#got him on ebay i think retail price is like 35?
totentnz · 2 years
also look who finally arrived yesterday
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ithebabyblogs1 · 5 years
The Savvy Mum
The Savvy Mum
It's 22:39, my little boy is asleep, my husband is asleep and I'm wide-awake. So what do you do when are this awake???? You decide, I'm going to write a blog.
I could have started an hour ago, but I spent an hour pondering over ideas of what to write about and finally I had that light bulb moment. I am going to share my tips, I have picked up since becoming a mum and review items we bought for our little boy, that are highly recommended for any new parent or parents to be.
So what makes my blog different to any other mums blogging about baby tips. To be honest, there probably is no difference, however every experience and opinion is different and all I can say is the more you read about people's experience, tips and opinions the more it will guide you and help you make your own decisions.
Anyway, on with the blog. I have called my first blog 'The Savvy Mum', the reason for this is, I found that nobody tells you that unless you are married to someone rich, or you earn a lot of money, when you are on maternity leave, you don't earn a lot of money. This can be very overwhelming, especially when expecting your first child and you have to buy everything.
You will have everyone and anyone recommending this and telling you to buy that, and you will need this and all you can think about is, how I am going to afford all of this. You will find yourself looking at a list of '1000 essential items you will need for your new-born" and think shit!!!! do babies really need all this stuff?????
Well actually they don't. You can buy literally the essentials without having a baby bomb going off in your house and spending your entire life savings and your future pension.
Here are my tips on how to help you get your sav on.
1. Start Early - This is easier said than done. Start by looking at what you are going to need and write a list. Starting early will give you the opportunity to shop around. The later you leave it the more likely you are to panic buy.
2. Review, Review, Review - If you see an item you are thinking of buying, always try to find a review for it. A pram with the ability to fly in air might look amazing, but if you read the reviews you will see the wheels fall off.
3. ASK - Never be embarrassed to ask someone where they got a certain item from or their thoughts. Several mums asking what my thoughts are on the pram I am using, as they had seen it and were thinking of buying one, have approached me. Trust me they will be more than happy to help, to be honest they are pretty desperate to have an adult conversation.
4. How Long - One question I always ask is, "how long can he use it for". For example, I was asked if we purchased a Moses basket. The answer is no. When looking at options of what to buy, I noticed my little one would of outgrown his Moses baskets after three months, this meant I had to purchase another crib, as well as his cot for later. The longer they can use it, the better.
5. Second Hand - Don't be embarrassed to buy second hand. Look on places like eBay, Gumtree, boot sales, nearly new sales. I managed to get hold of a 'Bumbo for my little boy with its tray for £5!!!!!!! (Which usually retail for about £35) and they threw in a free baby walker.
6. Baby Events - Supermarkets run baby events nearly all the time. One particular supermarket beginning with A and ending in A and is made up of a total of four letters, runs baby events all time. This is where you will be able to stock up on your baby toiletries and nappies, as well as buy large packs of sleepsuits and various other items at knock down prices. Keep an eye out on their websites to know when they are on.
7. Clothing - At the beginning your baby will not need a lot. Trust me, when people say they grow up fast, they do, very fast. My little boy was born in 2018, during a long and very hot summer. He spent nearly that entire summer in his nappy and wore vests to bed. The nice few items I bought for him, he grew out of by the time he came to wearing them. It is so easy to go overboard with cute bits of clothing, but they will not wear it for long.
8. Keep it Neutral - I know, a pram with pink frills and bows is pretty; however try to think long term. If you are planning to have more kids, do you really want to buy everything again?
9. Multi use - Does the item you want to buy have a multi use. For example we bought a chair that my little one sleeps on, which then transforms into a highchair.
10. Finally tip 10 Bulk Buy – now is the time to get your hands on that wholesale card. The bigger the pack, the more the saving. It is amazing how much washing that little person can generate stock up with that Gigi pack of washing powder.
The bonus tip – The end aisles are NOT always where the bargains are. Make sure you wonder down the aisle where your items located. Just because it is on offer it might not be the best deal. The one on full price might get you those 10 extra nappies. You don’t have to be a maths genius, supermarkets already have worked out the price per piece for you (if you haven’t seen it, its on the price label, located on the shelves).
I hope all the above helps, if not, thank you for reading. I will be writing blogs on items we have for my little one and reviewing them and giving you my thoughts, as well as more tips I have picked up.
Until then, stay Savvy peeps.
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berserker-official · 7 years
Then allow me to be the one who does it. -ahem- Answer all 200 questions, please.
200: My crush’s name is: I don’t have one right now?
199: I was born in: A hospital in Colorado
198: I am really: Really tired
197: My cellphone company is: Cricket
196: My eye color is: Blue
195: My shoe size is: I think 12?
194: My ring size is: I have no fucking idea
193: My height is: 6′2
192: I am allergic to: Nothing that I know of
191: My 1st car was: I share a Jeep with the family
190: My 1st job was: A pizza man at Little Caesars in Texas
189: Last book you read: All You Need is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka
188: My bed is: Small.
187: My pet: She a good girl and like 6 different breeds
186: My best friend: I have too many
185: My favorite shampoo is: Whatever’s cheap
184: Xbox or ps3: Both but I’m a sony man at heart
183: Piggy banks are: Neat
182: In my pockets: I don’t have pockets right now
181: On my calendar: Nothing special today but I have the Danganronpa V3 release date on it in a couple of weeks
180: Marriage is: Neat
179: Spongebob can: go steppin on the beach
178: My mom: is neat but I’m mad at her right now
177: The last three songs I bought were?
Silence by Marshmello & Khalid, OTONA HIT PARADE and Emotional Literacy by Bradio
176: Last YouTube video watched: Oney Plays D. Premonition WITH FRIENDS - EP 6 - Minesweeper175: How many cousins do you have? I honestly don’t know. My parents don’t really keep in touch with immediate family. My mom is an only child and my dad doesn’t talk to her sister.174: Do you have any siblings? I have a little brother who’s a fucking loser going for an astrophysics degree.
173: Are your parents divorced? Nope
172: Are you taller than your mom? By two feet.
171: Do you play an instrument? I used to play percussion in middle school
170: What did you do yesterday? A bunch of stencil work[ I Believe In ] (I’ve already answered these but here u go)169: Love at first sight: Not really168: Luck: Heart of the Cards167: Fate: No166: Yourself: Nope165: Aliens: Yeah164: Heaven: Not really163: Hell: Not really162: God: Not really161: Horoscopes: No but I look at them randomly160: Soul mates: Yeah159: Ghosts: No but not yet158: Gay Marriage: HELL YEAH157: War: No it bad156: Orbs: I BELIEVE IN THE ORBS155: Magic: No but not yet[ This or That ] (I’ve answered some of these already but here u go)154: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs153: Drunk or High: Neither152: Phone or Online: Online151: Red heads or Black haired: Black hair but I don’t really care?150: Blondes or Brunettes: Blonde cuz I’m ready to have fun149: Hot or cold: Cold148: Summer or winter: Winter147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate145: Night or Day: Night144: Oranges or Apples: Apples143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight hair142: McDonalds or Burger King: Doesn’t matter141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heals: I hate showing off my feet and I actually wore high heels once so HIGH HEELS138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: I’m sweet and poor so that one137: Coke or Pepsi: Neither one I actually don’t like carbonated drinks136: Hillary or Obama: Thanks obama135: Burried or cremated: Cremated it’s better for the earth134: Singing or Dancing: Singing even I fuckin suck133: Coach or Chanel: I have no idea132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Neither?131: Small town or Big city: Big City130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller128: Manicure or Pedicure: Whichever is the hand one127: East Coast or West Coast: I’m in the middle so doesn’t matter126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas cuz my birthday is in the summer so I’m dying of heat.125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: Neither cuz going outside sucks123: Yankees or Red Sox: Cubs cuz they finally won the world series[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: It bad121: George Bush: He did Nine Eleven120: Gay Marriage: It’s great why the fuck do people think it’s bad119: The presidential election: In general I used to not care but NOW GO FUCKING VOTE118: Abortion: I think it’s important117: MySpace: I never had a myspace but bring back the grunge emo shit116: Reality TV: It’s obviously fake so115: Parents: Parents are good without them I would not be here (But if they’re abusive fuck them)114: Back stabbers: Drop them faster than you can say bye bitch113: Ebay: I’ve only used it once and it was good so I say sure112: Facebook: Needs to chill the fuck out111: Work: Work is good you get money and gain retail horror stories110: My Neighbors: One of them is a drunk so meh but The Best Neighbor is a guy that used to build his own motorcycles but has heart problems so he had to sell them but he’s a chill guy and I love him109: Gas Prices: TOO DAMN HIGH108: Designer Clothes: Too rich for my blood107: College: A good choice for your future but it’s not for everybody106: Sports: The only sport I care about is MLG Gaming105: My family: They cool but highly problematic104: The future: I’m at a big turning point right now so[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: Last Saturday?102: Last time you ate: A couple hours ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Last week I think I hung out with a friend and we watched Willow100: Cried in front of someone: Months probably99: Went to a movie theater: I went to see Spider-Man Homecoming when it came out but next month I’m going to see Jigsaw with @warlord-official so that’s fun98: Took a vacation: I don’t know? When I got out of school for summer vacation?97: Swam in a pool: 2011?96: Changed a diaper: I actually never changed a diaper95: Got my nails done: Never94: Went to a wedding: Two years ago93: Broke a bone: Never92: Got a peircing: Sophmore year I got my lip pierced so...2008?91: Broke the law: I think I ran a red light once so a couple years ago?90: Texted: A day?[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: Me cuz I do the dumbest shit88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My dog87: The last movie I saw: I was watching the Rugrats Movie on Netflix a little while ago86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Danganronpa V3 and then Jigsaw in October and the Ixalan MTG set at the end of the month.85: The thing im not looking forward to: The next time I have to go to jury duty84: People call me: by my name83: The most difficult thing to do is: Be an adult82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Never81: My zodiac sign is: Leo80: The first person i talked to today was: My dad79: First time you had a crush: Probably in elementary school? She was partially deaf and my teacher told me to help her out for the year and we got pretty close78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: My friends cuz I gotta let my baggage out77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: I don’t remember cuz all my friends think the same way76: Right now I am talking to: No one75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I wanna do photography maybe teaching74: I have/will get a job: When I graduate73: Tomorrow: I gotta get up early for school72: Today: I did a bunch of school readings71: Next Summer: I’m gonna die from heat again70: Next Weekend: Hopefully I can hang with friends69: I have these pets: A good dog68: The worst sound in the world: When a racist opens their mouth67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Roman from the FH team cuz he’s NOT FUCKING NERFING CENT66: People that make you happy: All my friends65: Last time I cried: Just now boi we goin in hard64: My friends are: Good boys and girls63: My computer is: I have an 5 year old ASUS laptop that I should try to upgrade cuz it runs Overwatch poorly62: My School: MSU Denver61: My Car: I share a Jeep with the family60: I lose all respect for people who: Treat my friends like they’re subhuman59: The movie I cried at was: Death Note cuz it was fucking awful58: Your hair color is: Dirty blonde57: TV shows you watch: The only stuff on now that I’m watching is Rick and Morty and AHS: Cult56: Favorite web site: Tumblr even though this hellsite is full of sin55: Your dream vacation: Japan?54: The worst pain I was ever in was: My wisdom teeth were pretty obnoxious53: How do you like your steak cooked: Rare52: My room is: Very messy and small51: My favorite celebrity is: Gal Gadot50: Where would you like to be: Anywhere not stressed out49: Do you want children: Only if I have an S/O that wants kids48: Ever been in love: Yeh47: Who’s your best friend: I have too many to count but @warlord-official is one of them46: More guy friends or girl friends: I think it’s a tie?45: One thing that makes you feel great is: when my friends are happy or I eat a good burger44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My friend that’s in Japan I miss her43: Do you have a 5 year plan: Nope42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Nope41: Have you pre-named your children: I did when I was dating someone and thought we were pretty serious but then I found out she was cheating on me so not anymore40: Last person I got mad at: My mom39: I would like to move to: Japan or somewhere that is cool all the time like Washington maybe38: I wish I was a professional: Photographer[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Pay Day36: Vehicle: Reasonably priced car is one of the new Jeeps. Super expensive car would be an Aston Martin or Maserati35: President: Obama34: State visited: Georgia was nice33: Cellphone provider: Cricket cuz it’s the only one I’ve had32: Athlete: John Elway31: Actor: Chris Evans30: Actress: Gal Gadot29: Singer: Kesha28: Band: Bradio or Starset27: Clothing store: DXL cuz it’s the only store that sells clothes for Big Boys26: Grocery store: Safeway25: TV show: Hannibal or Future Diary. Rick and Morty is always good24: Movie: Saw, Pacific Rim, Back to the Future, or Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift23: Website: Tumle dot hell22: Animal: Dog?21: Theme park: NONE OF EM20: Holiday: Halloween19: Sport to watch: idk18: Sport to play: I used to do tennis so that one17: Magazine: Shonen Jump or Game Informer16: Book: The Disaster Artist15: Day of the week: Friday14: Beach: I’ve never been to a beach13: Concert attended: Either PVRIS or A Perfect Circle with @warlord-official12: Thing to cook: It’s like a mix of pizza and spaghetti11: Food: A nice burger10: Restaurant: I like Smashburger9: Radio station: I don’t remember the one that plays rock music here but that one8: Yankee candle scent: Something about rain?7: Perfume: There was a vanilla one that I thought smelled nice a long time ago6: Flower: idk?5: Color: a deep blue4: Talk show host: Ellen DeGeneres?3: Comedian: Bo Burnham2: Dog breed: Mutt1: Did you answer all these truthfully? I hope so   
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discoverngr · 6 years
How to become rich with Cryptocurrency investment?
“Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments.” — Leon Luow
“If you guys want proof Bitcoin is real, send them to me, I’ll cash them out and feed homeless people.” — Jason King
People are interested is it possible to become really rich with bitcoin? It is a reasonable question since Bitcoin or the cryptocurrency industry is not mostly known to people around the world. So let’s answer the question!
It is safe to say — yes! BUT if you know how to play by the rules. Bitcoin is not an easy thing, you really have to invest time and efforts, and tons of time will pass until you get it and understand how it works. But it is definitely worth of your time and trying!
Let me tell you a story…
The youngest!
Eddy Zillan got a nice present on his bar mitzvah (at age 13) in 2012 from his parents — $5,000 and he started buying cryptocurrencies. Total Eddy’s $12,000 investment is now worth over $500,000, he gained 4,100% in a few years.
Now Eddy is a high school senior in Orange, Ohio. He plans to study dentistry, but if that doesn’t work out, he has a Plan B, since he just launched a company that provides tutorials and insights on cryptocurrencies.
When he was 12, Erik Finman made a bet with his parents — if he becomes a millionaire before turning 18, they won’t force him to go to college. Today, at the age of 18, he owns 403 bitcoins! He also has investments in Ethereum and Litecoin. Officially Erik left school and manages his and his family’s bitcoin investments, lives in Silicon Valley and keeps himself busy with all kinds of projects that have no connection to school.
Jeremy Gardner is another self-made millionaire that made a fortune in bitcoin — now he travels the world, partying and plotting the future of money. “By dedicating my life to crypto assets and blockchain technology, I’ve made more money than I would have ever expected to make in my entire life”, he said to Business Insider. He bought his first coins in 2013 by friend’s advice. Soon after that he threw all of his savings and stock holdings into crypto investment and became a true bitcoin evangelist. In 2013, Jeremy launched a blockchain-based market forecasting tool called Augur that raised $5.3 million in an ICO in 2015. In 2014, he founded the Blockchain Education Network, a network of cryptocurrency clubs at universities around the world. He lives in house called the Crypto Castle with other 7 people. Nearby is a building residents call the Crypto Crackhouse. It has long hallways called Bitcoin Boulevard and Ethereum Alley.
And finally the TOP 7 People Getting Very Rich Because of Bitcoin!
7. Yifu Guo — $5 million
“It’s not about how much bitcoin is worth. The exchange rate is irrelevant. It’s about the concept.”
NYU student Yifu Guo was mining Bitcoins to earn some extra cash. Eventually Guo began to understand the potential and future of Bitcoin’s blockchain. Later he dropped out of school and in 2012 founded the first application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) miner manufacturing company for Bitcoin named Avalon — the first Bitcoin mining company. The miners produced by Avalon got so popular that they were being sold as soon as they were released at a much higher price. The ASIC chips were almost 50 times faster than graphics card and they cost much less. People were prepared to pay higher prices for the ASIC miners. In ebay a single $1,500 miner was sold for as much as $20,000.
Soon Guo left Avalon, and many companies started to build and sell mining rigs, but he was the first one to do it and was the first one to become a millionaire by building these miners.
6. Winklevoss Twins — $11 Million
“We have elected to put our money and faith in a mathematical framework that is free of politics and human error.” — Tyler Winklevoss
These twin brothers are early adopters of Bitcoin and have earned $11 million with it. In 2013, they invested a huge amount in BitInstant Bitcoin and they claimed to hold 1% of the total existing bitcoins this year. After this, they founded the Winkdex, a company that tracks the average price of Bitcoin. In 2015, the twin brothers opened their first Bitcoin exchange in Gemini. Their net worth is over USD 400 million.
5. Tony Gallippi — $20 Million
“Bitcoin is Money Over Internet Protocol.”
Tony Gallippi is founder of the company Bitpay. It was the first company that created a Bitcoin payment processor and the first company to have agreements with major retailers. These days, it processes $1 million worth of payments each day.
4. Jered Kenna — $30 Million
“If we remember, 15 years ago if you were doing anything on the Internet you were going to make millions. I think it could be the same with bitcoin.”
Jered Kenna started to invest in Bitcoin when its value was only 20 cents. Later he traded them for $258 each. This was just one of his multiple batches. He launched several ventures: Tradehill was his first company — an anonymous Bitcoindark mining pool. He is owner of craft brewery in Colombia and 20 mission collaborative workspaces for entrepreneurs in San Francisco.
3. Dave Carlson — $35 Million
“I consider it absolutely high-risk investment. And like high-risk investment should be, it has been high reward. I’m talking about tens of millions of dollars of return on a few million dollars of investment.”(about mining)
Beginning in 1999 Dave has played a primary role in several multimillion dollar startups and personal ventures. Dave Carlson is a software engineer and 10 year veteran startup entrepeneur. In 2010, Dave discovered bitcoin and he’s been innovating in the space ever since. His experience in starting new businesses and his love of technology were a perfect match for the new world of bitcoin mining. Dave Carlson founded the MegaBigPower mining company right from his house basement. He reported that he was making $8 million per month in 2016.
2. Charlie Shrem — $45 Million
“Bitcoin is Cash with Wings”
Charlie Shrem was a senior at Brooklyn College in the year 2011 when he first know about Bitcoin. He started to acquire Bitcoins in the early stages at a very low price. He bought 500 coins at $3. When the price rose $20 he bought thousands more. Charlie Shrem founded a company named Bit Instant which allowed users to buy Bitcoins from over 700,000 stores including Duane Reade and Walmart. Shrem’s total estimated worth is USD 45 million.
1. Roger Ver — $52 Million
“If you care about liberty, the nonaggression principle, or economic freedom in general you should do everything you can to use Bitcoin as often as possible in your daily life.”
Roger Ver is also known as “Bitcoin Jesus”. He is the wealthiest bitcoin millionaire (not counting Satoshi Nakamoto). He is essentially known for his former ventures most notably the run for California State Assembly in year 2000. When he first learned about Bitcoin he gave up his daily works and started reading about it at a straight and sleeping for just one hour. One week later he was checked in hospital and medicated for proper sleep. He was one of the early investors of Charlie Shrem’s Bit Instant. His biggest investment involving millions of dollars are BitPay, Ripple and Blockchain. These three projects yielded him a giant profit. His estimated net worth is over USD 52 million.
Instead of Conclusions: What Can You Learn From The Cryptocurrency Millionaires?
Yahoo Finance made a survey conducted via SurveyMonkey with 1,011 poll respondents saying they’ve purchased Bitcoin, 71% have made money. So we all have good chances to earn money!
All cryptocurrency millionaires have few common features. They follow their dreams and they own their opinion and positions, despite of other people opinion. They are risky, but they make their moves with DYOR rule. They strongly believe in what they are doing, but know that can lose money even if they made great research before.
So we are strongly recommend you to join Crypto world. Yes, sometimes it is unpredictable and mind-blowing, but it always rewards the one who believes in it!
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