#granted tho i havent watched the latest stream all the way thru
Im still thinking about bbh i cant help it. He wasnt going to bring skeppy onto the island. He was hoping that he’d get skeppy, but he was going to stick to his guns and leave the extra player up to islander vote. can you imagine? thats how much he loves them. thats how much he wants to be fair to them. he was going to let them choose, even when they all expected him to force skeppy onto the island, but he was going to let them choose. And it means that, for his current arc, he’s not grieving the loss of skeppy. he already knew there was a chance he wouldnt get him. Maybe that chance didnt become real until he actually lost, but it was never a guarantee that he’d get his skeppy.
bad is falling apart from the Stressors of the island and he is desperately trying not to. skeppy is his comfort blanket. skeppy is the reminder that, whatever happens here, bad cannot lose everything. Its not grief. Its “im not okay. I need help. he isnt here to help me, but if i pretend he is, maybe he can help me through it anyway.” maybe if skeppy where there, he’d know how to fix it. maybe if skeppy where there, bad wouldnt be falling apart at all.
just. he’s not okay. he asked Foolish for a hug. he spends so much time alone. he spends so much time with the eggs. when theyre gone, the skeppies will still be there. he misses him, and he loves the islanders so much he was going to give them the choice, and he cant ask them for help in any way that they can understand. he’s helping himself the only way he knows how- by clinging to his skeppy. and its still not enough
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