#great veronaville genetics project
cornyregans · 11 months
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GVGP: Capp & Monty 4
Having covered every sim in this group, let’s review our findings.
Similar to the previous two summaries, all information for each sim is split into several charts. Like in the individual entries, everything is color-coded, and I will give a special mention to any oddities found in a sim’s genetic code when they come up.
Genetic Profiles
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Oddity 1: Cornwall's Skintone
Cornwall's skintone makes perfect sense because he shares it with his mother. That said, his father's slightly darker complexion requires hypothetical genetics to make sense with the parents he has.
Oddity 2: Goneril's Unrecognized Skintone
Like her mother, Goneril's skintone was unrecognized by the game during the title's early days. Luckily, both sims have since had their data corrected, so Goneril's skintone now makes perfect sense.
Hair Color
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Oddity 3: Albany's Blond Hair
Despite Albany having blond hair, both of his parents had dominant hair colors. Thankfully, two of Albany's grandparents also had blond(e) hair, so we can assume that the trait skipped a generation.
Oddity 4: Goneril's Hair Colors
Unlike her husband, Goneril's hair color is a hot mess. While she has brown hair in-game, it doesn't make any sense when we take her genetic history into account. The red hair listed in SimPE, on the other hand, does make sense in spite of her paternal grandparents' similarly faulty phenotypes.
Eye Color
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Oddity 5: Albany's Green Eyes
Albany's green eyes are similar to Goneril's red hair, in that they likely skipped a generation (or possibly two, in Goneril's case). Additionally, they're both descended from sims who were programmed with contradictory dominant traits.
Oddity 6: Cordelia and Caliban's Corrupt Faces
One of the side effects of having a corrupt face is that a sim displays brown eyes in their headshots, regardless of what's actually in their genetic code. Even if her brown eyes were genuine, they wouldn't make sense when looking at Cordelia's two grey-eyed parents. As for Caliban, brown eyes could work on him, but Prospero Gale would have needed to possess a hypothetical allele to explain them.
Oddity 7: Capp Daughters' Grey Eyes
When looking at their genetic profiles and implementing hypothetical genetics when appropriate, all three daughters' eye colors make perfect sense. That said, hypothetical genetics are essential on Consort's side of the family tree, as the trait appears to have spontaneously appeared in his genetic code.
Oddity 8: Cornwall's Grey Eyes
Cornwall is the son of two dominant, dark blue-eyed parents, but him having recessive grey eyes isn't completely outside the realm of possibility. When looking at his family tree, Cornwall's eye color can be explained by assuming Hamlet Jr. passed down a recessive grey allele he inherited from his father, and Tobea passed down a recessive allele she received from her mother.
Oddity 9: Kent's Light Blue Eyes
Like Albany's blond hair, Kent's light blue eyes make sense if we assume they skipped a generation or two. Despite having two grey-eyed parents, Kent has ancestors on both sides of his family tree who could have supplied him with the proper allele (Octavius Capp on Contessa's side, and either Queen Thebe or Hecuba Albion on Consort's).
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Oddity 10: Olivia's Skintone
Olivia is the S3 daughter of two S2 parents. As such, we would need to assume that Dull Dottore passed an S3 allele down to his son Holofernes for Olivia's skintone to make sense.
Hair Color
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Oddity 11: ABC Monty Hair Nonsense
The Monty family has long had a history of contradictory hair colors. Of the ABC Montys's grandparents, only their paternal grandmother has a perfectly explainable hair color. Both grandfathers are programmed with black hair; however, they each have one parent with brown hair, and another with a recessive hair color. Even more glaring, there's their maternal grandmother, who has brown hair despite having parents with recessive hair colors. This conundrum is made even more complicated in the next generation, as both Patrizio and Isabella have two possible hair colors. In Patrizio's case, storytelling images show him having black hair, whereas SimPE and The Sims 3 both show him as a brunet. Meanwhile, SimPE lists Isabella as a blonde, yet The Sims 3 portrays her as a brunette. With the ABC Montys in mind, we now know that Patrizio definitely has a black allele in his genetic code; however, we can't say for sure whether it was expressed. With black and brown hair both being dominant, Patrizio could have passed down either one; if that were the case, then it would have been a coin flip as to which kid ended up with which allele. As for Isabella, her offsprings' hair colors fail to rule out whether she had dominant or recessive hair.
Oddity 12: Olivia's Blonde Hair
Unlike the ABC Montys, Olivia's blonde hair is easier to explain. While Olivia shares her hair color with her mom, the latter's blonde tresses spontaneously appeared; however, given that Judith had two red-haired parents, one of them could have had a hypothetical gene in their genetic code. Olivia's father's side of the family tree is instead littered with black-haired sims; however, one of her paternal grandparents could have easily passed down a hypothetical recessive allele to her father.
Eye Color
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Oddity 13: Claudio's Light Blue Eyes
Claudio's eye color is yet another case of spontaneously appearing traits occurring in Veronaville. In this case, we can narrow down the source of Claudio's phantom trait to Proteus Pantalone, who would have needed a recessive allele in order to explain his son Vincentio's grey eyes.
As a Whole
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Hair Color
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Eye Color
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As a Whole
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Planned Additional Essays
In terms of any additional essays I'm planning to write on this group, I do have some things in the works.
As I mentioned in both Cornwall and Regan's entries, the two of them will be mentioned in a special essay down the line. That said, I'll save the details for when I post it (though, you might be able to guess what it's about if you browse my previous Veronaville Vault entries).
Another essay I want to write has to do with the Monty family's weird hair genetics. That said, I want to finish all of that family's genetic profiles before I touch it, as it will contain spoilers.
The final essay I have on my to-do list has to do with Olivia Monty, and how certain sources might help to explain her genetic oddities without incorporating hypothetical genetics.
Before writing this batch, I also had another essay in mind; however, I ended up incorporating the bulk of it in Claudio's genetic profile, and the rest will be brought up in the next batch.
Speaking of which...
Who's Next
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The RNG gods have decided that Mercutio will be the first sim up in our next group, unless anyone wants to expedite another sim's genetic profile. I don't know when the next entry will be posted, but I've made a dent in a few of them, so hopefully the next batch won't take another two years to finish.
Thank you so much for reading the GVGP so far. With this group down, we're approaching the homestretch of part 1. Once the next batch of entries is completed, all the Capps and Montys will have their genetic profiles shared, and we can move on to the Summerdreams.
Once again, thank you so much for reading!~ <3
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cornyregans · 11 months
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GVGP Profile: Kent Capp
Every Monty in this batch has been covered, so now it's time to cover the remaining Capps. Of the three sims left to go over, we're starting off with the only one not named after one of King Lear's daughters -- Kent.
When it comes to his ancestry, Kent is the only son of Contessa and Consort Capp and, by extension, the brother of Goneril, Regan, and the late Cordelia Capp. His grandparents include Scribonia and Octavius Capp, as well as Andromache and Hector Thebe. Finally, Kent's great-grandparents are Cleopatra and Antony Capp, Calpurnia and Julius Caesar, Eetion and Queen Thebe, and Hecuba and Priam Albion.
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Kent Capp's Genetic Profile
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Kent Capp's Visual Profile
Much like Bianca Monty, Kent has no children of his own when the game starts, and there isn't any indication that this was any different earlier in development. As such, he won’t be present in any further entries unless I feel the need to highlight specific aspects of his genetic code.
As the child of parents who are both visually presented as S1, Kent having an S1 skintone makes perfect sense. While there was an issue early in the game’s lifespan regarding Contessa’s skintone being unrecognized, the fact remains that Consort’s recognizable S1 complexion is more than enough to justify Kent inheriting it.
Hair Color
When looking at his parents’ individual genetic profiles, we have already determined that Consort and Contessa both make sense as natural blond(e)s. As a result, Kent’s blond hair also makes perfect sense (even though he's bald).
Eye Color
Despite neither of his parents having light blue eyes, Kent’s eye color makes perfect sense when you look back at his family tree.
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Kent's Great-Grandparents via Contessa Capp
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Contessa Capp's Visual Profile
If Contessa had a light blue allele in her genetic code, then it most likely came from her father — Octavius. If you believe that Octavius was directly descended from Calpurnia and Julius Caesar, then at least one of them would have needed a hypothetical light blue allele in their genetic codes. Of the two, theorizing that Calpurnia was the one with the light blue allele would incorporate fewer hypothetical genetics than Julius due to the former having a dominant eye color. If Calpurnia’s eyes were homozygous, then none of her descendants’ eye colors would make a lick of sense; however, a homozygous Julius wouldn’t contradict anything. This would allow Calpurnia to pass down a light blue allele to Octavius, who could pass one down to Contessa.
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Kent's Great-Grandparents via Consort Capp
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Consort Capp's Visual Profile
In Consort’s case, he could have inherited a light blue allele from either of his grandmothers. With that in mind, only one of Queen Thebe or Hecuba Albion would be able to pass down the gene, as both of them passing it down would contradict both Hector’s green eyes and Consort’s grey eyes. If Queen Thebe was the one who passed down the light blue allele, then Hecuba Albion would either need a green or grey allele to explain her descendants’ eye colors, and her husband Priam would need the other one. However, if Hecuba was the one who passed down the light blue allele, then Queen would need to have a grey allele for Consort’s eye color to make sense. Either way, one of Queen or Hecuba would have passed down a light blue allele to their child, who would pass their allele down to Consort.
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Table A: Eye genotype options for Consort’s grandparents using as few hypothetical genetics as possible.
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Table B: Eye genotype options for Consort’s parents using as few hypothetical genetics as possible.
When looking at Kent’s family tree in its entirety, he could either be homozygous or heterozygous for light blue eyes. If he was homozygous, then both Contessa and Consort would both have a recessive light blue eye alleles in their genetic codes. At the same time, Kent being heterozygous doesn’t automatically mean that only one of his parents possesses a light blue eye allele, since only one is required for Kent to have light blue eyes.
As a Whole
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Kent Capp's filled out genetic profile. His complexion makes perfect sense in spite of Contessa's pre-patched unrecognized skintone. His hair color makes sense if hypothetical genetics were incorporated earlier in his ancestry. Finally, Kent's light blue eyes make sense if we assume they weren't expressed for a generation (on Contessa's side) or two (on Consort's side).
Who's Next?
With all the men in this batch covered, we only have two ladies left. Our penultimate entry in this group is the only remaining sim who wears glasses -- Regan Capp.
Thank you for reading!~ <3
8 notes · View notes
cornyregans · 11 months
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GVGP Profile: Regan Capp
Having covered all the Montys, in-laws, and males from this group, we only have two ladies left. Of the sims remaining, we're going to begin with the younger of the two -- Regan Capp.
When it comes to her ancestry, Regan is the daughter of Contessa and Consort Capp and, by extension, the sister of Goneril, Kent, and the late Cordelia Capp. Her grandparents include Scribonia and Octavius Capp, as well as Andromache and Hector Thebe. Finally, Regan's great-grandparents are Cleopatra and Antony Capp, Calpurnia and Julius Caesar, Eetion and Queen Thebe, and Hecuba and Priam Albion.
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Regan Capp's Genetic Profile
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Regan Capp's Visual Profile
Like her brother and Bianca Monty, Regan is childless when the game starts. Unlike the former two sims, however, there is evidence that she and her husband Cornwall were meant to be parents earlier in development. As such, Regan’s genetic profile will be mentioned in a special essay later on.
As the child of parents who are both visually presented as S1, Regan having an S1 skintone makes perfect sense. While there was an issue early in the game’s lifespan regarding Contessa’s skintone being unrecognized, the fact remains that Consort’s recognizable S1 complexion is more than enough to justify Regan inheriting it.
Hair Color
When looking at her parents’ individual genetic profiles, we have already determined that Consort and Contessa both make sense as natural blond(e)s. As a result, Regan’s blonde hair also makes perfect sense.
Eye Color
Regan’s grey eyes make perfect sense, as she shares her eye color with both parents. That said, when looking at her family tree as a whole, their journey getting to her requires some hypothetical genetics on both sides.
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Regan's Great-Grandparents via Contessa Capp
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Contessa Capp's Visual Profile
On her mother’s side of the family tree, both Cleopatra and Antony would need to possess a hypothetical recessive allele in their genetic codes, and at least one of them would have to be grey to explain Scribonia’s eye color. Also, while some hypothetical genetics are required to explain Octavius’s light blue eyes, the fact remains that Julius’s grey eyes more than explain how Octavius could have potentially passed a grey allele down to Contessa.
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Regan's Great-Grandparents via Consort Capp
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Consort Capp's Visual Profile
Her father’s side of the family tree is comparatively more complicated. In Consort’s case, he is the first one in his family to exhibit the trait, as all of his ancestors had either brown, light blue, or green eyes. As a result, you would need to come up with the right hypotheticals for each of his ancestors (other than Eetion, who can get away with not having his profile touched). In short, you would need to determine which of Queen, Hecuba, and Priam possessed alleles for green and grey eyes in their codes, leading to three potential options that can explain how Consort, and by extension Regan, could end up with grey eyes.
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Table A: Eye genotype options for Consort’s grandparents using as few hypothetical genetics as possible.
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Table B: Eye genotype options for Consort’s parents using as few hypothetical genetics as possible.
From what's shown in the tables above, Hecuba Albion is ultimately the key to explaining everything, as she's the only sim who could hypothetically possess any of the three recessive alleles in her genetic code. If Hecuba was homozygous for light blue eyes, then Priam would need a green allele to explain Hector's eye color, which leaves Queen as the only sim who could pass down a grey allele to Consort. If this was the case, then we could definitively say that Consort inherited his grey eyes from Andromache.
On the other hand, Hecuba being heterozygous with an unexpressed green or grey allele means that Priam would pick up the remaining gene, and Queen Thebe would be homozygous. If this was the case, then Hector would have been the one who passed the grey allele down.
As a Whole
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Regan Capp's filled out genetic profile. Her complexion makes perfect sense in spite of Contessa's pre-patched unrecognized skintone. When it comes to her hair and grey eyes, both make sense if hypothetical genetics were incorporated earlier in her ancestry.
Who's Next?
It's Goneril. She's the only one in this group who hasn't been covered yet, so it can't be anyone else.
Thank you for reading!~ <3
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cornyregans · 11 months
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GVGP Profile: Albany Capp
Having finished what is, so far, the most verbose profile in the GVGP, we're moving on to something a tad more succinct. This time, we're covering the sim in this batch who fathered the most children -- Albany Capp.
Albany’s family tree shows that his ancestors were part of the “new blood” brigade. This means that, despite being counted among the fourth generation gang, he’s technically a third generation sim within his birth family. In terms of ancestry, Albany is the son of Richard and Anne Norman, as well as the grandson of William and Mathilde Norman, and Henry and Eleanor Anjou.
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Albany Capp's Genetic Profile
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Albany Capp's Visual Profile
Having fathered four children with his wife, Goneril, Albany will be present in each of his offsprings' genetic profiles, and will be given a mention whenever necessary.
As the son of an S2 father and an S1 mother, Albany’s S1 skintone makes perfect sense.
Hair Color
Albany is the blond son of a black-haired father and a brunette mother. That said, the fact that blond(e) hair is present on both sides of his family tree means that Albany’s hair color makes sense, provided both of his parents had recessive alleles in their genetic codes.
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Albany's Grandparents
The source of the blond(e) allele among Albany’s paternal ancestors is William Norman, who passed his allele down to Richard, which was then passed down to Albany. As for his maternal ancestors, the source in this case would be Eleanor Anjou, who passed her allele down to Anne, which was then passed down to Albany.
Eye Color
Much like his hair genetics, Albany’s eye genetics skipped a generation. Unlike his hair genetics, Albany’s ancestors’ eye colors are almost all recessive, and the only dominant one doesn’t make any sense (*cough* Anne *cough*).
On both sides of Albany’s family tree, it’s his grandmother who initially carried the gene for green eyes. That said, because Albany’s family history is filled with recessive eye colors, only one of his grandmothers would have needed to pass the allele down to him. If, however, both of them passed it down, then Albany would be homozygous for the trait.
As a Whole
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Albany's filled out genetic profile. His skintone makes perfect sense, while his hair and eye colors both make sense if we assume they just weren't expressed for a generation (this is in spite of Anne's faulty dark blue eyes, by the way).
Who's Next?
Having covered the final sim who married into the Capp family, our next entry will cover the final sim who married into the Monty family. Next time, we're going to look at the only deceased sim who hasn't been covered yet -- Hero Monty.
Thank you for reading!~ <3
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cornyregans · 11 months
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GVGP Profile: Claudio Monty
With Olivia Monty's entry done, it's now time for us to talk about her husband -- Claudio.
When it comes to his ancestry, Claudio is the deceased son of Patrizio and Isabella Monty, as well as the brother of Antonio and Bianca Monty. His grandparents include Valentine and Silvia Monty, as well as Vincentio and Francisca Pantalone. Finally, Claudio's great-grandparents are Bassanio and Portia Monty, Angelo and Mariana Capitano, Proteus and Julia Pantalone, and Lucio and Overdone Zanni.
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Claudio Monty's Genetic Profile
Before his untimely death, Claudio was married to Olivia Monty, and they had two children, with a third on the way. As such, Claudio will be present in his offsprings' genetic profiles, and will be given a mention whenever necessary.
As the son of two S3 parents, Claudio’s S3 skintone makes perfect sense.
Hair Color
If you’ve already read through Patrizio and Isabella’s genetic profiles, you'd know that their hair genetics are a mess. In Patrizio’s case, it’s due to contradictory sources, one where he has black hair, and one where he’s a brunet. While both of these hair colors can work, the brunet option is more situational, as we can't truly ascertain what Valentine and Portia Monty's genotypes truly were.
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Claudio's Great-Grandparents via Patrizio Monty
SimPE lists Isabella as a blonde, but you will often find her depicted as a brunette (both by fans and in TS3). Unlike Patrizio, Isabella’s problem lies more with her parents’ faulty hair colors (specifically her mother’s). Much like Valentine, Vincentio Pantalone's headshot shows him with black hair despite having one brunet parent, and one with a recessive hair color. Conversely, Francisca has dominant brown hair in her headshot, yet both Lucio and Overdone Zanni had recessive hair colors.
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Claudio's Great-Grandparents via Isabella Monty
As you’ve probably figured out, this whole hair thing is incredibly complicated. That said, in the interest of keeping this entry as short as possible, I’m only going to focus on how the following hair combinations affect Claudio’s genetic profile specifically.
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Option 1: Black-Haired!Patrizio x Brown-Haired!Isabella: With a black-haired father and a brunette mother, Claudio’s black hair would make sense.
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Option 2: Brown-Haired!Patrizio x Brown Haired!Isabella: Claudio’s black hair would only make sense with two brown-haired parents if Patrizio inherited the corresponding allele from his mother.
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Option 3: Brown-Haired!Patrizio x Blonde-Haired!Isabella: With a brunet father and a blonde mother, Claudio’s black hair would only make sense if Patrizio received an allele for black hair from his mother.
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Option 1: Black-Haired!Patrizio x Blonde-Haired!Isabella: With a black-haired father and a blonde mother, Claudio’s black hair would make sense.
Eye Color
Much like Consort Capp, Claudio is the victim of having an eye color that appeared spontaneously. Claudio’s ancestry consists of sims with brown, grey, and dark blue eyes; however, Claudio has light blue eyes. Of the known eye colors in his genetic history, the only recessive eye color is grey; however, only three of his ancestors were programmed with this specific gene.
On Patrizio’s side of the family tree, the only sim with grey eyes is Bassanio Monty. While we can’t say for sure if he was homozygous or heterozygous, we do know that he passed down a recessive allele to his son Valentine, who passed his down to Patrizio.
As for Isabella, both her father and paternal grandmother had grey eyes. In this case, Julia would have passed her recessive allele down to Vincentio, who passed it down to Isabella. That said, Vincentio couldn’t have had grey eyes if Proteus Pantalone was homozygous for dark blue eyes, so the latter sim would have needed a hypothetical recessive allele to justify this.
With these factors in mind, Claudio’s light blue eyes aren’t completely impossible. That being said, one of his great-grandparents would have needed to possess the proper phantom allele. Unlike with Consort, where there are multiple possibilities that can only be narrowed down so much, Claudio’s can be narrowed down to one sim.
Of his great-grandparents, the only one who couldn’t have passed down a light blue allele, not even with hypothetical genetics, is Portia Monty. As we’ve already discussed, Bassanio’s recessive eye color means Portia is the only sim who could have passed down a dominant allele to her brown-eyed son.
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Valentine Monty's Visual Profile
With Portia eliminated, we can remove four more sims. All of Patrizio and Isabella’s maternal ancestors had brown eyes. As a result, the Capitanos and Zannis could all pass down exclusively dominant alleles, and the Monty family tree wouldn’t be any worse off. Not only that, but these exclusively brown-eyed ancestors perfectly explain how Patrizio and Isabella could be heterozygous for brown eyes, meaning Claudio's recessive alleles would have come from the Monty and Pantalone lines.
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Silvia Monty's Visual Profile
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Francisca Pantalone's Visual Profile
Now we’re left with only the Monty and Pantalone lines. We’ve already debunked Portia through a process of elimination, so we’re left with three sims — Bassanio Monty, and Proteus and Julia Pantalone. Of the three, the first sim we can remove from the list would be Julia. If Julia had a light blue allele, then it would mean that Proteus’s recessive allele would need to be grey to explain Vincentio’s eye color. While this situation is plausible, it’s not the option that uses the fewest hypothetical genetics.
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Vincentio Pantalone's Visual Profile
This leaves us with Bassanio and Proteus as potential sources for the light blue allele. While both could have realistically had the gene, only one is needed to explain Claudio’s eye color. Of the two, however, the option that uses the fewest hypothetical genetics would be to assume that Proteus was the one who initially possessed the recessive allele. Unlike Bassanio, who could be heterozygous, Proteus would need to be heterozygous to explain how his son, and by extension his great-grandson, could realistically have recessive eye colors.
As a Whole
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Claudio Monty's filled out genetic profile. As you can see, his skintone makes perfect sense when taking his genetic history into account. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for his hair color, which makes sense on the surface, but has too many tangled webs to properly unweave. Finally, Claudio's eye color is a happy medium, as it makes sense with hypothetical genetics; however, the journey to deciphering the source is rather tedious.
Who's Next?
With all the ABC Montys out of the way, our next entry is going to cover the final sim to marry into the Capp family -- Albany Capp.
Thank you for reading!~ <3
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cornyregans · 11 months
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GVGP Profile: Olivia Monty
Having finished covering Juliette's mom, this entry is going to focus on her other half's mom -- Olivia.
Olivia’s family tree shows that her ancestors were part of the “new blood” brigade. This means that, despite being counted among the fourth generation gang, she’s technically a third generation sim within her family. In terms of ancestry, Olivia is the daughter of Holofernes and Judith Dottore, as well as the granddaughter of Dull and Jaquenetta Dottore, and Thurio and Lucetta Brighella.
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Olivia Monty's Genetic Profile
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Olivia Monty's Visual Profile
Before her untimely death, Olivia was married to Claudio Monty, and they had two children, with a third on the way. As such, Olivia will be present in her offsprings' genetic profiles, and will be given a mention whenever necessary.
Olivia’s S3 skintone isn’t shared with her S2 parents. Despite this difference, her complexion still makes sense because sims in TS2 have both a dominant and recessive skintone. While both of Olivia’s parents are S2, her paternal grandfather, Dull Dottore, possessed a dominant S3 skintone. This trait was passed down to her father (though not expressed), and she eventually inherited it as a dominant gene.
Hair Color
Olivia inherited her mother’s blonde hair. Despite this, hypothetical genetics on both sides of her family tree are required for her hair color to make sense.
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Olivia's Grandparents
While Judith Dottore is programmed with blonde hair, both of Judith’s parents are programmed to have red hair. As such, one of Olivia’s maternal grandparents would have needed a recessive blond(e) allele to explain Judith’s, and by extension Olivia’s, hair color.
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Judith Dottore's Visual Profile
Meanwhile, all of Olivia’s paternal ancestors are programmed to have black hair. As such, one of Dull or Jaquenetta Dottore would have needed a recessive allele in their genetic code, so it could be passed down to Holofernes and Olivia.
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Holofernes Dottore's Visual Profile
Depending on the mystery gene’s origin, Olivia could have been either homozygous or heterozygous for blonde hair. That said, one of the alleles passed down to Olivia needs to be blonde for her hair color to make sense.
Eye Color
As the daughter of a brown-eyed father and a dark blue-eyed mother, Olivia’s brown eyes make sense. Given that Olivia’s maternal grandmother also had brown eyes, as did all of her paternal ancestors, it stands to reason that Olivia being homozygous is a definite possibility.
As a Whole
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Olivia Monty's filled out genetic profile. Her brown eyes make perfect sense when taking her ancestry into account. Meanwhile, both her skintone (which most likely skipped a generation) and hair color (which spontaneously appeared) require hypothetical genetics to make sense.
Who's Next?
With one half of the deceased Montys down, we have one more to go. Our next entry will cover the final ABC Monty -- Claudio.
Thanks for reading!~ <3
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cornyregans · 1 year
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GVGP Profile: Antonio Monty
After a quick breather, we're now back to one of the big kahunas in terms of complexity. It's time to cover Antonio Monty.
When it comes to his ancestry, Antonio is the living son of Patrizio and Isabella Monty, as well as the brother of Bianca and the late Claudio Monty. His grandparents include Valentine and Silvia Monty, as well as Vincentio and Francisca Pantalone. Finally, Antonio's great-grandparents are Bassanio and Portia Monty, Angelo and Mariana Capitano, Proteus and Julia Pantalone, and Lucio and Overdone Zanni.
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Antonio Monty's genetic profile
Having fathered twins with his late wife, Hero Monty, Antonio will be present in his offsprings' genetic profiles, and will be given a mention whenever necessary.
As the son of two S3 parents, Antonio’s S3 skintone makes perfect sense.
Hair Color
If you’ve read through Patrizio and Isabella’s genetic profiles, you would already know that their hair genetics are a mess. In Patrizio’s case, it’s due to contradictory sources, one where he has black hair, and one where he’s a brunet. While both of these hair colors can work, the brunet option is more situational, as we can't truly ascertain what Valentine and Portia Monty's genotypes truly were.
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Antonio's Great-Grandparents via Patrizio
SimPE lists Isabella as a blonde, but you will often find her depicted as a brunette (both by fans and in TS3). Unlike Patrizio, Isabella’s problem lies more with her parents’ faulty hair colors (specifically her mother’s). Much like Valentine, Vincentio Pantalone's headshot shows him with black hair despite having one brunet parent, and one with a recessive hair color. Conversely, Francisca has dominant brown hair in her headshot, yet both Lucio and Overdone Zanni had recessive hair colors.
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Antonio's Great-Grandparents via Isabella
As you’ve probably figured out, this whole hair thing is incredibly complicated. That said, in the interest of keeping this entry as short as possible, I’m only going to focus on how the following hair combinations affect Antonio’s genetic profile specifically.
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Option 1: Black-Haired!Patrizio x Brown-Haired!Isabella: With a black-haired father and a brunette mother, Antonio’s brown hair would make sense.
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Option 2: Brown-Haired!Patrizio x Brown Haired!Isabella: Antonio’s brown hair would make sense with two brown-haired parents.
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Option 3: Brown-Haired!Patrizio x Blonde-Haired!Isabella: With a brunet father and a blonde mother, Antonio’s brown hair would make sense.
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Option 1: Black-Haired!Patrizio x Blonde-Haired!Isabella: With a black-haired father and a blonde mother, Antonio’s brown hair would make sense if we assume Patrizio has a brown allele in his genetic code.
Eye Color
Antonio has two brown-eyed parents. As such, his brown eyes make perfect sense.
As a Whole
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Antonio Monty's filled out genetic profile. As you can see, his skintone and eye color both make perfect sense when taking his genetic history into account. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for his hair color, which makes sense on the surface, but has too many tangled webs to properly unweave.
Who's Next?
With two-thirds of the ABC Montys covered, our next entry will look at our first member of the "Lear" Capps. Next time, we're going to look at the most family-oriented of the four siblings -- Cordelia.
Thank you for reading!~ <3
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cornyregans · 1 year
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GVGP Profile: Bianca Monty
Our next sim has what is, up until now, the longest genetic profile covered in this series. Today, we’re going to look at Bianca Monty.
Unlike the sims we've covered so far, Bianca is the first one with three generations of ancestors. This means that her genetic profile will be more complex than what we've seen before.
When it comes to her ancestry, Bianca is the only daughter of Patrizio and Isabella Monty, as well as the sister of Antonio and the late Claudio Monty. Her grandparents include Valentine and Silvia Monty, as well as Vincentio and Francisca Pantalone. Finally, Bianca is the great-granddaughter of Bassanio and Portia Monty, Angelo and Mariana Capitano, Proteus and Julia Pantalone, and Lucio and Overdone Zanni.
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Bianca Monty's Genetic Profile
Unlike the sims we've previously covered, Bianca has no children of her own when the game starts. As such, she won't be present in any further entries unless I feel the need to highlight specific aspects of her genetic code.
As the daughter of two S3 parents, Bianca’s S3 skintone makes perfect sense.
Hair Color
If you’ve read through Patrizio and Isabella’s genetic profiles, you would already know that their hair genetics are a mess. In Patrizio’s case, it’s due to contradictory sources, one where he has black hair, and one where he’s a brunet. While both of these hair colors can work, the brunet option is more situational, as we can't truly ascertain what Valentine and Portia Monty's genotypes truly were.
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Bianca's Great-Grandparents via Patrizio
SimPE lists Isabella as a blonde, but you will often find her depicted as a brunette (both by fans and in TS3). Unlike Patrizio, Isabella’s problem lies more with her parents’ faulty hair colors (specifically her mother’s). Much like Valentine, Vincentio Pantalone's headshot shows him with black hair despite having one brunet parent, and one with a recessive hair color. Conversely, Francisca has dominant brown hair in her headshot, yet both Lucio and Overdone Zanni had recessive hair colors.
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Bianca's Great-Grandparents via Isabella
As you’ve probably figured out, this whole hair thing is incredibly complicated. That said, in the interest of keeping this entry as short as possible, I’m only going to focus on how the following hair combinations affect Bianca’s genetic profile specifically.
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Option 1: Black-Haired!Patrizio x Brown-Haired!Isabella: With a black-haired father and a brunette mother, Bianca’s brown hair would make sense.
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Option 2: Brown-Haired!Patrizio x Brown-Haired!Isabella: Bianca’s brown hair would make sense with two brown-haired parents.
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Option 3: Brown-Haired!Patrizio x Blonde-Haired!Isabella: With a brunet father and a blonde mother, Bianca’s brown hair would make sense.
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Option 4: Black-Haired!Patrizio x Blonde-Haired!Isabella: With a black-haired father and a blonde mother, Bianca’s brown hair would make sense if we assume Patrizio has a brown allele in his genetic code.
Eye Color
Bianca has two brown-eyed parents. As such, her brown eyes make perfect sense.
As a Whole
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Bianca Monty's filled out genetic profile. As you can see, her skintone and eye color both make perfect sense when taking her genetic history into account. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for her hair color, which makes sense on the surface, but has too many tangled webs to unweave.
Who's Next?
With the biggest profile so far out of the way, we're going to scale back a generation for the next entry. Next time, we're going to cover the sim who could most easily pass as the Unsavory Charlatan -- Cornwall Capp.
Thank you for reading!~ <3
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cornyregans · 1 year
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GVGP Profile: Caliban Capp
After a long hiatus, I'm back with more genetic profiles. When we left off, we just finished up with the third generation Capps and Montys, so it's time to move on to the fourth.
When I posted the previous generation's summary, I announced that the fourth-generation sim with the fewest ancestors was first on the list. So, let's talk about Caliban Capp.
According to the Capp family tree, Caliban was the son of Prospero and Sycorax Gale. As you can see in his genetic profile, Caliban’s parents are his only known ancestors. As such, his entry will likely be somewhat short compared to those belonging to his children.
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Caliban Capp's genetic profile
As a father of three, Caliban will be present in each of his offsprings' genetic profiles, and given a mention whenever necessary.
As the son of an S2 father and an S1 mother, Caliban’s S2 skintone makes perfect sense.
Hair Color
As the son of two red-haired parents, Caliban also having red hair makes perfect sense.
Eye Color
While Caliban’s skintone and hair color are simple enough, his eye color is another story entirely due to the game presenting us with two options, one dominant and one recessive. For the record, Caliban’s father had dark blue eyes, whereas his mother had grey eyes.
When looking at the memories of his children and father-in-law, you will see that Caliban’s headshot shows him having brown eyes. For these brown eyes to make sense, we would need to assume Prospero had an allele for them in his genetic code. That said, Caliban’s brown eyes are not genuine, but rather the result of his corrupt face.
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Option 1: Brown-Eyed!Caliban
As previously mentioned in my introduction post, Caliban, like other sims with corrupt faces, possesses the following three features present in his headshot — brown eyes, no eyebrows, and the second face template. While there are some brown-eyed sims with corrupt faces, Caliban is not one of them because he is actually programmed to have green eyes.
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Option 2: Green-Eyed!Caliban
Like with the brown eyes, Caliban having green eyes would also require some hypothetical genetics. Should you want to keep hypothetical genetics to a minimum, it would be best if only one parent had the hypothetical allele. With that in mind, the best option would be to assume that the green allele came from Prospero since Sycorax already has a recessive eye color.
As a Whole
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Caliban's filled out genetic profile. His skintone and hair color both make perfect sense. While both of his eye colors make sense with hypothetical genetics, the brown eyes aren't natural, and instead the result of borkage.
Who's Next
With Caliban out of the way, we're getting ready to fry some bigger fish. Some of them are on par with the Capp and Monty grandparents, while others have another generation to contend with. As for who's after Caliban, it's one of the bigger fish, because next up is Veronaville's answer to Cassandra Goth -- Bianca Monty.
Thank you for reading!~ <3
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cornyregans · 11 months
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GVGP Profile: Goneril Capp
We've covered 11 sims in this group so far. Last, but certainly not least, is Goneril Capp.
When it comes to her ancestry, Goneril is the daughter of Contessa and Consort Capp and, by extension, the sister of Regan, Kent, and the late Cordelia Capp. Her grandparents include Scribonia and Octavius Capp, as well as Andromache and Hector Thebe. Finally, Goneril's great-grandparents are Cleopatra and Antony Capp, Calpurnia and Julius Caesar, Eetion and Queen Thebe, and Hecuba and Priam Albion.
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Goneril Capp's Genetic Profile
Goneril and her husband Albany have four children together. As a result, she will be present in all four of her offsprings' genetic profiles, and will be given a mention whenever necessary.
As mentioned in the GVGP’s introduction, both Goneril and Contessa were initially programmed with unrecognizable skintones. This particular error is one that would have caused to them potentially produce children with any complexion, regardless of their genetic histories. Thankfully, this has since been fixed, and Goneril’s skintone now makes perfect sense.
Hair Color
When looking at her parents’ individual genetic profiles, we have already determined that Consort and Contessa both work as natural blondes. As a result, Goneril’s brown hair doesn’t make any sense. If Goneril was the biological child of both Contessa and Consort, then she couldn’t have a naturally dominant hair color with two recessive parents.
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Option 1: Brown!Goneril with two blond(e) parents
So, if Goneril was Contessa and Consort’s biological daughter, then what is her natural hair color? Well, a quick look at her SimPE data shows that she’s actually programmed with red hair.
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Option 2: Red!Goneril with two blond(e) parents
In The Sims 2, it’s possible for two blond(e) sims to produce a red-haired child, provided one of them has the proper gene in their genetic code. In Goneril’s case, her only red-haired ancestor that the player can identify was her great-grandmother, Queen Thebe.
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Goneril's Great-Grandparents via Consort Capp
For Goneril to inherit Queen’s allele, the latter sim would have needed to pass the gene down to her daughter Andromache, who would pass her allele down to her son Consort. If Consort has a red allele in his genetic profile, and he passed it down to Goneril, then she could be a natural redhead without any hypothetical red alleles on Contessa’s part.
Eye Color
Goneril’s grey eyes make perfect sense, as she shares her eye color with both parents. That said, when looking at her family tree as a whole, their journey getting to her requires some hypothetical genetics on both sides.
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Goneril's Great-Grandparents via Contessa Capp
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Contessa Capp's Visual Profile
On her mother’s side of the family tree, both Cleopatra and Antony would need to possess a hypothetical recessive allele in their genetic codes, and at least one of them would have to be grey to explain Scribonia’s eye color. Also, while some hypothetical genetics are required to explain Octavius’s light blue eyes, the fact remains that Julius’s grey eyes more than explain how Octavius could have potentially passed a grey allele down to Contessa.
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Consort Capp's Visual Profile (his grandparents' visual profiles are further up on this page)
Her father’s side of the family tree is comparatively more complicated. In Consort’s case, he is the first one in his family to exhibit the trait, as all of his ancestors had either brown, light blue, or green eyes. As a result, you would need to come up with the right hypotheticals for each of his ancestors (other than Eetion, who can get away with not having his profile touched). In short, you would need to determine which of Queen, Hecuba, and Priam possessed alleles for green and grey eyes in their genetic codes, leading to three potential options that can explain how Consort, and by extension Goneril, could end up with grey eyes.
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Table A: Eye genotype options for Consort’s grandparents using as few hypothetical genetics as possible.
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Table B: Eye genotype options for Consort’s parents using as few hypothetical genetics as possible.
From what's shown in the tables above, Hecuba Albion is ultimately the key to explaining everything, as she's the only sim who could hypothetically possess any of the three recessive alleles in her genetic code. If Hecuba was homozygous for light blue eyes, then Priam would need a green allele to explain Hector's eye color, which leaves Queen as the only sim who could pass down a grey allele to Consort. If this was the case, then we could definitively say that Consort inherited his grey eyes from Andromache.
On the other hand, Hecuba being heterozygous with an unexpressed green or grey allele means that Priam would pick up the remaining gene, and Queen Thebe would be homozygous. If this was the case, then Hector would have been the one who passed the grey allele down.
As a Whole
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Goneril Capp's filled out genetic profile. Two generations worth of unrecognized skintones have since been patched, so now both Contessa's and Goneril's complexions make perfect sense. Her eye color makes sense with hypothetical genetics on both sides of her family tree. Finally, Goneril's in-game hair color is inconsistent with her ancestry; however, the hair color listed in SimPE makes perfect sense if we assume it skipped a generation or two (since Andromache's brown hair is similarly contradictory, and she could have just as easily made sense a natural blonde).
Who's Next?
Now that we've finished covering every sim in this group, we're going to move on to summarizing everything. Once that's done, I'll announce the order for the next batch of sims.
Thank you for reading!~ <3
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cornyregans · 11 months
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GVGP Profile: Hero Monty
Having just gone over the final Capp in-law, we're moving on to the final Monty in-law. It's time for us to cover the only sim in this batch who lacks character data -- Hero Monty.
Hero’s family tree shows that her ancestors were part of the “new blood” brigade. This means that, despite being counted among the fourth generation gang, she’s technically a third generation sim within her birth family. In terms of ancestry, Hero is the daughter of Trinculo and Maria Arlecchino, as well as the granddaughter of Stephano and Quickley Arlecchino, and Petruchio and Katharina Amantes.
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Hero Monty's Genetic Profile
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Hero Monty's Visual Profile
Before her untimely death, Hero was married to Antonio Monty, and they had two children. As such, Hero will be present in her offsprings' genetic profiles, and will be given a mention whenever necessary.
As the daughter of an S2 father and an S3 mother, Hero’s S3 skintone makes perfect sense.
Hair Color
As the daughter of a black-haired father and a brunette mother, Hero’s black hair makes perfect sense. Given that her maternal grandfather also had black hair, there’s a strong possibility that Hero may have been homozygous for the trait.
Eye Color
Hero has two brown-eyed parents. As such, her brown eyes make perfect sense.
As a Whole
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Hero Monty's filled out genetic profile. According to this table, Hero's skintone, hair color, and eye color all make sense when taking her genetic history into account.
Who's Next?
With all the ABC Montys, in-laws, and deceased sims out of the way, the only sims left to cover are the living Lear Capps. Next time, we're going to cover the final knowledge sim in this batch -- Kent Capp.
Thanks for reading!~ <3
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cornyregans · 1 year
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GVGP Profile: Cordelia Capp
With two of the ABC Montys out of the way, it's finally time for us to talk about one of the Lear Capps. Of the four sims in that group, we're going to start off with the dearly departed Cordelia Capp.
When it comes to her ancestry, Cordelia is the late daughter of Contessa and Consort Capp and, by extension, the sister of Goneril, Regan, and Kent Capp. Her grandparents include Scribonia and Octavius Capp, as well as Andromache and Hector Thebe. Finally, Cordelia's great-grandparents are Cleopatra and Antony Capp, Calpurnia and Julius Caesar, Eetion and Queen Thebe, and Hecuba and Priam Albion.
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Cordelia Capp's genetic profile
Before her untimely death, Cordelia was married to Caliban Capp (né Gale), and the two had three children together. As such, Cordelia will be present in all three of her offsprings' genetic profiles, and will be given a mention whenever necessary.
As the child of parents who are both visually presented as S1, Cordelia having an S1 skintone makes perfect sense. While there was an issue early in the game’s lifespan regarding Contessa’s skintone being unrecognized, the fact remains that Consort’s recognizable S1 complexion is more than enough to justify Cordelia inheriting it.
Hair Color
When looking at her parents’ individual genetic profiles, we have already determined that Consort and Contessa both make sense as natural blondes. As a result, Cordelia’s blonde hair also makes perfect sense.
Eye Color
When looking at the memories of her children and father, you will see that Cordelia’s headshot shows her having brown eyes. That said, these brown eyes are not genuine, but rather the result of her corrupt face.
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Option 1: Brown!Cordelia
As previously mentioned in my introduction post, Cordelia, like other sims with corrupt faces, possess the following three features in her headshot — brown eyes, no eyebrows, and the second face template. While there are some brown-eyed sims with corrupt faces, Cordelia is not one of them. For one thing, her genetic profile shows that she could not logically have brown eyes and be descended from Contessa and Consort by blood. Furthermore, when resurrecting her from the dead or looking at her data in SimPE, you’d see that her eyes are supposed to be grey.
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Option 2: Grey!Cordelia
Unlike her portrait’s brown eyes, Cordelia’s grey eyes make perfect sense, as she shares her eye color with both parents. That said, when looking at her family tree as a whole, their journey getting to her requires some hypothetical genetics on both sides.
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Cordelia's Great-Grandparents via Contessa Capp
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Contessa Capp's Visual Profile
On her mother’s side of the family tree, both Cleopatra and Antony would need to possess a hypothetical recessive allele in their genetic codes, and at least one of them would have to be grey to explain Scribonia’s eye color. Also, while some hypothetical genetics are required to explain Octavius’s light blue eyes, the fact remains that Julius’s grey eyes more than explain how Octavius could have potentially passed a grey allele down to Contessa.
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Cordelia's Great-Grandparents via Consort Capp
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Consort Capp's Visual Profile
Her father’s side of the family tree is comparatively more complicated. In Consort’s case, he is the first one in his family to exhibit the trait, as all of his ancestors had either brown, light blue, or green eyes. As a result, you would need to come up with the right hypotheticals for each of his ancestors (other than Eetion, who can get away with not having his profile touched). In short, you would need to determine which of Queen, Hecuba, and Priam possessed alleles for green and grey eyes in their codes, leading to three potential options that can explain how Consort, and by extension Cordelia, could end up with grey eyes.
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Table A: Eye genotype options for Consort’s grandparents using as few hypothetical genetics as possible.
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Table B: Eye genotype options for Consort’s parents using as few hypothetical genetics as possible.
From what's shown in the tables above, Hecuba Albion is ultimately the key to explaining everything, as she's the only sim who could hypothetically possess any of the three recessive alleles in her genetic code. If Hecuba was homozygous for light blue eyes, then Priam would need a green allele to explain Hector's eye color, which leaves Queen as the only sim who could pass down a grey allele to Consort. If this was the case, then we could definitively say that Consort inherited his grey eyes from Andromache.
On the other hand, Hecuba being heterozygous with an unexpressed green or grey allele means that Priam would pick up the remaining gene, and Queen Thebe would be homozygous. If this was the case, then Hector would have been the one who passed the grey allele down.
As a Whole
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Cordelia Capp's filled out genetic profile. Her complexion makes perfect sense in spite of Contessa's pre-patched unrecognized skintone. When it comes to her hair and grey eyes, both make sense if hypothetical genetics were incorporated earlier in her ancestry. The brown eyes shown in her corrupted headshot, on the other hand, make absolutely no sense, as both of her parents have recessive grey eyes.
Who's Next?
After tackling our first Lear Capp, our next entry is going to focus on one of the Monty wives. From one family sim to another, next up is Olivia Monty.
Thank you for reading!~ <3
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cornyregans · 1 year
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GVGP Profile: Cornwall Capp
After going over two sides of the complexity spectrum, we've reached our first happy medium with Cornwall Capp.
Cornwall’s family tree shows that his ancestors were part of the “new blood” brigade. This means that, despite being counted among the fourth generation gang, he’s technically a third generation sim within his birth family. In terms of ancestry, Cornwall is the son of Hamlet Jr. and Tobea Dane, as well as the grandson of Hamlet Sr. and Gertrude Dane, and Macduff and Lady Scott.
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Cornwall Capp's Genetic Profile
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Cornwall Capp's Visual Profile
Cornwall became part of the Capp family through his marriage to Regan Capp, and the pair are childless when the game starts. Unlike Bianca Monty, however, there is evidence that they were meant to be parents earlier in development. As such, Cornwall's genetic profile will be mentioned in a special essay later on.
While Hamlet Jr.'s complexion is slightly darker than Cornwall, both of the former's parents are S1. As such, one of little Hamlet's parents either had a recessive S2 allele in their genetic codes, or his ancestry isn't what it looks like. That said, the fact that both Cornwall and Tobea have the same S1 skintone means the former could have inherited it from the latter without his father passing it down.
Hair Color
As the son of a black-haired father and a brown-haired mother, Cornwall’s black hair makes perfect sense. That said, since Cornwall's parents have different dominant hair colors, it’s safe to say that he is heterozygous.
Eye Color
Cornwall’s eye color situation is similar to Scribonia Capp’s. While both sims had parents with the same dominant eye color (dark blue in Cornwall’s case, brown in Scribonia’s), they both ended up with recessive grey eyes. Unlike Scribonia, whose only known ancestors were her parents, Cornwall has grandparents who might help us figure out just what the heck is going on.
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Cornwall's Grandparents
As you can see, old Hamlet is the only one of Cornwall's grandparents to have grey eyes. With Gertrude passing down her dominant dark blue allele to her son, the younger Hamlet would have needed to have inherited his father's grey allele to explain Cornwall’s eye color. This only solves half of the puzzle, as grey eyes are not only the sole recessive eye color found in Cornwall’s family tree, but they're also only present on his father’s side. As such, we cannot proceed any further without hypothetical genetics.
When looking at the image above, you'll notice that Macduff and Lady Scott had different dominant eye colors. If you already read Tobea Dane’s genetic profile, you may recall me saying that, while her genotype was heterozygous, it’s probably not how it comes across. This situation with her son is the precise reason I made that comment.
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Tobea Dane's Visual Profile
As you can see, Tobea shares her dark blue eyes with her father, yet her mother had brown eyes instead. Without any knowledge of Cornwall’s genetic profile, you might assume that the allele Lady passed down to her daughter was for brown eyes. We now know that would be impossible because, if Lady passed down an allele for brown eyes, then Cornwall's grey eyes wouldn't make any sense.
Unfortunately, due to a lack of additional information, we are unable to deduce whether that specific gene was for grey, green, or light blue eyes. That said, for those of you who want to keep Cornwall’s genetic profile as simple as possible, assuming it’s for grey eyes would be your best bet.
As a Whole
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Cornwall Capp’s filled out genetic profile. While his father's skintone requires some hypothetical genetics to explain, the fact that Cornwall shares a skintone with his mother means that it doesn't matter all that much. Even with his mother's hypothetical hair genetics, Cornwall's hair color makes perfect sense when looking at his father's side of the family tree. Finally, Cornwall's eye color, which is a trait that skipped a generation, only makes sense with hypothetical genetics.
Who's Next?
After a quick break, we're going back to the bigger profiles. Next up, we have the sim who shares a first name with the most Shakespeare characters -- Antonio Monty.
Thank you for reading!~ <3
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cornyregans · 4 years
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Word Count: 2,578
The Great Veronaville Genetics Project (henceforth known as GVGP because I’m lazy) is something I’ve wanted to do for a while now. Back in 2018, I was working on an essay that involved looking at a specific sim’s genetics, but rather than stopping there and writing that essay like a normal person, I instead compiled a list of each Veronaville premade's genetics.
In terms of explaining my findings, I plan on going over things generation by generation. Once all sims within one generation are done, I will move onto the next generation, and so-on and so-forth.
How Genetics work in TS2
For those of you who are not aware of how genetics work in TS2, many of the genes in the game behave similarly to their real-life counterparts. To put it in scientific terms, genetics in TS2 are more Mendelian than Lamarckian. While I could go over the inner workings of TS2’s genetics in detail, Quinctia (Rikkulidea) on LiveJournal already did so and summed up everything better than I ever could. As such, I will be linking their post in the corresponding resource list should you be curious as to how everything works.
Genetic Errors
Unlike the genetics themselves, I will briefly go over some of the genetic errors found among Veronaville’s premades. These errors rarely have any effect on the genetics that I will be covering in later entries, so I figured I’ll get them out of the way here since there aren’t a whole lot of them.
Broken Faces
Two CAS face templates -- faces 21 and 25 -- are referred to as "broken" because both of them are linked incorrectly to face 2. As such, the physical appearance of sims with features from these faces might end up changing drastically as they age. Sims with broken faces may also pass their faulty features on to their offspring, which will result in their faces drastically changing as they age as well.
This broken face phenomenon can be observed in Veronaville’s Hal Capp, who is unfortunate enough to possess features from the twenty-first face template. Like other sims with this problem, Hal’s broken face template has absolutely no effect on his skin tone, hair color, and eye color. There could be other problems with his genetics, but they have nothing to do with his face.
While Hal is the most noteworthy Veronaville sim with a broken face, he’s not the only one. While I was working on the title image and some of the profiles, I discovered that Hal’s maternal grandfather, Henry Anjou, also seems to use pieces of a broken face template (at least when it comes to the template I found).
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Hal Capp (as a child and adult) and Henry Anjou (as an adult and elder). Notice the differences in their facial features as they age (particularly with their mouths).
In addition to Hal and Henry, there’s also the case of Priam Albion. While he doesn’t use a broken face template per sé, his appearance drastically changes when he is aged down into an adult. As such, I figured he deserved a mention here.
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Priam Albion as an adult and elder.
Something similar also happened to Contessa Capp when she became an elder. Though heavily modified, Contessa’s facial features are primarily from the second default face template. This is something that happens with female sims who use the EAxis second face template -- the lower half of their faces become noticeably thinner, and their noses seem slightly more bulbous. That said, I will not be providing a comparison here due to some discrepancies found within Contessa’s genetic code, but I will go over this problem once we cover her later down the line.
The Sims Wiki also lists Hecuba Albion (wife of the aforementioned Priam Albion) as another Veronaville sim with a broken face template. Unfortunately, since EAxis deleted her character data during development, there isn’t any way for me to confirm or deny this. That said, the Hecuba recreation that I am using does not seem to have anything too out of the ordinary.
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Hecuba Albon as an adult and elder.
Corrupted Faces
Unlike their more harmless cousin, a corrupted face causes sims to display features in their headshot that are absent from their genetic code -- the face 2 template, brown eyes, and no eyebrows. While some of these features can be present in a corrupted sim’s genetic code, they are due to coincidence, and it doesn’t change the fact that the sim in question is borked. Also unlike sims with broken faces, the only sims with corrupted faces all happen to be deceased by the time the game starts.
While not always the case, sims with corrupt faces have a tendency to cause major game corruption should they be resurrected. For example -- Lyla Grunt, Creon and Willow Nigmos, and Melissa Sims of Strangetown are all rather notorious examples of this phenomenon. If you want a full list of which sims suffer from this error, you can find one on The Sims Wiki (there will be a link in the resource list).
While most sims that fall under the corrupted face umbrella are found in Strangetown, two Veronaville sims also have this problem -- Cordelia and Caliban Capp. As with other corrupt-faced sims, Cordelia and Caliban’s headshots are shown as being face 2, having brown eyes, and missing eyebrows. Should you either purge their corrupted face data or resurrect them in-game, however, Cordelia will have grey eyes, while Caliban will have green eyes. Also, neither sim is face 2, and Cordelia has eyebrows in every other image where she appears (Caliban’s are more hit-or-miss from what I’ve seen).
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Cordelia and Caliban Capp with their proper genetics (left), and their corrupt headshots (right).
Big thanks to @simgaroop​ and @meetmetotheriver​ for the “proper genetics” versions since I have no idea how to fix the corruption myself. I recreated the “corrupt headshots” myself in BodyShop (which are probably the only recreations I’ll reproduce flawlessly).
Unrecognized Skin Tones
In addition to the corrupt faces, three sims in Veronaville once had what appeared to be an unrecognized skin tone. Generally speaking, sims inherit their skin tone from one of their parents, or they possess one that falls within the default skin tone spectrum.
A sim with an unrecognized skin tone can pass on a gene for any skin tone regardless of their complexion. This means a sim with two S1 parents could possibly inherit the S4 skin tone should one of those parent’s skin tones not be recognized by the game.
Fortunately, unlike with the corrupt faces mentioned above, the issue appears to have been fixed with the release of some patches. That said, before the release of those patches, Contessa, Goneril, and Hal Capp all had this issue.
The Tooth Hurts
Finally, there is this strange phenomenon that occurs when breeding either Cleopatra Capp or Calpurnia Caesar with another sim. While both of these ladies died as elders and look normal enough, you will recognize that both seem to have a massively elongated tooth should you choose to age either of them down to adults. 
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Cleopatra Capp and Calpurnia Caesar as both elders and adults. Notice the long line being emitted from each of their chins in their adult images, that’s the tooth.
This toothy issue can become a problem should you decide to have either sim reproduce. While all their male offspring will end up looking normal enough, any resulting female offspring who inherit this trait will likely have you reaching for the nearest gallon of brain bleach due to the resulting facial horror (I’ll provide a link in my resource list so you can see for yourself, if you dare). Luckily for us, this nightmare-inducing visage is not present in any of their canon descendants.
Hypothetical Genetics
All sims created with a certain hair or eye color will be homozygous for that specific trait, meaning there is only one possible allele they could pass down to their offspring. That said, due to the discrepancies in certain genetic profiles, I will be including something I like to call “hypothetical genetics” into the GVGP. 
Let's say that a sim whose parents were created in CAS with brown eyes is programmed to have light blue eyes. This might be normal for a family with at least two prior generations, but it should be impossible for a second-generation sim to have light blue eyes if both of their parents' eyes are brown. This is the exact kind of quandary where hypothetical genetics are meant to come into play.
While playing TS2, the simmer only has knowledge of the sims present within the family trees and can only use those sims as a reference point; however, hypothetical genetics allow us to go back even further than a family’s “first” generation.
Because of the nature of this concept, I will only be implementing hypothetical genetics when necessary. If a sim’s genetics make sense, then there isn’t any reason to assume that hypothetical genetics would be in play. It’s a case of homozygous unless proven otherwise.
While hypothetical genetics can explain many discrepancies, that doesn’t mean they can always be explained -- like when a sim displays a dominant hair or eye color while both of their parents could only pass down recessive alleles. For this kind of conundrum, it can get a little tricky, and I do plan on pointing out these inconsistencies as we delve further into the GVGP.
I have spent a long time debating how I wanted to go about sharing my findings. In the end, I decided I would go about this by first splitting the progenitors of each family into the following groups:
Capp & Monty 1 (Cleopatra and Antony Capp, Julius and Calpurnia Caesar, Queen and Eetion Thebe, Hecuba and Priam Albion, Bassanio and Portia Monty, Angelo and Mariana Capitano, Proteus and Julia Pantalone, Lucio and Overdone Zanni)
Summerdream 1 (Brillante and Pistol Summerdream, Sylph and Damon Featherlight, Nym and Shock Gossamer, Momentilla and Bob Bramble)
“New Blood” (William and Mathilde Norman, Henry and Eleanor Anjou, Hamlet Sr. and Gertrude Dane, Macduff and Lady Scott, Dull and Jaquenetta Dottore, Thurio and Lucetta Brighella, Stephano and Quickley Arlecchino, Petruchio and Katharina Amantes)
Since I am currently missing headshots for three Summerdream ancestors, I will be putting them off until I finish covering the Capps and Montys. After the first generation and “new blood” have been covered, the sims from subsequent generations will be next, and they will be grouped similarly to their ancestors. The last progenitors, Prospero and Sycorax Gale, will also be shoved into one of these entries due to them not really fitting into any of the above groups. While you could argue that the Gale couple would fit in with the “New Blood,” I decided not to place them in that group since their son married a Gen. 4 Capp, rather than one from Gen. 3.
Capp 2 (Scribonia and Octavius Capp, Andromache and Hector Thebe)
Monty 2 (Valentine and Silvia Monty, Vincentio and Francisca Pantalone)
Capp 3 (Contessa and Consort Capp, Richard and Anne Norman, Hamlet Jr. and Tobea Dane, Prospero and Sycorax Gale)
Monty 3 (Patrizio and Isabella Monty, Holofernes and Judith Dottore, Trinculo and Maria Arlecchino)
Capp 4 (Albany, Caliban, Cordelia, Cornwall, Goneril, Kent, Regan)
Monty 4 (Antonio, Bianca, Claudio, Hero, Olivia)
Capp 5 (Ariel, Desdemona, Hal, Hermia, Juliette, Miranda, Tybalt)
Monty 5 (Beatrice, Benedick, Mercutio, Romeo, Claudio & Olivia’s third child)
Summerdream 2 (Fae and Elvin Summerdream, Zephyretta and Sprite Gossamer)
Summerdream Extant (Titania, Oberon, Puck, Bottom)
Unlike with “gen. 1″ groups, I plan on giving almost all of these sims separate entries dedicated to analyzing their genetic profiles in more depth. As for the order, I plan on going generation-by-generation to keep each group together.
Since the Capp and Monty families both have five generations, they will be relatively intermingled with one another. There will not be a set order within these groups, rather everything will be randomized. When randomizing the sims in these groups, I will run all of the eligible sims through a randomizer once I have finished writing all of their entries, though I will move certain sims up in the order if anyone’s really interested in a specific genetic profile.
With that in mind, the order of these entries will go something like this:
Capps & Montys
Capp & Monty 2
Capp & Monty 3
Capp & Monty 4
Capp & Monty 5
Summerdream 1
Summerdream 2
Summerdream Extant
Once each of the individual entries has been completed, I will post an entry summarizing everything within that particular group. These summaries will display the traits of all sims present in that group, as well as which traits make sense and which traits don’t.
The Genetic Profiles
Each GVGP entry will include a sim’s genetic profile. These genetic profiles will be presented as tables and will include information both about the sim and question, along with all of their ancestors. As such, you will be able to see which genes make sense and which do not without having to go back to a previous entry.
Basically, it will look something like this (ancestors are excluded here, but they will not be once we get to the “2” groups).
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The general format for a genetic profile.
After displaying this chart, I will be adding what I call a “visual profile” so you can see traits belonging to both the sim in question, as well as their relevant ancestors. Should something not make sense on the surface, I will also put hypothetical visual profiles in the entries to show alternate genetic profiles that might make more sense when taking the sim’s genetic history into account.
Once I go over everything in that particular sim’s genetic and visual profiles, I will provide a second, color-coded table to show what makes sense and what does not.
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The key explaining the meaning of each color used in the genetic profiles.
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An example of a filled out genetic profile. As you can see, the sim’s skintone makes sense, their hair color makes sense with hypothetical genetics, and their eye color does not make any sense whatsoever.
As mentioned in the previous section, once an entire group’s profiles are done, they will be compiled into one large table for the summary entry. I will not be providing a sample of this since it’s pretty self-explanatory.
Unless there’s anything that needs extra attention (i.e., anything in red, purple, or either of the blues), the entries themselves will be rather brief. While I’m normally rather verbose in my writing, the vast number of entries for this particular project means that, if I am as verbose as usual, then I might never end up finishing. Should you be curious about anything in particular, please let me know, and I will try and explain in further detail, or I might post an extra essay that answers your question if it’s something I want to cover in the future.
What’s Next?
With all that out of the way, I hope you enjoy this series. The “Capp & Monty 1″ summary will be the next entry in this project, followed by the “New Blood” summary. Once those are all out of the way, I will start posting the individual profiles, with the occasional summary filled in to tie things together.
Thank you so much for reading this introduction. Once again, I hope you enjoy.
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cornyregans · 4 years
GVGP Profile: Contessa Capp
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We’re continuing with this group’s deceased sims, though this entry differs from the rest. Unlike Maria, Tobea, Richard, and Anne, Contessa is considered one of the “modern” Veronavillagers for two reasons. The first is her major role in the neighborhood narrative. The second is because she died not long before the start of the game.
Like Consort and Isabella, Contessa’s family tree shows two generations of ancestors, meaning her genetic profile will be more on the complicated side. Contessa was the daughter of Scribonia and Octavius Capp. As for her grandparents, Contessa’s maternal grandparents are Cleopatra and Antony Capp, while her paternal grandparents are Julius and Calpurnia Caesar.
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As a mother of four, and a grandmother of seven, Contessa will be present in each of their genetic profiles and will be given a mention whenever necessary.
Contessa was the daughter of an S2 mother and an S1 father. While her skintone was unrecognized by the game early in TS2’s lifespan, Contessa is S1 like her father. As such, her skintone makes sense.
Hair Color
Much like her husband, Contessa’s hair color differs between storytelling images and SimPE. While Contessa is a blonde in the Capp family storytelling image where she’s making out with Patrizio, looking at her in SimPE shows that she was programmed to have black hair.
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Option 1: Black-Haired!Contessa
Like with Consort, Contessa having black hair does not make sense when taking her genetic history into account. Since her father had recessive blond hair, the only parent who could have passed down a black allele to Contessa would have been her mother, Scribonia.
Since Scribonia’s father also had blond hair, the only way Contessa could have inherited black hair would have been through her maternal grandmother. As we’ve already seen in Scribonia’s entry, this is impossible because Cleopatra Capp passed her allele for brown hair down to her brunette daughter.
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Option 2: Blonde!Contessa
Contessa’s parents consist of a brunette mother and a blond father, both of whom have parents listed in the Capp family tree. Since Octavius is a blond, we know Contessa could have inherited a blond allele from him without looking any further into his ancestry. Like her husband, Scribonia’s father was also a blond, which means that Scribonia would have inherited a recessive gene from him.
By taking these facts into account, Contessa being a natural blonde is the only option of the two that makes any modicum of sense.
Eye Color
As mentioned in her genetic profiles, Scribonia’s grey eyes make sense by assuming both Cleopatra and Antony had alleles for recessive eye colors in their genetic codes, with at least one of those alleles being grey. Since Octavius had light blue eyes, and we determined that Julius and Calpurnia could work as his biological parents by substituting the latter’s dark blue allele for a light blue one, he could only pass down a recessive allele to his daughter.
Due to being the daughter of a grey-eyed mother and a light blue-eyed father, Contessa’s grey eyes make perfect sense.
Addressing Previous Genetic Issues
Contessa’s face, while heavily modified, consists mostly of the default second face template. As I mentioned in my introduction post, a female sim using this template has their face change drastically upon their transition to elderhood.
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Contessa Capp as an adult and elder
This section doesn’t have anything to do with the genes we look at in these profiles. I’m just mentioning it here because I didn’t want to address Contessa’s hair color problem before I posted her entry.
As a Whole
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Contessa Capp’s filled out genetic profile. Her skintone makes sense despite being formerly unrecognized by the game. Provided her paternal grandfather had a recessive allele in his genetic code, or her father was adopted, Contessa having blonde hair makes sense. Contessa’s eye color falls in the same boat; it makes sense, but not without giving three of her grandparents genes for recessive eye colors (though you could leave Calpurnia alone if you believe Octavius was adopted). Finally, Contessa’s genetic history makes it impossible for her to have had natural black hair.
Who’s Next?
Our next entry belongs to the last Capp ancestor not related to Caliban. Join us next time as we dissect Hamlet Dane Jr.’s genetic profile.
Thanks for reading! <3
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cornyregans · 4 years
GVGP Profile: Consort Capp
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After going over a bunch of deceased sims, we’re now looking at our first living sim, Consort Capp.
Unlike the previous entries, Consort’s family tree shows two generations of ancestors. As such, his genetic profile will be more complicated than those we’ve seen before. Looking at his ancestry, we know that Consort is the son of Andromache and Hector Thebe. As for his grandparents, Consort’s maternal grandparents are Queen and Eetion Thebe, while his paternal grandparents are Hecuba and Priam Albion.
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Consort Capp’s Genetic Profile
As a father of four, and a grandfather of seven, Consort will be present in each of his descendants' genetic profiles and will be given a mention whenever necessary.
As the son of two S1 parents, Consort’s S1 skintone makes perfect sense.
Hair Color
Unlike the previous sims we’ve covered, there is a discrepancy regarding Consort’s natural hair color. While the Capp and Monty storytelling images portray him as a blond, SimPE lists his natural hair color as black. While this information is contradictory, narrowing down which hair color works better is very easy.
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Option 1: Black-Haired!Consort
Let’s cover Consort’s SimPE hair color first. While you could either look back a few generations or use hypothetical genetics to justify two brown-haired sims having a black-haired child, this would not work in Consort’s case. As seen in their entries, neither Hector nor Andromache could have realistically had brown hair.
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Consort’s grandparents, all of whom had recessive hair colors. Since there is not a dominant hair color to be found, there is no way that either Hector or Andromache could both have dominant brown hair and be their biological children.
Disregarding Hector and Andromache’s faulty phenotypes, all of Consort’s OG ancestors had recessive hair colors. As such, just like his parents, Consort should not be able to naturally inherit black hair and still be related to them by blood.
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Option 1.1: Black-Haired!Consort with two blond(e) parents. Since it’s impossible for two blond(e) parents to produce a black-haired child, this visual profile does not make any sense.
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Option 1.2: Black-Haired!Consort with a red-haired mother and blond father. Since it’s impossible for a redhead and a blond to produce a black-haired child, this visual profile does not make any sense.
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Option 2: Blond!Consort
Unlike what’s shown in SimPE, Consort being a natural blond makes sense. As mentioned before, all of Consort’s grandparents had recessive hair colors, with blond hair present on both sides of his family tree. With all four progenitors having recessive hair colors, and the assumption that both of his parents dyed their hair brown, Consort being a natural blond is the only answer of the two that works.
With that said, here are the visual profiles that work best when taking Consort’s genetic history into account:
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Option 2.1: Blond!Consort with two blond(e) parents. Since it’s possible for two blond(e) parents to produce a blond(e) child, this visual profile makes sense.
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Option 2.2: Blond!Consort with a red-haired mother and a blond father Since it’s possible for a redhead and a blond to produce a blond(e) child, this visual profile also makes sense.
Eye Color
Remember how I said that assuming Hecuba was homozygous for light blue eyes might cause problems down the road back in Hector’s genetic profile? Well, now we’re going to go into why that is. As you can see in his genetic and visual profiles, unlike all of his known ancestors, Consort’s eyes are grey.
Unlike with the black hair in SimPE, we can find the source of Consort’s phantom eye color by using hypothetical genetics. First, we have to determine which ancestors could not have passed down the hypothetical allele and take them off our list.
As seen in her genetic profile, Consort’s mother had dominant brown eyes, which she inherited from her father. As such, we can cross Consort’s maternal grandfather, Eetion Thebe, off the list. 
Hector having recessive green eyes means we aren’t able to eliminate either of his parents using this method since Priam Albion would have needed a recessive allele in his genetic code to explain Hector’s eye color.
By removing Eetion, our remaining potential sources for the phantom grey allele are Queen Thebe, and both Hecuba and Priam Albion. By looking at these three grandparents, along with Consort’s parents, we can deduce a few facts.
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Table A: Eye genotype options for Consort’s grandparents using as few hypothetical genetics as possible.
First of all, because Hector had green eyes, either Priam or Hecuba would have needed to pass down that allele down to him. If this sim was Priam, then Hecuba’s eye color could be either homozygous (option A3) or heterozygous (option A1). Conversely, if Hecuba was the one with the green allele, then assuming Priam was the one with the grey allele (option A2) would be the best choice to keep hypothetical genetics to a minimum.
Queen Thebe had light blue eyes like Hecuba. To keep hypothetical genetics to a minimum, one of the two would have needed to be homozygous. If Queen Thebe was the one with the grey allele, then Hecuba could be homozygous, therefore leaving Priam as the one with the green allele in his genetic code (option A3).
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Table B: Eye genotype options for Consort’s parents using as few hypothetical genetics as possible.
As for Andromache and Hector, either of them could have had an allele for grey eyes, though which one depends on how you interpret their parents’ genotypes. For example, Option B1 works with both options A1 and A2. Conversely, option B2 only works with option A3.
In the end, while situational, all of these combinations work when looking at Consort’s ancestry. As such, there is no need for us to look at this any further. That said, your choice could influence both Consort’s genotype, as well as those belonging to his descendants.
As a Whole
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Consort Capp’s filled out genetic profile. As you can see, Consort’s skintone is the only trait that makes perfect sense when taking his ancestors’ genetics into account. Consort having blond hair makes sense when looking at his grandparents’ hair colors, while Consort having black hair does not make any sense at all. Lastly, his eye color makes sense with hypothetical genetics.
Who’s Next?
Having finished looking over the Capp consort, our next entry will focus on the Monty consort. Next up is Veronaville’s premier Baked Alaska creating nonna, Isabella Monty.
Thanks for reading! <3
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