#got me happy stimming giggling kicking my feet squealing
oneinchfrog · 11 months
im actually so happy my transfem linc and wlw gothcleats propoganda is spreading nobody is safe from my headcanons >:3
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spooky-boi-writes · 11 months
Thank God for My Little Space
Words: 1,122
Ships: Amanda young/Lynn denlon, Amanda young & Mark Hoffman
Summery: “we’re you scawed when you saw’d it?”
“Yes hunny, the ghosties got to me.”
Amanda in little space with her caregivers Mark and Lynn!!
Mark might be a little OOC but that’s not important I want him to be mushy w Mandy is that too much to ask
In her many years of living, Amanda stepped into her room and knew this would be her most difficult task.
She pushed open her closet door with all her might, shoving clothes everywhere to get to the extra hangers stuffed in the back. As she shuffled around, she found the perfect candidate to strike fear into those around her. She held it up to herself, adjusting it a bit, and threw it onto her bed. She applied it to herself, pulling it over her shoulders and buttoning where it needed to be buttoned. After assessing in the mirror, she left her room and entered the living room, making Lynn’s head twitch up to meet her gaze; Lynn’s eyes grew wide as she looked at what Amanda was wearing.
“Oh hello, lovebug. You put your onesie on all by yourself!” Lynn smiled.
Mandy nodded. “Ghosts.”
“Yes it has a bunch of ghosts baby!” Lynn signaled for Amanda to come closer and sit with her. Amanda waddled up to her and plopped beside her.
“Yes dear, it’s very spooky! It’s also inside out, do you mind if I fix it for you?”
Amanda nodded and let Lynn start to put it back right side out. “Were you scawed when you saw’d it?”
“Yes hunny,” Lynn replied while flipping the fabric. “The ghosties got to me.”
Amanda giggled while Lynn pulled the onesie back over her, kicking her feet and starting to bounce.
“Baby you gotta hold still for just a sec, okay?”
“Okayyy!” Amanda replied and stayed as stiff as possible, making it difficult for Lynn to redress her. Lynn sighed and worked with it.
“Snack please?” Mandy asked, pawing at Lynn and kicking her feet again.
“Okay baby, sit here while I grab you something, okay?”
“Yes mommy I do that.” Mandy once again sat very still while Lynn rose and went to the kitchen. Amanda looked around, eyes scanning the living room for her pile of stuffies. When she looked she realized Mark wasn’t anywhere to be found. Tears welled up in her eyes when she noticed and she called out for Lynn.
“Momma! Momma where Mark go?” tears fell on Amanda’s cheeks and she frantically looked around the room. “Momma!!”
Lynn ran back into the room, apple slices and puffs on a little plate. “Mark went to the store, baby. He’ll be back soon and a-okay.” She placed the snack on the table in front of her.
“Okay…” Amanda sat and pouted while Lynn rubbed the tears off her face.
“How about I put on Tooby and Bino and grab you your shark while you eat your snackie, does that sound okay baby?” Lynn brushed her hands through Amanda’s hair. Mandy nodded just barely and grabbed her plate while Lynn grabbed the remote to work the TV, walking towards the stuffy corner. She selected the show and the episode started, making Mandy happy stim while she ate.
Soon Lynn placed next to her a weighted shark plush named Baba right next to Mandy. As she noticed she started squealing and grabbing at it.
“Careful not to get your snack on him, love.” Lynn smiled and got up to grab them both a drink. When she came back, glass and sippy in hand, Amanda was shoving Baba’s face into her plate and somehow the Tv had changed to Pajanimals.
“Well,” Lynn sighed and placed their drinks on the table, cuddling Amanda close to her. Around halfway through the episode the sound of a key jiggling a lock took both of their attention. At first, Amanda cowered behind her shark, but as Mark’s voice rang through the entrance she squealed and jumped up.
Quicker than the blink of an eye she was by his side, smacking his arm. “Mark! Mark, I missed you!” She giggled and reached around his neck to hug him. The detective stood still with his arms full of grocery bags and made eye contact with Lynn, who was entirely amused by the situation.
“Hey kid,” he looked down at the girl hugging him, then his arms full of groceries. “How about you help me put these in the kitchen?”
“Yah!” She giggled and started to take a bag from his arm. She trailed to the kitchen with one bag in hand and placed it gently on the counter as Mark walked in behind her and placed about 15 more bags next to Amanda’s.
“Thanks for the help, kiddo.” He said, rubbing his arms where the bags had been. Mandy giggled again and reached for him to pick her up. Mark complied and carried her around the kitchen as he started to unload bags. He got through about three before Amanda got impatient and tried to get him to the couch.
“Hold on, let me finish this bag; there’s a surprise for you.” He bounced her in his arms as he said it and Mandy started smiling and reaching for the bag. “Hold on, hold on.” He said as he slowly handed her a bag of strawberry gummies. She squealed and started trying to open it.
“No wonder you're her favorite.” Lynn rolled her eyes as she unpacked bags across from the other two.
“What can I say? I’m simply better at parenting.”
“You’re better at spoiling, more like.”
“Where’d she get the onesie she’s wearing Lynn? Or Baba, for that matter, cause I don’t seem to recall being the one to get those for her.”
“Yeah, well-“ Lynn was cut off by Amanda trying her damndest to plop back onto the floor from Mark’s arms.
“Alright, alright little tyke relax.” He lowered her slowly and she quickly sped off to the couch. Her adults smiled and followed after her, groceries forgotten.
When they arrived, much slower than Amanda, she was already seated on the couch. Mark walked over to her and picked her up, stealing her seat so he could set her on his lap. She curled up with Baba and buried her head in Mark's shoulder. Lynn sat a couple seats away from them, and when Mandy noticed she crawled off Mark.
“Mama…” she mumbled and pouted, still holding her unopened gummies and Baba.
“Oh now you want me?” Lynn laughed and sat closer to the two of them.
“What does that mean?” Mark asked pulling Mandy to sit down between the both of them.
“Earlier she was doing nothing but complaining for you, but now she’s complaining for me.” The two laughed.
“The lady knows what she wants.” Mark shrugged and wrapped his arm around Mandy. Amanda giggled and squished herself into the couch, snuggling up to both her caregivers at once. Lynn gave her her paci and she fell asleep while they watched Mr. Rogers.
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babysizedfics · 3 years
Pink Crayons and Pinky Promises - Part 2
Summary: Being a super cool big brother is hard work sometimes. Especially when you don’t feel as big as usual, Vee doesn’t feel as little as usual, you parents are asleep, your baby sister’s pullup needs changing, you both need breakfast, you don’t know where crayons come from, and you miss your Mommy. But Mommy always calls Roman a clever little boy, so he’s gonna try to deal with all that stuff anyway! That can’t be too hard, right?
Word count: 7.2k
Take me back to part 1!
Also on AO3!
As much as Roman tried to enjoy colouring again, it was suddenly really hard. His head felt stuffy and his chest felt full—and not in the nice bubbly way. In the yucky balloon way. The yucky balloon always meant he was bored, and Roman hated being bored!
He threw the crayon to the carpet and pouted around his toothbrush. Not even chewing the crunchy bristles could stop the yucky balloon that was swelling in his chest. He rubbed his feet on the carpet again, but that didn’t help either. And now his fingers were feeling tingly! It was the worst feeling in the whole entire world forever and ever!
He groaned and flopped back to lie on the floor with his arms spread out. Bobbles of the carpet caught under his fingernails as he scratched it over and over again. Everything sucked!
Vee squeaked.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Roman asked, feeling a little bit… not little anymore. It wasn’t that he wanted to be big—he really, really didn’t—but it was always tricky staying so little without a grownup there to encourage it.
There was no response from Vee except some little babyish hums. Then some silence. Then an even louder sound: a chirp!
Roman raised his head from the floor just enough to see Vee’s back. Fae was wiggling around on faer butt with faer hand still held to faer mouth. Sucking sounds told Roman that fae was still eating the melon. And every couple of seconds, fae would make more squeaks and hums and chirps!
The yucky balloon in Roman’s chest deflated. “Is it yummy, Titch?” he giggled, sitting back up.
Vee always made funny sounds when she ate. Daddy called them yummy sounds, and Mommy said that was stimming too. It didn’t look much like stimming to Roman, but Mommy was super duper smart so Roman believed him. He liked this version of Vee’s stimming a lot because the noises were fun to listen to!
More chirping met Roman’s ears. Then he saw Vee’s legs kick out gently against the floor. Kick, kick, kick, quick but soft. That meant Vee really liked what she was eating.
Vee being happy made Roman feel a whole lot happier, so he picked his crayon back up to keep colouring!
The only sounds in the room were the crayon scribbles, the toothbrush bristles, Vee’s yummy sounds, and Roman’s little giggles when Vee made a particularly funny noise. He was smiling so hard and for so long that his cheeks even ached!
Then one of Vee’s squeaks got cut short by a whine. Roman looked over at his sister just in time to see faer pick a big black seed from faer mouth and drop it onto the carpet.
“You don’t like the seeds?” he asked, taking his toothbrush out of his mouth. There were a few seeds all over the carpet where Vee had apparently dropped them already.
Vee shaked faer head. “Wucky!” fae squeaked, and even stuck faer tongue out to show just how yucky fae thought they were. “Not s’posed to eat them ‘cause then Daddy can’t gwow them!”
That gave Roman a really creative and clever and funny idea! He tried to look casual, inspecting his toothbrush as if it was far more interesting than what he was about to say.
“Well they can still grow,” Roman started with a sly smile. “They would just grow in your tummy instead of the ground.”
He waited a moment—just long enough to seem cool but not dismissive—then checked Vee’s reaction.
She was frowning suspiciously, the tip of her tongue stuck out in thought. (Though she might have just been licking some melon juice from her lips. There was definitely enough dripping all over her cheeks.)
“They don’t do that…” Vee’s fingernail went back up to her sticky lips and she went quiet again. Then she whispered: “Do they?”
“Sure they do!” Roman nodded. He acted surprised and asked, “You’ve really never had a little fruit tree grow in your tummy before?”
It was pretty funny watching Vee’s eyes get slowly wider. Fae shook faer head. “No, I—Well I don’t think so.”
Roman’s lips betrayed him by pulling into a smirk, but he quickly shoved his toothbrush back in his mouth to hide it. “I fink you woulda noticed if you did. You woulda felt it for sure.”
It was less funny watching Vee’s eyes get quickly shinier. “B-because it hurts?!” Faer breathing got faster and faer eyes darted down to the seeds on the floor. Then fae pulled faer legs up into another tight hug. “I don’t wan’ a fwuit twee hurtin’ m-my tummy!” fae whimpered.
Uh oh.
“No, no, no, Vee! I didn’t—It’s okay, it doesn’t hurt!” Roman scooched on his butt to be right next to Vee and wrapped his arm around her.
“How d’you know?” Vee’s voice was really quiet. She was still scared.
Roman had to think something up real fast. And fast ideas weren’t always the bestest ones.
“I had a melon tree in my tummy once.”
It could’ve gone a whole lot worse than it did, but luckily Vee didn’t look upset by Roman’s answer. She just looked really freaked out.
“In your tummy?!” Vee squealed.
Her voice was so loud and squeaky that Roman even dropped his toothbrush on his empty plate to cover his ear! “Hey, we don’t wanna wake Mommy or Daddy!”
“In your tummy?” Vee repeated in a whisper.
A giggle bubbled up Roman’s chest and out of his mouth. His feet went brush, brush, brush. “Yeah, Titch! That’s how I know it doesn’t hurt.”
All of Vee’s attention was now on Roman. Her mouth was dropped open and she was staring at him and leaning forward. “Was it when we had the melon when it was waining?”
Roman shook his head and sat up straight with a proud smile. “Nu uh, that was only a month ago. This was way before that. Like before you lived with us.”
“Wow…” Vee gasped. “Did Daddy help you get it out?”
Roman’s eyes went wide and he hurriedly added, “No, Daddy didn’t know about it! A-and neither did Mommy, so don’t ask them ‘cause they won’t remember.” That was a close one! He didn’t wanna be in trouble for thinking of cool answers that were maybe not that true.
Vee nodded in understanding, then looked down at her fluffy socks, frowning. It looked like she was thinking hard.
After a few moments, fae hummed and nodded to faerself. “Okay, but even if they’re weally small and it doesn’t hurt, I still don’t want any twees in my tummy.” As if to prove faer point, Vee picked a seed out from one of her melon cubes and dropped it on the side of faer plate.
“Suit yourself,” Roman shrugged. Then—just to prove to his baby sister that he was a brave big boy—he picked the seed up and popped it in his mouth.
“Wo-Wo!” Vee screeched and launched herself on top of him. Her feet kicked out behind her and flung the melon and crayons all over the floor. “Don’t, it’ll gwow in your tummy again!”
Roman laughed even as Vee was crawling into his lap and getting really close up in his face. Then he stuck his tongue out to show her the seed. “I mot swawowed it yep!”
A big gasp came from Vee and her hand quickly lifted, ready to reach into his mouth! But Roman was super fast and grabbed her wrist before she could. Vee kept pushing her hand forward though, and Roman jolted back to get away from it.
With Vee’s weight in Roman’s lap, they both tumbled back onto the carpet, Vee still trying to put her sticky fingers in Roman’s mouth and Roman pushing her hands away as fast as he could.
“Eww, what are you doing?!”
“I’m gonna take it out!”
“No, don’t touch me!”
“Gimme da seed!”
“Your fingers are all sticky and—”
“We not s’posed to hab twees in our—”
“Get your icky baby hands out of my mouf!”
Suddenly, a low chuckle came from the hallway that made both of the littles freeze. They looked over at the living room door just in time to see it push open…
To reveal Nana Janus!
“You two certainly have a lot of energy this morning,” Nana said, smiling as he stepped into the room.
“Nana!” both littles squealed in unison.
“W-we didn’t know you were here!” Roman scrambled to sit up and pushed Vee off his lap. She didn’t cry or anything, she just wriggled onto her butt and held her arms up to Nana, whining. What a baby!
“Good morning to you too, little ones.” Nana looked around the floor and his smile went a bit different—like the smaller, tighter, wobblier one he had whenever Vee was throwing her toys everywhere or Roman was running around in his underwear. The tired kinda one.
“I see you’ve been busy…” he said slowly, kneeling down to where Vee was making grabby hands at him. “Looks like Nana has his cleaning work cut out for him, don’t you agree?”
Roman twisted his head round to look over the floor. There was lots of icky melon and seeds and cereal and crayons all over the carpet. He bit his lip and looked back at Nana with a giggle. “Oopsy daisy!”
That made Nana’s bigger smile come back. “Oopsy daisy indeed.” He pulled Vee into his lap and it made her stop whining. “But don’t get yourself in a fret, little prince, we can tidy up a bit later.”
What silly words! Roman giggled and brushed his feet all over again.
The baby was trying to talk! Roman and Nana both looked at faer and Vee blushed under their attention. Fae wiggled and pulled at faer pyjama shirt again. “M-m-me and Wo-Wo are habin’ fun!” Faer voice went real squeaky and happy.
“You’re having fun? Without me?!” Nana gasped dramatically and held Vee’s shoulders, jiggling them a little. 
Big giggles spilled from Vee, and then Roman joined in. They looked at each other with excited smiles. Nana was funny!
When they had gotten over their giggle fit, Nana spoke again. “I was listening to your conversation for a while. Roman, I never knew you were so knowledgeable on crayons and melon seeds.”
Electric excitement coursed through Roman’s veins and he bounced on his butt and brushed, brushed, brushed his feet and scribbled his fingers on the carpet! “Yeah, I-I-I teached Vee lots!”
“Yes, I know,” Nana said with a different smile. The sneaky kind of smile. He pointed at his eyepatch. “I could tell.”
Heat flooded Roman’s cheeks. Nana only ever wore his eyepatch when he was seeing lots and lots of yellow. And Nana only ever saw lots and lots of yellow when someone was doing lots and lots of lying.
“Um, Nana?” Vee whispered, tugging Nana’s waistcoat and making him look down at her instead.
Phew! Saved by the baby.
“Yes, little hatchling? Did you want to play with my watch chain?”
Vee shook her head and looked at Roman. Then she tugged Nana’s waistcoat again and leaned near his ear. Like she was tryna keep Roman from hearing it! But her whisper was too loud for Roman not to hear:
“Did you come down the chimney?”
It took a lot of effort for Roman to not roll his eyes. Ever since Christmas, Vee kept asking Daddy if anyone was gonna break into their chimney. And now it was summer! Roman thought it was a very silly thing to be worried about. Of course no one could come down their chimney; only Santa Claus could do that ‘cause he was magic!
And while Nana did know lots of magic tricks, it was a different sort of magic, Roman was sure. Although, Nana always bringed them lots of presents. And Roman saw him eating gingerbread cookies with milk one night when he was babysitting them… Maybe Roman would have to investigate if Nana had any links with the North Pole!
“No, darling,” Nana assured, tucking Vee’s bangs behind her ear. They were getting real long. “I didn’t come down the chimney.”
Vee sighed in relief.
“Did you, um, crawl through the dog door?” Roman laughed, knowing he was being silly. It was fun to be silly with Nana because he made cool jokes!
“Well yes, but that was last week,” Nana said, then winked at Roman.
That was his special way of telling Roman he was joking, because Roman was clever and he knew what sarcasm was! It made him feel super big and cool to be in on the grownup joke while Vee looked at Nana in shock, so he wiggled happily.
“I just didn’t go home last night,” Nana explained.
“Did you sleep in da apple twee?” Vee asked.
Nana laughed loudly and cuddled Vee closer to him. Roman hugged himself. He wished Mommy was here…
“That was the original plan, but then your Daddy said I could sleep in his bed. So I thought I might as well accept the offer.”
Roman gasped and got ready to speak—but Nana gave him the warning look and beat him to it.
“No, Roman,” Nana said sternly and raised his eyebrow—the one with the shiny piercing that Roman wasn’t allowed to poke anymore. “Before you accuse me of anything, your Daddy was not in there with me.”
Roman squinted at Nana suspiciously. You could hardly blame him for wanting to make sure his Mommy and Daddy weren’t cuddling anyone else!
Then Nana pulled a pack of baby wipes from his sleeve making both of the littles gasp—that’s the kinda magic tricks he did! “Now, why don’t you tell me what you’ve been up to this morning while I clean Vee up a bit, hmm?”
The warning voice was back to a soothing voice, and Roman felt all wiggly again!
“Um, um, um!” Roman started, taking a big, stuttering breath. His chest was tight with just how much energy he had to get out, and his mind was racing with all the stuff he wanted to tell Nana! 
Like about how he stopped Vee from crying and how he offered to play without his cars so his little sister could join in. Or maybe about how he was so clever in thinking of how to get downstairs and make breakfast all without breaking any rules! Ooh, or about how brave he was for not crying when his hands got yucky and how he helped his baby sister read the crayon label! Oh but he wanted to show Nana his drawing too!
“Um, um, um, uh, um, um—” Roman babbled, his tongue struggling to keep up with his brain.
“Let’s start with what you did once you were downstairs, little prince,” Nana interrupted softly. “Can you do that for Nana?”
It was weird how Nana didn’t need to raise his voice over Roman to get the thoughts to stop zooming so fast in Roman’s brain, but it worked! Roman took a deep breath to calm down. It was really hard to talk right when he was so excited.
“Um, we-we-we—I made breakfast!” he said louder than he really meant to. He was just super happy because he knew Nana would praise him!
“Oh goodness, all on your own?” Nana’s jaw dropped in surprise as he passed Roman a fresh baby wipe.
Roman giggled with a nod and took the baby wipe to clean his hands. Then he accidentally made a weird happy, throaty sound. Kinda like Vee’s yummy sounds. He bit his lip to hold any more back and wiggled his knees as he wiped his fingers clean.
Then Nana gushed, “What a smart little boy you are, Roman!”
“Eep!” Roman couldn’t hold that sound back. “Y-yeah, yeah, yeah, I am!” He felt almost dizzy with excitement! He quickly finished cleaning his hands then screwed up the wipe and dropped it into Nana’s lap. “I was so clever and-and-and big!”
“Very big indeed,” Nana agreed while he ran his own baby wipe over Vee’s hands. He swirled his finger on Vee’s palm and she squealed and kicked her feet and twisted her head to rest it on Nana’s shoulder.
Then Nana tutted and picked off a piece of cereal that had been stuck to her cheek with melon juice.
“Eww!” Roman giggled. “Vee, you got food everywhere!”
Vee just giggled back and buried her head in Nana’s neck. It looked like she was getting even more little now that they had a grownup with them. Roman was too! He just wasn’t a baby.
“Come on, sweetie, up, up.” Nana stroked Vee’s hair as fae lifted faer head back up and looked at him with a pout. “Say ahh, baby. Ahh, ahh,” Nana demonstrated, holding his mouth open and his chin up.
“A-a-ah!” Vee opened her mouth in a little circle, and Nana quickly wiped all over her sticky cheeks.
“There we are,” Nana whispered, screwing up the wipe and dropping it into Roman’s lap. (Roman squawked and flicked it off straight away!) “Well, I certainly hope at least some of the food ended up in your little tummies.” Nana’s finger swirled on Vee’s tummy this time and fae squeaked and quickly hugged faer tummy.
“Yeah, look!” Roman blurted, remembering yet another thing he needed praise for. He hurriedly grabbed his Spongebob divider plate and held it up proudly. “Look, Nana, look!”
“Yes, darling, I’m looking. And do you know what I can see?”
Roman nodded quickly, eyes tight shut with a smug smile. He was such a good boy and he knew it! “Mhm, my empty plate! Be-because I was a good boy and eated all my breakfast!”
“Oh, it’s not quite empty.”
There was no way that was true! Roman remembered, he eated all of his food! He opened his eyes, knowing there was nothing left on his plate except his—Uh oh.
His chewed up toothbrush…
“Roman, look at Nana.”
The warning voice was back and Roman bit his lip and lowered the plate back to the floor. Keeping his mouth firmly shut, he looked up at Nana with the most innocent smile he could muster.
Suddenly, Nana’s hand darted forward, his fingertips landing on the sole of Roman’s foot and scribbling over his sock.
“Aah, Nana!” Roman squealed, immediately falling into a stream of laughter. 
He hurriedly pulled his feet under his butt so Nana couldn’t tickle them anymore. (It was really fun when Nana or Daddy tickled his feet, but not as fun as when Mommy did it. Mommy was Roman’s favourite tickle monster!)
But then Nana’s fingers held Roman’s chin up and gently pulled his lip down. Oh no! Nana had tricked him!
“Nanaaa,” Roman whined, scrunching his face up and squinting his eyes shut. His gums kinda hurt from his mouth being open… 
Thankfully, Nana dropped his chin quickly. But it was too late. Roman opened his eyes and saw Nana giving him the you’ve-been-naughty look.
“Your gums are positively raw, Roman!” Nana tutted. Then he sighed and shaked his head. “Would you care to tell me why you’ve been chewing your toothbrush when your Mommy and Daddy and Nana have all said that that’s not allowed?”
“Uh ohhh…” Vee whispered, and Roman glared at faer. Fae hid faer face on Nana’s shoulder again.
“I not been chewing it!” Roman defended with a pout. “I was just, um, lookin’ at it!”
That was never gonna work. All Nana had to do was tap his eyepatch for Roman to scramble over an excuse.
“Um, w-well I might of chewed it a little, but only ‘cause… Um, be-because—”
Vee’s head quickly poked up from Nana’s shoulder and she squeaked, “He was chewin’ on it all mornin’, Nana.”
“Little prince!” Nana scolded. “You know you’re not allowed to do that. I’m going to have to tell your parents.”
“Vee-Vee, we had a deal!” Roman whined and kicked his feet on the carpet. What a little tattletale!
Vee didn’t look sorry at all! She even had an evil little baby smile and fidgeted with her pyjamas while she giggled. “You said don’t tell Mummy or Daddy! And Nana is allowed to tell them!”
“What a cheeky little monkey,” Nana chuckled and tickled under Vee’s ear, making her squeal. “That was very clever, baby.”
Hot, heavy stuff filled Roman’s ears and head and he clenched his jaw so tight his gums hurt all over again. Two could play at that game! He crossed his arms and argued, “Well then I’m telling Nana you didn’t change your bedtime pullup!”
That stopped Vee’s giggling. Roman even felt kinda proud at how much her face dropped and how loud she gasped.
“Oh, sweetheart…”
Nana’s voice was so soft it kinda surprised Roman. His own mischievous smile dropped off his face and he looked up at Nana.
Nana was looking down at Vee’s face with a worried kinda look, and he stroked her bangs again even though they were already tucked back. “Is that true, darling?” he whispered.
Fae tugged at her pyjama top again and nodded silently. She looked like she’d done something naughty and felt really bad about it
“Can you tell Nana if it was wet when you woke up?” Nana asked gently.
It made Roman’s heart and tummy drop when he saw Vee’s eyes go wet again.
Now he probably looked like he’d done something naughty and felt really bad about it…
“Nana?” Roman mumbled, hunching his shoulders a little when Nana looked at him again. “Um… her pullup was wet but she said she didn’t wanna change it.”
Vee whined loudly. Faer body went really stiff on Nana’s lap and fae looked up at him really scared—like fae was getting ready to be told off.
“Shh, it’s alright, Vee.” Nana’s hand cupped Vee’s cheek. “You’re not in trouble.”
Even Roman sighed in relief. He never wanted to get his baby sister in trouble.
Nana continued, “But your pullups aren’t like your nappies, sweetie; we really need to change them once they’re wet. We don’t want any leaks, do we?”
All of a sudden, Vee’s wet eyes got even wetter. Fae sniffled and tugged faer pyjama shirt down. Kinda like if fae was trying to hide faer—
Oh… Roman’s tummy sinked even more.
It looked like Nana thought of the same thing, because he had a sad kinda smile now. “Can Nana please check, little one?” he asked really quiet.
Nana nudged Vee’s hands off her pyjama top and out of her lap. Then they could see a small wet patch on her pants.
Vee started whimpering and wriggling straight away.
“Oh, sweetie,” Nana cood and cuddled Vee back on his chest again, swaying her gently side to side.
She made a sad squeaky sound and choked, “Didn’t kn-know.”
“I know, Vee. Shh, it’s not your fault, darling.”
Roman’s eyes went wide. Did that mean Nana thought it was his fault?
“It’s not my fault either!” Roman quickly yelled. “She wouldn’t let me help! A-a-and she pinky promised that she wouldn’t have a accident!”
“Didn’t m-m-mean to!” Vee cried back, but it was all muffled because her face was on Nana’s shoulder again.
“Hey, hey, both of you stop for a moment.”
Both littles went quiet. Even Vee’s sniffling stopped.
Nana nodded at Roman and squeezed his arms tighter around Vee. “Very good. Now we’re all going to take a deep breath, all together. On three, ready?”
Roman’s lips twitched up at the corner and he scrunched his fingernails in the carpet again. He liked taking a deep breath with Nana, it always helped. So he nodded.
“Alright,” Nana said very quiet and soft. “One… Two… Three.” He squeezed Vee’s shoulder to let her know it was time to breathe, then they all took a big breath in.
Roman’s chest filled up, up, up with air, like a big balloon. He watched Nana and when Nana nodded with his chest puffed out really far, they all breathed out again slowly.
Once it was done, Roman’s tummy felt a lot better.
“Now—” Nana’s voice was still soft “—it wasn’t anyone’s fault that Vee had a little accident. Vee, sweetie, do you remember what we say about accidents?”
Vee’s pink cheeks puffed up like they did when she was thinking real hard sometimes. Then she looked up at Nana with her fingertip between her lips. “Um… jus’ habben.”
“They just happen,” Nana repeated with a smile. “They’re not bad or yucky or naughty. They just happen, and that’s okay.”
Once Vee nodded (and smiled when Nana kissed her cheek), Nana looked over at Roman.
“And it’s not your fault either, little prince. I know you were just trying to help your sister feel comfortable. And the most important thing is you didn’t make her do something she didn’t want to do.”
Roman’s heart felt a bit lighter hearing that. But not completely… “Fae still got wet pants, though,” Roman whispered. “I wanted to help faer stay dry!”
Nana shook his head and patted Roman’s knee. It made Roman wiggle his toes. “That’s not your job, sweetheart. And wet pants are very easy to fix, aren’t they, little one?”
For a moment Roman’s tummy flipped in excitement. Nana didn’t call him little one very much, but Roman always loved it when he did!
But then he realised Nana was looking at Vee, not him. Vee was the little one, not Roman… It made his chest feel spiky and whooshy.
“Now let’s get you in a fresh pullup and dry clothes, little love,” Nana told Vee while he reached over to pick up her pacifier from where she dropped it on her colouring. “Those ones can’t be very comfy, can they?”
“Gaga pwup?” Vee babbled with her whole thumb stuck in her mouth. She was obviously more of a baby now. Which meant she couldn’t play with Roman anymore!
“Yes, little hatchling, Nana will help you change your pullup.” He held up the pacifier and Vee gasped. “Do you want your dummy, baby?”
Vee did the grunt that meant yes please, and Nana pulled her thumb out from her mouth and put in the paci instead.
“There we are!” Nana smiled. Then he moved onto his knees like he was about to lift Vee and get up.
But Roman hurriedly grabbed Nana’s wrist to stop him from standing. “We weren’t finished colouring yet!”
Both Vee and Nana were looking at Roman surprised. He let go of Nana’s wrist and pouted grumpily to hopefully distract them from his blush.
“Little prince, I know you and your sister were having a lot of fun on your own.”
Roman nodded enthusiastically.
“But it’s time to fix a couple of things now,” Nana said slow and gentle, like he was being careful not to make Roman cry. But Roman wasn’t a baby, Nana didn’t need to be careful! “I need to help Vee change and then we’re going to tidy up.”
“No, I don’t want to! I want Vee to stay and colour and I want you to go away!”
The last bit wasn’t completely true… But if Nana was going to make Vee not play with him and make him do boring chores then Roman didn’t want Nana there!
“Listen to Nana, little prince,” Nana sighed and sat back down on the carpet, pulling Vee closer on his lap again. “I know you like to be a big boy, but today I think you’re too little to be on your own. That much is clear from the mess you’ve both made. Neither of you are in trouble,” Nana quickly added when Roman’s shoulders went tense. “I know you couldn’t help yourselves, and that’s okay. But now I think we need to give you some grownup supervision before anything else goes awry.”
“W-we’re gonna wake up Mommy?!” Roman squealed, bouncing a little on his butt. “I’m gonna show him my colouring and my plate and the cereal pieces and—”
“Not so fast, darling,” Nana chuckled. “Your mummy still needs his rest, so Nana is going to be your caregiver this morning, alright?”
It made the inside of Roman’s chest swishy and crackly and hot. Like lava! Like angry, sputtering lava!
“Now while I help your baby sister, why don’t you start by collecting all of the crayons and—”
“No!” Roman yelled.
Nana went silent while Vee whimpered. Roman knew it was bad of him to yell around the baby, and it was kinda scary to be a bad boy because he really didn’t want to be bad… But he didn’t want to clean up either! He wanted to play!
“Okay then,” Nana started, slow and gentle again. (Roman wasn’t a baby!) “Perhaps you can start by picking up the pieces of food from—”
“No!” There was no way Roman was gonna touch icky floor food! He crossed his arms tightly.
“Roman.” Nana used his strong voice. “We are not doing this today.”
The strong voice meant he wasn’t happy with Roman, and sometimes it even meant Nana would tell on him to Mommy and Daddy later. The idea of Mommy being disappointed in him made the backs of Roman’s eyes burn and his lips pull down, but he quickly scrunched his face up angrily so no-one noticed.
Nana’s voice was a bit softer when he said, “I’m sure you don’t want to clean up the mess, but I’m afraid it has to be done. If we do it together—”
“No!” Roman yelled again, his voice cracking a little.
It made Vee whine and look up at Nana, who took a deep breath.
Roman knew he was being really naughty now, and it made him feel scared and embarrassed and sad. But he was nearly gonna cry and he really didn’t want to in front of Nana, and Nana wanted to take Vee away from him, and Nana wasn’t letting Roman see Mommy! Nana was mean and Roman didn’t want to do what he said! He grabbed his toothbrush to hold it tight. It made him feel better to hold his favourite things.
“Would you like Nana to help you clean the—”
“No!” This time he even raised his foot from the carpet and stamped it back down! (It was hard because he was still on his butt, but Roman had a lot of practice stamping his feet in all kinds of situations.)
Nana ignored the foot stamp. “Well then would you like to be left alone?”
Roman’s eyes widened and he clenched his toothbrush so tight it hurt. Being left alone sounded really scary and made Roman’s throat clog, but he couldn’t let Nana know that! So he gritted his teeth and put all his strength into making his voice steady: “No, no, no!”
The look on Nana’s face wasn’t happy at all. It was tired and annoyed. “Then you’re clearly too little to make a decision for yourself. Nana is going to help you whether you like it or not.”
“No!” Roman shouted. “I don’t want Nana, I want—”
Roman gasped and closed his mouth really tight. Hot tears made his eyes wet.
Even though it was blurry from his tears, Roman could still see Nana’s face soften. Then Nana asked in a low voice, “What do you want, sweetheart?”
And that was exactly how Mommy always sounded when he was cuddling Roman and helping him to stop crying.
Without any warning, Roman suddenly felt his face crumple and his mouth made a squeaky sad sound. He quickly buried his face in his arm to try to squeeze the tears away like before, but it was too late. His sleeve was already getting wet from him crying.
“I-I—” Roman squeaked, trying to think of another clever idea. But it was too hard. He couldn’t think about anything except…
“I want my mommy!” he wailed into his arm. His tummy sinked all the way down now, and he hugged it with his free arm to try to make it feel better.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Nana cood softly.
It made Roman’s tummy swoosh so he hugged it even tighter. Then he heard some quick shuffling and suddenly a warm arm wrapped around him. Nana’s hand laid flat on his back and rubbed up and down, nice and slow. It helped Roman take a deep breath, but it was shaky and got caught in his chest. A sob broke free and he bit his lip.
“Shh, shh. It’s okay, little prince.” 
“I w-want Mommy,” Roman whimpered, spluttering on his tears.
“I know you do, Roman,” Nana whispered and Roman slowly leaned against him. It was warm to lean against Nana and it felt safer. “Oh, you poor thing.”
Another little squeak met Roman’s ear, and for a moment he thought it came from him. But then he felt small fingers wrap around his hand and knew it was Vee. Roman whimpered and squeezed his sister's hand gently. He hoped fae knew it meant thank you.
Fae squeezed his hand back.
Nana’s hand went circle, circle, circle on Roman’s back. Nice and slow. “You miss your mummy, don’t you, little one?”
Roman waited a moment to find out if Nana meant him or Vee. But then Nana squeezed his shoulder softly and repeated the question. Roman was the little one.
With a wet sniffle, he dropped his arm from his face. There was no point hiding anymore, Nana and Vee definitely both knew he was crying. He still didn’t wanna look up from his lap though.
“I just—” Roman cut himself off because his voice was all croaky and thick and wobbly. He whimpered and squinted his eyes shut and squeezed his toothbrush as hard as he could. This is why he hated crying, it made him sound like a baby! 
“Deep breath, little prince.”
Just like Nana said. Breathe in, deep… Breathe out, slow… 
That was better. Plus, Nana’s hand was still rubbing Roman’s back and Vee’s fingers were still squeezing Roman’s hand. It all felt very safe.
Roman quickly wiped his sleeve over his eyes then looked up at Nana.
It was easier to whisper when he cried, so Roman tried that instead. “I just want Mommy to see h-how clever I been.”
Nana had a sad smile. “And he will, darling. Just as soon as he wakes up.” 
Roman didn’t like that. It made his tummy sink all over again just thinking of waiting even longer to cuddle Mommy.
Then Nana’s fingers gently wrapped around Roman’s other hand and lowered it. Roman had started raising his toothbrush to his mouth without even realising! He pouted as Nana tugged his toothbrush down. Chewing his toothbrush would help him feel better right now, but he wasn’t allowed.
“Don’t you think it’ll be so much more fun to tell Mummy all about—” Nana’s eyes swept over the messy room quickly before landing back on Roman “—your endeavours after we’ve tidied up a bit? Then you can brag—uh, tell him all about how you helped to clean up, too.”
“But I want Mommy now!” Roman whined, stamping his foot again. It wasn't as hard this time though, only a soft kick. “I waited all morning a-an-and I always wake up Mommy and he’s never ever mad about it!” His lip wobbled even though he was sure he was done crying now.
The hand rubbed circles on his back again, nice and slow. It reminded him to breath in, deep, then breathe out, slow.
“I don’t doubt it for a single second, Roman,” Nana said in a bouncy voice. It was the babysitting voice and it made Roman’s tummy feel lots calmer. Even Vee perked up at the sound and wiggled happily on Nana’s lap. “But your mummy wasn’t feeling very well last night. Do you remember?”
Roman’s lips twisted in thought. Last night Mommy felt sicky and he was sad and his bedtime was really early, even earlier than Vee’s. After a moment of thought, Roman nodded his head. “Mommy was feeling yucky.”
“Wucky!” Vee squeaked and bounced in Nana’s lap with a squeal.
Roman giggled at faer excitement. Fae was just a baby, so fae didn’t really know what they were talking about… Fae probably just liked that word! It was kind of funny when the baby was excited when something not very exciting was happening!
“That’s right,” Nana said, wiggling his finger on Vee’s side. She smiled and wiggled just like the finger. “And when we’re feeling yucky, we need lots and lots of sleep to feel better.”
“But… b-but if Mommy was awake and he saw what a good boy I been then he would be happy,” Roman whined. Then he added, “And maybe I can make Mommy feel better.”
Nana’s lips pulled up in a smile and he gave Roman a squeeze. “That’s very sweet, Roman, but it’s not little ones jobs to look after their parents. That’s a big grownup job…” The hand on Roman’s back lifted away, but before Roman could pout, Nana poked his nose! “And I think we might have a very little prince this morning, hm?”
It made Roman blush and fidget. “Mhm…” he agreed quietly, then felt his toothbrush stroke across his lip before Nana tugged his hand down again.
“No, darling,” Nana scolded gently, tapping Roman’s wrist. “No chewing. Unless you want me to tell your Daddy.”
Nana was beginning to sound like Vee. Apparently being a tattletale ran in the family… With a massive sigh that he hoped would make Nana feel really guilty, Roman dropped his toothbrush back to his plate. Then he stuck his tongue out, just in case Nana didn’t realise Roman wasn’t happy about it. It made Nana laugh!
Maybe Roman wasn’t that annoyed. It actually felt really nice and soft and warm and bubbly and safe that Nana was trying to help him stop chewing the toothbrush, even if Roman really wanted to. His gums were super sore now anyway. And no matter how clever Roman was, he was still only a little boy! He knew that grownups usually knew more than he did. That was okay though! It meant Roman could just play and have fun and leave the big responsible stuff to the grownups.
“Gaga?” Vee whispered.
When Roman looked down at Vee, it was obvious she was pouting behind her paci. And she was tugging at her wet pants.
Nana’s cold fingers unwrapped from Roman’s wrist so Nana could cradle Vee’s head. “Sorry, sweetie. Let’s get right on that.” His thumb stroked over Vee’s cheek and she hummed and closed her eyes. She looked kinda sleepy.
Then Nana paused and looked back at Roman softly. “I know you’re worried about your mummy, little one, but I was with him for an hour or so last night. I promise you that he’s okay.”
Normally Roman believed Nana (unless Nana winked at him, which meant it was a big kid joke!) but this was very important. So Roman needed Nana to make a very important promise.
“Pinky promise?” Roman asked, holding his little finger up.
Nana’s pinky wrapped around his without hesitation. “Absolutely. Pinky promise,” he said very clearly, and Roman believed him. Then Nana’s hand dropped and his smile was back—the happy, soft one! “And I bet once he’s all rested up, your mummy would love to play with you later.”
Obviously! Mommy always loved playing with Roman because he was such a clever and creative little boy! Roman’s legs vibrated just thinking of all the fun he would have with his mommy. “Maybe-maybe-maybe playing lots!”
“Lots and lots!” Nana gasped, then he shuffled Vee around in his lap to start getting her ready to stand up. (She whined, but she always whined when she had to use her legs.)
Roman giggled, “A-and maybe he will play cars with me!” 
“Oh, I’m certain he will.”
“And Nana you’re allowed to watch us play cars!”
A big chuckle came from Nana as he stood from the floor and helped Vee stop from tumbling over. “Thank you for your generosity, little prince. I would adore being a spectator for the hundredth time.” Once Vee was standing upright, Nana unwrapped his arm from her shoulders to hold her hand
“W-well, now you get to be a vip spectre!” Roman assured Nana, bouncing up onto his own feet. He jumped up so fast his head went all spinny and he had to hold Nana’s arm to help stay balanced.
“A V.I.P. spectator, sweetheart,” Nana corrected. (But Roman didn’t like saying each letter on its own. It took too long.) “As I said, I would love to do that later. But for now—” Nana held his empty hand out to Roman “—will you please come with me and your sister upstairs?”
Roman pouted at Nana’s hand. It was nice to hold hands, but it felt like Nana thought he was a baby who couldn’t walk on his own. Like Vee.
“Um…” he muttered, wringing his hands to avoid holding Nana’s. “But I’m a big boy. I can stay here on my own and clean the mess.”
Roman didn’t want to be on his own or clean the mess, but he did want to sound like a good big boy.
“That’s very true,” Nana nodded slowly, lowering his hand. “But you see the thing is, I seem to have forgotten all of the rules to your special car game. So I need you to explain it to me all over again, otherwise I’ll be completely lost when I watch you play with your mummy.”
“Awober again,” Vee whispered.
“Nana,” Roman giggled. How silly of Nana! “You always forget the car game rules!”
“I know, it’s funny how that happens. Now could you be a good big brother and hold Vee’s other hand for Nana?”
Yay! Now Roman got to hold someone’s hand and still feel like a big boy! Roman quickly bounced to Vee’s free side and took her empty hand, very happy that it wasn’t sticky anymore.
“Wo-Wo!” Vee cheered, smiling up at him past her paci and hugging his hand to her chest.
“I’m gonna help you walk, Vee-Vee!”
“Good boy,” Nana praised from Vee’s other side. “Now, are we all ready to head upstairs?”
Roman and Vee both nodded at Nana. It was fun when they were on their own, but it felt better to have a grownup to help them with grownup stuff. At least Roman thought so.
“Alright, here we go, little ones,” Nana announced, and they all started walking toward the hallway hand in hand. As they stepped carefully to make sure Vee didn’t trip up, Nana asked, “So will you be so kind as to tell me about your cars again, sweetheart?”
Roman’s cheeks bunched in a big smile. It was good Nana kept forgetting the car game, because it was Roman’s favourite thing to talk about!
“Okay! For the billionth time!” Roman laughed, his chest bursting with excitement for the day ahead.
“For the billionth time. I think I remember a little though. It’s the blue car who always wins the race, right?”
“Nana, it’s the red one!”
“Oh, of course. How silly of me.”
“Yeah, Vee, Nana is silly!”
“I suppose I am. What else can you tell me about the red car, little prince?”
I really hope you enjoyed the latest fic for this ongoing series! If you did, please consider reblogging, leaving a comment, or sending me an ask or message! They really keep me motivated to write more!
Thank you for reading! ヾ(ᴖ๑ᴖ)ノ゙
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babysizedfics · 4 years
okay okay please write a hc post about Roman and Virgil managing Thomas's romance life together and it being another one of Their Things, that Logan and Patton barely really participate in? Like I can see them all happy and excited to do this, and Roman reassuring Virgil constantly that he's okay and that they can do this? like idk man I wanna see your thoughts on this. - 🐇
okokokokokokokokok i LOVE this ask thank u!!! i actually ran away with this a lot im sorry but im just LOVING THIS EPISODE SO MUCH so here is the l/b rendition of what happens after!!
so roman and vee actually cant talk coherently for a whole day after they are just so happy!! squealing and giggling! and logan and patton are so shocked by how excited they are but like in the surprised laughter way, they see their boys jumping up and down and rambling and smiling so big and it makes them so happy to see!!
for that evening ro and vee are just ECSTATIC and virgil gets so excited that he loses his voice and goes mute and can only happy flap and squeak and laugh and hum and roman gets so excited that he has WAY TOO MUCH energy and goes for an hour long impromptu run - which logan joins him on because he is worried roman will get so excited he will run off track and get lost !!
and while lo and ro are running and logan is marvelling at how roman manages to run for five mins straight AND not stop talking the whole time, patton is with vee and vee cant talk he can only bounce and squeal and so patton just bounces with him!! they hold hands and jump! he hardly knows what theyre so excited about but of course hes gonna catch the excitement its so contagious!! so they bounce and giggle and pretty soon vee regresses into the most playful excitable little baby
and logan and roman return and roman is still excitedly rambling and logan is chuckling through his breathlessness because actually it was pretty hard to keep up with roman - then ro sees that vee has regressed and INSTANTLY goes into kiddo mode and they have the most fun filled excited happy evening where the boys are just so so so giggly and theres lots of games and bouncing and tickling
the next day they manage to calm down a bit and think and roman realises that maybe flirting and romance hasnt worked in the past bc he was mainly working alone and it is a big job to handle for just one side and it has such a big effect on thomas' mental state that maybe he needs some assistance
and he approaches virgils room and finds him laying face down on his bed with his face in a pillow - roman would be worried that he was crying but he could see virgil was kicking his feet against each other too and roman smiles and 'still thinking about it?'
virgils head pops up from the pillow with the BIGGEST smile and says 'DUH of course i am!'
'me too!!' roman giggles and jumps onto virgils bed beside him to lie down and kicks his feet against the mattress excitedly 'ahhhhh!' he squeals
'ahhhh!!' virgil echoes
after a trifle more gay screaming they calm and are sat shoulder to shoulder against the headboard and virgil is shaking jiji in his hands to help stim and roman is stroking a little giraffe plushie vee has and roman brings it up that he is planning on texting nico this morning
virgil smiles bigger and clutches the toy to his cheat 'oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh yes go for it please please please-'
'hang on!' roman giggles 'im telling you because i thought maybe you would wanna help!'
for the first time since they left the mall yesterday virgils smile drops
'virgil' roman starts, but vee so quickly cuts him off
'i can't, im gonna mess it up! whenever im in charge of somthing i just panic and ruin everyth--'
'you wont be fully in charge, we'll share that role!'
'i-' virgil hesitates 'i dunno...'
roman sighs, then a determinstion comes over him and he sits taller and asks 'who pushed thomas to chase after nico?'
the tiniest little smile twists the corner of virgils mouth, but he scratches his cheek to hide it and when his hand lowers its gone 'that wasnt even a-'
'who pushed thomas to chase after nico?' roman repeats, smiling and poking virgils shoulder
vee bites his lip and pulls jiji up to hi chin 'mmnmn'
'i cant hear it' roman insists, twisting on the bed to face virgil directly. he makes a bold move and even reaches out to gently push virgils chin up so he looks at him. theres happiness dancing in virgils eyes WHICH ARE SURROUNDED BY GLITTERY PURPLE EYESHADOW IN CASE ANYONE FORGOT
'i did' virgil mumbles, followed by a muffled giggly because holy moly he actually did that!!
'and thats why youre my new romantic coworker' roman says very proudly, beaming ear to ear, though he hastily adds 'if you want to!'
virgil considers it, bites his lip, strokes jiji, then his smile practicaly lights up the whole room 'yes!'
and they learn a lot from each other by working together! in this au virgil and patton are the only ones who dont have designated working days, their work is reactionary more than anything, they dont have to create ideas or file information like the others, they just react as and when needed dependeing on what thimas experiences. but working with roman is virgils first experience having a sort of routine with work - every tuesday is romance planning!
they leave it flexible of course on account of both of their neurodivergency and allowing room to push the day back if one or both of them are little, but the predictability is actually something that virgil rlly appreciates and looks forward to every week!
and roman learns ways of reeling in his more extreme ideas and being able to apply a sense of realism to his plans! plus it helps him a ton to be able to talk about ideas and get them out, it helps organise them in his mind - and virgil constantly telling him how great he is at what he does does absolute wonders for romans self esteem too
shoot im out of words bc i just got excited about the episode again ahhhhhh gonna tag this as to be continued!!!!
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