#graves and talas both get outed eventually and its a horrible time for everyone involved. especially for talas
spearxwind · 2 years
Is it immediately apparent what class size a leviathan will grow into? Also! Are shifters ever pressured to shift? Like does anyone think it’s weird that they’ve never seen Talas shift :0?
It's never really apparent!! There's some that usually by a specific age are done growing, and others just keep growing until they die (though it does slow down over time), there's never a surefire way to see a little guy and think "yes this dude will be So Big"
Also, I'm not sure I understand the second question, shifters usually keep the fact they're shifters under wraps. The only times where they might be pressured into it exposing themselves (under regular conditions) would be in a situation where they must do it to survive
In the story no one knows Talas is a shifter because he's actively pretending otherwise. The only ones who know are his immediate friends (Graves and Hades, who are in the same boat) and Connon, who is an old friend. Everyone outside of that circle is simply Not Aware that any of them can shapeshift
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