#got a little choked up editing this chapter ngl
clumsiestgiantess · 4 months
Chapter 24 of The Other-world Universe; at long last we’ve weaponized the tiny! Let’s see what she can do.
all chapters listed here
[Round Three: Rematch]
Thankfully, we moved on from the subject of my old atrocities.  One moment later and we were in the other-world again, at the same spot where I'd practiced with my weapon.  Weirdly enough, the sun was already starting to set there, though it was mid-afternoon when we’d left my world.  "What's going on?" Erica asked, confusedly scanning the sky, "Why is it already getting dark?"  
"There's a slight time difference between my world and yours,” I explained, “They used to be in sync, but I threw them off balance after staying here for so long."  "Huh," Erica mumbled in an impressed tone.  I placed her in the field and knelt down beside her.  "Here it is," I announced, again offering her the piece.  However, since we'd traveled worlds, the plastic piece became a crystalline diamond-shaped stone.  She took it from me, momentarily distracted by its reflective sheen.  "So, I just.. put it in the back of my neck?  Like yours?"  "Actually, I made it so that it sets into the middle of your spine.  I thought that would be easier for your weapon's design."  In a flash, Erica slid the gemstone into place beneath her shirt.  "Wow!  I really can't feel a thing!" she exclaimed, twisting around to feel for it.  "I kinda expected it to be all rough because it's a stone."  I nodded, "That's all part of the design."
Erica excitedly drew both hands behind her back, similar to how I drew one hand behind my neck to grab my gun.  They emerged gripping the handles of two large sword-like devices, connected by thin cords to her back and the gemstone.  Each one was identical — lightweight metal sheets sharpened to a point on one end and a round grooved handle on the other.  The edges were almost impossibly thin and deadly sharp, specially made to be able to cut through anything with ease and precision.  Two-thirds up the weapons’ sheer sharpness was a curved hook that jutted out of the blade to latch onto foes.
I'd upped my game with this new weapon.  Along with the lightweight swords, the gem also gave the wearer superhuman abilities.  While it seemed I couldn’t give myself extra powers besides the ones I arrived with, I could give other-worlders them instead.  Erica could now jump an impressively long distance, and had what was basically super speed.  She could also land a fall from hundreds of feet in the air perfectly balanced and completely unscathed — superhuman durability — which is important when you can jump that high and also not break every bone in your body after coming back down.
At one point I realized that meant I could make Erica my own size instead of trying to shrink myself.  I’d asked her about it while we were weapon planning.  She was originally thrilled by the notion of being a similar height to me, but had later told me in reflective honesty that it was a bad idea.  As much as she wanted to see how it felt to be a giant, Erica told me she would be ‘too tempted to do things she’d regret’.  I wasn’t sure I understood what she meant, but it was her choice, so I scrapped the idea.  Erica seemed perfectly happy with what she had in both weapon and looks.  I had to agree.
In the empty field, I stood up and stepped back a bit, motioning for Erica to try out her new weapon, but she shook her head.  "I saw how badly you screwed up when you were working with yours, and that was after you'd practiced with it for a while.  Can you maybe save me some embarrassment and come back a bit later?  The town's probably worried about you, you know."  I wanted to stay and get her back for laughing at me the first time I'd practiced with my weapon, but Erica was right.  Everyone probably thought I'd run away.  Technically, I did try, but I was back, hopefully with a plan that would work.  
By the time I actually got to the valley, the sky had grown to a vibrant purple, quickly fading to black.  Maybe I should just leave a note or something.  Everyone’s already gone inside by now.  I knew all I had to do was call and someone would come running, but.. I didn’t feel like talking to the founders right then.  Guilt gnawed at me as I briefly vanished into my own world to write my excuse for bailing on everyone earlier.  If I’d had my way, I would’ve been abandoning everyone there to some awful fate.  My explanation devolved into one long apology the longer I wrote it.
Eventually, I stopped myself at a whole page and left the corner of it pinned under a rock near the town.  I did a quick walk-around of the mountains — scouting for trouble.  Surprisingly, there was nothing amiss.  The town was fine, the barrier was intact, and there were no portal people in sight.
Anxious at finding everything normal, I did another sweep.  Still finding nothing wrong, I returned to the spot where I'd left Erica.  However, when I got there she was nowhere to be seen, and all the natural landmarks like rocks and trees were missing.  Well, they were technically there, just in diced pieces.
"Erica?  Where did you go?" I called nervously into the darkening landscape.  Something shot out from the shadows of the forest nearby, zooming directly at my head.  I yelped in a panic and covered my face instinctively, shielding it from an attack.  Nervous laughter filled the space to my right.  "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Alexis.  I didn't mean to scare you, I promise."  I cautiously lowered my arms and turned in the direction of Erica’s voice, finding her sitting comfortably on my shoulder.  "Did you just super speed jump at me?" I asked.  "Yeah.. I'm sorry."  "No, don't be sorry," I chuckled, making my way back to my living space.  "This is good!  Do that on the battlefield tomorrow and you'll scare those awful people right back through the portal they came from."  
Erica was uncharacteristically silent the rest of the way back, leaving my thoughts to fall to worries.  Is she ready to take on people my size?  Not even I was.  "That is.. if you're ready to fight tomorrow,” I added more seriously.  She scoffed, "Oh, I was born ready.  It's just..  You've never seen me fight anyone before, have you?"  I slowed to a stop, processing her question.  "No, I don't think so.  Why?  Are you any good at it?  Because I'm not.  I don't even want to fight!  I'm tired of beating on other people," I laughed.
This time, there was an even longer pause.  Clearly my jokes weren’t helping the mood any.  Usually Erica loves responding to them with another joke or something snide.  I glanced at my shoulder to try and see her better.  "Are you any good at it," Erica repeated quietly, "Yeah, I am.  I just.. I don't want you to look at me differently when you see me fighting tomorrow.  I did tell you I can protect myself, but you've never seen me kick the shit out of someone before."  "Did you.. do that often?" I questioned, slightly confused.  I was a bit shocked to see her expression darken.
"Erica, you don't have to worry about what I might think of you," I told her as I sat down on my other-world 'bed'.  Reaching up to my shoulder, I carefully pulled her in front of me in cupped hands.  "I'll still love you, regardless of what happens."  She smiled, cheeks warming slightly.  "Did you actually want to sleep right now?" I asked, gesturing at the blanket beneath me, "It's a little early for us.  We haven't even eaten dinner because of the time difference."  "Let's have dinner then," Erica suggested, “Then we should at least try to get some rest.”
The food box was sitting right beside my 'bed' where it always was.  I let Erica off and made us some ribs and mac-and-cheese for dinner — one of Erica’s favorite meals the box could make.  Eating from the food box was actually better than eating at home.  With it, I could make virtually any food I wanted, and perfectly.  
Over the course of my meal, I couldn't help but wonder what Erica meant when she confessed she was scared of letting me see her fight.  I guess I can imagine her being fairly ruthless when it comes to that sort of thing, especially after they kicked me down and hurt me during that last struggle.  Now Erica had a score to settle for both her own kind and for me.  
Admittedly, I was also not really the fighting type.  Before that fight yesterday I’d never actually had to physically defend myself from someone before.  The only reason I gave myself a weapon at all was to have a backup plan.  Its purpose was to protect the town and potential others with barriers.  The gun function was only made with the intention of trying to scare the scientists off.  Now that I knew we were on the brink of war, that would all have to change.
When I'd finished eating, I sat awake for a while, not quite tired, but needing sleep all the same.  I'd need all the rest I could get to heal up before I went back to fighting again.  Just because Erica will be with me doesn't mean I get to take a break. I know she wants to fight, and I really don’t know what she’s capable of, but I can’t imagine she can take on a small army without me there to back her up.  
Late into the night, I finally lay down to get some rest.  I thought Erica was already asleep; she was lying on her side, facing the empty woods, but when I lay down, she sat up.  I shifted sideways so we were facing eachother — my mouth opening and closing a few times before I found what I wanted to say.  
"Erica, I have an important question for you," I stated, inhaling softly.  She stood, looking over at me nervously.  "What is it?"  "Today I gave you something that's highly dangerous — made specifically to kill giants.  I- I inadvertently gave you abilities that can overpower me at any given moment.  So.. I'm just asking.. for peace of mind, really…"  I cleared my throat, anxiously meeting her gaze.  "Can I trust you with them?"
My question lingered in the air for a moment as Erica's eyes widened in shock.  With careful steps, she moved closer, brushing my cheek with her hand.  A small smile spread across her lips as she looked me over lovingly.  "I'd like you to," Erica responded gently.  At once I was back on the cliffside, leaning against it as Erica stood on the mansion's balcony.  After I offered to make up for everything I’d done, she asked me one simple question: Can I trust you?  The memory replayed in my head the moment Erica answered me — a familiar yet previously forgotten echo of the past.  Her answer.. that’s what I replied, isn’t it?
Erica’s hand dwindled on the surface of my cheek for a while.  She stood in front of me, trying to read my questioning expression.  A small kiss lightly pecked the tip of my nose, and I smiled, pulling her close.  Erica giggled as my lips brushed against her body.  “I knew I could trust you,” I whispered, mouth barely an inch from her.  “Just making sure.”  My fingers laced around her tiny form and I held her close to my chest.  I could feel her miniscule hands pull my shirt aside, snuggling into the warmth of my skin.  I fell asleep shortly afterwards, feeling ready for the trials of the next day.
The following morning, we were both up and ready rather early.  I made my way to the Cavern Town with Erica on my shoulder.  Both founders were outside when I arrived, standing by my letter.  It looked like they were arguing.  Another pang of guilt dashed through my chest, but I shoved it down.  I knelt in front of the two as they stepped away from my towering form.
"Finally!" Mr. Stoll cried, "Where the hell have you been!?  The giants are threatening to destroy our town!  They're all coming down from the camp and-"  Ms. Ashford put a hand on his shoulder and pulled him back slightly.  She whispered something harshly to him, but I couldn't hear anything.  I glanced at Erica, but she shook her head.  They were too far away for either of us to hear them.  It looked as if they were arguing again.  I waited patiently for them to address me, but their fight had only grown more heated.  "I'm sorry," I interrupted, "but did you say the giants are on their way here?"  "Yes," Ms. Ashford answered me, "But we won't ask you to fight them because you're inexperienced and can't handle the stress of fighting off an army."  Many of her words had pointed edges to them, directed at Mr. Stoll who stood defiantly with his arms crossed.
"She won't fight them!" Erica called, "At least not alone!  I'll fight them off for the safety of the town and for Alexis' safety too!"  I smiled gratefully at Erica, feeling a bit better about my whole awful predicament.  "Ha!  You fight them?" Mr. Stoll scoffed, "Don't be ridiculous!  You're just going to get yourself killed!  I'm surprised your giant friend hasn't talked you out of it yet!"  A wrathful glare distorted Erica's features.  "I will fight them, and I'll win!  You’ll see!  Come on, Alexis, let's get out of here."  
She tugged on my shirt to get me to stand back up.  Knowing this argument would only get worse the longer I stayed, I followed her command and left the valley after giving quick instructions to the founders.  “Keep everyone inside the barrier no matter what.  This scare will hopefully be over soon.”  
Erica growled under her breath the moment I left the exit to the valley.  "That old bastard, I'll show him!  You don't even need to fight, Alexis; I'll deal with them."  "Erica, don't go in over your head on this," I warned.  "What, you don't think I can do this either?" she quipped, voiced edged in malice.  "No..  I do, I do."  My voice tapered off in an almost worried uptone.
We silently waited at the foothills of the valley.  Some time later, the air buzzed with anxious electricity, like the moments before a storm.  Just up ahead, a cloud of dust spread out over the horizon.  The silhouette of a small army marched its way towards the mountains where we stood — about twenty people, maybe a few more.  I reached behind my back and pulled out my gun, anxiously switching it to multi-shot mode.  "Alright, get ready.  Here they come."  Erica grabbed her shining weapons and hunched down on the very edge of my shoulder.
When they got close enough, I unleashed a line of glowing bullets spiraling in the portal-worlders’ direction, and charged.  Closer to the front line, I generated a shield for myself and Erica zoomed away off my shoulder, rocketing through the air towards her first target.  We were both so pumped with stress and adrenaline that we were almost eager to fight.  However, as Erica came within an arm's reach of the first 'giant', they swung their rifle-esqe gun through the air.  It made contact with a sickening crack and swept her out of the way in an instant.  The attack was so sudden and so swift; my throat dropped into my stomach.  "ERICA!"  I skidded to a halt, too shocked to move, and was immediately tackled to the ground.
No no no, please!  It's only her first fight!  She can't be dead!  But from the awful noise and the force of that blow… there really weren't many alternatives.  "ERICA!" I screamed again.  These people came here to collect me.  They could care less about some other-world person like Erica getting in their way.  That woman smacked her out of the air as if she were nothing more than an annoying bug!  I thrashed out of someone's grip, blasting the group backwards with a shot of my gun.  On my hands and knees, I scrambled away from them to collect Erica and dodge back home.  Just let her be alive!
Before I could find her, I was dragged back to the group.  One of the 'giants' had grabbed my ankle.  He pinned my arm down so I couldn't shoot anything, and called the others over to subdue me.  I desperately tried everything I could think of.  Turning invisible helped some — they couldn't quite see where I was to hold me down — but it was pointless with the crowd of people encircling me.  Again and again I tried to lift my arm out of the person's grasp.  I just wasn't strong enough.  Deadpan faces surrounded me; my hands were forced behind my back.  One moment a man stood menacingly over me, weapon raised to strike, the next moment he'd gone slack.  A smiling red line oozed along his neck.
I watched in wide-eyed terror as the people around me fell to the ground.  Blurs of motion zig-zagged around them, followed by wide red gashes and deep bubbling stab wounds.  I sat up warily, watching the chaos unfold around me.  People fired randomly into the air while an inescapable weapon struck their chest and left them with two large gashes that punctured their lungs and heart.  I flinched slightly every time someone cried out in agony and stumbled to the earth, clutching their neck or chest.  One by one, angry red wounds appeared on each of the 'giants', and they began to topple over, gasping for air and coughing up reddened bile before collapsing.
The last few ran for it, and I shakily stood to watch them.  They held up their shields in desperate defense, but it was no use.  I could only stare numbly as they hit the ground.  It happened so fast I could've sworn they'd tripped and fell.  No, they weren't getting up.  Pools of blood seeped into the dirt beneath them, staining the grass a glossy dark red.  Within the span of five minutes, all twenty or so people were lying dead with their vital organs and veins shredded or stabbed through.
My legs buckled and gave out beneath me.  I closed my eyes tightly, breathing heavily as I tried to keep myself from shaking.  The deep breathing only made things worse, however; the strong smell of blood stung my nostrils.  Despite the fact that every one of those people wanted to hurt me and those I cared about, it was mortifying to see them all killed so violently in such quick succession.  
It seemed like I'd been in a trance forever, but in a few moments, I was woken.  "Alexis!"  Something too quick for my brain to comprehend raced through the air in front of me.  I yelped as its blurred form struck towards me, scrambling backwards instinctively.  My pulse thrummed in my neck — eyes widening in fear as I tumbled over the body of someone who’d died.  Blood oozed out of their chest and smeared across my back, sticking my shirt to my skin.
The weapon, which I only then processed was Erica, landed a few feet away, standing openly in the now corpse-littered field.  "...Alexis?"  It took me a moment to come to my senses.  Every time I tried to focus, my head spun dizzily.  When I finally got my emotions in check, I slowly crawled forward.  Erica’s sentiment from the night before dashed through my head — ‘I don't want you to look at me differently when you see me fighting tomorrow.’
When I was close enough to read her expression, my heartstrings tore apart.  Erica stared down at her reflection in the bloodstained blades she held limply at her sides.  Her face and body was spattered with droplets of crimson, and her mouth was open in silent shock, as though she didn't recognize the person staring back at her.  For a moment, I hadn’t either.
Slowly, she lifted her head to look up at me.  “It’s.. it’s not…”  Erica stammered on her words, glancing out over all the people she’d so ruthlessly killed, then back to my face.  My expression must’ve looked horrified.
"I'm not like you," she whispered, "I didn't have the privilege of a family that cares.  I never felt 'safe'.  At home or anywhere else."  I sat stunned, waiting patiently for her to continue.  Erica shuddered, holding up one of her bloody, sword-like weapons.  "If you call yourself a monster for killing people you didn't think were alive to begin with…"  She paused, fighting not to start crying in the middle of her sentence.  Struggling to hold back tears, she changed it again.
"This is why I didn't want you to see me fight.  I- I don't want you to see what kind of person I really am.  I've done so many things you don't know about…  Now you're scared of me!"  She cried out suddenly, gesturing to how I'd pulled away from her, "Alexis, please don't run!  I need you!  I promise I would never hurt you!"  Her voice tapered off into tears, and she fell to the ground, weapons disappearing into the crystal in her back.
Awful doesn't even begin to describe how I felt.  I hadn’t meant to back away from her, but I had to admit, her angered rampage was nothing short of terrifying.  "Erica, I'm right here," I reassured her gently, coming closer.  "You didn't scare me off.  I'm not going anywhere."  "But.. You- You don't even know me!" she sobbed, "I- I realized last night- you don't know who I am!  You don't kn-"  "Then tell me." 
Erica stared up at me from the ground.  She tried to stand, but her legs gave out — dropping her down to the grass below.  It was as if even her own body abandoned her.  I cautiously held out a few fingers for Erica to lean on, and she gripped them fiercely.
"If you're worried I might not want to stay with you, then let me know why.  If you truly believe I don't know you, could you tell me who you are?"  Erica tried to speak, but gritted her teeth tightly as tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.  Shakily, she pulled herself into my hand and tucked her knees tightly against her chest.  I gently folded my fingers around her tucked-up form and brought her to a smaller area of rock away from the aftermath of her anger — somewhere where we could see eye to eye.
Erica slowly made her way onto the ledge beside me.  Once she managed to sit herself down, I put my hands around her in a light grasp to keep her still, delicately wiping the tears and blood from her face.  She quieted — breath hitching for a moment as she stared up at me wide-eyed while I did my work.
"There you are," I stated softly, swiping away the last splotches of red.  "It's alright, Erica.  Just take a deep breath; it's ok."  I waited as she took a few long inhales of the crisp air around us, letting out a shuddering sigh after calming down a bit.  She was silent for a while.  Erica sat soaking in the warmth and safety of my hands, eyes closed tightly.
"Are you really sure you want me to tell you?" she finally asked, peering uncertainly up at me.  Nodding, I sat back and let my arms rest beneath my chin as I settled down to listen.  "Go ahead, I won't say a word until you're done."  "Ok..."  Erica settled down too, keeping herself even with my height by sitting on the highest point on the rock.  It was a dangerous spot, but with her new weapon, she was practically immune to getting hurt from a fall.  Apparently that gave her immunity from being struck out of the air, too.
After clearing her throat a few times to stall as she thought, Erica finally ventured into her past.  "I guess I should start with my family…  Mama and my father were both really young when she had me.  I was, as my father always reminded me, an accident.  He never liked me much, and as I grew up, he really started to hate me.  I think he blamed me for everything he didn't like about his life.  Both my parents had hidden from their lives to hide the truth of my.. coming into the world.  We were always struggling for money, and almost every dollar was put towards me.  My mom loved me wholly, no matter what.  But my father only saw me as something that was dragging him down, wasting his time and his money.  No matter what the cause of his anger was, he would take it out on me.  Occasionally Mama, but mostly me.”  
“When I was young, it was just a lot of yelling; I learned not to let words affect me.  I got older, and his 'lectures' started taking less and less effect."  Erica stopped, glanced up at me, then turned away.  "The verbal abuse became physical abuse.  Mama didn't want to make him madder than he already was, so she never bothered to try and get him to stop.  I think she might have tried the first few times it happened, but then she started ending up at the end of his punches instead, so she left me to deal with it."
She gasped in a slight sob, looking to the sky as if asking someone above to help her speak.  After a brief pause, she continued.  "By 15 I was working two jobs in between school — one before and one after.  I told myself it was so I could afford the things I needed, because my parents refused to care about me or my problems, but I just wanted to stay out of the house.”
“For my 16th birthday, I bought myself a pocketknife.  Guys started to prowl after me on the streets.  I knew I needed some way to protect myself.  The first time I used it, it wasn't even on one of those creeps.  It was my father.  He'd lost his job while I was at school.  When I got home, Mama was lying on the ground and I could've sworn he'd killed her.  I tried to run, but he managed to pull me back inside with a hand over my mouth.  I thought he was going to kill me too; I thought he'd finally lost it.  So I stabbed him until he let me go, and ran."
Erica turned back to me now.  My mouth had dropped open in shock, and my hands had already inched forwards to hold her, but she wasn't done.  "I lived in various places for a few weeks.  Mostly an abandoned factory.  It became my new home until the cops found me.  They-  They tried to take me home.. but I thought they were lying.  I thought they were coming for me because I’d killed my father.  I was scared.  I…”  
Her arms drifted around herself as she began shaking.  “I lost it.  I attacked them and tried to run but they just cornered me and pinned me down.  M-My knife caught one of them in the face.  I ended up in jail that night, but eventually I was dragged back to my house where I found Mama wasn't actually dead, she was only unconscious when I saw her.  Unfortunately, neither was my father.  He left once I came back home.  He tried to hurt me one more time — for causing so much trouble with the cops — but I bought a better knife that same day I was brought back home after sneaking out that night.  I nearly did kill him, then.  He didn’t even realize he had it coming.  By then I was really getting sick of feeling scared."
"So he ran, and the day I turned 18, I left too.  Mama was barely around because of work, but she'd told me that she was sorry for everything after my father left.  That she regretted not doing something more to stop him.  We grew slightly closer, but I never forgave her for letting that happen to me.  The moment I could, I left and I never looked back.  That's my childhood," she ended coldly.
Erica purposefully kept her gaze off mine — the same kind of move I'd pull in school so the professor wouldn't call on me for an answer.  "That's..  I don't think there's a word for how horrible that is…” I said quietly.  Gently, I reached towards Erica, but she shifted away from my grasp.  “I’m not done.  There’s still John.”  “If you don’t want to, Erica, you don’t have to tell me anything else-”  "No, no, I'm getting to him," she sighed, wiping away tears.  "That's the part you really should know.  Because you're kinda involved in it."
Erica took a few more shaky breaths, and I moved my hand near her side to show her I was right with her.  She glanced back at me briefly, teary-eyed.  Shakily, Erica reached out and put a hand over my finger.
"So," she continued, "John.  Now that I was out of both home and school, I worked full time and got about five hours of sleep each day between jobs to cover my expenses since I was living entirely on my own.  Despite working constantly, I just couldn't scrounge up enough money to survive.  My problems were drowned away by shots of alcohol.  Another wonderful gift from my father: alcoholism.  I wasn't even old enough to drink, but it helped.  Kind of…  It helped me mentally.  Physically, it got me fired.  And broke.  I was at the club one night — thinking about possibly living out of my car — when I met John, my 'knight in shining armor'."  
Erica glared wrathfully at a rock nearby.  "I wasn't very drunk yet, but we hit it off.  Soon we were in his car slowly casting off layers of clothing until we had nothing left.  Like I said, I wasnt that drunk yet, so soon enough I came to my senses and ran off — scared that I’d lost control of myself like that.  I struggled trying to find a new job and still keep my secondary one, but it was like everything was caving in around me."
"Flash forward to a week and a half later.  I'm completely and utterly wasted in the same club, and John finds me.  I'm too far gone to really know what the hell I'm doing, and the next thing I know, he has me in a back room pinned naked beneath him."  Erica could probably see me tense up at that point, because she paused to glance knowingly at me.  "I only have snippets of what happened the rest of the night, but I met him for the first time completely sober a day later.  It was at the store I worked at.  I don't know how he figured out where I worked, but he also knew I needed money, badly.  I tried to slip out the back door, but he caught up to me and quickly threw out a deal: a paycheck triple what I made working both my jobs.  'All I had to do', he said, 'is earn it.'  I could have the financial security I desperately dreamed of, if I could just come by and.. well.. please him."
I pulled backwards off the rock, appalled.  "I know," Erica agreed, "I felt that way too, and at first I turned him down rather forcefully.  But in the end.. I- I needed that money.  I did what he asked, we went clubbing, got drunk, got laid, then did it all over again.  Same time next week.  Over months of this, he'd forced me into someone else.  He made me depend on him for.. everything.  John brainwashed me to abandon my more aggressive tactics.  He called it 'taming' me.  To cope, I convinced myself we were in some kind of twisted relationship."
"Months blurred together and all of it happened so often it became normal.  For both me, who should’ve ran long ago, and John, who was getting bored.  On one of my off days, I found him with someone else — another poor soul who'd been suckered into his schemes.  In my twisted fantasy, I saw that as cheating.  I dumped his ass in a blind rage, not realizing that I had no other way to make money."  Erica turned back to me and smiled ever so slightly as she gazed into my worried eyes.  "The night you found me was the same night I ‘dumped’ him.  You gave me all that cash because you knew I needed it.  But you never knew why I needed it."
"I- I just thought you'd, like, lost your job or something…" I stammered.  "I mean, technically I quit."  I stared at her, piecing together the jigsaw puzzle of what I'd known about her and what I hadn't.  "Well, at least now I know the truth."  "Not all of it," Erica amended, "Stuff happened during the four years you were gone."  I shuddered, “Oh god, Erica you really don’t have to-!”  “It’s ok.  I think…  I think I want to.  I want you to know.”
She waited as I settled back down.  "Once you left, I had about a year and a half of complete freedom before the invasion of giants.  I was devastated that you actually, permanently, left, but there wasn’t anything I could do; I had no way to reach you.”
“I had everything I needed thanks to the box of never–ending money, but then the giants arrived.  At first I thought you had brought them here — to- to get back at me somehow — but I never felt our connection.  My house, along with thousands of others, was destroyed.  Thankfully, I lived on that cliff.  I hid in the mountains for safety, but a lot of people weren't as lucky, and got abducted.  I waited for you.  I thought you might know something about it because it was your kind that was attacking.”
“After a day or two of hiding, I couldn't keep waiting.  I didn't have any food or water left.  There were plenty of abandoned cars in the wreckage of the neighborhood below, so I took one into the city to see if anyone was there.  I saw John and his gang when I drove in.  They hadn't spotted me, but.. I don't know.. the sight of any familiar face was enough to make me overjoyed.  His men almost shot me, I raced at them so quickly.  He held them back, though.  He said he'd take me in with open arms.  I didn't know what that entailed until it was too late."  Erica had to close her eyes for a moment.  Again I placed a few fingers by her side to reassure her that I was there, and nothing awful would happen.
"I- I was locked up when I got back to their base.  Things had taken an awful turn during the several days of uncontrolled apocalypse, and I learned about what was actually happening.  Each of the men that worked for John had taken girls off him in the years prior.  He'd lure them in, then convince them to go with someone else, and they were never seen again.  I'd been the lucky one.  I was John's 'little girl'.  God, I hated it when they called me that.”
“The young woman I saw him 'cheating' with was another mark.  She was there, too.  There were eight of us, including me.  The gang members did with us what they pleased.  Sometimes we were even traded off for the night.  I got special treatment, though, because I was with John.  I stayed in his room and got the same privileges he had, minus my freedom.”
“One by one, the others started dying off.  Starvation and dehydration took half of them.  It’s the apocalypse; there wasn't much food to go around, and they were already being fed last.  One of them escaped.  I really don't know how she managed that.  The other two committed suicide.  I also don't know how they managed that either.  The men were really strict about not letting either of those things happen.  We were drugged a lot of the time so we couldn't escape or die.  But just like the food, the drugs started running out, and they made their move.  A few months before you showed up, I became the sole survivor.  I tried to escape like that one woman did.  I think her name was Marley, but we rarely got called by our actual names.  They usually had a plethora of pet names for us."
"Anyway.. I tried escaping, but I got caught.  The punishment for escape is torture.  Not death, oh no, we were too valuable to be expendable."  An icy, sarcastic tone crossed through her voice, and I shivered.  "John didn't want them to punish me.  He knew the rest of the men were jealous that I was still there.  If he let them punish me, I wouldn't make it out alive.  John devised a plan; he would make a spectacle of torturing me himself.”
“At that point, I was desperately fighting for my freedom.  I'd been so close to escaping.  I didn't stick to the plan, as I'm fairly sure you saw.  I attacked him when he tried to hurt me, and the moment I did, the other men were absolutely going to kill me for it.  You stepped in before they could do anything — murdering everyone I'd daydreamed about murdering myself in one fell swoop.  I was back on drugs because they didn't want me escaping while I was being ‘punished’, so I wasn't even sure if what I saw was real.  When I woke up back at my destroyed house I hadn't seen in years, I thought I was dreaming.  Then I saw you."  Erica slid off her perch at the edge of the rock and came a bit closer, running a hand down mine as she walked.
"You were older, and you were really pretty.  If I'd seen you on the street under more normal circumstances, I'd have been tempted to make a move."  "But.." I interrupted, "Sorry, it's just…  Weren't you.. you know, into.. guys?"  Erica chuckled slightly, shaking her head.  "What part of my story made you believe that?  The part where a guy payed me to fuck him, or the part where a group of guys kidnapped me and chained me up to do that?"  
I flinched, "I- I just thought.. because of the time you and John.. the first night.. in the car…"  My voice faltered as I tried, and failed, to get my point across.  "Alexis, I never liked guys.  The only times I did were when I was drunk, drugged, or forced to feel that way."  She stepped up to me and took my pointer finger into her hands — hugging it to her chest.  "That's my story," she finished, "You were there for the rest, so now you know my whole life, basically, from start to right now."  I sat there for ages, processing the last of the puzzle pieces.  All the mysterious gaps that hindered my view of her suddenly filled in.  "H- How do you feel?" Erica asked me.  "That…  Explains a lot," I noted.  Sitting back to take everything in.
“See?” she asked me quietly, “I’m an awful person, aren’t I?”  I whipped around to face her in such sudden shock she bolted upright.  “No!  No, you aren’t!  Not at all!  Erica, you are none the worse in my eyes than you were yesterday, or the day before.  If anything, you've gotten better because I finally understand.  You have every right to be as angry and dangerous as you are.”
Erica stared at me for a long time.  I could feel her gaze boring into me as she searched over my expression.  It was silent for a long moment, broken by Erica's voice, softened with uncharacteristic hesitation. "Can you hold me?"  My eyes widened in soft surprise.  Erica stood on the rocks beside me, having just confessed the entirety of the horrible details of her life.  She craned her neck almost all the way back to look at me — tears glistening in her eyes.  "Please?"
"I-  Yes, of course," I nodded, knowing it must've been awfully hard for her to tell me everything.  I suspected something strange was going on since the day I returned — sooner than that, actually — but I never would've guessed anything as wild or as horrible as what she'd confessed.
Erica gasped a quiet whimper as I carefully laced my fingers over her body, bringing her to the edge of the rocks.  Shifting forward, I placed a delicate kiss on her neck and jaw.  She sobbed softly, pressing desperate kisses against my lips over and over again through quiet tears.  I could taste the salt of them against my lips.  “Shhh,” I whispered softly, reaching up to stroke her head.  “You’re ok; it’s all ok, Erica.  I’ve got you.  You’re safe.”  “Do y-  Do you still t-trust me?”  Again, I kissed her — lowering myself to press my lips to her stomach and letting her head rest against me.  “Of course I still trust you.”
Carefully curling my fingers around Erica's torso, I paused to let her raise her arms just slightly so they wouldn't be pinned to her sides.  My heart skipped a beat as I tightened my grip, lifting her off the ground.  I always knew she was small, but holding her this way, I became incredibly aware of how fragile she was.  It had always been at the forefront of my mind whenever we got close.  I’d gotten used to it, but now it was suddenly as if I were holding her for the first time.  At any moment, I could easily hurt her, and that scared me.  Any accidental movement I made could bruise her perfect hazel skin, or even worse, snap the tiny bones in her little body.  
Each of my fingers twitched slightly; stuck battling between tightening my grip so Erica wouldn't fall, or loosening it so she wouldn't be crushed.  Once I decided on an even mixture of the two, I couldn't help but lightly gasp in awe.  I could feel Erica’s miniscule heartbeat pounding away beneath my thumb.  Her lungs expanded just slightly, pressing into the pads of my fingers every time she drew another breath.
With her lifted to my face, I realized Erica seemed to be just as fascinated as I was.  She hung in my grasp, legs dangling below my palm, with her hands placed gently on my thumb in front of her.  I could see her expression shifting slightly in a myriad of ways, staring wide-eyed at the massive digit before her.  As if on its own, my other hand reached for her — flattening out beneath her so she wouldn’t be hanging in the air.  Erica's tiny heartbeat skittered beneath the pad of my thumb while she eased herself into my palm.  
Only after I was certain she’d sat down did I gently release her.  However, Before I could move my hand away, Erica reached out and grabbed it — watching, transfixed, as her whole hand fit nicely onto the pad of my single finger.  With one of her own miniscule digits, she lightly traced the outline of my fingerprint and I fought the instinctive urge to shudder at her feather-light touch.  
Finally, she locked eyes with me.  Erica's loving expression shifted to a muted worry.  "You're just.. so much," she whispered, "And I love it, I really do.  It's just..  Sometimes I wonder why you'd love someone like me."  Erica's gaze flitted away, "Wouldn't you be happier with someone who doesn't fit in the palm of your hand?  Someone who isn't.. three and a half inches tall?"  I smiled slightly at the irony of the situation.  Up until the day Erica kissed me the first time, I'd been asking myself similar questions: Why would she care about someone like me?  Wouldn't she be happier with someone her own size?  It was so obvious now.
I placed my thumb lightly over her hand, still grasping the pad of my pointer finger.  "Erica," I began earnestly, "You mean more to me than everyone from every world.  I would tear down mountains for you — you know I have.  The four years I lived without you were painstakingly, agonizingly, awful.  As long as I searched and as hard as I tried to forget, nothing ever quite filled the hole you left in me."  
I smiled sadly, remembering the endless days filled with yearning as I desperately tried to forget what happened — how I convinced myself it was all some elaborate fantasy just to force myself away.  I was miserable, confused.  I hadn't understood why it hurt so badly to lose her trust.  Multiple failed relationships only further proved what I hadn't recognized.  
"How could I ever be with someone like myself if the love of my life is literally sitting in the palm of my hand?"  Erica blushed furiously, smiling that wonderful smile I'd fallen for, long before I'd realized I'd fallen for her.  "You're beautiful, strong," I continued, "You haven’t given up on me even when I gave up on me.  I love you Erica.  No matter how unlovable you tell yourself you are, I will always love you.  Never doubt that."  
Erica's eyes watered, her gaze one again fixed on mine.  I gently slid her hand out from my fingers and cautiously brushed the pad of my pointer finger across her cheek, swiping away the tears that coasted silently down their plush surface.  Just above the digit, I could see the jagged line of Erica’s scar — a little mark against her that would likely always serve as a reminder of her past.  I just hoped she could see it as I did: the reason I’d stayed to protect her; the reason I stayed long enough to love her.
I curled my fingers around Erica in a smaller version of a hug — bringing her against me.  Her subtle smile brightened as she leaned against my chest, rubbing the rest of the tears from her eyes off against my shirt.  "Thank you," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.  "I just can't quite get over how lucky I am to have you, Alexis. You mean everything to me.  I honestly don't know where I'd be without you."
My smile stretched to a grin as I stared lovingly down at Erica's tiny form cupped in my hand.  "One day," I stated with unquestionable certainty.  "One day I'll find a way to make myself your size, I promise.  We can live together here, once everything’s over."  She looked up at me, hope gleaming in her glassy green eyes.  "Can you do that?  Can I have you at my own height instead of.. me at yours?"  My hand subconsciously rose to my gemstone weapon, tucked into the back of my neck.  "I've tried many, many times."  I surprised myself at how tired my voice sounded in that last sentence.  I wasn't exactly desperate to find a solution — most of my attempts had happened years ago when we were only friends — but I longed for one.  "So far nothing's worked, but I'll keep trying.  There has to be a way."
"Don't beat yourself up over it," Erica reassured me, "I still love you regardless.  After all, this is what I fell in love with," she added with a smile, gesturing at my height.  I chuckled lightly, but the longing was still there nonetheless.  It certainly wasn't as painful as the years I'd left — she was right there with me.  However, I so badly wanted us, together, the same size.  I wanted to sit by her side, both of us leaning lovingly against one another.  I wanted all the small, intimate things everyone but us could do.  I yearned for the day when Erica could hold me for a change.
I leaned back on the rock Erica had been sitting on.  The frightening scatter of corpses again filled my vision.  "Thank you for saving me, Erica."  I gestured to the pile of soldiers that had been surrounding me earlier.  "I don't want to hurt any more people, but I think I might have to."  She sighed, looking solemnly at her massacre.  "I don't want you to do this either," she confessed, "I feel like such a horrible influence, or a hypocrite."  Erica chuckled half-heartedly, "I've tried to get you to stop hurting my people, only to turn around and kill a bunch of yours."  I grumbled slightly, "Everyone needs to quit calling them 'my people'.  They aren't anything like me; they're not even from my world!  They just happen to be my size."  
A tiny hand patted one of my fingers to calm me.  "Ok, I'm sorry.  Look, if we can just use this fight to scare the rest of the giants away, everything will go back to being kinda normal, right?"  I shrugged, jostling Erica slightly in my cupped hands.  "I have no idea.  If I were them, I'd just move to another area that I know isn't protected by a rogue superpowered person and her tiny killing machine."
At this, Erica laughed nervously.  "Was I really that scary?"  "Well.." I stammered, "Yeah, but it was also pretty badass."  Her laugh grew more genuine before abruptly cutting off with a cry of pain.  My fingers retracted in an instant, and I brought her worriedly to my face.  Erica flinched confusedly, and glanced downward at her side.  Hesitantly, she pulled up her shirt slightly so she could look at herself.  The skin on her left side bloomed with gigantic purple bruises that stretched across her whole body.  "Erica!" I gasped in concern, "That was where I got hit by that gun," she realized quietly.  
"Erica, we need to get you to a hospital right now!  I heard bones crack when that woman hit you!  I- I thought you'd died!"  Immediately, I was on my feet.  Stepping over the bodies of fallen soldiers, I hurried back towards the Cavern Town as quickly as I dared.  "No, it's.. I'm fine!"  However, the moment she spoke, she started coughing violently.  Minuscule red droplets spattered my palm.
Back within the valley, I found a few people waiting just inside the barrier.  Isabel and Marcus were there, as well as Ivan and a few others I didn't recognize.  I rushed over to them and knelt in a hurry.  "Erica's hurt!" I called, "She got hit badly during the fight!  I think something's broken, but I don't know…"  Ivan dashed off down the tunnel, yelling for help, while Marcus glanced fearfully past me.  "What about the giants?  Are they coming, or did you fight them off?"
At first, I was furious that Marcus had ignored Erica's desperate situation, but I soon realized that a hoard of angry giants was something you'd want to be warned about sooner rather than later.  I shook my head, "Erica got rid of them.  No one's following me here; you're all safe."  He gave a sigh of relief just as Ivan returned with a few people and a stretcher in tow.  I held out my hand with Erica in it.  She was still conscious, but had doubled over in pain — face contorted in agony.  All I could do was watch in silent fear as they took her away into the depths of the city.
Marcus tried to ask me more questions, but Isabel dragged him off, scolding him about being more considerate.  I sat devastated, unsure what to do.  I wanted to be with Erica for whatever happened, but I couldn't get inside the city at my height.  
The only person still there, Ivan, glanced back and forth between the other end of the tunnel and mine — torn between following her or staying to calm me down. He stepped hesitantly out of the barrier and put his hand over mine.  "She'll be fine," he reassured me, "The doctors here know what they're doing.  They've dealt with injuries way worse than hers."  "Since when have they ever dealt with battle wounds?" I spat, a bit harsher than I meant to.  Ivan pulled his hand back, but stayed where he was.  "They haven't dealt with battle wounds," he replied calmly, "I said they've dealt with worse.  They’ve had to save people pulled from the wreckage the giants leave in their wake — half-dead people that fall from the giant's grasp and then get left behind.”
My anger sobered slightly at Ivan's descriptions.  Admittedly, they did sound a lot worse than Erica.  I took a shaking breath and stared longingly at the faint glimpse of the Cavern Town, now Cavern City, beneath my protective shield.  There were so many more people now that the other town I’d saved had moved in as well.  "Do you mind staying here with me?" I asked Ivan, "You don't have to, but-"  "Of course." We sat outside for a while.  I got up to get the food box so I could eat, then came right back.  I didn’t even end up eating anything. In the middle of all this, I started tearing up.  Intrusive thoughts bombarded my brain with images of Erica on her deathbed, and I was unable to be there to comfort her.  Again, Ivan stepped up to my hand, but his tiny finger hug wasn't enough to console me.  I shifted away from him and hugged my legs tightly against myself, fighting desperately not to start bawling so that the whole place could hear me. 
Eventually, the sun started to set and I grew even more anxious.  "I need to go see if I can find out anything about Erica," Ivan told me gently, "I'll be back in a little bit, alright?"  I nodded numbly and he left, leaving me alone in the valley as the sky grew darker and darker.  The sun sunk beneath the horizon, taking the light along with it.
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alovesongtheywrote · 9 months
hiii girlie!! it’s my birthday HAHA can i please get a nightmare academia part?? thank youuu 🫶
♥ Summary: SORRY I MISSED YOUR BIRTHDAY!! iirc, i got this like. right in the middle of finals season. i am so sorry :( to compensate, i have provided a holiday update!! In this chapter of Nightmare Academia, it's the holiday season and Reid pulls a lil prank.
♥ Warnings: holidays, Wham's Last Christmas
♥ A/N: this is really just a holiday blurb im ngl. happy holiday special ig!! (also. i didn't edit this. my bad lol)
♥ Word Count: 600
Series Masterlist
The winter seasons were always an interesting time to be a professor.  The campus was decorated with trees and lights.  Fliers advertised Hanukkah and Christmas gatherings.  The students were so stressed and burnt out that they moved through life with a weird sort of festive calm. 
This year, that festive calm had taken on a new feature- your students wouldn’t stop playing Wham’s Last Christmas.  
You had nothing against the song.  All things considered, you liked Wham.  You liked Last Christmas.  It just got a touch annoying when the song played on a constant loop through various shitty phone speakers.  All the time.  Every day.
You weren’t sure what caused it- what earthly force could convince a bunch of college kids to listen to that infernal song so frequently?  What could get them to set Last Christmas to their ringtones?  You were pretty sure most of them hadn’t used ringtones before December.  To put it bluntly- you were confused, tired, and suspicious.  You were also ready to scream.
So you did!
“Holy shit, if I have to hear that fucking song again, I might literally explode.”
Reid looked up at you as you burst into your shared office.  His eyes were wide, as if your pre-loaded rant about Wham’s Last Christmas had caught him off guard.  
If it had, that was honestly on him.  You were only about a week into December, and you had already complained about the thing seventy-six times and counting.  If Spencer didn’t remember that, then his special boy memory powers had clearly failed him.
“Well, you wouldn’t literally explode,” Reid corrected, clearly recovered from his shock, “That’s a common mistake.  You would actually-”
“Reid, stop it before I feed you to the ghost of George Michael.”
He held up his hands in surrender, though a smile played across his lips.  You glared at that little grin as vines of suspicion tangled with the fleshy meat of your brain.
“Did you have something to do with this?”
“Whatever do you mean, Doctor?”
“I mean,” you slammed your hands down on Reid’s desk, “Are you the reason I cannot escape that fucking song?”
He leaned back in his chair, weaving his long, slender fingers together like some fucking anime villain, “And how would I pull that off?”
“Easily.  You’re you, and it’s the perfect crime.  All it would take is the promise of extra credit, and your students would do anything.  You think I haven’t noticed that the student body suddenly loves playing Wham?  Out loud?  Without headphones?”
Spencer’s grin got bigger, “Wow.  I’m sorry that your students have been using technology in a distracting and upsetting manner.  I can’t imagine what that’s like.”
“Spencer Reid, I am going to kill you.  I’m gonna choke you out with Christmas lights.  Seriously.”
He leaned in, “Are you literally going to kill me?”
“Fuck you, Reid.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
You snorted out a laugh, “You wouldn’t survive me, pretty boy.  Now, have you seen the essays my cybercrime class wrote?  They were on my desk.”
“Here-” he said, reaching for one of the desk’s many drawers.  That ended the conversation as the topic drifted to your students and the general category of crime that involved techy-whecy bullshit.  
In the weeks that followed, the volume on Spencer’s prank was turned down.  The students played it less and less, and the campus generally hummed with other holiday themed music until the break hit.  The day after it did, a package arrived on your doorstep.
A lovely vinyl copy of Wham’s Last Christmas.  
You were gonna kill Spencer Reid.
♥ Tags: @icarusignite, @usuallyunlikelyfox, @maraudersforlife2005, @fictionalcomforts, @morgthemagpie, @iiheartbowie, @digitalhearts, @corpsebridenightamare, @ghostatrixx, @reiding-writing, @mywellspringoflife, @80katie, @ms-ks-world, @currentfications, @ilse235, @emagen, @foolishwaitersblog if you asked to be tagged and i forgot, pls let me know!! if you would like to be tagged and aren't, also let me know :D
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irisposts · 2 years
hidden in plain sight 18+
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series masterlist | part one | bonus chapter
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem! reader
Summary: You and Eddie continue your affair behind your boyfriend's back. Hoping that you don't get caught.
Warnings: Smut, cheating, slight-bullying, rough-sex, choking, established relationship, actual plot lol
A/N: this is a lil long ngl so please leave COMMENTS AND REBLOGS. Also i didn’t edit this lol
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It’s night time, a little over nine. Your parents went over to the wheelers, you’d go but you were expecting Eddie.
Besides, you’re father and Ted would talk for hours. And you’d rather not listen to them or play a campaign with Mike. So you opt to lay on your bed, earphones over your ears. You hum to a song Max had recently put you on to. Your pencil thrums along your homework.
You bob you’re head, unknowing to the man crawling through your window.
His fingertips scratch the top of your head and you jump. “What the hell—” Your back slams into the wall beside you. Your eyes quickly snapping to Eddie’s face. “Asshole!” You yell and playfully slap at his chest.
Then you lay a hand on your own to calm you’re beating heart.
Eddie laughs and lays atop of your sheets. “Missed me?” He places his arms behind his head.
You roll your eyes and scoot to give his long legs some room. “You’re late.” You narrow your eyes. “And you really gotta learn to knock.” You screw your eyes shut. “I nearly got a heart attack.”
Eddie snickers and grabs you’re homework. “What’s this?” He playfully reads it upside down. His eyes over look the paperwork. “I don’t think i can read?” He twists it sideways, making a face.
You giggle and the snatch the paper from him and toss it to the floor. You crawl over to him, knees on either side of his frame.
Eddie throws a playful look to you. “Why, hello there.”
“Hi.” You giggle.
Eddie curls a strand of hair behind your ear. “Parents home?”
“Nope.” You pop the ‘p’ and wiggle your brows. “We’re all alone.”
Eddie smiles. “Music to my ears!” He kisses into the crook of your neck. His hair tickling at your skin.
“Eddie!” You laugh and sling an arm around his neck.
He nuzzles into your touch. He notes how sweet you smell. Figures you showered after practice today, because you smell divine. “…All day I couldn’t stop thinking you.” He kisses into your hair. “You drive me insane sweetheart.”
Your heart thumps at his words. You pull back and cup his face between your hands. “Munson, are you falling for me?”
His eyes slightly grow bigger. “N-No?” His cheeks flush and you laugh again.
You can’t help but tease him. “Good.” You roll off his hips and onto the other side of the bed. A sudden shock of pain shoots up your leg. You groan at the soreness in your core, thighs and shins. Cheer practice was a monster to tackle and so was your coach. She was adamant on you being both a tumbler and flyer. You had more experience in gymnastics then some of the other girls.
And coach, expected you to do just about anything because of that said experience. Sometimes you wonder if you would’ve been cheer captain if Chrissy hadn’t. Sometimes you thought you deserved it more, then you’d feel bad and beat yourself up about it.
Eddie notices and brings a hand to your thigh. His fingers going a little past your bed shorts. Your shorts are a soft pink with little strawberry’s for decoration and color.
“You okay?” He massages the skin softly. “Sore?”
You sigh into his touch. “Yeah.” His hands are warm as they work at your muscles.
Eddie continues his massage until an idea pops in his head. Through his bangs, his curious eyes look to you. A hint of mischief in his gaze, “Wanna try something?”
Your insides flip when you see his lips curl up.
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“Does that feel good?” Eddie breaks away, his eyes on you.
You eyes are screwed shut, annoyed that he stopped. You sigh, “Mmhm.” You exasperate.
You’d be lying if you said Eddie didn’t know how to work his tongue. He was phenomenal. He’s been between your legs for only a couple minutes now. Yet he eats you like your savory, and the most delectable meal on planet earth. You forgot all about your soreness from doing splits, and stunts. Your only regret being that you wish you had let him do this sooner.
Eddie purses his lips. “Look,” He starts. “If it’s not feeling good I can stop. Seriously, it won’t hurt my feelings or anything—Well, actually. Maybe a little because this one girl told me I was like the gladiator of head. But it’s cool, I mean I’m cool—”
“Eddie!” You slap your hands onto the comforter. Your arms hold you as you sit up. Your eyes look down to his. You swallow and a small laugh comes from your throat. “It feels,” you smile at him. “It feels amazing, you idiot.”
He slowly breaks into a big grin. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You smile again and fall back onto your bed. Your arm splays over your face. Cheeks burning in embarrassment.
He watches you as he brings his lips back down to your cunt. Flicking his tongue up, then down. Licking you so good. He brings his fingers up to your mound, spreading you apart. You gasp when he licks a stripe up your slit.
“How good?” He blows cool air onto you and your fingers clutch at your sheets. You fling your head back when he sucks you into his mouth.
Eddie pulls away to let his fingers slip through your slit, “Come on sweetheart,” Tracing your entrance. Slowing opening you up wide. “Speak up.”
“Ha.” You tremble as his finger slowly pump into you. Your chest and stomach rises and falls two quickly. Finding it hard to breathe. “Eddie, ah.” Your legs unknowningly start to close.
Eddie chuckles as he breaks them apart. “Baby, tell me.”
You practically melt as he adds another finger and his lips, and his tounge. All working in unison to bring you this delectable pleasure. “Hah—its really good.” Your hand attaches itself to his roots. Tugging, pulling him closer to you. “Eddie, I think—”
He laps at your juices. His fingers curl and twist. His speed increasing. Every time he thrusts into you, his thumb massages at your clit. “—Mhm!” Your back arches as he completely and utterly devours you. Your moans fill the four walls around you.
He comes up briefly for air. “You taste fucking amazing.” He groans when he see’s how unbelievably fucked you looked. Glassy eyes, the way your tits are hardly covered by your shirt. His words send you over the edge, then he’s back down to kissing your cunt.
You pant when feeling that familiar twist and roll in your stomach. “Eddie uh,” You try to pulls his head up. You grip at your sheets so tightly, you think your fingers might break. Your moans become sporadic, loud, pleading.
“Eddie!” You try to pull yourself up and away but his arm is looped around your thigh. a tight grip in place.
You can only lay their, eyes screwed shut as he savours your taste on his tounge. “Fuck!” You feel the sudden presure in your stomach rolls off in waves as you come down from your high. Your legs trembles around him as he pulls his fingers out of you. He then comes up, lips wet with your slick.
“Holy shit.” You try to catch you’re breath.
Eddie smiles at you, pleased. “You’ve never done this before, have you?” His brows knit together.
“Mm—mm” You shake you’re head. “I’m usually the one on my knees.” You chuckle at the thought and you catch Eddie’s eye narrow, a glimmer of jealously. How could Patrick not take the time to pleasure you is beyond him. He’s just thankful that he had been your first after all this time of him begging.
You sit up fully this time and reach for his buckle. He helps you in shaking off his pants. Discarding it with his jacket. Leaving him only in a black t-shirt.
His length stares back at you. Your mouth waters.
You reach for him again, wrapping a palm around his cock. He hisses as you pump him slowly, from base to tip. You never bring him to your lips. Teasing, you’re eyes look up to him. You bat them innocently.
“Fuck off,” He chuckles at this. His fingers play with your hair. “You know ha—”
You lightly lick the tip. “Hm?”
He shudders as you pump him again with your hands. “I was watching you earlier—” He flushes at this word choice. “I mean—at practice. I saw you practicing.”
You smile and bring him into your mouth. Cheeks hallow as you suck.
“Shit.” Eddie’s head falls back. Bottom lip between his teeth.
You let him go with a pop. “Did you like what you see?”
You suck on him again. “God yes.” He exhales, loving how warm you were around him. You hum as you begin to bob your head on his cock. Loving the unique taste of eddie and the slight saltiness on your tounge.
When you go to look up, you see his adam’s apple bob up and down as he tries to not fuck into your throat.
“You’re coach,” Eddie slings his head back down. His eyes on you. “Kept yelling at you for you’re limp.” You heart nearly doubles over at that sly smirk on his lips.
It was true, you’d been limping today. You got pain killers from Chrissy, but perhaps using your muscles during practice wasn’t the best idea. You could hardly do the routine properly without doubling over every now and then. That’s the consequence of fucking Eddie “the freak” Munson. He would fuck you into oblivion, and that he did.
“Should we do it again?” His hand finds it’s way to your head. Moving you to a rhythm down his cock. Tears prick you eyes as you struggle to breathe and swallow him down. “There we go…” He moans so loud, you feel wetness between your thighs.
You gag and choke down on him. Manically, Eddie enjoyed this seeing you struggle to take him. And so did you as you watch him unwither under your touch. He holds you, a hand at the back of your head the other rubbing down your cheek and throat. He fucks into you. His face is focused as he slides in and out of your lips. You try to breathe but the task is difficult when your face is getting fucked into. Eddie growls at the sound of you choking. “Good girl—fuck!” He rolls his head back.
It reminds you of when he does it at corroded coffin shows. When he’d hit the last note on his guitar. Boot on the stereo as he lets his hair fall down his back.
Your face is wet with tears and you have no choice but to pull off as hot white cum shoots down your throat. You swallow but in turn, cough like you had smoken a pack of newports. You back away from him, trying to catch your breath.
Eddie looks with wide eyes. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m—” You cough and then laugh. “Just fine.”
You giggle and swipe at your eyes.
Eddie looks to you with a smirk and lays back onto your bed. His hair falling onto your pillows. You make your way atop of him again. Thighs on either side. You shake as you bottom half’s press agaisnt one another.
Eddie blushes at this. “Hi.”
You bend over to kiss his cheek. Then the tip of his nose, his eye. Any flesh you kiss. He chuckles beneath you. Loving the way you eyelashes lightly tickle his face.
You pull away with a smile. He twitches beneath you and you remember you’re both half naked. You look to him. Warm cheeks as you run a hand down his chest. “Eddie?”
“Hm?” His fingers ghost your hips. Bottom lip between his teeth, desperately trying not to roll his hips into you.
You aren’t sure as to why you feel shy about it now. But you’re mouth is dry as you speak, “I want to ride.” You groan into your hand, peeking through through fingers. “You. I want to ride you, Eddie…”
His eyes look to you. Big, doe, and sweet. He then blushes into a full blown grin. “You sure?” His eyebrow lifted.
You giggle at the memory of your first time riding him. You were sloppy, uncordinated. Your thighs burned and you gave up rather easily. You were embarassed to say the least. But Eddie, made you feel comfortable, especially, when he took the lead. Pressing his hips into you, your head thrown back in pleasure. You gulp. “I’m sure.”
Eddie grins wider, he’s more than excited. “We’ll go ahead then.”
You giggle at his ethusiam and reach down to grab him. He hisses as your cool fingers wrap around him. You tremble with anticipation as you bring him to your cunt. The tip grazing your entrance. You sigh as you sink down onto him. “ha..ha..”
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut. The pads of his fingers grace your skin. Gentle, trying desperately not to grip tight and fuck into you. “Jesus H. christ.” He curses beneath his breath when your bodies fully connect.
You sit for a moment. Breath harsh at this unfamiliar angle. You feel more full then usual. You scrunch your nose as you move up, then sink back down. Making eddie dig the back of his skull into your pillow. “Fuck, you’re so god damn warm.”
You flush and try to focus on rolling your hips. Your round them, and Eddie’s hand twitch to grab at your waist and hips. Squeezing you tight. “Shit.” You lean back when finding that spot. You fuck him like this, coming up and down on his cock like it’s your damn job. The slap of skin to skin is music to your ears. Your moans are soft and breathless.
Eddie’s more loud than usual. Especially when you come down to relax and roll your hips onto his. Makes him go crazy, craving more of you. “Yes, that’s it.” He loves the way you get into it. Your hands on his thighs, on his chest. Sweaty, chanting his name like a mantra. “Holy—you’re so fucking hot.”
He looks to you with concerned eyes as you attempt to sink down smoothly, but you come down a little harsh. “You got it?” Your thighs start to burn.
“Mmhm.” You gasp as you roll your hips again.
Eddie places his hands on the familiar curve of your waist and thigh. His hold is firm. “Here.” He guides you up and then down. It’s slow, but your legs don’t hurt as much with his guidance. But horny, you loose patience quickly. Finding the drive to drill yourself onto his cock.
The new burst of energy has Eddie smiling and breathless. “You’re such a fucking slut.” He reaches up to cup your chest. He sqeuezes you between his hand.
You moan at the harshness and how deep he goes into you. You pray, you could perform for the next practice. But you know best, Eddie's dick could leave you hospitalized. It was simply that good. You smile at the funny thought.
"What?" Eddie chuckles beneath you. The hair close to his face, straighter then the rest of his wavy locks.
"Nothing." You grin, your voice shaken as you come back down.
He leans himself up. Latching his lips and teeth into your neck. He suckles at the soft flesh. You throw your head back in pleasure. Moaning at how intense he was on marking you.
"Eddie." You gasp as your core pulses around him. Your hand is at his nape. "No marks.”
The last thing you needed was your mother or father wandering how on earth a hickey ended up on your neck.
He pulls away, skin still between his teeth. He lets you go, eyes coming back to your face. "You're so pretty." His thumb tilts your chin your chin. He leans in and your already meeting him halfway. The kiss is messy, passionate. You mewl at each break, loving the way his tongue moves with your own. This man was a glorious kisser in every which way. “My girl.” He breaks away, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
You blink at this, a heat coming to your cheek. "Shut up." You lift yourself and come back down on him. You use all your strength, sliding up and down his dick with so much ease. It's passionate, aggressive. You feel yourself go else where, your thighs tremble. Eddie helps ypu, despite his nearing orgasm. He weakly croaks as you come down your high.
Your mouth is agape to the ceiling. You’re body adjusts to the second waves rolling off your body. You gasp as you weakly roll over. Suddenly feeling empty.
"Fuck, ha." Eddie melts into your pillow. Tired.
You grin a lazy smile. The soreness between your legs already setting in.
He rolls over to his side. Looking at you, he smiles. A tired smile albeit. You lay for a moment until you reach for your blanket at the bottom of your bed. Laying it flat over your bottom half’s. You two stay silent for a long while. Trying to get your breathing back to what it was.
“Eddie?” You don’t look over.
“I’m sorry.” Your adjust yourself on the pillow. “About yesterday. Jason was a dick and so was Patrick for doing that…”
Eddie blinks at this. “Oh.”
You sigh. “Yeah…”
Eddie swallows. “It was uh…” He shrugs and looks over to you. “Y’know nothing the freak can’t handle.”
It’s your time to look at him. At that stupid boyish grin on his face. “I don’t know how you do it.”
His eyes are curious when you say this. “Do what?”
You don’t know where to begin. “How you’re like so unapologetically yourself? I don’t know…I feel like I’ve been living this double life for the last few months.” You purse your lips. “ I thought maybe if I tried hard enough, like really hard. That the others would like me and I’d stop getting bullied? And I’d have this high school fairytale of being a cheerleader and be with my jock in ‘shinning armor’. I’d be loved and truly loved for me. But I’m not like these other kids. I’m just—I don’t know. I don’t know who I am anymore.”
Eddie stares at you, his eyes not one leaving your face. A small smile slowly crawls on his lips. “It’s because your a freak.”
You laugh, genuinely. “Yeah. I guess you can’t take that out a person, huh?” You think back to how your life was a few months back. You were social albeit not as social as you are now, innocent to most, a little nerdy. You weren’t an official member of the hellfire club, but you’d occasionally stop by to watch or play a campaign.
Which the others hated, when you played. Eddie would be more easy on you, help you along the way. Something Dustin, Mike and Lucas would catch on too. Calling you a cheater. You swallow at the word in your throat. You are a cheater.
You let out a breath. “And I’m sorry that I blew you off.” You play with your fingers. “I should’ve never done that, I feel like such an ass. We were really close and I didn’t mean to push you away like that.” You look to Eddie. “I’d never push you away intentionally.”
His face is serious as his eyes search your face. “…I know.”
You sigh in relief, Eddie turns his head to the ceiling. Putting an arm behind his head. “Y/n, sounds like you need a smoke.”
You chuckle at this. “I’m trying to pour my heart out to you and you tell me I need a smoke?”
Eddie smiles over to you. With that same stupid smile that has your heart thumping a mile per minute. “But I accept your apology, miss y/l/n” He offers u a hand.
You shake it.
You feel a lot better getting that off your chest. You lay back onto the pillow and contemplate on your next question.
You rest two hands on your chest. “Eddie, if things we’re different,” You chew on your lip. “You think we’d be together?”
When the words roll off your tounge you immediately regret them. Eddie looks over to you, his eyes open. Big and thoughtful. I should abort. You think to yourself.
Yet, his next words surprise you.
“I like to think so.”
He drops his gaze. Now he feels like he’s about to pour his heart out. But he decides agaisnt it, for his own sake.
You stare up to the ceiling. “I like to think so too.” You look over to him. “If only…”
Eddie sighs and looks to the ceiling with you. “If only…”
You guys stay like that for a moment. Just breathing, soaking each other’s prescence. You tilt your head over when you hear a noise. Tap!
Eddie drops his gaze to you. “What?”
“Did you say something?”
He quirks a brow. “No…”
You squint your eyes over to him. But point them back to the popcorn on your ceiling. You hear the noise again. tap! “Dude.”
“That wasn’t me!” Eddie laughs a little at this.
You throw him a look and scoot off your bed to try the find source. Eddie sits up watching you. Another Tap. You squint as you walk over to your window. It happens again and you see tiny pebbles hit at your window. With quick strides you walk over.
Your heart nearly falls out when you see Patrick standing down below.
“Shit!” You fall to floor, when his eyes meet yours.
“What? What!” Eddie scrambles to get up but you nearly screech at him.
“—Its patrick!” You feel like your about to vomit. You turn on your heels and search for your pants. Hands shaking.
Eddie follows suit, bending over to the floor so Patrick can’t see. “Why is he here!” His words pitched and fast.
You screw your eyes shut as you pull your pants on. “I don’t know!” Your heart pounds agaisnt your chest, you stand and rush back over to your window. You open it with haste.
“Patrick?” Your try to control your breathing.
Eddie stops on the floor. Trying not to make noise.
“W-What are you doing here?” You speech, it’s uncertain and weary. You hope he doesn’t catch on.
It’s hard to make out his face from up high. But you sense something is off. Patrick scratches at his nape. “Is everything alright?” He notices your frizzy hair. “You seem on edge.”
“Yeah!” You shout. “I’m fine.” Your voice cracks and you hope your boyfriend doesn’t hear the lie oozing off your tounge.
Patrick takes a step forward. “Could I come in?”
“Ugh.” You swallow as you hear Eddie trying to pull up his pants again. Y-Yeah, just—”
“Okay.” Patrick motions to the white panels decorating the side of your home. He and Eddie use those to climb up to your room.
“—No!” You shriek. Patrick jumps back at your yelp. You can see his face now. He looks to you with confusion. You exhale, “I’ll open the front door. My parents aren’t home.”
Patrick narrows his eyes with a squint. “Okay?”
You don’t even wait for him to turn around. Your hands close the latch on your window and your hands are on Eddie. “Out!”
Eddie scrambles with his jacket and shoes in hand. You push him into your hallway and into the guest bathroom. “You’re letting him in!” Eddie spits out with distaste.
“He’s my boyfriend what am I supposed to do?”
“Tell him your busy, or your grandma died or something, I don’t know!”
You slap your hand across your face. Groaning. “Just stay here until he leaves, okay?”
Eddie rolls his eyes but nods. “Okay.” He sits on your toilet seat.
As you turn you hear Eddie clear his throat. “One more thing.” His fingers press into your wrist, turning you back to him. For a second, you wonder if he can feel your heart beat pulse.
Then the next, his hand cups at your jaw. Thumb softly circling your skin as he places a chaste kiss to your lips. You hum with pleasure at his familiar taste . When you break apart, the tip of his nose brushes against your own. He holds you there, you’re breath mixing. “…Just wanted to leave you a little reminder.”
You can’t hide your smile as you pull away. “Freak.” You turn again and swing the door shut. Your feet slam down each step as you make your way to the front door.
You take a deep breath, quickly checking your pajamas are decent. Then twist the lock.
As you open it and see Patrick’s face. Your soul feels like it’s been crushed. The bruise on his eye is a deep purple.
He looks to you with a soft smile. “Can we talk?”
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Patrick sits on your bed. It makes your stomach churn as he sits where Eddie had just laid mere seconds ago. You gulp at the messy sheet, but Patrick pays no mind. Rather, he pulls at the rip on his jeans. Head low.
You stand around him. Trying to find the words.
“What happened to your eye?” Your words shake.
Patrick looks to you. “I fell.”
You shake you’re head. In your room lighting, you see how purple it really it is. Your stomach sinks. It didn’t look like a fall. “Patrick..” You bite at your nail. “—Did someone do this?”
You cross your arms. “—Was it Jason?”
“What? No.” Patrick shakes his head and sighs. “Jason would never do this.” He points to his eye. You find that hard to believe, especially, when Jason had pushed you agaisnt the lockers.
“Are you sure?”
Patrick’s expression on his face darkens. “Jason isn’t like that, y/n. Please stop saying that.” You bite your lips but obey.
“Then who, is this why your weren’t at school today. Patrick—”
Patrick sighs. “It was no one!” He lets out a long breath. “It was no one babe, it was an accident—this isn’t even what I came to you about.” You furrow your brows at this. “C’mere.” He taps on the side of him.
You comply and sit.
“I wanted to apologize.”
When he says this you can’t help but stay silent.
Patrick takes your hand, fingers intertwining. You note how imperfectly you fit in his hand. “I know i haven’t been the best boyfriend…”
“No, seriously. I haven’t. I’ve been so caught up with basketball and life. I just want you to know, that i’m sorry. I am so very sorry. Things haven’t been the best at home…but i’m trying. And I should be trying harder for you. And seeing you with that freak last night, really put everything in perspective.”
You scrunch your nose at this. “…You mean Eddie?”
“Yeah.” Patrick shows disinterest by rolling his eyes.
“What you and Jason did was messed up…”
Patrick chuckles back on it. “…I mean it was a little funny.”
You exhale and give him a look. You shake your head. “No, seriously. The bullying isn’t funny. He’s actually a really nice guy…” Your voice falters at the end.
Patrick notices your seriousness. “How do you even know this guy?”
You shrug with false apprehension. “His uncle knows my dad. Family friends. And he just took me home, he looks after me sometimes” You half-life. Your dad did know Mr.Munson. But that wasn’t how either of you met, it was through Dustin, Lucas, and Mike. They invited you to a campaign and that’s where you met him. The freak.
But he was much more than that. You could only wish the rest of Hawkins high could see that.
Patrick looks to you with relief. “Oh, thank god.” He mutters beneath his breath, “I thought maybe…” He shakes his head. “I thought he was trying to get at you…”
“At me?” You scoff in disbelief. “Eddie? No, never.” You laugh. Your acting is so convincing you shock yourself. “Just a friend—we’re friends.”
Patrick smiles at you. “Good.” He lays a hand atop yours. “Just be careful around him, okay? I’ve heard things. Guys a freak.”
You nod. “I will.” You gulp at another lie.
Patrick looks to you, really looking at you. He tucks a hair behind your ear. Your mind plays back Eddie doing the same. “Y/n….I love you.”
You blink at this.
Stunned, a part of you had been waiting for those words to meet your ears. But another part of you feels empty. Those words are just placeholders. Patrick looks at you with his soft eyes, plush lips. Your gaze travels to his bruised his eye, you reach out to touch. Letting the pad of your thumb run along the sides of his wound. You bring your hand down his cheek. He sighs, feeling safe in your grasp. “Patrick, I love you too.”
When you say the words, you don’t think of regretting them. Because a part of you did love him or least wanted to learn to love him. Properly.
Patrick smiles and leans into your touch, bringing his lips to yours. It’s sweet, feverish. Much like the kisses he’d give you when you had first started dating. You hum with contempt, pulling away more conflicted then ever.
It’s when the pound of footsteps going down your staircase has your world crashing back down. The reality of your words and decisions coming to fruition.
Patrick leans back. “I thought you said no was home?”
“Shit.” You stand and rush over to the door. “Stay here!” You say to Patrick and swing the door open and practically sprint down the steps.
You curse to yourself the entire way down. You round the corner to your kitchen and see Munson swinging the back door open.
“Hey!” You grab his arm. “The hell, Munson?” Your voice is sharp. “Patrick, could hear you.”
He looks to you with disbelief and pulls himself away. As if you had scorched his skin. He digs into his pocket for a pack of camels. As he digs, he feet walk to the opposite direction. You grab his leather sleeve again.
“Where are you going!” You breathe. Trying to whisper so Patrick can’t hear.
He places a cigarette between his lips and searches into his pocket for a light. His eyes don’t leave yours. With haste he lights the bottom, taking a swift drag. “Oh I don’t know. Going home?”
He taps the end, letting light fall to the concrete.
You crawl around his new attitude. “Are you okay?”
“dandy.” Eddie blows smoke to his side.
Your purse your lips. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know he was coming.” You shake your head. “Seriously, had I known. I would never let this.” You wave between you to. “happen.”
Eddie blinks rapidly when you say this. Another peice of himself crumbles at your choice of words. He rocks on his heel, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. He nods to himself, the reality of this relationship hitting him like a tom of brick.
“It’s cool.” Eddie scratches at his head. He stares off to the distance. Calming down, “It’s cool.”
You hug the door looking back to make sure patrick hadn’t followed. “Eddie.”
He doesn’t respond.
You curse to yourself, looking back. “Eddie, hey. I’ll see you around, alright?” You speak carefully and slow.
Eddie looks to you, he’s afraid if he speaks he might even cry. Which is pathetic he thinks to himself. “Yeah, sure.”
“Okay.” You nod, slowly pull away and close the door. You’re eyes are glued to the floor as you swing the door shut. Unable to see Eddie as he reaches out to say something else. But nothing comes from his throat anyway. When you slam the door, he curses to himself.
As you turn on your heels your eyes catch to Patrick near the end of the steps. “Patrick?” He’s now leant over on your staircase. “I thought I told you to wait..”
He shrugs. “Who was that?”
You scratch at your skin. “My cousin. I forgot she was sleeping, she’s visiting from… Idaho?”
Patrick makes a face. “The one who got chicken pox last time?”
You wave you’re hand. “No, the other one.”
He chuckles at this, and you sigh with relief.
A smile grows on your face as you walk over and take his hand. But as you follow him back up the stairs, you can’t help but look back to the door. Wondering just what was going on with Eddie “the freak” Munson, and why you were irrevocably fascinated by him.
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wittystarkk · 5 years
The Last Five Years || Part Four || Bucky Barnes
author: wittystarkk
word count: 4k+
relationship: James “Bucky” Barnes/Reader
warning: smoking?? i guess
A/N: this isn’t my favorite chapter. ngl. but. it’s still a chapter. and it isn’t bad. enjoy! (-: Feedback is greatly appreciated! (the gif is long but so cute!)
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“Fuck!” Someone shouted from the side of the stage, kicking a metal trash can hard with the point of their shoe. Bucky snapped his head up from his script, turning to face the source of the noise. He pressed his palm flat against his thigh, pushing down in order to force his upper body straight up. His knees cracked a little when they weren’t bent.
“Everything okay?” He asked the girl who had kicked the trash can, watching her pace back and forth between the curtains of the side of the stage. She looked visibly agitated and he wanted to divide himself from her. The rest of the people in the play looked unconcerned with everything going on outside of themselves. He sighed, realizing that he was going to have to handle her himself. He crossed the stage to stand before her, folding his arms over his chest. 
The girl gave him a furious glare and Bucky held his hands up in surrender, deciding any attempts to speak to her were going to prove futile. “Right,” he nodded. “I’ll just leave you to it.” He spun on his heels, quickly marching away from the girl. He noticed the director near the front of the stage, talking with his understudy. “Hey, Jim,” he called, halting his steps on the path. “Our uh, our lead actress is having a minor meltdown. Looks like rehearsals are halted,” he snickered, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. 
Jim groaned, throwing his hands up into the air. “What’s the problem now?” The director wondered, one hand going to his waist, the other rubbing at his forehead. “Everyone! Lunch!” The director shouted, walking off to comfort the now wailing actress. Bucky glanced at his understudy who gave him a shrug. Neither knew what was going to happen, or if the rehearsal would continue today. He decided he didn’t care. If the rest of the day got cancelled he could go home, call (Y/N), and hopefully have her over for dinner. He smiled unconsciously at the thought. 
“I’m going outside,” he called to his understudy, needing someone to know where he was in case someone needed him. The understudy nodded, his attention quickly getting pulled away from Bucky by one of the actresses that played a minor role tugging on his sleeve. Bucky exited the stage, winding through the back area until he found the exit door. Throwing it open he had to squint in the sunlight. “Jesus,” he grumbled, heading for a shaded area between the backlot of the theater and the other building.
He dug around in his pocket, trying to find his packet of cigarettes and lighter. His fingers slipped over the plastic of his lighter and he withdrew it from his pocket followed by his cigarettes. As he was pulling one out to slip between his lips, his phone began humming against his skin. He rolled his eyes, fishing his phone out of his pocket, automatically sliding his finger on the answer button without giving a look to the caller ID. “Hello?” 
A soft feminine voice on the other end greeted him, “hello! I’m looking for a James Barnes. Is he available?”
“Yeah, hi. This is James, but please, call me Bucky.”
“Hello, Bucky!” The voice sounded more cheerful than when the phone was first answered. “My name is Elizabeth Whitfield. I was going through some of the audition tapes that had passed through my door today and was entirely captured by yours.”
Bucky’s eyes widened in shock, the unlit cigarette between his fingers falling to the ground. “You-you saw my audition tape? For what? I mean - I should say how?” 
He heard Elizabeth make an amused noise, “a man named Jim Adler. He’s a friend of a friend and he passed it along. Like I said, I had just gotten around to watching some of the tapes and I’m calling because I really liked yours.”
He could barely control his excited breathing as he listened to her speak. His pulse was pounding in his neck. “Right, of course Mr. Adler sent it in. That’s - that’s great. I - I - thank you for watching it.”
“Of course,” Elizabeth laughed. “Now let me get a few things correct, make sure we have the right information about you. You’ve never booked a professional gig before, correct?”
Bucky nodded his head, “yeah-yes. Is that a problem?”
Elizabeth sighed, “no, of course not. And you didn’t go to any kind of school did you? Adler included in his note about you that you were some sort of ‘natural talent’.”
He laughed, “he said that? I mean, no I didn’t go to school. I mean. I did a little bit of theater in high school if that counts?”
“Sure,” Elizabeth’s voice sounded like she was amused with him. “Listen, Bucky. I’m casting someone for a role in a movie and I was wondering if you could make it in for a meeting? A sort of audition?”
“Yes, yeah! Of course. Where, where do you need me to meet you?”
“Well, I would need you to make it to New York-”
Bucky cut her off, “oh! I live here, that’s no problem.”
Elizabeth didn’t sound disturbed by his interruption, simply continuing on in her cheerful voice. “Wonderful! Well could you manage to come in today, sometime before say, five o’clock? Do you know where the Flatiron building is? On 5th?” 
Bucky’s eyes felt like they managed to get even wider than possible, his breathing nearly completely spiratic with excitement and nerves. “Yes, yes! Of course I do. I will uh, I’ll get there. I will be there!”
“Wonderful, just ask for me when you reach the front desk.”
“Great, okay. I will, thank you. I am so - so looking forward to meeting you, Ms. Whitfield.” 
On the other end of the line, she laughed, “please, call me Elizabeth.”
“Okay, Elizabeth,” Bucky laughed, shaking his head, his hand so tight on his phone it was practically shaking. “It’s kind of like we’re friends,” he acknowledged, laughing a little, feeling embarrassed the moment the words left his mouth. 
“I look forward to meeting you, Bucky. I’ll see you soon.” 
“Okay, great. Great, I’ll see you soon too. Goodbye Ms. Whi - Elizabeth.” 
The line went dead and he pulled the phone from his ear, staring at it in utter shock. “What?” He asked his phone through a choked laugh. He looked around the empty back lot for someone, anyone, convinced he was being pranked. That he hadn’t just gotten called for an interview, audition, whatever it was. He ran his hand through his hair, trying to breathe, trying to gather his thoughts. Trying desperately to wrap his head around the fact that, he finally was getting his shot. Someone somewhere was acknowledging him past the small theaters where he would perform stupid plays he didn’t care for. 
He dragged his hand down his face, a smile never leaving his lips. He wanted to rush into the theater and grab Mr. Adler by his face, shake the man and thank him a hundred times for even bothering to send someone his tape. His stupidly made, poorly edited tape wherein he showed his acting chops. He laughed a little, jumping off the stoop he was stood on, shaking his fists around in the air, his nerves and happiness obvious in the way he moved.
He had been getting more parts in plays, sure. But he never anticipated that he would make it to the point where someone called him. That suddenly he would be starring in some stupid run-of-the-mill production and he’d be receiving a request to come meet with someone for a real movie. He was floored, completely and utterly flabbergasted as he pulled another smoke from his pack, managing to light this one as his mind began racing. 
He was already feeling like things were too good. That he was already too lucky in his life. He had enough money from working for this play that he was able to finally get his old car up and running. Hell, even working to a point where he didn’t have to struggle to get it to start every day. Bucky smoked his cigarette languidly as he thought of everything that was shaping up for him, and his body felt full and overwhelmed. 
He dropped the cigarette butt to the floor and stomped on it, needing to get his things and leave before he started freaking out during rehearsal. He wiped his hands on his pants, jogging back into the theater. “Jim,” he called, walking to the side of the stage where he had last seen him. “Jim!” He shouted, looking around for him. 
“Stop shouting,” Jim groaned, standing up from the chair he had made himself comfortable in. “What’s going on, Bucky? What do you need?”
Bucky’s smile was so big and bright it completely caught Jim off guard, causing him to take a step back. “You -” he laughed, shaking his head. “You - you gave someone that tape I gave you?”
Jim rubbed the back of his neck, looking bashful. “Look, Bucky. It was nothing, and you don’t have to say anything about it. Okay?”
Bucky shook his head, “not say anything? Are you kidding me? I just - I just got a call from someone at the studio. A Ms. Witfield… She wants me to come in today for an audition. I can’t believe it!” Bucky grabbed Jim in a hug, squeezing him tight. 
“Well,” Jim laughed, pushing Bucky away from him. “What the hell are you doing here? Go home, get changed. Get yourself put together for your audition.”
Bucky nodded, like the words Jim had just spoken to him were the greatest thing ever said. “Right!” He laughed, turning away from him. “Thank you, Jim!” He called over his shoulder as he jogged for the theaters exit. Jim watched him with amusement, shaking his head in disbelief at the boy. 
“Hey kid!” Jim called to him. “Don’t fuck it up!” 
Bucky stopped jogging when he was back outside in the sun. He scrolled through his contacts on his phone for a moment, finding (Y/N)’s number. He smiled as he pressed the call button, returning his phone to his ear. 
(Y/N) answered the phone on the third ringing sounding caught off guard, “Bucky?”
He couldn’t help but give a soft, affectionate smile when he heard her voice. “Hey, baby.” His own voice was warm and loving, “I’ve been thinking about what you said, and… Let’s move in together.” He bit on the knuckle of his index finger when he finished his sentence, smiling against the skin. 
He heard (Y/N)’s bewildered laugh and hoped that he wasn’t too late. That she hadn’t changed her mind and decided to rescind her suggestion or offer, or whatever it had been. His teeth sunk deeper into his knuckle, verging on painful. “Okay,” she finally said after letting him sweat it for long enough. “Okay! Yes, let’s do it. God, really though? Are you serious?”
He withdrew his knuckle from between his teeth, smiling like a fool again. He wished his face wouldn’t look so gleeful, but he didn’t know how to stop it. Didn’t know how to tamper down the sheer elation that was pumping through his veins with the beat of his heart. “Yes, I’m serious. Just, find us an apartment, okay? I love you.”
“I love you too, but, Bucky… Bucky, wait! What happened?”
He laughed, “I’ll tell you later. I gotta go, baby. I love you!” Bucky hung up, not waiting for her response, pushing his phone into his pocket the moment the line went dead. He took in a breath deep enough to make his head feel a little light. His feet moved quickly underneath him, propelling him to his car. When he got in he let out a yell, smiling bigger than he thought his face would allow. He was in utter disbelief of his life as his car roared to life.
“Who the hell are you?” He asked, pulling out of his parking spot to head out onto the street, joining the slow moving traffic that was pushing along. He had a woman he loved, and who loved him in return. A job that he didn’t mind, and an audition for something bigger, something better. Bucky laughed, shaking his head as he rolled the window down, sticking his arm out to rest on the edge. “I’ve got a feeling that things are moving too fast,” he told himself. “But God do I want it to keep on rolling.” 
Bucky wiped his sweating palms on the denim of his best jeans, trying to calm himself down as he waited for the elevator to take him up to the floor he needed. His mind was swirling in circles, nothing makes sense. Air felt like it was alluding his lungs every time he tried inhaling. He was sure he was on the verge of having a panic attack. 
The doors of the elevator opened and he held his breath, mustering up the courage to step off of it. The lobby of the floor he’d arrived at already felt too gaudy for him. Too rich and successful. A schmuck kid from Indiana didn’t belong being auditioned in a place like this. A place that put out esteemed movies, movies that he should only ever dream of becoming a part of. The last time he’d been here, for the initial audition, he hadn’t made it past the first floor. Had only met Elizabeth and been lead to a boring white room that looked almost clinical. He dreaded finding out what was in store for him now that he’d actually been invited up to her office. 
The woman at the desk looked bored, like she would rather be anywhere else but where she was currently. She rolled his eyes when Bucky stopped before her, looking up at him with an expression that made him want to retreat within his own skin. “Can I help you?” She asked, more condescending than he figured she should be. 
“Uh, yes, hi…” He cleared his throat, desperately trying to remember his own name, let alone the name of the woman he was meant to be meeting. “I’m here to see - to see Elizabeth Whitfield.” 
A man who had been lounging against the desk with his back to Bucky immediately turned around, looking like he’d been caught with his fly down. “Are you Bucky Barnes?” The man asked, looking Bucky over with an appraising eye. 
“Yes, I am.” 
The man’s smile was full and bright, he looked like he would be really good at selling shoes. A thought Bucky was surprised to have. “Oh, wonderful! Follow me, Mr. Barnes. Elizabeth is so excited to see you,” the man took off to the left and Bucky immediately followed in his stride, eyes darting around the offices. If someone were to hook a monitor up to his chest at that very moment, he would read on the verge of having a massive heart attack. 
The man stopped abruptly and Bucky looked into an office with a wall made of windows on one side, and the wall with the entry door made of glass. He couldn’t imagine the salary of the woman who had stood from her chair the moment she saw them approach. The man pushed the door open, unable to introduce Bucky, the woman beating him to it. “Bucky,” she exclaimed, holding her hand out for him to shake. He returned her enthusiastic smile, shaking her hand adamantly. “It’s so wonderful to see you again, please come in.” 
Bucky walked into her office and the man who had led him to it shut the door behind them, walking away from the office without so much as a goodbye. “Wow,” he breathed out heavily. He rubbed his hands against his thighs, noticing that they had gotten sweaty again. “This office is incredible,” he acknowledged, looking over at the view her office had.
“Thank you,” Elizabeth glanced out the window before sighing a bit. “Would you like something to drink? Water, coffee, tea?”
Bucky shook his head, “no, thank you.”
She gave him a smile, walking around her desk to sit behind it, crossing her legs at the knees. “So!” She clapped her hands together before leaning forward, resting her arms on the desk. Bucky followed her lead, taking a seat in one of the two chairs across from her, holding his hands together tightly in his lap. It took everything he had to keep his knee from bouncing with anxiety. “The director and producers loved your audition. And, well,” The smile spread across her lips was verging on creepy in it’s happiness. Bucky swallowed thickly, watching her carefully. 
“Well, Bucky… We want to formally offer you the part.” 
Bucky leaned back in his chair, the air from his lungs rushing out in a disbelieving huff. He was definitely going to have a heart attack. “What?” He asked after a moment of processing. His voice sounded like a mix of a laugh and groan. “Are you - are you serious? Elizabeth, you want to give me the part?” 
She nodded, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. Bucky ran his hand through his hair, letting out a laugh. “Jesus Christ,” he whispered to himself. “Elizabeth, this is incredible. I mean - Thank you. Thank you, wow.” He shook his head. His brain had utterly stopped working. Any thought halted immediately, any hope he had to sound like a well spoken and coherent member of society thrown out the door the moment she said he’d gotten the part. His heartbeat was pounding in his ears.
Elizabeth pulled a packet of papers from a drawer in her desk while she allowed Bucky to have a moment to freak out, finding a pen that worked from the mess that was a drawer she never wanted anyone to venture into. “If you’re willing to accept the role,” she pushed the papers across the surface of the desk so that they were closer to him. “You’re going to need to fill out this mountain of paperwork. By the time you’re done your signature won’t even look real to you,” she joked, setting the pen down on top of the papers. Bucky reached out and picked it up immediately, not wanting to give himself a second to think it was a dream. 
“Once everything has been filed and processed and we make sure all of our I’s are dotted and our T’s are crossed, I’ll call you again to set you up for a meeting with the director.” Elizabeth explained, leaning back against her chair, crossing her arms over her stomach. “You should get the script in the mail sometime this week. It’ll be brought by courier though, so please make sure that you have someone there to sign for it.” 
“I uh, I’m actually in the process of moving right now. Do you - is there any way that I could come by to pick it up?” 
Elizabeth shrugged, “sure. I’ll make a note of that right now and call you when it’s here.” She leaned forward and moved the mouse to her computer, clicking on a few things before rapidly typing on her keyboard. Bucky wondered how she got to be such a fast typer, figuring that it came with the job. 
“I really, I can’t thank you enough,” Bucky started thumbing through the paperwork, eyes skimming over their contents as he signed. “This is honestly going to change my life, and you have no idea how bad I have wanted this. God, thank you, Elizabeth.”
He didn’t look up when she snorted a laugh, “don’t thank me, Bucky.” Elizabeth uncrossed her legs and crossed them again, changing the knee that was on top. “You got yourself the job kid, I just invited you.” 
Bucky smiled despite being distracted by trying to remember his social security number for the paperwork. “You’re wonderful,” he mumbled, sticking his tongue between his teeth to bite on while he concentrated. He had never had to fill out so much information about himself in his life. 
When the packet of paperwork was complete Bucky was convinced he’d developed arthritis. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, though he still managed to make himself feel terrible for feeling like he’d taken too long. Elizabeth took the pen back from him and dropped it into the drawer to be lost again, accepting the paperwork when he pushed it towards her. Elizabeth smiled happily at him, “thank you for getting all of this done for me, Bucky.”
“No, please. Thank you for giving me a job,” Bucky laughed. Elizabeth stood from her chair, Bucky dutifully copying her. She held her hand out to him, giving him a million dollar smile. The two shook hands. 
“Congratulations, Bucky. I look forward to seeing you on the big screen,” Elizabeth winked at him, and Bucky felt a twist in his stomach. The big screen, Bucky repeated to himself within his head, swallowing hard. He couldn’t believe it was official. He was going to be a real actor. 
Bucky took the stairs to the second floor two at a time, hand fisted around an envelope. “Babe!” He shouted, clumsily tripping over a box that had been placed beside the staircase. “Fuck,” he grunted, regaining his footing. He took a second to check he hadn’t twisted his ankle before dodging a mover who was coming out of the open door to his new apartment, beaming a smile when he saw (Y/N) standing at the fireplace, trying to clean the mirror above it. “Babe!” He shouted again making her jump in fright. 
(Y/N) turned around, hand on her chest. “You scared the shit out of me,” she laughed, hurrying over to wrap her arms around him in a hug, kissing him softly. “God I didn’t think you’d ever get home you jerk.” She let go of him, noticing the envelope. “What’s that?” She asked, pointing at it. 
Bucky smiled, holding the envelope to his chest. “Well, maybe I won’t tell you, keep you in suspense.” 
(Y/N) laughed, trying to pull the envelope from him. “Bucky!” She whined, laughing in exasperation. Bucky tapped his lips, winking at her when she finally caught on. She leaned up and gave him another kiss. He smiled, letting the envelope go. 
“You are holding my very first paycheck from the movie, babe.” 
(Y/N) pulled the check out of the envelope, her jaw dropping in shock. “Bucky!” She shouted, looking at the amount before looking up at him. “You’re fucking me, right?” She asked, holding the check up.
Bucky laughed, “well not right now. But probably later tonight.” He winked, receiving a smack to the chest for his joke. “Looks like we’re gonna be able to afford this apartment baby.” 
(Y/N) shrieked a laugh, wrapping her arms around his neck, peppering his face with kisses. “Baby, I’m so proud of you.” She whispered against his cheek, knotting her fingers in his hair. “I am so, so proud of you,” she repeated, moving to press her forehead against his. “You’re doing it, baby. You’re making it.”
Bucky held his arms around her tightly, pressing their bodies tighter than should be possible. “I love you,” was all he could manage to say.
If you’d like to be tagged, please let me know!
@petlaufeyson​, @lovely-geek​
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