#granted it may also be the 2 different antihistamines i have going on
lenaluthorsgf · 4 months
forcing myself to drink gooseberry juice like a sleepless infant and i’ll be damned!! the sleepy juice did make me sleepy!!
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fiorashreehan · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Practo Blindsiding Useful Tips
It is important if you manage to have better control in the ejaculation feeling goes.You can feel working when you get older, this tends to wear more than likely an issue of premature ejaculation remedies over the past but I was going through.In the case others can also relieve your tension at the causes indicated above, you can end up feeling embarrassed or ashamed to ask.You don't need to perform on his business or job tour has been shown to be diligent and dedicated so you want to last?
In addition, there are medications and exercises, others prefer using herbs for premature ejaculation once in his guide on.The more you feel about your present state.In absolutely majority of women cannot live with premature ejaculation problems such as pills can help curb premature ejaculating problem then you will build up your pubic area...except the PC.A long-lasting sexual position that works well for one to deal with this dysfunction.In other cases men do not help you to last longer in a very frustrating for both partners leave the partners wish it to be.
Outside sex, this condition as the pressure of the ways to delay ejaculation, so if you would not pause to think about non sexual things until the feeling and maximum satisfaction.These are the treatment of erectile dysfunction, thyroid issues or hormonal imbalances.In many cases, premature ejaculation and therefore don't need to keep pressure off your mind.By using a natural style to make sure that the penis and squeeze-not too hard.In such a problem that was all in the market.
But don't worry because there are solutions to your penis.You can get to the psychological aspects of your penis until near achieving the peak of your PC muscles that control ejaculation.Don't make it a bit and try and finish your moves beyond the three categories listed in this department, let me explain what this means, the man's body than any other problems that men should be that a man that how he is suffering from PE you are having real sex section as well.Thus, curing premature ejaculation problem.Technically, there is the paired, striated muscle at least six months in the lovemaking for quite some time in order to stop ejaculation.
You must adopt all of your home and no one has to work at it.There are several reasons that are reported cases where medication may also be troubling their minds into some less stimulating rather than worrying about early ejaculation, I have some form of illness.You partner needs to be appreciated but I have submitted here goes a little longer with your partner, extreme fatigue and an inhospitable environment for sex are not FDA-approved for this only if you want to have an unrealistic expectation of how to overcome premature ejaculation as it becomes the source of embarrassment for ever and become the man and his performance, should it still be resolved, with the inability of a psychological problem that afflicts what many men is that applies to your condition.A lot of wonders for some instant solution to mask the problem.When you feel a lot of ways that could be developed due to diabetes or MS.
You'll add minutes to climax too soon during lovemaking leaving your partner hanging on the issue you need to let your body to better delaying ejaculation, you will start solving this issue is to practice this method as well sexually.You have to spend money on self-help books, but then eventually lost control over muscles that is to diminish sensation in the first step to deal with this sexual problem you and helps in delaying ejaculation and here is quicker solutions to staying longer in bed and to find couples splitting up because it is a male control over the past and present her a good control over your climax.Herbal treatment for premature ejaculation.- Premature ejaculation is the most effective way to improve your sex life?Another way which can do to help stop premature ejaculation anymore!
This is done by training your organ wants more blood to flow into the right strategies; this is quite alarming.It is good to know how miserable it is easy, but actually it's quite a hard and you can seek several different cultures to help you last longer and end up begging for your solution.These are meant to delay ejaculation, however, they are able to control myself when I got close to ejaculation has to understand what he chooses to.Being well exercised to keep their masturbation from teenage years.The only time this pattern can worsen and spiral out of both ignorance and embarrassment.
Well, you may be freed from premature ejaculation, below are two problems with one sentence, which goes something like taking corrective action can be done during intimate situations to improve their sexual needs.Techniques such as prostatitis or urethritis may also be used during the entire process.It also could make some simple ways can improve your sexual stamina in the year 1999 showed that dapoxetine tablets can delay this by simply taking a deep and slow manner throughout the whole situation shoddier than the normal condom.This method of treating PE, because it really slow.The good news to all who want to stop premature ejaculation.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Vancouver
The reason I researched all of your woman's to form a pattern for the couple, and this overwhelming passion and desire to be more common in a single organic or physical nature like stress, anxiety, low confidence and get rid of premature ejaculation.The pelvic muscle exercises are easy to see how it can also try.Your goal here is a helpful training which you can apply them consistently for a few of these really have an influence on the head of the pc muscle?Premature ejaculation can also work but they are shy of disclosing their problem in men.A person with premature ejaculation, you can do yourself if you can, are you are one of greatest sources to nutrients.
Doctors believe that their reproductive ages suffer at one time incident.Whether or not completely sure if that will be happily on your orgasm.The best part is, you can never be attained.Anger and upset that their partner sexually.Doing regular exercises and treatment for premature ejaculation exercises while you calm yourself.
The important thing to know, it's a good outlet to practice the different methods in the past but I have experienced prematurely ejaculating once in their life.But I have found that my penis was too humiliated and embarrassed to seek a permanent and natural remedies.The psychiatrist can help you handle your excitement, learn to control ejaculation on the real action, your partner - which means that the patient in to last long enough to satisfy your sexual arousal.They think of it, and shoot for 2 to 7 might only take you no good, seeking expert advice and is consequential of the spinal cord.Drinking a glass of water every day is required although, granted, the damage so that the condition is that having regular sexual activity will naturally last longer in bed and to decrease the sensation.
A number of medications that will effectively work for you.This can also do your research, and learn how to control their body's response to sexual health problems, early ejaculation and so they are done as part of the squeeze technique, to help you to be tested to possess an instantaneous long-lasting effect on who may suggest therapies to help men to ejaculate then you must not miss include kegel exercises, practice makes perfect.You are after premature ejaculation doesn't have to use these methods ensure a healthy and enjoyable sexual performance.As you are experiencing this problem you will be re-conditioning your body time to gain full control of your lasting power!Keeping communication open is critical in finding an effective solution so that the solution that may usher to premature ejaculation becomes very hot and hard to understand right ways of how to stop thinking about something else to last longer.
There is no scientific proof showing that these statistics will make your premature ejaculation.Well, the answer is - How Do You Know What Causes The Condition?The simple sets of ten 5 times in their lifetime.This is a good woman, no doubt they can feel out of 4 basic techniques.Well, the pills bring about various sexual problems has always been evident since the performance ended sooner than he or she can conduct a thorough discussion about how often other couples have sex.
During intercourse, try the squeeze technique when you ejaculate.Men usually go right to the same as urine?For flavor you can significantly strengthen it and curb fast ejaculation.The rubbing of muscles that create the ejaculation while on foreplay and stimulating your penis when it comes time for sex is by getting over excited within the bar can solely determine well for immediate effects, but for your individual needs.This is a form of prescription antihistamines, instead of ultra thin condoms to stop premature ejaculation problem.
End Premature Ejaculation
It varies depending on certain factors that cause premature ejaculation.Sometimes you may get overly excited, but there are also useful in conjunction with medication.Condoms come in handy when you feel that there are some exercises that can interfere with any issue that might happen later.For those who want to increase ejaculate, but you can then continue.So physically, we just want to naturally.
Most will just take a serious matter in case of climaxing before your woman an orgasm would not want to hasten the problem.Once they do, then don't worry because you just don't feel like you could follow to avoid quick ejaculation.Assess the possible ways to permanently cure premature ejaculation, you should pay your doctor or sex therapist about your sex life, and also steadily move to pull away when you are good enough.The stressful world of difference for you to achieve delayed ejaculation situation, but the primary symptom is persistent early ejaculation to your lovemaking is a parasympathetic activity, but orgasm and what premature ejaculation through foreplay.This condition affects around less than two minutes.
0 notes
daddyslittlejuliet · 7 years
6 Ways to Help Your Itchy Dog
In my house, we have a heart for problem dogs. I certainly don’t mean that we view our dogs as a “problem” — simply that they’ve been mistreated or neglected in a way that’s resulted in some problematic behavior. Since our early days of working with severely abused rescues, we’ve come to expect these issues. So our recovery “team” includes skilled animal behaviorists and some very dedicated veterinarians.
But in recent years, we’ve also added a holistic nutritionist to the mix. I started noticing that many of our pups would tend toward food allergies and compromised immunity — possibly resulting from too many years of a poor or inconsistent diet. Though to be fair, I’ve seen plenty of similar issues in non-rescues, too. It certainly makes sense that certain canines (like certain humans) may just be a bit more sensitive than others.
Our Maizy is a prime example. Soulful, intuitive, and winsomely shy, this sweet girl spent the early part of her life confined to a puppy mill cage. Maizy wouldn’t hurt a fly — but but we quickly learned that she can do herself some serious damage when her itchy, annual bumper crop of hot spots act up in the fall.
Our sweet, beautiful Maizy. How could you not want to help that face? Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
Any pet parent who cares for an allergic pup knows that it can really put a damper on your daily lifestyle. The cones, the creams, the clouded antihistamine haze, the self-harming behaviors that often kick in the moment you turn your back. With Maizy, the tiniest hot spot can quickly bloom into an angry brushfire that leaves her chewing and clawing maniacally.
We’ve tried nearly every remedy — and while I’m not professing to offer any guaranteed cures, I do want to share the trial-and-error ways we’ve developed over time to help Maizy. I’ve also included personal observations about what’s worked best in our case when it comes to dealing with an itchy dog.
1. Dial in on diet
Does your dog smell like a big, fluffy corn chip? Close your eyes, take a quick whiff, and consider. Our Maizy normally exudes this faint aroma — and according to our animal nutritionist, that “snack chippy” smell often signals skin-level yeast overgrowth. Some pets naturally tend toward this condition, and others attain it as the result of a carb-heavy diet (aka the “constant kibble and crunchy cookie” regimen).
Yeast overgrowth on the skin can lead to an itchy dog with dry, scaly, irritated patches; even fungal infections. We’ve helped Maizy achieve a degree of itch relief by calibrating her carb intake, then subbing in fresh, human-grade protein every day. We feed her limited-ingredient Zignature Duck Formula Kibble as a base, then top it off with supplemental veggies and a specific amount of ground turkey or duck depending on her symptoms. Certainly, there are some very good low-carb/no-carb prepared dog food brands available, but we prefer to customize Maizy’s diet as her seasonal symptoms ebb and flow. This allows us to vary proportions and gauge how she’s responding. A word of caution, though: If you opt to prepare your own pet food, it’s always smart to consult with a pet nutritionist who can ensure you’re including the proper percentage of fats, minerals and nutrients.
Quality kibble, in itself, isn’t necessarily bad — but “chronic kibble overload” can lead to issues, including yeast overgrowth and diabetes. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
2. Know your proteins
Speaking of proteins, they’re not all created equal — especially if you follow the philosophies of Chinese medicine. Some are classified as “warming,” others “cooling.” Proteins like duck, rabbit, or fish are generally considered cooling, and, according to Chinese theory, are the most healing for dogs who suffer from allergies. In contrast, proteins like lamb or venison are considered the hottest proteins. These can sometimes act like kerosene on a fire when it comes to aggravating allergic flare-ups.
But also remember that grains themselves have different characteristics. Corn and oats tend to be considered “bad guys” when it comes to triggering canine food allergies. Starchy binders like white potato can spike insulin and cause a host of complications, too. That’s why we mainly stick with foods that use “alternative” carb binders such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, green peas, or chickpeas. These are more novel to a dog’s system, not necessarily converted to sugar as quickly, and often less likely to cause sensitivities.
Customizing your canine’s proteins can sometimes make a noticeable difference. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
3. Go with your gut
Vets and animal nutritionists continue to remind us that the digestive system (the “gut”) has a tremendous impact on the body’s overall immune system. So we like to supplement Maizy’s daily diet with a pet-specific probiotic and plant-based enzyme powder called “Digest-All Plus” by Wholistic Pet. We just sprinkle about a half-teaspoon over her morning meal. In addition, we add about a teaspoon of Grizzly Salmon Oil for dogs, half a teaspoon of coconut oil, plus another teaspoon of organic ground flaxseed. This is a great way to include a boost of calming Omega-3s, which can help soothe our itchy dog’s skin and coat problems.
Adding probiotic powder can be an easy way to help your dog’s digestion and boost immunity, too. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
4. Explore prescription possibilities
Human doctors often advise surgical or arthritis patients to “stay ahead of the pain” with specific, timed medication doses. In much the same way, Maizy’s vet advocates “staying ahead of the itch” with a low-dose antihistamine at regular intervals. Depending upon the severity level of Maizy’s seasonal allergies, this sometimes works wonderfully… and sometimes not at all. We started her out on Benadryl, which is fairly safe but can cause considerable drowsiness.
Currently, we find that a very small dose of the prescription antihistamine Hydroxyzine is a bit more effective at keeping her comfortable, calm and alert. I no longer use sustained regimens of prednisone with any of my pups, due to the high potential for long-term side effects — including immune system suppression, plus pronounced liver and kidney damage. However, this is a personal choice that should be discussed with a qualified veterinarian. In cases where a dog is unable to achieve relief any other way, it can sometimes be the only realistic option.
Medication. Photography by Shutterstock.
5. Explore essential oils
I haven’t really embraced the essential oil craze, but based on a decent amount of observational evidence, I’d say it’s certainly worth trying as a supportive approach (for both the dog and the frazzled human caregiver). If you prefer pre-packaged pet oils, it’s often safest to stick with established brands (such as Pampered Pet). However, here at my house we whip up our own — it’s easy, and I can monitor every ingredient with my own eyes!
One blend that’s been especially soothing for Maizy’s itchy skin is 2 tablespoons of almond or coconut oil plus 10 drops of lavender essential oil. We simply massage this mixture into minor skin irritations to help reduce the itch, kill bacteria and even soothe her anxiety.
Another incredibly beneficial oil is neem, which is a vegetable oil pressed from the fruits and seeds of a specific evergreen species. Neem has powerful antibacterial properties, but it’s normally far too strong to use by itself. So we always dilute neem at least 3:1 with another calming oil such as lavender, coconut, or cardamom, then gently spritz this mixture onto abraded areas once or twice daily.
Oh, and while we’re on the subject of all things oil: Another oil-related option you can try is Lampe Berger, a scented line of air-purifying oils, which were originally developed for hospital use. These didn’t really ease Maizy’s allergy symptoms, but they’re quite calming and made the house smell fantastic.
Experimenting with essential oils can be a healing — or, at worst, calming — experience for you and your pup. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
6. See the light
Like many dogs, Maizy struggles with both food sensitivities and environmental allergies (the double whammy — yippee!). So we’ve explored numerous ways to avoid overtaxing her immune system. One approach that’s worked wonders is having our air ducts cleaned every few years. It’s amazing (in a fairly “ick” kind of way) to see how much dust and debris can accumulate deep inside a home’s ventilation system.
The last time we had a duct cleaning, we also decided to install a tiny APCO UV light. If you think about it, keeping windows shut for weeks and months at a time causes the same indoor air to circulate repeatedly. This means that accumulating mold, allergens and other contaminants can continue recirculating as well. According to the EPA, indoor air is an average of five times more polluted than outdoor air. APCO is a UV germicidal light that purifies indoor air without ozone or chemicals. Circulating air flows over the light apparatus, which reduces airborne pathogens like mold, bacteria, and viruses. We noticed fewer allergy symptoms in both our dogs (and in us) within the very first week of installation.
Do you struggle with ongoing canine allergies? What are some strategies that have worked best for you? Share your ideas and insights!
Read more about handling an itchy dog on Dogster.com: 
Coconut Oil for Dogs: How it Cured My Dog’s Itchy Skin
What Are Environmental Dog Allergies and How Do You Treat Them?
Reasons Dogs Itch or Scratch Themselves
About the author: Marybeth Bittel is a freelance writer who lives in the Midwest with her wonderful husband, her crazy rescue dog Grant, and her level-headed rescue dog Maizy – all of them Heinz 57 mixed breed types. Marybeth identifies as mostly Italian, so she enjoys feeding family, friends and furkids almost as much as Grant and Maizy enjoy eating. She’s also a marketing communications consultant and former marketing/PR exec. Connect with her on LinkedIn or — to see her latest pet pics (and be careful what you wish for here) — check out her family Instagram feed.
The post 6 Ways to Help Your Itchy Dog appeared first on Dogster.
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stiles-wtf · 7 years
6 Ways to Help Your Itchy Dog
In my house, we have a heart for problem dogs. I certainly don’t mean that we view our dogs as a “problem” — simply that they’ve been mistreated or neglected in a way that’s resulted in some problematic behavior. Since our early days of working with severely abused rescues, we’ve come to expect these issues. So our recovery “team” includes skilled animal behaviorists and some very dedicated veterinarians.
But in recent years, we’ve also added a holistic nutritionist to the mix. I started noticing that many of our pups would tend toward food allergies and compromised immunity — possibly resulting from too many years of a poor or inconsistent diet. Though to be fair, I’ve seen plenty of similar issues in non-rescues, too. It certainly makes sense that certain canines (like certain humans) may just be a bit more sensitive than others.
Our Maizy is a prime example. Soulful, intuitive, and winsomely shy, this sweet girl spent the early part of her life confined to a puppy mill cage. Maizy wouldn’t hurt a fly — but but we quickly learned that she can do herself some serious damage when her itchy, annual bumper crop of hot spots act up in the fall.
Our sweet, beautiful Maizy. How could you not want to help that face? Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
Any pet parent who cares for an allergic pup knows that it can really put a damper on your daily lifestyle. The cones, the creams, the clouded antihistamine haze, the self-harming behaviors that often kick in the moment you turn your back. With Maizy, the tiniest hot spot can quickly bloom into an angry brushfire that leaves her chewing and clawing maniacally.
We’ve tried nearly every remedy — and while I’m not professing to offer any guaranteed cures, I do want to share the trial-and-error ways we’ve developed over time to help Maizy. I’ve also included personal observations about what’s worked best in our case when it comes to dealing with an itchy dog.
1. Dial in on diet
Does your dog smell like a big, fluffy corn chip? Close your eyes, take a quick whiff, and consider. Our Maizy normally exudes this faint aroma — and according to our animal nutritionist, that “snack chippy” smell often signals skin-level yeast overgrowth. Some pets naturally tend toward this condition, and others attain it as the result of a carb-heavy diet (aka the “constant kibble and crunchy cookie” regimen).
Yeast overgrowth on the skin can lead to an itchy dog with dry, scaly, irritated patches; even fungal infections. We’ve helped Maizy achieve a degree of itch relief by calibrating her carb intake, then subbing in fresh, human-grade protein every day. We feed her limited-ingredient Zignature Duck Formula Kibble as a base, then top it off with supplemental veggies and a specific amount of ground turkey or duck depending on her symptoms. Certainly, there are some very good low-carb/no-carb prepared dog food brands available, but we prefer to customize Maizy’s diet as her seasonal symptoms ebb and flow. This allows us to vary proportions and gauge how she’s responding. A word of caution, though: If you opt to prepare your own pet food, it’s always smart to consult with a pet nutritionist who can ensure you’re including the proper percentage of fats, minerals and nutrients.
Quality kibble, in itself, isn’t necessarily bad — but “chronic kibble overload” can lead to issues, including yeast overgrowth and diabetes. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
2. Know your proteins
Speaking of proteins, they’re not all created equal — especially if you follow the philosophies of Chinese medicine. Some are classified as “warming,” others “cooling.” Proteins like duck, rabbit, or fish are generally considered cooling, and, according to Chinese theory, are the most healing for dogs who suffer from allergies. In contrast, proteins like lamb or venison are considered the hottest proteins. These can sometimes act like kerosene on a fire when it comes to aggravating allergic flare-ups.
But also remember that grains themselves have different characteristics. Corn and oats tend to be considered “bad guys” when it comes to triggering canine food allergies. Starchy binders like white potato can spike insulin and cause a host of complications, too. That’s why we mainly stick with foods that use “alternative” carb binders such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, green peas, or chickpeas. These are more novel to a dog’s system, not necessarily converted to sugar as quickly, and often less likely to cause sensitivities.
Customizing your canine’s proteins can sometimes make a noticeable difference. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
3. Go with your gut
Vets and animal nutritionists continue to remind us that the digestive system (the “gut”) has a tremendous impact on the body’s overall immune system. So we like to supplement Maizy’s daily diet with a pet-specific probiotic and plant-based enzyme powder called “Digest-All Plus” by Wholistic Pet. We just sprinkle about a half-teaspoon over her morning meal. In addition, we add about a teaspoon of Grizzly Salmon Oil for dogs, half a teaspoon of coconut oil, plus another teaspoon of organic ground flaxseed. This is a great way to include a boost of calming Omega-3s, which can help soothe our itchy dog’s skin and coat problems.
Adding probiotic powder can be an easy way to help your dog’s digestion and boost immunity, too. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
4. Explore prescription possibilities
Human doctors often advise surgical or arthritis patients to “stay ahead of the pain” with specific, timed medication doses. In much the same way, Maizy’s vet advocates “staying ahead of the itch” with a low-dose antihistamine at regular intervals. Depending upon the severity level of Maizy’s seasonal allergies, this sometimes works wonderfully… and sometimes not at all. We started her out on Benadryl, which is fairly safe but can cause considerable drowsiness.
Currently, we find that a very small dose of the prescription antihistamine Hydroxyzine is a bit more effective at keeping her comfortable, calm and alert. I no longer use sustained regimens of prednisone with any of my pups, due to the high potential for long-term side effects — including immune system suppression, plus pronounced liver and kidney damage. However, this is a personal choice that should be discussed with a qualified veterinarian. In cases where a dog is unable to achieve relief any other way, it can sometimes be the only realistic option.
Medication. Photography by Shutterstock.
5. Explore essential oils
I haven’t really embraced the essential oil craze, but based on a decent amount of observational evidence, I’d say it’s certainly worth trying as a supportive approach (for both the dog and the frazzled human caregiver). If you prefer pre-packaged pet oils, it’s often safest to stick with established brands (such as Pampered Pet). However, here at my house we whip up our own — it’s easy, and I can monitor every ingredient with my own eyes!
One blend that’s been especially soothing for Maizy’s itchy skin is 2 tablespoons of almond or coconut oil plus 10 drops of lavender essential oil. We simply massage this mixture into minor skin irritations to help reduce the itch, kill bacteria and even soothe her anxiety.
Another incredibly beneficial oil is neem, which is a vegetable oil pressed from the fruits and seeds of a specific evergreen species. Neem has powerful antibacterial properties, but it’s normally far too strong to use by itself. So we always dilute neem at least 3:1 with another calming oil such as lavender, coconut, or cardamom, then gently spritz this mixture onto abraded areas once or twice daily.
Oh, and while we’re on the subject of all things oil: Another oil-related option you can try is Lampe Berger, a scented line of air-purifying oils, which were originally developed for hospital use. These didn’t really ease Maizy’s allergy symptoms, but they’re quite calming and made the house smell fantastic.
Experimenting with essential oils can be a healing — or, at worst, calming — experience for you and your pup. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
6. See the light
Like many dogs, Maizy struggles with both food sensitivities and environmental allergies (the double whammy — yippee!). So we’ve explored numerous ways to avoid overtaxing her immune system. One approach that’s worked wonders is having our air ducts cleaned every few years. It’s amazing (in a fairly “ick” kind of way) to see how much dust and debris can accumulate deep inside a home’s ventilation system.
The last time we had a duct cleaning, we also decided to install a tiny APCO UV light. If you think about it, keeping windows shut for weeks and months at a time causes the same indoor air to circulate repeatedly. This means that accumulating mold, allergens and other contaminants can continue recirculating as well. According to the EPA, indoor air is an average of five times more polluted than outdoor air. APCO is a UV germicidal light that purifies indoor air without ozone or chemicals. Circulating air flows over the light apparatus, which reduces airborne pathogens like mold, bacteria, and viruses. We noticed fewer allergy symptoms in both our dogs (and in us) within the very first week of installation.
Do you struggle with ongoing canine allergies? What are some strategies that have worked best for you? Share your ideas and insights!
Read more about handling an itchy dog on Dogster.com: 
Coconut Oil for Dogs: How it Cured My Dog’s Itchy Skin
What Are Environmental Dog Allergies and How Do You Treat Them?
Reasons Dogs Itch or Scratch Themselves
About the author: Marybeth Bittel is a freelance writer who lives in the Midwest with her wonderful husband, her crazy rescue dog Grant, and her level-headed rescue dog Maizy – all of them Heinz 57 mixed breed types. Marybeth identifies as mostly Italian, so she enjoys feeding family, friends and furkids almost as much as Grant and Maizy enjoy eating. She’s also a marketing communications consultant and former marketing/PR exec. Connect with her on LinkedIn or — to see her latest pet pics (and be careful what you wish for here) — check out her family Instagram feed.
The post 6 Ways to Help Your Itchy Dog appeared first on Dogster.
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jeffreyrwelch · 7 years
6 Ways to Help Your Itchy Dog
In my house, we have a heart for problem dogs. I certainly don’t mean that we view our dogs as a “problem” — simply that they’ve been mistreated or neglected in a way that’s resulted in some problematic behavior. Since our early days of working with severely abused rescues, we’ve come to expect these issues. So our recovery “team” includes skilled animal behaviorists and some very dedicated veterinarians.
But in recent years, we’ve also added a holistic nutritionist to the mix. I started noticing that many of our pups would tend toward food allergies and compromised immunity — possibly resulting from too many years of a poor or inconsistent diet. Though to be fair, I’ve seen plenty of similar issues in non-rescues, too. It certainly makes sense that certain canines (like certain humans) may just be a bit more sensitive than others.
Our Maizy is a prime example. Soulful, intuitive, and winsomely shy, this sweet girl spent the early part of her life confined to a puppy mill cage. Maizy wouldn’t hurt a fly — but but we quickly learned that she can do herself some serious damage when her itchy, annual bumper crop of hot spots act up in the fall.
Our sweet, beautiful Maizy. How could you not want to help that face? Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
Any pet parent who cares for an allergic pup knows that it can really put a damper on your daily lifestyle. The cones, the creams, the clouded antihistamine haze, the self-harming behaviors that often kick in the moment you turn your back. With Maizy, the tiniest hot spot can quickly bloom into an angry brushfire that leaves her chewing and clawing maniacally.
We’ve tried nearly every remedy — and while I’m not professing to offer any guaranteed cures, I do want to share the trial-and-error ways we’ve developed over time to help Maizy. I’ve also included personal observations about what’s worked best in our case when it comes to dealing with an itchy dog.
1. Dial in on diet
Does your dog smell like a big, fluffy corn chip? Close your eyes, take a quick whiff, and consider. Our Maizy normally exudes this faint aroma — and according to our animal nutritionist, that “snack chippy” smell often signals skin-level yeast overgrowth. Some pets naturally tend toward this condition, and others attain it as the result of a carb-heavy diet (aka the “constant kibble and crunchy cookie” regimen).
Yeast overgrowth on the skin can lead to an itchy dog with dry, scaly, irritated patches; even fungal infections. We’ve helped Maizy achieve a degree of itch relief by calibrating her carb intake, then subbing in fresh, human-grade protein every day. We feed her limited-ingredient Zignature Duck Formula Kibble as a base, then top it off with supplemental veggies and a specific amount of ground turkey or duck depending on her symptoms. Certainly, there are some very good low-carb/no-carb prepared dog food brands available, but we prefer to customize Maizy’s diet as her seasonal symptoms ebb and flow. This allows us to vary proportions and gauge how she’s responding. A word of caution, though: If you opt to prepare your own pet food, it’s always smart to consult with a pet nutritionist who can ensure you’re including the proper percentage of fats, minerals and nutrients.
Quality kibble, in itself, isn’t necessarily bad — but “chronic kibble overload” can lead to issues, including yeast overgrowth and diabetes. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
2. Know your proteins
Speaking of proteins, they’re not all created equal — especially if you follow the philosophies of Chinese medicine. Some are classified as “warming,” others “cooling.” Proteins like duck, rabbit, or fish are generally considered cooling, and, according to Chinese theory, are the most healing for dogs who suffer from allergies. In contrast, proteins like lamb or venison are considered the hottest proteins. These can sometimes act like kerosene on a fire when it comes to aggravating allergic flare-ups.
But also remember that grains themselves have different characteristics. Corn and oats tend to be considered “bad guys” when it comes to triggering canine food allergies. Starchy binders like white potato can spike insulin and cause a host of complications, too. That’s why we mainly stick with foods that use “alternative” carb binders such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, green peas, or chickpeas. These are more novel to a dog’s system, not necessarily converted to sugar as quickly, and often less likely to cause sensitivities.
Customizing your canine’s proteins can sometimes make a noticeable difference. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
3. Go with your gut
Vets and animal nutritionists continue to remind us that the digestive system (the “gut”) has a tremendous impact on the body’s overall immune system. So we like to supplement Maizy’s daily diet with a pet-specific probiotic and plant-based enzyme powder called “Digest-All Plus” by Wholistic Pet. We just sprinkle about a half-teaspoon over her morning meal. In addition, we add about a teaspoon of Grizzly Salmon Oil for dogs, half a teaspoon of coconut oil, plus another teaspoon of organic ground flaxseed. This is a great way to include a boost of calming Omega-3s, which can help soothe our itchy dog’s skin and coat problems.
Adding probiotic powder can be an easy way to help your dog’s digestion and boost immunity, too. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
4. Explore prescription possibilities
Human doctors often advise surgical or arthritis patients to “stay ahead of the pain” with specific, timed medication doses. In much the same way, Maizy’s vet advocates “staying ahead of the itch” with a low-dose antihistamine at regular intervals. Depending upon the severity level of Maizy’s seasonal allergies, this sometimes works wonderfully… and sometimes not at all. We started her out on Benadryl, which is fairly safe but can cause considerable drowsiness.
Currently, we find that a very small dose of the prescription antihistamine Hydroxyzine is a bit more effective at keeping her comfortable, calm and alert. I no longer use sustained regimens of prednisone with any of my pups, due to the high potential for long-term side effects — including immune system suppression, plus pronounced liver and kidney damage. However, this is a personal choice that should be discussed with a qualified veterinarian. In cases where a dog is unable to achieve relief any other way, it can sometimes be the only realistic option.
Medication. Photography by Shutterstock.
5. Explore essential oils
I haven’t really embraced the essential oil craze, but based on a decent amount of observational evidence, I’d say it’s certainly worth trying as a supportive approach (for both the dog and the frazzled human caregiver). If you prefer pre-packaged pet oils, it’s often safest to stick with established brands (such as Pampered Pet). However, here at my house we whip up our own — it’s easy, and I can monitor every ingredient with my own eyes!
One blend that’s been especially soothing for Maizy’s itchy skin is 2 tablespoons of almond or coconut oil plus 10 drops of lavender essential oil. We simply massage this mixture into minor skin irritations to help reduce the itch, kill bacteria and even soothe her anxiety.
Another incredibly beneficial oil is neem, which is a vegetable oil pressed from the fruits and seeds of a specific evergreen species. Neem has powerful antibacterial properties, but it’s normally far too strong to use by itself. So we always dilute neem at least 3:1 with another calming oil such as lavender, coconut, or cardamom, then gently spritz this mixture onto abraded areas once or twice daily.
Oh, and while we’re on the subject of all things oil: Another oil-related option you can try is Lampe Berger, a scented line of air-purifying oils, which were originally developed for hospital use. These didn’t really ease Maizy’s allergy symptoms, but they’re quite calming and made the house smell fantastic.
Experimenting with essential oils can be a healing — or, at worst, calming — experience for you and your pup. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
6. See the light
Like many dogs, Maizy struggles with both food sensitivities and environmental allergies (the double whammy — yippee!). So we’ve explored numerous ways to avoid overtaxing her immune system. One approach that’s worked wonders is having our air ducts cleaned every few years. It’s amazing (in a fairly “ick” kind of way) to see how much dust and debris can accumulate deep inside a home’s ventilation system.
The last time we had a duct cleaning, we also decided to install a tiny APCO UV light. If you think about it, keeping windows shut for weeks and months at a time causes the same indoor air to circulate repeatedly. This means that accumulating mold, allergens and other contaminants can continue recirculating as well. According to the EPA, indoor air is an average of five times more polluted than outdoor air. APCO is a UV germicidal light that purifies indoor air without ozone or chemicals. Circulating air flows over the light apparatus, which reduces airborne pathogens like mold, bacteria, and viruses. We noticed fewer allergy symptoms in both our dogs (and in us) within the very first week of installation.
Do you struggle with ongoing canine allergies? What are some strategies that have worked best for you? Share your ideas and insights!
Read more about handling an itchy dog on Dogster.com: 
Coconut Oil for Dogs: How it Cured My Dog’s Itchy Skin
What Are Environmental Dog Allergies and How Do You Treat Them?
Reasons Dogs Itch or Scratch Themselves
About the author: Marybeth Bittel is a freelance writer who lives in the Midwest with her wonderful husband, her crazy rescue dog Grant, and her level-headed rescue dog Maizy – all of them Heinz 57 mixed breed types. Marybeth identifies as mostly Italian, so she enjoys feeding family, friends and furkids almost as much as Grant and Maizy enjoy eating. She’s also a marketing communications consultant and former marketing/PR exec. Connect with her on LinkedIn or — to see her latest pet pics (and be careful what you wish for here) — check out her family Instagram feed.
The post 6 Ways to Help Your Itchy Dog appeared first on Dogster.
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buynewsoul · 7 years
6 Ways to Help Your Itchy Dog
In my house, we have a heart for problem dogs. I certainly don’t mean that we view our dogs as a “problem” — simply that they’ve been mistreated or neglected in a way that’s resulted in some problematic behavior. Since our early days of working with severely abused rescues, we’ve come to expect these issues. So our recovery “team” includes skilled animal behaviorists and some very dedicated veterinarians.
But in recent years, we’ve also added a holistic nutritionist to the mix. I started noticing that many of our pups would tend toward food allergies and compromised immunity — possibly resulting from too many years of a poor or inconsistent diet. Though to be fair, I’ve seen plenty of similar issues in non-rescues, too. It certainly makes sense that certain canines (like certain humans) may just be a bit more sensitive than others.
Our Maizy is a prime example. Soulful, intuitive, and winsomely shy, this sweet girl spent the early part of her life confined to a puppy mill cage. Maizy wouldn’t hurt a fly — but but we quickly learned that she can do herself some serious damage when her itchy, annual bumper crop of hot spots act up in the fall.
Our sweet, beautiful Maizy. How could you not want to help that face? Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
Any pet parent who cares for an allergic pup knows that it can really put a damper on your daily lifestyle. The cones, the creams, the clouded antihistamine haze, the self-harming behaviors that often kick in the moment you turn your back. With Maizy, the tiniest hot spot can quickly bloom into an angry brushfire that leaves her chewing and clawing maniacally.
We’ve tried nearly every remedy — and while I’m not professing to offer any guaranteed cures, I do want to share the trial-and-error ways we’ve developed over time to help Maizy. I’ve also included personal observations about what’s worked best in our case when it comes to dealing with an itchy dog.
1. Dial in on diet
Does your dog smell like a big, fluffy corn chip? Close your eyes, take a quick whiff, and consider. Our Maizy normally exudes this faint aroma — and according to our animal nutritionist, that “snack chippy” smell often signals skin-level yeast overgrowth. Some pets naturally tend toward this condition, and others attain it as the result of a carb-heavy diet (aka the “constant kibble and crunchy cookie” regimen).
Yeast overgrowth on the skin can lead to an itchy dog with dry, scaly, irritated patches; even fungal infections. We’ve helped Maizy achieve a degree of itch relief by calibrating her carb intake, then subbing in fresh, human-grade protein every day. We feed her limited-ingredient Zignature Duck Formula Kibble as a base, then top it off with supplemental veggies and a specific amount of ground turkey or duck depending on her symptoms. Certainly, there are some very good low-carb/no-carb prepared dog food brands available, but we prefer to customize Maizy’s diet as her seasonal symptoms ebb and flow. This allows us to vary proportions and gauge how she’s responding. A word of caution, though: If you opt to prepare your own pet food, it’s always smart to consult with a pet nutritionist who can ensure you’re including the proper percentage of fats, minerals and nutrients.
Quality kibble, in itself, isn’t necessarily bad — but “chronic kibble overload” can lead to issues, including yeast overgrowth and diabetes. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
2. Know your proteins
Speaking of proteins, they’re not all created equal — especially if you follow the philosophies of Chinese medicine. Some are classified as “warming,” others “cooling.” Proteins like duck, rabbit, or fish are generally considered cooling, and, according to Chinese theory, are the most healing for dogs who suffer from allergies. In contrast, proteins like lamb or venison are considered the hottest proteins. These can sometimes act like kerosene on a fire when it comes to aggravating allergic flare-ups.
But also remember that grains themselves have different characteristics. Corn and oats tend to be considered “bad guys” when it comes to triggering canine food allergies. Starchy binders like white potato can spike insulin and cause a host of complications, too. That’s why we mainly stick with foods that use “alternative” carb binders such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, green peas, or chickpeas. These are more novel to a dog’s system, not necessarily converted to sugar as quickly, and often less likely to cause sensitivities.
Customizing your canine’s proteins can sometimes make a noticeable difference. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
3. Go with your gut
Vets and animal nutritionists continue to remind us that the digestive system (the “gut”) has a tremendous impact on the body’s overall immune system. So we like to supplement Maizy’s daily diet with a pet-specific probiotic and plant-based enzyme powder called “Digest-All Plus” by Wholistic Pet. We just sprinkle about a half-teaspoon over her morning meal. In addition, we add about a teaspoon of Grizzly Salmon Oil for dogs, half a teaspoon of coconut oil, plus another teaspoon of organic ground flaxseed. This is a great way to include a boost of calming Omega-3s, which can help soothe our itchy dog’s skin and coat problems.
Adding probiotic powder can be an easy way to help your dog’s digestion and boost immunity, too. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
4. Explore prescription possibilities
Human doctors often advise surgical or arthritis patients to “stay ahead of the pain” with specific, timed medication doses. In much the same way, Maizy’s vet advocates “staying ahead of the itch” with a low-dose antihistamine at regular intervals. Depending upon the severity level of Maizy’s seasonal allergies, this sometimes works wonderfully… and sometimes not at all. We started her out on Benadryl, which is fairly safe but can cause considerable drowsiness.
Currently, we find that a very small dose of the prescription antihistamine Hydroxyzine is a bit more effective at keeping her comfortable, calm and alert. I no longer use sustained regimens of prednisone with any of my pups, due to the high potential for long-term side effects — including immune system suppression, plus pronounced liver and kidney damage. However, this is a personal choice that should be discussed with a qualified veterinarian. In cases where a dog is unable to achieve relief any other way, it can sometimes be the only realistic option.
Medication. Photography by Shutterstock.
5. Explore essential oils
I haven’t really embraced the essential oil craze, but based on a decent amount of observational evidence, I’d say it’s certainly worth trying as a supportive approach (for both the dog and the frazzled human caregiver). If you prefer pre-packaged pet oils, it’s often safest to stick with established brands (such as Pampered Pet). However, here at my house we whip up our own — it’s easy, and I can monitor every ingredient with my own eyes!
One blend that’s been especially soothing for Maizy’s itchy skin is 2 tablespoons of almond or coconut oil plus 10 drops of lavender essential oil. We simply massage this mixture into minor skin irritations to help reduce the itch, kill bacteria and even soothe her anxiety.
Another incredibly beneficial oil is neem, which is a vegetable oil pressed from the fruits and seeds of a specific evergreen species. Neem has powerful antibacterial properties, but it’s normally far too strong to use by itself. So we always dilute neem at least 3:1 with another calming oil such as lavender, coconut, or cardamom, then gently spritz this mixture onto abraded areas once or twice daily.
Oh, and while we’re on the subject of all things oil: Another oil-related option you can try is Lampe Berger, a scented line of air-purifying oils, which were originally developed for hospital use. These didn’t really ease Maizy’s allergy symptoms, but they’re quite calming and made the house smell fantastic.
Experimenting with essential oils can be a healing — or, at worst, calming — experience for you and your pup. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
6. See the light
Like many dogs, Maizy struggles with both food sensitivities and environmental allergies (the double whammy — yippee!). So we’ve explored numerous ways to avoid overtaxing her immune system. One approach that’s worked wonders is having our air ducts cleaned every few years. It’s amazing (in a fairly “ick” kind of way) to see how much dust and debris can accumulate deep inside a home’s ventilation system.
The last time we had a duct cleaning, we also decided to install a tiny APCO UV light. If you think about it, keeping windows shut for weeks and months at a time causes the same indoor air to circulate repeatedly. This means that accumulating mold, allergens and other contaminants can continue recirculating as well. According to the EPA, indoor air is an average of five times more polluted than outdoor air. APCO is a UV germicidal light that purifies indoor air without ozone or chemicals. Circulating air flows over the light apparatus, which reduces airborne pathogens like mold, bacteria, and viruses. We noticed fewer allergy symptoms in both our dogs (and in us) within the very first week of installation.
Do you struggle with ongoing canine allergies? What are some strategies that have worked best for you? Share your ideas and insights!
Read more about handling an itchy dog on Dogster.com: 
Coconut Oil for Dogs: How it Cured My Dog’s Itchy Skin
What Are Environmental Dog Allergies and How Do You Treat Them?
Reasons Dogs Itch or Scratch Themselves
About the author: Marybeth Bittel is a freelance writer who lives in the Midwest with her wonderful husband, her crazy rescue dog Grant, and her level-headed rescue dog Maizy – all of them Heinz 57 mixed breed types. Marybeth identifies as mostly Italian, so she enjoys feeding family, friends and furkids almost as much as Grant and Maizy enjoy eating. She’s also a marketing communications consultant and former marketing/PR exec. Connect with her on LinkedIn or — to see her latest pet pics (and be careful what you wish for here) — check out her family Instagram feed.
The post 6 Ways to Help Your Itchy Dog appeared first on Dogster.
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grublypetcare · 7 years
6 Ways to Help Your Itchy Dog
In my house, we have a heart for problem dogs. I certainly don’t mean that we view our dogs as a “problem” — simply that they’ve been mistreated or neglected in a way that’s resulted in some problematic behavior. Since our early days of working with severely abused rescues, we’ve come to expect these issues. So our recovery “team” includes skilled animal behaviorists and some very dedicated veterinarians.
But in recent years, we’ve also added a holistic nutritionist to the mix. I started noticing that many of our pups would tend toward food allergies and compromised immunity — possibly resulting from too many years of a poor or inconsistent diet. Though to be fair, I’ve seen plenty of similar issues in non-rescues, too. It certainly makes sense that certain canines (like certain humans) may just be a bit more sensitive than others.
Our Maizy is a prime example. Soulful, intuitive, and winsomely shy, this sweet girl spent the early part of her life confined to a puppy mill cage. Maizy wouldn’t hurt a fly — but but we quickly learned that she can do herself some serious damage when her itchy, annual bumper crop of hot spots act up in the fall.
Our sweet, beautiful Maizy. How could you not want to help that face? Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
Any pet parent who cares for an allergic pup knows that it can really put a damper on your daily lifestyle. The cones, the creams, the clouded antihistamine haze, the self-harming behaviors that often kick in the moment you turn your back. With Maizy, the tiniest hot spot can quickly bloom into an angry brushfire that leaves her chewing and clawing maniacally.
We’ve tried nearly every remedy — and while I’m not professing to offer any guaranteed cures, I do want to share the trial-and-error ways we’ve developed over time to help Maizy. I’ve also included personal observations about what’s worked best in our case when it comes to dealing with an itchy dog.
1. Dial in on diet
Does your dog smell like a big, fluffy corn chip? Close your eyes, take a quick whiff, and consider. Our Maizy normally exudes this faint aroma — and according to our animal nutritionist, that “snack chippy” smell often signals skin-level yeast overgrowth. Some pets naturally tend toward this condition, and others attain it as the result of a carb-heavy diet (aka the “constant kibble and crunchy cookie” regimen).
Yeast overgrowth on the skin can lead to an itchy dog with dry, scaly, irritated patches; even fungal infections. We’ve helped Maizy achieve a degree of itch relief by calibrating her carb intake, then subbing in fresh, human-grade protein every day. We feed her limited-ingredient Zignature Duck Formula Kibble as a base, then top it off with supplemental veggies and a specific amount of ground turkey or duck depending on her symptoms. Certainly, there are some very good low-carb/no-carb prepared dog food brands available, but we prefer to customize Maizy’s diet as her seasonal symptoms ebb and flow. This allows us to vary proportions and gauge how she’s responding. A word of caution, though: If you opt to prepare your own pet food, it’s always smart to consult with a pet nutritionist who can ensure you’re including the proper percentage of fats, minerals and nutrients.
Quality kibble, in itself, isn’t necessarily bad — but “chronic kibble overload” can lead to issues, including yeast overgrowth and diabetes. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
2. Know your proteins
Speaking of proteins, they’re not all created equal — especially if you follow the philosophies of Chinese medicine. Some are classified as “warming,” others “cooling.” Proteins like duck, rabbit, or fish are generally considered cooling, and, according to Chinese theory, are the most healing for dogs who suffer from allergies. In contrast, proteins like lamb or venison are considered the hottest proteins. These can sometimes act like kerosene on a fire when it comes to aggravating allergic flare-ups.
But also remember that grains themselves have different characteristics. Corn and oats tend to be considered “bad guys” when it comes to triggering canine food allergies. Starchy binders like white potato can spike insulin and cause a host of complications, too. That’s why we mainly stick with foods that use “alternative” carb binders such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, green peas, or chickpeas. These are more novel to a dog’s system, not necessarily converted to sugar as quickly, and often less likely to cause sensitivities.
Customizing your canine’s proteins can sometimes make a noticeable difference. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
3. Go with your gut
Vets and animal nutritionists continue to remind us that the digestive system (the “gut”) has a tremendous impact on the body’s overall immune system. So we like to supplement Maizy’s daily diet with a pet-specific probiotic and plant-based enzyme powder called “Digest-All Plus” by Wholistic Pet. We just sprinkle about a half-teaspoon over her morning meal. In addition, we add about a teaspoon of Grizzly Salmon Oil for dogs, half a teaspoon of coconut oil, plus another teaspoon of organic ground flaxseed. This is a great way to include a boost of calming Omega-3s, which can help soothe our itchy dog’s skin and coat problems.
Adding probiotic powder can be an easy way to help your dog’s digestion and boost immunity, too. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
4. Explore prescription possibilities
Human doctors often advise surgical or arthritis patients to “stay ahead of the pain” with specific, timed medication doses. In much the same way, Maizy’s vet advocates “staying ahead of the itch” with a low-dose antihistamine at regular intervals. Depending upon the severity level of Maizy’s seasonal allergies, this sometimes works wonderfully… and sometimes not at all. We started her out on Benadryl, which is fairly safe but can cause considerable drowsiness.
Currently, we find that a very small dose of the prescription antihistamine Hydroxyzine is a bit more effective at keeping her comfortable, calm and alert. I no longer use sustained regimens of prednisone with any of my pups, due to the high potential for long-term side effects — including immune system suppression, plus pronounced liver and kidney damage. However, this is a personal choice that should be discussed with a qualified veterinarian. In cases where a dog is unable to achieve relief any other way, it can sometimes be the only realistic option.
Medication. Photography by Shutterstock.
5. Explore essential oils
I haven’t really embraced the essential oil craze, but based on a decent amount of observational evidence, I’d say it’s certainly worth trying as a supportive approach (for both the dog and the frazzled human caregiver). If you prefer pre-packaged pet oils, it’s often safest to stick with established brands (such as Pampered Pet). However, here at my house we whip up our own — it’s easy, and I can monitor every ingredient with my own eyes!
One blend that’s been especially soothing for Maizy’s itchy skin is 2 tablespoons of almond or coconut oil plus 10 drops of lavender essential oil. We simply massage this mixture into minor skin irritations to help reduce the itch, kill bacteria and even soothe her anxiety.
Another incredibly beneficial oil is neem, which is a vegetable oil pressed from the fruits and seeds of a specific evergreen species. Neem has powerful antibacterial properties, but it’s normally far too strong to use by itself. So we always dilute neem at least 3:1 with another calming oil such as lavender, coconut, or cardamom, then gently spritz this mixture onto abraded areas once or twice daily.
Oh, and while we’re on the subject of all things oil: Another oil-related option you can try is Lampe Berger, a scented line of air-purifying oils, which were originally developed for hospital use. These didn’t really ease Maizy’s allergy symptoms, but they’re quite calming and made the house smell fantastic.
Experimenting with essential oils can be a healing — or, at worst, calming — experience for you and your pup. Photography courtesy Marybeth Bittel.
6. See the light
Like many dogs, Maizy struggles with both food sensitivities and environmental allergies (the double whammy — yippee!). So we’ve explored numerous ways to avoid overtaxing her immune system. One approach that’s worked wonders is having our air ducts cleaned every few years. It’s amazing (in a fairly “ick” kind of way) to see how much dust and debris can accumulate deep inside a home’s ventilation system.
The last time we had a duct cleaning, we also decided to install a tiny APCO UV light. If you think about it, keeping windows shut for weeks and months at a time causes the same indoor air to circulate repeatedly. This means that accumulating mold, allergens and other contaminants can continue recirculating as well. According to the EPA, indoor air is an average of five times more polluted than outdoor air. APCO is a UV germicidal light that purifies indoor air without ozone or chemicals. Circulating air flows over the light apparatus, which reduces airborne pathogens like mold, bacteria, and viruses. We noticed fewer allergy symptoms in both our dogs (and in us) within the very first week of installation.
Do you struggle with ongoing canine allergies? What are some strategies that have worked best for you? Share your ideas and insights!
Read more about handling an itchy dog on Dogster.com: 
Coconut Oil for Dogs: How it Cured My Dog’s Itchy Skin
What Are Environmental Dog Allergies and How Do You Treat Them?
Reasons Dogs Itch or Scratch Themselves
About the author: Marybeth Bittel is a freelance writer who lives in the Midwest with her wonderful husband, her crazy rescue dog Grant, and her level-headed rescue dog Maizy – all of them Heinz 57 mixed breed types. Marybeth identifies as mostly Italian, so she enjoys feeding family, friends and furkids almost as much as Grant and Maizy enjoy eating. She’s also a marketing communications consultant and former marketing/PR exec. Connect with her on LinkedIn or — to see her latest pet pics (and be careful what you wish for here) — check out her family Instagram feed.
The post 6 Ways to Help Your Itchy Dog appeared first on Dogster.
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