#gracie sweetie if you're reading this? i hope you choke
A Night to Remember - A Party to Remember
Tonight was a Saturday night and Sweetpea was having a party down at his cabin everyone was going even kids from the north side Chic didn't know anybody in Riverdale that well except for Betty and his mother he walks downstairs dressed he grabs his bike keys Alice is reading by the fireplace "where are you going, sweetie?' he stops in his tracks " uh to a party down by pops" she nods "have fun sweetheart" he walks out hopping on his bike putting his helmet on he drives off as he did Betty and Veronica walk outside also heading to the party veronica looks towards Betty "who was That?" Betty rolls her eyes "nobody important let's get to the party" She sighs.
Veronica and Betty walk into the party to the party together dressed up in their party outfits Betty didn't even know why she was there but Veronica had dragged her there "come on Betty loosen up, have some fun for once in your life"  Betty rolls her eyes and sighs she had no intention of loosening up ever, the place she wanted to be right now was in her room studying and Reading her books" I'm gonna go look for Jughead I'm sure he's here". Veronica nods "suit yourself " she walks around to the back and outside where there are lots of girls in the pool messing around she rolls her eyes "dumb bimbos" she whispers to herself she goes over to the snack table where she sees Reggie.  He smirked at her in kind of a friendly way which was odd because he always flirted with her "well well well look who it is the north side princess" she looks at him annoyed "Excuse me? you know what never mind what do you want Reggie?" he rolls his eyes "nothing I'm just surprised to see you here" she looks at him "so your a northsider too and your here "yeah only cause I got dragged here " he explains.  she drinks the punch "and who is it that dragged you here?" he sighs drinking a beer "not that its any of your business but someone like..my girlfriend..." she chokes on her punch "yeah right who in the right mind would date you? she's probably really easy anyway" she smirks as she starts to walk away thinking she won but he grabs her arm a little tight "don't talk about her that way you don't even know her" he lets go and walks in the other direction.
Veronica walks into the other side of the cabin where there were lots of snacks and the weird kids who didn't talk much were sitting around chilling she sees Betty and Jughead together "hey are you guys staying here I think I'm gonna head out" Betty nods "okay yeah go ahead without me I'm gonna stay for a bit". Veronica Leaves the party she heads across the street to pops lit shop she walks inside so should cool down with a milkshake pop smiles "hey kiddo What will it be?" she sighs "a chocolate milkshake like usual pop" he nods "you got it, kid," he walks into the back to make it. while she waits Veronica looks around she turns her head to the corner of the shop where she sees her ex-boyfriend Archie sitting at a booth with a beautiful brunette  girl they only broke up a week ago she was over him but somehow it still hurt a little especially the way he looked at her.
Veronica hopes they don't notice her as she sat on the other side of pops, soon enough pops Brings her chocolate shake " here you go, kid, it on the house" she nods Thanking him she looks back in his direction thinking "was I not good enough for him? did I do something wrong?" she turns around sipping her shake thinking more "were they together for months? has he been seeing her behind my back?" she hated that thought that Archie had cheated on her she needed to stop thinking about him they were over now.  Archie soon walked out without even noticing veronica, she puts money on the counter walking out the back door. she couldn't believe it he found someone else, someone prettier, skinner and probably smarter than her how could she ever compete with that?  Veronica starts walking back to the cabin as she had forgotten her purse.
Veronica drops her jaw shocked at who Reggie was talking about "are you fucking insane you cannot date Archie's little sister!" Reggie grabs her arm "get out now you saw nothing " Veronica pulls away from him "yeah that's bullshit!", Gracie looks towards Veronica "can i talk to you alone for a second.." she grabs her hand pulling her into the bathroom she shuts the door. Veronica looks at her still in complete shock "Him? Really!? Have you gone completely insane!?" Gracie sighs crossing her arms "it's not what you think",  Veronica looks at her sassy "It's not what I think?!  Grace, sweet sweet, naive Grace... Your tongue was literally down his throat!!  You know the same guy that bashes girls and is sexiest oh and is a neanderthal that plays football in his spare time" 
she gets inside and looks around she goes upstairs to get some air and calm down she walks into a bedroom seeing Reggie and a redhead making out the girl quickly jumps up and off Reggie once she heard the door open veronica sees who it is.
Veronica scuffs "fine, whatever i will" she spins the bottle fast it lands on a skinny but handsome blonde  guy she looks up at him he looked so familiar but she just didn't know who it was all she knew right now is that she wanted to get the thought of Archie out of her head she didn't want to think about anything right now. The Guy stood up willing to do anything at this point he walked over the Veronica holding his hand out to help her up "you coming or what?" he says with a quiet tone, she sighed taking his hand standing up "i suppose.." They both walk into the closet together as they walk all the way inside Sweetpea shuts and locks the door he talks to them from the other side "oh...did I mention this is an hour in heaven not seven minutes!?" he laughs walking away.
Gracie crosses her arms "say what you think but you don't know him like I do" she walks out of the bathroom. Veronica rolls her eyes looking into the mirror touching up her makeup she decides this time she's leaving the party she walks downstairs about to leave everyone is about to play a game it was 7 minutes in heaven she decided to stay maybe she could get over Archie by meeting somebody new. She looks at everyone and sits down in the circle ready to play whatever game they were which was obviously 7 minutes in heaven, "so who's going first?" Veronica looks around the circle smirking, Cheryl smiles exited to start the game "ill start" she grabs the bottle and spins it around and it of course land on Kevin Keller, she rolls her eyes "fuck". Sweetpea laughs "Don't worry Cheryl you don't have too. who's next?" Everyone looks around not knowing who would go next Cheryl turns her attention towards Veronica "Veronica why don't you go" she smirked in a bitchy way.
Veronicas eyes go big "wait what!?" she groans "well i guess we're stuck in here for an hour thanks to Sweetpea" The blonde boy rolls his eyes " and this is why i don't come to serpent parties anymore" he says sarcastically as he looks around looking for a light switch he finds one and flips it on the closet is bigger than most he sees a pillow and lays it on the floor to sit down. She looks at him recognizing him from the photo that Betty had showed her "Oh..my..god! your chic" he rolls his eyes "that's me and your the New York princess.." she sits next to him "this is my worst nightmare i can't believe this is happening" he pulls out his cigarettes "well I'm sorry I'm such a nightmare he says sarcastically. Veronica sighed "I didn't mean it like that...look we should just make this situation better.." he directs his attention her way "what do you mean you don't want to know me I'm sure Betty has probably told you about me before..how I'm not really her brother and how I'm a stalker" he looks down.
Veronica sighs "well..what do you want people to think of you?" He Scuffs "why do you care?" she looks up at him "well..maybe I don't.. but you might find out if you talk to me" Chic stands up "listen I've dealt with your kind before and I know you only care about yourself" he stands up walking around the room a little. Veronica starts feeling an overwhelming feeling like everything was getting to be too much, she feels the walls closing in on her, she starts talking to herself to calm down. Chic looks in her direction "what are you doing?", she stands up walking back and forth "nothing I'm fine" she says as she was starting to panic he grabs her arm stopping her "you have trouble and small spaces don't you?" he starts rubbing her back and talking to her in a calming tone "Just think of your happy place okay?"
Veronica tries to think of anything Archie pops into her mind so she starts panicking more and more she starts to find it harder and harder to breathe, Chic tries to think of something anything that would help the raven-haired girl he remembers reading online he starts to hesitate "look at me" She looks at him but still in panic she finds herself staring at his Beautiful Crystal blue eyes she starts to calm down a little bit he helps her sit down as she was now calmer "Are you okay now?" he asks "yea...yeah don't worry" she wipes her tears away not wanting to show weakness "I'm sorry ... I hate when that happens". He looks into her eyes "you can't be in small spaces can you?" she goes silent not saying another word.
Chic nudges her " come on aren't you gonna say anything else or are you just gonna stay silent for an hour?" She sighs she just wanted to get out of there ". I never told anyone about me being claustrophobic I never could tell anyone in New York people are very judgy they would have never let me live it down" she looks down he gets a look of surprise on his face "is new York really all that cruel and judgy".  She nods " not necessarily, no.."  she looks up at him Gazing into his eyes "if you're like me your friends are all rich. they don't like you for  you only for your money if anyone in my 'status' had a mental illness appear had a panic attack or just sad over something reasonable they'd be the one to never let you forget it and maybe not everyone in New York is awful but the ones I met were ". he nods understanding what it felt like "I get it I know that feeling.. of not fitting in besides what everyone says about me is true ..it is.. and you know it too" she shakes her head "come on..no its not" he shakes his head no "and how would you know that?" she scoots closer to him "because ..you saved me".
Chic nods becoming silent he gazed into her eyes once again like every second she couldn't help but gaze into his as well she somehow was getting lost,  he breaks the silence "what?" she swallows getting all nervous "uh..um nothing" He shook his head "no tell me" he puts his hand on hers, she blushes brushing her hair back behind her ear " Your eyes their..really pretty.." she smiles some then looks down. He Removes his right hand from her hand and puts it on her cheek leaning in and kissing her passionately which made Veronica feel something that she's never felt before. Veronica kisses back hoping he felt the same way towards her that she was feeling towards him, he moves his hand down to her hips kissing her more.  Chic pulls away for a second getting all nervous "uhmmm..that was.." she smiles blushing "really good" He smirks "really?"  He kisses her once again but this time pulling her closer she smirks as he was getting more comfortable. They both suddenly hear cop cars outside the closet door suddenly opens Veronica gets down "I wonder what's going on down there" Chic takes her hand as they walk out Sweetpea walks past them "everyone leaves the cops are here!"
Chic rolls her eyes "there is no way I'm getting arrested" He pulls her to the back door of the cabin they leave through the back gate one of the cops spot them Chic panics "RUN!" they both start running down the street and the cops give up by the time they get to pops they walk inside she laughs "OK ow ow" she sits down to take off her heals "that was such a rush I've never had fun like that ever!" Chic smirks and goes to the counter "one vanilla and ...chocolate please" he says taking a guess. Ben smiles "you got it", Chic sits down at the booth. Veronica smiles at him "so how did you know I liked chocolate?" he nods "easy I didn't I just took a lucky guess she bites her lip a little "any way that was fun running away from the cops I've never felt anything like that in my life" Chic nods "really? not that I like to do it a lot I've always enjoyed that feeling of getting away with something".
Meanwhile, at the Cabin, Betty was still there looking around for Veronica since she was her ride, she walks upstairs seeing Reggie "Hey Reggie, do you know where Veronica went?" He smirks taking the chance to sell Veronica out "in fact I do she left with-" Gracie interrupts "she left with this Thin blonde guy I didn't get his name" Betty looks at them both "are you guys hiding something?" Gracie and Reggie "nope hiding nothing okay we should go..." They both walk downstairs.
Chic and Veronica have now finished their shakes she smiles they both haven't talked in like five minutes Chic once again breaks the silence "so why don't we go to my little secret place in the woods.." Veronica's eyes grow wide "um excuse me?" he chuckles a bit "sorry that...sounded..I have a treehouse that I stay at sometimes why don't we go there.." she nods liking the idea of being anywhere but at home "sure let's go". They head out and start walking to the treehouse once they get deep into the woods it starts pouring down rain her heel suddenly gets caught in the rain she screams and falls he looks behind her seeing her stuck he help her up she winces "ow ow! I think I twisted my ankle" he picks her up and carries her inside the treehouse once they get inside he lays her on the couch and turns the lights on. Chic gets an ice pack out of the freezer and goes over to her putting it on her bruised ankle she sits up a little holding it there, he gets her a blanket and puts it over her "is that better?" she nods and smiles "thanks" she nodded looking around her "how did you get a huge treehouse like this?", "oh it wasn't that hard I got this place for only 500 bucks" She gets a shocked look on her face "only 500!? that's so cheap this place has like 16 bedrooms!" He chuckles "I know its a lot but I like to come here when I need to be alone "
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Veronica nods "I get that sometimes I wish I had someplace like this to just be alone " he looks at her "your welcome to come by and stay here anytime you need to be alone" she smiles and kisses his cheek.
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