#gq almost sexiest man alive
alabamasweettea · 2 years
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softtdaisy · 2 years
Andrew for GQ x Saint Laurent plus Chris Evans being sexiest man alive - there couldn't be more perfect morning 👀😱🔥
Well I had a terrible night but this is A GOOD MORNING. Andrew photoshoot is killing me like sir??? DADDY??!! It’s too much for me he looks so hoot. It’s almost like he kinda disappeared for a while and came back to make sure we remember he is that hot.
And I’m so happy for Chris!!! It’s such a common knowledge that he is indeed one of the sexiest man alive that it’s about time he’s recognised as such 😭 what a good time to look at men
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
The Dancer-Chapter Eight
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                      A special thanks to @statell​ for your wisdom and help
Previous chapters on AO3
Chapter Eight
Jamie crossed the yard in front of his little house in seconds, came through the door filled with excitement, and what he saw stopped him dead in his tracks. Pretty feet were crossed at the ankle on top of the kitchen table. As he got closer, the ankles appeared, connected to long legs and the hem of a black dress, or shirt, midway up the thigh. A large cookbook was held open in front of her face and she lowered it and smiled at him.
He held the flowers out to her, and she squealed with delight jumping out of her chair spinning around smelling the beautiful flowers.
“Jamie, I have never seen a bouquet so beautiful.”
Once the flowers were in water, she kicked a small booster toward him and stood on it. She was slightly above his eye level, arms around his neck, lips parted millimeters from his, she thanked him for the lovely flowers.
“Did it earn me a kiss from a beautiful girl then?”
She could feel his warm hands sliding up her legs and she pressed her lips to his and felt the magic like the fourth of July. Jamie’s hands continued upward, and he pressed his palms around her globes and then ran his finger under the elastic lace of her thong.
Claire forced herself to stop kissing and stood still before stepping down so she didn’t fall.
She lowered herself at the table and reached for silk stockings that she gently pulled up her legs while Jamie was immobile, watching her. Reaching behind her chair she set high heeled straps on the floor and put them on. Jamie was still standing in the middle of the kitchen, watching, not wanting to miss a single movement.
He noticed finally her hair was pulled up reminding him of a movie, but he couldn’t think of the name. Long pieces swooped down around her face.
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
“Yer hair”
“Yes, that movie made this hairstyle famous. In truth, it is the easiest updo ever created. Even so, you can’t touch it if that’s what you had in mind.”
“Why canna I touch it?”
“We have reservations all over the city tonight Jamie. Do you want to shower and change? The limo is coming in twenty minutes.”
“Why Sassenach?”
“Jamie, did you know that your oven and stovetop do not work?”
Jamie was running his eyes down her silk-clad legs licking his lips, “Why would I know that?”
“First stop is 21 where we taste the best whisky in the world. Then to Bordon Castle for Filet Mignon. Anything you want to do in between or after, just say so.”
He looked at this wonderful spontaneous girl and felt her contagious excitement.
“May I ask the occasion lass?”
“My birthday, times eleven.”
Jamie looked horrified he forgot her birthday, but he looked into her eyes and grinned walking toward her as she backed up.
“Yer birthday is March 19th lass. Suppose ye try again.”
Claire was laughing and tried to run around him after he backed her into a corner. He caught her and pulled her to a chair and on to his lap. He ran a hand down her kicking leg and waited.
“I was orphaned at five years old, both parents died in a car crash. The only family I had was my Uncle Lamb who I never met. He took charge of me and we spent the next eleven years in jungles, deserts, remote islands, anywhere his work took him. He was an archeologist and I grew up among tribal people mostly. He brought me to Edinburgh when I was sixteen and enrolled me in school. He was very ill but never told me. One night he handed me a fat bag of gold and said happy birthday for the eleven years I never bought you a present.”
Jamie was shaking inside listening to Claire’s truth. She seemed at peace with what happened, but his heart broke for her.
“He told me to spend the money doing something I would remember forever.” She looked in Jamie’s eyes and smiled, “this is it.”
Jamie was speechless and honored she would choose him as the memory she would never forget.
“Lass, I…”
“It was a long time ago Jamie. Lamb lives in my heart now and he would be impressed with how I planned this night. As a party favor, I will grant you three wishes tonight. Whatever you want, whenever you want it.”
“Can I see mo chridhe? Lift yer dress, show your world to me, as the Americans say.”
Claire stood up and her legs seemed a mile long with her high heels and very short dress. She pinched the sides of the dress and raised it an inch at a time while Jamie watched with rapt attention. Once he had seen the lace tops of the stockings and the tiny thong, she dropped the dress and looked at her watch.
“Ten minutes.”
It was like Jamie finally understood the potential fun in the night ahead and he dashed for the shower. I want to play with you tonight Sassenach, he thought, scanning his clothes for the right everything. He pulled out a white shirt made by the best tailor in England. A Christmas gift from the Board one year. Twenty-five measurements and exquisite fabric created a form-fitting garment that accentuated his muscular frame and flat stomach. He had saved it for a special occasion like celebrating eleven birthdays with an incredible girl.
Claire looked at her date and almost fainted. He looked like he just stepped off a GQ magazine cover. His hair was combed back on the sides, Slacks that hugged his butt and that shirt was absolutely the best she had ever seen. Even his shoes were shiny. She took his sport coat and held it out for him breathing in his incredible smell.
The limo driver looked at the two of them smiling and laughing with each other as they approached. He held the door for them and drove to the first destination. They talked together on the first leg of the trip and the driver was happy to oblige their every wish after that.
Coming back to the limo Jamie handed the driver a flask and said it was fifty-year-old whisky and just a taste. The driver was thrilled.
Dinner was in a converted castle on the second floor. They had a dark table outside where the castle army once stood with bow and arrow ready to kill invaders as they approached. The candlelight along the walls and near the table was soft and made Claire’s skin glow. She looked at Jamie’s beautiful eyes and felt like the luckiest girl alive tonight.
They talked about every subject under the sun because conversation with the other was fun and stimulating. Claire dabbed her lips and exhaled with contentment. Jamie watched her Bambi eyes invite him to love her and his body answered yes, definitely. When her stocking foot pressed into his crotch he nearly shot straight out of his chair. Her eyes were telling him a story that he could not look away from until he had a raging erection he feared would alter his gate.
After dinner they walked the formal grounds of the castle, cuddling and giggling until Jamie could not stand it anymore. He had to kiss her. Pulling her behind a hedge he claimed her mouth and ran his hand up her leg to touch her thong.
“Yer beautiful Claire, so beautiful.”
“So are you, Jamie, it makes my heart hurt sometimes when I look at you.”
He kissed her deeply and then pulled her back to the limo handing a napkin full of goodies to the driver who asked for their next stop. Jamie noticed black glass now separated the front and back of the limo. He started a sentence that died midway through when he looked at Claire.
“Sassenach, I’d follow ye right off a cliff lookin at me that way.”
He pulled her mouth to his, kissing her deeply, hearing her moan. He reached for the phone and asked for a continuous ride until further notice.
When his lips touched Claire’s, he knew they would blaze trails for the rest of their lives, finding the highest peaks, seeing the broadest landscapes. Life with Claire would be extraordinary. When he pulled the long zipper down her back the dress seemed to just fall off her, and she laid back on the limo seat naked except for her lace thong, stockings, and heels.
“Take it off.”
Jamie’s eyebrow shot up.
“Do you want to use one of your wishes?”
He burned the image in his mind of Claire naked with sexy stockings and stiletto heels. It was the sexiest thing he had ever seen, and they gave each other the most erotic ride of their lives.
With clothes back on and hair fixed again, Jamie called the driver and requested home. He tipped the driver fifty dollars and asked for his card. The driver watched Claire’s figure in the short tight dress, long legs, and high heels with Jamie’s hand caressing her globes as they walked away. It became his go-to image of success for many years.
Claire packed up her car and called Jamie on her way out of Glasgow the next day. She promised to be at Lallybroch for the weekend and closed her eyes listening to his voice. This was her magic month when someone would love her just as she was. It was like a dream come true so far. She warned herself that it would end in two weeks. Jamie will have had time to fall in love with her making him most receptive to her truth. He had not said he loved her, but she felt his love in every kiss, every touch, and gaze.
The closer she got to Edinburgh the more she felt like the dancer. Her mind filled with lessons with Madu, Omar’s health, costume changes needed, aerial moves added to her routines. When she opened the front door, she was the dancer.
Geillis joined Claire for dinner at their favorite Italian restaurant and they talked non-stop through drinks, main course, and dessert. Claire looked at her last bite of Italian ice and heard someone nearby laugh and call her the Greek dancer. She looked up in horror at the finger pointing directly at her and the sneering, ugly drunk it was attached to.
The blood drained out of Claire’s face as Geillis pulled her to her feet pushing her toward the door to the outside. Once Claire was in the car Geillis locked her in and ran back to pay. Geillis found the offensive man drinking with his friends and she shocked him by putting her face an inch from his.
“I am calling for emergency help because you just accosted my friend. I’ll give a perfect description of ye, fat, ugly and drunk. Good luck with that.”
The men were stunned for about thirty seconds before they almost knocked the table over trying to leave.
Claire sat in the dark car feeling very exposed and scared. She did not figure this into the equation of her life as a dancer and certainly not in her life with Jamie. What if it was Jamie she was with tonight? Geillis jumped in the car and looked at her white-faced friend.
“What if I had been with Jamie when that happened?”
Geillis looked sharply at Claire and studied her for a minute.
“What if it had Claire? It would move the timeline up by two weeks. Right? Dinna get too comfortable in your denial Claire, it willna change the fact that you are the belly dancer that made him crazy with lust and ye took thousands of dollars from him in the process.”
Claire turned her head away from Geillis and cried as quietly as possible. She expected Geillis to apologize but it never came, and Claire suddenly felt completely alone.
Claire sighed with relief when she did not see Madu on the couch or in the refrigerator. She sat on the couch looking at the ceiling, feeling hot tears roll down the side of her face. Why was there no joy anymore without Jamie, she wondered?
The vibration in her pocket meant she had to pull her phone out of her pocket and say hello. It was too much effort tonight. She would call Madu in the morning. It buzzed again; it must be Geillis finally realizing she was mean tonight. The third time it vibrated she grabbed it, irritated, and looked at the screen.
“Did I catch ye gettin out of the shower Sassenach?”
“No. How are you?”
“How can I help, you know I would do anything for you.”
“Come to Glasgow. Stay with me, Claire.”
She was quiet for a full minute waiting for him to laugh or make light of her living with him, but he didn’t.
“I would love to stay with you for a while Jamie.”
“Can ye get away tomorrow lass? I could use yer help with somethin I’m buildin. Say yes mo chridhe so I can fall asleep tonight.”
“I’ll see ye tomorrow love, sleep tight.”
“Goodnight handsome.”
By noon, Claire had packed her clothes for an extended stay with Jamie which took all of twenty minutes. Madu came to bug her for the afternoon and hung his head like a neglected puppy until Claire told him to make himself at home.
Madu had been sleeping at his cousin's studio since coming to America and it must have been quite lonely for him. He packed her car and pulled her to the couch.
“Claire, this will make the breakup worse for you. Why fall so deep for a man who will cast you aside when he knows the truth?”
The hair on her neck stood up and she wanted to lash out at him, tell him to mind his own business, but she got control of that first impulse and looked at his concerned face.
“Maybe I keep him in Glasgow until he is promoted to London or Germany, so he never has to know I’m the dancer. It could happen Madu.”
“The truth wants to be told, it will come out. When it does, you call Madu, I come to get you, okay?”
“She kissed his cheek, “please don’t wreck the house.”
Claire dropped her groceries on the kitchen table and her eyes went wide at the new stove in the kitchen. It was brand new and just waiting for her to roast, bake, sauté, and fry to her heart's content. In the bedroom, there were new side tables with a lamp on each and a stack of hardbound best sellers. The top drawer of the sink vanity was pulled out with a bouquet of flowers set inside. A note with a down arrow pointing at the drawers below said, “all for you.” She wondered how he could do all this in two days.
She looked at her watch and grabbed her purse. There was plenty of time to get more groceries now that she had an oven.
Jamie could smell food cooking from his truck, and he smiled his excitement. The first hot meal in this place and it smelled like Italian heaven. The door opened to a dozen candles around the room all glowing with soft light and the beautiful voice of Enya filled the room.
Claire stood at the sink running carrots and green onions under cold water and humming along with the music. Jamie just looked for a minute. Her short cotton dress was inches from her core the peasant top hung off one shoulder. She could feel his heat behind her and turned her brilliant white smile on him as he lifted her to the counter, pressing her legs apart to move in for a hungry kiss that lasted five minutes.
Jamie carried her to the couch and found a comfortable position between her legs so they could kiss and whisper and build the heat. Claire fed her man with a happy heart, so thankful that he wanted her there and so anxious to fill his home with lovely touches just for him.
After dinner, Jamie led Claire outside and around to the back of the house where stairs were newly built leading to the roof. She bounced up stepping onto a flat roof that was hidden from the front of the house. Behind them were fields and wildland for miles. Claire touched a large box and looked at Jamie.
“What’s this?”
“That is what I need yer help with Sassenach. It’s plenty early we can start now if yer not too tired.”
Jamie pulled wood pieces of various sized out of the box, bags of bolts and screws, and a booklet of instructions that he handed to Claire. He flipped a light switch that flooded the workspace with light and for the next two hours, they worked together building a double lounge frame and pulling a weather tolerant, high-density mattress from the second large box.
Claire was over the moon with their secret spot under the stars. She stretched out on the lounge and held her hand out to Jamie who accepted her invitation to kiss. The night was so dark they couldn’t see each other, and the light was too bright above them.
“I need to take your clothes off and kiss you right here,” she said, “and here, suck a bit here, and run my tongue from here to here. Can we take this inside so I can do all those things?” She smiled at Jamie who clearly agreed, and they left their rooftop hideaway for another day.
A whisky and a hot shower left them breathless and they spent the next hour lavishing physical love on the other.
“Sassenach, I’m a trustworthy man and I have deep feelings for ye. I will be whatever ye need me to be for as long as ye let me. Goodnight angel.”
When he pulled her close and said that in the dark, Claire heard him say I love you and she snuggled into his chest and closed her eyes.
In the days that followed when Claire served a perfect roast beef, put a baggie of homemade cookies in his briefcase, and chased after him in the morning so she could kiss him one more time, Jamie heard I love you. As the third week came to a close, Claire was the happiest she had ever been in her life. She actually could not have anticipated or hoped for this much happiness because she never knew it existed. Each day of the fourth week was a roller coaster of blissful happiness and soul-killing sadness. The two moods would bounce back and forth as Claire could think of nothing else but telling Jamie the truth.
They had spent the previous weekend at Lallybroch with Jenny who had pulled Claire into a close friendship, reinforced by daily phone calls and giggling promises to get together for lunch or a movie. Her growing friendship with Jenny helped Claire overcome the gaping hole left by Geillis, not seen since the night at the Italian restaurant. It was traumatic for both of them, but she never thought Geillis was that thin-skinned.
To Jamie, Claire was everywhere, and he was intoxicated with happiness after nine years of living alone. He had a secret of his own, one that would join the volumes of classic love stories, if there had been a writer close by to hear it.
Claire cuddled into his arms sighing with pleasure from food, whisky, and gorgeous blue eyes. The Oasis, so named when Claire installed Kontiki torches, a small refrigerator, and a table that had Whisky and glasses. She made it beautiful and Jamie was always delighted to spend the evening up there, holding her, talking, or making love.
“Have ye considered living in another country mo chridhe? Like Germany perhaps? Would ye live with me in Germany, Sassenach?” He cupped her cheek and looked at her like she held the entire world in her eyes. “I love ye, like my da loved my mam. I canna measure the time ye’ve been in my life because ye’ve always been there. As a lad, daydreaming about my future, as a man so lonely for a soulmate, and every moment in between, ye were there. The first time ye gave me yer body I wanted to weep with relief and I almost asked ye where ye been all these years? I’ve been waitin for ye. It’s why I can love ye so deeply after a short time together and I have to ask ye, lass, do ye feel the same?”
He studied her face as her eyes filled with tears. He saw the heartbreak and loneliness of her life, her isolation, and fear from the years living alone. What made him laugh with joy was the unmistakable love she had for him. It pushed his heart into his throat and he kissed her soundly, hugging as tightly as he dared.
“Lass, dinna cry, dinna cry for love ye canna lose. I will love ye for the rest of yer life, come what may. So take a breath and tell me ye love me for all time. If I live in yer heart already, like ye do mine, I was meant to love ye and ye to love me.”
He kissed her breathless and whispered, “tell me ye love me lass.”
“I love you Jamie, more than I ever thought possible. I love you.”
Between each kiss, she said it again, or he did until the kisses did not stop and they could no longer speak.
Claire was unable to stop the bliss of the last few days with Jamie. He talked about their future and she pretended it was real until he left for work and she fell apart. On Sunday evening, after dinner and making love at the Oasis, she led him inside by the hand and asked him to sit with her at the table.
“I love you, Jamie, with every ounce of my soul. I must tell you about something I have kept from you. Her tears were flowing. I would trade ten years of my life not to tell you, but I can no longer keep this from you. John and Geillis are the only people that know. I want to start this story when my bookstore closed because you built a huge new store on my street and put me out of business.”
“I didn’t make much money but enough to pay rent and eat. Knowing I was losing the store made me so afraid. No parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, no one to help me. I searched for a job doing anything, but no one would hire me. I was desperate.”
“Stop Claire, yer breakin my heart, so stop, please. I dinna care to know, how is that? Let’s just move on from here. If ye robbed a bank, who cares? If ye…I, I canna think what could be so terrible right now because I just want ye to stop hurtin so bad. It doesna matter lass.” He was pleading with her because he never suspected she could deceive him the way she had. She continued.
“When we came to Edinburgh, my uncle taught at university and I went to public school. The girls were so mean to me and I just wanted to die. I saw some bullies coming down the street one day, so I slipped into the first door I found to hide from them. It was a dance studio and the owner was very nice. She offered me lessons if I helped her after school. She taught me for six years and gave me comfort when my uncle died. It was the only thing I knew how to do besides sell books.”
Claire completely broke down and Jamie pulled her from her seat and held her close, rocking her from side to side, speaking his low Gaelic voice. When she could breathe again, she sat down quickly desperate to finish the story and be done with this, whatever happened.
“I had no money, my rent was late, and I would be homeless soon. My instructor got me an interview to dance as an entertainer and the sweetest man in the world gave me a job …belly dancing at his restaurant. I am a belly dancer Jamie. I am the belly dancer you came to see so many times, the dancer you made love to in the dressing room.”
“I am so sorry for the deception.”
“I hated you at first and blamed you for my problems. I would dance for you and then ignore your request to speak with me. Until we had coffee, and I wasn’t mad at you anymore. We spent more time together after that and I fell in love with you. When you had to move, to build the new store, I thought you would be gone forever, that is when I let you into the dressing room. My heart was breaking, and I had to feel you touch me just once.”
“That’s it.”
Jamie’s face had lost all color and he shook his head side to side as if that would make all this vanish. He stood up and paced in the kitchen, looking closely at Claire, then back to the pacing.
“Why tell me now?”
“I have to go back to work tomorrow, my month of vacation is over.”
“Why tell me now?” He repeated.
“I love you Jamie and wanted to spend as much time with you as possible. To live my dream of someone loving me for me.”
“Why not tell me the first night I watched ye dance?”
“Because she isn’t me. That job was a means to survive, that's all.”
“I offered ye the manager job in Edinburgh, why didn’t you take it?”
“I didn’t trust you yet and couldn’t put my fate in your hands again.”
Her voice was so low he could hardly hear her. Jamie watched her body shake from head to toe and he felt no desire to comfort her. Now that he knew, he could clearly see the dancer was Claire.
“Did ye mean to make me love ye so completely before ye told me the truth?”
Claire was sobbing uncontrollably but nodded her head.
“Yer a cruel and selfish woman then. Months of lies, probably snickering behind my back and when I say I love ye, a bomb is dropped in my happiness. I dinna know ye at all Claire but for the heartache I will suffer for yer selfishness I can honestly say I dinna deserve it. I never meant to hurt ye with the bookstore and looked high and low for ye to make sure ye were alright. I would have found ye a decent job if ye let me know what was happening to ye.”
“Why belly dancing Claire. It doesna suit ye personality or was that a lie as well. Yes, I can see it was. No wonder ye changed so much with yer makeover. Ye were goin back to who ye were. It's a twisted game ye played on me.”
“Jamie walked to Claire and pulled her face up to look at him. Someday, when my heartbreak heals, I hope to forgive ye.”
With that, he walked to his bedroom and closed the door, closed her out, closed his heart, and closed any hope she had of forgiveness. Claire cried until she was exhausted. Never had alone in the world felt so catastrophically bad. At four o’clock in the morning, she stumbled to her car with the possessions she could find without going into his bedroom. She cried as she drove home pulling over twice when she was out of control with her sobbing.
Rain was coming down in Edinburgh when she parked her car and she stumbled into her house dripping wet. She sat in the dark and sobbed. Madu came out of the bedroom hearing her heartbreak and he held her and cried too.
Jamie laid awake all night, hearing her cry and hearing her leave. Every five minutes he would remember something else she lied about as the layers of deception grew. Several times he sat up holding his chest feeling like a heart attack was coming and forced himself to calm down and breathe slowly.
When the sun came up, he drove to work doing his best to get lost in the madness and problems with the building. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he left and drove to Edinburgh to see John. Jamie was sure he would drop his own bombs of truth, but he had to know.
Madu made Claire some tea and sat on the floor at her feet, ready to fetch whatever she needed. She finally dispatched him to retrieve her costumes just to have a little quiet time. She laid in her bed and closed her eyes but all she saw was Jamie, in love with her and then furious with her. She got up and turned the music on in her studio. Looking at her reflection in the mirrors she was disgusted at her slumped shoulders and puffy red face.
“Hold your retched head up you conniving, lying bitch. He sent you back to where you belong so deal with it. How could you ever think you could stay with him? You are a fucking dancer you pathetic fool, so dance for your supper! Dance for your rent! Dance for your sanity and your very life! Dance!” She screamed.
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
Media Mogul (Batdad Headcanons)
Requested by @libraryoffandomsuniverse for “ Could you please do a headcanon of Bad Dad's relationship with the media and the general public? Does he use social media? Is he regularly voted Gotham's best dressed man, or tops magazine lists of Celebs we wished were our parents? Also for the Bat Dad social media one, do the boys tease him about being voted GQ's sexiest man of the year? Maybe one year he ties with one of them!! “
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Yes, I know it’s Matt Bomer, but I ran out of good Batman GIFs and just look at him!
Bruce Wayne always has to be visible. Going out in public, on social media. Always.
This becomes easier with you around. Being Bruce Wayne’s husband allows your presence to become an extension of Bruce’s. By seeing you, it’s automatic that Bruce is still around. If he’s there, “you two are so cute; how have you been; look at how they still look at each other!” and if he’s not, “poor Y/N, caught up with that no-good cheater” or whatever else they’ll say.
The point is, Bruce encourages your relationship with the media and basically the public in general.
Whenever there’s an interview for a Wayne, they come to you (probably because you’re also the easiest to deal with)
You are active on social media, commenting and liking and posting photos and videos of yourself and the boys.
Bruce used to hate doing interviews and publicity shoots, so you offered to do one or two for him. And suddenly you’re doing most of them, being fed questions about Wayne Enterprise’s business choices, how you feel about the recent tabloid shots of Bruce and a famous actress, your response to rumors that you and Oliver Queen are having an affair...
People sometimes ask you questions about yourself or the boys online, and you’ve gotten a reputation for funny answers.
Whenever Bruce actually does post something on social media, it’s almost always a reaction to something you’ve posted. Sometimes it’s hilarious, sometimes it’s sweet
Like the time you posted an announcement of it being your anniversary, and Bruce, later that night, posts a picture of you two as kids with your arm around Bruce and Alfred with a hand on your shoulders with the caption “Forever and ever, Y/N.”
Bruce is generally considered Gotham’s sexiest man. But a few years after you two adopted Dick, one magazine came out with you on the cover with “Gotham’s Best-Dressed Man” under your name. From then on, you and Bruce “fight” for the title, with you getting it some years and him getting it others.
These awards may seem pointless, but they give you an excellent opportunity to plug charities like the Wayne Foundation, the Thomas Wayne Children’s Hospital, the Martha Wayne Small Business Fund, and the Jason Todd Supercrime Relief Fund.
There’s a now-famous article among the Justice League from Central City Picture News’ entertainment blog entitled. “Top 10 Celebrities We Wish Were Our Parents.” Just after Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (this was before their breakup) was Y/N Wayne - Bruce’s name being conspicuously absent.
Iris knows the reporter, who apparently had never forgiven Bruce for tabloid rumors of cheating on you with some ballet dancer, so he wrote Bruce out of the column.
So now the League makes fun of the whole Batfam, asking you how you manage four kids as a single dad (usually in front of Bruce) or when seeing one of the boys with Bruce, going “where’s your father at?”
And yes, it’s no secret that you and Bruce make for an attractive couple, and that your sons are wonderfully handsome in their own right.
However, it still might come as a surprise when People votes you the Sexiest Man Alive. Twice. Apparently you are what is considered to be a “hot dad.”
The first time, Bruce smiles at you and brags about it to the press when he is interviewed. And to Clark. And Ollie. And Hal. And Arthur. And Diana. And Dinah... yeah, pretty much everyone.
The second time is a tie. With Dick Grayson.
“This father and son duo may not be blood related, but their attractive looks are only part of what make them so appealing. Their genuine cheer, funny mentalities, and commitment to charity and giving in the U.S. (and maybe the world’s) most crime-ridden city make these two men so sexy! We interviewed Dick Grayson and his adopted dad, Y/N Wayne, on how they coped through loss and how they maintain their positive attitudes. Additionally, Dick tells us how he keeps in such great shape, and Y/N opens up about how he runs Wayne Enterprises with his husband...”
Bruce gets teased for not being as sexy as his husband or son.
Ollie: Wow, Y/N, why do you put up with such an uggo?
Hal: Wait, no, don’t tell us. He has a great personality, right?”
Bruce: *Bat-Glare*
They burst out laughing
Dick also gets teased by the other boys about not hotter than you are. Jason is especially mean because he thought he was in the running.
Also, one last note.
When you go out in public, people recognize you more often than they do Bruce.
Possibly because he has a look-a-like in a certain Metropolis reporter that you have occasionally been seen talking to, so people are afraid they’ve got it wrong
But mostly, people respect your space, especially as most Gothamites respect you for your work improving the city, and most out-of-towners don’t want to interrupt your day.
It’s become sort of a meme for people to take selfies with you in the background, coming up with funny captions for whatever expression you have on your face at the time. You tend to reblog these things whenever they pop up because they’re hilarious.
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ohdizzy · 8 years
Holy Poseidon (I’m Hooked on You)
Title: Holy Poseidon (I’m Hooked on You) Pairing: Taehyung/Jeongguk Rating: Mature  Genre: The Little Mermaid AU, Romance, Fluff, Comedy, Wordcount: 7,000 Chapter: 1/7 
Prince Jeon Jeongguk of Busan (better known as South Korea’s Sexiest Prince, crowned not once, but three times by GQ Korea) is in love. Stupidly, undeniably, irrevocably in love.
The object of his affection is, however, questionable.
A tale (tail?) of shitty haikus, even shittier fish puns, accidental hair dyeing, cursing entire bloodlines, and Jeongguk passing out so often it can’t be good for his health.
Read at: ao3 or under the cut! 
There are three lessons to be learnt, Jeon Jeongguk thinks.
First, never underestimate the power of bad vibes. Of course, when the aforementioned bad vibes are coming from a certain Kim Namjoon it would probably be in everyone’s best interest to take his advice. He is, after all, the noble advisor of Crown Prince Jeon Jeongguk. Jeongguk’s pretty sure he didn’t get to his position by bullshitting his way up the ranks.
Then again, when said advisor uses words like bad vibes and negative juju, man, Jeongguk wonders just how much of his advice is legitimate and how much of it is bullshit. What had been going through his father’s thick skull when he had looked at Kim Namjoon and decided it was a good idea to appoint him as the advisor and life coach of the beloved Prince of Busan, Jeongguk isn’t too sure. But he should probably look into that.
The second lesson, Jeongguk surmises, is that life is fleeting and thus, precious. He’s not quite sure where the second point derives from, but after spending nearly all of his time with Namjoon he was bound to pick up on his philosophical bullshit sooner or later.
Bullshit? Absolutely. But unfortunately, also true. Life is, in fact, fleeting and precious and Jeongguk had clearly been unaware of this fact. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth and doted on by millions of people, Jeongguk has always been on top of the food chain, unaware that his life is an insignificant speck in the grand scheme of things.
And the final—and arguably most important—lesson is that death fucking sucks. Namjoon had once told him that during one’s final moments, they will be overcome with an overwhelming sense of tranquillity and utter peace. Almost like their body is doing them one last favour before they leave the world of the living and transcend into the beyond.
Now, Jeongguk’s unsure of what kind of utter bullshit Namjoon had been feeding him the past several years (and why he’d chosen to believe him), but he is slowly coming to the realisation that it’s probably for the best if he lets Namjoon go. If he survives, that is. Which, by the looks of things, the likelihood of his chances at survival is getting slimmer and slimmer by the moment, which sucks because Jeongguk has really wanted to be the one to send Namjoon packing.
He should’ve turned the ship back the minute the waves started getting choppier. Should have listened to Namjoon’s complaints that started as moans of bad vibes, your highness that slowly began to decline into retching and vomiting (seriously, who decided it was a good idea to appoint Namjoon, someone who got seasick easily, as Jeongguk’s—the prince of Busan, a fucking fishing port—advisor?) at some point of their voyage and turned back. Should’ve have steered the ship back towards the shores of Busan—to safety—when he watched his crew dart around on deck, trying to desperately hold the ship together against the rocking waves.
There’s a lot of things he should have done, but he supposes all that is too late now, especially when he’s been thrown spectacularly overboard and is currently trying his hardest not to drown. Which, all in all, doesn’t sound like too much of an impossible feat for a prince like Jeongguk, per se. But when he is battling waves the size of houses with no ship in sight, prospects aren’t looking too hot.
Another wave crashes on top of him, dragging him underwater for a heart stopping moment before he manages to resurface. Honestly speaking though, Jeongguk is a little glad no one is there to witness him screaming loudly at the top of his lungs every time his head pops up above the water before he’s dragged back down by the force of the waves. It’s honestly very unattractive. Maybe it’s because of his third consecutive year winning Sexiest Prince in South Korea that even when he’s fighting for his life he finds himself unwilling to look anything but sexy and alluring whilst doing so.
But there seems to be more pressing matters than looking appealing when drowning—the issue being a very real, very huge building-sized wave slowly forming right before his very eyes. A very real, very huge building-sized wave that is going to collapse on Jeongguk and very possibly crush him into a human pancake.
Ever so eloquent, Jeongguk has time to whisper a princely, “oh fuck”, before the wave crashes down onto him. The wave crashes down onto him so hard, Jeongguk finds himself being legitimately surprised at the fact that he is still very much alive and conscious and not flattened like a tin can.
His body is jerked back and forth by the unrelenting, violent waves, and his chest feels like it’s about to explode from the lack of oxygen and too much seawater. There’s a real sense of panic that flutters in his chest because he’s suddenly coming to the realisation that he is absolutely going to die a horrible and painful death, so very much alone.
Something hits his head, hard. A log, perhaps, or something from Jeongguk’s ship that was thrown off ungraciously much like he was—he’s not really sure what it is, but he can’t find it in himself to care, not when he’s slowly sinking towards the bottom of the ocean, the remaining oxygen in his lungs whooshing out of him.
Barely conscious, Jeongguk, however, still vaguely makes out through his half-opened eyes something golden moving towards him, twisting and shimmering in the inky-black ocean and for a moment, for the half second Jeongguk manages to stay conscious it feels a little like hope glimmering in a distance. The sounds of the thunder and waves roaring have faded above waters, and there’s a pleasant muted pressure pressing down on his ears.
Perhaps, he thinks to himself, death isn’t so bad after all.
     Okay, so maybe not death.
Jeongguk finds himself well and truly alive as he coughs up seawater, body shaking as the water gushes from his mouth, burning his lungs and throat and nose. There are strong, gentle hands supporting his head up as he coughs violently. When he manages to pry his eyes open, blinking against the stinging seawater that drips into his eyes, he can just make out a shadowed figure hunched over him, blocking the sunlight.
“Come on,” a gentle, melodic voice urges him. “Cough it up.”
Jeongguk groans, letting his head rest against the stranger’s hands. The stranger laughs and maybe Jeongguk might be a little lightheaded from ingesting copious amounts of seawater, from almost drowning a horrible death god damn it, but he swears it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard. It’s stupidly deep and rich like honey in a way that makes Jeongguk think unprincely things, yet also has a soft and strangely musical quality to it, almost as if the owner of the voice is singing with every word they speak.
“You’re alright. You’re going to be okay.”
Jeongguk blinks several times and when his eyes adjust to the sunlight and the stinging seawater, he catches sight of his saviour and—oh.
Maybe it’s the sunlight that haloes around the boy’s head catching in his golden hair and making it look like spun gold. Or maybe it’s the way his long eyelashes seem to brush against his soft-looking skin every time he blinks. Jeongguk is convinced there’s something funky in the seawater, but there is something decidedly angelic about this boy.
“I—you saved my life.” Well, that much is obvious to anyone. Jeongguk’s just glad his father isn’t here to see him making stupid statements.
The boy smiles, rosy lips stretching into a pretty grin. “I just pulled you to safety. You survived just fine on your own. Well, right up until the point where you passed out, anyways.”
Jeongguk doesn’t pay attention to the strange implication behind the boy’s words, struggling to sit up after his skin and bones have been worn out by fighting against the strong waves.
“Just stay lying down for a while. You really took a beating out there,” he says, pushing him back down gently.
“How can I ever repay you?”
“I appreciate the gesture, but there’s no need,” the boy waves his hand dismissively. “A thank you is enough for me.”
“A thank you?” Jeongguk frowns. He begins to struggle against the boy’s iron grip, attempting once again to sit up. “You saved my life. Please, come back with me to the castle. My father will repay you handsomely. Anything you want.”
The boy’s eyes bug out, as if that is the last thing on earth he wants. “No, it’s really okay. You should stay lying down, please, just lie down. I’m not even supposed to be here.”
“Not supposed to be here? I don’t understand, I—”
With everything that happens, there is a lesson to be learnt. Never underestimate the power of bad vibes, life is precious, death sucks and—
Lesson number four:
Listen to others.
Jeongguk never realised the boy was topless, but his eyes catch sight of the tanned expanse of his neck, gaze travelling along the smooth, lean torso, down past the cute belly-button, and sees scales. Beautiful, multi-coloured, shiny scales.
“Oh. Oh.”
Perhaps Jeongguk isn’t as mentally strong as he likes to believe. Because he takes one look at the boy’s figure and decides once and for all that he ingested something strange and 100% illegal before his mind realises it can’t comprehend the actuality of the current scenario and he promptly passes out again.
    The second time Jeongguk comes to, he jerks back to consciousness with a gasp, eyes darting around wildly, and—alone. So very alone.
Well, almost alone.
There’s a ruckus coming from his left and he manages to turn his head ever so slightly to see Namjoon tripping over rocks, using his hands and feet as he tries to find grip on the slippery edge. It’s a sight for sore eyes. Maybe Jeongguk will postpone Namjoon’s… departure.
“Jeong—I mean, Your majesty!” Namjoon gasps out as Jeongguk blinks at him. “We thought you fucking—pardon my manners—died!”
Namjoon somehow manages to cross the slippery terrain and kneels down next to him, his knees making a muted thud as they hit the sand, hands hovering over Jeongguk like he’s on the verge of physically searching his body for bruises and cuts.
“Mermaid,” Jeongguk croaks out to Namjoon. He stops his fussing to look at Jeongguk with a strange expression.
“Your majesty?”
“Where’s—where’s the mermaid?” Saying the words aloud makes it feel like it had been some ridiculous dream that had happened in Jeongguk’s half lucid state. But Jeongguk’s sure of it. It—he had been there right next to Jeongguk, looking every bit like Jeongguk’s dirtiest, most unprincely fantasies.
“Mermaid?” Namjoon eyebrows pinch together in worry. “Oh god, you must’ve hit your head on something. We must have you checked immediately. Can you walk? Would you like for me to carry you? Shall I fetch someone?”
“No, I can walk.” Jeongguk winces as Namjoon hauls him to his feet despite his refusal, wrapping an arm around his waist securely, and helping him limp back to the direction he had come from.
“Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“But… the mermaid…”
“Are you sure you didn’t somehow ingest the weed I know you keep stashed in your breast pocket when you were drowning, Your Majesty? I think you—”
“Shut up, Namjoon.”
“Shutting up.”
  When Taehyung was sixteen, he had swum up to The Surface in a fit of rebellion.
There had been a large ship and on board many people danced and sung, clearly celebrating something. They shot huge, colourful stars into the sky and Taehyung had watched in awe as they exploded with a loud bang into a myriad of colours and shapes.
There had been a boy on board, perhaps Taehyung’s age.
He was sitting on a throne of sorts, clapping along to those who danced with a jovial expression. He had been the most beautiful creature Taehyung had ever seen and he couldn’t bring himself to tear his eyes away from boy with stars in his eyes as a young man pulled him from his seat and encouraged him to dance. Oh, how he had danced! Taehyung was mesmerized by the way the boy twisted and turned fluidly, his hands weaving an intricate pattern as he danced merrily alongside the other people.
It could have been seconds, minutes, hours that Taehyung stayed above the surface, watching the men and women dance with an aching longing, and staring the boy who seemed a million worlds away.
When he returned back to the palace, his father had flown into a fit of rage. He destroyed all the trinkets from The Surface Taehyung had carefully and lovingly collected over the years and punished Taehyung by stationing guards at every entrance and denying him of his freedom.
Of course, that never deterred Taehyung. Not even in the slightest.
It did, however, scare the holy Poseidon out of Hoseok. Which was probably the greatest inconvenience of all great inconveniences for Taehyung.
“Oh holy Poseidon,” Hoseok moans, his hands fluttering uselessly around Taehyung’s hair. “What were you thinking, going up to The Surface?”
“Hoseok, it’s alright. Nothing happened, I swear.” Taehyung adjusts a pearl that’s sitting wonky on his tail, pouting a little.
“Alright? I was worried sick. I thought your father was going to find out. Imagine what he would’ve said—worse, done—if he knew you had gone to The Surface!”
“Hoseok, are you sure you weren’t given the gift of worrying?” Taehyung teases, trying calm Hoseok. Speaking only from experience, Taehyung is sure that Hoseok is already halfway to the Point of No Return (or, the point where he’ll turn red with rage and worry and burst out crying—or even worse, tell his father).
“Oh, shut up you bloody siren.” Hoseok rolls his eyes. But the strange tension is gone and Hoseok is smiling. “Not everyone can be gifted like you. You know, I’m still mad at you for hypnotising me with your voice. I’m going to tell your father that you’re abusing your powers.”
“I didn’t hypnotise you! I just… sang.” The excuse sounds lame, even to Taehyung’s ears.
Hoseok scoffs, clearly unimpressed. “Oh, a merman given the gift of music, merely singing to his easily susceptible advisor and convincing him to let him go up to The Surface? Of course you’re not abusing your powers.”
“I did not.”
“Yes you did! I—you’re doing it now! Stop trying to lure me in with your singing, you siren.”
“Stop calling me a siren, you know I hate it!”
“Well, you and your mother are where the legend derived from.”
Hoseok pouts and Taehyung knows he’s won. “I’ll stop calling you a siren if you stop abusing your powers. God, I hate your voice.”
“Oh, hush,” Taehyung says, but he’s grinning smugly. “I know you love my voice. It helps you sleep.”  
“No, I do not love your voice, I just—holy carp you’re bleeding, oh god. Oh my god. Poseidon help me.”
“Hoseok,” Taehyung sighs. He sticks his arm out to Hoseok. It’s a cut from where he scratched himself from the floating debris when he had found that boy drowning in the ocean. “It’s just a little scratch.”
“Scratch—are you serious? Half your arm is cut open.” Hoseok retches as he eyes the small gash before he reaches into his pouch and pulls out seaweed, wrapping it around Taehyung’s arm. “That should stop the bleeding for now. We have to go back so someone can treat you properly. It’s my responsibility as your advisor to take care of you, Taehyung. Come on.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes at Hoseok’s theatrics but allows himself to be escorted back into the palace. Hoseok is quiet for a minute and Taehyung allows himself to wildly hope that Hoseok is done with his ranting. But he should know better. Hoseok takes a deep breath and Taehyung lets go of all hope.
“When are you going to stop swimming up to The Surface?” Hoseok scolds, lowering his voice as they swim towards the infirmary. “The Ancient Laws state that you shall not be seen by humans! And then you go and break the law by not only being seen by a human, but saving it and talking to it? Oh Poseidon, your father is going to have my head.”
“He—not it—was drowning, Hoseok. Was I meant to just watch him drown?”
“It’s nature taking its course! We can’t save every human that drowns in the ocean, Tae.”
“Of course not, but I can’t just let someone drown before my eyes. That’s barbaric.”
“You know what’s barbaric? Man stringing our kind up in the sun, letting them dry out. Draining our blood and selling our parts. We have always been a hunted race and the ancient laws are there for a reason. They’re there to protect us, Taehyung.”
Taehyung shakes his head stubbornly. “People aren’t like that anymore, Hoseok. Besides, it’s been so long since we’ve been seen by man. We’re nothing but a folk tale now.”
“And we’re meant to keep it that way! If every merman had the same mindset as you, we’d be discovered and hunted to extinction before the week was over.”
“We would not. I’m telling you, people are different now. And besides, literally everyone goes up to The Surface. I know that you’ve been to The Surface several times too, Hoseok. Don’t even try to lie.”
When Hoseok splutters incoherently, Taehyung smiles smugly. “Nothing to say?”
“I do not go to The Surface!”
“Yes you do,” Taehyung sings. “I saw you collecting shells for your tail by some rock pools just last week.”
“First of all, that was a one-time thing and—where are you going? The infirmary is this way!”
“I’m not going to the infirmary for a scratch, Hoseok.”
“Where are you going?!” Hoseok sounds like he’s about to cry. Taehyung halts, looking over his shoulder to where Hoseok is. He looks so defeated Taehyung almost feels bad. Keyword being almost.
“I’m heading out for a bit. I’ll be back before sundown.”
“Out? Out where?! What do I tell your father?!”
“Tell him I’ve gone to visit someone. I’ll bring you back some shells for your tail.”
“Oh, Poseidon.”  
    For all its worth, Taehyung is going to visit someone.
He picks up a few pretty shells that catch his eye and tuck them away into his small pouch for Hoseok. He swims quickly and carefully, making sure that no-one sees him, ducking behind coral and buildings as he swims towards the edge of the city.
Soon enough, he’s reached the outskirts of the Atlantica and sets off towards the Garden of Polyps, a place where no merman dares to go.
But Taehyung is no ordinary merman.
As he continues on, there are less sea-flowers and colourful coral and pulsing anemone. There’s barely a trace of life, only the occasional fish or crab—the ones that don’t belong to society, to Atlantica. All Taehyung can see is bare, colourless sand stretching on forever.
No one goes towards the Garden of Polyps, for it’s said that the sea-witch resides just behind it, in the skeleton of a gigantic creature, long since dead.
The Polyps are disgusting—half creature, half plant designed to scare off mermen. Mottled brown and green in colour, and stretching up towards Taehyung as they scream and moan in agony, they are said to be the souls of the merpeople who have failed to fulfil their payments to the sea-witch. Taehyung recoils, clutching onto his pouch tightly and twisting out of reach when the Polyps attempt to grab onto Taehyung and pull him down with their tentacles.
He lets out a breath of relief he didn’t realise he was holding in when he makes it through and he turns towards the witch’s lair, swimming towards the giant maw without hesitation.
“Hellooooo,” he calls out as he swims through the dark corridor, swatting the leafy plants hanging about everywhere. “Anyone home?”
Silence. Taehyung frowns. It’s not like the sea-witch would be roaming about in Atlantica. He was exiled, for crying out loud.
He swims out into the main hall, looking around the darkened room. The large cauldron in the middle is abandoned, some sort of strange, orange-brown concoction bubbling away inside, and the giant clam in which the sea-witch usually resides in is empty.
“Yoongbeaaaaaan!” He hollers loudly, cupping his hands around his mouth.
A pause and then from the darkness—“Could you at least pretend to be scared of me?”
Yoongi swims out like a true villain from the shadows, holding a vial of something bright purple in his hands. His menacing, mangled, black tail swishes back and forth, and the sharp fishermen hooks embedded into his disfigured, scarred tail glint in the dull light. He raises an eyebrow at Taehyung who grins goofily at him.
Many are fearful of the sea-witch that lives in the skeleton just beyond the Garden of Polyps. Many have heard stories and rumours of the sea-witch’s scarred, mutilated tail, blackened as a result of the black magic he and his ancestors dabbled in—a stark contrast to everyone else’s multi-coloured, beautiful tails. Many say that the sea-witch can grant you any wish, as a result of being given the gift of magic, but that it comes at a terrible cost.
Many mermen say a lot of things, but to Taehyung, Yoongi is just Yoongi. Not a malicious, wicked sea-witch. Just Yoongi. A little gruff and a little mean, but mostly just misunderstood and lonely. It hurts a little when Taehyung overhears the things mermen say about Yoongi.
“Nope,” Taehyung replies, popping the p with his lips. He floats backwards leisurely, lying down on the giant clam.
Yoongi snorts, swimming over to his cauldron and pouring the purple liquid in. “Trust you, the prince of Atlantica to befriend a fucking sea-witch. Merpeople are terrified of me.”
“You’re so cute, how can I ever be scared of you? Gosh, that’s ridiculous. The merpeople of Atlantica are severely misinformed.”
Yoongi shakes his head in disbelief, but Taehyung can see the little smile playing on his lips. Yoongi twirls his finger and the contents of the cauldron begin to swirl, mixed by an unseen force.
“What’re you brewing?”
“Something to boost one’s intelligence. A merman came in seeking wisdom.”
“Did you scare him with your whole I’m an evil sea-witch, fear me spiel? Let me guess; was it the red smoke this time, or did you do that thing where you emerge from the dark with your creepy pets circling you?”
“I’ve only ever used the red smoke twice, thank you very much,” Yoongi frowns, pouring some of the now-brown liquid into an empty vial. “And Holly and Minnie aren’t creepy. Leave my babies alone.”
“Moray eels are creepy and you know it.”
“They’re cute.”
“This is why everyone thinks you’re evil. You think moray eels are cute.” Taehyung shudders remembering the time Yoongi’s eels had come in and swam around Taehyung, flicking their tails into his face and snickering when he’d jumped.
“I am evil. I’m a sea-witch, the sea-witch.”
“You’re not evil and you—we—both know it. If it weren’t for your stupid ancestors, you wouldn’t even be here. You’d be in Atlantica, hanging out with me and Hoseok.”
Yoongi mutters a few words in an ancient language forgotten by all but those who have magic running in their veins, and the remaining liquid in the cauldron disappears. He sets the vial down. “Yeah, well. That’s never going to happen and you know that. Last time I tried convincing the merpeople of Atlantica I wasn’t evil, well… You know what happened.”
Yoongi’s tail flicks forward and the hooks and broken bits of glass embedded in his mutilated tail glint in the dim light, a dark reminder of what happens when ignorance is tainted by fear. Taehyung knows far too well just what had happened to Yoongi.
“Speaking of evil,” Taehyung steers the conversation into safer waters when he sees Yoongi’s lip curling down into a frown. He doesn’t like it when his hyung is sad. “When are you going to get rid of those Polyps? They’re disgusting.”
Yoongi chuckles and Taehyung breathes a silent breath of relief. “They deter mermen from coming and bothering me. Though that didn’t stop you one little bit.”
“Doesn’t seem to stop a lot of people, by the looks of it,” Taehyung says, looking pointedly at the vial. “What did you charge for that?”
“Three pearls and six of his scales.”
“Three pearls? Six scales?! You’re scamming my people! You know it’s hard even for me to come by pearls, right? And why would you make him yank six of his scales out?! Why are your services so darn expensive and painful?”
“Seokjin’s potions are useless and he’s garbage at magic, so people come to me. If they’re desperate enough to come to me, then they’ll be desperate enough to pay whatever I tell them the price is.”
Taehyung sighs as Yoongi comes to rest next to him. “I would love to be given the gift of magic.”
“Then you would’ve been exiled, like me,” Yoongi rolls his eyes, stretching out on the giant clam. “Besides, being given the gift of music is just as rare. You should consider yourself lucky.”
“I know, I know. What colour would your tail be if it wasn’t cursed?”
“My grandmother told me that those given the gift of magic had golden tails,” Yoongi says quietly, a small smile playing on his lips. “Can you imagine me with a gold tail?”
“That would be so weird. I bet all the merpeople would fall in love with you.”
“Ha! If only.”
They fall into a comfortable silence before Taehyung perks up again. “I forgot why I came here. I have something to tell you.”
“What is it?”
“I saved a human from drowning.”
Yoongi’s face looks thunderous—even he, the supposed wicked sea-witch, doesn’t fuck with The Ancient Laws. Taehyung hurries to explain himself.
“I couldn’t leave him, Yoongi! How could I have left him alone? Besides, he looked so much like…” Taehyung trails off.
“Like?” Yoongi prompts.
Taehyung blinks, shaking his head. “Nothing. I saved him from drowning and when he woke up, he told me to go back with him to his castle. I think he was a prince, Yoongi. I saved a prince!”
“A prince?” Yoongi blinks once before bursting out into laughter. “Of course it was a prince.”
“It’s true—” Taehyung begins to hotly argue back but Yoongi silences him with a single finger, his eyes wide.
“Hold up. I feel a haiku coming on.”
Oh Poseidon. Anything but a haiku. “Yoongi, no please,” Taehyung begs, but Yoongi’s not paying any attention to him. He clears his throat dramatically. Taehyung wants to rip his ears off already.
‘Tae rescued a prince Lingering touches and looks, but it was a dream’
Yoongi looks at Taehyung expectantly who groans. He can feel his tail cramping up from the sheer cringe.
“Holy Poseidon,” Taehyung chokes, his fingers curling up into cringe claws. “That was awful. I feel like I’ve aged about thirty years.”
Yoongi looks far too pleased with himself. “Are you kidding? That’s the best one I’ve come up with all day.”
“Are you for real? I thought my ears were going to bleed.”
“Hey!” Yoongi protests, glowering. “I’ll set Holly and Minnie on your sorry ass if you don’t shut up.”
Taehyung shuts up immediately. Yoongi smirks. “That’s what I thought. Anyways, what do you want from me?”
“What makes you think I want anything from you?” Taehyung sulks, flicking at a tiny fish that darts by his face.
Yoongi pretends to think, tracing his finger around a hook embedded near his belly button. “Let’s see. You came in saying that you had something to tell me, and then you blabbed on about some maybe-prince you had saved—which, by the way, is against The Ancient Laws—and got all googly-eyed talking about him. You definitely want something from me and I’m willing to bet a pearl that it’s going to be about your supposed prince.”
Damn. Right in one. Taehyung supposes that there Yoongi isn’t given the gift of magic for no reason, then.
Taehyung pouts. “Okay, fine. You’re right.”
“Nothing new, but go on,” Yoongi motions, a smirk playing on his lips. “What is it you want, oh so mighty Prince Taehyung?”
“I wanted you to show me the prince. I’m willing to bet a pearl he really is a prince.”
Yoongi makes a face. “Seriously? You want to spy on your loverboy? Why are you so creepy?”
“It’s not creepy!” Taehyung objects indignantly. “I… I just wanna see if he’s alright, that’s all.”
“Yeah, sure. Okay. We can pretend that that’s why you want to see him.”
“Don’t make me sing!”
“Ooh, threatening me now? If your father could see you now,” Yoongi grins as Taehyung smacks his arm. “Okay, fine. I’ll show you him. I should charge you three of your pretty scales, they’d do wonders for my potions. I am the sea-witch, after all.”
“Payment? I’m your friend!” Taehyung whines.
“Four of your pretty scales, then.”
“Okay, fine. Just this once. Then after I’m really going to start charging you.”
That’s a lie. Yoongi’s been brewing potions and casting spells for Taehyung free of charge for as long as Taehyung can remember.
But Taehyung likes to humour his cute Yoongi. It’s like a thing they have.
“Sure, Yoongi. Whatever you say.”
  Jeongguk had always believed he had been someone who was well acquainted with the ocean. They were almost friends, if anything. Growing up as the prince of South Korea’s best and busiest fishing port Jeongguk had spent the greater portion of his life either on a ship or in the water.
But as Jeongguk sits on his balcony overlooking the ocean, watching the waves crash against each other, he can’t help but wonder just how well acquainted he really is with the ocean. Can he even call himself the self proclaimed, self confessed Prince of the Ocean?
Jeongguk wonders if this is what Julius Caesar felt like while he was brutally murdered by his so-called friend Brutus. He wonders if this is the betrayal Caesar felt.
That’s the least of his problems, though. There’s that one problem that’s been eating away at Jeongguk’s goddamn mind for the past week. The wretched M problem.
The mermaid. God, Jeongguk shudders even thinking about thinking about it. He had seen a mythical creature, half man, half fish before his very eyes, hypnotising him with its goddamn beautiful golden hair and its voice that had washed over him and made him want to give him every possession he had.
Maybe Namjoon was right. Maybe he had somehow ingested that weed and maybe it had gotten into his bloodstream and he had been as high as a kite. That makes more sense. Otherwise Jeongguk is going to be left with so many more questions that can’t be answered by neither Namjoon nor the library nor—god forbid—his fucking father.
Questions that have been keeping Jeongguk up all night these couple of days. Questions like—does that mean killing fish is essentially like killing that mermaids’ cousins? Are there more of them? And where do they live? Why was its tail rainbow coloured, when all those paintings depict them usually as blue or green? Are all their tails rainbow? Was it going to attack and eat Jeongguk? Was he lucky to escape with his life?
Jeongguk is so deep in thought he doesn’t notice Namjoon until he’s practically breathing down his throat.
“Your Majesty—” Jeongguk yelps loudly, startling so hard he jerks backwards, hitting his head onto something hard and pointy.
Namjoon staggers back a few steps, lips trembling with the effort of stopping himself from swearing in front of the prince, clutching onto his chin.
Jeongguk rubs his head. “Have you ever heard of knocking before entering?!”
“My deepest apologies, Your Majesty,” Namjoon gasps, rubbing his chin ruefully. “I thought I had made my presence quite clear. I was talking about the weather for like, two minutes. I had assumed you knew I was there. But that was my bad.”
“Your bad indeed,” Jeongguk sniffs. “What is it?”
“The king asked for you.” Namjoon looks around furtively before dropping his voice and beckoning for Jeongguk to come closer. “Bad vibes, Your Majesty,” he whispers, his high and mighty demeanour dropping faster than a hot potato upon the realisation that they are alone. “Your father was lookin’ real antsy. Kept pacing around and doing that thing where he—” Namjoon mimes sighing deeply, before closing his eyes dramatically and pinching the bridge of his nose.
Jeongguk winces. That means his father is worried about something which automatically means Jeongguk has to be worried about it, too. He wonders just how bad it is.
“Did he…” Jeongguk trails off, looking at Namjoon meaningfully.
“Ask for a glass of red wine? Your Majesty, he asked for an entire bottle.”
Oh god. Really, really bad, then.
Jeongguk stands. He stares out towards the ocean one last time, watching the waves crash together in resignation. Mermaids and mythology and boys with golden hair and rainbow scales will have to wait for another day.
    It’s chaos.
Jeongguk stands at the entrance of the planning room, watching with trepidation as his father’s advisors clamour and talk over each other loudly in an attempt to be heard, while his father sits at the head of the table, a solemn expression on his face, his finger tracing across the rim of the wine glass.
Namjoon clears his throat hesitantly. “Announcing the arrival of Prince Jeongguk…”
Namjoon trails off as the advisors’ shout at each other loudly and he turns to Jeongguk with a panicked expression on his face. Jeongguk rolls his eyes and walks towards his chair at the opposite end of the table. The planning room goes silent immediately, all advisors jumping to their feet and bowing deeply to Jeongguk, who waves them back down before sitting down.
“Father?” Jeongguk asks. “What’s happening?”
Maybe that was a little too casual, if the way the advisor with the ugly, stiff-looking military jacket scoffs says anything. Jeongguk glares at him, and he shrinks back immediately into his seat. Slimy little worm. Jeongguk always hated him.
“Jeongguk,” His father sighs. “As the Crown Prince you should know better. It is your duty to be aware of affairs even before they occur.”
Jeongguk thinks that’s a little unfair, considering he was literally on the verge of death a mere week ago.
“Your Majesty,” A little balding man pipes up. “There have been reports of unrest in the neighbouring provinces.”
“Unrest?” Jeongguk frowns.
“Yes, Your Majesty. We have received reports that peasants in the neighbouring provinces are revolting against their monarchs, due to the belief that they are being undervalued and overworked.”
“Oh.” Jeongguk’s not too sure what to say. Cool sounds a little too careless and a shocked gasp seems a little theatrical. He sneaks a glance towards Namjoon who’s motioning for him to say something more. “That’s… not good.”
Namjoon facepalms.
“Indeed it isn’t,” His father says. “Do you know what revolts in neighbouring provinces means, Jeongguk?”
He actually does. Namjoon had a rather passionate rant about this the other day. Maybe it was a good idea that he didn’t kick Namjoon to the curb.
“It means that we too are in danger of revolts. Our people might become influenced by those who rebel and rise up against us,” Jeongguk says immediately. Namjoon breathes a visible breath of relief.
Yes, Jeongguk knows what that means. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that he agrees.
“We have to take immediate action,” The military worm jumps in. Jeongguk frowns. Rude. He hadn’t finished talking. “Your Highness, we—”
“I think not, Jungjae,” Jeongguk interrupts delicately, raising a finger. Jeongguk just made that name up. He has no idea what the military worm’s name is, but he feels like Jungjae is a slimy enough name to match such a slimy character.  Jungjae the military worm mashes his lips together into an ugly name and Jeongguk cackles meanly on the inside.
“Jeongguk?” His father frowns.
“Father,” Jeongguk leans forward. “There is unrest in the neighbouring provinces because their people are unhappy. Perhaps their king does not care for his people the same way we do. We listen to our people. There is no reason for them to be unhappy.”
Jeongguk feels a little smug—his little spiel was pretty darn good, if he was to be so bold. He glances over to where Namjoon stands, attempting to send a subtle thumbs up, but Namjoon’s expression makes Jeongguk’s thumbs up wither and die. Namjoon’s mouth is open, his brows pinched together, and if Jeongguk was to make a wild guess, it’s kind of a holy-fuck-you’ve-fucked-up kind of expression.
“Your Majesty is clearly living in a daydream,” Jungjae the military worm says. There’s a victorious little grin on the smug bastard’s face Jeongguk wants to slap off. “To say that there is no reason for our people to unhappy is idealistic and unrealistic.”
“Sanhyuk is correct, Jeongguk,” his father interjects. So Sanhyuk is the worm’s name. What a waste of a perfectly good name, Jeongguk thinks sourly to himself. “You are foolish to think that our people have no reason to revolt, and you are wrong to assume their king does not care for his people. Do not let your guard down, especially at a time when we are so vulnerable.”
“Yes, father.”
“We must remain ready for any sort of attack, yet we must be good to our people. As the Crown Prince, you must do your duty. Tend to your people, listen to them. But do not let your guard down. Think of it as a test. In time, you will become king and it will be your responsibility to handle these occurrences with grace and diligence.”
Jeongguk can feel his shoulders weighing down with his father’s words and Sanhyuk the worm’s stupid grin and the judgment radiating from all the advisor’s are suddenly the least of Jeongguk’s problems.
He looks up slowly to meet his father’s eyes. Serious and unwavering, Jeongguk’s father is everything a king is meant to be and more. And soon, so will Jeongguk.
“Do not disappoint me, Jeon Jeongguk.”
“Yes, father.”  
     Jeongguk’s not sure how he’s done it.
Maybe it was pure luck. Maybe some higher power felt sorry for him because of the crushing pressure and expectation. Or maybe he had just underestimated his own physical prowess.
Because somehow he has managed to shake off Namjoon, who has taken to him like a particularly annoying fly Jeongguk just can’t get rid of now matter how hard he tries.
After the disaster of a meeting a few days ago, Namjoon had followed Jeongguk around, cursing Sanhyuk the worm on Jeongguk’s behalf. When he wasn’t cursing, he was planning witty comebacks Jeongguk could be sure to utilise next time he got into an argument. When he wasn’t planning he was worrying with Jeongguk, trying to come up with plans and battle strategies in the case of an emergency battle.
Jeongguk, at first, had been grateful for Namjoon’s annoying persistence. It had taken his mind off the tremendous burden he had felt. But then when he wouldn’t leave Jeongguk alone, even when Jeongguk was in the midst of pushing out a big one, Jeongguk had taken to running away from Namjoon whenever the opportunity arose. Which wasn’t as often as he had hoped, seeing as Namjoon had an annoying habit of finding all of Jeongguk’s nooks and crannies and hidey-holes.
But somehow Jeongguk has managed to successfully shake off Namjoon—it had involved strenuous planning and the spur of moment luck that had occurred—and is now near the rock pools at the beach far, far away from the castle (and hopefully, Namjoon).
Jeongguk figures that the further away he gets from the castle, the longer it’ll take for Namjoon to find him, which means he’ll get more of his precious Me Time. He makes his way towards the rock pools, climbing over rocks with ease.
He reaches the part near a cliff, where it curves inwards a little creating a small cave of sorts, right next to a deep pool of clear water. Jeongguk settles down with a little sigh, rubbing his eyes tiredly and resting his head in his arms.
To say that Jeongguk is worried about the unrest and the meeting would be an understatement. As his father so lovingly pointed out (in front of everyone, thus succeeding in making Jeongguk look like a royal idiot), he had to be ready for any sort of attack.
Jeongguk is good at fighting. He’s good with a bow and arrow and fucking fantastic with a sword, so he’s definitely physically ready for any attack. But emotionally ready? Mentally ready? He’s not too sure about that. Jeongguk is in the midst of wondering if it’s too late to run away and join some gang of bandits or something when he he’s jerked out of his reverie.
A voice shatters his thoughts and he startles violently. His immediate reaction is disappointment at the fact that Namjoon has found his hidey-hole so goddamn quickly and he turns in the direction of the voice, ready to complain loudly and struggle the entire way back home and—oh. Oh.
There is someone who is most definitely not Namjoon peeking out from behind the large rock in the middle of the pool of water. That is most definitely not Namjoon on the account of two things.
One, Namjoon doesn’t like water and there’s little chance you’d find him near the water, very much less in it. Two, Namjoon doesn’t have golden coloured hair and large doe eyes and—holy fuck.
Holy fucking fuck.
A tail. A big, huge, rainbow-coloured, shiny fucking tail.
Which fucking means—
“Mermaid,” Jeongguk whispers, mostly to himself. “I knew I wasn’t going crazy.”
And for the second time in a week, Jeon Jeongguk passes out.
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nikkidoesntlike · 5 years
Dear GQ Magazine
As a long-time reader, I became a first-time subscriber to GQ about one year ago. Despite not being a gentleman, and having entirely no use for any products featured in your magazine, I nonetheless relished in ogling impeccably groomed celebrities wearing clothing whose cash value could almost certainly buy me a new house. Who doesn’t appreciate a good-looking man? And it wasn’t all just pretty pictures--the actual articles were darn good too, ranging from fashion to politics to ripped-from-the-headlines news stories. 
Then, a few months ago, I noticed something...different. Hey, GQ has a new editor-in-chief. Great, who cares. Apparently, I care, because ever since the rise of this dude Will Welch, the quality has become quite noticeably suckier. The layout looks like it took 5 minutes to draft in Publisher (yeah, not even Photoshop). The articles are less relevant. The writing is incredibly dry and lacking personality--no longer humorous or tongue-in-cheek.
Need proof? Let’s take a look at the impeccable Mr. Gosling. (I’ll give you a minute.)
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The colors! The style! The grace! Who’s in this issue, you ask? Why, it’s Kid Cudi, Brian Tyree Henry, and Lionel Fricking Richie! If this weren’t in my mailbox, you’re damn right I’d go out and buy it. And for contrast, Exhibit B: Keanu Reeves.
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So abysmal, I couldn’t even find a decent image on the internet. I’m all for some tasteful black and whites, but this is more like black and gray and even darker gray. America’s boyfriend deserves better than the vampire treatment. What clothes are you even trying to sell? Well, let’s see who else is in this issue. Um, watches? New restaurants? Thrilling. Could you have guessed that the three stars of Rocketman--Taron Egerton, Jamie Bell, and Richard Madden--all stars in their own right, are featured here? No, because they’re not on the goddamn cover?? Why Welch would think that’s less of a selling point than “fashion’s sci-fi visionary,” whoever the fuck that is, is so beyond me. 
Then there’s this. 
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Brad Pitt, one of the world’s handsomest (and recognizable) motherfuckers is out here looking like the Unabomber. Why?? We’ve all seen that GIF. Play to his strengths, people. The actual spread is passable, though it contains about 100% more shirts than I’d like. But I’ll reiterate--what the hell are these articles? Yawn. They don’t make me want to take this issue home with me instead of spending 15 minutes with Brad at a Barnes and Noble. Aside from the Sexiest Man Alive, I guess I’d be interested in reading about...DMX? At least he’s out of prison. 
In summation, GQ, you suck. 
Sincerely, No Longer A Subscriber
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celebritylive · 5 years
Elsa Pataky really wishes Chris Hemsworth would put a shirt on.
The Avengers: Endgame actor, 35, called into Australia’s The Kyle and Jackie O Show on Monday and revealed The Fate of the Furious actress, 42, wasn’t a fan of seeing him shirtless onscreen.
Hemsworth will appear shirtless on his upcoming film Down Under Cover, which also stars Tiffany Haddish.
“There’s some male stripping going on — always healthy,” he said, adding Pataky was over it. “She’s just sick of it. She’s just like, ‘Put your clothes on.'”
“It’s not nearly as exciting for her at all,” he said, laughing.
RELATED: Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr. Share Avengers: Endgame Behind-the-Scenes Posts as Spoiler Ban Lifts
For her part, Pataky makes sure to not let the attention get to her husband’s head.
“For me, sexy is the inside of someone,” she told Women’s Health U.K. in 2015. “Of course I think he’s beautiful and fit, but I will never tell him that because he will get too, how do you say, ‘cocky’?”
RELATED VIDEO: Chris Hemsworth Jokes He Was ‘Demoted’ to ‘Just a Sexy Chris’ After Being Sexiest Man Alive
Hemsworth told GQ Australia in October 2017 that the secret to their eight-year marriage is making quality time together.
“Once you have children, every instinct and every moment of your time is consumed by that. You’ve got nothing for each other,” he revealed. “So, make sure you have date night even if it’s once in a blue moon because most of the time you’re just too tired and you’d actually prefer to sleep.”
RELATED: Chris Hemsworth Jokes He Got a ‘Lot of Cuddles’ with Thor’s New Look: ‘I Felt Like Santa Claus’
Hemsworth recently opened up about how he was almost going broke just before he was cast in the role of Thor.
While speaking with Variety for their latest cover story, Hemsworth revealed that the pressure to book a role at the time led him to miss out on certain parts.
“I got very close to GI Joe,” Hemsworth said of the 2009 movie.
“I got very close to Gambit in the Wolverine X-Men movies,” Hemsworth added. “At the time I was upset. I was running out of money. But if I played either of those characters, I wouldn’t have been able to play Thor.”
from PEOPLE.com http://bit.ly/2MIJupZ
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