#gotta love the assumptions of heterosexuality being rudely corrected
godlizzza · 2 years
Prompt: new doctors/ patients at the hospital see Dans wedding ring and assumes that he’s married to a woman, preferably middleaged danbert please!
Just about the only part of moving that Dan actually enjoyed was the first day on a new job. The opportunity for a fresh start, for a good first impression, always glowed with promise to him. Here were a group of people with no prior biases against himself and Herbert, who only looked at them as two new colleagues, and with their extensive resumes and experiences behind them, were welcomed with open arms.
So it was on his first day at the Hospital of Glenville. Dan was being shown the floor by the directing doctor, an older man with a rumbling laugh and a silver moustache, Harry Mondell. He pointed Dan in the direction of the closest O.R, told him the speed-dials for security, cleaning, and Pathology. He also introduced him to the nursing team, lead by a woman named Rachel.
"Rachel here will be just about your best friend here, so keep her close." Mondell dropped Dan a wink. "Not too close though. She's married." Rachel swatted his shoulder good-naturedly and Dan laughed along with them.
"Shouldn't be a problem. Me too," he said and wiggled his fingers, one of which was adorned with his wedding ring.
Mondell's eyes flashed. "Ah, of course. How silly of me to assume a strapping young man like yourself hadn't been snatched up."
Dan ran a hand through his hair, streaked with more than a few strands of grey. "Young is putting it politely, but thank you."
"When you're as old as me everyone seems young," Mondell replied, clapping Dan on the shoulder. "You'll have to bring Mrs. Cain along to the next office Christmas party."
Dan opened his mouth to smoothly correct him. This was the one thing he didn't like about first work days. The inevitable moment of outing, of having to nonchalantly slip into conversation that he actually had a husband- who was definitely a little eccentric but would grow on you over time. He had plenty of lines prepared for just this moment, but before he could say any of them Herbert's voice was barking in his ear.
"There you are." Dan was turning and Herbert was suddenly there, right at his side. He paid no attention to Mondell or Rachel, who were both looking at him with surprise, like he'd just sprouted out of the ground. Herbert kept his eyes on Dan as he pushed a plastic container of risotto into his hands. "You left your lunch in the car. You're lucky I left something in there and noticed it when I went back or you'd be eating potato chips out of a vending machine on your break."
"Ah, yes, thank you, Dear," Dan replied, scooping the risotto under one arm and leaning over to peck Herbert on the cheek. "I'll see you in the cafeteria soon. Dr. Mondell was just showing me around."
Dan gestured to their peanut gallery and Herbert flicked an uninterested glance their way before looking back at Dan.
"You're welcome," was all Herbert said before stalking off down one of the many halls adjoining the centre of the floor, his lab coat fluttering behind him in his wake.
Mondell and Rachel watched him go before turning back to Dan, who smiled at them jovially.
Mondell cleared his throat just as the silence was beginning to stretch into uncomfortable territory. "I'm to assume that was...?"
"Mrs. Cain," Dan answered, glad that Herbert was out of earshot. If he heard him say that he'd skin him alive. "We have the same surname but it gets a little confusing with two Dr. Cain-Wests in the same hospital." He nodded to Rachel. "Trust me, the paging's a nightmare."
"Well, I appreciate you trying to make my job easier," she responded, and the light, easy way she said it made Dan warm to her instantly.
Dan did the rest of his rounds with Dr. Mondell, who seemed embarrassed and remarkably less jokey the whole time, but Dan didn't mind. He had lunch with his husband to look forward to.
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