#gou is so baby though i adore her 🫶🏽
suashii · 9 months
my manooon! 💛 what is your relationship like with matsuoka’s family n friends? do you have a favorite among them?
“m-my manon” 🥺 blushes and dies >\\\< hehe but mister matsuoka! i love going to his house and hanging out with his mom and sister! they always welcome me with open arms ❤︎ best believe his mama has pulled out all the precious baby photos and i was able to coo over little rin hehe~
i get along with his friends, too! haru and sosuke are a bit harder to connect with but we’re still civil :3 mmm, if i’m closest to any of them it would either be makoto or natsuya! makoto just has a comforting presence that i’m drawn to and he’s easy to talk to, natsuya is just a charming fella — who doesn’t like that guy?
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