#got the general g1 mlp aesthetics
artieszclownsz · 10 months
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OG applehorse
—- She’s a little clumsy, but is completely reliable (most of the time…)
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alma-amentet · 1 year
No one tagged me so here I am, as always!  😆 Though @sheirukitriesfandom   said “anyone else who wants”, well that’s me.
8 shows to get people to knpw me better. I’m not a show-watcher in general, now I don’t even watch movies that much... My ADHD-like traits and the lack of comfortable place make it hard.
But in not-so-distant past, before diving back into fantasy worlds, I was in animated shows fandoms. I was even an avid brony and attended bronycons with elaborate cosplays, can you believe it?
So well...
Some teen time-favorites that I enjoy rewatching:
1. Legend of Wiliam Tell, 90s teen fantasy TV series from New Zealand. It was aired on local TV in early 00s, and just the type of fantasy I needed. Back then I loved character and costume designs, the scenery.  
2. 10th Kingdom. I even wrote a fan-fiction - my own story about a wolf and a shepherdess set in that fairytale world. There was also a LARP event on 10th kingdom in my area, and I wanted to go, but couldn’t.
3. Gargoyles. Hell yeah, how I loved them... Words can’t describe.
 then some adult shows, for a change...
4. Carnivale. There was a time I loved retro aesthetic (any kind from 20s to 70s) and was really fond of old style travelling circus, freakshows, dark cabaret. So that was just my thing! Not really long, which is good. I still have it all on DVD, rewatched about 2 times
5. Westworld. Actually gave up after 3 seasons, but enjoyed them all. Androids and philosophic aspects of AI is another of my big interests: one of my favorite movies is Steven Spielberg’s AI, and I stepped one feet into Detroit fandom... So I just couldn’t miss it.
 ...and finally some of my former big cartoon fandom loves!
6. Steven Universe. The reason I’m Alma, actually (Almandine) - it hooked since then. Yes, I loved it way too much and drew some fanarts back then.
7. My Little Pony. G4, obviously. Though, as a 10-11 yo girl, back in 90s, I enjoyed G1 (2? the one that had girls, Megan and Molly, in it) on TV. And even wrote my very first pieces of fanfiction ever! Short silly tales about some characters I liked the most. We had an old typewriter at home (don’t know how it got there - probably dad brought it, he liked collecting weird stuff here and there), and I enjoyed typing them! So sad those papers are long lost...
Anyway. I told you back in 2016-19 I was an avid brony, did plenty of cosplays (beautiful fantasy-core humanizations) and attended cons. That was a thing, for sure 
(don’t know don’t care what’s on with G5 and the brony community now, have no time to check... will be selling off my comic books soon)
8. Transformers Prime. Watched it at work in 2016, while waiting for new seasons of SU and MLP, and suddenly found myfelf in TF fandom, though for a short while. I couldn’t comprehend G1 show, that felt super boring and shallow (sorry, if you like it - those are just my own feelings, and it was all not enough to watch more, dig deeper), but Prime has enough drama and character development for me to get hooked.
Arcee  🤩
RiD and Animated are also good, and I read some comic book series (Windblade and TAAO were super cool, but MTMTE complex and boring to me).
Obviously I came to that fandom for fembots, for some shiny metal boobs! But I’m not a fan of mecha in general (as well as ponies or whatever - what I love are storytelling and characters on the inside, not always visually. As for G4 MLP. I actually loved to reimagine them 100% humanized), I prefer beautiful human girls. That’s probably why I lost interest soon... 
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hargrove-mayfields · 2 years
I was tagged in a Tag Game! Thank you! @local-redhead-bookworm!
Relationship Status: Gladly single. I’d rather read and write about relationships than keep being in them.
Favorite color: Anything bright! Not only do I like 80s aesthetics of bright colors but also contrast is good for my visually impaired self! Dark colors and especially neutrals are too hard to see!
Song stuck in my head: Ain’t We Got Fun by Peggy Lee! It was part of a production I did last semester for three weeks straight and it was the only song in the show in English, so it’s always getting stuck in my head!
Dream Trip: Anywhere, really! I don’t have one big destination in mind so much as a bunch of little things I want to see, like movie sets, museums, and the ocean!
Last Book I Read/Enjoyed/Hated: The last book I read was a French language text book. The last thing I enjoyed reading was not technically a book, it was the text for the same show where we did the Peggy Lee song! I loved the show and getting to see disparities between our production and the text was cool! Also it was just a reaaally good play. The last thing I really hated reading was the text for the first live show tech I had done a semester before and did not like. It was super tacky and poorly written. (The only thing I liked about that particular show was that our student costume designer secretly designed the villain’s costumes and wigs off of Billy Hargrove and I got to gush with her about it.)
Favorite thing to cook: Honestly, I hate cooking. I’ve recently been diagnosed with Celiac’s and even though I mostly know what makes me sick I just have no idea what I can make anymore. Also I’m afraid of knives and hot surfaces, so.. Cooking is kind of a lose lose for me.
Favorite craft in my free time: Repairing vintage toys! I collect Barbies from the 60s-90s era and G1 MLP, and I like fixing them up if I get them in bad shape! It’s sort of crafty because I’ve done things like repaints, reroots/restyles, clothes mending, internal cleaning, general damage repair, crafted accessories, etc!
Most niche dislike: Abbreviations, apple emojis, tone indicators, and just modern lingo stuff I don’t understand. It makes being online hard to comprehend for me and it just bugs me.
Opinion on circuses: Never been to one! I’ve always lived in the country and the circus was too far away to bother. I really like clowns though! I collect porcelain clowns & bisque figures!
Do you have a sense of direction?: Not in the least bit. I don’t even know which way is east or which way is west! Also I get vertigo if I look up.
I don’t have ten people to tag because I’m so late to this, but I’ll tag my usuals: @eddie-munsons-guitar86 and @mrsblackruby! As always, feel free to join in if you want even if you weren’t tagged! My followers spiked recently so I haven’t gotten to know a lot of you yet! 
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stevetwisp · 6 years
not a ship or an au, but what do you think about the other mlp generations?? :0
G1 is probably the one i hold closest to my heart, there’s just a lot of like... concepts and imagery of the show that’s REALLY inspiring for meand the classic 80s fantasy/dungeons & dragons aesthetic is soooo nostalgic for mei feel like when i start talking about g1, my age rly shows (im not even that old!!)also wind whistler is like... my all time fav pony across all generations i have to admitG2 i only recently got into, i acquired the series from a corner store and it’s quickly becoming one of my favs shows, there’s just something so adorable about the “slice of life” feel to it and yet, SO UNCANNY that they’re horses and that’s just like... completely irrelevant BUT I REALLY LOVE the cast of characters, like g4 feels like a perfect blend of g1 and g2also bright eyes is my GIRL now i’ll be honest... i’ve actually never watched anything from g3, i don’t know what’s stopping me3.5 doesnt have my.. favourite designs, but its not why i havent watched iti actually have a bunch of the g3 movies on dvd AND i have a bunch of the characters,,, i really like minty and kimono ??? and toora loora... she’s in g3 right? but i havent gotten to it yet!! idk whats wrong with me!! i feel like a shamagain tho, i still love the characters C’: 
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taiblogcomics · 2 years
A Schemer With Streamers
Hey there, fields of scarlet rot. Got one more issue of this MLP cross-generational comic for you. Shame that there's two issues after this! Gonna have to leave you on a cliffhanger and review some other stuff before we finish this story! So sorry, but I only have what issues I have. I hope this one will tide you over for the time being~
Here's the cover:
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Violet Shiver's cool, right? She's probably the best of the S'monies, mostly because she's actually purple like G1 Smooze. It strengthens the identity of her origins, you see. Plus Pinkie's also on the cover! That's always a bonus in my book. Notably, the skies are also red, presumably a DC crisis event is about to begin. That would be suitable for a crossover of this magnitude, at least. Anyway, Violet's beset by some Venom ropes or something, I dunno. Let's read this issue and find out.
So, last time, Grackle and Dyre, daughters of the G1 witches, sent their Smooze-created evil ponies to sow some discord among the School of Friendship, installing them as teachers. Despite being kind of obviously villainous, the S'monies are accepted by the cast, even after their lessons are also obviously evil. And then they start to spread their chaos into the larger population of Ponyville...
We open with one of Fluttershy's classes at school. She's lecturing on the traits of a creature called a Shriek-Yowl, which is basically the traits of a cat and an owl wrapped around a mandrake. Silverstream and Ocellus are being very rude and talking through the lesson. When Fluttershy asks them if they'd like to share, they sass her something fierce, upsetting the shriek-yowls. And by "upsetting", I mean they projectile-vomit (offscreen, fortunately, but it's implied through text). The teachers later meet to discuss the problem that seems to be plaguing their school.
Starlight Glimmer decides to call in a specialist to help them work through the problem: Mayor Mare. Honestly, wasn't expecting that. You'd think it'd be her best friend and school guidance councellor, Trixie. Her conspicuous absence is greatly and powerfully felt through this whole miniseries. Anyways, Mayor Mare is keenly aware of the problems also going on outside the school, and this much harm at once has put everypony on guard, and they begin musing which villains might be behind it. That's when Pinkie steps in as the voice of reason.
Pinkie Pie points out that they're jumping to the villain conclusion awfully fast. Sometimes ponies have disagreements and fight, it doesn't mean mischief is afoot. Now, we know this is dramatic irony because it totally is the work of villains, but Starlight thanks Pinkie for her uncharacteristic level-headedness. So obviously Pinkie's solution to the disharmony festering under the surface is to throw a big party and cheer everypony up. Because it's always parties with her. At least that much is characteristic for her~
When Trench reports this to the witches, they scoff at the idea of a mere party being a solution, but resolve to inform their minions anyway. The S'monies volunteer Violet Shiver for the decorating committee, just to keep an eye on things. And here's our chance to look in on Violet in a solo setting. Pinkie sets her up on streamer duty so they can hang out, and Violet now has to convincingly pass as a normal pony. This is actually strangely adorable, as she has basically the same results at trying to adhere to an aesthetic as Jack Skellington.
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Meanwhile, Twilight has dropped by (or maybe she's still here from her brief cameo in issue 1) to check on Starlight's mental health. She puts the stressed headmaster to bed, then drops in on the party progress. Twilight notices some of the magic Violet is using to make her crafts look normal seems suspicious (like, shadowy snakes flowing from her horn to reshape the streamers type suspicious), but neither Violet notices Twilight noticing nor does Pinkie notice Violet's magic. While Pinkie lectures Twilight to not be so judgemental, Twilight borrows one of the streamers for analysis.
Twilight and Pinkie meet with Zecora to discuss the issue, since Zecora can analyse magic from a different perspective than Twilight's unicorn-focused expertise. With some testing, they determine that the magic comes from another dimension, and that the animosity they were feeling comes from actual contact with the magically-infused streamers. In fact, prolonged contact actually causes Twilight to briefly become possessed by it, until Zecora manages to knock her out of it by hurling her into the nearby river, severing the connection.
With these findings, however, they're able to determine that it's a kind of Smooze, very different than the one Discord knows. They're also able to determine its dimension of origin, so with the help of a book, they can set up a portal to visit said dimension and elicit some help. All of the Mane Six and Starlight turn up to help out with this one. And the seven of them prepare to step into another dimension, with beings very similar and yet very different to them. As they do, the issue ends with another group of G1 ponies landing before them...~
This issue’s interesting. A big switch from the previous one, since that one was pretty much entirely focused on the villains. This one has only a single scene with the witches, and barely a page for Shadow Storm and Black Belle. Violet gets the brunt of the focus here, and it’s actually quite enjoyable. Gives her a little more depth, as you can see her first struggle and then take pride in making her crafts for the decorations. Otherwise, though the villains are lightly depicted, their effects are very much the issue’s focus. So much so, that we’re actually going to get the crossover part of this crossover miniseries underway at last~
Alas, we won’t get to that next week. Like I said, I don’t have the relevant fourth or fifth issue yet. Only got the first three in my shipment! So next week... Back to the New 52 well, I guess. It’s been a nice break, at least~
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