#14 bucks with shipping? would spend again
totentnz · 2 years
also look who finally arrived yesterday
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
Regarding the anon that had the quote about Eddie “barely having time for his kid”
A. Do they think single parents aren’t allowed to have free time or fun ever and if they ever have someone babysit so they can have fun they’re terrible parents??
B. What evidence do they have for him “barely having time for his kid”? Just because Gavin wasn’t in this season much does not mean Eddie didn’t spend any time with him. It just means they didn’t have many onscreen storylines involving him (which is understandable in a shortened season)
C. Everything else you said in your response about free time when Chris is at school, about Eddie having a support system and a community
People who genuinely believe that quote are exactly like Eddie’s parents. Acting like Eddie should be doing it all himself or else he’s failing. I’m sure they like his parents taking Chris because they don’t like the idea or actually helping and supporting Eddie.
The other funny thing is (and I’ll admit I’m making an assumption here that the person that said that about Eddie is a Tommy fan because those typically are the ones to hate on Eddie) they will operate on this “if I didn’t see it on screen then it doesn’t exist” mentality for Eddie’s quality time with his son but yet they will bend over backwards to make assumptions about Tommy and his character based on no evidence on screen.
We're literally fighting to get Eddie out of the mentality that taking care of himself doesn't make him a bad parent and that he's actually doing a really good job despite the world being against him since he was introduced. Do you know how good of a parent someone has to be so that their kid will feel comfortable enough having A FIRST DATE AT THEIR HOUSE? My parents still don't know when I had my first kiss and that happened 14 years ago, they only found out about my first boyfriend because they caught me with him. Except for 705 where Chris was shipped off to plot convenience land, everything else, Chris is somehow involved? We saw the date and the great parenting moment from Eddie in 701, 702 and 703 happens in the same shift, so Eddie would have been working anyway, 704, sure, we have Eddie hanging out with Tommy a lot but Buck's pov is the least reliable thing ever, and considering Chris met Tommy, it's not like Eddie was abandoning him, 705 has some issues but, again, plot convenience land, 706, Chris was at the wedding with Eddie and Abuela, and we know she now lives in Texas so she was probably very happy to get some time with Chris, 707 we literally see them out for ice cream, 709 Chris is at the station and Eddie mentions Chris is in his room later. Chris is a teenager. He's not a baby who needs around the clock care. He has school, and friends, and family, and there was a whole plot last season about Chris wanting more independence. It's not like Eddie is leaving a toddler with strangers to go do shit. And Eddie should be allowed to have a life outside being a parent. And Eddie needs a network of support because that man works shifts and sometimes will spend 24 hours at the station. We have multiple episodes with montages of Eddie and Chris' morning routine, we see them watching television together, we see Chris sitting in the kitchen while Eddie cooks, we see Eddie helping Chris with projects, Eddie doing a literal presentation at Chris' school. That man bends over backwards to make sure Chris is as well taken care of. They're not even pretending to watch the show at this point. Are we really crucifying him for playing basketball while his kid is at school? For having a few nights out with some friends? Are we fucking for real?
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anonymouspuzzler · 5 months
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1) Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite? - Answered this one here and here!
2) Can they take care of a plant?
Of the three, Minnie seems the most likely to do so successfully - she's into biology and chemistry, so at the very least she kinda understand the theory of what care plants need on that level. Buck and Davey could probably manage if they had to, but I think Buck would get super stressed out about possibly killing the plant, and Davey just doesn't have a lot of gardening-specific experience.
8) Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
It depends on the type of puzzle and, honestly, whether or not they're doing well with it. Davey I think is mostly intrigued and much harder to frustrate, Minnie's mostly intrigued but will get frustrated fast if she doesn't get it right away, and Buck almost certainly would be frustrated nine times out of ten (he's got a lot of hangups and self-consciousness around his intelligence). Present it to him as "hey can you puzzle out how to rebuild this busted car engine", though, and he might swap over to intrigued.
9) Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)? - Answered this one here!
11) They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save?
For Buck and Davey, probably save, if only on the technicality of "if we get noticed suddenly blowing huge amounts of cash someone will come after us due to We Are Wanted Criminals". I think they could both be tempted to spend at least a bit, though - maybe just a couple new kitchen appliances and a PS5 shipped to a PO box, you know... Minnie is 13 and has no self control she would blow thousands of dollars in a Hot Topic within the hour
13) Name one thing their parents taught them.
Buck's dad and, in turn, Minnie's dad after him, taught each of them how to throw a punch pretty much as soon as they reasonably could. (Whether or not they succeeded is a different question.) Buck's mom, on the other hand, taught him how to block. I think Minnie learned how to read from her mom. Davey learned computer security stuff from his dad, and his mom taught him Spanish. (She tried very, very valiantly to teach him to cook, but he's got the exact inverse of a natural talent there.)
14) Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
All of Buck's pleasures are guilty because he has an anxiety disorder. Minnie and Davey I think have very opposite views on the subject - Minnie thinks 'guilty pleasures' are fake and stupid, because if you're feeling so guilty about it why bother liking it, idiot? (But then in actuality she is extremely self-conscious about Liking Things, because being genuine and vulnerable is cringe.) Davey, on the other hand, is like yeah guilty pleasures are for sure a thing, I got tons of them, even though in actuality he carries next to no guilt over even the trashiest garbage he likes.
15) What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
Buck's kind of got a weird relationship with leisure activities in general - he doesn't really "get" sitting down to watch TV or play a video game or something like that. (Nothing against it, and he'll hang out with the TV on once and a while, but he doesn't really seek it out as an activity.) Davey, meanwhile, doesn't really see the point of some chores and social nicety-type stuff (look, he's sorry, he's not gonna make the fucking bed, he's just messing it up again in like 12 hours). Minnie, outside of thinking pretty much all chores are a waste of time (at least for her. Uncle Buck can do as much laundry as he wants), definitely thinks her superhero training-slash-superhero work in general is a waste of time.
16) If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear? - Answered this one here!
27) Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
Minnie's all in on vengeance, while Buck, contrary to popular interpretation, at least wants to be the forgiving type. Davey's kind of in-between, edging more towards vengeance - if nothing else, he's the type who will begrudgingly give you a second chance if you genuinely attempt to make amends, but he will never forget what you did.
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callmebrycelee · 2 years
This reaction is for the season 4, premier episode titled "The New Hotness" which originally aired on January 24, 2023. The episode was written by Molly Green and James Leffler and directed by Bradley Buecker. Spoilers ahead!
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***LAST TIME ON 9-1-1: LONE STAR***The 126 was rebuilt and reopened! Owen nearly died (again) after a building collapsed on him. We also learned that he doesn't have cancer so yay! Tommy was finally settling into her new normal, being a single parent to her twins Evie and Izzy. Grace gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Charlie (named after Tommy's late-husband, Charles) and she and Judd got to experience childhood for the very first time. Judd learned he had a son and we got to see the relationship between he and Wyatt develop over the season. Nancy and Mateo got together which no one saw coming. And lastly, the couple that launched a thousand ships, TK and Carlos, got engaged!
Okay, now that we're all caught up, let's talk about the premiere episode of season four - THE NEW HOTNESS!!!
We began the episode with a cold open and two familiar faces - our favorite dysfunctional young couple, Brianna (McKaley Miller) and Caleb (Sean H. Scully) . Immediately I thought to myself, oh great! What's about to happen to poor Caleb. Just in case you forgot, we were first introduced to these two in the season one episode "Act of God" when Caleb got locked in his father's gun safe as he attempted to hide during a tornado. The next time we see them is in last season's "The ATX-Files". Poor Caleb gets thrown from an ATV, after he drove off without Brianna, and was launched into a barbed wire fence. 
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Caleb is fully recovered and he and Brianna are spending an evening at a loca fair. Caleb spends 80 bucks trying to win a giant ass teddy bear which he believes will show Brianna and her family (who thinks he's a big fat loser) how much he cares about her. When Brianna tries to address the current status of their relationship, the fried soup (eww) that Caleb ate starts to wreak havoc on his stomach. He takes off towards the portable toilets, nearly knocking over a man and his daughter (more on them later) along the way. He makes it into one of the porta potties and it is on. Caleb totally gets the poop sweats so he has to take off his clothes. Unfortunately for him, a violent windstorm picks that very moment to hit. Intense heat causes balloons to pop, the ice cream cone in Brianna's hand to melt, and the latch on the portable toilet's door to melt, trapping poor Caleb inside. The strong gust of wind carries the porta potty with Caleb inside off into the air and that is when we get a title card!
We rewind to eight hours before the events at the local fair. We head over to the firehouse where we see all of the 126 sans Owen gathered watching a weather report. They are warned of gray skies and drizzle which isn't that big of a deal to the same people who have battled dust storms, volcanoes, and forest fires. TK talks about his upcoming wedding and tells the crew about all of the 14 venues he and Carlos have looked at. The venue they really want is in their budget but since everyone in Austin wants to get married there, they would have to wait 18 months. 
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Owen arrives on a motorcycle because of course Owen Strand is now the owner of a motorcycle. Now, I'm the BIGGEST Owen apologist there is, mostly because I absolutely adore Rob Lowe (watch Dog Gone ... you won't be disappointed). Owen Strand in his firefighter gear really, really does it for me. Owen Strand in head to toe leather ... doesn't do it to me. Plus, and I'm not body shaming or anything like that, Rob Lowe, who is an extremely fit man nearing his 60s, looks really small in all the leather.
Anywho, Owen is now the proud owner of a brand-spanking new motor bike and he even has a few new buddies to hang out with. Mostly everyone seems amused albeit a bit concerned by Owen's obvious mid-life crisis but I'm gonna cut Owen some slack. Looking back on season 3, Owen went through a lot of shit, some of it health-related. I say let him have his big boy toys!
Next up, we get a scene between Carlos and his mother, Andrea Reyes (Roxana Brusso) and let me say, I adore Carlos' mom. She had that motherly, no-nonsense vibe about her that reminds me so much of Eddie's abuela and Aunt Pepa in the original 9-1-1. Now, the one thing that was hinted at prior to the airing of this season, the one thing the entire Tarlos fandom has been talking about, is this deep dark secret that Carlos is suppose to be keeping from TK. While Carlos has lunch with his mother, he gets a call from the wedding venue telling him they have an opening in 8 weeks. When he doesn't seem too enthused about it, his mother deduces that he hasn't told TK 'the truth'. Carlos assures her he will finally share 'the truth' with Carlos. Then the sky turns a hazy shade of green and it starts to rain.
Over at the fairgrounds, we see actual frogs falling from the sky like something out of Exodus. Grace receives a 9-1-1 call from the same man we saw in the cold open. Not only is it raining frogs, a car plows into a poor lady sitting in a ticket booth. As the man reports the emergency, he looks up just as a frog falls. The frog falls into his mouth and goes down his throat while his daughter watches in horror.
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The 126 arrive at the chaotic scene. The paramedics go to the aid of the man choking on a live frog while the firefighters tend to the lady who got run over. Tommy attempts to extract the frog from the man's throat but the frog slips further into his throat. As the man continues to choke, she goes to do the Heimlich and this actually works. Giant, tennis ball-sized hail starts to rain down so the firefighters huddle around the poor woman until it finally passes. The woman is placed on a backboard and it looks like she is going to be okay. When she looks up at the sky she sees the sun come out. 
Carlos is waiting for the 126 back at the station house and when they get back, he asks TK if he can talk with him in private. We are further delayed from this big secret when we see that Carlos has already told TK. TK paces back and forth as he processes the bombshell we still don't know about. Finally, we get to hear the big secret so allow me to give you the abbreviated version. Okay, here goes. Carlos is married, in name only, to Michelle Blake's (remember her) younger sister, Iris. Apparently Carlos and Iris were besties in high school and when Carlos came out, he really struggled with it, so his solution was to marry Iris. Carlos never got a divorce because Iris struggled with her mental health and went missing. He assures TK he thought Iris was dead but now that he knows she's alive, his health insurance is helping her afford the medicine for her schizophrenia. Whew, that was a lot!
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I felt really bad for TK because he is not given the time or space to fully process all of the information Carlos just dumped on him. This reminds me of when Judd found out last season that he has a teenage son. When he told Grace, we got to see her journey as she processed this information and what it meant for her and Judd, and their relationship, and their family. TK insta-forgives Carlos for failing to tell him that he's already married and he immediately jumps into fix-it mode. I'm sorry, perhaps I'm a big immature or petty or whatever you want to call it, but I don't know if I could even be in the same room with Carlos after hearing that news. I would feel so betrayed and not because he is married or married to a woman. I would feel betrayed because if the situation was flipped, TK would have been duly punished for hiding something so big. It also makes Carlos jealousy towards TK's sponsor seem super hypocritical. All I can say is, TK Strand is a better person than me!
And now it's time for a science lesson! We learn from a meteorologist that the huge storm that popped up out of nowhere and rained down frogs and hailed is called a derecho. We also learned there is a chance for a mild heat burst which could cause a rise in air temperature as well as gusty winds, however, we are immediately assured the chance of something like this happening is one in a million. You might want to file that tidbit of info away for the next scene.
We head back over to the fair and we see the same man who nearly choked to death on a frog and his daughter get on a ferris wheel. We are now back at the beginning of the episode. The mild heat burst hits causing several balloons to pop and the ice cream cone in Brianna's hand to melt. Several people start passing out due to the intense heat and the mechanisms controlling the ferris wheel malfunction causing the man and his daughter to get trapped in one of the cars on the ferris wheel. 
Meanwhile, Grace receives a 9-1-1 call from Caleb who is stuck in the porta potty. He is unable to tell her where he is located, however, he does let her know the portable toilet is slowly filling up with blue water. Grace tells Caleb that the water has chemicals in it which contain formaldehyde and they are giving off toxic fumes. Yikes!!! Thankfully the 126 are back and Grace lets them know about Caleb. Since his phone signal is still registering as being on the fairgrounds, they know that he didn't fly away too far. They do manage to find him in the dunking booth. They are able to get him out but he has to be revived. Caleb survives and Brianna declares her love for him. All I can say is Mr. Caleb must have nine lives and we've already seen him use three of them.
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The next order of business is rescuing the frog-gobbler and his daughter at the top of the ferris wheel. The 126 use a tarp as a net and Owen yells for the man and his daughter to jump down. The daughter hesitates and frankly I don't blame her. It's one thing to fall several feet onto something inflatable but falling down on a piece of tarp being held by a handful of firefighters is a completely different thing. One of the funniest parts of this episode is when the man pushes his daughter out of the ferris wheel car and all I kept thinking is, ten years from now she's going to be talking about this very moment with her therapist. The man jumps next but since he weighs a lot more than the little girl, he crashes through the tarp. Thankfully he hit the tarp before it ripped otherwise that would've ended nasty!
Tommy tends to the man and his daughter in the triage tent and we learn his name is Trevor Parks (D.B. Woodside) and his daughter's name is Melody. Trevor has recently gotten a divorce and has relocated to Austin. There is chemistry between Tommy and Trevor and Nancy sees it. She encourages her captain to make a move. Tommy walks over to Tony and gives him her number and mentions that Melody is around the same age as her daughters and they should do a play-date. Trevor asks if it will be a play-date or a date-date and I was like, Tommy, jump his bones now! I am so on board for this pairing! Plus Trevor has a shaved head just like our dearly-departed Charles. Tommy tells Trevor she is fine with either one before she walks off. 
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Carlos goes to visit Michelle Blake but learns that she's left on an outreach mission to Ecuador (and Liv Tyler is back in merry ole England living her best life). Carlos does find Iris, who is looking pretty healthy since the last time we saw her, and she slaps him. I didn't feel bad for Carlos at this moment because it needed to be done. The two of them do some catching up and Carlos tells her he's engaged and that he plans on getting married. Iris sees the writing on the wall and she tells Carlos that before she signs the divorce papers, she needs to meet TK. Something tells me she's not going to give over her John Hancock so easily. 
Perhaps the funniest part of the episode comes when Owen convinces Judd to go to a bar where his new riding buddies are gathering. When they get there, a young man named Mikey introduces himself to Owen and says it's an honor to meet 'an American hero and patriot'. He then asks if Owen was really involved in 9-11. Another guy named Red tells Owen to excuse Mikey and his excitement. He says that the Honor Dogs revere first responders. It is at this moment that I knew exactly what was going on and it was so funny to watch Owen and Judd figure it out. When Mikey is inducted into the Honor Dogs and branded, that is Owen and Judd's cue to leave because while the two of them may enjoy riding bikes, they are not down with white supremacy. 
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The episode ends with Tommy attending church with her girls, Judd, Grace, and baby Charlie. The current minister introduces the congregation to the newest minister - Trevor Parks. Tommy is completely modified but honestly I don't see anything wrong. Ministers can date and since he's divorced and Tommy's widowed, I don't see why they can't see each other. This is something Tommy's clearly going to struggle with during this season. Also, Owen receives a visit from Special Agent Rose Kacey who wants to talk to the FBI about his new 'associates'. Dun-dun-dun! End of episode!
This was a fantastic start to a new season of 9-1-1: Lone Star. I'm glad both franchises are veering away from the huge, multi-episode disasters we've become accustomed to. Frankly at this point, there's not many natural disasters we haven't tackled on these shows. I do feel like we need to get a hurricane at some point though. As far as the Tarlos drama, I'm not really a fan. The whole Carlos is married to Iris news came out of nowhere and while I think it's great we are being reintroduced to a character from season one, it's just yet more drama for TK and Carlos to deal with and their whole relationship has been wrought with drama. Give them a break! 
I am deeply amused with Owen's storyline. Owen really took a backseat in this episode which was nice since a lot of you haters be coming after him complaining about how he gets too much screen time even though he is played by Rob freaking Lowe who is the reason most people even tuned into this show in the beginning. I am wondering what's going to happen next with Owen and this white supremacist group. Something tells me it's nothing good. 
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I'm really excited about Tommy Vega getting her groove back. Last season we got to see her mourn the loss of Charlie. I think Trevor would be a good partner for her. They're both in the business of helping people. Tommy deserves to be happy and whether that happens with or without Trevor, I'll be happy either way. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Well, that's it for this episode's reaction. It looks like season four of Lone Star is going to be a good one. It looks like the next episode is going to go full-tilt into the white supremacist/terror plot. Until next time ...
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piningeddiediaz · 3 years
howdy tas!!!! i know nothing about 911 but you deserve to talk about your blorbos so!!! for the buck/eddie asks, 7, 12, 14, 25?💛💛💛
jamie have i told you recently that i love you? 💓 this genuinely made me so happy, thank you 💖
7. name three of your favourite buddie fics and shout out the authors if you want!
this fandom has the most amazing fics narrowing it down to three is almost impossible but here goes nothing:
@LAFD_Overheard in which the entirety of Los Angeles ships the two idiot firefighters who can’t seem to catch a hint
to look and be seen by @princessfbiwhich is a rwrb au. do i even need to say more?
Leave the Light On (I will be coming home) by @hmslusitania is my favourite fic in the whole fandom and i reread it like at least once a month
(+ honourable mention to Autowrecked because eddie v technology is the funniest thing to come out of 911)
12. any predictions for 5b?
oh SO many. the number of possibilities with eddie being dispatch... the limit does not exist. so buck gets hurt on a call with eddie being on the other side painfully aware that buck is in danger but not being able to do anything except say his name again and again bcos he’s not there to have buck’s back like he promised - no vowed - years ago? like if that doesn’t happen what is even the point! and with the theme of children getting hurt that has been running all season, it has to cumulate to christopher getting hurt and eddie not being able to do anything except trust that buck will get to their son and protect him, which would inevitably have to lead to a conversation about the will! I also think at least one person from the firefam will also find out about the will.  and now that we have the fire at dispatch confirmed I think eddie is going to spend the whole time saving people without a stitch of protection or gear (eddie’s very own tsunami arc!) and realise that being a firefighter is who he is, and no matter how much he tries to ignore that part of him he can’t. and also make some uncomfortable realisations about his own mortality and the fact that quitting firefighting does not guarantee his safety, which I think will ultimately lead to a conversation about the shooting with both chris and buck, and the season will end with eddie officially coming back to the 118. 
14. what song(s) do you associate with buddie?
like every taylor swift song ever written? 
ok lol forever winter is THEE buddie song, esp the s5 arc (hence the 3 different edits I currently have in drafts ALL to this one song). this love is my no 1 buddie first kiss song, and I even wrote a whole fic about it. I also think pancakes for dinner by lizzie mcalpine is a great buddie song, as is home by 1d and helplessly by tatiana manaois. 
25. what is your ideal confession scene?
ive got two versions - a show version and a fic version/my ideal version. the show version I think they would do something dramatic, but I don't want it to be after a near death experience or anything. for buck, who has spent his entire life harming himself because he thinks people only care about him when he is dying, I don't think a death bed confession is good for his character. when eddie finally confesses (because in my head its eddie who takes the first step - eddie finally gets to choose his own happiness, and buck finally gets to hear someone say they love him and mean it) I imagine it to be a quiet moment. they’re in eddie’s kitchen, eddie washing the dishes while buck puts chris to bed and buck walks in and just starts putting the dishes away on autopilot, without having to even think about it. and eddie at that moment is struck with the realisation that all along he has been making a home with buck. it’s not just about the kitchen that buck uses more than eddie does. it’s about buck’s jacket hanging on the coat rack beside eddie’s, and the throw that smells of buck because thats the one he always uses on movie nights, and the nearly finished bottle of oat milk in the fridge that only buck drinks. and it isn’t a new realisation by any means, Eddie has known he loves buck for some time now, has known buck is a part of his family for even longer. but in that moment, that realisation knocks him off his feet and he starts seeing visions of a future he has never let himself imagine, and he cant go a single moment longer without saying it. and when he does, he waits for the panic to set in but it doesn't because he feels happy and content and light in that moment. he knows he and buck have been leading up to this moment for a long time. 
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sunshinechay · 3 years
8, 14, and 5 for both in the 911verse asks
8. OG or LS?
OG. I love the firefam and their extended families. I love the bonds and dynamics. Each person has a different relationship with others and they spend a lot of time focusing on that which I really love.
I'm not a huge fan of LS, I don't hate it but I'm not a big fan of it either. I haven't seen any of s3 but I pay attention to what people are saying about it so if something happens that really interests me I'll definitely pick it up again.
14. What got you into the show?
I kept seeing gifset on tumblr from old mutuals that had started watching the show and I wanted to know who the heck these gay firefighters were. The more I looked into it the more I fell in love with Hen and then as the show went on, I fell in love with everyone else...especially Eddie.
For LS, I started it because I had heard it was a spin-off OG and I like Rob Lowe's acting as well as Liv Tyler. I didn't really fall in love with it the way I did with OG unfortunately.
5. favourite friendship, relationship, or pair/group of people.
For OG, my favourite friendship is Hen and Chimney. They compliment each other so well and each has their own strengths. You can tell they have been friends for a really long time when the show first starts and that continues as you get further into the show. They are always supporting each other and I love that about them.
My favourite relationship is Eddie and Buck. Both as a ship and just as a regular relationship. They are two guys who just bonded when they met each other. They trust each other, which is something that is hard for Eddie especially to do and from that, I knew I was going to love their relationship. As a ship I think they would be a great couple, however, if that ship never sails, I'm perfectly okay with that because the relationship these two have is so dynamic and deeply satisfying for me to watch week after week.
My favourite canon relationship is a tie between Madney and Henren (though I absolutely adore Bathena as well). I wish so much we got to see more Henren together because we simply do not get enough of it or enough of Karen imo.
I gotta go with the whole firefam for my favourite group of people. These guys are exactly what I love about a found family. They have their differences but they somehow all manage to work it out because they each know that they would die for each other and love each other.
Favourite friendship for LS is definitely the trio, Paul, Marjan and Mateo. I want so much for us to get more of these three (though especially Paul, my boy doesn't get enough love). You can really tell that in the small amount of time they've known each other, they've really become close and are like siblings to each other.
Favourite relationship is definitely Grace and Judd. These two are couple goals (at least from what I've seen of them). I've also seen a lot of gifsets of Judd being really happy that he's going to have a daughter and I know they are going to be awesome parents.
For non-canon (since I did buddie for the other one lol) is NancyxMarjan. Please let it happen 911 gods.
Favourite pairing/group of people, I'm going to go with the firefam for this show as well. They all seem to just connect in a similar way to the OG firefam and I always love that kind of found family. I've seen that they are all in separate firehouses right now and I hope they all can get back to the 126 soon.
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seagreen-meets-grey · 3 years
When Lightning Strikes Ch. 20
When your life is nothing but a cloudless sky, lightning can come and strike you so unexpectedly, you won’t even know what hit you.
Or: When Hiccup and Astrid meet, it is as if lightning strikes.
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13] [Chapter 14] [Chapter 15] [Chapter 16] [Chapter 17] [Chapter 18] [Chapter 19]
Crossposted on ao3 and ff.net
(Last round, everyone!)
The pub wasn’t very crowded on a Wednesday night. Maybe a third of the tables and half the stools at the bar were occupied. Indie-Rock music was coming from the speakers, a backdrop to clinking glasses and pleasant conversations in seemingly countless languages.
Outside the windows, the setting sun was largely hidden behind clouds, but darkness was yet to set in. The lights in the pub were slightly dimmed to create a cozy atmosphere, accentuated by the Nordic decorations and laughter all around.
It was pleasantly warm inside, a stark contrast to the chilly air of late October, with cold winds coming in from the sea.
“Yes! Bullseye!” Astrid went to pull her three arrows out of the dartboard and accepted the two bottles of Kaldi Blonde, a local Icelandic beer, from Hiccup as he took his turn. They were standing in a corner of the pub, competing in their third game of darts. After she’d won the first two rounds, he was determined to win this one. But he would have to catch up to her first. The first arrow hit the triple twenty and he cheered, throwing her a victorious smirk.
“Don’t celebrate too soon, I’m still ahead of you!”
“Oh no, I’m going to destroy you,” he countered, squinting at the board and shifting his stance a little. With one smooth throw, the arrow landed slightly higher to the right of the first one, counting one point.
He stuck out his tongue at her in response as he lined up his third throw. An excited buzz was flowing through her veins, mind completely at ease and a warm feeling in her chest – the usual for spending time with her boyfriend. She noticed him making his cute, concentrated face where he pressed his lips together and dedicated his entire focus in a single direction. Hiccup threw the arrow and for a split-second, it looked like it would hit another triple twenty, but it bounced off the first arrow and flew through the room.
She laughed at his wide-eyed expression as he scrambled after the arrow and crawled underneath a table to retrieve it.
“Did the board count that?” he asked as he poked his head out between two chairs.
“Nope,” she answered after a quick look at the electric board, “and I’m still ahead of you!”
He was grumbling something as he stood again, wiping a bit of dust off his arrow, and she was raising her bottle to her lips with a grin when she suddenly stopped mid-motion. Hiccup came to take the beers from her so she could start her turn, but then frowned at her. “What is it?”
A thought had just occurred to her, hitting her right in the chest, spreading through her entire body like electrically charged lava. She met his quizzical eyes, so green in the dimmed lights of the pub. Even after all this time, they still had the same effect on her.
“Astrid?” He briefly touched her still raised hand to get her attention and the same old spark jumped over her skin as if he was touching her for the first time. It was as if she had taken off the thick glasses that made everything look hazy – no, she realized, she’d taken them off quite some time ago, but only now had she noticed. Everything was clear all of a sudden, and she felt light, her heart jumping into her throat.
“Let’s get married,” she blurted out, a huge grin spreading on her face.
“W-what?” Hiccup was taken aback, staring at her with a slight gape.
“Let’s get married,” she repeated.
“You- But- I- Why—” he stammered, a million thoughts scurrying over his expression.
She crossed her arms. “Well, why do you think?”
He blinked, still in surprise. “You… You changed your mind? When?”
“Just now.”
Slowly, his gape morphed into a wide, blinding smile as he scooped her up in his arms and spun her around before setting her down again and holding her close, foreheads pressed together. She almost forgot about the drinks in her hand, nearly dropping the bottles. “And you’re really sure about this?”
“Yes.” Goosebumps broke out over her entire body as she looked into his eyes and saw her reflection in them mirror the unbridled joy and love building and crashing between them like a tsunami wave. Why had she taken so long to realize her fears had been stupid all along? Sure, they had come from a real place, but in this very moment, past Astrid was nothing more than a ghost fading into nothingness somewhere in the smallest corner of present Astrid.
“Okay,” he whispered. “Okay, let’s do it.”
Without breaking eye contact, she set the beers down on the next table and kissed him, long and deep, before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the exit. “Let’s do it!”
He hesitated, stopping after a few steps. “What, you mean right now?”
“Yeah.” She furrowed her brows. “I’m sure there’s some place in Reykjavík that marries people.”
“Um… Astrid, this isn’t Vegas. You can’t just go to a nearby chapel, sign a form and get hitched.”
“You don’t know unless you go look for it.” She crossed her arms, a shadow falling over her boundless excited energy. “And then, once we find something, we can go first thing tomorrow and–”
“First thing tomorrow? I don’t think it’s that easy, hon.” He tried a smile, but it only flickered shortly before disappearing again. “Like I said, this isn’t Vegas. We’re on a completely different continent than Vegas. We can’t just go and get married.”
“Since when are you such a pessimist?”
“What? I’m not a pessimist, I’m being realistic here.”
She smiled lopsidedly. “Since when are you a realist? Where’s my there’s-no-way-we-can’t-train-the-neighbor’s-dog-to-bring-us-the-newspaper-Hiccup?”
He shrugged with one shoulder but didn’t answer, glancing right past her, not meeting her eyes. Her shoulders sagged along with her excitement. “You don’t want to.”
“I do! I really do!” he hurried to say. “But…”
“But what?” she inquired when he trailed off.
With slow steps, he reached her, taking her hands in his. “Look. Why don’t we wait until we’re back home?”
“Why? Why not go and at least scout our options? I thought you of all people would agree there.”
He took a deep breath. “Because I want you to have a chance to change your mind.”
Surprised, she took a step back. “Why would I change my mind? This was my idea!”
“I… I don’t…” He struggled to find the right words for a minute. “I don’t want you to go through with something you realize you don’t want after all, just because you made a decision and are too stubborn to admit it’s not what you want.”
“But I just said–”
“I don’t want you to regret your decision,” he said with a pressing look in his eyes that conveyed more than his words did, and she understood. She’d once made a decision she’d regretted later on – in a very similar context. Despite her initial disappointment and correlating annoyance, she felt a stream of liquid cocoa encircle her heart like a moat.
She leaned her head against his shoulder and squeezed his hands. After a moment, she felt him relax, his chin resting on her head. For his consideration alone, she wanted to drag him through the city and find at least Reykjavík’s city hall. But as much as she wanted to elope right here, right now, she could wait. Besides, they were going to be here for another two weeks, that was plenty of time she could use to change his mind.
With a small sigh, she lifted her head and pecked his cheek. “Alright. Now let me continue with destroying you at darts.”
Hours later, when they were lying in their hotel bed, she couldn’t sleep. She tossed and turned, squeezing her eyes shut until she felt dizzy, but to no avail. Not even Hiccup’s calm breathing next to her and the peaceful expression on his face were helping, and that usually lulled her to sleep like nothing else could. But not tonight.
Reaching over to the nightstand, she turned on her phone and blinked at the sudden bright light. Darkening the screen as far as possible, she typed a few key words into the search bar and spent the next hour researching. And Hiccup had been right. This wasn’t Vegas. She needed documents, not just copies but originals, and she needed time, two weeks in advance at the bare minimum. And money, too. And rings. And a warm dress and tux. And an officiant. And a place.
Now, some of those things weren’t that hard to obtain, and the costs weren’t nearly as high as she’d feared (seriously, she’d paid more for their big fridge), but she’d have to hand in all the necessary documents immediately if she wanted to make this possible. But as long as Hiccup wasn’t on board, for whatever reason, she could forget about the whole thing.
Swallowing her disappointment, she put her phone aside and turned to look at her boyfr– no, wait, fiancé! She and Hiccup were engaged now! Not with an official ring, but what did that matter? Engaged meant engaged. They both agreed to marry the other. To spend a life together, not just in practice, but in every sense of the word. Officially, legally, bindingly, finally.
The buzzing returned to her chest, and suddenly, it was easy to sink into her pillow and fall asleep. Because just as easily, she realized that time and place didn’t matter. They could always come back or travel somewhere else to get married. Hell, they could pay a few bucks to someone at the airport and take care of any legal requirements later – weren’t pilots allowed to marry people? Or did that only apply to ship captains? But before she could finish that thought, she was already out like a light.
All of her nightly deliberation, though, couldn’t stop her from not-so-coincidentally walking past a shop for wedding clothes on their stroll through the city the next day. Hiccup just shook his head with a fond smile and followed her inside. She could already look, right? And there was no way she’d wear the same dress to her second wedding.
She wasn’t usually one to enjoy shopping for clothes like other women did – if she needed something, she’d go get it, not aimlessly walk through a hundred stores without purpose – this place felt like heaven. Maybe it stemmed from her excitement, maybe it was the rows upon rows of cream and white (and the occasional black or green) that made her feel like she was surrounded by clouds. Brocade, lace, tulle, ornaments with golden or silver threads woven in, all kinds of different lengths and sizes and cuts. She felt a little overwhelmed until she figured out the system in which the dresses were hung.
While Hiccup was chatting with a sales assistant somewhere over by the tuxedo pants, she walked past a row of short summer dresses, running her fingers through the layers of fabric, marveling at the needlework that must have gone into all the fine details in the adornments.
Turning a corner, she found the section for warmer clothes. Winter dresses with long sleeves and thick layers that still managed to look delicate, matching bolero jackets, thick tights that would be invisible underneath the beautiful skirts, even light winter boots that went with certain dresses. Astrid wanted to try them all on. But quickly running the numbers in her head and converting currencies, she had to turn her back on probably half the display.
With pleasant music in the background, a small table with water, orange juice, champagne and snacks nearby, and a friendly sales woman offering her assistance, Astrid figured it was a good thing she and Hiccup didn’t have any set plans for the rest of the day.
Edda, the sales woman, greeted her with an enthusiastic energy, rubbing her hands together and asking Astrid for her preferences. Then she weaseled back and forth between the rows, picking out dress after dress, matching jackets, scarfs, shoes, shawls, fur capes and elegant ponchos. Whenever Astrid had put on one dress, Edda was already back with another.
And they were all so, so beautiful. But they either didn’t quite fit, were too expensive, or just simply weren’t her style. About half an hour into their fitting session, Hiccup was waiting for her lounging in a chair when she came out of the fitting room in a long layered dress with puffy sleeves and a high collar, not unlike Lady Diana’s dress. It had looked great on its hanger (and on Lady Di), but on Astrid? Well, when Hiccup saw her and started laughing, she just rolled her eyes with a defeated sigh and didn’t even wait for Edda to come back before peeling herself out of the monstrosity.
Two hours passed with just the blink of an eye. For a while, she didn’t even see Hiccup in-between getting in and out of dresses. She wasn’t even sure if he was still in the store, but she couldn’t blame him. She was completely drained and had stopped counting after dress number twenty. Seemed like Edda could tell because she suggested a break when Astrid refused to give up and come back another day.
Downing an entire glass of champagne in one go, she wearily wiped a hand over her face. She wanted to find a dress, the sooner the better, because then she had more ammunition to throw at Hiccup who still insisted they didn’t get married until they were back home.
She put down her empty glass and strolled through the store, side-eyeing every dress she’d tried on so far. Some of them had been really pretty. Maybe if she took them to a tailor to make some last-minute changes…?
Just for the sake of it, she took a look at the dresses with the horrendously high price tags. From within the masses, a full-length, sleeveless white silk dress with a lace collar caught her eye. It had a broad sash with intricate Celtic-Nordic ornaments woven in with golden thread. It felt impossibly soft and looked incredibly comfortable. But what was worst was that it seemed to be her exact size.
“That is beautiful,” a voice behind her said and from out of nowhere, Hiccup reappeared. He stepped closer, running a hand up and down her back.
“Yeah,” she sighed and carefully hung it back. “But way too expensive.”
“You could try it on and I’ll convince Edda that you’re meant to have it because no other person will look as beautiful in it as you.” He rested his chin on her shoulder and hugged her from behind. “Maybe she’s superstitious, too, and will believe me when I tell her you’re a goddess or a fairy in disguise and this dress can be her offering to you.”
“Solid plan, babe,” she said with a grin. “You know what? I’ll try it on for you. And for me, because it’s gorgeous and I want to.”
“That’s the spirit.” He let go of her so she could take the dress back to the fitting room.
It was perfect.
For a full minute, she marveled at her own reflection in the huge mirror. The dress fit like a second skin, as if it had been made specially for her. She ran her hands over the fabric, so soft and of such a high quality, the price almost seemed too low, even.
She pulled the curtain aside and stepped out of the room, feeling like the goddess Hiccup had offered to sell her as. And boy, did he think the same, judging by the gape and the wide eyes and the adoring smile that spread over his face following the first shock.
“Wow.” His voice was almost breathless. “I… Wow. Now I want to make you an offering, oh mighty goddess of… of…” He trailed off, at a loss for words. Astrid took pride in being the only one who could cause that in him. (Well, she and one dress. But that was it.)
“Oh, you found one!” Neither she nor Hiccup had noticed Edda come back. “Turn around, let me see.” Astrid turned for Edda, the fabric flowing around her ankles. “Wonderful, wonderful!”
“But way too much…” Astrid fingered with the price tag, already heading back to the fitting room before she could do something stupid like empty her entire savings account for this, but Edda motioned for her to wait.
“This dress is part of our next big sale. If you’re still here two weeks from now, it can be yours for a third of the price. Provided that no one else buys it before you.”
Astrid bit her lip and exchanged a glance with Hiccup. If she already couldn’t have her impromptu wedding in Iceland, she at least wanted the dress.
“I’ll take that chance,” she announced, earning approving nods from both Edda and Hiccup.
Step one: check.
But Hiccup was stubborn. The following days, she kept talking his ear off about extending their vacation and finding a way to get their documents here without traveling back first.
“Astrid, we’re in a different country,” he argued. “Let’s go home first and, when the lenses of the romantic vacation are gone, see what’s the plan then.”
“I’m not going to change my mind, Hiccup, I don’t know how often I have to say that until you believe me.”
But he was relentless. Not even her ploy to convince him by trying on the dress every time they walked past the store worked. She even found matching warm shoes and a beautiful white faux-fur coat that looked like a cape with sleeves and made her feel like a Viking queen. She also knew what she’d do with her hair, picking out a flower crown from a florist and a matching one for Hiccup the first chance she got. But he kept talking about how they could find these things in Berk or maybe have them shipped home.
The only thing they did without hesitation was buy the rings. They’d just come back from a four-day trip across the island when they walked past a jeweler’s display window. Infected with a prenuptial spirit, they spent the rest of the afternoon in a café, hunched over Hiccup’s sketchbook, before they went back to order their own personalized wedding rings. It made the whole ordeal feel absolutely final, but their time on this vacation was slowly running out and Hiccup still didn’t budge. Which was frustrating.
And then, less than a week before the sale, the dress was gone. Along with their chance to just bribe someone to marry them without all the legal necessities. She was grumpy for the entire day.
The next morning, she had sort of accepted her fate, directing her energy into making plans with Hiccup for a winter wedding and a party once they got home. It wouldn’t be as soon as she’d hoped it could happen, and much of their plans hinged on it snowing a lot, but the buzzing excitement was back in no time. And with it, her good mood.
Which is why she didn’t waste any energy on what could have been when the last day of their vacation dawned. After breakfast at the hotel, they took their rental car outside the city and spent the day at the coast, walking hand in hand along the cliffs and picnicking down at the beach sheltered in the shadow of a tall rock formation, with sandwiches, cookies and a thermos of hot tea.
They watched the sunset up by the edge of a cliff, huddled closely together on their camping chairs, listening to the waves at the bottom of the cliff, climbing and crashing back down. The wind was subsiding and the clouds were parting, and Astrid felt as if she was at the edge of the world, just her and Hiccup. It was still cold, though, and she adjusted her hat and scarf to properly cover her ears and neck. Then she reached over and took Hiccup’s gloved fingers in hers, resting their hands on the arms of the adjoined chairs. She felt him squeeze her hand and look at her from the side.
His expression was thoughtful. “You haven’t changed your mind yet?”
She sighed in fond exasperation and leaned her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes against a low sunbeam. “No, you muttonhead. I want to marry you. That has absolutely nothing to do with us being on vacation. I don’t know how that even got into that thick skull of yours.”
For a few minutes, he was quiet. Then he pressed a kiss to her temple and hesitantly leaned his head against hers. “Too bad that it did, because we could have been married by now.”
She sat up and socked him on the arm, ignoring his yelp. “Yes, we could have been! I could also have owned my perfect wedding dress by now.” She crossed her arms and added with a low grumble, “Let’s hope the rings are really done by tomorrow morning. I don’t want to pay a shipping fee if they aren’t, they were expensive enough already.”
“Don’t worry, I checked with them this morning, we can pick them up first thing tomorrow.”
The sun had almost completely disappeared behind the horizon when she glanced back at him, absentmindedly playing with his fingers. “Did you really think I’d change my mind about you?”
He shrugged, keeping his eyes trained on the endless sea. In the now quickly dying light, it became harder to read his expression. “It’s not like I didn’t believe you when you said you were sure about it. I just...” He went quiet again, lips pressed together, but she didn’t take her eyes off him, waiting for him to continue. Then he looked at her, and in the near-darkness, his eyes were like a beacon, shining with emotions, open and raw and honest and vulnerable.
“I guess I was afraid.”
“Of what? Me changing my mind?” She frowned.
“Yeah. I mean… What if you start feeling trapped again? Like this is not the life you want?” His voice was almost a whisper, almost part of the wind grazing their cheeks, painting them red. “When you realize marrying me was the wrong decision. You said you were sure, but wasn’t that what you’d thought last time?”
Oh. Oh. So that… That was…
“Oh, Hiccup.” She enveloped him with both arms and pressed a lingering kiss to his mouth. “You could have just said that, you know. Then I could have told you way earlier that you have absolutely nothing to worry about.”
“I know you love me,” he continued, “but you also loved Eret and–”
“Not like this,” she interrupted him. “With Eret, everything was... easy. Pleasant. When I looked at our relationship from the outside, it made sense. But it took me a long time to figure out that I needed so much more than that. I’ve told you many times how it felt when I met you. You turned everything I thought I knew about love upside down, and about what I wanted, what I needed. The only reason I didn’t marry you way earlier is a fear I now know is irrelevant. Because I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and only you, only ever you.”
“Hm,” he made after a minute, trying a smile, “I guess your fear rubbed off on me a little.”
“It was a real fear, but like I said, I’m over it now. Because I know exactly what I want and because I know that it will be different this time, because I have not even the tiniest of doubts about you, I never had.” She regarded him with creased brows and a suddenly tight chest. “Do you?”
He vehemently shook his head. “No. I could have married you on the spot that day, you know, in the rain. I can’t imagine ever loving anyone else like that.”
“Good, then we’re on the same page. Next time, just talk to me, you muttonhead!”
A long sigh escaped him, as if he was releasing all the tension at once that he’d felt ever since she’d announced that she wanted to marry him, for real. “I’m sorry. I should have said something.”
“I know. It’s alright.” She leaned her head on his shoulder again, a starry sky above them the only light source for miles. One of the only clouds left in the sky gave way to the moon, or rather what little was visible of it, its crescent shape resembling a thin scythe.
“Good to know you’re still on board, though,” Hiccup mumbled and by the sound of it, he was far away with his thoughts.
Astrid fumbled her phone out of her pocket with stiff fingers, pulling up a weather forecast. “Looks like it’s gonna be a clear sky tonight. Hey, maybe we’ll finally get to see the lights!” It was one of the main reasons they’d chosen Iceland as their destination, after all. And so far, the sky had never been clear enough for the real experience.
“Yes, maybe.” Hiccup rose out of his chair with a groan. “But first, we should get back to the hotel, pack our suitcases, warm up, have dinner… Maybe not in that order.”
She hummed as she followed him back to the car, carrying her folded chair over one shoulder. “I’m sure we can think of a good way or two to warm ourselves up.”
After dinner, Astrid got a call from the jeweler that they could come pick up their rings immediately, even though they were already closed – someone would still be there to lock up, waiting for them. Hiccup offered to go get the rings while Astrid kept packing up their stuff. That didn’t take very long, though, as she was a very efficient packer, so she changed into her sweatpants and lounged on the bed while video-calling Ruffnut for a while.
Her phone was leaning against the lamp on the nightstand while charging, with Astrid sitting cross-legged on the bed, braiding and un-braiding her hair without paying much attention to what she was doing.
Ruff’s grand advice was to just put the rings on their fingers and call it a day. “No one cares about your signature on a piece of paper, dude. Just call yourself Mrs. Haddock from now on, or Mrs. Hofferson-Haddock, or call him Mr. Hofferson, whatever, who cares.”
“If we just wanted it to be symbolic, we could have done it already. But we want the real, official thing. The legal thing.”
Ruff let out a loud belch, crinkling the can of cheap beer in her hand. “Why? That sounds boring.”
Astrid repeatedly combed through a thick strand of hair that had a particularly large knot in it. With a frown, she picked loose hair from her clothes. “It’s not boring. It’s binding. Besides, there’s, like, a million other things that come with legal marriage. Like sharing property. Or tax benefits.”
“Tax benefits, huh? Maybe I should get married, too. Does your fiancé have any single friends? How about that Fishlegs guy? He’s nice.”
“Absolutely not! You cannot marry Fishlegs!
“Why not?” Ruffnut whined.
“Because like you said, he’s nice, and I don’t want you corrupting him. You can have Snotlout if you want, I think he’d be a much better match for you, anyway.”
“Eh.” Ruff shrugged. “He’s a little too small for my taste, but I guess for tax benefits, he’ll do.”
Astrid heard a key turn in the door. “Okay, Ruff, I gotta go now, Hiccup’s back. We’re gonna go see the northern lights.”
“A’ight, see ya. Send ring picks!”
“Sure. Bye, Ruff.” She leaned forward to end the call before shuffling around on the bed to face Hiccup. “That took a long time. What’s in the bag?” With him, he had a huge, plain white plastic bag that was closed with a zipper.
“First of all, I got the rings,” he said while taking off his shoes and jacket, carefully setting the bag down on the floor, leaning it against the wall when it tipped over. Whatever was inside, it had no particularly distinct shape.
“And what have you got in the bag?” She stood from the bed and walked over, but Hiccup caught her hand and pulled her back into the room.
“You’re very nosy. Rings first.”
There was a small black box in his hand. Inside, on a white velvet pillow, rested two silver bands. Carefully, he took them out, placing them in her palm. Hers had a tiny blue stone inserted and on the inside, Hiccup’s initials were engraved next to blank space where the date of their wedding would go once they knew when it was. His was adorned with a dark green stone and her initials. Surrounding the stone on each ring were very fine lines that made a pattern not unlike the one on the sash of what Astrid still considered her dress, although it would never be hers now.
She turned the rings, held them up in the light, and finally slid hers on her finger. It fit like a glove. “It’s perfect.”
“It is,” Hiccup agreed and gently pulled it from her finger. “But it’s going back into the box for now.”
Suppressing a sigh as he set the box aside – she’d get to proudly wear it soon enough –, her eyes wandered back to the white mystery bag. “Now what’s with that?”
Hiccup was at the bag in one quick jump, guarding it from her. “Before you open this, I just want to tell you how hard it was for me to keep this a secret. Do you know how many times I’ve been just short of blurting it out?”
“This sounds like a rhetorical question, so I’ll just…” She made a grab for the bag, but Hiccup snatched it from her, wiggling a mock-reprimanding finger in her face.
“You’re so impatient. And don’t stick your tongue out at me, missy!” He probably read her stance right and correctly deduced she was about to wrestle him for the bag, because he took a step back and held up his hand, expression changing into a smile that made his eyes shine. “You can see this as a substitute for an engagement ring.”
Heart pounding in her chest, she accepted the bag when he handed it to her, setting it down on the bed and sliding the zipper open. A soft gasp escaped her. “But this is…”
“Your outfit for tonight.”
She looked up, finding him wringing his hands nervously. “Tonight?”
He nodded. “That is, if you’re up for it?”
“Hiccup, what are you talking about?” Her heart was still pounding. Did this mean what she thought it meant? But how? “Wait, did you plan this all along?”
“I uh… Maybe?” He flashed her a shy grin. “I told myself I’d wait until the end of our vacation to see if you changed your mind – yes, don’t look at me like that, I know I shouldn’t have worried in the first place – but I couldn’t tell you that earlier today because then the surprise would have been gone. Besides, the rings weren’t ready yet and the dress was too expensive – by the way, I had it put on layaway until the sale started, which is today, so I just picked it up, and I have your boots and cape as well in there.”
He was now in full motion, talking fast and with his entire body, “And then I had to wait for the documents to arrive because they said the copies were fine for processing but they needed the originals for legal purposes. They arrived five days ago, just in time, although actually, the certification of marital status would have had to be handed in eight weeks ago, but they made an exception in this case, but not officially, of course – I didn’t bribe anyone, I just told them our story and they loved it. I already took care of everything; whenever you were in the shower or trying on dresses or when I went to the store to sneak drinks into the hotel or remember when I insisted on sleeping in and you slept until noon? I always snuck away to make calls or hand in documents. Now all we need to do is sign the papers.”
She blinked, her mind catching up to everything that had just come out of him like the Mosárfoss waterfall. “So all my nagging these past weeks has been for nothing?”
“Actually, I’d say the opposite. It was great reassurance.”
She seriously didn’t know whether to laugh or cry or scream or everything at once. He’d planned all this, without telling her, in case she’d change her mind about getting married, despite her constantly talking his ear off about it. It sounded incredibly stupid. But then again, he knew about her history, and she’d told him about her fear of trapping herself in an unhappy life because she thought she’d failed, somehow. He didn’t want to be the reason she ever felt like that again.
Wiping a hand over her face, she walked up to him, punched his arm and pulled him into a fierce hug. “You know, I would have been fine without a grand surprise. In fact, if you’d told me about this earlier at the cliffs, it would’ve been just as much of a surprise.”
“Hm, but I didn’t have the dress yet and it almost looked like the rings would be too late.” His arms came around her middle. “I didn’t want you to be disappointed after all if it hadn’t worked out.”
She pulled back to look at him. “How did you even get the documents?”
He shrugged with a lopsided smile. “Like everyone else would. I called your ex-husband, naturally.”
“Ah,” she chuckled. “I knew it was a good idea to keep him around, eventually he had to be good for something.”
“Yeah, well, turns out he was good for making it possible for his ex-wife to elope on vacation.” He lifted his chin and made a show out of ceremoniously clearing his throat. “So, Astrid Hofferson. Will you marry me tonight under the northern lights?”
Biting her lip to keep the glee from breaking out over her face, she turned away. “Nah, I changed my mind.”
After a beat, he groaned, “You have a very cruel sense of humor, you know that?”
“Maybe you deserve it.” Then she couldn’t hold it in anymore. She spun back around, finding Hiccup already right behind her, throwing his arms around her and lifting her from the ground. “Okay, yes, yes I will!”
After spinning her around once or twice, he put her back down and, with a barely concealed grin, shrugged and stepped to the side. “Too bad, now I’ve changed my mind.”
She grabbed the next best thing to throw at him, which was the pair of jeggings she planned on wearing on the plane tomorrow, and flung it right at him, hitting him square in the face.”Don’t you dare say that later! I will personally make sure to push you off the next cliff if you do.” She took the dress out of the bag, spreading it on the bed to make sure it wasn’t crinkled. But whoever had packed the bag had known what they were doing. Everything looked flawless.
“Thanks for the heads-up,” Hiccup retaliated, “I’ll bring my parachute.”
Underneath the dress, she found the faux-fur coat and the elegant cream-colored winter boots. And at the bottom of the bag, there was a neatly folded matching suit for Hiccup. She spread everything next to the dress. “Hey, let’s go paragliding or skydiving on our honeymoon! Where do you want to go?”
He picked a strand of her hair and twirled it around his finger. “I hear Iceland’s beautiful this time of year.”
“Very funny, babe.” She pecked his cheek, then dashed over to the bathroom. “I claim the shower first, my hair takes longer!”
They were scheduled to meet with the officiator a little further than a half-hour ride outside Reykjavík. While Astrid had been singing happy tunes in the shower, Hiccup had called the wedding planning organization he’d been in contact with over the whole legal process and given them the green light for tonight.
Now they were on their way to the site, driving themselves to their own wedding, sitting in a rental jeep in winter wedding attire (the flower crown looked very cute on Hiccup), ring box stored away safely in the glove compartment. The first minutes of the drive, it wasn’t clear who was more antsy, Astrid with her jiggly legs or Hiccup with his constant blabbering.
But then he put on a playlist consisting of Coldplay, U2, Imagine Dragons, and the first two songs they ever danced to together on that rainy Sunday, and singing along to the upbeat music gave them an opportunity to lose some of their nervous energy. Hiccup explained his sentiment behind putting November Rain on the playlist, which made her reflect on how far they’d come since Dagur’s now infamous 30th birthday party.
Lowering her window a bit – not willing to risk the air stream messing up her hair, even though she was wearing it loose, with only her flower crown on top –, she sang into the early night. “It’s a beautiful daaaay! Don’t let it get away!” The concept of fears and doubts and heartbreak seemed foreign to her, the world was a magical place and she was only an hour away from making the best decision of her life so far.
Closing the window when the air rushing in became a bit too fresh, she took out her phone and sent an all-caps text to her parents: ‘CHILL THE CHAMPAGNE CAUSE I’M ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!’ For good measure, she added a string of heart emojis, stars, and a champagne bottle. She considered also adding a bride emoji, but decided to let her parents stew a little over the meaning of her message. She pictured them sitting at home on the couch, speculating– And there it was already, not five minutes later, the inquiring big question mark her father sent into the chat.
Purposefully switching her phone to airplane mode, she flung it onto the backseat and leaned forward as something in the sky caught her eye, something green and purple dancing high above. The aurora borealis. For the first time on this entire vacation, they finally got to see them for real, without thick clouds blocking the sky. She agreed with Chris Martin. This was para, para, paradise!
Their breaths came out visible in the cold air when they exited the car and walked the remaining few hundred feet to the bank of a lake. It wasn’t far from the cliffs, the sound of crashing waves a steady backdrop to the comparatively tiny waves of the lake lapping at their own shore. Hiccup grabbed her hand and she held onto his tightly.
She didn’t spot the two people waiting for them at first, too distracted by the wonderful display of dancing colors all above and mirrored on the almost still surface of the water. She understood why they’d come all the way out here. It was breathtakingly beautiful.
Atali, the woman who would officiate their little ceremony, and Throk, her assistant who was setting up a few lights and a table with chairs, gave them a warm welcome and offered them both a variety of hot drinks before Atali spread the contents of a thin binder on the table. It was their documents, including a certificate that already had tomorrow’s date on it.
“We’re going to start shortly before midnight so you can say your I do’s right after the beginning of the new day,” Atali explained. Underneath the table, Hiccup gave Astrid’s hand a squeeze. “Now I need to know if you chose to change or keep your last names.” She raised her brows expectantly.
Astrid squeezed Hiccup’s hand right back. “I told him that, should we ever get married, I’d take his. So yes, I’ll change mine.” The look he gave her as Atali neatly wrote their names down on the paper made her heart skip at least a full beat. They were actually going to do this. She waited for a knot in her stomach, a nagging doubt in the back of her head, but she found nothing. She was all in.
While waiting for the time to start the ceremony, huddled together over cups of hot mead, Atali asked them to recap how they met and what made them decide to tie the knot here in Iceland. When Astrid mentioned her issues with admitting to failure, Atali told her about the Icelandic way of thinking: “Here, failure is something that receives applause. Us Icelanders will congratulate you when you fail and encourage you to try again.” It was certainly something to think about, Astrid figured.
When Hiccup wondered if many foreigners came here to get married, Atali explained, “Lots of couples find that a big traditional wedding at home isn’t for them, so they book a wedding program with us. Some then come alone, some bring up to a hundred guests.”
Astrid thought of her entire family tagging along for this and instantly knew what she preferred. Hiccup seemed to have read her mind. “It feels much more intimate like this, with just us,” he said. “Besides, we’re going to have a party with our people back home, anyway.”
She nodded. “And if not, then they’re going to throw it for us, whether we like it or not.” She looked at Hiccup with a knowing grin. “And your dad will be the first to sign up.”
“Oh shit, my dad!” he exclaimed. “I didn’t even tell them we’re doing this.”
“Don’t worry, I also just sent my parents a more or less cryptic message. They’re brooding over it right now, arguing over whether or not it means what they think it means.”
Throk laughed. “Are you planning on video-calling them afterwards? Some couples do and the reactions are usually priceless.”
Envisioning her mother’s surprise, followed by chastising questions about why nobody told her, and Hiccup’s dad’s booming, proud voice, she only briefly missed them on this important day. But Hiccup was right, it felt so much more special without anyone else around.
She was glad her coat and boots were so thick, or else she’d have felt frozen over by the time Atali asked them to stand and come over to the lake. Heart beating in her throat, she clutched Hiccup’s hand even tighter. Ever since they’d exited the car, she’d not let go of it once, using him as an anchor to keep her from succumbing to her nerves and jumping into the lake. She’d been nervous on her first wedding day, too, but for an entirely different reason.
Throk changed the angle of the light so that Atali could read her notes. The dancing colors in the sky illuminated everything else enough. Astrid stood in front of Hiccup who took her other hand as well. She noticed her fingers were cold but his were warm, and she was reminded of her physics lessons back in school, learning about electric circuits and leads and connections. Whatever power it was that connected them so strongly, she felt it flow through their hands and into her belly and chest.
Atali welcomed them again and started the ceremony. She began by citing various definitions for love and marriage and life itself, continued that she didn’t believe in the one true definition for any of those concepts. She told them stories of other couples she’d married, from every part of the world, with all kinds of different histories, who all had a different understanding of love and life. In the end, she said, true love was what the couple made of it.
“Do you want to say your own vows,” she asked, “or do you want me to directly continue with the rings?”
The lights in the sky were reflecting in Hiccup’s eyes as he regarded Astrid. “I’d like to say a few things.” He looked at their hands for a moment before meeting her eyes again, focused on nothing but her. “As a child, thunderstorms used to wake me up in the middle of the night. Even now, I sometimes wake up, expecting thunder and rain, but there’s no storm outside, it’s just you, sleeping next to me. And when you look at me, I can still feel the reverberations of the lightning bolt that struck me the moment we locked eyes for the first time. And I feel it now, too. It’s been almost two and a half years since you first told me you love me and I’m still in awe...” He paused to take a shaky breath.
“Astrid, you make me believe in myself like no one else can. Whenever I’m facing a wall or- or I’m stuck in my own mind, I can always count on you to be there. Sometimes, you don’t even need to say anything. I just have to look into your eyes and I now that everything will be okay. Without you, I’d stumble my way through life with no clue or guidance. With you, I know I’m not alone. And now, as I’m standing here with you, I don’t even feel the cold. I just feel you.”
His words were crawling underneath her skin, creating goosebumps wherever they went. She had to hold back the urge to grab him by the collar and kiss those magical lips of his senseless. When she opened her mouth to speak, everything that came out was a hoarse croak. She didn’t notice the amused smile shared between Atali and Throk as she cleared her throat and tried again.
“Contrary to popular belief, I don’t always know what I’m doing. Usually, when I face a problem, I just look at it like it is and take action. It doesn’t always work out. And sometimes I make plans, but then someone comes along, makes a mess of the whole thing and makes me question everything I ever thought I wanted from my life. How could I have known that I would one day consider that the best thing that’s ever happened to me?”
She gulped. How was she the one holding back tears? But as she looked more closely, she noticed the shimmer in his eyes that told her he wasn’t faring any differently. “With you, I don’t always have to be strong. I can break and know that it’s alright. You’re my favorite person in the whole world. I love the way your mind works. I love the way you look at the world and see possibilities where other people don’t think to look. I love how you make me see things in a different light. I love how you help me be the best version of myself.”
Despite the hot pools of tears threatening to spill over, she couldn’t bring herself to tear her eyes away from him. “And I never want to miss that feeling. That’s why I’m here, with you, as I promise I will always be. No matter what life throws at us, I will always be by your side.” Her voice gave out and even if she’d wanted to say more, she wouldn’t have been able to without breaking out into sobs. Hiccup did that to her.
After giving them a minute to let their words take effect and giving them a chance to gather themselves, Atali nodded at Throk to hand over the rings. “Are you ready to go on?”
Communicating with nothing more than a look, the couple nodded. Hiccup briefly let go of one of her hands to wipe at his eyes, catching her wide-eyed smile that mirrored his own thrilled anticipation. She was glad they didn’t have a big audience for this. Then again, she doubted she’d have registered anyone else while he was looking at her like this, painting her insides technicolor with his words.
Atali motioned for Hiccup to take the first ring and solemnly asked: “Will you, Astrid Hofferson, take this man as your husband?”
“I will,” she said, firmly and honestly. He gently lifted her hand, slid the ring onto her finger and tenderly swiped his thumb over her knuckles. Atali repeated her question at Hiccup, but Astrid didn’t even hear her over the pounding in her ears, eagerly awaiting his answer.
“I will.” She ascended. When she placed the ring on his finger, she was infinitely glad he was still holding her other hand, grounding her.
“Now the only thing left for you to do is sign your marriage certificate.”
Her hand was shaking a little, but she gripped the pen tightly and set her signature right next to Hiccup’s. And when Atali took the pen from her hand, she didn’t waste another second, grabbing his collar with both hands and hurling herself into him.
Only once before had a kiss been this earth-shattering, this heart-stopping, this satisfying. Only this time, it wasn’t raining in buckets.
Atali’s laughter brought her back down to earth. “I was just about to suggest to seal this union with a kiss, but you guys seem to have it covered. Congratulations, you two!”
During the ceremony, Throk had been taking pictures with their camera. Now he took a few more with their phones while Atali sorted the documents, and then even more with only the light of the dancing colors. Astrid was in a daze, following Throk’s suggestions on autopilot. Only when he asked if they wanted to take pictures of each of them alone and Hiccup stepped a few feet away from her, she regained her sense of reality.
But she’d still lost all sense of time. At some point, Throk was apparently satisfied with the amount of photos he’d taken, only staying for one more with the four of them in it. Then he and Atali packed their equipment back into their van while Hiccup and Astrid sent pictures to their friends, first of all to Eret, and video-called their parents.
As predicted, Stoick was over the moon, proudly congratulating them. Valka did the same, just less loudly. Wilma’s first reaction was to look at Frederick and go, “See? I told you she meant something like this!” Then they launched into a discussion over their speculations and who’d predicted what with what level of certainty.
“Are we going to be like this one day?” Astrid whispered to Hiccup.
“Oh, honey, I’m afraid we already are,” he said and pecked her cheek. His lips were warm on her cold skin. Which was why they kept the call short, promising to come by once they returned to Berk.
Then they said goodbye to Atali and Throk, thanking them for everything, before walking towards the edge of the cliffs. Standing there with their arms spread wide, facing the ocean while the wind rushed in their ears, they took deep breaths and shouted into the night until they were completely out of breath.
“How are you feeling, Mrs. Haddock?” Hiccup asked a while later as they stood in a tight hug, swaying with the lights above.
“Blown through.” She felt the wind and the chill of late October to her bones. Back in the city, there were a hot shower and a bed waiting for her, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave her husband’s arms just yet.
This was a moment for eternity.
It was a loud crack of thunder that woke her.
Careful not to make too much noise, she crawled out of bed and tip-toed into the hallway, the occasional flash of lightning in the sky illuminating her path.
On her way past her parents’ bedroom, she stopped and listened, but didn’t pick up any signs that someone had heard her. Nothing from her sisters’ rooms as well. Seemed like the whole house was asleep but for her.
One hand on the railing, she carefully tip-toed down the stairs. In the living room, she slid behind the couch, pulled the curtains aside and climbed onto the windowsill. This was the best place in the house to watch storms, she’d already figured that out during the first week they’d lived here. Rain was splattering against the glass and another roll of thunder shook the sky. She loved it.
Her dad liked to tell the story of how he’d felt struck by lightning when he’d first met her mom. She thought it was cheesy. Ida thought it was romantic. But Ida found everything romantic at the moment. And Lexi didn’t even understand the concept yet. Maybe Benji would have more sense than her little sisters once he was born. But that was still a few weeks away, said her mom.
Several more flashes of lightning momentarily bathed the living room in a bright light, enough to illuminate the mess that three young kids, a dog, and a cat inevitably made throughout the day. Not to mention the dad that liked to misplace everything, especially sketchbooks. He had a lot of those.
A low whimper gained her attention and she spotted first the eyes, then the rest of the golden retriever cowering between the chairs under the table.
“Come here, Zephyr!” she whisper-shouted and the dog scurried over. She jumped onto the back of the couch, wagging her tail and burying her head under Finja’s arm. “You’re a fine guard dog, you are.” She ruffled the fur behind the dog’s ears, calming her as the wind blew a gust of rain against the window, followed by another crack of thunder.
Finja’s head whipped around at the voice. Ida stuck her head around the door, long blonde hair falling into her face. In her arms, she was holding a bundle of reddish fur – her favorite comfort pet, Nuffink. Finja herself had named the cat back when she’d first learned to speak. She couldn’t remember her thought process behind the name, though.
“Can… Can I sit with you?”
Finja wordlessly waved her over. Nuffink squirmed in Ida’s hold and escaped, but Ida didn’t care, a smile lighting up her face as she quietly ran over to join her sister on the windowsill. Zephyr enjoyed the additional petting hand and eventually stopped whimpering at every crack of thunder.
“Why are you not asleep?” Finja asked.
“The storm is too loud. And you? Don’t you love storms?”
It was true, Finja did. As far as she could remember, thunderbolts and lightning had never scared her. She rather found they calmed her. But tonight, she hadn’t been able to sleep much, nerves and excitement keeping her awake. She’d just managed to fall asleep when the storm had started.
“It’s because of tomorrow, isn’t it?” Ida asked. She was smart.
Finja shrugged. “Maybe.” It was her very first day of school. And since they had moved to a bigger house in a different part of Berk, that also meant she had to go to a different school than all of her friends.
“Don’t worry, Fin, you’ll be fine. You’ll find lots of friends, you’ll see. And granny Valka and gramps live near the school, how cool is that? You can go over after school every day!” One year from now, Ida would be in school too, even though she’d be a few months younger than the other kids.
“If mom and dad allow it,” Finja mumbled, but she had to admit, it was comforting to know that part of her family was always nearby.
“And uncle Eret’s work is only one street over.”
“Really?” Her little sister wasn’t just smart, she also had an amazing sense of direction. She’d kill it in school next year.
Ida nodded and yawned, exposing all of her teeth.
“Cover your mouth,” Finja chided.
“Come, let’s go back to bed.” The rain was letting up and the sound of thunder far away. Zephyr was drowsing with her head in Finja’s lap. Besides, the glowing hands of the clock on the wall told her it was the middle of the night.
“Can I sleep in your bed tonight?” Ida asked as she climbed back down from the windowsill. Finja suspected she only said that so Finja would sleep better, but it wasn’t like she didn’t secretly like the idea.
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chaptersofnow · 4 years
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Children of Breaburn and Little Strongheart!
bio’s under the cut!
Name: Heishii Shellstring Nickname(s): Brandie Age: 25 Pronouns: He/Him Identity: Nonbinary Gay man crush/reltionship: Parents: Breaburn and Little strongheart Sibling: Canyon and Nyaguthii Special Talent: Designer Occupation: apprentice at fashion company   Location: Manehatten Likes: his hometown, nap times, hanging out with the other young designers, tradition Dislikes: chocolate, ants, mimes Bio: Oldest son of Breaburn and Little strongheart, two young lovebirds and their family of three fluffy kiddos. Heishii Shellstring, often called his middle name Brandie, given after Breaburns aunt Brandie (sister of Cherry Jubilee, breaburns mother). Brandie loves his family, his town and everything. he is the living embodiment of glass half full, he always wants to see the good side of things. even with the few lingering bits of discrimination he and his mother has faced from the appleloosan ponies he aggressively plays nice. He wont let anyone get away with bad mouth his mom and siblings who often get the brunt of the comments from others (Brandie often not having to deal with it as he is more passing as a pony). He won't tolerate any hateful comments and will make sure that they know their place, their information before he turns and never talks to them again. growing up he learned to sow from his grandmother on Little stronghearts side, he grew a big interest in fashioning clothing with beautiful patterns and accessories. his first official job has been selling clothing in town during buck ball season. when Brandie was 14 the big war of harmony against darkness broke out. with this the extensive family of the apple's and all their friends sent their kids to the far out of the way town of appleloosa to stay with uncle breaburn. being of the older kids who were staying at his families home he often acted as a ring leader, playing games and keeping them happy. even trying to help keep Scroll flame from missing out on spending time with others when he can. After the war has come and gone Brandie continued to work on his passion for fashion. accepting an apprentice ship with a fashion design in manehatten being one of the most recent big things in his life. he currently splits the rent with a friend in manehatten returning home when he can, is about a year into his apprenticeship.
Name: Canyon Nickname(s): Age: 23 Pronouns: She/her Identity: Trans Girl crush/reltionship: Crush on miss Bow Belle Parents: Breaburn and Little strongheart Sibling: Brandie and Nyaguthii Special Talent: athletics Occupation: Orchard caretaker   Location: Appleloosa Likes: landscape, art, her siblings, Bugs Dislikes: crowds, her family splitting up, sick people Bio: Second born to Breaburn and Little strongheart. a very small but fluffy girl like her mother. Canyon is a big sweetheart who has troubles with being alone. since she was a small girl she has always been at one of her family members sides, weather it was mom, dad, branide, Nyaguthii or anyone else she could attach herself to. the hair pieces she wears everywhere is from Brandie, one of the first things they made and she hasn't been able to go a day without wearing. Canyon works very hard at the appleloosa orchard quickly getting through task with grace. she is a born athlete, but due to her need to stay by her families side she has refused to accept any sponsorship to come and train and work for people. claims to be content with where she it. her family worries for her and her future but her siblings can't sit around and push her towards it forever when they have their own things their moving towards. Brandie left to Manehatten to be a designer and Nyaguthii is constantly out of appleloosa doing deliveries, even talks about setting up in cantorlot to be close to a friend. Canyon feels her family drifting out from her and she isn't sure what to do with herself as she clings to her parents.
Name: Nyaguthii Nickname(s): Kitty Age: 24 Pronouns: She/her Identity: Genderfluid bi pony crush/reltionship: Parents: Breaburn and Little strongheart Sibling: Brandie and Canyon Special Talent: poetry Occupation: delivery service Location: Appleloosa Likes: art museums, pretty archetecturs, hanging out with scroll flame, cantorlot in general Dislikes: hospitals, blood, gore, snakes, thunder Bio: Nyaguthii, an orphaned child. no one knows who or what her parents were. Clearly some sort of zebra but with what? the other kids she grew up with made rumors she had cursed blood and that they would get got by monsters if they hung around her. the isolation and mean remarks made her very lonely and sad, only the nice mares working at the orphanage showed her kindness. However Nyaguthii wondered if she would forever be alone without foals who wanted her around. it all changed when strongheart and breaburn took a trip with the kids to the crystal empire where they met her. a chance meeting. Nyaguthii's class and the small family met at the museam of crystal history. the two bufflonies kids following behind the tour group that was the orphan girls school field trip. at first just listening to the tour guide until they asked one little quest to Nyaguthii, all they did was ask if she wanted a snack from their lunch bag. this one little question spiraled into conversations, endless 'shh's from the teacher when they got to loud. the three kids hit it off they were best friends immediately. Nyaguthii had never been happier in her life to have others to talk to, that wanted to talk to her. when the days end came they were heart broken to go separate ways, the thing that saved them from a life of never seeing one another was this small comment. one of her class mates choosing to make another comment about her bad luck, how Brandie and Canyon had to watch out for her bad luck. Nyaguthii telling them it was a rumor the other orphans started. the very next day breaburn and Little Strongheart are signing the adoption papers the small creature known as nyagathii forgot all the mean comments the other ponies said about her as she felt so lucky to be held by her new family that loves her. now as an adult she has settled in well with her family,  she loves her parents and her siblings. she loves poetry and sharing it with her dear friend scroll flame when she see's her. which is about every month when she makes the usual apple delivery from the appleloosa orchard to the cantrolot castle. the two made for book worm friends often sharing each others writing and favorite authors. Nyaguthii is a very happy pony.
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justkending · 5 years
10 Years Time. Chapter 3.
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Series Summary: As princess of Alberia, it is your duty to grow into a rightful young lady if you plan on ruling your family's country. Of course, the only way your father can see this happening is sending you off to a boarding camp at the age of 14 for 10 years to learn what it means to grow into a Queen.That means leaving all your friends and family behind. One specific person, your best friend, you never want to say goodbye to. But 10 years later, you come back grown into a young lady, and find your best friend has grown into a knightly young man. How will you two adjust after 10 years apart? Will things be the same, or will all that’s happened in that span of time affect your relationship?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Stark Daughter Reader
Word Count: 5100+
A/N: I added in the picture of the dress and all the goods again, just in case you forgot. Honestly, one of the main reasons I did a story like this was for the outfits I get to pull together! There are going to be many more dresses to come;)
Chapter 3:
“Everything is ready to go for tonight?” Steve asked turning to his second in command.
“Yes. Guards will be posted at entries and exits, and we also have them posted at rooms throughout the halls as well to make sure any wanders don’t get into something they shouldn’t.” Bucky responded as they walked through the wide halls of the castle together.
“Good. Reliable people at their designated station?” he asked. 
“Yes, stop worrying about it.” Bucky said halting in his step making his tall broad friend stop as well. “I know why you’re drowning yourself in work you know? You do it every time you think about her.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Steve said straight faced before continuing the walk. 
“And you say that every time too. God, you are so stubborn sometimes! No wonder you two were always so close!” Bucky laughed smacking his friend’s shoulder only getting a glare from him.
“It’s been 10 years Buck. I didn’t really see her off on good terms. I’m sure she hates me profusely because of me standing her up.” Steve sighed.
“You didn’t have a choice.” Bucky defended.
“There’s always a choice. It was whether or not I wanted to spend the rest of my life in the dungeon that made me choose the option I did.” he retorted.
“Well, at least this way you’ll still be able to see her. In the end I think you made the right choice whether she knows why or not. This is for the better.” Bucky reassured him.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Steve nodded noticing Sam coming towards them. “Samuel, you did you’re rounds?” 
“Yes, everyone is secure and ready to go. Clint and I are going to meet with a few others before getting ready for the evening to make sure the outside security is ready as well.” Sam grinned. “The new kid still joining us tonight?”
“Parker?” Bucky asked getting a nod from Sam. “I didn’t realize that he was invited.”
“Yeah, the king has taken a liking to the kid. He wants us to start training him soon. Practically adopting him as his son he never got.” Steve chuckled.
“Nope, instead got two beautiful young daughters.” Sam chuckled. “Speaking of which. Have either of you seen Y/N?”
“Uh, no. Have you?” Steve said clearing his throat and blushing slightly at the thought of her. 
“Yes, and all I can say is she most definitely grew up.” Sam grinned knowing Steve would want to know. “You probably won’t even recognize her tonight.”
“Personality and all?” Bucky laughed nudging his friend who was concentrated on Sam still.
“Now that, I don’t think has changed much.” Sam pointed out. “But she grew up looking like the young version of Queen Mara.”
“Wow. Mara was one of the most pined for royals back in her day.” Bucky smirked.
“Yeah, and I hate to say it, but I think even Y/N may have her beat. Add in the sassy attitude, and you got the whole package.” Sam continued.
“Ok gentlemen. That’s enough. We have a lot to get done today, and not much time left. Let’s finish up our checklist and then get ready for tonight. We have more guests to prepare for than we are used to.” Steve said breaking the boys conversation, and trying to push the thought of Y/N away even though that was never fully possible for him.
“Sensitive topic. I’ll take note.” Sam mumbled. When he looked up he got a stern look from Steve and cleared his throat. “My bad. I’m going to find Peter and Clint.”
“Yeah, you should.” Steve said. 
Sam saluted before making his way in the opposite direction. 
“Touchy much?” Bucky snickered.
“Don’t push me Bucky. I’m not in the mood.”
“That’s just the anxiety talking. Let’s get a few drinks in you. That should calm you down.”
“I’m on duty tonight.” Steve argued.
“No, you’re not. You’re invited to the party as the Captain of the king’s army. That means you get to celebrate and relax.” Bucky countered.
“There’s never a break from my job Buck. You know that. Anything could happen at any moment and I have to be ready to lead.”
“Fine, hardass. Then let’s at least get that pole out of your ass before you see Y/N tonight.” Bucky groaned walking ahead of his now irritated friend. 
Guest had started arriving, and the ballroom was filled pretty full. People from countries all around who had heard, or already been to, King Stark’s parties before were never disappointed. If you weren’t invited than you might as well have been one of the loser kingdoms. But lucky for most, Tony was an inviting King and very rarely left anyone out. 
“God, it smells like old rich people in here.” Bucky groaned before sending a fake smile to a duchess of some village he couldn’t pronounce.
“Easy Buck. You get on any of these people’s bad side, and I’m going to be the one having to fight the war.” Steve said plastering on a fake smile as well.
“Where the hell is the guest of honor? Everyone is already here by now, why isn’t she?” Bucky continued to complain.
“You know it takes the ladies longer to get ready Buck. Especially a princess that’s making her first entrance as a women of royalty after being shipped off for a decade.” Steve said peering over heads trying to secretly get a view of the royal everyone else was waiting on. 
“Yes, but have you met Y/N? We ARE talking about the same princess right? The one who had her dresses altered so that she could hunt, fish, and spar with us in comfort, and the same girl who would run out to the village with her hair in a mess of braids against her father's will. Eventually coming back covered in mud and dirt from running around without a care.” Bucky spoke up looking at Steve. “She doesn’t strike me as one to worry about her appearance.” 
“Yes, but-” but just as he was going to defend Y/N’s tardiness again, he caught eye of her ladies in waiting that were always supposed to be close in hand to her. “Wanda. Natasha. You two look lovely this evening.” he said bowing and taking their hands before placing a chaste kiss on them. Bucky doing the same, but sending a smirk Nat’s way. 
“Yes, well, Lady Janet made all of our gowns tonight so we have her to thank. Especially the princess. She looks absolutely stunning!” Wanda said giddily slightly bumping Nat who just laughed and rolled her eyes. 
“Yes, she does. She is quite the catch tonight.” Nat said looking up at Bucky.
“Well, I must say she may look nice tonight, but I have my eyes on someone else.” Bucky grinned. 
“Nice try.” she retorted turning away from him with a smile. “Y/N should have many suitors proposing for an agreement in marriage after tonight. I’ve heard the king has brought in many eligible young bachelors.”
“Is- Is that so?” Steve said clearing his throat at the sudden dryness over taking him. 
“Yes Steven. It is her duty after all.” Nat said with sorrowful eyes as they all watched him practically deflate a little at the thought. 
“Yes, I suppose it is.” he said after a while of blankly looking ahead. “Speaking of the Princess, where is she? Shouldn’t she be with one of you?”
“Yes, but Sam intercepted her as we were walking this way. She told us she would meet back up with us after she talked to her father.” Wanda said. 
“Sam’s with her?” Steve repeated. Nat hummed, and they all watched as Steve began to scan the room again. “I actually have to talk to him about one of the guards that was stationed-”
“Ladies and Gentleman!” A loud voice overcame Steve’s excuse, and all heads turned to the front of the room where King Stark was standing with Pepper and Morgan close by on an elevated stage. An announcer shouting loudly next to the royal family. “King Stark would like to thank you all for being here today to celebrate the return of his eldest daughter Princess Y/N Maria Stark.”
“Wanda we should go find Y/N.” Nat whispered getting the other redheads attention who nodded before they bid the knights farewell and made their way to the front. 
“It is with great honor I now introduce King Anthony Edward Stark!” the announcer continued before moving out of the way and motioning to Tony. 
“Hello all, and thank you so much for making the journey to join my family and I today for this monumental occasion.” he said raising his hands before folding them in front of him. “As you all know Y/N has gone off to learn about what it takes to be a rightful heir to Alberia. She’s come back with a head full of knowledge, and the beauty of her late mother God rest her soul.” Everyone one bowing their head at the passed queen. “However tonight is a celebration of the once young princess’s journey to adulthood. I ask that you all enjoy the company, food, and atmosphere tonight as we welcome her back home.” he turned to the side and everyone turned with him. “Y/N my dear, why don’t you come up to say a few words?” he smiled down the way.
Steve tried to peer over the head of others that were clearly blocking where Tony was speaking toward, but due to his position, it was impossible to see anything. 
It wasn’t until he saw the gold crown on top of the Y/H/C curled hair that he saw what everyone was ooing and awing about. 
Gracefully making her way up with the help of her father's hand, the princess turned to the crowd of others with an elegant and welcoming smile on her face.
“Oh my-” Steve started, but Bucky nudged him cutting him off.
“Holy shit.” Bucky muttered getting a few glares from others around him, but not caring. “That’s Y/N? No way they sent back the same girl we knew.”
Steve couldn’t think of words at the moment. Let alone speak anything. 
She really was breath taking in all senses. The extravagant and intricately detailed gown only bringing more beauty to the princess, and brightening her already perfect features. 
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Bucky was right. This couldn’t have been the tomboy, loud, rambunctious, young teenager that Steve kissed good night all those years ago, could it? The women standing before them was a poised, exquisite, devastatingly gorgeous, with all the maturity of a young lady.
So when she spoke and brought even more wonder into Steve’s world, he couldn’t help himself when the corner of his mouth turned up in a smirk at her voice. 
“I am truly honored that you all could be with my family and I tonight. Though this is something that I know my father takes much pride and joy in celebrating, I am just happy to be home and welcomed by such kind and humbling individuals.” she smiled putting her hands in front of her and interlacing her fingers. “Like he said before, take this night to enjoy the company, food, drinks, and party. We can’t let a traditional Stark party go to waste, now can we?” she asked the crowd with a raised eyebrow. They responded eagerly with a loud cheer. “Well in that case, let the party commence!” She laughed getting yet another cheer from everyone, and the band quickly filled the space with music. 
“Well done bug. You really are paving the way to being a great Queen.” Tony said wrapping and arm around his daughter's shoulder.
“I would hope so. I spent 10 years learning how to do so.” she smirked.
“That’s my girl.” Tony said pecking her cheek before pulling back. “I haven’t got to say it, but you look stunning tonight bug.” A look of remembrance in his eyes as he scanned his daughter. “You’re a spitting image of your mom. Beauty and grace.” 
“Thanks dad. I hope to do her right tonight.”
“You will, no doubt. You’ll always make her proud.” he said placing his thumb on her chin. “Now!” he clapped his hands. “Before I start crying, I’m going to mingle. I’ll find you later when I need to. Don’t go too far.”
“How can I? Too many people to sort through.” she joked looking out to the crowd.
“True. Make friends and learn names tonight. It’s important for the future.” he pointed a finger before wrapping and arm through Peppers. Morgan already running off with her groups of friends before Y/N could talk to her.
“I know.” Y/N nodded as he smiled and walked into the herd of people. 
“Overwhelmed yet?” a deep thunderous voice said from behind.
Y/N turned at the sound and spotted the long haired blonde with kind blue eyes, and the black haired brother of his. 
“Thor.” she smiled widely. “Loki. How are my two favorite brothers?”
“Oh, you know. Giving each other hell as usual.” Thor said bumping his brothers shoulder who glared at him before they came closer to her. Both bowing and kissing her hand. 
“You look as heart-stopping as ever your highness.” Loki said looking up with a gleam in his eyes.
“Well, you two grew up being easy on the eyes I see. How in the world is that?” she teased bringing her hands back in front of her and straightening her posture. Something she would find herself doing a lot that night. 
“We can ask you the same. What happened to the little rascal that we used to know?” Thor said with a wide grin.
“She grew up.” Y/N said raising her chin in pride.
“So she did.” Loki nodded. 
“What have you two been up to? Still training to be kings of your kingdom I presume? I’m sure your father is proud.” Y/N said pushing the conversation away from herself.
“Yes. Odin is quite proud of us. Proud of you as well. He wouldn’t stop talking on the ride here about how excited he was about seeing you and how your father had been going on rants about how much you have grown.” Thor said raising his own chin in pride.
Thor and Loki were apart of the neighboring kingdom that was the strongest ally of Alberia. Their father, Odin, being best of friends with your own, even if they saw each other only for meetings of council and get togethers for business. Since their kingdom was just down the road from yours however, the boys would spend a majority of their time here at your home where the whole crew of your friends would play and venture here. Odin’s kingdom was big like your own, but he was a lot more business than your father. So they preferred to hang out here a majority of their childhood.
Not that anyone cared. They were practically adopted brothers of yours. Plus, here they had Steve, Bucky, Sam, Clint, and everyone else. Where as in Asgard they had but a handful of children their age within the kingdom. 
“So King Odin is here himself? Well isn’t that just a lovely surprise.” she gleamed turning to look out into the crowd. 
“Unfortunately my dear, as much as we would love to stay and catch up, which we will be soon for sure, we know you have other’s that need to be talked to as well tonight. We won’t hold you back, your highness.” Loki bowed elbowing his brother to do the same. Thor showing a face of disappointment at having to leave so soon, but bowing anyway. 
“I hope we can get the whole team together at some point soon to catch up as well.” Thor said standing.
“I will definitely make sure that a dinner or lunch is scheduled just for that.” she laughed. “I feel as though I have a lot that I need to be filled in on.” she winked.
“Oh, so very much.” Thor winked back. “Have a good evening Princess Y/N. We are glad to have you back.” 
Both of them saying their final goodbyes, and excusing themselves to other conversations. 
“Princess.” Natasha said coming over to her with Wanda close. “You’re father would like us to usher you around and make sure you talk to a group of certain people.”
“Sounds about right. I guess the night is young, and I do have a flourish of people that I need to meet and re-acquaintance myself with.” Y/N sighed. “Lead the way.”
For the next few hours it was filled of, “Princess, this is blah blah blah ruler, duchess, king, queen, or emperor of this country, kingdom, village, or town.” Then Y/N saying on repeat. “Oh it’s so nice to meet you. I’m so glad you could be here with us this evening. I hope the travel wasn’t too hard.” which lead to further discussions, and blah blah blah blah blah...
Some she had met before and others who were completely new faces. Most of the kings and queens introducing their sons and daughters, but mainly showing off son’s that they believed would be a good fit for the Stark kingdom. Aka future kings that they would hope Tony would consider. 
About 2 hours into the madness, Y/N was able to sneak away from her handmaidens, and sneak into a corridor that was practically silent from all the madness in the ballroom. Just as she was about to turn another corner to get even further from the party, she bumped into a slender build causing her and the other figure to stumble back.
“I’m so sorry miss! I didn’t hear-” a younger boys voice started rambling in apologies. 
“It’s fine. Truly. Don’t think twice about it.” Y/N smiled brushing her dress down.
When she looked up she saw a scattered teenage boy with chestnut colored hair, brown eyes, and a paler complexion. 
“I’m sorry to be harsh ma’am, but these hallways are actually not open. I’m going to have to escort you back to the ballroom if you don’t mind. The party is this way if you would like me to-” he said motioning behind her as she raised an eyebrow at the strangers obliviousness to who she was. 
“Peter, you do realize who you’re talking to right?” another voice spoke up from behind the two.
“Captain Rogers. I was just-”
“Just escorting Princess Y/N back to the party. Yes, I see that.” Steve grinned with a knowing smirk.
Y/N turned around to the voice, and saw the tall, blonde, and now very buff figure of her old best friend standing sternly at the doorway with Bucky next to him with the same grin on his face. Of course Bucky’s more of an ‘each shit’ grin.
“Wait. Princess-?” Peter started and quickly cut himself off before running in front of her and stammering over his words. “Oh my gosh! Your highness I didn’t realize- You see I’ve never actually seen you, so I didn’t- Oh gosh this is a big mess. I’m so so sorry-!” he said bowing and never looking up at her as he continued his ramble. 
“Peter stand up kid. You’re just making this worse on yourself.” Bucky chuckled as they walked closer to the two. 
Y/N let out a soft giggle covering her mouth with her hand as she did. Steve heard it and immediately shot his eyes her direction finally taking her in up close after not seeing her since her speech. Somehow she managed to disappear every time he got close. 
“Oh, come on Buck. Don’t be so hard on the boy. He’s new right?” Y/N said placing her hands in front of her.
“Yes ma’am.” Peter spoke up finally standing up and carefully looking to her. 
“Peter is the name?” she asked and he nodded. “Peter Parker. I’ve heard about you.” she grinned now moving her hands behind her dress and crossing them. “Father seems to have taken quite a liking to you too. Says you’re a smart kid.”
“Uh, yes ma’am. King Stark has been mentoring me since we’ve come here.” he nodded as she began circling around him and placing herself in front of the two knights. Peter slowly turned around seeing her in the middle just about 5 steps in front of them, and them smirking and sharing a look before turning back to him.
“And when exactly did you come here?” she asked paying no mind to the guards behind her. 
“When I was 8 your majesty. My parents died in their travels, and my aunt and uncle took me in. They live and work here in the castle. Well, my aunt does. My uncle was killed in action during a battle after I got here.” he explained.
“I’m sorry to hear about your loses Peter.” she said becoming sentimental and seeing why her father had grown to like this kid. He was strong for sure. “No one should have to be that familiar with death at such a young age.”
“We get by. I still have my aunt May, and you father has been very kind to us as well.” Peter nodded with a soft smile forming showing he was feeling better about this confrontation now. 
“Well I’m glad my dad has been welcoming to you. You seem like a headstrong young man.” she smiled a smile that made all the nerves in Peter relax.
“Thank you Princess.” he bowed again. 
“Please. No need for the titles when no one else is around.” she said nodding her head behind her with a wink. Once again, Steve and Bucky sharing a look and Bucky lightly laughing behind her. “Call me Y/N.” 
“A-Are you sure that’s ok?” he asked.
“I’m the one saying it, aren’t I?”
“I-I guess.” 
“Ok, then I think it’s safe.” she smiled.
“Hey kid. How about you and I go check the guards post on this level and make sure everything is in order. Consider it part of your training.” Bucky said coming around, and throwing an arm over Peter’s shoulder lightly tousling him. 
“Uh, ok.” he went to bow again. “It was nice to finally meet you Princess- I-I mean, Y/N.”
“You as well Peter. I’m sure I’ll be seeing more of you.” she nodded with a grin.
He smiled back and looked at Bucky who just chuckled before turning them around. 
“I still need to catch up with you Y/N/N.” Bucky said back to her. “Don’t think you’re off the hook yet.”
She laughed and waved him off. “Can’t wait.”
It was silent as Steve and Y/N watched the two walk down the corridor, and eventually disappear around the corner. 
Y/N could feel Steve’s eyes on her back and wasn’t ready to turn around and face the reality of who she had been thinking about for the past decade.
Taking a deep breath though, she straightened her shoulders and turned around repositioning her arms in front of her. She put on a polite smile before looking at the now very filled out man.
His figure was pyramid-like almost, if the pyramid had been flipped upside down. His shoulders were broad and waist small. He definitely had been working out since the last time she saw him. Then again, he was a twig when he was younger, then in his teen years he started to semi-gain some meat on his bones, but now. Wow. Now he was what Y/N had imagined a God to look like with the chiseled jawline and perfect physique. 
“You’re crown suits you.” he spoke up after they both had analyzed the others growth. 
She raised her hand touching the crown she had forgotten she had on and let out a laugh looking down. 
“Yes, um, Jay designed it for.” she smiled looking up. 
“I know. I was the one who gave her the sun idea.” he said in almost a whisper.
“Wait, you-”
“What, uh, what are you doing away from your party? Shouldn’t you be out mingling with all the other royals?” he said diverting the conversation away from his slipped comment, and giving her a soft smile. 
“Oh well, you know how me and parties mesh. Not very well.” she sighed. 
“Yes, I do remember that. I always did find you sneaking off to hide away somewhere.” he chuckled avoiding eye contact and looking at the ground like it was so interesting now. “Let me guess. You’re going to the library.”
“How did you know?” she laughed turning and starting to walk again. 
Steve heard her footsteps and shot his head up immediately going to follow her. 
“Because you always said it was your escape from this world. Finding books that took you out of here and into another land.” he answered coming up beside her and matching her pace. “That and if you couldn’t escape outside, this was your place within the castle to hide.”
She didn’t turn to look at him but instead raised her chin and kept her eyes focused forward. 
“Hmmm so you didn’t forget about me. Good to know.”
“I heard you’re the new Captain of our battalion. Is that true?” she pushed on.
Steve saw the way she avoided the very big elephant in the room between them, and figure 5 minutes after reuniting probably wasn’t the best time to dig up the past. 
“Yes. Yes it is.”
“What about your father? Why has he retired?” she asked.
“He actually-” he cleared his throat. “He passed away about 6 years back. Caught an illness on the battlefield and couldn’t shake it.” Steve said looking forward as well.
The princess stopped suddenly in her step, and turned to the blue eyed man. Steve stopping with her and carefully raising an eye.
“I’m sorry. I was never informed.” she said with genuine sorrow in her voice and eyes. 
He gave her a tight smile before nodding ahead for them to continue the walk.
“Yes, well it was sudden, and he went in his sleep. Mom was shaken by it, but she’s doing much better since.”
“I’m glad Sarah’s doing ok… I am truly sorry for your loss though Steve. It seems as if we have had quite a few fallen since I’ve been gone.” she said looking down at her feet. 
“Yes, but that is just a part of life. We mourn and move on. It’s all we can do.” 
“I suppose you’re right.” 
They continued their walk until they found themselves at the doors of the library. Y/N without hesitation opened the door, and made her way in allowing Steve to make the decision to come in or not. 
Steve was unsure about going into the space with her considering she was supposed to be out there and he was as well. In a way, they were breaking the rules, but also what was new with the two? After looking both ways down the hall and seeing that no one was there. He turned back into the library, and the doors closed behind him. 
Looking forward he found Y/N staring up and looking around her. As if seeing the room for the first time. 
“Nothing’s changed much in here.” she smiled. 
“Now that’s not true. They repainted in here, and fixed up the trimmings.” he said walking closer to her, but still keeping a safe distance. 
“Oh I see. It’s a little brighter.” she smiled to see that all the books she had ventured to back in the day were encased in beautiful white walls and shelves, with gold trims and outlines. “It still gives me a peace of calmness coming in here.” she sighed moving around trying to see it all. 
Steve just watched taking her in as she took it all in. She was captivating without even trying. Moving gracefully, not like the destructive little girl she once was, around and lightly running her fingers over the spines of the books as she passed some of the lower shelves. When he noticed her looking back and giving him a slight look before going back, he realized she had caught him staring. 
“So, 10 years? A lot’s changed I guess.” he said scratching the back of his neck nerves coming back. 
“That’s putting it lightly.” she chuckled picking up another book and opening it. “You’ve changed.” she adds.
“So have you.”
“Yes, but only in the princess aspect. That doesn’t mean my personality is completely gone.” she said looking up through her lashes and making his heart thump a little faster before looking back down.
“Good. I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t the same ball of sunshine you were before.” he said suddenly finding the high ceilings very interesting. 
“Hmmm.” she hummed nodding her head. “Sunshine? I’ll be honest. Wasn’t sure if you remembered that.” she said with a slight tone of bitterness in her words. 
“Why wouldn’t I?” he said looking back at her and seeing some pain behind her expression.
“Nothing. Just…” She paused. “10 years is a long time away. Lot’s of things you can forget if you don’t keep up with it all.” she said slightly hinting at the issue of his abandonment, but not really giving away her true thoughts.
But he knew what she was hinting at. He could tell just by the pain in her eyes. 
They were both cut off by the sound of the library doors bursting open. Out of instinct, Steve moved to where he was in front of Y/N. The protective knight not sure who was barging in. 
“Y/N! Are you crazy running off like that?” Nat shouted stomping in with Wanda close behind. “If you’re father found out your ditching his party he’s throwing for you, he would have our head before yours.”
“Nat, I just needed a minute-” Y/N said coming out from behind Steve. 
“No time for minutes. There are suitors out there that your father is trying to introduce you to, and you’re running off to read?” she said looking around like she just notice she was in the library. “Come on.” she said grabbing her wrist and pulling the princess to the exit.
“Y/N, I just wanted to say-” Steve started hoping to get some form of apology out, but was cut off by her.
“We’ll talk later.” Y/N said with a polite smile. 
Before he could argue any further she was being yanked out of the room by Nat, and Wanda was sending him an apologetic look before disappearing as well.
“Shit Rogers. You really messed up this time.” he mumbled to himself rubbing a hand down his face before finally dragging himself back to the party too.
10 Years Time Tag:
@starstrucknature  @zlixlle @thorne93 @captainsteveevans @girlintheshire @shreddedparchment @queenie4ce @laneygthememequeen @averyrogers83 @sp2900 @heyiamthatbitch @purpleclodpastamug @noobmaster63 @snow30285 @zeilenkrieg @twizzziee @buckybarneslove76 @srrymydood @kaytizzle @cheeseburgersstuff
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asakishi · 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
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1. FIRST NAME: Jonathon! But you can call me Jawn. Or Jon. Or Dumb Blonde. Or Montgomery Salamackia. I don’t really care.
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I am extremely double jointed. I can turn my hands around to do the owl-glasses thing on my head, I can bend my thumb back to my wrist, I can put my leg behind my back, the whole nine yards. 
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Baked Cheddar Ruffle chips. I could eat five bags right now and I’m not even joking. They are a godsend and I can live off them for the rest of my life. Incidentally, if I did that, I’d probably only live to 30. So. 
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Onion. Period. It’s just not good, man. 
6. GUILTY PLEASURE:  I... don’t think I have one? I like what I like, I love what I love. I have no shame in liking or loving them either. Don’t see much point.
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: My skin and whatever is on it! 
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Serious relationships. I’m actually demisexual, so flings for me don’t work out for me. I am physically incapable of just having a one night stand or somesuch. And if there is an emotional connection between me and someone I’m going to have a “fling” with, it wouldn’t be a fling to me anymore, because I probably have feelings for them at that point. And I think the idea of a fling is you part ways after some “fun”, right? So. Yeah. I put way too much thought into this answer, BUT HERE WE ARE.
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: Nothing. Everything I’ve done up to this point or that has happened to me, has happened for a reason. I am who I am because of my experiences. --that said, i might go back and stop me from eating some food that gave me the worst food poisoning ever, but i digress.
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: Yes! But only towards friends and loved ones. 
12. FAVORITE BOOK: To Kill A Mockingbird. I’m not an avid reader as I used to be, but that book has always stuck with me. I could read it over and over again, especially on a rainy day in or otherwise.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]:  Riku/Kairi, Riku/Aqua, Deadpool/Rogue, Deadpool/Domino, Deadpool/Cable, Carol Danvers/Jessica Drew, Edward Elric/Sakura. Yes I put way more than 5. No I don’t care.
16. FAVORITE SCENT:  Vanilla and cherry blossoms. Also Lavender. And Jasmine. And lots others. It’s hard to say, because I have a hyper sensitive nose and love lots of smells. 
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Mandy Moore, Hilary Duff and Jensen Ackles. Have you SEEN these people? GOD. WOW! WOWOWOWOW! wow. 
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: New Zealand, Philippines, Australia, England, France, Germany, Sweden--pretty much everywhere. But mostly where my greatest friends are!
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Extroverted introvert. I think. It depends. It’s Complicated-ert.
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Yes, someone scared me the other day and I died. It’s a real shame.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: IPhone. This is coming from someone who has an Android and they have SO MANY PROBLEMS. GOD. 
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: Yes. Not as much as I used to ironically, but that’s me being careful with my spending. I find that most modern games that call themselves “Triple AAA” experiences are either disappointments or bore the fuck out of me. Or I finish them way too quick. And there goes 70-80 bucks. But I do play all my old games, I consider myself someone engrossed and informed of most of what goes on in the gaming industry as a whole.
23. DREAM JOB: Becoming a screen writer for a gaming company in the future, specifically for CD Projekt Red.
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Give a lot of it to my folks who rightfully deserve more than a million dollars, help them get a proper house of their own and whatnot. Pay off all my friends’ debts, help them get a proper foothold in life and so on. I really wouldn’t want much of it for myself, other than to pay maybe a year’s worth of rent and. food. 
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: This is tricky. Because honestly, I don’t really HATE any characters that I’m not meant to hate, because bad writing and such goes to the writers’ fault. Not the character. That makes me sound boring, but WELL THAT’S HOW THE COOKIE CRUMBLES. If I had to pick one? Xehanort, I guess. Horrible man that fucking ruined so many lives. He can perish. 
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: A lot. Supernatural, Anime, Comics, Nintendo, etc.
tagged by: stolen from @deadxscream​
tagging: @hopesaved​ @xenovair​ @pyrhass​ @rosewiltd​ @heroeth​ and anyone else who wants to!
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“Money, money money...must be funny...in a religious, hypocritical, devoid of the power of god, world...”
 A female religious relative asked me the other day...”Having left the church some time ago, why do you still care what the church does? The only thing that makes any sense to me, is that you are making money from this. Are you?”
I was struck by the insane hypocrisy and willful blindness...and the intellectual dishonesty...of that religious person’s insane question. A blind believer is too pathetic to ask their own religious leaders just how much money they take from religion...god’s “free” gift..., or ask for a full list of all the associated benefits they get from being a religious leader...or accuse them that they must only be into god for the money...!
Fleecing the religious flock goes right back to the very point the religious had, to form and farm a religious flock...and was the first thing that Paul did, when he converted bible Jesus’ god personal empowerment, personal activism, personal sacrifice and martyrdom message...into churchianity...followers attending pointless meetings, sitting on their ass, fleecing others and being fleeced...and being lulled to sleep as they get the same selected bedtime stories read to them...again and again and again...
Paul had glibly boasted to his fellow churchians...”And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus...” Phil 4:19...and then, instead, made it a central part of his ministry...to collect cash from his church followers...for some unobservable pupose, a long way away from the donators*...
...fleecing, he claimed, he was prepared to die for**...
We can reconstruct Paul’s cash collection religious evolution as follows:
Paul’s tent making work was hard and tedious work
so he started churches, gatherings of sheep to fleece
and immediately hit up his followers for cash
to spend on things they could not observe or verify
because he did not spend the cash collected among the poor where the money was collected, (where it could easily be verified that it was spent for that purpose, in total)...but rather, hundreds of miles away, where no one could investigate the discrepancy between what was collected, and what was spent on the poor...!
Using the cash business formula...$X collected...minus travel expenses... meals with friends... alcohol...ships and other vehicles/donkeys etc...donkey upkeep...accommodation along the way...gifts for various lady companions along the way...a rest-up at a resort...a convention or two...new footware...new clothing...hiring people to count the cash...cash protection services along the way...property acquisition - for new churches...putting aside money for a rainy day = $Y (a couple of bucks left over for some distant “poor”/relatives/friends etc)
“...the practice of collecting money at Christian worship services is almost as old as Christianity itself. Within a few decades of Jesus' death, the apostle Paul initiated a collection of money from communities he visited to support “impoverished Christians” in Jerusalem...!
Paul attached great significance to this project; so important was the collection to him that he even risked alienating those churches that he had founded in order to complete it...!
But, considering how vital the project was for Paul, it is remarkable that he mentions the collection directly in only a few places, primarily in the Corinthian correspondence (1 Cor 16:1–4; 2 Cor 8:1–9:15; cf. Gal 2:10; Rom 15:25–31).
Furthermore, the book of Acts nowhere unambiguously refers to it, although a few passages may point to it indirectly (Acts 11:27–30; 24:17)1.
Thus, due to the paucity of evidence provided by the New Testament, a detailed picture of the collection is beyond our grasp (no audit trail...!).
We can, however, sketch the broad outlines of the project with some confidence.  The beginnings of the collection go back to a meeting held between Paul, Barnabas, and the leaders of the Jerusalem church. The meeting took place in Jerusalem in the mid–first century (ca. 48 CE). Prior to the meeting, Paul and Barnabas had been working in the area of Antioch and they journeyed to Jerusalem as representatives of the Antiochene church. Accounts appear in Gal 2:1–10 and Acts 15:1–29. Since the two accounts do not match precisely...
The meeting in Jerusalem occurred due to a debate over the status of non–Jews in the Antioch church. Some believed that non–Jews1 should be welcomed into the church only if they converted to Judaism; others, however, were content to allow them to be incorporated into the community as non–Jews.  In order to settle the matter, Paul and Barnabas traveled to Jerusalem to consult with the leaders of that church. Those leaders, described by Paul with the honorific title "Pillars" (Gal 2:9), consisted of Peter, a disciple of Jesus; James, Jesus's brother; and John, probably John, the son of Zebedee, another of Jesus's followers.
According to Paul's account of the meeting, the Pillars essentially agreed with Paul that non–Jews could remain as such when they joined the church; in Paul's words, the Jerusalem leaders "added nothing" to his gospel message (Gal 2:6). ...In effect, the problem of Torah–observant Jews and non–Jews in the same movement was solved by splitting the community of believers into two camps, one Jewish and the other not. The second condition is expressed in the final verse describing the meeting: "[The Pillars] asked only one thing, that we remember the poor (pay off the Jerusalem church, to buy the gentile franchise...!), which was actually what I was eager to do" (Gal 2:10). It is broadly agreed that Paul's phrase "remember the poor" refers to a one–time collection of money raised among the believers in Antioch to be given to "the poor" in Jerusalem3.  ...it has been suggested that the label "poor" may have been an honorific title for the members of the church in Jerusalem...!
After Paul's confrontation with Peter, the latter likely viewed him as a liability, an uncontrolled and uncontrollable renegade who could not be trusted to put the interests of the gospel before his own.
While the demise of the Jerusalem agreement likely signaled the end of the collection at least from the standpoint of the Jerusalem church, Paul's collection efforts did not come to an end8.  Evidence from his letters–in particular, the Corinthian correspondence—suggests that after he left Antioch, the collection took on more significance in his eyes. But the collection project also changed9.  For Paul, the effort no longer represented the simple transfer of money from the Antioch community to Jerusalem. Instead, Paul attempted to involve all of the non–Jewish churches that he founded in the effort10. He believed that non–Jewish believers in those churches owed the Jews a debt of gratitude. In his words: "Indeed [the non–Jews] owe it to [the members of the Jewish church in Jerusalem]; for if the Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual blessings, they ought also to be of service to them in material things" (Rom 15:27).
Unfortunately the progress of the collection in Paul's churches prior to the Corinthian correspondence is unclear. Paul makes no mention of it in 1 Thessalonians, his earliest extent letter, although in other letters he tells of a collection in Macedonia–a collection that no doubt included the Thessalonian church (2 Cor 8:1–5; 2 Cor 9:2; Rom 15:16, 26). We do know that Paul's efforts in Macedonia were ultimately successful and, as he tells us in 2 Corinthians, they exceeded his expectations (2 Cor 8:5).
Curiously, Paul makes no mention of a collection among the Galatian churches in his letter to them, despite his reference to the collection's origin at the Jerusalem meeting earlier in that same letter (Gal 2:10). He does mention in 1 Corinthians that he had given instructions for a Galatian collection (1 Cor 16:1), but those instructions appeared either in a letter that no longer exists or they were delivered orally. While we cannot be sure of the results of Paul's efforts to collect money in Galatia, it is probable that the Galatians ultimately failed to contribute11.  In all likelihood, the Judaizing conflict in Galatia took its toll on Paul's relationship with those churches and consequently those communities withdrew their support for the project12.
We learn about the start of the collection effort in another of Paul's communities, in Corinth, at the end of 1 Corinthians (1 Cor 16:1–4). There Paul instructs the community–most of whom must have had little money to spare—to set aside for the project whatever money they could afford on a weekly basis. In this way, they would be able to raise more money than by relying on a one–time collection, an option rejected by the apostle (1 Cor 16:2).
Further information about the collection in Corinth appears in several places in 2 Corinthians. That document attests to the difficulty that Paul had in his collection efforts. We learn, for example, that the Corinthian collection proceeded by fits and starts; at one point, it seems to have been put on hold13.  Unfortunately, discerning the progress of the Corinthian collection is complicated by the likelihood that 2 Corinthians is made up of more than one letter14.However, one thing that seems clear in 2 Corinthians is that the collection effort in Corinth raised doubts about Paul's integrity among some members of that community.
In several places, we see evidence that a number of Corinthians believed that the apostle was using the collection as a pretext to steal their hard–earned cash.
We see such in Paul's insistence that he was not a "peddler of God's word" (2 Cor 2:17); in his denial that he practiced "cunning" (2 Cor 4:2); in his claim in one place that he "did not defraud anyone" (2 Cor 7:2); and in another that neither he nor those that he sent to Corinth were intent on swindling the community (2 Cor 12:16–18)15.
Although it is difficult to understand precisely the ins and outs of the controversy in Corinth, we can nevertheless be confident that the problems were eventually worked out and that the Corinthian collection was completed. We know this because, in his letter to the Romans, Paul tell us that he was about to travel to Jerusalem with the money that had been collected in Achaia, the province whose major city was Corinth (Rom 15:25–26). But in that same letter, Paul exhibits anxiety that the collection  (Gentile franchise!) money from Achaia (and Macedonia, the province of Thessaloniki and Philippi) might not be accepted (enough !) upon its arrival in Jerusalem. He therefore asks the Roman church to pray that his "ministry to Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints"(Rom 15:31).
Unfortunately, no ancient source provides us with a reliable account of Paul's encounter with the Jerusalem leadership when he arrived with the collection. Consequently, scholars are divided in their opinions. Some think that the collection money was not accepted by the Jerusalem leadership; others think that it was; still others suggest that a compromise was worked out.
The book of Acts claims that when Paul reached Jerusalem, he was persuaded to pay for the release of four Jews from their vows. As Acts tells the story, Paul's payment was intended to prove to the members of the Jerusalem church that Paul still respected the Law of Moses (Acts 21:21–26). Although Acts says nothing about the collection here, some scholars see a compromise over its fate lurking behind this story, a compromise that would have enabled Paul to save face while, at the same time, relieving the Jerusalem leadership of the burden of deciding whether or not to accept money from Paul. While the possibility that such a compromise actually occurred should not be ruled out, it is also conceivable that the author of Acts created this narrative to cover up an ugly event involving those who had by his time become the heroes of the early Church.
Keith Nickle suggests that an allusion to charges against Paul also exists in 20:33, where Paul tells the elders from Ephesus, "I coveted no one's silver or gold or clothing"
The suggestion that some in Corinth suspected Paul of fraud does not always come across in the English translations. Nevertheless, the Greek verb pleonekteō, which appears in 7:2; 12:17; 12:18, typically means to "defraud" or "cheat." “
* “The cash collection for the Jerusalem church occupies significant portions of the Pauline epistles (1 Cor 16:1–4; 2 Cor 8:1–9:15; Rom 15:14–32)”... Further, “Paul was engaged in at least two (cash collections)  for Jerusalem—one from the Antioch church and later one from his Gentile churches...”  even though...” the Book of Acts nowhere mentions the (cash) collection.”  However...” to retrace the history of the (cash) collection is to “be reminded that the seemingly mundane task of fundraising was for Paul a deeply theological endeavor, one which demanded his total commitment and perseverance through intense struggle” (pp. 71–72)...  http://themelios.thegospelcoalition.org/review/the-offering-of-the-gentiles-pauls-collection-for-jerusalem-in-its-chronolo
** collecting cash from the gullible “spanned the course of years of Paul’s ministry, and was something that Paul claimed he was prepared even to die for (Rom 15:30–31) http://themelios.thegospelcoalition.org/review/the-offering-of-the-gentiles-pauls-collection-for-jerusalem-in-its-chronolo
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
Compass Left Behind
Ao3 - One Piece, Gen, Modern AU, Look for Warnings! (See Ao3), Focus on Straw Hats.
Word Count: 2,847
When Ace dies in a flurry of fast motions and undeniable death (gun fight – a gang fight, Akainu fire arson why were you born- oh god it burns) Luffy screams at the pain of being alone. His brothers are dead, Shanks spirited away into the wind, Garp, military (abusive) and untrustworthy, and Makino and Dadan’s gang, underserving of this mess.
Luffy is 14 when he becomes completely abandoned, and he is 14 when the thought whispers into his mind
Why? Why am I alone? It shouldn’t be this way - Never should be this way. Where are they?
And so he starts to search.
Monkey D. Luffy first whispered into their lives with the soft smile on Zoro’s sunlit face as he wandered home from school. This smile last for the week, a week of Koushirou’s adopted son seeming more complete and alive than he has ever before - and then he is gone, katanas packed away with sturdy clothes and tracking chip pulled out of his phone
Koushirou wonders about the boy who Zoro mentioned only once (I met someone today – his name is (and the way he said the name sounded like a king)) but accepts it. Zoro always had the spirit of a wanderer in him - but it never seemed to belong just to him.
He reports Zoro’s disappearance to the authorities but it gets buried. Somethings were not meant to be - somethings were meant to be lost to the world (Zoro had always been lost – always had an internal compass that only pointed at one person.)
Koushirou hopes the boy he raised (in place of a daughter who died) is happy now.
They meet Nami in the mall, her life safe at last and her family and their tangerine farm whole and unharmed. There is nothing stopping her from saying no when Luffy stretches out hand, to stay with her family who have no recognition of the name Arlong.
But she takes the hand anyway, the weight she never knew was there lifting off of her. She was supposed to be a navigator for a big company in the fall, with big rewards, perfect for a girl who had no interest of spending big bucks at college
But she drops it all and takes the hand offered.
And well -
That is that.
(They, piled into Luffy’s (Ace’s) old custom flame-detailed Camaro, make for an odd bunch with Luffy’s scars and Zoro’s swords and Nami’s maps and money bags (and three shriveled tangerine tree seeds kept in a golden locket) but they could not care less.)
Usopp joins them three states over and for once does not lie - he speaks truthfully about the pull he feels, like waves to the moon’s commands, like a compass to the north and laments that maybe he’ll meet his dad on the road - out in the big wide radiant west.
He brings along a ride and tall tales, a reminder that there’s joy in the smallest of things.
(Kaya, they learn, is a name not to be spoken for she died a year ago, officially due to an illness. Unofficially, Usopp tells them of a butler who had a history in poison and botany, and how his claws quickly sunk into the family riches once the orphan girl passed away suddenly.
This is not a tale of heroes or interference in carefully laid plans- this is a tale of people finding home and family.
And Kaya, while she had a place in Usopp’s heart, never had a place aboard the sunny, beloved ship (home) in their dreams of before.)
Sanji kicks them from his restaurant, freshly inherited from Zeff who died three months previous, four times until he finally caves and agrees to go with them.
The chefs and waiters are happy to see him go, even if his boyfriend, Gin, isn’t (he’ll miss him, can’t he see that?).
The restaurant was never the twenty-two-year old’s dream, only a prison made of a debt and a soured paternal love and the staff knew that.
They do not understand what makes these strangers so important to him, but they do not stop him from leaving, from kissing his mafia boyfriend one last passionate time, from signing restaurant over to his most trusted workers and hopping in the car with two teens and a young adult.
It was never their place to know what made him so weary of food being stolen.
(Besides. His cigarettes were clogging up the air.)
They never meet Vivi. They only ever hear of her in newspapers clippings, proclaiming that the last princess of Alabasta perished during an uprising in her kingdom.
(It’s not a world of heroes and happiness, in this life)
The story is sad in general, but they are even more so because more than it being a tragic tale, they never got to meet her again.
(But they knew she would never, ever stay, no matter how hard they begged. Her heart belonged to the desert sun and the sand beneath feet, and the people hailing her name. Some things are constant like that.)
Chopper, prodigy and fully-fledged doctor at the age of twenty-six, takes one look at them and quits his job at his adopted father’s old clinic.
No one comments on how though he is the eldest, everyone ruffles his hair like he is the youngest.
No one talks about the little cherry blossoms and antlers embroidered on his sweater, or the way he despisesmushrooms.
No one mentions the way he gapes at Zoro and Luffy, one with too little scars (though they are thankful for that) and one with far, far too many.
(He’ll pass creams to both of them, helping smooth it over Luffy’s back and arms and chest and face and just anywhere really (so many scars - skin didn’t scar this easily before) and letting Zoro do his own, spreading the cool substance over his chest and ankles and face (but never his back - would be a shame if he did), places that had always ached mysteriously previously, and always during storms like Luffy’s did now)
Robin comes into their lives silently, appearing in the back of the Merry (Usopp’s mothers old Volkswagen van that he inherited, that he and Kaya had painted with pictures of seas and sheep and dreaming words before ... everything) one day and never leaving after that.
There are no doubts that she belongs with them - not this time, and not ever again. She brings a multitude of books with her and helps finishes Zoro’s and Luffy’s spotty education, filling in gaps of knowledge with care and love.
She never speaks of genocide, never speaks of the circling brand on her left shoulder blade, and the haunted look in here eye but she doesn’t have to.
Like before, the past does not matter here, with them.
(Unlike before, the only thing that does matter is them - there are no dreams in this concrete world, only slowly filling in the ache of where were you and I was alone.)
The blue haired man who tried to steal their car is Franky, and this time only his arm and nose are metal - it doesn’t make him any less strong or big though. Once he sees the little keychain of a straw hatted jolly roger, custom made, hanging on the mirror, however, he stops, sitting there in the front seat, the wires already hotwired, and smiles. That’s where they find him, and after only the briefest of introductions (for they all know each other already, really, in some inescapable way) and goodbyes (the Franky family are still family but the world is crueler now then then, and bonds like that aren’t meant to stay (but bonds like theirs are)) they leave after a small pitstop.
Merry cannot hold him (cannot hold three more people, they need more) and so it is a near blessing in disguise when Merry is forced to be ripped away from them by a bad car accident - a cop careening down the road after a clown with a sword (an odd sight but not the oddest. They were all more worried about clinging together and making sure they were all alive). No fights happen between them (they do not know how they would take it if one of them walked away - they don’t know if they even can now that they’ve found each other).
Instead, they watch as Franky commandeers his brother’s company for one week, and creates a home on the road for them. Simple and deceiving on the outside yet extravagantly homey within, the extremely luxurious and custom RV is familiar enough with a small shielded garden on the top, a library within and couches and bunks soft and plush to rest their weary head.
Sunny, they decide to call the RV, now detailed on the side in bold, dreamful lettering with a painted lion face, for all the sunny days they will have together.
(They’re almost complete.)
Brook sees them in the crowd and steps off his stage, disappearing into the night. His fans are disappointed and the rest of the world confused - where had the man gone?
The man himself is gaunt, brittle and bone like, which is only accented by his skeletal make up, but he laughs and cracks jokes with them all, one more puzzle piece, one more weapon to defeat the battle that is loneliness.
His music soothes them to bed with the sweetest tunes, and the songs he releases to the public are more popular than ever - for they have something the old Brook used to have but thought he never would again.
The love of family.
(He does not speak of years spent by the coast, playing songs with other folk and whales, as they danced happily to the breeze. He does not speak of tsunamis and death and wondering why he above all others survived because he knows why - so the loneliness would end when he was with them.)
Jinbe is last and when they break him free from the prison on the coast, it is all they can do not to cry with relief. They are whole again, never mind the mafia and government after them thanks to Jinbe’s escape, they can breathe again.
When they collapse inside Sunny, far away from the lights that searched for them, bandages applied to broken boys (why did he have so many scars?) and smiles given, they do cry, and Jinbe envelopes them all with a hug until they fall backward into a giant, happy dog pile.
He is warm and big and steers them in the right direction, just as he always did. The last part of the puzzle is complete and now they can be free with each other instead of trapped alone.
(Jinbe is the first to know about the beginning, what happened to their captain in this life, (for he knew Ace as well) and he does not forgive himself for not being there like he was before. But he does pray to and thank every god he knows that Luffy was able to get up alone - and find them all.
It’s a miracle, really. (It’s what he was known for))
Together they travel, making money in dubious ways (street performance and thievery among them – stealth is a skill that Luffy has somehow acquired now but they do not like to think about how) and having as much adventure and life as they can before their time inevitably runs out.
They travel and learn about each other what makes them different from before (they learn what before was.)
They learn of new ages (Luffy 14, Zoro 16, Nami 18, Usopp 20, Sanji 22, (Vivi would be 24) Chopper 26, Robin, like before 28, Franky 30, Brook 32, and Jinbe, 34 - two years apart for the two years they spent apart. They wished their youngest weren’t so young,) new habits (video game design was what Usopp was going to go to college for, once he had saved enough) and the things that stayed the same (Nami can still haggle prices down to a quarter of the original price, and Zoro still uses three katanas.)
It’s a good life, a happy life. They found each other again - how could it not be?
Of course - not everything’s perfect. It comes back to them in the little moments
It’s In the way Zoro will sit himself beside the door on rainy days, ready to catch anyone who slips; in the way Nami hoards money like she’ll die without it and what she’ll be willing to sacrifice for it (herself and others but never her family), in the way that Usopp, though understanding, will lurch whenever someone seems just a tad too sad and frantically tell a tale as if everyone’s life depended on it, and the way he’s wary of every trusting, loyal servant they come across.
It’s in the way Sanji won’t eat if someone else wont (all too common, none of them are okay with food sometimes, even Luffy, who will sometimes stop eating randomly, or Zoro, who occasionally forgets he can keep eating) or in the way Chopper will quadruple check every medical thing he does when not in an emergency.
It’s in the way Robins mind goes blank at certain books and the way her fingers tremble even when doing something she loves; in the way Franky will ghost his hand over his nose and arm and belly and scars and remember the day everything was lost; in the way that Brook can’t stand foggy nights that become like his mind occasionally, clouded and alone.
And especially it’s in the way the Luffy, Luffy who used to never be afraid (because rubber couldn’t hurt, at least not easily), will flinch and snag fingers in Zoro’s or Jinbe’s clothing, arms taut and eyes wide, trembling and so abruptly quiet and push whatever food on his plate away whenever voices raise or fists fly in the kitchen (only ever the kitchen), and will shriek and go silent, crouched in a ball if its directed at him - (The kitchen area is a no fight zone now, if they have to do it they do it beyond the divider and in the other areas while the rest distract Luffy.) It’s in the way Luffy has far too many scars (from punches and kicks and being thrown off balconies and cliffs from supposedly loving hands, from fights in back alleys and scrambling to survive – he’s only 14 and before it wouldn’t faze them but this world is so much more real in the way the other wasn’t) and in the way one used to be able to count each individual rib on his side.
It’s the little moments that hurt the worse.
But there are also happy moments, happiness found in places one wouldn’t think to look.
Like being chased by cars flashing red and blue lights, in a flame detailed beat up Camaro, like seeing how high cola rockets could blast, like finally hearing the end to Robin’s memorized bed time story that spoke of pirates of old and new, and sunny days always looking toward the horizon.
Like being there to see Zoro and Luffy, always on the same page, experience something for the first time, like the high school dance they snuck into or the stars on the unlit coast (well that was a first for most actually). Like seeing Brook’s guitar strum a special song just for each of them, or having Chopper give special band aids for each of them (Luffy’s had pirates, Zoro’s tigers, Nami’s tangerines, Usopp’s birds, Sanji’s hearts and Franky’s gears. Robin and Brook were more careful so everyone was still vying to see what design they would get)
It was the joys that built them up again
And it was the experiences that reminded them of who they were
Because no matter the world, no matter the life now or the life before, Luffy would always have the soul of a conqueror, of a king- and the rest of them would always be his most loyal crew.
These experiences included back alley fights and dealings and tussles with gangs, included hunting down Ace’s killer and killing him in return (because none of them are perfect, even now) in breaking out of prison as a family (whoever thought of imprisoning them all together made a mistake) to shielding Luffy from his grandfather when the mere mention let alone actually meeting with the man made him tremble and near cry.
It was falling from the mountain Skypeia, miraculously making it out alive and visiting Fishman Island off the coast of the southern continent. It was visiting Venice and Antarctica and the pyramids and breaking into historical places (but being respectful because robin loved history) and everything amazing in-between.
And it was being together that made it all worth it - because in this life they didn’t have dreams to reach for, to strive for, to devout their lives towards. They just had each other.
And that was enough
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unexpectedreylo · 5 years
The Straight Dope On Galaxy’s Edge
I went to Disneyland Aug. 7-10 for my birthday because where else would I rather be than in the GFFA?  
It’s amazing!  It’s like a Ralph McQuarrie painting come to life.  Even though it is “set” during the ST, it tries to have a little bit of something for every Star Wars fan.  And maybe even for your friends and family who aren’t into it as much as you are.
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Don’t believe the hype that it’s not doing well.  Disneyland has had annual passholder blackout dates to keep attendance below crazy levels and while overall attendance is down 3% (probably due to fears of massive crowds as well as higher ticket prices),  I can safely tell you that there was a great deal of interest in Galaxy’s Edge by attendees.  On Thursday and Saturday, everyone made a beeline for it just as the park opened in the morning.  I was doing the Griswold family dash to Wally World myself, power walking the best my middle aged/out-of-shape self could as kids and teenagers went past me.  Requiring reservations for Oga’s Cantina and Savi’s Workshop (where you build the lightsabers) prevented hellacious hours-long lines for those attractions.  Smuggler’s Run has had waits as long as three hours over the course of the summer.  It reached its 1 millionth rider in mid-July.  On Thursday, the longest I wait I saw was 80 or 90 minutes and that was on a weekday blackout date.  The section of the park was busy both Thursday and Saturday mornings.  For what it’s worth, it seemed like half the people at Disneyland overall had some kind of Star Wars t-shirt on.  It was like a Celebration with rides.
Attendance isn’t the only metric.  What really matters is whether people are spending money there and I can vouch that people were buying.  The lightsabers are $200 a pop alone.  There were merchandise I wanted to get but weren’t available, such as the japor snippet necklace and the Rey vest (sizes XS-L were sold out).  White kyber crystals are still sold out.  I saw signs everywhere limiting certain items to one per person.  People were packing the cantina and all of them got drinks.  Ronto’s Roasters did pretty steady business.
Just bear in mind that parks play the long game and it probably serves Disney’s long term interests to allow paying attendees and not just local APs the chance to experience Galaxy’s Edge.  Hell crowds would just make people angry they spent all of that money and couldn’t see or do a thing.
Now, here’s where I’m going to dish some advice to those of you who are planning to go either to the one in Anaheim or at WDW.  The WDW version is at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, so some of this won’t apply to the Mouse House East but I think a lot of it will.
Tip #1--Your best bet is on a weekday, first thing in the morning as the park opens.  If it’s an AP blackout date, that’s even better.  Remember, Disney is like con...you don’t come to sleep.
Tip #2--Stay at a Disney hotel to take advantage of Magic Hour.  I know, I know, they’re $$$ while there are many cheaper alternatives but if you really want to beat the crowds this is the way to do it.  Galaxy’s Edge will not be accessible during Magic Hour (at DL it’s just Fantasyland that’s open) but you can start lining up at the ropes in front of Frontierland and Adventureland.  While GE at DL has three entrances, they will send you the looong way through New Orleans Square and Critter Country when the park fully opens.  If you’re at WDW, stay at the Art of Animation, Caribbean Beach, or Pop Century resorts...they’re the ones closest to Hollywood Studios though you’ll still have to take the Disney bus to get there.  (The Swan and the Dolphin are on Disney property but are NOT Disney resort hotels, so no Magic Hour.)  
Another perk to staying at a Disney hotel now is that as part of our travel package we all got free exclusive Galaxy’s Edge lanyards with a pin!
Tip #3--Ladies...I think with the exception of the First Order boutique and the cosplay items, I liked the a lot of t-shirts and stuff for kids more than the ones for adults!  So if you are on the small side, you might be able to fit in the bigger kids’ wear.  For instance I got a great Black Spire hoodie for $40 at Jewels of Bith...the adult hoodie was like 20 bucks more.  My mom liked it so much she got one for herself and my niece.  Note:  the merch you buy inside GE don’t say “Galaxy’s Edge” or have Star Wars logos.  If you want those, you’ll have to buy them in the regular Disney stores.
Tip #4--Oga’s Cantina.  Reservations are required so as soon as you plan your trip, go on the DL/WDW app and reserve right away.  I think now you can reserve up to 60 days in advance...if not, definitely 14 days in advance.  You are NOT guaranteed a seat.  You are given an area to hang out in (at the bar, at a table, or at a booth) and you are to remain there.  You can’t run and grab a booth for instance if a party leaves.  Your limit is 45 minutes and two drinks.  I will say though that service is fast (I guess most drinks are pre-mixed) and in our case, we didn’t even need to stay the entire 45 minutes.  I got the Cliff Dweller (I don’t drink) while my brother got whatever they call the beer and my dad got the teal-colored “white” wine.  My older niece got the blue milk with the Bantha cookie.  She gave rave reviews for both.  The younger niece got the stuff that came from the creature tank.  It sounds gross but she liked it.  There are no restrooms inside the cantina btw.  
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Tip #5--Savi’s Workshop.  Again, reservations are required and they should be made as soon as possible.  The lightsabers are $199 and you pay when you check in.  The day I went they were running behind, so while my reservation was at 3:00, I didn’t actually get in the building until like 3:30.  The process takes about 20 minutes.  You are ushered into a shop and there’s a whole narrative and everything.  The “gatherers” have harvested scrap metal and kyber crystals and crafted lightsaber parts.  Based on the “theme” you selected at check in (stuff like “power and control” or “peace and justice”) you are given trays with parts to choose from and a crystal (blue, green, purple, or red).  Your guides are in character and sometimes it’s all earnest af, but then again so are the movies.  I found it surprisingly easy to put these together.  The “gatherers” put the blade in for you then you step forward, turn on the switch, and yay, you got a new lightsaber!  You get to wave them in the air and stuff.  On the way out you are given a free sheath bag to put it in.  If you don’t want to lug your new lightsaber on a plane or have to check it in, you can have it shipped home for $17 at the First Order boutique (though I don’t know if other stores will do it for you too).  
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Tip #6--Smugglers’ Run.  The best time to go on the ride, since to date there are no fastpasses, is right when the park opens.  Thursday morning at 8:10 a.m. had the shortest wait, 15 minutes but I pretty much walked right onto the ride.  The next best option is going single rider, which is what my brother and I did the second time we went on it.  It was about half the regular wait time.  Have your camera ready to get that chess table photo op because you will get called right away for your “boarding group” (assigned with a color).  Two pilot, two shoot, two “engineer.”  The light up buttons make it easy to figure out what you have to do but accuracy is tough.  I piloted the first time, shot the second time.  The good news is I did not crash either time.  Which is miraculous.
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Tip #7--Other food and drink.  Unfortunately I didn’t get the opportunity to eat at Docking Bay 7 or Ronto Rosters.  I’m told the breakfast wrap at Ronto Roasters is phenomenal.  Don’t expect typical Disney fare in Galaxy’s Edge; the closest it comes is the Star Wars popcorn.  No galactic churros or Mickey ice cream pops here.  In fact an in-character cast member and Chewbacca were really curious about our churros when we went into Galaxy’s Edge on Saturday.  My younger niece even tried to give Chewie a piece to try, LOL.  What you can get is blue milk and green milk.  We got one of each on Thursday to try.  Both were better than the notoriously sweet butterbeers at Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  Tasty and refreshing on a hot day.  But I kinda think we all leaned more toward the blue milk.  In fact the nieces insisted on another round of blue milk when we returned on Saturday.  You can get the Aurebesh label soda and water at a variety of stands and at Docking Bay 7.  (Maybe Ronto Roasters too.)  They’re pricey but everything at Disney is 30-50% more expensive than they would be anywhere else.  And the Aurebesh bottles make for low cost souvenirs.
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Tip #8--Characters.  Chewbacca and FO stormtroopers were around quite a bit.  I saw Vi Moradi twice and Kylo a couple of times (Chewie and Kylo get treated like rock stars), but I totally missed Rey.  My parents saw her though.  Characters here do NOT sign autographs, something my nieces found out the hard way when they tried to get them from stormtroopers.  LOL.
Tip #8--Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities.  This is where you buy your holocrons and loose kyber crystals (only with purchase of a holocron).  They were still out of white crystals so I bought a red one.  When you put a red crystal in your Jedi holocron, Yoda warns you about the dark side.  Bonus:  the kyber crystals you buy here can be put in your lightsaber from Savi’s Workshop.  So if you buy both a holocron and a lightsaber, make sure you get a different color crystal for each so you can switch them around!  Here you’ll find a lot of Jedi cosplay, Leia cosplay, and the headdress Padme used in AOTC as part of her peasant disguise, among other goodies.  The stained glass portraits of Leia and Queen Amidala were stunning but they were kinda big and 95 bucks apiece.  They had a set of ceramic busts of everyone’s favorite mother-daughter duo for $55 but I didn’t feel like lugging those around at the time.  For older Star Wars fans, this is probably going to be your favorite store.
Tip #9--Other merchandise/shopping.  The First Order boutique is located right next to Kylo’s parked shuttle and across from the “milk” stand.  The Resistance has two carts at the entrance in front of the (unopened) Rise of the Resistance ride.  I kinda like that the underground Resistance is on the “outskirts” of the outpost while the conquering FO is right there in the center of town.  Makes sense for the narrative.  Savi’s and the store where you can build a droid (no reservation necessary...this was a hit with kids) are next to each other.  Everything else is in the marketplace in a series of smallish stalls.  Keep an eye out because nobody has signs.  (Note:  layout might be slightly different at WDW.)  
Tip #10--Wear a hat and sunscreen.  The marketplace is the only area in GE with shade.  The rest of it is out in the sun, so be prepared because in CA it’s easy to get a sunburn and in FL, it’s easier still.  Bring a rain poncho if you’re at WDW because of those hit and run thunderstorms.  
Tip #11-- You don’t have to be a passive tourist.  Some cast members get into it more than others but you’ll get more out of Galaxy’s Edge if you play along.  As Star Wars fans, you’ll get the lingo (for instance they do call kids “younglings” and talk about money as credits) so that’s no problem.  When you’re inside of Galaxy’s Edge you can go on the DL/WDW app and activate your “datapad” and scan stuff at various locations.  My brother did this with his phone while we were poking around and you can earn rankings and stuff within the different factions.
Overall I think what Galaxy’s Edge is now is just the beginning.  Rise of the Resistance opens this winter at both parks and from what I’ve heard, more attractions and shows are in the works.  Personally, I’d love a hair braiding station where you can get your hair done like Leia or Rey or Battle of Geonosis Padme since that’s probably her easiest style!  I want a Reylo night time show!  But it’s absolutely worth visiting as it is.  You can easily spend half the day or longer there, depending on how much you want to do.  Few Star Wars or Disney experiences will ever top entering Galaxy’s Edge, huffing and puffing from having to go up and down hills, hearing the music over the loudspeakers and the cast members and various characters coming out to wave hello to everyone.  Even the stormtroopers.  I felt like I’d just finished the Batuu 5K!  And then seeing everyone gawk at the Millennium Falcon in front of Smuggler’s Run.  
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sonitavalentine · 6 years
Ship Game
I guess I was tagged by @eb-byestelle, @eternalyumelove and @purebloodprincess for this. I know, it’s super later to make this now but I was super busy and wanted to make this thing anyway xD
So, uh...
1.What are your top 10 manga/anime ships of all time?
I guess, it’s in no specific order, but:
Kaname & Yuuki, Vampire Knight
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Hak & Yona, Akatsuki no Yona
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Yuuri Katsuki & Viktor Nikiforov, Yuuri on Ice
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Touka Kirishima & Kaneki Ken, Tokyo Ghoul
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Tomoe & Nanami Momozono, Kamisama Hajimemashita
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Gilgamesh & Arturia Pendragon, Fate/Zero
(I know this gif isn’t from FZ, don’t @ me)
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Hei & Misaki Kirihara, Darker than Black
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Aaaaaannd... thta’s only seven, but if I add more to have ten, there will be ships from already mentioned animes and I don’t wan’t it to be repeated plus I don’t include ships that are barely in manga. Let it be like this bc I’m a lazy ass.
2. What gif or screenshot most sums up your ship?
I tried my best, look above.
3. Describe your favorite ship in seven words or less.
Have mercy on me, it’s gonna be less.
Kaname&Yuuki: eternal, erotic, painful.
Hak&Yona: Supportive, cheerful, sub/dom (lol).
Viktuuri: distant but close, different but similar, simply amazing.
Touka&Kaneki: tender, patient, accepting.
Tomoe&Nanami: sarcastic, divine, inspiring.
Gilgamesh&Arturia: don’t ship it if you’re in an adequate state of mind xD royal, magnificent, equal.
Hei&Misaki: frienemies and eneriends lol, understanding, unrequited.
4. What’s your go-to episode or scene when you need ship feels?
Kaname&Yuuki: the chapter with vampire ball (don’t remember the number) and chapter 89. Sorry not sorry.
Hak&Yona: hoenstly, I can’t choose. They have so many cool moments. Probably one of them will be the moment I included into the gif - so much care and love in their eyes. And also the moments when Hak teases Yona in the beginning of the story xD
Viktuuri: episodes 7 and 10, of course I think every viktuuri says the same lol
Touka&Kaneki: chapter 125, wedding chapter, the latest chapter. And episode in Re: when Haise saw Touka for the first time - it’s friggin beautiful T_T
Tomoe&Nanami: Yukiji arc. 
Gilgamesh&Arturia: lolol xD Okay, the royal talk with them and Rider - I think this is where Gil got his interest on Saber.
Hei&Misaki: Them sitting under the false sky and talking about stars T_T again, I don’t remember the episode, my memory is a trash can sometimes.
5. What song or songs remind you of your favorite fandom, character or ship?
Here I don’t have much to tell bc not all ships had a song I ever associated them with, but:
Kaname&Yuuki: Apocalyptica feat. Doug Robb - Not strong enough
Gilgamesh&Arturia: Megaherz - Mein Gral
honestly, I can give you a full playlist of songs that remind me of Yume than other ships lol because the music I usually listen to is dark and suits them very well
 Tomoe&Nanami: Buck Tick - Nocturne 
6. What ship are you embarrassed to admit you like?
Ehhhh, okay not like I’m embarrassed to ship them but embarrassed to talk about them because there’s a lot of my friends who have a preference on another ship that is super popular. So it’s Gino and Akane from Psycho Pass xD And it’s weird because I still have nothing against Kougami and Akane, but sometimes something inside me fights with my feelings and tells me that Gino and Akane could do a pretty good married couple. I still see Kougami more like a Kasanova style so giving him to Akane only is unfair xD even though they also look good. So yeah, it’s weird, next question.
7. Do you prefer to indulge in (consume or create) fanart or fanfic of your favorite ship?
Create fanfic, I’m a writer to the core.Consume fanart, I’m a visual type.
8. Smut or fluff?
Smut. However, if you ask me “smut or angst/drama”, I choose angst/drama. I’m not really into fluffy sugar-coated type of scenes lol.
9. What task are you most likely to procrastinate so you can indulge in your ship or fandom?
Nothing, I just indulge into it when I have enough time to enjoy it: I can’t enjoy anything when I know I have Damocles’ sword of an important task above me.
10. How many hours of the day do you spend reading fanfic or looking at fanart or other media?
Altogether (fanfiction, fanart, etc) it’s about 1-2 hours per day, in busy days it’s 0 hours per day :D
11. How many memorabilia’s do you own of your favorite fandom or ship (clothes, plushies, etc.)?
Not many, I have a prefect’s bandage from VK and phone case with Yume, the rest of memorabilia I have don’t relate to animamnga (expect for volumes).
12. If you could own one authentic item from your favorite fandom world, what would it be?
Nothing specific, but I’d give a leg and more for owning the videos of all performance of Viktor and Yuuri - I love figure skating so it’d be amazing to see all their famous entries.
13. What is the strangest thing you’ve done to honor your favorite fandom, ship or character?
14. What fandom have you found to be too toxic to deal with?
To some extent every fandom is toxic, but among those I dealt with VK wins the first place without a doubt.
15. Do you have or would you consider getting a tattoo depicting your favorite ship or fandom?
Nope, I like seeing tattooes on other people, but scarcely I’d decide to do it on myself. If only something not too big and pretty, but not fandom related definitely.
16. If the creators of your favorite fandom asked you to write the ship canon-confirmation episode, what will you write/how will it happen?
I’ll skip it, because most of my ships are canon, and those that aren’t claim more from my side than simply write a small paragraph on how they can become canon.
Okay, idk who already been tagged?, so I go with @white-queen-lacus @yumikuran11 @vk-crzy @yumiko27 @enchantingdaizy and whoever feels like doing this!
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years
Among the excitement of UFC 224, one problem lingers far above the noise
May 14th
To read a different point of view on what I'm about to spend way too much time angrily punching keys over; check out the Anticool's attempts to try and fix the 135 lb division: http://theanticool.tumblr.com/post/172326343465 It's a pretty comprehensive guide of what he would do.
Amid the bluster and drama of a fight card with 11 finishes and a gaggle of insane moments, three of the plagues of the UFC (and by extension MMA) popped up their ugly heads. This is a sport where there is no good without double the bad and as such, even after an event that was thoroughly amusing, we've gotta point out some bad. I originally intended to write about bad weight cuts and bad cornerwork but here's the deal; I've given up. Fighters are going to continue to abuse their bodies before they get to the point to get paid to abuse their bodies. California tried and it didn't work, ONE FC wanted to try and I'm not sure that's worked either. Mackenzie Dern walked into Brazil weighing 140 lbs for a fight at 115 lbs where she'd need to weigh in on Friday. From Tuesday to Friday she was going to make a conscious effort to drop 25 lbs. The scary part is that I'm sure for some fighters that's not only doable but their usual methodology of cutting weight. This isn't going to change and fighters will continue to do whatever it is they do to make insane weight cuts. I've done a complete 180 on Rocky Pennington's corner. Fighters want it that way and so ya know what? Fine. Go ahead. Go on with your bad selves! Almost every fighter I've seen is in support of what Pennington's corner did so this is a rather bad cultural philosophy in MMA that's not going anywhere until something bad happens. I'm going to stop giving myself grays about all this. Let's talk about another problem, something that HAS to be fixed and fixed in short order:
The collapse of women's bantamweight
Rocky Pennington has been in the UFC since November of 2013. That's quite a good long minute. She's had 9 fights and gone 6-3 in the organization which is absolutely a substantial and reputable number. She earned her shot vs Amanda Nunes with a four fight winning streak. All of these are to set the stage for the next part of this little study:
How many people has she beaten who are still in the UFC? 4 depending on whether Bethe Correia is still in the UFC.
4 out of your 6 wins is a stupendous number! It's a credible number of wins for a title challenger. Let's get a bit more....specific.
How many people did she beat who are still at bantamweight?
1. Roxanne and Ashlee Evans Smith now ply their craft at flyweight, Jessica Andrade is now a strawweight. She has Bethe Correia.
Rocky's last two wins? One has retired (Miesha Tate) and the other got released (Elizabeth Phillips) so you have to go back to April of 2016 to find a credible 135er she beat and even SO she won a split decision vs Bethe Correia.
All of this isn't to bash Rocky Pennington but to prove a point about how the bantamweight division has been basically capsized. The women's bantamweight division is in such a broken state that the best option for Amanda Nunes was to trot out a fighter on a near two year layoff coming off a broken leg who has one credible ACTIVE bantamweight win under her ledger. A fighter who had last fought a retiree, a released fighter and quite possibly another fighter who should be released if wins and losses were all we care about.  The other options could've been a Marion Reneau (who at the time had just one fighter who remained in the UFC on her win ledger and zero at bantamweight), Germaine De Randamie (who has pulled out of two fights in a row and is playing her craft at bantamweight) or Ketlein Veiera in a really bad match up for all. Rocky Pennington as a title challenger under these circumstances is the equivalent of when the UFC turned to Chris Cariaso as a title challenger for Mighty Mouse. You've exhausted your options and you just need SOMEBODY to do SOMETHING.
This is the state of 135 lbs, a state that's beginning to look an awful lot like the drained and picked over remains of 205 lbs. It's not entirely a lack of quality either but a lack of numbers overall and a lack of believable challengers who could justifiably generate some excitement. Marion Reneau could earn a title shot with a win over Cat Zingano----who is on a three fight losing streak with yet another long layoff thrown into that mix. So you have 1) Women not fighting enough and taking long breaks, 2) women retiring out of the blue (Miesha and Ronda are gone with GDR and Holm likely behind them sooner rather than later) and 3) the influx of new weight classes draining the already thinning talent pool.
Want a fun reference point? Here's the 135 lb rankings on June of 2016:
Champion: Miesha Tate (Retired) 1 Holly Holm  (Retiring soon/145 lbs) 2 Ronda Rousey (Retired) 3 Cat Zingano (Three fight losing streak, took a year off) 4 Amanda Nunes (The champ) 5 Julianna Pena (last fought Jan of 2017) 6 Sara McMann (a very active fighter who could be categorized as a bust) 7 Valentina Shevchenko (Flyweight) 8 Liz Carmouche (Flyweight) 9 Raquel Pennington (Doing well) 10 Jessica Eye (Flyweight)
Imagine taking any division and then removing the top 4 fighters in it. Then imagine the bottom half of its "elite" decided to all change weight classes at once. Then have the other half of the division seemingly all deciding to either go up OR down in weight.
But wait! There’s more! Click inside (and no $4.99 extra cost mind you) and continue a long descent into madness about WMMA:
 Here's Jan of 2017 a week before Pena and Val Shevchenko faced off:
WOMEN’S BANTAMWEIGHT Champion: Amanda Nunes (champ champ) 1 Valentina Shevchenko (125 lb champ in waiting) 2 Julianna Pena (inactive since Jan 2017) 3 Holly Holm (145 lbs/retiring?) 4 Ronda Rousey (Retired) 5 Raquel Pennington (Still chillin', out for over a year) 6 Cat Zingano (0-3, took a year off) 7 Sara McMann (0-2 slumping) 8 Liz Carmouche (Flyweight) 9 Bethe Correia (I mean....) 10 Germaine de Randamie (145 lbs/retired?) 11 Alexis Davis +1 (Flyweight) 12 Ashlee Evans-Smith -1 (Flyweight) 13 Marion Reneau (Aye) 14 Jessica Eye (Flyweight) 15 Leslie Smith *NR (Released)
So right off the jump you can see the reversal of fortune for 135 lbs just by the quick difference of a short by MMA time period five months. Then when 125 lbs rolls around, the division is further   drained. Not even lightweight aka the world's greatest weight class according to many could survive half of the top 6 fighters either disappearing, moving out or retiring. Imagine 155 lbs without some combination of three of Poirier, Alvarez, Khabib, Tony and Conor. It's just too much water to take on before things sink.
It's made worse by the fact that this entire operation was reliant on three megastars. As I spoke about in 2012 when they first trumpeted out Ronda and as AntiCool has written about previously, this division's reliance on Ronda was always going to be a life or death decision. Long before Ronda Rousey was selling bonkers PPV numbers, I said the division will not survive on her but the strength of the people to come after her. To its credit, the likes of Holm and Tate were able to come along and really keep the ship upright after Ronda's loss. Holm's out of town and Miesha's retired with her money----so what we're left with is Amanda Nunes and a cast of characters who 1) either have all lost to someone else in the division or b) are so nondescript as people and fighters that it's hard to get excited about them. As I asked on the DTP, would you pay money to see Amanda Nunes fight ANYBODY but Cris Cyborg? Would you pay $60 to see her headline a card vs, say, Marion Reneau? Ketlen Viera? How about Julianna Pena? After watching two back to back dull fights, who could you possibly roll out there to get fans excited about wanting to pay 60 bucks in a crowded and dead PPV economy?
Part of this falls on the UFC for sure. Their inability to develop and cultivate talent over the long term shows up here. They had a golden goose and did what every promotion does; ride it until the wheels fall off and then try to regroup afterwards. They got three 1 mil+ PPVs out of Ronda Rousey and plenty that scratched the surface of the number. I can't fault them for understanding who the draw is but I can fault them for not preparing. Then again, I'd argue that the complete evaporation of the division is something they probably didn't expect to happen nor something you can plan for. You can't plan on Miesha Tate deciding she had lost her fire in the same year Ronda lost hers for MMA. You also can't plan for Cat Zingano to disappear for a year and then disappear again for another year. You can't account for GDR's hand injury (I suppose) or for Julianna Pena getting pregnant. In some ways this is blatantly their fault and in another ways, as is so often in the MMA world, ya gotta just go "well shit happens." I'd fault them more for not being reactive enough afterwards than for not being proactive at this point.
Then there's just the fact that the division itself doesn't seem to be all that hot in any organization. It's easy to find flyweights especially overseas. That's not the same with female 135ers or 145ers.  Invicta, the presumed top feeder league for the UFC, has Sara Kaufman as its champion. We've been there and done that, right? Before that it was Tonya Evinger who didn't even make it on TUF. We can say both are good fighters and be 100% accurate. Evinger is 36, Kaufman is 32. The UFC has tried on two different occasions to find new 135ers for a TUF and both instances the bodies weren't there. The one time they did do TUF for 135ers? Of the eight women who made the show? Two remain active in the UFC (Rocky and Sarah Moras) while a third seems to have no interest in fighting currently (Julianna Pena).  The rest are either out of the org or out of the weight class entirely. If you extend it to the 16 women who FOUGHT to get on the show then that produced a scary low 25% of bantamweights with Moras, Rocky, Pena and Gina Mazany (Evinger is a 135lber but to this point she's only fought at 145 lbs in the org). A 25% hit rate on TUF is great if you're talking lightweight or welterweight. At a brand new weight class that is SCARY low and SCARY bad.  Given how hot the Ronda division was, the fact no other top org could start some kind of a 135 lb weight class is pretty scary. The Ronda MMA returns aren't there yet so we'll see what happens in a few years from now. The hope is that Ronda Rousey will have planted a love for MMA in the hearts and minds of female athletes but.....I mean we have nothing yet to really substantiate that. Taking it one step further; even if she did, what's to say they'll all be bantamweights anyways?
And lastly there's the simple fact that the depth of a division is almost 150% reliant on who the champion is. The division was pretty thin when Ronda was champion but Ronda was Ronda and she sold like Ronda sold. She basically at one point talked Jessica Eye up into being somebody people almost half assed wanted to see her fight. Bethe Correia owes 75% (AT LEAST) of her success to Ronda Rousey hyping her up as the only undefeated opponent she had ever faced plus Bethe doing her own thing with the trash talk. Ronda got people into a third Miesha fight on the premise of "I've never fought somebody three times!" A champion in many ways is as responsible for their challengers as anybody else is----and that brings us to Amanda Nunes. We can argue that the UFC could do more. I'd argue they've tried. I've argued Amanda Nunes dug herself a hole she couldn't get out of when she spent the first few weeks post UFC 207 blasting Ronda Rousey to her fans. I'd argue the hole got even deeper when she pulled out of the International Fight Week main event the day OF the show and I'd argue that she's officially come the other side of the Earth after the second Shevchenko fight at this point. The fact that the building sounded half empty when she was fighting Pennington and looked empty when she started to give her post fight speech is a scary piece of business. That's Mighty Mouse levels of panic.
The problem now is that while the UFC is normally loud enough to cover this up, Amanda Nunes is the victim of three important truths about combat sports.  One; it's not the fighter's ability that draws an audience. Two; no matter what you're told, not everybody gets to be a star. Some fighters are destined to be the best friend in the movie. Three; marketing dollars wasted on non-stars are wasted dollars because you either got it or you don't. The UFC has a champion it doesn't care, a champion it can't promote and a champion the public doesn't want ALL in a division where there is no immediate rival to spur the interest of the public. There's no Ngannou or Conor McGregor to sell her against----and even if there was? There's no middle ground to safely build that fighter up. If some new exciting brash young 135er walked through the door, how long before by virtue of just a lack of depth that fighter is fighting somebody she probably isn't anyway near ready for? What's more, how can you expect the division to advance if none of the middle of the pack fighters are fighting?
The 145 lb division has a champion who is a modicum of a draw in this PPV market. 115 lbs will never be a top level drawing belt but it's got depth, some fighters who people want to see and it's got a role as the co-main event/third title draw for "big" shows. 125 lbs will probably be used as an ESPN+ bonus of sorts while Valentina Shevchenko as champion could probably headline in Peru or Russia. The women's bantamweight division is without a draw, without depth, without youth and without real options to solve the problem. You can try to influx a bunch of new athletes into the sport (an idea I'd try) but without a real middle ground, they'll just be fighting each other or a bunch of fighters they're clearly not going to be ready for. You can try to sign each and every single regional fighter under the sun but there's an old pro wrestling theory that bringing in too much new talent at once just dilutes the talent. Besides if most of the new talent are fighters you've already whisked away (Larissa Pacheco, Kelly Faszholz, Sara Kaufman for instance) then I guess it defeats the purpose of the whole damn thing. In a division where there's a sector of your audience that hates them on principle, it's going to be somewhat transparent if you're trying to convince them that some of these fighters are not just here to fill a spot on the show.
Cris Cyborg will not be a UFC problem for much longer. 145 lbs will be out of here quicker than we realize in all likelihood. 135 lbs is here to stay and it's turning into a problem that's no longer avoidable.
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