#got a hospitality event to go to tomorrow and I’m also on my period cramping so bad I think I might be dying
nico-di-genova · 1 year
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ynsimagines · 3 years
B!D still needs her sisters.
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TW: Kidney Infection
AN: Alex is marrying Maggie in my HC. Takes place in season 6.
Cramps. Period cramps. That’s what you thought when you first woke up that morning. So you got up and tried to go about your day as normal. With your sisters fighting Nyxly, National City’s latest threat you didn't need to bother them. 
Of course it had all come to a head tonight which was Alex and Maggie’s second engagement party. You had started developing other symptoms that definitely were not normal. Extreme nausea had begun plaguing your body as well as fatigue. You threw up three times before heading to the event but you didnt tell anybody especially your sisters since you didn’t need to cause trouble. However your sisters and friends definitely noticed something was off.
Sure you smiled, but it didn’t quite reach your eyes. You engaged in small talk but only when approached first. I mean you took food, but only nibbled and you turned down every sort of alcohol. Everyone also noticed pale you looked with dark circles under your eyes. When your friends were dancing you stood quietly in the corner. Before leaving for the night Alex asked Kara to keep an eye on you since you still shared an apartment.
Once you arrived home you couldn’t hide it any longer the pain was becoming unbearable and you’d felt another wave of nausea causing you to make a beeline for the bathroom Kara not far behind you. You immediately knelt down emptying what little you had in your stomach Your older sister pulled your hair out of your face and was rubbing your back comfortingly until you were finished.
“What’s wrong little one?” The nickname making you feel comfort.
“It’s nothing,” you said before standing up shakily and flushing the toilet. “It’s probably just something I ate. “I think it passed.” You said trying to escape to your room.
“Wait a minute sweetheart,” said Kara feeling your forehead. “Your burning up, and you hardly ate anything tonight.”
“Kara, I’m f-“ before you started to pass out Your sister catching you before you hit the floor.
“How did we not realize how sick she was,” you heard a muffled voice say when you opened your eyes to a room with bright lights. 
“I don’t think she wanted us to find out Alex.”
As you became more aware of your surroundings you realized there was an IV in your arm, you saw both your big sisters standing in the center of your private hospital suite which you most likely had thanks to Lena.
“Alex, Kara? What the hell?”
“Oh, my Rao, Y/N, you scared me,” said Kara as her and Alex both walked to either side of your bed. “You scared us. You have a Kidney infection. The Doctors have you on antibiotics they think you’ll be okay; buy why didn’t you tell us how bad you were feeling?” Kara asked as Alex helped you take a sip of water. They each held one of your hands to try and give you some comfort.
“I thought it was just my period. A bad one, most of the symptoms fit, or maybe food poisoning. I didn’t want to burden you guys there’s already so much going on Nyxly, and Alex getting married.”
“Honey, you will never be a burden to either of us.”
“It’s just that life is changing. I feel like time is running away from me, and I cant make it slow down. You guys are both busy I feel like I just get in the way. I’m just worried that nothings gonna be the same. I’m sorry for ruining your time with Maggie.”
“Little one, we’re so sorry we didn’t realize how much this was bothering you. Our relationships may change as we get older, but it’ll be for the better. We will always be sister’s Y/N, were always gonna be in each other’s lives. You are not in the way we love you and want you around. Were family, Alex and I will always be here for you.”
“Yeah, I hate to break it to you kiddo, but you’re not getting rid of us that easily. And you didn’t ruin anything, Maggie’s not upset at all just worried about you because you’re family. She plans to stop by tomorrow probably with the biggest teddy bear the gift shop sells.”
You didn’t realize how much you had been needing to hear that speech. Like a weight that’d been sitting on your chest for months had finally been listed.
“Just please tell us the next time you’re in this much pain, ok? Your big sisters need to know so we can help.”
You nodded your head in agreement. “I’m going to go get the nurse so she can check you over,” said Alex.
“Ohana means family,” said Kara.
 “Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten,” you finished.
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