#used the recipe b dylan hollis used in his tiktok
kawaiianimeredhead · 2 years
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Tried to make heart shaped peppermint patties for a work party tomorrow. Made a decent mess of the kitchen but they have been made
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We're back with another one! Went through several agonizing rewrites here, stressing probably more than necessary that things all flow well and feels hit like they're supposed to. But finally, the whole extra long beast of a chapter is finished.
I'll put some stuff down below this like I did earlier- except this time, it's a link to the B Dylan Hollis recipe video I had in mind when Frank is talking about cake (a recipe I'd still love to try out myself) and the drawings of Apple the houpa I made ages ago.
Anyway, enough rambling. Fanfic ahoy!
Little Flame, chapter 7
It was one thing for Eddie to be nervous. After all, his mate and child were on the line if anything happened. But it was another thing entirely when the other neighbors starting treating Frank the same way.
"Oop, watch your head there!" Howdy called out, passing by them with armfuls of boxes. Frank had been helping out around the bodega lately, a way of repaying the stolen test which had over time morphed into a biweekly half-job. It was also a chance for the two to hang out, since they otherwise wouldn't have done.
"I'm just saying, you should give it a chance," Frank said, continuing where he'd left off in both sweeping and conversation. "Beans add a nice richness you don't get from the regular stuff."
"But in a cake? Really? Apple, move outta the way." Howdy nudged the houpa with his foot, earning little more than a mrrp? in response. "If ya ask me, it sounds like the cravings might be getting to your head right now."
Frank huffed. "This was before I'd gotten pregnant, so I highly doubt that would've had an affect on my taste."
"Heh, if ya say so," Howdy replied, beginning to unpack the first box of the stack he'd set down beside him.
Frank would've responded further, they already knew what to say. Unfortunately though, the now awake cat-horse that was Howdy's pet had deemed his broom a suitable plaything, clamping the bristles between his hooves & teeth with considerable force.
"Nggh ...God, it's no use trying to get anything done around this animal!" he scoffed, ceding the tool to its new rightful owner. "Why do you even still keep him here?"
"Hey now, you heard what Ember said, he can't be released into the wild. And I've caught you snuggling this big dork several times, so don't try to claim you don't like him too." A lower hand grabbed the scientist's arm as they were reaching for a box, the taller shaking his head firmly. "Uh uh, no heavy lifting for you Mr. Mom."
Frank let out a noise of frustration as he realized what Howdy was saying. "Oh come on, not you too! It's like I suddenly can't do anything anymore!"
"Sorry fella, I just couldn't live with myself if you got hurt. Not to mention Eddie would probably have my head for it." The caterpillar shrugged his shoulders in succession. "Matter of fact, I can probably take care of the rest here if you wanna get going. It's been great, but I'm sure you've got stuff you wanna do."
Frank took the offer, begrudgingly. Howdy was wrong, he didn't really have anything better to do with his time. But they'd certainly not be made to sit uselessly inside the shop! No, he'd go see what Julie was up to.
Outside was nice, the weather warm and a little windy. the sounds of birds and bugs made gentle music on Frank's ears, and he felt their spirits lifted as he walked along the path. No sense in letting it get to me now, they thought. He's wrong, but I'll let him be wrong. I've got a day to enjoy.
They passed by Barbie's house, the dog herself just stepping out when she noticed him and raised a paw in friendly greeting. "Hey there Frank, you heading to Julie's house?"
"Indeed I am," Frank answered simply.
"I'll go with ya then!" she said cheerfully, not waiting for an answer as she strode up beside the grey. "Got a book I was gonna return to her anyway."
Frank let out a heavy, dramatic sigh and kept walking. "Alright, but if you get too annoying I'll go somewhere else."
In truth it was mostly just for show, and he suspected she knew that too. They'd gotten along well in recent months, her frequent visits to Julie's house meaning the two had had plenty of time to get to know each other better. And Frank was grateful for a distraction in any case, as she rambled cheerfully about everything and nothing.
"...he's got paints set aside for that, mixed the batches up himself" she chuckled, wiggling her fingers for emphasis. "Doesn't want me dippin' my big ol' mitts into the good stuff."
Frank nodded. "Suppose that does make sense. There's much less oil paint, and it really isn't meant f-"
Words and walking stopped short as one of those same big hands swept out to catch him. "There's something up ahead," the dog growled, all cheerfulness gone as her ears perked and eyes narrowed to scan the treeline. Frank looked around himself, feeling a growing fear creep into the pit of their stomach until-
A squirrel darted from between the lower branches of a tree, running swiftly past them to the other side of the road. "Phew, thought it was somethin' big," Barbie said, releasing the iron grip she'd had on the smaller's shoulders.
Frank wriggled out of her grasp and frowned. "You're really getting this worked up over squirrels?" He scoffed, arms folded.
Sheepishly, she shrugged. "Can't really help it, sorry. I guess it's some kinda instinct that tells me I need to keep ya safe. Especially right now, with uhh...things bein' the way that they are."
"You mean my pregnancy."
Frank grumbled, pinching the bridge of their nose. "I don't need you protecting me Barbara, I can handle all this on my own."
Barbie opened her mouth to protest further, but a glare from the other shut her down quickly. "Yeah, fine I won't bug ya about it," she sighed. Then grinning, added, "Don't suppose you mind bugs though."
Frank groaned out loud. My God, this was the worst one yet! Barbie gladly took the victory as a sign to press further, the two subconciously falling into familiar rhythms of grump and jokester until they were suddenly right outside a familiar pink dwelling.
Unsurprisingly, Julie was the middle of planning a game when they arrived, marking hopscotch squares out with chalk. "Frank!! and Barbie too!" She squealed excitedly upon seeing her friends, jumping to her feet and giving both of them a warm hug. Still on the ground, Sally laughed softly and waved a hello. "Already done with your work at the bodega dear?"
"Yes, well, he allowed me to leave early," Frank said with a roll of his eyes, sitting down beside her on the dirt. "We had a bit of a disagreement over my current capabilities."
"Oh, I'm sure he's simply worried for you darling," Sally reassured, "We all are."
Frank sighed. The condescension was beginning to get annoying, but he didn't want to ruin things with an argument when they'd just arrived. For your friends, for Julie, he thought, mentally gritting his teeth as he silently picked up another of the hula hoops the star was inexplicably wrapping in colorful tape.
Next to them, Julie was explaining the rules of her new game. "So if it lands on heads, you gotta run around the neighborhood before they catch you."
"Ough, might wanna lay off the runnin' right now," said Barbie. " 'S at least two of us who can't do much of that."
Frank turned to look at her. It was quite clear she was referring to themselves, yet he rationalized- not an unfair proclamation. It's true, I can't really run too far now without getting winded. No need to get worked up...
Julie seemed to consider it, a worrying look of worry starting to creep over the monster's features. "Oh that is true, we gotta be careful with Frank right now! Don't wanna hurt the baby."
Frank's heart sank. Oh no. Not her. They could handle the others, could pretend their opinions didn't matter to him. But Julie... "You don't need to..." he started.
"Better take out the ball-throwing too in that case!" Sally interrupted. "Maybe even these hula hoops, they could hit someone's stomach pretty hard if you spin them fast."
"Perfect thinking!" Julie proclaimed, already pulling her her notes to make amendments. "No running, no throwing..."
"Julie please," Frank begged, increasingly upset.
It fell on deaf ears. The three were talking as though he wasn't even there, oblivious to the building whine of stress & overstimulated rage happening inches away.
"Take out-"
"Better change-"
"Really for the best that we-"
"STOP IT!!!" Frank screamed, jumping up to his feet and throwing the hoop somewhere off into the distance. Their breath was ragged, his eyes burned so badly with tears that they didn't dare open them. "Why don't you trust me to do anything right now???? Why are you treating me this way?!?"
Dead silence filled the air, even the sounds of nature seemingly stunned by his outburst. All that was there was the rustling wind and his heavy breathing, through gritted teeth and shaking hands. Julie gently touched their arm, but he smacked it away, not wanting touch or care right now. "And you especially Julie! I thought you of all people would understand."
"Frank I'm-"
"Shut up," he huffed, already marching away. "Just shut up."
Frank felt so sick, and tired, and angry. Why was everyone like this right now? Just because he was pregnant, he was suddenly unable to throw a ball, or lift a box, or do anything he could've done five months ago? "It's like all they care about is you," he snarled, poking at their belly, "I'm just a vessel."
A sudden splash, and wetness seeped into his sock. As though this awful, awful day couldn't get any worse, he'd stepped into a puddle. But maybe it was the anger twisting their mind around- it felt good now. A puddle's full of awful germs they wouldn't want me touching. Shame if I...
SPLASH! his other foot stomped down hard into the mud, sending water flying up onto his trousers. SPLASH SPLASH! they danced and kicked around in it, somehow reveling right now in how awful it felt, how forbidden.
"I'm doing things! I might hurt myself!" He sang out loud to no one, grabbing a nearby tree branch and pulling. "Won't somebody stop me?!" It snapped, and he tumbled back into the dirt, giggling manically as they stood up and swung it back into the trunk like a sword. Then again, and again as the rage turned to violence and then into tears. Frank sank into the dirt, breathing hard as he sobbed.
"Are you ok?"
Frank opened his eyes to a familiar blue swirl above them, its owner giving them a look of confusion. "Go away," the taller sniffled angrily. Last thing he needed was people caring.
"Ok," Wally answered simply with a shrug, already turning around to start walking away. In that moment, with just how completely messed up this whole day had been, it was this simple lack of concern that struck Frank's heart all of a sudden. "Come back," he sniffled, sitting up. And Wally did.
"You're not worried about me?"
Wally raised a non-existent eyebrow. "Well yeah, if you're crying in the dirt and hitting things I'll be concerned."
"But you don't think I'm...less capable? Just because of my being pregnant?"
Things seemed to click for the demon then, sitting down next to Frank. "Who told you that? No- I mean I've never been pregnant, but as far as I know that doesn't mean you can't do things."
"Exactly! But everyone acts like I suddenly can't, or I shouldn't in case...something happens, I guess. I don't know." Frank gripped on to the broken branch, picking away at its bark as they spoke. "First Eddie being too scared of letting me climb, then at Howdy's when he wouldn't let me lift the boxes, those I could sort of understand. But then Barbie, then Sally and even Julie..." he trailed off.
Wally seemed to think. "You want me to tell them to knock it off?" he offered. "If they won't listen to you, maybe they'll listen to me instead."
"Tch," Frank hissed. "That's the whole problem though. They won't listen to me! It's...it's like I don't even matter, my feelings don't matter, and all that's important is-"
Frank and Wally both looked over to see their friends standing in the road. Julie, Sally, Barbie, and Eddie still breathing slightly hard from running towards the sound of his partner's yelling.
"Hello friends," Wally spoke, his usually cheerful greeting tinged right now with the slightest anger. "Frank was telling me about how you haven't been treating them very well."
"I'm sorry," Julie sobbed, quite visibly shocked & heartbroken. "I had no idea it would upset you that much."
"You would've if you'd listened!" Frank retorted. "I was trying to tell you, and you kept talking over me."
"We...we were only trying to help..." Sally piped up nervously, then winced at the glare shot her way. "Right, you're right though. It is... your baby, we shouldn't overstep your bounds like that."
Eddie slowly approached Frank, gently helping them back to his feet. "I guess...we're all just real excited for that right now," he said. "We wanna make sure that things go right."
"That doesn't mean-" Wally started, but Frank cut him off with a gentle wave. "It's ok, I can handle it." And now that things were fully out in the open, now that his blood had settled down from its boiling point, he could.
They sighed. "I know you mean well, but... it hurts. I'm still me! I can still do things! I promise I'm not as fragile as you think, even right now. I just...I need you all to trust me, and if something truly feels like it's a risk, I'll let you know, ok?"
Julie hugged him gently, checking first he was comfortable with touch right now. "I'm a terrible friend," she said. "I'm sorry."
"You're not, I promise." Frank squeezed her tight. All anger gone, he felt so tired in her arms, and glad to have those arms back to hold. "We're all new to this thing, and you're trying your best. Just...don't do it again, ok?"
They all nodded, still shuffling awkwardly. "Hey," the grey offered with a weak smile. "How about this? You let me pick all the rules for the next game."
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spooniechef · 10 months
Poorman's Ice Cream (0 spoons)
If you're anything like me, you've noticed how godsawful expensive things have got lately. When budgeting for food, it's harder and harder to justify treats. The thing is, treats are kind of necessary. I mean, if nothing else, living with only the bare essentials is a sure-fire route to depression - or existing depression getting worse. No one can just ... survive like that. Believe me, I've tried - it did not go well.
That leaves making one's own treats, and that has its own costs. Some are the financial, depending on how well your kitchen is equipped and if there are any speciality ingredients needed in your treat of choice, but mostly the costs are time and effort. For a spoonie, something quick and easy is really important. That generally leaves out ice cream, since it tends to take a lot of churning and ice cream machines are not exactly a staple household item.
B Dylan Hollis to the rescue! Back in August, his TikTok featured a neat little recipe from an unnamed "dead lady" for a three-ingredient ice cream 'substitute' that turned out remarkably well. And all the equipment you need is a hand mixer.
Here's what you'll need:
1 can evaporated milk
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
Dash of vanilla extract (see notes)
The comments are full of people flagging up how you could add other flavours to your ice cream - everything from a teaspoon of cocoa powder or some chocolate syrup for chocolate to a teaspoon of instant espresso powder for coffee to a dash of mint extract and some chocolate chips for mint chocolate chip. One option I intend to try is to keep the vanilla but add egg-free chocolate chip cookie dough (because salmonella is no one's friend) from a recipe like this one from Flippin' Delicious. Given that this one doesn't require xanthan gum, you can probably use regular flour in it if you can tolerate gluten. Also, if you want hot chocolate ice cream (which is a different beast from chocolate ice cream altogether), you can probably add some home-made instant hot chocolate mix, though you probably want to reduce the powdered sugar in the main recipe to a half-cup since so much of the hot chocolate mix is powdered sugar anyway.
Here's what you do:
Take your can of evaporated milk and a mid-sized bowl (glass is best) and store it in the fridge overnight
Put all ingredients in the bowl and whip until smooth and foamy; put it in the freezer for an hour or so
Whip again until smooth with a soft-serve consistency; either eat as is or put it back in the freezer for a few hours to set
Now, there are a few notes, because a lot depends on your fridge and freezer. For example, my fridge isn't hugely efficient, so I put my bowl into the freezer for an extra half-hour before I started, because starting with a cold bowl is important. I also had to take a fairly broad definition of "or so" when waiting for it to set a bit the first time; if it doesn't have the soft-serve consistency you want after the first hour, whip it anyway, put it back in the freezer for another hour, and then whip again. Obviously an electric hand mixer is essential to making this a zero-spoon recipe.
However you manage it, the result is a really smooth ice cream. Now, for the vegans among us, vegan evaporated milk is hard to find in a tin but can actually be made. Though I'd recommend that those of us who don't tolerate lactose well just stock up on the Lactaid because making vegan evaporated milk requires simmering oat milk for two hours.
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this part seemed relevant to this blue hellsite ⤵️
It's safe to say that a bunch of people bonding over 100-year-old recipes is not what typically comes to mind when you imagine TikTok food content. But, also, Hollis's current online popularity isn't solely thanks to TikTok. He's also attracted a sizable fandom on the sometimes forgotten, but immensely powerful corner of the internet known as Tumblr. In fact, he's so popular that, in April, he entered into the site's top-20 list of web celebrities, according to Cates Holderness, head of editorial at Tumblr. Holderness told Eater the spike was likely because Hollis did a live video where he finally acknowledged his growing fandom on Tumblr.
"It was really funny to see people freaking out in an excited way, like, 'Oh my gosh, this guy that we love has acknowledged us and thanked us in this really sweet and sincere way'," she said. "He's aware that the Tumblr audience is there, but he's very nervous to interact with it."
Hollis's videos are regularly downloaded from TikTok and re-uploaded on Tumblr, where they have long, very viral second lives, which is actually common for popular TikTok, in general. But, according to Holderness, the thing that really ignited Hollis's fandom on the platform was a text post from 2021 written by a user named @thestuffedalligator. It was shared 25,000 times and reads:
The main thing I get from Dylan Hollis cooking old recipes is this:
Recipes from the 1910s and the Great Depression are great, and I suspect it's because they were made by someone with limited resources. But they found a way to make something good, maybe even something fantastic with those limited resources, and they wanted to write it down and share with their friends so that they could also make something out of saltines and potatoes. Recipes from the 1910s and the Great Depression are written down and shared in love.
The recipes you should fear come from the 1950s and 1960s, which I'm pretty sure are written down and shared as a form of McCarthyism.
"The history side of Tumblr is a very large community," Holderness said. "So it's kind of not surprising that a lot of the recipes that he makes, the older recipes, from the '20s, from the Great Depression, tend to be very popular. The recipes that are either extremely good or extremely terrible, in general, get the most traction."
For what it's worth, Hollis agreed with @thestuffedalligator's post, saying the Great Depression recipes are his favorite and the ones from the '60s are his least favorite; though he doesn't think that McCarthyism is to blame for why recipes from that era are so inedible. Instead, he thinks it was because bringing Jell-O to a potluck was a way to signify that you had enough money to own a refrigerator, and gelatin was marketed to women as a way to stay slim.
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andrewkarre (2022, Jan 27): In light of a Tennessee district banning MAUS, I'm sharing the greatest two pages ever written and drawn about the importance of children's literature and protecting children's access to books, starring Art Spiegelman and Maurie Sendak. From the New Yorker, September 27, 1997. [tweet]
9,416 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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copperbadge · 2 years
Do you have a rant in you about Emeril Lagasse like you do about Bobby Flay?
I...hm. I think in a way I both have no rants and also three rants, when it comes to Emeril Lagasse.
The Rant That's Actually About Bobby Flay
All these TV chefs, particularly those who came up in Food Network when the food-entertainment field was super regulated and gatekept, you really only know what you see of them directly and what you might hear about them from other sources. They're not like regular celebs where a huge chunk of their lives is public and covered in gossip rags and such. Not to make a rant about Emeril Lagasse into a rant about Bobby Flay, but the reason I have a rant locked and loaded about Bobby Flay is that he's shown his ass in public enough for me to decide he's not someone I'd want to hang out with, even considering the above.
It's kind of a self-selection sort of deal. Because while I like food tv I don't watch much of it and haven't for probably like 15 years, you have to have been somewhat egregious, like Flay or Batali, to draw enough of my ire that I have a rant. (I don't actually have a rant about Mario Batali, I'm too scared of Eataly to try it and otherwise all I know is that he's a serial harasser.)
2. The Rant That's Actually About Fatphobia
My immediate thought when I got this ask was "I haven't thought about Emeril in years, oh man, did he do something awful?" but a quick goog and the worst I could find was that while liking Barack Obama he didn't like his attitude towards regulatory legislation. Which, you know, in the scheme of things lately is a pretty minor issue. Not that I think you're taking a personal swipe at him, but culturally it seems that as with Guy Fieri, Emeril Lagasse's cardinal sin is that he is
a) A loud personality
b) In a fat body
c) on television.
And my patience for the confusion of "tacky" and "fat" and "bad" is growing very, very thin. Especially since Emeril and Guy are the rare people who could be fat and because they have pretty wild personalities still thrive in the modern YouTube-TikTok era of food entertainment, where conventional attractiveness and thin bodies are pretty much prerequisites for fame of any kind. If you are fat on video today you truly have to be exceptional in some way and working twice as hard in order to have any success, let alone the kind of success top influencers have.
If Guy Fieri as an unknown today did what B Dylan Hollis does, he would not get the reaction B Dylan Hollis gets. No beef with Hollis, work what you've got, but if Hollis was fat he'd be at best the butt of jokes about how he'll eat anything, and the worse TikTok makes fatphobia in this country the less patience I have for it. Emeril, who also looks Faintly Ethnic and puts an emphasis on Portuguese and Creole flavors and techniques in his cooking, might very well just simply be ignored.
3. The Rant That Isn't Actually A Rant At All
Here is my memoir about Emeril Lagasse: my mother discovered Emeril's first show, Essence Of Emeril, when I was in my middle-teens; she saw it on some hotel TV while traveling, and brought it back to the family, and we all really enjoyed it. The idea of a chef having a specific spice blend or a food brand was either very new or wholesale conceptualized by Emeril, with his Essence Of Emeril spice blend, which was posted as a recipe as well as sold in stores, so you could make it at home fairly easily. It was still relatively unspicy; I could eat it, and my brother was obsessed with it, which made it a pretty useful foodstuff in our household. Our constant struggle to get my brother to expand his palate so we weren't cooking him an entirely separate dinner was real, and Essence helped with that since he'd sprinkle it on food he wouldn't normally eat, like spaghetti noodles or baked fish or porkchops, and then happily eat it.
So I have perhaps understandably fond memories of Emeril, because he was something the family agreed was enjoyable, and his recipes (while often complicated) produced pretty delicious food.
There's actually a moment in Infinite Jes, when Eddie's talking about his career, where I touch directly back to me being a fan of Essence Of Emeril and watching him make the leap to Emeril Live.
If you watch Essence of Emeril, it's your standard Chef Behind A Counter On A Soundstage show, very Julia Child -- he's boisterous and enthusiastic and he's already honing his "Bam!" schtick, but there's nothing for him to work with. He hasn't got an audience and it's almost painful to see now because you can see where he unconsciously reaches for an audience reaction. It's a relief to watch early Emeril Live because he's got a studio audience, someone to respond to, someone who reacts when he makes a loud noise or finishes a beautiful dish. I put that moment into Infinite Jes, where Eddie's trying to make a dumb little fun cooking show in college and doesn't really "break" until two stoners walk into the kitchen and he's got other people to bounce off of. In some ways, because I watched way more Emeril than I did Guy at a formative moment, Eddie's actual career owes more to Emeril than to Guy.
I think Emeril's had a rough go of it in the past decade or so; you don't hear about him much, and part of the reason is that a lot of his business ventures haven't done well. He sold most of the remaining ones to Martha Stewart and lately has focused on his restaurants, as I understand it.
In conclusion
So yeah...the only rant I have about Emeril Lagasse is actually a rant about fatphobia, I guess; if it turns out he's like a super vocal Trump supporter or something that'll be a tragedy (and given he's based out of Florida, it's not unlikely he could have uncomfortable shit to say about the pandemic, but as far as I can tell he hasn't). It seems without in-depth research that he's a decent guy whose time has somewhat passed, and who decided to focus on what he enjoys about being a chef over doing stuff he doesn't like because the money's good.
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eternal-armin · 3 years
period comfort
gender-neutral reader (as usual) characters included: jean, sasha, armin, levi, hange, mikasa, erwin, asot armin
modern au because (i was going to end that sentence but it works) this is a bit long so i need to get in the habit of doing this more
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  jean .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• was really not that educated at first ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but understood the ways that you explained it ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• despite it he was still awkward about it all for a little while. eventually you both got comfortable and he was fine ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• usually brings you comfort objects and favorite snacks ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• jean always has pain meds for your cramps and headaches ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• prepared to cook and clean for a few days so you have nothing to stress about at home ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• for school he helps you out, if it gets really bad he'll help you write an email to your professor saying you may miss a day ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• understands your mood swings and never takes things personally ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• used to be nervous about purchasing hygiene products but just really doesn't care anymore ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• all he is is buying necessary things for you to get through a tough time ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• and that's pretty manly in his opinion ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• gives you plenty of hugs and kisses if you want them and will leave you alone if you need him to. ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• your dynamic is essentially the same no matter what's going on with you ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• the normalcy is greatly appreciated
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  sasha .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• obviously completely understands ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• heating pad? plugged in. bathroom drawers? plenty of supplies. medicine cabinet? filled with midol. kitchen? filled with good food. (not just cravings but also healthy food) ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• sasha cooks for you unless you want to ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but she understands if you give up halfway through ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• (she does the same sometimes too) ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• surprises you sometimes with fresh-baked goods that you haven't had for a while. her cooking skills have improved so much its incredible ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you take the free time to browse cookbooks and recipe books, bookmark new recipes, and make alterations to old ones ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• watch a lot of movies and funny videos ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• like b. dylan hollis vintage cooking tiktoks ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• and you are unashamed to admit you watch a lot of minecraft videos from assorted creators ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• if it works, it works. no judgment ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• takes time to get used to how sensitive you are to headaches ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but after a day or so she adjusts ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• lots of cheek and forehead kisses ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• whenever you're writhing with the heating pad she'll get you tea, crackers, and ginger ale ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• or something akin ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• she knows how easy it is to get nauseated
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  armin .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• after the first cycle you had when dating him, and armin being completely unversed in what to do, he did plenty of research in what happens and the ways to help you through it ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• bought a well-reviewed heating pad for your cramps ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• keeps the best-working pain meds for you in the medicine cabinet ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• gives you his futon <33 ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• plenty of cuddles ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• he also checks your temperature a few times ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• just to be sure that you aren't showing symptoms of a cold or anything since you're more susceptible during your period ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• makes your favorite meals every day ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• or just orders out when you ask him to stay in bed instead ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you get so self-critical on your period ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• spill a cup of water and you're like "I AM USELESS TO THE WORLD AND THE GROUND I DESERVE TO DISINTEGRATE" ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but he never hesitates and is never impatient. he will reassure you and tell you that it's perfectly fine to make a mistake and that you are worth no less than you were before ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• can recognize the signs of when you want to be left alone and will leave you alone. checks on you every once in a while though ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• even if he just wants to see your gorgeous face ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• dont even try to disagree you are gorgeous x
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  levi .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• sympathetic ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• how could he not be you bleed for like a week once a month ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• still not incredibly accustomed to the mood swings you have so he gets a little snappy ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but apologizes very quickly afterward ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• refuses to let you eat too much junk food ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• gives you plenty of drinks though, from water to tea to hot chocolate ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• and coffee because you always ask ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you barely get any sleep on your period, so you're basically like him any other day ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• it's a lot more time spent together ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you watch a lot more movies, or read, or just talk ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• no specific subjects or anything ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• just whatever comes to your minds ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• which often leads to some very interesting conversations. not dirty or anything just weird or extravagant. like discussing the end of the entire universe ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• or yknow other normal post-college stuff ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• surprisingly more sensitive/intimate with you during your time of the month ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• sweeter, gentler ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you may or may not tease him for it after ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but you love it, no matter what you say
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  hange .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• fawns over you but now they FAWN OVER YOU ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• everything you need is there magically (not so magically) ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• will cuddle you whenever you ask. plenty of kisses to go around ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• completely doesn't mind when you don't answer them, when you sleep till noon, when you get kind of snappy, etc ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you wake up with a glass of water, a light breakfast, and some meds on the bedside table ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• the heating pad never leaves the drawer unless it needs to be cleaned ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• speaking of, hange keeps things clean and neat (the best they can) because it annoys you easily and they're trying to keep you as happy and comfortable as possible ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you watch emotional movies and hange will happily be your shoulder to cry on ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you are practically glued to their side unless your cramps say fuck you ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• praises you so much ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• and tells you "i love you" until it doesn't sound like words anymore ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• it's kind of funny actually, you love it ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• lots of hugs ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• too many (jk there's no such thing as too many) ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• shares some of your emotions because they are contagious. but it helps you to not feel alone.
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  mikasa .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• once again she completely understands ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• her own period is not bad but yours is hell on earth ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• so she is content to take care of you because she has an idea of how bad it gets ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• lets you sleep in as long as you want. sleep and hydration are crucial to health so you get plenty of both ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• kisses your cheek to wake you up ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• "good morning, lovely. how did you sleep?" ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• such a sweet voice ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• like waking up to an angel <3 ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you both spend time in the kitchen while your meds kick in and she makes breakfast ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• knows how easily you get nauseated on your period so she makes the meals light and healthy ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but sometimes you sneak a craving ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• if it makes you sick, she doesn't get angry at you, but does gently scold you ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• mikasa still understands though ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• buys some ginger ale the first day you get it for the rest of the time ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• will watch your favorite netflix show/anime with you over and over because she knows how happy it makes you and how much you love it ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you also go into new movies and video games ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but mostly stick to tried and true media ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• she kisses your temple often because she knows it's comforting to you
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  erwin .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• being as organized as he is, he can usually prepare ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• very kind but not completely pampering ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• he knows you enjoy having a level of independence so he respects your space unless you ask him to do something ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• every time he greets you (whether he returns home from work or he goes to see you from the other room) he kisses your cheek or your forehead. this isn't very different from usual but i didn't mention it before so i am now ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• for someone the embodiment of him during this time is Smile by Carpenters (my mind is abstract im sorry) ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• perfectly willing to give you a back rub when you need it ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• he is sympathetic to how tough this time can be ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• had a basic understanding of what a period was and how people tend to cope but mostly learned and adjusted his knowledge to fit you specifically ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• erwin is surprisingly romantic ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• or not surprisingly depending on your perception of him ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• very sweet to you, never gets pissy when you do ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• even when he's stressed he tries his best to be patient with you and keep his mind steady and clear ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• knows that him being exasperated would worsen things for you ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• happy to cuddle you whenever you ask, or just to go to bed ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• tells you how much he loves you no matter what ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you get really proud of him too, and you express it more than you usually do ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• seeing the happiness in his eyes makes your heart flutter
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  asot armin .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• thinks that periods are actually gifts from demons so he treats you like a complete king/queen/monarch (please circle one) ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• basically glued to you unless you ask him to leave ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• hugs you close and tight ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• mumbles sweet nothings and assorted blessings he made specifically for you ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• basically makes your room like a holy (unholy?) space ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• incense, herbal medicines ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• it surprisingly works to numb the pain of cramps and headaches ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• only gives you the best foods you have in the house ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• never lets you do any chores or anything, doesn't want to stress yourself even slightly ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• his utter devotion to you, no matter what mindset or train of thought it comes from, is admirable to say the least. the look in his eyes too, it makes you blush ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• cuddles/spoons you most of the time ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• absolutely loves being near you, just like you love being near him ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• kind of overprotective and does not let others go into your room or even see you unless he has your specific consent for them to do so, no matter the situation ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• is absolutely sure you hydrate, eat, and sleep ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• he trusts you but he must be sure ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• constantly compliments you and tells you he loves you ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• the way that you react with a version of "you too" or "i learn form the best" is how he knows you're the perfect one for him ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• yet another reason why he treats you like an emper/or/ess of the land
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amurder-ofcrows · 2 years
so i was flipping through a cookbook that is one that’s been in my family since my grandma was young, and i mostly stick to the recipes i make the most, and even then i’ve changed the recipes to fit my tastes and just use the original recipes as suggestions, and i literally found a recipe that b dylan hollis tried on his tiktok (shoofly pie) and it really shook me because i forget that this book has been with my family from AT LEAST the 1940s and now i’m intrigued about what other weird recipes might be in there
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musette22 · 3 years
100% TO B DYLAN HOLLIS. Go back and watch his pre-recipe TikToks. A great line in his “Old Man” one is “Do I still have a twink license?” And taking a roomba for a walk because why not? And why his ‘63 Cadillac is gay. He’s pure chaotic energy. Like YES to the Stucky baking AU, but of god, don’t negate the accordion and piano and his cars because it’s just all over the map. :D
Ohhh I have, and I am in deep. I actually installed TikTok for this guy last night, went back to his first post, and then watched them all - all 200 something of them 😅 SEND. HELP.
I'm smitten, he's just so wonderful 💜 He's only 25 but he's SO smart and absolutely hilarious, and he's so multi-talented?? We know him because of his cooking videos but now I know he also,
is a really good pianist and accordion player
knows a hell of a lot about old-timey music and life and collects vintage things
is crazy about vintage cars, owns a few, and actually seems to work on them himself?
has a whip-smart mind and amazing sense of humour
and of course he's very, very gay and has the most incredible wardrobe I've ever seen on a guy. Like, immaculate style, sir. A straight man could never.
I'm just in awe of his energy and drive and enthusiasm and intelligence, and whenever I feel a little down or angry I just watch a few of his videos and it's like an instant serotonin injection. His laugh is so infectious, you can't hear it and not laugh along with him lmao. Thank you, sir, for existing and sharing bits of your life with us 💕
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You know B Dylan Hollis, the guy who cooks and tries vintage recipes on tiktok? So many people, including myself, think he gives off very strong “pre-serum Steve” vibes and this got me thinking (very dangerous).
So imagine, like an amazing post suggested, that Steve has to give up his superpowers to get the soul stone, and he goes back to being sickly Steve Rogers. Modern medicine makes it so that his life isn’t as difficult as it was in the 40s, and he goes living a quiet life somewhere with Bucky, still keeping in contact with the Avengers to offer advice and guidance when they need it. 
Until one day Peter, who is a massive nerd, finds an old recipe book and goes to Steve like “hey, this book is almost as old as you are, want to try one of these recipes?” and Steve does. Except instead of finding almost everything disgusting, he remembers that kind of food from his childhood, so he’s out there cooking the most disgusting thing ever (to our modern taste) and being like “just like mom used to make!”
Peter films it all and uploads the result on YouTube as a joke. The video goes viral. Steve finds the whole thing so funny that he tries more recipes and posts the videos himself. Everyone is happy except for Bucky, who is never seen on video but can be often overheard screaming “DAMMIT STEVE YOU HAVE DIABETES STOP EATING THAT”
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Okay so you know about how the cooking event has the characters use beans, right?
And B. Dylan Hollis, someone on TikTok that due to how weird the recipes he tries is also popular on Tumblr(or at least the corner of it I am on), once made a BEAN PIE that turned out good, much to his shock.
Watch the vid, and then imagine the reader making it, and after they do so present it to the judges, who are in SHOCK that it tastes good.
I-I’m out of touch, I don’t know anything about TikTok
OKAY, so I had a friend find the video you were talking about and gave it a watch! Personally, I don’t like beans or pie, so I don’t imagine it tasting very good (?), but I’m sure it could be delicious if served to the right characters!
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conscious-naivete · 2 years
you guys i genuinely love b dylan hollis’s youtube channel. he only has a few videos compared to all the yt shorts/tiktoks, but they’re fun! you get to see so much more of his process, and he has the time to give these thoughtful explanations of his methods! he collects all these old cookbooks and it’s so neat to hear all he’s gotten from them
in his peanut butter bread video he shows how he tested all these different versions of the recipe and i was like Wow.. and now i’m watching his recent video on cold oven cake :D he’s just plopped himself down in front of the camera and informed us we’re testing again i’m so excited
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orlissa · 3 years
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I posted 4 468 times in 2021
1229 posts created (28%)
3239 posts reblogged (72%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.6 posts.
I added 3 629 tags in 2021
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#personal - 558 posts
#accurate - 379 posts
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#ben barnes - 283 posts
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#darklina - 245 posts
#fashion - 214 posts
#marvel - 201 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#i know there is no genetic reason for a beauty spot to be inherited and to manifest at the exact same spot as on a parent
My Top Posts in 2021
EGGY prompt list
We all love the EGGY guy from TikTok (B. Dylan Hollis), so why not have a prompt list of all the things he has said in his videos? :D 
Or, you know, now you can just have his quotes on your blog, because he is funny
The man looks like he does taxes for fun.
Have you no mercy?
This is culinary terrorism.
Tastes like a bookshelf--books included!
Thought this was a joke. Turns out I'm the joke.
Or what? I'm gonna ruin your disaster?
Can a cake be tried for treason?
Either the chocolate fixes everything, or this is alchemy.
What have you perfected? Garbage?
Don't look at me, I couldn't tell you where this is going. I just know it's the wrong destination.
You know the other word for al dente is correct.
You see this? This is concern.
The author calls it her comfort food. I call it a mistake.
It doesn't need salt, it needs help.
Now, in my personal experience, depression and ice cream are a match made in heaven.
Which is an interesting idea, because it's awful.
It tastes like an identity crisis on a plate.
If I cut off my feet, do we still have to do this?
This is from 1938. It's only electrocuted me twice.
Before pumpkin pie became king, people ate this. Now they're dead.
Welcome to the world! It's awful.
I'm a fool, not an idiot.
It's like reading directions to Purgatory.
Honey, you can't dilute a war crime.
You know, it's horrible now, but I hope it turns out okay. Like children.
One of the many questionable substances people experiented with in the seventies.
Suppose any less and it might gain consciousness.
A little late in the century for war crimes.
You know, I've never been particularly religious, but today might be the day.
I feel like if I do this correctly, I'm gonna invoke the spirit of Richard Nixon.
This ain't food, honey, it's a bio weapon.
Bake to your liking. Sweetie, none of this is to my liking.
I bet this recipe is just all the wrong answers on a baking test.
Not bad, dead people.
It's incredible and I'm mad about it.
Stir until disgusting.
Do I call the police or a priest?
I think I summoned something.
Brush with egg to make it presentable. Honey, that ship has sailed.
Tastes good, but feels like a pre-existing condition.
It looks like a failed grave robbery.
You know, it's not bad, just vaguely tastes like a felony.
At least it's not moving.
Don't tell Gordom Ramsay.
Are we sure this recipe wasn't written by a cat?
210 notes • Posted 2021-11-03 20:30:21 GMT
Christmas tunes used as suspensful background music *chef's kiss*
222 notes • Posted 2021-11-24 09:29:31 GMT
Holy crap. They went there. They really went there.
Isaiah from ep2 of fatws? That’s Isaiah Bradley, the protagonist of the miniseries Truth: Red, White & Black, written by Robert Morales and drawn by Kyle Baker--a.k.a. the heaviest, most disturbing comic series I’ve ever read.
Basically: during WWII, 300 black American soldiers are taken, against their will, to parttake in the super soldier serum experiment (the remaining soldiers in their camp are killed). Only five survives, all the others die in agony. The five remaining are taken to Europe to fight (basically treated like dogs), where four of them die in various ways, until only Isaiah remains. He steals the costume meant for Steve Rogers, and goes to a concentration camp to destroy the German branch of the supersoldier program (there is a gas chamber scene. It makes your chest constrict and your heart clench), he succeeds but then is taken hostage and brought to Hitler, who plans to dissect him to reverse-engineer the serum. He is freed, but then court martialed for stealing the uniform, and setenced to prison. He is freed after nearly twenty years, and becomes a legend amongst black people, while no-one else really knows about him. Steve leanrs about his existence in present time (the series was released in 2003) and visits him--by then the serum has mosty destroyed Isaiah’s body and mind.
The whole thing is way more disturbing than what is seen on the show, and that was already plenty disturbing.
1093 notes • Posted 2021-03-26 11:09:19 GMT
What if...? episodes so far
Ep1: Fun story where Peggy gets to beat up Nazis
Ep2: Heartfelt tribute to Chadwick Boseman
Ep3: ...Let’s kill everyone you love
4506 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 10:15:22 GMT
Do you sometimes read a fic writer’s work, and just... thank all the gods this person managed to get obsessed with the same fictional people you did?
50750 notes • Posted 2021-06-14 15:03:05 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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spooniechef · 2 years
Peanut Butter Cookies (1 spoon)
We’re back on treats again, because gods know those of us who are low on spoons most of the time need a few of those. This one comes courtesy B Dylan Hollis’ hilarious and informative TikTok. You’ll probably be able to find it in Baking Yesteryear, which you can preorder basically everywhere that sells books. But since it’s not coming out until 25 July, and rewatching a TikTok five or six times is a little samey even if it’s one as good as Dylan’s, here’s the basic recipe, plus a few notes on how to make an easy recipe even easier, or at least tastier.
Here’s what you’ll need:
1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
That’s ... really it. The reason it works is because the humble peanut is a starchy little legume and binds a lot like flour does. Plus you’ve also got your oil, your salt, and half your sugar as well as the starch. Peanut butter does a lot of the heavy lifting here. Great for those of us with gluten issues, problematic for those with peanut allergies. (More on that later.)
Here’s what you do:
Mix ingredients
Roll into balls and place on baking sheet
Cross with fork
Bake at 350F for 10 minutes (or 175C for 12-15 minutes)
Again, that’s really it. Only thing that might cause issues is if the peanut butter’s too sticky to stir well at first. So, notes:
This is one of those recipes like the fudge where you honestly want the cheaper brand of peanut butter. You might have noticed that the fancier nut butters tend to separate a bit, and that alters the texture of the cookie somewhat. Of course, the reason that happens is that the fancier and more expensive nut butters tend to try to avoid palm oil for environmental and sustainability reasons, so your mileage may vary on this one. Cashew butter will probably come out more floury because it’s higher on carbs and lower on protein than peanut butter, and almond butter might have some binding issues because it’s lower in fat, which is part of the oil that we’d generally add for a cookie dough. If you’ve got a peanut allergy, maybe experiment a bit. For instance, try adding a tablespoon of softened butter to bring the oil balance up to what it needs to be.
If the peanut butter you’re using is a bit stiff (for instance, if you’re storing it in the fridge, or if you’re like me and have some issues with the heating), try microwaving it for like ten seconds or so before mixing in the egg and sugar. Not enough to really melt the peanut butter; just enough to soften it a bit so it’s easier to stir.
For the sugar, white sugar’s fine but brown is better. Both give the dough the approximate consistency of chocolate chip cookie dough, so if you want to mix in some chocolate chips before baking, feel free to do that too.
There you have it - it really is that easy to make peanut butter cookies. Easy, tasty, and a good source of protein and fiber. ...And you should go watch B Dylan Hollis make these anyway; his incredulity at how they turned out is adorable.
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this part seemed relevant to this blue hellsite ⤵️
It's safe to say that a bunch of people bonding over 100-year-old recipes is not what typically comes to mind when you imagine TikTok food content. But, also, Hollis's current online popularity isn't solely thanks to TikTok. He's also attracted a sizable fandom on the sometimes forgotten, but immensely powerful corner of the internet known as Tumblr. In fact, he's so popular that, in April, he entered into the site's top-20 list of web celebrities, according to Cates Holderness, head of editorial at Tumblr. Holderness told Eater the spike was likely because Hollis did a live video where he finally acknowledged his growing fandom on Tumblr.
"It was really funny to see people freaking out in an excited way, like, 'Oh my gosh, this guy that we love has acknowledged us and thanked us in this really sweet and sincere way'," she said. "He's aware that the Tumblr audience is there, but he's very nervous to interact with it."
Hollis's videos are regularly downloaded from TikTok and re-uploaded on Tumblr, where they have long, very viral second lives, which is actually common for popular TikTok, in general. But, according to Holderness, the thing that really ignited Hollis's fandom on the platform was a text post from 2021 written by a user named @thestuffedalligator. It was shared 25,000 times and reads:
The main thing I get from Dylan Hollis cooking old recipes is this:
Recipes from the 1910s and the Great Depression are great, and I suspect it's because they were made by someone with limited resources. But they found a way to make something good, maybe even something fantastic with those limited resources, and they wanted to write it down and share with their friends so that they could also make something out of saltines and potatoes. Recipes from the 1910s and the Great Depression are written down and shared in love.
The recipes you should fear come from the 1950s and 1960s, which I'm pretty sure are written down and shared as a form of McCarthyism.
"The history side of Tumblr is a very large community," Holderness said. "So it's kind of not surprising that a lot of the recipes that he makes, the older recipes, from the '20s, from the Great Depression, tend to be very popular. The recipes that are either extremely good or extremely terrible, in general, get the most traction."
For what it's worth, Hollis agreed with @thestuffedalligator's post, saying the Great Depression recipes are his favorite and the ones from the '60s are his least favorite; though he doesn't think that McCarthyism is to blame for why recipes from that era are so inedible. Instead, he thinks it was because bringing Jell-O to a potluck was a way to signify that you had enough money to own a refrigerator, and gelatin was marketed to women as a way to stay slim.
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