#graham smells like an old antique store.
unholycourier · 7 months
is it weird to have like. actual set canons of how your ocs smell like.
bc lord knows a good chunk of my ocs i have meticulously given a scent to
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years
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Rose Island Newport, Rhode Island
An 18.5-acre island in Narragansett Bay off Newport, Rhode Island, Rose Island allegedly received its name due to appearing like the shape of a rose at low tide. Fortifications were constructed during the American Revolution on island due to its strategic location at the entrance to Newport Harbor. British and colonial soldiers alike used the island to defend Newport. From 1798 to 1800, the U.S. government began constructing Fort Hamilton but never finished it.
The U.S. Navy stored explosives during World Wars I and II as part of the Navy Torpedo Station on Rose Island. The government stopped using the land after World War II (except for the lighthouse) and declared it government surplus. Today, the only inhabitants of the Torpedo Station are three species of snakes, plus thousands of nesting birds that are protected by the State. The stone barracks from the fort still remain. Many of these buildings are in danger of collapsing and is considered unsafe for visitors to explore in or around them.
Designed and built in 1879 by Vermont architect, the Rose Island Lighthouse served as an aid to navigation for a century. It stands atop Fort Hamilton’s former South Battery on the southwestern point of the island, replacing a private light maintained by the Bristol Steam Boat Company. A brick oil house was added to the station in 1912 along with a brick fog signal building that was placed on a rock just west of and below the lighthouse. Lighthouse keepers were not paid well. They sometimes had to develop creative ways to feed their families, growing crops and caring for farm animals who sometimes wandered from the lighthouse grounds into the military compound, much to the officers’ annoyance. Keepers also battled rough weather conditions.
The Rose Island Lighthouse narrowly avoided destruction on August 7, 1958 when two tankers collided in heavy fog near Fort Adams and burst into flames. The Graham floated dangerously close the lighthouse, forcing the keepers to flee from the intense heat. However, the tide and wind turned and took the ship away from the lighthouse. Eighteen men from the two ships were killed in the incident.
It was abandoned as a functioning lighthouse in 1970 and vandalized after the Newport Bridge was built nearby. In 1984, the Rose Island Lighthouse Foundation was founded to restore the dilapidated light on behalf of the City of Newport who received it for free from the United States government. Today, visitors can spend a night as a guest or a week as the “lighthouse keeper,” completing many of the chores required to keep the lighthouse in good condition for a fee.
It is believed the island does not only hold the ruins of its military influence. Newport was known for its epidemics of diseases such as influenza, smallpox, and cholera. The Fort Hamilton barracks were used as a quarantine station during a 1823 outbreak of cholera. Victims of these epidemics along with military men who died in Newport are believed to inhabit a number of unmarked mass graves. In the late 1800s, witnesses reported “ghouls” stealing bodies from the island in the name of medical research. However, today, no one knows where these bodies are located. But one old military cemetery was uncovered in 1938 during construction of a water tower. Several human skeletons were found wearing Civil War-era clothing along with various artifacts. The remains and artifacts were placed in a large metal box and reburied in an unknown location on the island. Could such stories aid to Rose Island’s haunted status?
Guests have reported hearing disembodied voices, witnessing doors slam before their eyes, and having unexplainable feelings of depression. One ghost rumored to dwell in the lighthouse is Keeper Charles S. Curtis who served thirty-one years (1887 – 1918) at Rose Island. Overnight guests claim to have heard him walk down the stairs at midnight, as was his custom in life, and make a thorough inspection of the facility. He often makes a brief stop in the kitchen before returning upstairs. Curtis’ grandson, Wanton Chase, was sent to live with his grandparents on the island in hopes the salty air would improve his health. 
Years later, Chase was instrumental in restoring the lighthouse to its former 1912 self. This included assembling an antique kitchen wood stove from memory. Unfortunately, the keeper at the time managed to put the stove together before his arrival. When Chase stood before the stove, he saw something he wasn’t expecting, the ghostly image of his dead grandmother Christina Curtis. This was followed by the smell of sugar cookies.
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hellolittlefoxie · 5 years
With You - Part 1
Sometime in the early morning hours of December 31st, our first year together officially began. It was nothing extravagant, no flowers, no romantic dinner. It was just in the intimacy of sitting alone while the the city slept that it began.
Our first full day together was surprisingly casual, not to be surprised given the circumstances of the time but it was a day I cherish very much. Running errands, such as picking and dropping of your momma, a workout session along the Embarcadero, a meet up with a friend for dinner, and watching the city glisten from a new viewpoint as we brought the new year together in the calm and quiet of your living room, giving each other a smile as we looked out the window to your neighborhood. 
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The first day of the new year was a bittersweet one. You took me to Chinatown, where you got me some hong kong milk tea, and some deliciously flaky egg tarts. And then drove me across the the bridge to show me Sausalito for the first time. Here I fell in love with the small town vibes, and serenity that came from viewing SF from the distance as the windows turned to gold while the sun set. But that night would be a lonely one as I had to say good bye to you a and drove down the darkness of the 5.
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The 2nd adventure of the year took us to the legendary Bill Graham to see none other than your favorite trance DJ, with BJ and the rest of Norcal Anaho. A blurry night where we broke our necks you broke your neck as you complained about it for the rest of the weekend. Had some wonderful family time with Anaho as we did a photoshoot at an abandoned bunker, had dinner at my fave place in SF, San Tung, chilled at Amanda’s house, explored new areas of the city, and had one of the more memorable nights at Travelodge with our first wine and snack night. 
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“Are we celebrating Valentine’s?” “No not really.” 
Was basically the gist of one of our conversations. But that weekend after Valentine’s  had us back together, me dressed up a little nicer than usual, and you glowing in your pretty gray dress, and coat, as we spent our first “non valentine’s day celebration” in the middle of downtown. A night where we explored LA’s downtown night life together for the first time, where I pointed to to you the Denny’s I went to after prom, a geography lesson on LA’s layout on top of a rotating bar. Then home to celebrate with some sparkly you had given me as part of my gift. Our cravings the next day took us to Koreatown for KBBQ, with Evelyn and Steven, the nicer side of Melrose for some disappointing milk tea from Alfred’s Teahouse, and a spontaneous double date with Jazz and Danny to some pizza diner in Hollywood. A little detour to Little Tokyo, and to find the instagram hotspot with the red and blue lights and our weekend came to an end as we waved good bye to each other as your bus pulled away taking a sleepy you back home.
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After a commitment that was made at Snowglobe more than a year before, this was the month we traveled across the country to finally walk the fabled grounds of Ultra. The whole month was full of kandi making and anxious anticipation of what would it be like to finally be at the festival both of us had only been able to experience from livestreams, and youtube videos. Finally on the third weekend of March we saw each other at the airport with Ben and Amanda cockblocking my hug to you. Waking up at 5 in the morning that day felt like a distant memory as I had gone from LA to Austin to holding your hand in Miami after a 12+ hour trip. That night as it is the usual for Anaho to do after a long time apart had everyone talking loud, challenging each other to drink more shots, and of course the night wasn’t complete without a few people throwing up. The next three days had us jumping up and down to Tiesto, vibing to Kaskade, getting wild for kayzo and being had us in awe at the reunion of SHM, and every night had us wandering through downtown Miami as we raced everyone else back to the airbnb to see who would be able to shower first. Dressing up as Jasmine and Aladdin, having matching outfits with your silver top and my gray camo for day two, munching on some expensive festival food, getting lost in the crowd of internationals while you held my hand, downed at least three red bulls a day, and I couldn’t have asked for a better rave bae or better way to experience Ultra. 
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A few weeks back you had asked me if I wanted to go with you to the the AKPsi formal, not wanting to miss out on this I excitedly said yes, that weekend in April I flew in late in the afternoon where you drove us down to the outdoor shopping mall in San Jose, after not being able to go to the rooftop bar you initially wanted to take me to, we ended up at a different bar, you seemed flustered at that but it’s okay because we still had a great time, especially after a seafood dinner, and some ice cream. A boba pitstop later and our second road trip began we made our way to our hotel in the good ol’ Central Valley. Two hours of your Merced playlist, and singing our hearts out to some throwback songs, and before we knew it we were checking in and drinking wine at our surprisingly nice hotel, too bad for the squeaky bed though. The next day we found ourselves in Merced, a coffee shop and a creepy antique store later and we found ourselves at the banquet hall where I started to meet some of your Merced fam. We helped out for a while and realized how much it felt like college, helping out and setting up for a banquet, and it brought back good memories. After saying bye to my new friends we headed out to explore the bustling metropolis that Merced is, you were the boss and tour guide here as you showed me around telling me stories of where you would go hang out, where you used to run, your old apartments and every now and then I would interject telling you “HEY I’VE BEEN HERE TOO!” It was great hearing your stories from college and made it easier to imagine 2011-2015 Tiff and all the wonderful memories you made there. After a Tacobell snack at the park we went on to your little’s house to prepare for the banquet. The rest of night consisted of me admiring you in your little black dress, and hearing other people rave about how good you looked as well, seeing you with your line, and your fraternity and people saying, “I’ve heard so much about you!” Was heartwarming as we ate and danced for a bit at the banquet. However the real party would be afterwards and it felt like I was transported back to my college days as we stripped down to comfier and more fitting house party clothes. The pregame began, and the warmth from the alcohol went hand in hand with the warm night in Merced. It was amusing to see how our night unraveled as we snuck in the back of the house to avoid bouncers into a dark and humid room with a bunch of dabs grinding and dudes being bros. Then as soon as the alcohol ran out, we jumped over to the next party, until the college drama started and we ended walking out and back through the neighborhood to our pregame spot. A few shots later, and a few lines as well and everyone was having a great time with both new and old friends. After a the cops showing up, and people knocking out or being too drunk the party started to dwindle down and we found ourselves on the couch you and your hot pocket, and me in tears about how much I love you. After waking up and getting ready a quick photoshoot with my film camera and we found ourselves on campus for your little’s grad shoot. Some quick thai food after and a couple of good byes to both your littles we were back on the road to the bay. Our April weekend coming to an end up on the hills of Berkeley, with the sunset and some “vegan pizza.”
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The first half of May, you found yourself halfway across the world, exploring the old continent. Your two week cruise vacation across Europe would bring you to Denmark, Norway, Germany, Estonia, Russia, Finland, and Sweden. You explored new and old cities, and we would be in touch sparingly as you were in and out of wifi connection, we would webcam at odd hours, but either way it made me happy you were back in Europe because you speak so fondly of it. And despite not having a good connection you still managed to send me constant videos, pics, and updates while I was sleeping or in class, and it made me excited to be able to webcam you even if it was for like 5 minutes. Once you were back in the States, it was a struggle for a couple days for you to make it past 8 without knocking out whenever we would webcam.
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The second half of the month was filled with many adventures as we saw each other not once but twice! In a weekend full of firsts I can’t help but highlight how amazing it was to experience camping with you in such a picturesque part of California, the visuals in your car and just melting in your seat as the music took us to a different dimension, and then the journey through middle earth that we undertook while on shrooms, even though we probably only walked like 100 yards in real life, dying at Jared’s exaggeration of “Car… Car… Car…” and Steven’s “IT’S A MILLION MILES AWAY.” And then our intimate bath experience under a sky full of stars and the waves crashing beneath us was truly a magical moment. Showering naked in public and smelling the earthy body wash and looking over the darkness is something I will hold onto because it was such a unique experience. And coming back to cuddle in the tent until it was time for us to leave and do another mini road trip. A drive that took us to the little underwhelming McWay Falls, Sharkfin Cove, Carmel, Santa Cruz there’s nothing better than driving back to SF jamming out to Christian music. This time our good bye didn’t feel too sad because we would be seeing each other the weekend after.
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The last weekend of May was wild as all of Norcal came down to “surprise” Ben for his birthday. Even though the surprise failed it was still a great way to show our best friend how much we appreciate him as we got lit to wine, met and fed a few friendly floofs, and rented out an Airbnb to continue the party for the rest of the weekend. Four full days of you and I was feeling quite spoiled. My favorite memories from that weekend were exploring the south side of OC, and playing spikeball as the sunset, all the cuddle sessions of sleeping for four nights together, letting you drive Aria down to our airbnb as I DJ’ed, and feeling like our time together was never going to end, playing table tennis, and basketball with you , and having the opportunity to share so many different plates of food with you everywhere we went.
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June started off great as well as I saw you for the third consecutive week, this time you decided to pull of an Illenium like I had done last year and had decided to surprise me to go see my favorite dubstep DJ, MaRLo, at the almost legendary Exchange. We decided to surprise the trance fam squad after getting some dranks up somewhere in the LA skyline and then going back to the car so you could change and we could pregame a little more, and I remember that while Char spazzed out over you, some people weren’t that happy to see you *cough.* And even though our time this weekend was short lived I am grateful that you were so down to do something like that for me.
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Our first official summer get together was coming up to see you! My first time at Temple, and to top it off having a table with bottle service, seeing Jazz get litty like we hadn’t seen, and then singing Cinema with Steven as lit you got the better of me and we ended up having an argument outside El Faro. A little funny now that I think about it, but like every other argument before this it always ends on a positive note with one of us seeing the mistake in their reasoning, apologizing or compromising and learning from our mistakes, a walk through the hood, and we found ourselves back at Evelyn’s where you accidentally stayed the night by knocking out on the couch after stuffing our faces on El Faro burritos. I remember the day after was a really warm one as we wandered the Castro to Dolores park a little high on brownies. Thinking how great it was to experience one of SF’s unique festivals with you and some matcha ice cream from your favorite spot. The day after was probably one of favorites too as we walked around the main parade but had to end the day early because Bryan had to leave early. But this didn’t stop us from coming back to the celebrations, except this time we had some fizzy Rosé to accompany us as we walked back to Civic Center where the main event was taking place. Taking in the atmosphere of such an event and having you there to talk about which one us would make it to 90K first made my flight down a happy one, as I reminisced about you, the cherry cooler we bought later on, our time in the backseat next to the park, and the delicious lasagna.
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littleblondesoprano · 7 years
Can you tell me stuff that makes you happy? I've had a rough day and am feeling pretty down. -🍒
Oh gosh! I’m so sorry! Of course! 
(I’m not gonna lie, this is gonna be a pretty long list!) 
What makes me Happy: 
Tom Hiddleston (and ANY of the characters he acts as–especially Loki)
Writing and singing!
Writing a paper for class and completely demolishing it!
Singing for people who have never heard me sing before and making them cry/feel something. 
Mythology (namely Greek and Norse) 
Getting new books!
My friends! 
Going to the airport, that rush of adrenaline that you get knowing you’re travelling and you’re gonna have an awesome time and gain new experiences! 
Autumn and Spring!
Flowers! (Namely roses, baby’s breath, and white daises) 
History in general! But what I love is the time of the Vikings (so like…8th-9th century beginning) and the Victorian-Edwardian era of Europe!  
Crystals! (Citrine, Silver and Rainbow Moonstone, Emeralds, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, and there’s one that I absolutely love, but I don’t know the name of! It’s a black stone, but in it, it looks like captured stars!)
Shiny rings and necklaces! I like shiny stuff.
Really, really old books–like, the kind where the pages are turning orange and the cover is worn out and cracking; it shows that someone really loved that book enough to hold onto it and read it again and again! 
Peppermint vanilla mocha!
Milk chocolate ANYTHING
Macaroons and brownies and cheesecake, oh my! 
Marble–usually white marble with grey veins–but I absolutely adore it and I want it everywhere in my future home!
Big windows letting in bunches of natural light!
Hot showers after a really long day, getting out and feeling clean and ready for bed!
Alternatively, cold showers after working out, getting out and feeling refreshed!
The beach!! Laying out on the beach!! Sharks teeth on the beach!! The little shops at the beach!! 
Crystal shops! (Good ones) 
Organizing my little areas and checking off all of my responsibilities for the day. 
Swimming to the bottom of my pool and those few moments when I’m just suspended in water, completely engulfed, and I see little bubbles involuntarily escape my lips or my nose!
Swimming in the later afternoons, when the sun is low through the trees and creates little broken waves in the water and I come up for air in a little pool of light! It’s almost like the sun is winking! 
Looking through old pictures in giant bins we have (we’ve got like, four or five–plus or minus a few books–and they’re huge) because mom loved buying the disposable cameras when I was little! Going through them and remembering those moments–or being told stories of those moments. 
Decorating for Halloween!! I would literally beg mom and dad in September to put up the Halloween decorations, and like, second week in they would always agree! I love setting it all up and then sitting down that night and watching the entire living room glow orange from the tree and the big, glowing pumpkins we have up! 
Going for walks when it’s chilly outside and bundling up!
Blanket scarves! 
Cinnamon-Sugar baked Pumpkin seeds! 
Picking out the pumpkins after going on a hayride and trying to find the biggest one! (Or the biggest one that I can carry)
Learning about the Baroque composers and listening to their music ( J.S. Bach, Vivaldi, Handel, Telemann, Monteverdi, Albinoni, etc.) 
 Ivy climbing over older Victorian houses! 
Chicken Salad! (Not with grapes in it–that yucky.)
Crab, Lobster, shrimp, salmon, flounder–and I feel guilty about this, but I’ve eaten mako shark before and it was good. 
I love seeing squirrels, cats, hawks, deer, foxes out in nature! 
People being nice to other people
Reading back over my own writing and rediscovering how good I was/am at it–not to be vain–but just like: “I wrote that?! What?! That’s too good!”
Harry Potter before everyone died. 
Game of Thrones! (In this house, we are TARGARYENS. And, well, we also root for the Starks, buT THE TARGARYENS.)
Little day trips with my friends to the mall or out to eat somewhere!
Similarly, sleepovers with my friends where we stay up late and do fun stuff! 
NEW YORRRRKK! And definitely Broadway and Times Square! Those bulbs and the buzz of activity and huge cool stores and new experiences always jazz me up! 
Sherlock Holmes! And classic literature like Wuthering Heights, The Scarlet Letter, Emma, Candide, literally all of Shakespeare’s stuff (especially Antony and Cleopatra!) Frankenstein, Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Dracula, The Journals of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! Literally everything except for Mr. Dickens–he’s too sad for moi. 
When it starts to snow and we go for a walk while the little flurries flutter down from the clouds! 
Sitting down at night in the living room (and Fluffy sitting in my recliner with me–mostly because I steal her favorite blanket and put it on the end of the ledge…thingie…and she sits on it!) at night and watching our favorite shows–be that Forged in Fire, Last Chance U, The Defiant Ones, Game of Thrones, Alone, Broadchurch, or any other silly show we find ourselves watching! We have the warm glow light bulbs and we strung some Christmas lights over our ‘logs’ in the fireplace and turn that on too, so the whole room is just washed in this beautiful, warm, golden bath and it’s so, so cozy. 
Going to little antique stores and finding something you’d never thought you would find–or never expected to find. 
Really, really cold Diet Pepsi Cherry.
The fountain drinks from Sheetz that you can add Cherry and Vanilla to! I usually add a lot of both to it–usually to Diet coke–and get the bigger drinks!
Tater tots in a bucket from Sheetz! 
Brewing spiced tea in a teapot
Bottling and organizing spices in the kitchen!
My William Shakespeare bust at my desk (he yells at me when I don’t write enough)
Finally laying down at night and daydreaming to fall asleep!
Eating little snacks–like some hoop cheese and an apple–for snack! 
Going to my Grandma Bonnie’s house and then going out to lunch with her at the Graham Soda Shoppe and getting two hot dogs all the way and splitting a basket of onion rings with her! Then, hitting Tasty Bakery right next door and getting some yummy treats! 
The hot chocolate at this one specific bakery on I-70; it’s the greatest I’ve ever had, I swear it! Nothing can top it! 
During winter break last year, I was performing with a group of other girls and I got that hot chocolate before rehearsal, and then we sat and watched the few acts before us perform–the house was beautifully lit golden and it just made me feel at home. 
France and England! 
Taking bunches of pictures during the day, on outings, and then at night looking over them and laughing!
Hotels that serve warm cookies at night! 
Peppermint sticks! 
Dipping slices of warm hoop cheese in ranch–I always did it at my Pawpaw’s house when we’d have these big lunches, and then we’d all go swimming in his pool or lay around the living room–that always reminds me of those times. 
Pineapple pizza! (No ham tho)
Going to the movies late at night and seeing an awesome one, then going to McDonalds and getting a M&M McFlurry! 
Getting my nails done!! 
Always having something yummy to eat at home
Mattress foam flip flops and my awesome swimsuit! (Er–it flatters my figure) 
Shark Week!!! 
Getting my makeup On Point. 
Nerding out with other theatre/musical nerds in person and singing duets with them (because none of my other friends will sing with me). There was this one guy in my chorus I sang “All I Ask of You” with and it was SO GOOD; we loved it! Every time we saw each other I would be like: “Saaaay yoouu love me every waaaakeeeinngg mommennntt–” we were awesome and I really miss that.
Going to the theatre and seeing musicals with my mom–that’s always fun! Last time, we got these huge cupcakes since my blood sugar was low–I think we saw Matilda (it was okay).
Ironing my dad’s shirts for my mom so she doesn’t have to after she gets home from work. 
The smell of sage burning
The smell of coffee being made–like, Tim Hortons and Harry & David’s coffee! 
Doughnuts with chocolate icing on top and vanilla icing inside! (We call that the manager’s special) 
Chick-fil-a sandwiches and fries! 
Vanilla cupcake cookie goldfish! 
Trying on an outfit for the first time (that you planned in your head the night before) and it looking even better than what you imagined it to be!
Those purple vines/flowers that bloom in the Spring and hang from trees!
Golden sunsets! 
Cats doing funny stuff–or cute stuff–or just being cats in general!
Mother of Pearl inlays, pearls, and white fire opals! 
People getting me flowers! (It’s only happened once, and they were given to all the Seniors, so I don’t know if it counts, but…I really loved it!) 
Burgundy/wine red shirts!
Yellow/mustard shirts and dresses! 
Red and gold stage curtains on a dark stage with remnants of ten different types of colored duck tape. 
Crisp sheet music–clean lined and dark inked! 
Alternatively, used sheet music–faded out a little, written on with pencil and once accidentally with pen, crinkled pages dog earred and maybe a staple or two barely hanging on. 
The absolute applause after you know you just kicked ass on that song! 
The confidence and the way my voice swells so powerfully when I perform! 
Gold plated–or gold–anything. 
Rocco/Baroque style decorating, clothing, anything! 
Watching the clouds drift by when floating on the surface of the pool. 
The trees finally turning color in the fall! 
Riding around in the Impala (just make sure to put on some sunscreen!) 
Downloading new songs to my phone and then really listening to them that night when I’m laying in bed daydreaming. 
Ghost tours in old towns! (We’ve done Charleston, South Carolina; Wilmington, North Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; Charlotte, North Carolina; St. Augustine, Florida!) 
Taking showers while the sun is still out and it’s kinda daytime! 
Staying out all day with my friends and coming home when it’s kinda dark outside/driving home with my friends when it’s sunset. 
Visiting/going to old castles and mansions! (Biltmore has been the best thus far!) 
Curling up in bed on a really cold day outside, and feeling warm on the inside! 
Making cookies/baking pastries in the oven and them turning out wonderfully! 
That’s all I can think of right now–and my gosh–I know there’s more! I’m just so tired from all that travelling! I hope you feel better after this, my friend!! I wish you all happiness!! 
Oh!! I forgot one!! My car, Pumpkin, and all other little minis make me happy!!
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/a-very-holy-war-rival-greek-churches-celebrate-easter/
A very holy war! Rival Greek churches celebrate Easter
It’s truly extra lively than an egg hunt. Those two rival parishes at the Greek island of Chios have a good time Easter
Saturday with the aid of firing rockets at every other.
Every year the Orthodox congregations of the Agios Markos (St Mark’s) and Panagia Erithiani (Virgin Mary Erithiani) church buildings sit down on contrary hilltops in the town of Vrontados and release tens of lots of home-made fireworks.
It’s miles called Rouketopolemos (rocket conflict) and is a version of the Greek lifestyle of throwing rockets at some point of Easter celebrations. The goal is to hit the bell tower of the church on the other side. The group with the most important range of hits wins the conflict but as that is not possible to choose both aspects continually declare it a draw earlier than agreeing to a rematch the following year.
The origins of the subculture date back to the nineteenth Century while Chios become underneath Ottoman rule. during this time the Orthodox Christian community was not allowed to have a good time Easter. So the parishes staged a fake war as a means of keeping the Turkish government away. The battle used to contain real cannons till the Ottomans banned them in 1889.
Treatment of Cavus Foot Deformity With the DonJoy Arch Rival
The DonJoy Arch Rival Orthotic become developed in collaboration with Dr. Arthur Manoli, II, MD, director of Michigan International Foot and Ankle Center and Brian Graham, C Ped. In step with Dr. Manoli, Cavus Foot Deformities may also have an effect on as much as 30% of the populace.
A Cavus Foot Deformity is a term that describes a number of foot shapes, with the not unusual aspect being a “high arch”. This foot type changes the biomechanics of the foot during gait, inflicting an array of foot deformities and foot situations, inclusive of bunions, callous formation, and hammertoe deformities.
Most people are born with a high arch, just as some people are born with flat feet
There are a few neuromuscular illnesses which include Charcot Marie Enamel Sickness that cause an excessive arch, but we will talk the slight to the moderate kind which can be the maximum commonplace.
An excessively arched foot can also motive ankle sprains, leg pain and again pain due to the location of the heel (virus), and bad shock absorption of the foot/ankle complex.
In line with Dr. Manoli, rigid molded orthotics aren’t indicated for patients with cavus feet, as they have a tendency to irritate the circumstance, and decrease shock absorption, inflicting foot stiffness and pressure related metatarsal fractures.
The DonJoy Arch Rival turned into designed mainly for sufferers suffering from slight to mild Cavus Foot Deformities. Its patented, prefabricated orthotic design, guarantees herbal foot function, balance at some stage in gait and stepped forward surprise absorption. The precise characteristic of the Arch Rival is the recessed location below the pinnacle of the first metatarsal.
In may sufferers with a Cavus foot kind, the first metatarsal is plantarflexed or
Below the normal degree of the ball of the foot. When patient lands on the ball of the foot, the primary metatarsal moves the floor first, inflicting it to raise. This disrupts the natural gait cycle. In many patients, the primary metatarsal complicated is rigid and does not increase, forcing the foot to turn outwards. Painful callus formation takes place underneath the first metatarsal because of the atypical pressure that occurs. By way of developing a recessed place or “pocket” below the top of the metatarsal, brings the ball of the foot right into a greater natural alignment, and therefore progressed gait.
The addition of an elevated cushioned heel improves surprise absorption at some stage in heel strike and contains patients with tight calf musculature, a common aspect impact of a Cavus foot type.
The Arch Rival is made from an anti-microbial, thermodynamic cloth that enables save you bacteria increase, smell and blister formation.
The DonJoy Arch Rival is available in 7 one of a kind sizes that can also be trimmed for a greater custom designed suit.
Please seek advice from your treating health practitioner or therapist to determine if the DonJoy Arch Rival is the orthotic tool on your circumstance.
Church Management Software: A Boon For All Those Growing Churches
Given that previous few years, we were witnessing the growing range of fans of church buildings or chapels, in particular in the geographical region where the priest or the pastor is continually acknowledged to all his parishioners and is in the price of all their nicely-being. It’s miles quite feasible that he must be understanding all the participants of the families in his congregation and will regularly invite all of the individual’s who are volunteering to assist him with diverse responsibilities related to the church. In a chapel, specifically, a big one which includes masses of members, the pastor, and other officers have numerous responsibilities to accomplish, ranging from the nonsecular or the religious ones to every day managerial ones.
When a chapel grows in length, now not simply information but additionally in affiliation, these obligations grow to be intricate to direct and you may require a guide that could deal with various mechanical errands or responsibilities like accounting or handle the fans or numerous individuals, and for this a church control software program tool is an ideal solution.
Therefore, here comes a list of virtually all the obligations that would be completed via an apt church management or database software:
Sustaining right member info:
Regardless of what length of the church is, it might have some number of participants who actually need to be tracked and stored in contact with. Despite the fact that modern-day every day ordinary makes people move from one spot to another noticeably quicker. Possibly a proper database or control software program is wanted to permit you to save all of the contact information in a right prepared manner.
Keeping and gathering statistics:
Long gone had been the days When humans use to maintain those old and dusty shelves full of documents with papers that become worse into dust While touched. Consequently, a proper church management or database software program tool has included the characteristic of storing any quantity of information concerning the contributors in addition to pastors of the chapel. Because of the enhancement in the era, Whilst anybody could come to you searching for statistics that is regarding many years returned you then want not worry and do now not must move into an antique storage room to discover its details. an era has made it too clean for searching the access this is associated with a specific period of time and might carry you all the info inside a little while or maybe seconds.
Why Is Easter Too Commercial
Traditionally Easter is all approximately celebrating the lifestyles of Jesus Christ and his resurrection on Easter Sunday after being crucified on Precise Friday. Today however, the meaning has turn out to be clouded in the back of the huge range of Easter eggs and sports people have get right of entry to to and feature pressured onto them. This isn’t to say that Easter eggs are horrific in any way, but for them to end up so popular the proper Christian that means needed to take a back seat, resulting in lots of humans being oblivious to what Easter method to Christians every year.
Nowadays Easter has come to be all about the Easter Bunny and the
Chocolate eggs he leaves behind for children to discover. That is why such a lot of people will attend or preserve Easter egg hunts, maintaining the Easter Bunny alive within the minds of their children for a little longer. These hunts are remarkable for bringing human beings together and letting them have a incredible time on Easter Sunday. Adults may not be oblivious to the proper which means of Easter, it is definitely that some don’t consider it, and therefore their kids may not both, until a member of the family manages to tug them into church.
Churches will continually preserve special offerings on Easter Sunday, making them extra handy to those who are really touring or best coming due to the fact a member of the family asked them to. At These services the preacher will speak about the authentic meaning of Easter and make sure every person has a good know-how of what it’s all approximately before they leaves, that means there won’t be anything heavy emotionally or spiritually for humans to go through, except they need to. The kid’s paintings at These offerings is usually super, as volunteers will offer them with hundreds of chocolate to eat, cunning things to make, and inform them about the Easter story thru a quick interest designed for them to learn from.
Taking children to church on Easter Sunday
Even if you don’t trust in Christianity, is right to offer kids an understanding of what Easter celebrates and what it truly way to Christians. Teachers are being restrained increasingly on what they can teach to youngsters on any religion, finally creating a spiritually ignorant era. This most effective facilitates to reinforce the electricity commercialisation has over Easter, and whilst it is not always terrible, it is also no longer True.
In end, Easter have become a business vacation because of companies wanting to push their chocolate products. Those can be overpriced, relying on which emblem is bought, but extra than that the commercialisation is turning into extra. Thankfully there are some groups that need to preserve the original tale of Easter intact, and are producing Easter eggs with the story of Jesus and the cross-published on them to make it apparent to the recipient of the egg what Easter sincerely approach.
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myhauntedsalem · 6 years
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Rose Island Newport, Rhode Island
An 18.5-acre island in Narragansett Bay off Newport, Rhode Island, Rose Island allegedly received its name due to appearing like the shape of a rose at low tide. Fortifications were constructed during the American Revolution on island due to its strategic location at the entrance to Newport Harbor. British and colonial soldiers alike used the island to defend Newport. From 1798 to 1800, the U.S. government began constructing Fort Hamilton but never finished it.
The U.S. Navy stored explosives during World Wars I and II as part of the Navy Torpedo Station on Rose Island. The government stopped using the land after World War II (except for the lighthouse) and declared it government surplus. Today, the only inhabitants of the Torpedo Station are three species of snakes, plus thousands of nesting birds that are protected by the State. The stone barracks from the fort still remain. Many of these buildings are in danger of collapsing and is considered unsafe for visitors to explore in or around them.
Designed and built in 1879 by Vermont architect, the Rose Island Lighthouse served as an aid to navigation for a century. It stands atop Fort Hamilton’s former South Battery on the southwestern point of the island, replacing a private light maintained by the Bristol Steam Boat Company. A brick oil house was added to the station in 1912 along with a brick fog signal building that was placed on a rock just west of and below the lighthouse. Lighthouse keepers were not paid well. They sometimes had to develop creative ways to feed their families, growing crops and caring for farm animals who sometimes wandered from the lighthouse grounds into the military compound, much to the officers’ annoyance. Keepers also battled rough weather conditions.
The Rose Island Lighthouse narrowly avoided destruction on August 7, 1958 when two tankers collided in heavy fog near Fort Adams and burst into flames. The Graham floated dangerously close the lighthouse, forcing the keepers to flee from the intense heat. However, the tide and wind turned and took the ship away from the lighthouse. Eighteen men from the two ships were killed in the incident.
It was abandoned as a functioning lighthouse in 1970 and vandalized after the Newport Bridge was built nearby. In 1984, the Rose Island Lighthouse Foundation was founded to restore the dilapidated light on behalf of the City of Newport who received it for free from the United States government. Today, visitors can spend a night as a guest or a week as the “lighthouse keeper,” completing many of the chores required to keep the lighthouse in good condition for a fee.
It is believed the island does not only hold the ruins of its military influence. Newport was known for its epidemics of diseases such as influenza, smallpox, and cholera. The Fort Hamilton barracks were used as a quarantine station during a 1823 outbreak of cholera. Victims of these epidemics along with military men who died in Newport are believed to inhabit a number of unmarked mass graves. In the late 1800s, witnesses reported “ghouls” stealing bodies from the island in the name of medical research. However, today, no one knows where these bodies are located. But one old military cemetery was uncovered in 1938 during construction of a water tower. Several human skeletons were found wearing Civil War-era clothing along with various artifacts. The remains and artifacts were placed in a large metal box and reburied in an unknown location on the island. Could such stories aid to Rose Island’s haunted status?
Guests have reported hearing disembodied voices, witnessing doors slam before their eyes, and having unexplainable feelings of depression. One ghost rumored to dwell in the lighthouse is Keeper Charles S. Curtis who served thirty-one years (1887 – 1918) at Rose Island. Overnight guests claim to have heard him walk down the stairs at midnight, as was his custom in life, and make a thorough inspection of the facility. He often makes a brief stop in the kitchen before returning upstairs. Curtis’ grandson, Wanton Chase, was sent to live with his grandparents on the island in hopes the salty air would improve his health. Years later, Chase was instrumental in restoring the lighthouse to its former 1912 self. This included assembling an antique kitchen wood stove from memory. Unfortunately, the keeper at the time managed to put the stove together before his arrival. When Chase stood before the stove, he saw something he wasn’t expecting, the ghostly image of his dead grandmother Christina Curtis. This was followed by the smell of sugar cookies.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/a-very-holy-war-rival-greek-churches-celebrate-easter/
A very holy war! Rival Greek churches celebrate Easter
It’s truly extra lively than an egg hunt. Those two rival parishes at the Greek island of Chios have a good time Easter
Saturday with the aid of firing rockets at every other.
Every year the Orthodox congregations of the Agios Markos (St Mark’s) and Panagia Erithiani (Virgin Mary Erithiani) church buildings sit down on contrary hilltops in the town of Vrontados and release tens of lots of home-made fireworks.
It’s miles called Rouketopolemos (rocket conflict) and is a version of the Greek lifestyle of throwing rockets at some point of Easter celebrations. The goal is to hit the bell tower of the church on the other side. The group with the most important range of hits wins the conflict but as that is not possible to choose both aspects continually declare it a draw earlier than agreeing to a rematch the following year.
The origins of the subculture date back to the nineteenth Century while Chios become underneath Ottoman rule. during this time the Orthodox Christian community was not allowed to have a good time Easter. So the parishes staged a fake war as a means of keeping the Turkish government away. The battle used to contain real cannons till the Ottomans banned them in 1889.
Treatment of Cavus Foot Deformity With the DonJoy Arch Rival
The DonJoy Arch Rival Orthotic become developed in collaboration with Dr. Arthur Manoli, II, MD, director of Michigan International Foot and Ankle Center and Brian Graham, C Ped. In step with Dr. Manoli, Cavus Foot Deformities may also have an effect on as much as 30% of the populace.
A Cavus Foot Deformity is a term that describes a number of foot shapes, with the not unusual aspect being a “high arch”. This foot type changes the biomechanics of the foot during gait, inflicting an array of foot deformities and foot situations, inclusive of bunions, callous formation, and hammertoe deformities.
Most people are born with a high arch, just as some people are born with flat feet
There are a few neuromuscular illnesses which include Charcot Marie Enamel Sickness that cause an excessive arch, but we will talk the slight to the moderate kind which can be the maximum commonplace.
An excessively arched foot can also motive ankle sprains, leg pain and again pain due to the location of the heel (virus), and bad shock absorption of the foot/ankle complex.
In line with Dr. Manoli, rigid molded orthotics aren’t indicated for patients with cavus feet, as they have a tendency to irritate the circumstance, and decrease shock absorption, inflicting foot stiffness and pressure related metatarsal fractures.
The DonJoy Arch Rival turned into designed mainly for sufferers suffering from slight to mild Cavus Foot Deformities. Its patented, prefabricated orthotic design, guarantees herbal foot function, balance at some stage in gait and stepped forward surprise absorption. The precise characteristic of the Arch Rival is the recessed location below the pinnacle of the first metatarsal.
In may sufferers with a Cavus foot kind, the first metatarsal is plantarflexed or
Below the normal degree of the ball of the foot. When patient lands on the ball of the foot, the primary metatarsal moves the floor first, inflicting it to raise. This disrupts the natural gait cycle. In many patients, the primary metatarsal complicated is rigid and does not increase, forcing the foot to turn outwards. Painful callus formation takes place underneath the first metatarsal because of the atypical pressure that occurs. By way of developing a recessed place or “pocket” below the top of the metatarsal, brings the ball of the foot right into a greater natural alignment, and therefore progressed gait.
The addition of an elevated cushioned heel improves surprise absorption at some stage in heel strike and contains patients with tight calf musculature, a common aspect impact of a Cavus foot type.
The Arch Rival is made from an anti-microbial, thermodynamic cloth that enables save you bacteria increase, smell and blister formation.
The DonJoy Arch Rival is available in 7 one of a kind sizes that can also be trimmed for a greater custom designed suit.
Please seek advice from your treating health practitioner or therapist to determine if the DonJoy Arch Rival is the orthotic tool on your circumstance.
Church Management Software: A Boon For All Those Growing Churches
Given that previous few years, we were witnessing the growing range of fans of church buildings or chapels, in particular in the geographical region where the priest or the pastor is continually acknowledged to all his parishioners and is in the price of all their nicely-being. It’s miles quite feasible that he must be understanding all the participants of the families in his congregation and will regularly invite all of the individual’s who are volunteering to assist him with diverse responsibilities related to the church. In a chapel, specifically, a big one which includes masses of members, the pastor, and other officers have numerous responsibilities to accomplish, ranging from the nonsecular or the religious ones to every day managerial ones.
When a chapel grows in length, now not simply information but additionally in affiliation, these obligations grow to be intricate to direct and you may require a guide that could deal with various mechanical errands or responsibilities like accounting or handle the fans or numerous individuals, and for this a church control software program tool is an ideal solution.
Therefore, here comes a list of virtually all the obligations that would be completed via an apt church management or database software:
Sustaining right member info:
Regardless of what length of the church is, it might have some number of participants who actually need to be tracked and stored in contact with. Despite the fact that modern-day every day ordinary makes people move from one spot to another noticeably quicker. Possibly a proper database or control software program is wanted to permit you to save all of the contact information in a right prepared manner.
Keeping and gathering statistics:
Long gone had been the days When humans use to maintain those old and dusty shelves full of documents with papers that become worse into dust While touched. Consequently, a proper church management or database software program tool has included the characteristic of storing any quantity of information concerning the contributors in addition to pastors of the chapel. Because of the enhancement in the era, Whilst anybody could come to you searching for statistics that is regarding many years returned you then want not worry and do now not must move into an antique storage room to discover its details. an era has made it too clean for searching the access this is associated with a specific period of time and might carry you all the info inside a little while or maybe seconds.
Why Is Easter Too Commercial
Traditionally Easter is all approximately celebrating the lifestyles of Jesus Christ and his resurrection on Easter Sunday after being crucified on Precise Friday. Today however, the meaning has turn out to be clouded in the back of the huge range of Easter eggs and sports people have get right of entry to to and feature pressured onto them. This isn’t to say that Easter eggs are horrific in any way, but for them to end up so popular the proper Christian that means needed to take a back seat, resulting in lots of humans being oblivious to what Easter method to Christians every year.
Nowadays Easter has come to be all about the Easter Bunny and the
Chocolate eggs he leaves behind for children to discover. That is why such a lot of people will attend or preserve Easter egg hunts, maintaining the Easter Bunny alive within the minds of their children for a little longer. These hunts are remarkable for bringing human beings together and letting them have a incredible time on Easter Sunday. Adults may not be oblivious to the proper which means of Easter, it is definitely that some don’t consider it, and therefore their kids may not both, until a member of the family manages to tug them into church.
Churches will continually preserve special offerings on Easter Sunday, making them extra handy to those who are really touring or best coming due to the fact a member of the family asked them to. At These services the preacher will speak about the authentic meaning of Easter and make sure every person has a good know-how of what it’s all approximately before they leaves, that means there won’t be anything heavy emotionally or spiritually for humans to go through, except they need to. The kid’s paintings at These offerings is usually super, as volunteers will offer them with hundreds of chocolate to eat, cunning things to make, and inform them about the Easter story thru a quick interest designed for them to learn from.
Taking children to church on Easter Sunday
Even if you don’t trust in Christianity, is right to offer kids an understanding of what Easter celebrates and what it truly way to Christians. Teachers are being restrained increasingly on what they can teach to youngsters on any religion, finally creating a spiritually ignorant era. This most effective facilitates to reinforce the electricity commercialisation has over Easter, and whilst it is not always terrible, it is also no longer True.
In end, Easter have become a business vacation because of companies wanting to push their chocolate products. Those can be overpriced, relying on which emblem is bought, but extra than that the commercialisation is turning into extra. Thankfully there are some groups that need to preserve the original tale of Easter intact, and are producing Easter eggs with the story of Jesus and the cross-published on them to make it apparent to the recipient of the egg what Easter sincerely approach.
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