#granted i didnt use a ref for this one
hes a twin and his brother was sick a lot as a kid (kinda like you ig). the doctors didnt think his brother (amane) would make it. one day, tsukasa discovered that the house was magic and could grant wishes for something of equal value. he uses this to get a ball he lost back, then a new book for amane. eventually, he trades his own existence in exchange for amane getting healthier. he was still living, technically, but part of him was bound to the house, which the protagonists of the manga find out when they see a little boy in a supposedly cursed house.
we dont really know much ab what happens to him until him and amane are 13. amane (for currently unspecified reasons, the manga is still ongoing) kills tsukasa, then himself. they both turn into supernaturals; amane into hanako-kun, the seventh school mystery who haunts the girls bathroom (dont ask) and can grant the wishes of the living (for a price, of course) and tsukasa becomes his yorishiro, the source of a school mystery's power and the thing they want to protect the most, who can grant the wishes of the dead (for a price etc etc)
i had a lot more but then the page refreshed and i am Not Typing That Again. i don't even like him that much lmao
// if i had a nickel for every time i infodumped in a pjsk rp blogs ask box, id have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird it's happened twice /ref
interesting.. i’m glad i don’t have to step foot in the girl’s bathroom anymore!
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starprincessart · 5 years
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SO excited for BOTW 2 so I doodled Zelda with her adorable short hair (and using a dying pen whoops)
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felassan · 4 years
What boons were officially retconned from DA:O? I just assumed if it was never mentioned again it was still in effect.
So I was using the word ‘retcon’ like, the developments were undone or effectively ignored/somewhat ignored through the introduction of new information/occurrences in order to more easily meet the demands of the plots in subsequent games, or that the effect happened or essentially happened in the world anyway so the choosing of that option became redundant/kinda redundant, in the end.
The ones that come to mind are:
Cousland asks the Howe family pays for what Arl Howe did: In Awakening, Queen Anora or King Alistair grants the Amaranthine arling to the Warden order anyway
Dalish boon: King Alistair can meet and tell Merrill in DA2 that the Dalish were given land and that he wishes it went better. He says it’s a long story. Obviously it didn’t work out. It’s reasonable to infer Fereldan nobles and local human settlements were not happy with the idea, and maybe took up arms or threatened to take arms against them to oust them, or rebel against the crown in response. then we go to the Hinterlands in DAI and yeah there’s no Dalish presence
mage boon: The Fereldan Circle was never granted independence, the Chantry overrules the monarch and doesn’t allow it. If King Alistair appears in DA2, he can say this and that he only has the power to help apostates. the Circles later rebel anyway in the mage-templar war.
“Don’t forget the things the Wardens did this time” boon: kinda, the HoF always gets a griffon statue in Redcliffe anyways, even if they didnt help the village.
Bann of the Alienage (in some cases): if Shianni was made Bann, she was murdered a few years later by a racist human. if Soris was made Bann, he marries a healthy human woman causing a big scandal that resulted in a riot and a crackdown from the monarch. angry, he resigns his title and left the country with his wife. no new bann is named to replace him. I think if Cyrion or the unnamed elf is made ban, there’s a riot and he/they are stoned to death.. :| I feel like no new bann would have been named to replace Shianni, Cyrion or the unnamed elf either, all things considered
Dwarf boon: kinda. King Bhelen if chosen manages to reclaim a few thaigs and push back the darkspawn line anyway.Kal’Hirol is a great thaig that gets taken back by Orzammar in the Awakening epilogues anyway.
Similar to you, for the ones that are never mentioned again I’ve just assumed that and want to believe that they’re still in effect.
[msg refs this post]
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xuune · 5 years
oh wow i haven’t been on tumblr in so long bc mobile is shit but how tf did i forget abt ur art ??? fukcin blows me away wow. any tips on anatomy for a rly bad artist? ik practice, but i get so frustrated when it doesn’t look like what i see in my head :(
yeah lol mobile on tumblr sucks major ass now. i cant even publish drafts on there. and im in the same boat wiht you on anatomy lmao. it might look like i know what im doing, but sometimes not really. maybe im just good at deceiving ppl on the way i draw when its kinda inaccurate 
anyway, i also struggle with never really composing the shit i want, and even i tell myself to go practice anatomy but im never really granted a lot of time in my life, so i gotta make use of whatever i can find whenever i draw.
this post is actually long, so if you just want anatomy resources, you can check these out:
stuff that i made tutorials/tips on: torso/hands/pose
these are all very condensed tutorials/tips, so a lot of this is just collection of stuff that i’ve learned/noticed from others. this might be helpful, but idk man 
here’s a list of other resources for anatomy/any other refs 
this one was mentioned in the list, but its easily looked over: posemaniacs, it has different modes you can try out (timed/casual study), and its good for practicing foundations in anatomy. i paid more attention to this one when i saw a twitter post of it  
bodies in motion is a site you can also use. it has a catalog of images to see people acting something out, and you get to see all the frames of it occurring. even though you’re just looking at images, its still a reference to learn how arms, legs, or torsos move B^) its a good way to pay attention to the smaller details like the various muscles in bodies 
and honestly, check out what other ppl say too. there’s a lot of artists out there who might’ve already wrote some shit that i mentioned or have new info that i never thought about. just type in “anatomy/art tips” into any kind of search bar and you’re sure to find something useful at some point. but main takeaway i really want you to have is to seriously study from life. dont do it based on memory or anything. there’s no other general advice that i can really give besides 1) practice 2) study from life 3) dont stress out and take your time. if you want me to give a specific tip/tutorial on a body part, i can try, but the amount of depth i can give is really based on my own knowledge of it 
now for the 2nd part of this post: 
“i get so frustrated when it doesn’t look like what i see in my head :(“
i suck at it, whoever is reading this prob sucks at it (and they secretly know it too) we all gotta start somewhere. you’re kinda asking for composing stuff while also anatomy tips, but its kinda broad, so lemme mention something about composition:
use perspective grids or at least practice using them first. the best way to understand how things are supposed to look is also based around the way you’re trying to see it in, like a certain angle of some sort. here, lemme give an example where i drafted a sketch a lot: 
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ok cool, got a pose i want, got the general idea, niiiiiiiiiceee. but i didnt think it was good enough, but i still managed to plan out a pose anyway with that grid on the bottom. it helped me gain a focus on how these characters were supposed to lay down on the ground, but it still wasnt good enough yet. character on top was facing their right instead of the person in front of them, which wasnt what i wanted. 
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then i sketched it again. this time the “camera” of the scene was more based around the front of the characters rather than the side, and now the character is looking at the person below them. but wait, it wasnt good enough yet. i didnt like how relaxed their position looked. 
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i changed the position of the character to make it seem more convincing that they were pressing hard into the ground and possibly sneering at the person below them. they held dominance over the person simply based on the way theyre positioned in the scene. the way people move suggests a lot about what is happening in the scene and what might be apparent about their character. i was able to make a pose i wanted with the help of a perspective grid, and it really does help at times. use perspective grids to help you out with making anatomy. also, dont forget that what you learn from simply observing how bodies work can help you out with giving clues to how the bodies should look at a certain angle
but am i a master at using perspective grids? no, lol. i always have to make several perspective grids while i draw as a way to convince myself that i really am drawing my shit right. 
some of the resources i listed lean into something related to perspective, so there’s that. there’s definitely tutorials out there to understand how to use perspective grids, so i suggest you search those up too. there’s a program called carapace thats specific for creating perspective grids, but im not sure where the original download site is, but if you want to know what it looks like or where to download it, google is your friend. if you use digital media and your drawing software offers a perspective grid function, then i highly suggest you learn how to use it. 
i wouldnt say that there’s a specific thing you need to learn first (i.e. learning perspective before anatomy), but if you want to just simply learn how to draw anatomy, then go ahead and find whatever you can. if you wanna create some cool ass poses with some interesting perspective shots, then take what you learn from anatomy and apply it to how you practice your perspective shots or vice versa. there’s a lot of variety in what you can do and how you can do it simultaneously with something else to learn something out of it B^) 
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swifty-fox · 4 years
Please tell me about 1920s Russian socioeconomic policy
 so 1920′s Russian socio-economic policy was in a few short words. entirely fucked.  Granted the issue goes farther back than 1920′s! basically up until then Russia had been functioning as a mostly closed society in that they rejected the industrial age of the mid to late 1800′s. They believed that they were superior as a country and did not want interference from other religions and cultures (the Great Schism took no prisoners) So essentially at the turn of the 20th century Russia was still almost in the middle ages (granted there was some technology leakage etc. it was more prevalent in upper society to be more modernized) BUT they still had peasants and serfs and people living as they had done hundreds if not thousands of years ago (something like 80% of Russians were impoverished and working as serfs ((that might only be white Russians there's like 32 ethnic Russian groups nobody likes to talk about)) ) 
cutting for length
so naturally people are like mad pissed about that right? they want to be part of the progression of the world they want to be educated and to travel and to have access to medicine and technology and all the benefits of ‘modern’ society. but Tsar Nikolai says no. This is a huge part of his downfall, his unwillingness to change (also vague antisemitism ((they used to conduct these things called Pogroms which was basically localized exterminations of Jewish people. it was fucked up and vastly condemned by a lot of people but the powers that be used the Jewish people as a scapegoat because uhhh 1800′s and 1900′s be like that)), being REALLY bad at war, Rasputin, excessive spending and wealth, a little spice of police brutality and a few massacres as well as aggressive heavy-handed tactics against terrorists. Great family man. Bad leader.) 
Anyways fast-forward through the Russian revolution that's a whole can of worms
Now we have a new government. not a better government but a NEW one with vastly different ideas of what they’re going to do. 
Another sidetrack, lets talk about Communist Theory for a sec. I’m going to go into Karl Marx’s original intention as Russian Communism is actually a twice bastardized idea of Communist (Lenin developed his theory of communism from people like Georgi Plekhanov and  Nikola Chernechevskey’s book What Is To Be Done?  who were also putting their own spin on Marxism) 
ANYWAYS. The basic idea of of Karl Marx’s Communist theory is that society will eventually, over the course of hundreds or thousands of years, develop through capitalism and unto a utopian world where we have no need for things live government or taxes or money. The concept here being over hundreds or thousands of years and NATURALLY.
The Bolsheviks (Led by Lenin) Looked at that and said mmmm no lets do it in like twenty years. 
it’s 1921 and Lenins NEW ECONOMIC POLICY (fondly nicknamed NEP) enters STAGE LEFT (get it) 
The basic idea of NEP was to blend capitalist (i.e a private market) with communist ideals (i. e. no market) and Fast-Track us to glorious utopian communism in not a few hundred years but in a few years! 
sounds doable right? 
the basic idea of NEP was that there would be limited private property that would ultimately be mostly owned by people that Lenin approved of (allies, benefactors, heroes of the glorious revolution for mother Russia and so on) There were things called prodravzyorstka  which was forced grain requisitions by the communist party for the good of the people  basically soldiers would come in and take most of the famers grain and left them to starve. There was also an imposed a tax on farmers that could be paid in -you guessed it!- more grain! NEP abolished that and instead allowed for a cash payout the harder that farmers worked. Productivity went up like 40% in the years following! Pretty great!!
It also incentivized and supported the formation of unions (they were communists remember, those bitches love unions) All in all it was....pretty decent? It wasn’t exactly communist as essentially it was just tax returns or the government buying grain from peasants rather than the peasants having to sell the grain themselves. Pretty great right! 
But it created an imbalance. Again, that Russia wanted to do was industrialized! they wanted to become modern but they didn't want to follow the way any other country did it and they wanted to do it in a fraction of the time! As the government and the ECONOMY began relying on the small farms for grains and vegetables and resources, the big factories and institutions that were privately owned were STRUGGLING!  as a result, they had to raise their prices to try to pay for themselves. But now those same farmers couldn't afford the industrial things they needed! like equipment for their farm tools and tractors or household goods. So now they have to raise THEIR food prices in response. It was a great way to inflate the economy after WII and the revolution. But obviously we all know where this is going. 
And then Boom. Lenin dies. The man had one too many strokes and croaks out in his country home without a successor named. The government is in chaos. Nobody knows what to do. Shortly before his death lenin wrote a (frankly quite funny) letter saying all his successors were fucking idiots and he hated them all.
In steps Stalin. If you think Lenin was bad...Stalin is a fucking bastard. The guy is even MORE antisemetic, brutal, corrupt, mysogynistic and RACIST. The man really hated the chinese. he also hated Georgians (the country not the state) which is pretty funny because he was Georgian. 
Anyways, he abolishes NEP and implements something called the Five Year Plan (NEP 2 for the jokesters out there) 
Stalin shifts the focus away from boosting agricultural development and focuses on rapid industrialiation in, you guessed it, FIVE YEARS. The stats on this plan are fucking insane man get this:
Staling wanted an 111% increase in coal production, 200% increase in iron production and 335% increase in electric power!!! in FIVE YEARS. 
(he also eliminated a class of people called “kulaks” which were richer farmers by turning the poor farmers against them. By elimate I mean they were murdered and their property distributed amongst the poorer farmers.)
I could go on and on about all the ways this failed, all the brutality, unethical and unsafe work enviroments, the continued programs, the amoutn of people who were murdered, the prison(slave) labor used, the rounding up and mass murder of anyone who spoke out against Stalin, the Five Year Plan or the russian government. This is really where the Soviet Union as we know it as westerners got its reputation. 
Also he caused TWO famines because he made all the farmers move into the city to be industry workers so they ddint have any food and didnt accept help from the Red Cross or other countries because MUHHH MOTHERLAND
but you know what it kiiinda worked? Capital increase was almost 160%, consumer goods increased by 87% and total output was up almost 120%!
But also it caused one of the worst famines in the western world with an estimated 6million (some people argue as many as 10million. We will never know the true number because it was mostly peasants and ethnic people suffering) people dying across the entire Soviet Union. Poeple were dying out on the streets in broad daylight, people were selling their dead children to be food. You can see pictures if you google it but they’re very graphic.
Generally, the Five-Year-Plan was lauded as a massive failure and a hotbed of absolutely disgusting human abuse and cruelty. And you knwow what Stalin said? He said nah it went well and implemented about FIVE MORE (theres been twelve in all but they exent up into the early 90′s) I wont touch on them as they were all pretty much iterations of Stalins original one and they all sucked.
Basically Russian Socioeconomic Policy is a hotbed of bad decisions, human rights violations and a LOT of interpersonal drama that i do not have the time to get into. (like the fucking DRAMA between Stalin and Nadezhda Krupskaya (lenins wife))
theres also a LOT more to it I just tried to condense like 40 years into one post so please feel free to go out and research your own! I used Peter Kenez’ “A History of the Soviet Union From the Beginning to its Legacy” while in class. It’s a little dry but effective 
theres also this book by my professor who is a DELIGHT https://www.amazon.com/Red-Arctic-Exploration-Soviet-1932-1939/dp/0195114361 and while I havent read it im sure its told with the same humor and zeal that he conducted his lectures 
also this bOOK THIS BOOK RIGHT HERE is SUCH a good read!
https://www.amazon.com/Vasily-Grossman-Soviet-Century-Alexandra-ebook/dp/B07P9HJMLM/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=the+soviet+century&qid=1589727805&sr=8-4 if you read any of them read this one! it examines the entire rise and fall of the communist party through the story of Grossman who was a jewish-russian writer and pretty famous in his own right though he died penniless and scorned. He’s got a couple movies based off his books out there two which were shelved for criticizing the party for decades! please read it i beg you
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girlhorse · 7 years
ive always been hesitant to call the scene where mihashi and abe hold hands for the first time a confession scene bc of like context (abe is trying to calm mihashi down so he can pitch; theyre not even close to being friends yet) but its really hard to ignore how blatantly it resembles one and i dont think its an accident. theyre alone, holding hands, and sharing a deeply emotional moment together (they like..both cry)
something else id like to point out is language use tho, because its something i didnt put a lot of thought into at first bc its easy to just take subtitles for granted
for instance i always assumed “daisuki” held a lot more romantic connotations than “suki” but i was Wrong and i never thought to question it (this is from a forum post on word ref i think it explains it well):
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abe and mihashi both use language like this to express that they like each other, which ofc could just be interpreted as a platonic exchange. but keeping in mind the romantically charged context its hard to just stop at that conclusion. like  its important to remember oofuri is a work of fiction and literature and is going to manipulate language to hide certain things that in this case.. are basically in plain view. 
i think also higuchi is counting on us to read it a certain way bc its easy to overlook something like two boys “confessing” and mark it as entirely platonic 
oh heres the scene again for anyone who wants to watch it x
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At the edge of the known world, natural storytellers spin their tales
We also offered a series of intensive classes in life-writing. Sixteen people enrolled. They contributed their own stories to the production and introduced us to other great storytellers in their community. We scoured the hills recording people with our iPhones. And we coerced them to perform in our show. Twenty Stories. Twenty Legends.
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The Frogley family founded Healesville Cordial Products. Pictured with a distribution truck are Gerald and Pop Frogley with Eric Hook, Norm Frogley and his son Ray.
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Hop kilns at the Coranderrk reserve near Healesville. The Frogleys were early joiners. Ros great-grandmother was one of the first residents of Coranderrk, the Aboriginal Reserve created by the Victorian government in the 1860s. She was Alice Zipporah Grant known as Zippy. Ros has a beautiful collection of photographs of the four generations of her family (the Jenkins) starting at the hop gardens at Coranderrk, where her great-grandfather Thomas was the manager.
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The Healesville Cordial Products range included Totem soft drinks.
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An advertising calendar for Totem soft drinks. Ros husband, John Frogley, has lived in Healesville for 71 years. His grandfather founded Healesville Cordial Products (HCP). Their soft drinks quenched the thirst of the Yarra Valley for 40 years. One morning, we were invited to Dougie Jensens shed. He introduced us to his wife, Martha, and to a circle of men most of whom used to work for the sawmills. We plonked our microphone on a stool, nursed mugs of coffee and recorded 80 minutes worth of stand-up comedy. Bonga: One time Im drivin' with Misery. Hannie: Whys he called that? Bonga: Cos hes a big tall streak o misery. John: He started out bein called Mystery. Dougie: He was the butcher. Sausages. Mystery bags. Hannie: Right. Bonga: So, this day were goin to Kyneton. He had some racehorses. Hes towin the horse float and he goes: Jesus, look at that! Fancy that bloody idiot passing me on a bend. And Im goin: Its our horse float. Misery goes: You forgot to put the clip down, didnt ya? When I asked these chaps if they would each tell one of their stories on stage, their response was categoric. No bloody way. I was disappointed. One of the joys of doing this kind of work is that you rarely see people who look or sound like these men on Australian stages. You can write them, but on stage they are played by pretty NIDA graduates. But there was no point sweet-talking. These fellas were too shy. Apparently. So we asked around town and found local actors men who shared this glorious Aussie sense of humour. One member of our writers team recorded Alf Rice, the local postman. But Alf was going on holiday when the show was scheduled. So veteran actor Michael Veitch played him. Veitch is also a local. Apart from those two scenes, everyone else on stage was telling their own story. Most had never been in a show before, so we rehearsed for hours in peoples homes, in sheds and in a room upstairs at the theatre. We spent weekends recording birdsong, animal noises and the sounds of rural life. We made this our soundtrack. The performance took place in The Memo, Healesvilles renovated Memorial Hall, where Dame Nellie Melba sang Ave Maria in 1928. We had teachers, students, farmers, shopkeepers and the president of the Healesville Historical Society.
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The Hello, Healesville! finale, with Hannie Rayson centre stage at the memorial hall. Credit:Michael Dickinson The local CFA captain, Graeme Bates, told the story of the day fires were raging towards Healesville in 2008. He had his leg in plaster after a work accident and had despatched all 10 trucks to fight other fires. He got a call from a bloke in the watch tower just on the top of the hill, who said, This one is coming straight for you. Im watching this thing roaring towards us with a northerly behind it, Batesy tells the community. And Im thinking, were in trouble. For the first time, Healesvilles going to burn. Then, just as the fire reaches the crest of the hill, the wind changes and the fire turns away. Graeme Bates and I carefully chose his costume from the row of fire-fighting gear hanging on pegs at the fire station. The audience loved veteran lyrebird keeper from the Healesville Sanctuary, Kevin Mason. He began working at the sanctuary in 1960. He had recordings of lyrebirds imitating kookaburras, camera shutters and even a burglar alarm. Ovarn Brown migrated from Jamaica three years ago. On his first day in Healesville, the local bank had a sausage sizzle in the main street. He thought, what place have I come to that gives away free food? When he arrived, he could not get over hard rubbish. People throw away all this stuff, he told the audience, incredulously. In his home town in Jamaica, he had to ride a bicycle without a seat. There used to be an iconic Thai restaurant in Healesville called Poppys. Skye Macfarlane told of how her mother, the eponymous Poppy, came from a small village in northern Thailand. She won the lottery which was worth $32,000 and bought herself an airplane ticket to Australia. I asked my mum why Australia and not America? Skye told the audience. She simply said, I like the kangaloo. A midwife, Sunderai Felich, regaled us with her hilarious story of three encounters with Jimmy Barnes, during which the audience spontaneously sang Working Class Man. Everyone involved was charged with the responsibility of collecting red autumn leaves. We strewed the stage with them as a tribute to the beauty of the Yarra Valley in autumn. Local artist Jenny Reddin made a replica of one of Healesvilles iconic street lamps. One key to the show was the three-minute rule. You will be surprised how much you can say in three minutes. And how little you can say, if you bang on for 10. This was our golden rule. And we were fascists about enforcing it. With the Badger Creek Womens Choir, a cellist and a guitarist, we had 49 people and a large black dog on stage. They stood on the carpet of red leaves, against a projection of a huge tree at the Maroondah dam, in full red-leafed glory. I have been working in the theatre for nearly 40 years, and there is nothing like a community show to fill your sails with euphoria and joy. Work like this reinforces the power of theatre to transform peoples lives and to transform a community. Healesville has always been a special place and now we blow-ins know it, too. Most Viewed in Lifestyle Loading https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/life-and-relationships/at-the-edge-of-the-known-world-natural-storytellers-spin-their-tales-20190610-p51w8c.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_feed
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zarafoodrecipe · 5 years
Cracks opening in relationship between Latrell Mitchell and Roosters
And Tedesco said during the week in an interview with Channel Nine news that he wants to play out the rest of his career at the Bondi club. That may explain why Mitchell is showing interest in a permanent move to five-eighth when Luke Keary moves in to play half after Cooper Cronk calls it quits. Loading Beyond positional considerations, there are family pressures weighing on Mitchell: a constant theme is that family members have a genuine fondness for South Sydney. There is also a feeling from the Mitchell family that not enough was done by the Roosters for Latrells brother Shaq, a young forward with loads of potential. His issues were weight and injury. The Roosters will say and provide evidence that they did everything possible to help Shaq make it in the big time. The last we heard, he injured himself in a local NFL tryout when he was thinking of giving American football a crack. The Roosters have monitored his life and they provided help with a job he was trying to get. Latrell is also in the middle of a split from his long-time agent, Steve Deacon, the former Easts centre. This issue was discussed by Roosters officials during the week. The Roosters fear Mitchell will link up with agent Matt Rose a close friend of Mitchell, who also does fight promotion. Mitchell was at the weigh-in when Paul Gallen fought John Hopoate. He just hung out in a corner of the room and politely declined interview requests. The theory is that if Rose takes charge of his career, Mitchell will end up at Souths. The Rabbitohs are privately hoping that is what happens.
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Coup signing: Souths are still hoping to lure Mitchell to Redfern.Credit:AAP But thats not to say Rose has a great relationship with Souths officials, although his biggest star, Cody Walker, is at the club. Wayde Rushton, who manages Kalyn Ponga, is another being mentioned as a potential agent. The Mitchell case certainly is a fascinating one. Its a tribute to his ability that he is still managing to star on the field. A different approach to religious freedom Before Israel Folau decided to put religion above all else, Will Hopoate made a great sacrifice, quitting rugby league to undertake a Mormon mission. He then sacrificed hundreds of thousands of dollars by refusing to play on Sundays. A portion of his career was played under the leadership of Raelene Castle who was the Bulldogs boss at the time but is now the head of Rugby Australia. Castle was the Bulldogs boss from July 2013 to August 2017. Hopoate clearly felt comfortable expressing his religious views under her leadership. Castle had numerous discussions with Folau about his use of social media and his religious views, but it obviously didnt get through to him. Otherwise he would not be fighting for his $4 million deal. Hopoate is not a controversial character and does not want to get involved in the Folau issue, but he was prepared to discuss his experiences with Castle and the Bulldogs. One thing that Ive been proud of here at Canterbury is that they have allowed me to live my faith, he said. There is no pressure ... Ive been allowed to live my life without any instruction.
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Respectful: Will Hopoate doesn't force his Christian views on others.Credit:AAP The Izzy thing is a hot topic and a difficult one to say too much about. Id rather not put myself out there and say something dumb. I know Izzy, but we are not close. Hopoates Instagram is full of his faith. On February 3 he wrote: Im Christian ... this doesnt make me better than anyone, but it helps me be better. On March 3 he wrote: If church was for perfect people, the chapel would be empty. Its a regular theme on his page. He is strong in faith, but he doesnt force his views on others. After having the clubs blessing for some time not to play on Sundays, there was a rethink. In a perfect world, I would like to have Sundays off, he said. But Canterbury is my employer and I have a commitment to them and I have to do what they ask of me. To play footy, I think I will continue that mode. If I was granted a wish then I wouldnt [play Sundays], but Im not kicking stones. "What has happened has happened and I am moving on from there. I want to keep playing football for as long as I can. When I finish I want to be involved in youth work. I have been going around to high schools sharing my journey to the NRL. I know how much my youth leaders shaped my life and what an influence they had on me and Id like to have that effect on people. I like to talk about resilience and positivity and how to apply that to your life. White or wrong? Loading In the long run, Anthony Seibold will probably taste success with his roster and resources he has to but its looking tougher and tougher for the clubs chief executive, Paul White, to survive. Wayne Bennetts continued success at the Rabbitohs should mean White is under huge pressure. White was the one who speared a legend of the game when he pushed Bennett out the door last year. It gets even more interesting because not only does Seibold have a five-year deal, but he has an option for a sixth season in his favour. Its hard to believe. Seibold has not been big on seeing out his contracts. He left Manly early and then swung into the top job at South Sydney after Michael Maguire was shown the door. Madge Maguire has not talked to him since the day he was replaced. Seibold has the best set-up in the NRL and he needs to deliver ina hurry. Teddy for Wehbe The fallout continues from the split between Isaac Moses and the football whisperer Joe Wehbe. We told you last week that James Tedesco is now firmly in Wehbes camp and wants nothing to do with Moses. He is now going public with his support for Wehbe. Asked if he was in Wehbes corner he said: Yeah, definitely. He has been a big part in my career and I owe a lot to him. Other players who now have strained relationships with Moses include Israel Folau, Parramattas Tim Mannah and Nathan Brown, and rising star Joseph Suaalii a young rugby player who has signed with South Sydney until 2021. Loading Folau has largely gone alone in his preparation for his battle with Rugby Australia. Moses has been busy trying to shore up other clients as he knows his empire is under threat. It is understood Moses has been ringing family members of the clients who are looking to jump ship. The whole situation is messy and its threatening to get messier. Moses has friends in the highest of places: one of his best mates is NRL boss Todd Greenberg. Their families are firm friends. Ponga's plan If the Knights want to start talking to Kalyn Ponga about an extension to his contract, they may have to cool their heels for a couple of months at least. The view is that he wants to talk after Origin. Ponga is in the second year of a four-year contract. There have been no approaches from rugby union, nor in an early discussion did the Knights indicate they want to do a long-term deal. Api on the move Manly may be prepared to let Api Koroisau go. He has given the club great service but it would appear the Eagles have found a No.9 in Manase Fainu. Its one to keep an eye on. Danny Weidler is a sport columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald. Most Viewed in Sport Loading https://www.smh.com.au/sport/nrl/cracks-opening-in-relationship-between-latrell-mitchell-and-roosters-20190504-p51k4s.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_feed
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