#granny smiths only if i'm desperate
bronyinabottle · 1 month
Formal Cancellation of Geniequestria
Hello there, unfortunately I must put the word out there that the reboot I mentioned back in December for Geniequestria? ...Might not be in the cards either. I said I'd start it in early next year at the time, and... now it's August. I think it's clear to me I just don't have the motivation to continue Geniequestria as sad as it is.
I don't know if plans will change at all in the future. But for now I'm making it official.
Once again, you are all free to ask me what the plans were for the blog. Maybe even after the break, I'll tell on how the original vision of the blog's ending was going to be.
I apologize once again to all who loved Geniequestria and wanted to see more of it. But this was a project that I think needed to have more than one person working on it. Might have been even too much for 2 if I'm being honest.
I still plan on writing up one last story for I Dream of Twilight Sparkle. (When that happens, there will be no more new story posts. Any IDOTS content afterward will depend on new asks) And I might be starting a new blog/project soon. However, a heads up that this one will not be MLP related (But is related to a franchise I've been a fan of long before ponies was)
All I gotta say for now, any further questions you can send to my mod blog's ask box or on my profile on dA. For now, if you want to know how Geniequestria was supposed to end. Check after the break
So the end of Geniequestria, you'd like to know what would have become of the struggle Twilight has against Starlight slowly turning all of Equestria into genies?
Weil, the simple one line answer is: Starlight was going to win
...However, that's only looking at it from a simple glance. Sure, Geniequestria would come into fruition just as Starlight from the beginning has wanted. But over the course of each of the Mane 6 getting genified. Their influence would undo the corruption of Sombra's crystal over her. And Starlight would gradually be reformed and changed from her militaristic, dictatorship vision of Geniequestria
Here's how the rest of the Mane 6 (Besides Fluttershy of course) were planned to be genified in the original vision of the story:
Rarity: Finally give in to her desires to be a genie to wish to be one. But wouldn't ultimately do it until a noble cause arrived at her doorstep. The reason she would wish to be a genie is to fix Kerfluffle's leg (Kerfuffle avoided all pony hospitals because she knew they'd just genify her to fix it instead. But if Rarity actually only fixes the legs, it'd change her view that genies only aim to genify. And ironically would lead to Kerfuffle ask to be personally genified at some point later by Rarity)
Pinkie: Genified during the grand galloping gala that Celestia and Cadence set up. I'm not sure I ever figured out what her exact wish would have been to lead to her genification. But as soon as the party pony of genified. The mass genification would be well underway
Rainbow Dash: Rainbow would attempt to wish for Rainbow Power (the power up that defeated Tirek) as a desperate move. However, Starlight doesn't know what Rainbow Power is. So she interprets the wish as the ol' wish for power.
Applejack: After a long frustrating conversation with AJ, in attempts to get her to make a wish. Starlight would catch wind of a potential weakness in AJ's stubborness: Her parents. Now, Geniequestria genies cannot raise the dead. But what they CAN do, is open portals to alternate dimensions as a loophole. The plan was for Geniequestria Starlight to find an AU of Pear Butter and Bright Mac. In which all of their kids and Granny Smith died but they lived. And in all this happiness in the reunion, Applejack has a slip of the tongue saying she wishes they could be together forever. An easy wish to genify not just Applejack herself. But her parents too
And now finally...
Twilight Sparkle: After all her friends have been genified. And a joint plan with Chrysalis failed sometime after Pinkie was genified failed. Twilight would be left with dwindling chances and hope that she could turn the tide. She becomes desperate enough to free Tirek from Tartaurus.
Only for Tirek to eventually absorb so much genie magic. That it overwhelms him and he's genified too (Although he'd (Or well rather she, since of course he'd be Rule 63'd as well) get trapped inside a huge bottle that replaces the tower of Twilight's castle)
Twilight only had one last gasp yet. She works with Starswirl to get Grogar's Bell. Both her and Starswirl are powered up by it. By this point though, the corruption of Starlight would be just about gone. And together with the "Harem of Harmony". They'd defeat Starswirl and Twilight using the elements (With the mostly reformed Starlight wielding the Element of Magic temporarily). And at that point, Twilight just gives in. Wishing to just be together with her friends again. And she'd get that, once she's genified.
From there, there'd be a sort of post-story where the Harem of Harmony would go around genifying more characters related to them (Ex: Moondancer and/or Twi's family would be saved for after Twilight herself was genified) and even invade non-pony countries to genify them too.
Now of course I did leave out many other details that were planned beyond this but would have taken a while to type out. Might as well leave it to if anyone wants some more detail of how things were supposed to end.
Trust me there was a lot planned with this whole story. And ideas for side stories where many other characters would be genified. May have unironically been a part of the reason it just became more and more daunting over time. (You could probably almost ask me about how any pony you can think of was supposed to be genified and I'd have an answer lol) All these plans and ideas, so little time to really write them and flesh them out.
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crystallllines · 2 years
"If you're not sleeping well, your body interprets that as an emergency,” Roxanne said. “You can deprive yourself of sleep and live... You can do that--but it comes at a cost. The cost is [that] your body shifts into the sympathetic nervous system zone--so your body is like, Uh-oh, you're depriving ourself of sleep, must be an emergency, so I'm going to make all these physiological changes to prepare yourself for that emergency. Raise your blood pressure. I'm going to make you want more fast food, I'm going to make you want more sugar for quick energy. I'm going to make your heart-rate [rise].'”
Stolen Focus, Johann Hari
eating disordered teenaged me, living off of Granny Smith apples, large black iced coffees with four extra shots of espresso, and fruit2o, would be either raging or laughing her ass off right now.
angry because how dare body not only refuse to sleep when i desperately want to, all because i’m depriving myself of adequate caloric intake, but then also actively attempt to SABOTAGE my weight loss journey!! how dare body do that to miette me!! and, to top it all off, to abandon the one ability that would have made the long hours of no food (and consequently no sleep) seem shorter, more bearable— my sense of focus!
at least the lack of sleep was balanced out by the lack of food in some ways— for instance, the insane drop in blood pressure for the first year or two of the eats probs.
smol fafe, you did a number on yourself, girl. it’s ok. you expected a whole other slew of side effects; the shit you read in cautionary YA lit about mad or starving girls, and you were prepared to deal with that. the writers never mentioned any of what happened to you, or if they did, they perhaps incorrectly saw it as not harrowing enough, and so didn’t dedicate the attention those consequences merited. it’s ok, smol fafe, those books were mostly entertainment meant to control behavior, to allow for a little indulgence in hysteria without actually experiencing it, not actually to educate.
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