#gracia ul naga saillune
setteidreams · 1 year
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Slayers Return shitajiki featuring Lina and Naga.
HQ 300dpi on our Discord & 1200dpi on Patreon.
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hotwaterandmilk · 2 years
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Series: Slayers Artist: Matsumoto Fumio Publication: Animedia Magazine (02/1999) Source: Scanned from personal collection
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Today’s disabled character of the day is Gracia Ul Naga Saillune (Naga the White Serpent) from Slayers, who has post traumatic stress disorder and alcoholism 
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of a women with dark purple hair. She is wearing black metal spiked shoulder pads, a blue body suit, a golden tiara with a red gem, and large purple diamond earrings. She is also wearing a necklace with a skull pendant with red and blue beads. She also has blue eyes and a slight blush.]
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alexeiadrae · 1 year
Blaster Interview with Hajime Kanzaka vol 7, translated
Original Japanese interview. So, what happens to the food that Mazoku eat...or rather appear to eat?
Jisubu: "How do you take care of Lina's hair?"
KANZAKA: Since they are traveling, they don't have much equipment, so the only way they can take care of it is to wash it frequently after each stay at a hotel.
Jisuko: Washing frequently, you mean.
KANZAKA: Not to the point of damaging them.
Jisubu: Was it fashionable to have long hair in those days?
KANZAKA: Well, there were no barbershops in those days, so I think most people kept their hair long rather than having long hair.
Jisuru: Gourry and others (laughs).
Tamiki: Lina speaks goblin and dragon languages.
KANZAKA: Just for the fun of it.
Tamiki: That's the motive. How did she learn?
KANZAKA: Well, I think if you go to the Sorcerer’s Guild, there are a lot of people who are doing crazy research.
Tamiki: "Is Lina like her father or her mother? And does she resemble Luna, her sister in her hometown?
KANZAKA: That's right, (father + mother) divided by two, I guess.
Jisubi: That's exactly what I mean (laughs).
Tamiki: So, how is it with Luna, her hometown girl?
KANZAKA: They certainly look alike in their own way.
Tamiki: Like their appearance?
KANZAKA: Except for the size of their breasts.
Tamiki: Could you tell me more about Lina's parents? At any rate, you have a general store at Zephilia's parents' house now, right?
KANZAKA: Yes, that's right. I think they are rather ordinary ex-warriors and ordinary ex-mages, or something like that.
Tamiki: "How big is the age difference between Lina and her sister back home?"
KANZAKA: Well, I think she was 17 when Lina was 15, and I think they are ......2 years apart.
Tamiki: "When Lina first saw Naga, she said that she had once met someone with a similar sense of style to her, but who was it? Are you referring to Sen's pseudonym by any chance?"
KANZAKA: Yes, that's right.
Tamiki: Then the next question is Naga-related. Please tell me Gracia's full name.
KANZAKA: Well, it's Gracia-Ul-Naga-Saillune.
Jisubi: You answered so easily. Oh, Naga is in her real name?
KANZAKA: Yes, it is.
Tamiki: "Naga knows all sorts of famous people who manipulate magic (see SP vol. 2), but why do you insist on Lina alone?"
KANZAKA: Because she buys her a drink.
Tamiki: "Can Naga, who is popular with jellyfish, manipulate Gourry? (Laughs)"
KANZAKA: ...... ummm ......
Chisuka: Please don't trouble me seriously~ (laughs)
KANZAKA: I mean, I think any normal person can manipulate Gourry in a certain way.
"Gourry, I'm sorry, XXX, please!"
  Because it's ...... (laughs)
Jisuru: I see (laughs).
Tamiki: "Is it intentional that there is no story set in the Elemekian Empire?"
KANZAKA: I don't think it was intentional. I wandered around all over the place, but when I suddenly realized I hadn't been to that part of the world.
I also thought that Lina would not want to go there.
Jisubi: Is there something about it?
KANZAKA: I have an image of it as a desert country. I thought it would be a bleak landscape. ......
Chisubo: Oh, you mean that it might be boring even if you went there?
KANZAKA: Umiu. If there was at least one sphinx, it might have flourished as a tourist attraction. ......
Tamiki: "Can't you make Naga and Zel work together temporarily in Slayers SP? I think it would be nice to have two bewitched people. ......
KANZAKA: I think that would probably make Zel cry.
Tamiki: Now for the demon-related question you have been waiting for.
 How old is the mental age of a newly born demon like the Xellos?
KANZAKA: Mental age is something that ...... demons don't really grow that much, so it's as it is. "How do demons grow up?” It is true that they can grow in terms of power.
Tamiki: "In Slayers 12, when Sherra was destroyed, Dulgofa was destroyed, but when Gaav was destroyed in Slayers 8, why wasn't Rashart destroyed in a chain reaction?"
KANZAKA: Gaav created Rashart as a completely different being from himself, but Dulgofa was Sherra's alter ego, or perhaps she shared her life with him, so they were destroyed together.
Tamiki: “Do demons sleep? And where does the food they eat go when they are pretending to be human? Do they digest it the same way humans do?"
KANZAKA: Hmm, they do not need to sleep. If necessary, they may pretend to sleep.
Jisubu: Can you sleep?
KANZAKA: But ...... they are conscious organisms, so it would be bad if they lose consciousness by sleeping. ......
Tamiki: It's bad if they sleep (laughs).
KANZAKA: Mostly winter mountaineering (laughs)
Tamiki: Xellos or someone grabbed Gio Gaia by the chest and said..."Don't sleep! You'll die! (like a "shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" .......
Jisubu: I really don't like the fact that they really do die (laughs).
KANZAKA: I hate it. Demons are actually weak (laughs).
Tamiki So, where does the food go when a demon eats?
KANZAKA: Well, when demons eat something, it is to pretend to be human or to enjoy the atmosphere of pretending to be human. It's a popular way to make a space transfer and throw it away.
Tamiki: Suddenly, carrots and other things that the demons pretended to have eaten are scattered from the sky (laughs).
KANZAKA: I would be very uncomfortable with that.
Tamiki: They might suddenly fall from the roof of some house, or fall on your face while you are sleeping.
KANZAKA: Other times, they would temporarily condense it in their body and store it, then secretly dump it somewhere later.
Jisubi: That's very blistering (laughs).
KANZAKA: So steady efforts are required. Waterfowls may look like they are swimming gracefully, but under the surface they are desperately scratching their feet (laughs).
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my-sugar-bones · 2 years
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thevondoom62 · 4 years
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Final set for the day. Finally got a Nendoroid Naga the Serpent to go alongside my Lina Inverse. Having them together makes both figures that much more fun. Now, what do I have to do to get a Nendoroid Gourry?
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fairy-feather · 4 years
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Naga the Serpent
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themissrabbit · 4 years
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I fixed her 🤩 I really like this new drawing :D
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araalia · 4 years
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I recently found some of my old drawings on my parents house. And when I say old, I mean very old... Not all of them are dated, but some of them are, and they go as back as February of 1999! Among them are some of my first Slayers drawings and I know that one should not be ashamed of their past works... but the cringe is real. Then there’s others that I think are decent works, like this one. This is not dated but I guess I did it back in 2002 or 2003 and I think is pretty cute! Lil Amelia and lil Gracia with her mother. Happy days :)
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hotwaterandmilk · 2 years
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Series: Slayers Special Artist: Yoshimatsu Takahiro Publication: Anime-V Magazine (02/1997) Source: Scanned from personal collection
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Accepted Characters 5/9/2022
Norma DePlume from Ace Attorney
Nanko from The Island of the Blue Dolphins
Miles from The Candymakers
Logan from The Candymakers
Alice West from Take Wing
James Ross from Take Wing
Pavel from Professor Layton
Kim Yong-bi from Ashita no Joe
Gracia Ul Naga Saillune (Naga the White Serpent) from Slayers
Tsunade from Naruto
Claude from Synesthesia
Winner Sinclair of Karin
Marco's mother from Synesthesia
Whisp from the Animal Crossing series
Michelle Ashton from Let's Play Ballerina
Unnamed old man from The Arrival
Nettle from Nettle and the Hush-Hush’
Rasher from Animal Crossing
Yuki Shirai from Mission Yozakura Family
Rin Fudo from Mission Yozakura Family
Mashiro Shiina from The Pet Girl of Sakurasou
Ryunosuke Akasaka in The Pet Girl of Sakurasou
Kojiro Sakai from Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Akeboshi from Diamond in the Rough
Kai from Diamond in the Rough
Eve from Eaternal Nocturnal
Wardell from Animal Crossing
Daisuke Jigen from Lupin III
Barok van Zieks from Ace Attorney
Daley Vigil from Ace Attorney
Morgan le Fay from Merlin (1998)
McCracken from Weekend Warrior
Lily von Schtupp from Blazing Saddles
Venus from Ace Attorney
Kazuma Asogi from Ace Attorney
Go Gan from Black Jack
Henry Turner from Regarding Henry
Gaara from the Naruto series
Mrs. Ronder from Sherlock Holmes
Dr. John H. Watson from Sherlock Holmes
Dr. Emmett Brown from Back to the Future
Fuuka Yuzuki from Phantom Seer
The old novelist from Till We Meet Again
Qe Gingfei from Sword & Fairy
Chan's mother in Till We Meet Again
462 Characters Remain
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shesamonkey · 5 years
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Candy Kong as Naga The White Serpent (Princess Gracia Ul Naga Saillune)
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my-sugar-bones · 3 years
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kaette-kita-slayers · 6 years
January-June 2015 Q&As
January 2015
Q: Why didn't Zelgadis have Rezo teach him white magic, even though Rezo was right there? Then again, it seems like he might not have needed to learn it himself, since he was in a situation where he could immediately have Rezo heal him.
K: He became physically tougher after being turned into a chimera. Plus, when he was one of Rezo's followers, his desire for revenge against Rezo won out, so he prioritized learning attack magic over white magic.
Q: Did the curse put on the cursed oracle that gave her an afro really use the Demon Lord's power? If it did, then why did they use the Demon Lord's power for giving people afros? Or are spells using his power pretty simple, aside from Dragon Slave?
K: The person who cast the spell meant to pray to the Demon Lord, probably, but actually reached something else. What that something was, I don't know.
Q: I remember saying you saying before that Deep Sea Dolphin has one male and one female subordinate. Riksfalto from Knight of Aqualord has a woman's body... So does that mean that despite her looks, Hureika is really a man? I've wondered about this for years, so if you could give me an answer, I'd really appreciate it.
K: When I said "Deep Sea Dolphin has one male and one female subordinate", I think that was in response to a question from "Megabura", but I forgot about it when the comic was created. It's a bad idea to get caught up in the moment and say things at random. I still do it, though. ("Megabura" being short for Mega Burando Kikaku, the official fanclub, I assume.)
February 2015
(I'm not sure I want to attempt to translate the first question, since it deals with a work I've never read called "Half-Youkai, Half-Student". Basically, it's asking if a tengu character had ever taken away any children before he took a character named Maki, and Kanzaka confirms that he has.)
Q: You said in an answer before that "no powerful Mazoku have been created in recent years", but why is that? I thought it might be because they aren't able to increase the numbers of powerful Mazoku any further, since they have to cut away part of their own power in order to create new Mazoku.
K: Due to the current state of the Slayers world, the Mazoku's fighting strength has gradually been decreasing, so for anything short of reviving a piece of the Demon Lord, they consider spreading their strength any thinner a poor idea.
Q: Dynast used Sherra as a tool. In the same way, does he also consider himself an instrument of the Demon Lord?
K: Dynast thinks of himself as the Demon Lord's instrument, and even considers it an honor. So he's even fine with referring to his subordinates as instruments.
April 2015
Q: Could someone on the same level as Sherra create a sword with exactly the same ability as Dulgofa?
K: What type of things it would create would differ depending on the nature of the Mazoku, but it's basically possible.
Q: Mazoku can't use black magic. So would a human who awakened as Ruby Eye lose the ability to use it? They would be able to attack from the astral side and their magic power would increase, so if someone awakened who could use L's magic like Lina, would they become weaker only when it comes to black magic?
K: For example, when Lina was possessed by L, she would have been using her power in a completely different manner than black magic, which utilizes power borrowed from another Mazoku through chanting a spell. In that sense, you could say that they would lose the ability to use black magic. However, they could randomly string together words to sound like a spell, then create some kind of unrelated effect, in order to make it look like they were using black magic.
Q: In the full names of the Saillune royal family, I think the first name is the given name, while the fourth is the family name, but what are the second and third names? Also, in the names Christopher Ul Brozzo Saillune and Gracia Ul Naga Saillune, the second name, "Ul" is the same. Is there a connection?
K: Their middle names come from their ancestors, or from pre-christening names. There's no particular custom that says they have to use names from ancestors several generations back. Christopher and Gracia's second name just happened to come from different people with the same name.
May 2015
Q: Can Zolf use black magic other than Dragon Slave?
K: Of course he can. But since he poured so much effort into learning Dragon Slave, he's not really what you would call first-rate with other spells.
Q: It seems like for a Mazoku, their creator's orders are absolute. Would they still obey if their creator became far weaker than them? For instance, one of the parts of the Demon Lord being weak despite being 100% awakened, or Chaos Dragon, who barely had any power thanks to being mixed with a human. Which of the Mazoku's tendencies would take precedence, "obey the strong" or "the creator is absolute"?
K: It depends on how the Mazoku was created. If they were created to swear absolute loyalty to their creator, that's how they'll behave. If not, then they won't necessarily do so.
Q: I have a question about philosopher's stones. There was an incomplete one in volume 1, plus Lina's talismans as "complete philosopher's stones". Are these something preexisting, or something created as magic items by sorcerers, like the one from alchemy?
K: They're objects made by someone, basically. However, their quality will be entirely different depending on the creator's technique and ability. You can consider Lina's talismans, created by the Demon Lord of the North, to be the highest quality among them.
June 2015
(This question is about a book called I've Started Work as the New Enemy) Q: If Ravakia, as a mechanical life form, had an adorable little kitty climb up her leg using its claws, would it hurt? Or would she be so overwhelmed with the adorableness that she would go "T-this hurts, but it's so cute...!" and take care not to make the kitten fall off, unable to bring herself to scold it?
K: Leaving aside the question of what she'd do in reaction, I think it would be so unbearable that her neural circuits would catch on fire. Whether that would be because of the pain or because of the cuteness, she wouldn't be able to analyze, herself.
Q: The Demon Lord of the North was able to make the Demon's Blood Talismans and give them to Xelloss early on in his imprisonment, but in recent years, the most he can manage to do is to give them instructions by talking in his sleep. Is the seal on him strengthening, year by year?
K: He didn't make the Demon's Blood Talismans and give them to Xelloss, he summoned them and gave them to him. The strength of the seal has never changed.
Q: If the rate of desertification in the Desert of Destruction and the sea life in the Demon's Ocean are abnormal, then has anything strange happened to the North Pole and Wolf Pack Island, where Dynast and Greater Beast are based?
K: In the Desert of Destruction's case, they have the clear purpose of ending civilization, so they are interfering with the ecosystem, but on Wolf Pack Island, where that's not so much the case, not much of anything has happened.
No entry for March.
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hotwaterandmilk · 3 years
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Series: Slayers Special Artist: Araizumi Rui Publication: Animedia Magazine (03/1997) Source: Scanned from personal collection
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