around in your mind, like the snow whirling around outside. One more hour passed, and you had only managed two write another two short paragraphs. So, when you got a text from Zoe, your heart fluttered and then filled with relief.
Hey dude my brain is fucking fried from trying to write this gov paper and if I stare at this damn wall any longer Im gonna scream Do you wanna hang out at the Sugar Bowl and work on this together?
The Sugar Bowl was the local coffee shop that you and Zoe liked to hang out together. And you agreed with Zoe that if you started at this fucking wall any longer you were gonna scream. So you texted back a hell yeah meet you there in 15.
She texted you a smiley face and you got up to go change because coffee stained sweats were fine when you were hanging out with Connor and Evan, but when you were hanging out with Zoe, you thought that if you wanted any chance of her liking you, you always dressed up a little bit. You wore a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark red sweater. You threw a black coat over it, and a beanie, then grabbed your supplied and left.
While the snow turned to slush in the road, it was still incredibly beautiful swirling around in the cold air. You make the trek to the Sugar Bowl, and when you opened the door, you saw Zoe already set up in your usual booth. She had snowflakes melting in her hair, and grinned a bright smile when she saw you. She waved you over, and your heart fluttered happily when you saw her. You knew that she’d never like you back, but you couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if she did. You couldn’t help but hope that she one day would love you.
You sat down at the booth and pulled out your laptop. “So I only have about four and a half pages, and I feel like I’m dying when I try to write more.”
Zoe pressed her lips together in a thing line, and said, “I kinda have half a page.”
“Zoe!” you exclaimed, surprised.
“Okay, in my defense, I have had a lot of other things on my mind, that honestly I don’t really give two fucks about how the federalist papers shaped our government, so whatever.” You rolled your eyes playfully. Zoe would also never admit that thing other things she had on her mind was you. She had a little, itty bitty crush on you that started at the beginning of this year, but by now, she couldn’t think of anything other than you.
“Okay, well, clear your mind from whatever else, because we have to get this paper done, or else we’ll both fail.” You left Zoe to go work on the paper a little bit more while you ordered drinks. You ordered (your favorite drink) for yourself, and tea for Zoe. They called your name a few minutes later and you brought back the drinks to Zoe, who was typing away. You smiled, and glanced at the screen, seeing that she had written another paragraph.
“Good job, dude,” you said handing her her cup of tea, and sitting across from her. You looked at your laptop, but couldn’t think of what to write. Now, if you were back in your dorm, you would look up and be staring at your wall. Now, you were staring at the face of an angel. She was looking at her computer, as you looked at the freckles that dotted her skin very faintly. You looked at her eyes that sparkled under the warm lights in the coffee shop. Your eyes trailed her face, from her curling hair that had water droplets dotted throughout from the melted snowflakes, to her sparkling eyes, her cute little nose, still tinted red from the cold, to her plump, luscious lips covered in a sparkly lip gloss, and … . Fifteen minutes had passed and the only new word on your page was the.
Then, Zoe’s head snapped up. She had written another page, and smiled at you brightly. “Another page down. How much more have you written.”
“Uhh… Two more paragraphs,” you lied not wanting to admit that you spent the past fifteen minutes staring at the girl you were hopelessly in love in. So, you turned to you laptop, and rapid fire cranked out two more pages in the next hour. What you didn’t realize however, was that Zoe kept taking writing breaks to look up at you, because she couldn’t seem to concentrate on the slut known as Alexander Hamilton for very long before her thoughts drifted to what she actually cared about. You.
You both finally finished your papers after spending all day in the coffee shop, and the next day, you handed them in to your professor.
After dropping off the paper, Zoe asked if you wanted to hangout. You agreed, on the contingency that the hanging out was Netflix and/or napping, because you were exhausted from writing the paper. She happily agreed, and you went over to her dorm and watched Netlfix, putting on The Princess Diaries both one and two. But, about halfway through the first movie, you fell asleep, your head placed on Zoe’s shoulder. You didn’t realize it, but you heard her heart speed up when you leaned on her.
Christmas break started that day, and you and Zoe hung out almost every day. And during that time, your crush on her only grew.
So, you went ranting to Connor. While, yes, he was Zoe’s brother, he also was one of your best friends and he definitely wouldn’t tell Zoe that you liked her. Especially after spending twenty minutes making him promise that he wouldn’t tell anyone. So, you ranted to him.
“And she’s just so pretty, and so perfect, and God, so smart too…” You sighed, and knew how pathetic you sounded, but in that moment, you really didn’t care. You paced the room, while Connor sat on the couch.
“Okay, okay, (Y/N) calm down. Have you tried, I don’t know, talking to her? Maybe asking her out?”
“Yes, Connor. And I know for a fact that that will end horribly. She will reject me, and we will stop being friends, and everything will turn to shit.”
“Okay, well, why don’t we hang out as a group, and then at the end of the night, you can ask her out.”
“I’m not gonna ask her out. Its gonna ruin everything.”
“Okay, well, let’s at least hang out. Go ice skating tomorrow.”
“Okay, fine. But that doesn’t mean that I’m gonna ask her out.”
“Sure, okay.” You jokingly hit his side, then he texted the group chat. You guys were set to go ice skating at 5 tomorrow. 5 o’ clock was coming quickly and you needed to dress in something cute, but warm nonetheless. You finally settled on a cute pair of jeans and a pink sweater, and made your way to the rink. You guys got on the ice, and god, Zoe, looked amazing.
You guys spent the night skating, and it was super fun, but, yes, you slid into the wall like five times, because you were distracted by Zoe. At the end of the night, they were playing a slow song, and Connor and Evan were no where to be seen. Instead, it was you and Zoe. She smiled, and nervously, asked, “Do you, uh, you wanna dance?” She was biting her lip nervously, and couldn’t meet your eyes.
“Sure,” you gave a sheepish smile. You guys danced slowly on the ice, and your faces slowly gravitated towards each other. Slowly, she leaned in, giving you plenty of time to pull away. But you didn’t. Instead you closed the gap between you two. She wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you in tighter.
When you pulled away, she asked, in a very quiet voice, “Do you wanna go on a date?”
“Sure,” you grinned, then leaned in to kiss her again, and she kissed you back eagerly. When you pulled away, and skated around the rink, holding hands, you saw Connor and Evan sitting next to each other, grinning deviously at you. They set us up! You thought. But you couldn’t really complain, because you felt Zoe’s fingers laced in between yours.
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