sparklygraves · 6 months
the fanfics that I resist reading the longest always end of being my faves—
like when I was reading a lot of byler stuff & there was this one fic that shipped Will with some guy named Boris who was from a totally diff thing— a movie? book? The…Goldfinch?
why would I read such a fic?
but finally when I’d read all the other good fics, I was like ehh what the hell—I’ll give Boris a try.
& I ended up getting so invested in the character that I had to read the huge angsty amazing book he came from.
& gosh darn— it just happened again!
I was reading Enjolras/Grantaire fics (Les Mis fandom) & there was this one fic that had a ton of kudos but was a poly ship of my guys plus some dood named Combeferre.
no thanks…
but eventualllyy I was like okayyyy I’ll try. & shiiit it ended up being the most wonderful cozy brilliant fic! & this guy Combeferre! well! I fell so in love I had to go buy Les Misérables (aka “the brick”) to get to know him better ❤️
now, I’m resisting reading a highly rated fic in the Les Mis fandom cuz it’s a Supernatural AU & I’m not super into that buuuuut knowing me, I probably will be :P
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