#gp: faust munch fam
vampireoccult · 6 months
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venera: 👽🥖🇫🇷
[sounds of tv playing]
milo: jesus, mel, what happened?
melody: i broke up with rhys and he said some very hurtful but not untrue things and now i'm basically convinced no one will ever love me ever at all.
venera [in sixami]: whoever this ‘rhys’ is, on sixam he would be disintegrated for dishonoring you in public.
melody: yeah, i understood exactly none of that.
milo: my sixami still leaves much to be desired, but i think she said she's happy you broke up with rhys. i agree with her.
milo: also, not to add to your already precarious emotional state, but mom dropped by today. she wants us to host harvestfest this year.
melody: surely you didn't say yes. considering we are harboring an intergalactic FUGITIVE in our guest room.
milo: don't worry, i have a plan. we have about a week. our alien friend here is a fast learner and i have no doubt she can get at least a basic grasp on conversational simlish by then. in her human disguise, she'll have no trouble blending in. we'll say she's from champs les sims or something.
milo: it'll be fine! melody: whatever, if she says or does anything weird, i'm not covering for you.
venera [in sixami]: if you would like, i can get milo to take me back to sixam for a disintegrator. truly it is no issue. milo: i think she’s saying she’s excited to meet everyone.
melody: i can't believe this is my life. i think this is karma.
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vampireoccult · 6 months
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casual mall montage.
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vampireoccult · 6 months
gonna change the gp tag from faust munch fam to munch spawn bc that's basically what this is now lol
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