Grandfather's Ghost (short story)
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“So, medicine cat, eh?” Redjay settled beside his grandson, who had snuck out of the nursery and kept to the shadows of the camp wall to avoid being shooed back in or be seen talking to air.
Myrtlekit nodded enthusiastically. He had told Hickoryskip his decision earlier that day, and guessed that either Redjay or another of his family had seen the discussion. “A good choice, right?”
Redjay made a doubtful grunt. “Are you sure it’s the path for you? You have a bloodlust in you, little one, battles are a good way to quench the thirst.”
“But it’s so mindless,” Myrtlekit responded, pulling his mouth to one side. “Slashing around is fun, but it’ll get boring in time, right? And what am I gonna do when there’s no war for moons?”
His grandfather grinned, his teeth glinting in the moonlight. “Aw, so mind games has piqued your interest, has it?” His smile dropped. “But you’ll have to target the weak, and you’re better than that. Stronger than that.”
Anger clawed Myrtlekit’s chest. “I’m no coward! If they’re not weak, I’ll make them weak, then I’ll make them all beg for mercy and give them none!”
Redjay’s eyes sparked. A ring of energy seemed to shoot through his body, lifting his fur in enthusiasm. “Oh, the fire in you, my little one!” He tilted his head, so far it almost looked like the bones inside had split apart. “I suppose I do see the benefits. Herbs and poison right by your paws, to be used at your disposal…”
“Trusted by my Clanmates and leader,” Myrtlekit added, remembering Bella-May’s advice.
“StarClan won’t rat on you, because you’ll be their messenger.” Redjay’s grin was returning.
“Gorsedaisy will hate it.” Myrtlekit spat the name. The elderly medicine cat had never liked him, and wasn’t shy on making her thoughts clear. 
Redjay’s eyes darkened. “Indeed she will. The Clan knows she’s lost her petals. Ha! They’ll trust you more than her!” Redjay’s whole body shook. “I can just imagine what she’d say! ‘No! Please don’t let him become a medicine cat! He’s evil, I tell you! Evil!’”
Myrtlekit pressed his paw to his muzzle, stifling the laughter that threatened to choke him, his shoulders shaking as he struggled to breathe. The impression Redjay made was perfect. For a second, he thought that Gorsedaisy really had spoken. Sure, it was a little dramatic in its mockery, but the idea was still clear. “Do it again, do it again!” He prompted.
Redjay did so, though he had to control his own chuckles before he could speak again.  “‘You’re all fools! Fools! I guess I’ll speak to you when you get to StarClan, because that’s where the lot of you will end up, mark my words!”
Myrtlekit burst out in a fit of open laughter, rolling onto his side until he gasped for air. “One more!”
“Myrtlekit, what are you doing out here?” Myrtlekit whipped around to face Grebeglade, his aunt, who had been on guard duty. “What’s got you so amused?”
Myrtlekit looked over his shoulder. Redjay’s spirit had already disappeared. “I saw a frog jump on a squirrel, and I thought it was really funny!” 
Grebeglade looked around. Her whiskers twitched, and she blinked at him with warm amusement. “Must have been a dream. Go back to your mother, alright? You could freeze out here.”
“Okay, I will!” Myrtlekit told her, and bounded back to the nursery. His fur still buzzed as he settled in the nest beside Blacksong, and the smile remained on his face as he fell into the darkness of sleep.
--Probably one of the cutest stories we'll ever see of Myrtlwing.
--I like to think that Redjay does his mimicry often for the amusement of the little ones.
--Base found in this stash: FREE Warriors Lineart Pack 1 by LexisSketches on DeviantArt
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All Together Now
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Computer died and I forgot my charger at work, so posting this from my back-up blog on mobile. First post here, I think?
—Grebe once called Broken her little brother. They’re littermates, and he is the youngest. I imagine Broken was always very sensitive, and his sister was his protector.
—Though he cared nothing for Marblegaze, Redjay did love his kits deeply and was very involved in their lives (Black and Grey not included, he died before they were born).
—Lightstream put up a strong, confident front in front of his Clanmates, but alone with Redjay, he would confide and talk about things that worried him, his anxieties and insecurities. After Redjay was revealed and died, he kept to himself completely.
He is also gay, but never had the Realization until after he died and reunited with a tom friend.
—Swanmist was the first to suggest ending their bloodline, distraught at the pain it was still causing the family. Marblegaze had often failed to fight back in battles, not wanting to shed blood anymore, and got deeply hurt because of it.
ref by Turukhan
@ambitiousauthor @wills-woodland-warriors @starfalcon555 @umbranoxs @elementaldeityoffood
main blog btw is @residents-of-the-darkforest
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ambitiousauthor · 1 year
Chapter with Gorse (let me know if she comes off correctly)--
“May I come in?” Rainbur asked, poking his head into the den. Neither elder seemed to hear him, Gorsedaisy holding Greydusk’s tail down while she groomed the dirt off. He grumbled as she did, clearly not caring if she got it clean at all.
Rainbur decided to enter, padding carefully around Grebeglade, who was snoozing, curled in her nest. 
Finally, as Rainbur neared, Gorsedaisy and Greydusk noticed his presence. She nodded in greeting, well he blinked, opened his jaws, then closed them and rested his head back on top of his paw.
Rainbur dipped his head to them respectfully, sitting with his tail curled neatly around his paws. “May I ask your opinion?” he asked Gorsedaisy. He felt wary, the old she-cat hadn’t been herself for some moons now, it was why they hadn’t immediately reinstated her position as medicine cat. He was sure the responsibility would be too much for the elderly Gorsedaisy, but perhaps her brain was still in some parts well enough to give reasonable advice.
Gorsedaisy shrugged. “What else are elders for? There hadn’t been a kit to demand a story for a couple moons now. ‘Course there was Mossflake’s litter, little dears, but then that no good freak murdered her! I always knew he would be trouble! I was an idiot to do nothing!”
Rainbur nodded again, wanting to show that he was listening, and hoping that the bristling she-cat hadn’t noticed him inch away. He opted to stay silent until her fur lie flat again. “Right. I’m sure there’ll be more soon, but first I wanted to ask what you think we should do about the medicine cat situation? Cedarsky wants to train, but there’s no mentor for him–aside from you, of course– but you already worked so hard for so long and I don’t think we should–”
“You shouldn’t,” Gorsedaisy interrupted irritably, then smiled. “A senior warrior, yet you’re still so young and foolish. The answer is obvious! Ask for help from your allies!”
Rainbur frowned. “But then they will know our weakness.” He knew the argument sounded kit-like, but it was a reasonable concern, wasn’t it?
But Gorsedaisy snorted. “Only a monster would take advantage of a Clan that had already lost so much. What are the chances of two having lead at the same time?”
Rainbur let out a breath. She was right. That was one matter solved, for now at least. The next would be more difficult. “What about the leader?”
Gorsedaisy raised her heard and stared through Rainbur for such a long moment, he was beginning to wonder if there was something dangerous creeping up behind him. Then she chuckled. “Not a bright star, are you?” Rainbur had no idea what that meant other than an insult on his intelligence. He had no idea what the knowing smile Gorsedaisy gave him meant either. 
“When was the last time you went on a regular patrol?”
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For Tadpolekit and Songkit, I imagine they are both multi-coloured, only Songkit has more white while Tad has more black--both from mommy.
I wonder who their father is?
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Blacksong's Check-up (short story)
“You’re wrecking my patients’ nest,” Gorsedaisy’s dry-crackled voice cut into Blacksong’s thoughts. The dusty-brown she-cat looked at her dark paws, noticing for the first time that she had shredded the moss and leaves that lined her nest to crumbling bits.
“Sorry,” she mumbled awkwardly. “Do you think…” She wondered if she should speak. She felt so isolated. Ever since she told her siblings she was pregnant, Swanmist refused to so much as speak to her. Lightstream and Brokenwhistle were more forgiving, but stuck to Swanmist more than they stuck to her. If they didn’t share his thoughts to the same extent, they stayed by his side to soothe him in his anger. 
Meanwhile, Grebeglade refused to pick a side, and Marblegaze was fearful. She wasn’t angry, but she wasn’t happy, either. The only one in her family Blacksong felt wasn’t mad or disappointed in her was her littermate, Greydusk. 
Blacksong wasn’t even sure where the father was. She was sure Buck wouldn’t leave her. She knew something must have happened to him, and she hated not knowing what or if he was safe. Part of her hated that she couldn’t tell him that he was to be a father before he was taken away, while the other part was grateful that he wouldn’t have to suffer the knowledge of being parted from his kits.
…She was going to introduce kits into the world, the world that right now felt so split apart. Her pregnancy certainly didn’t help with her emotions. One moment, she wanted to scream at Swanmist for being so petty, the next she fully believed he was right and that she was the worst sister in the world for breaking her promise of ending the bloodline. 
She never even met Redjay! He had died before she was born!
But Gorsedaisy knew him. And she was a medicine cat. Perhaps hers was the best advice Blacksong could receive. “...Do you think I’m doing the right thing?”
Gorsedaisy lowered her paw from where she had been running it along Blacksong’s belly. She didn’t speak for a few heartbeats. “New warriors are always a good addition to the Clan,” she responded, but the words sounded forced.
“But other she-cats are having kits, too. And I promised my family, I agreed that we would never have kits on my life….But I never even met my father. Is it fair for them to be so angry? I said that I wouldn’t, but I was still young, and I don’t want to live in their grief,” Blacksong spoke semi-rapidly.
Gorsedaisy returned to checking her over. “There’s nothing that can be done now,” she replied simply.
Blacksong wished she could be more assuring, maybe actually talk. “Right. And, er, surely blood doesn’t make someone evil, right? I mean, I’m not evil, none of my brothers are and my sister’s not. But they act like I’m doing something wrong…I just want to be a mother.”
Gorsedaisy didn’t look at her. Her gaze was focused on Blacksong’s fur, but the queen noticed the stilled movements and the shadow that seemed to have entered the medicine den. “Your concern is good. You care for your kits already. As long as you attend to them, and keep them on the right path, and…and…You, uh, you should be alright.”
Blacksong narrowed her eyes inquizzically. Gorsedaisy didn’t seem to believe her own words. You’re being paranoid, Blacksong told herself. Her pregnancy was just fogging up her brain. “I do care for them. So, so much. I just wish that my brothers did, too.” Blacksong’s throat tightened. She shut her eyes tightlty, willing the strong emotions away. 
“Have you thought up names?” Gorsedaisy asked. 
Blacksong was thankful for the change in subject, now that she had gotten a good answer. She couldn’t help but wonder if that’s why Gorsedaisy had asked it, and was grateful for the distraction. “I think so. Ha, unless you have any suggestions?”
“Maybe Spotkit would suit them.”
“Why?” Was Gorsedaisy trying to guess the father? Worry dug into Blacksong’s stomach. Did she suspect the father was a loner?
“I just imagine one would be spotted. Or Red.”
Suddenly Blacksong didn’t want to be here anymore. “So am I good?”
Gorsedaisy looked at her, and only then seemed to realize that she had been checking her over. “Yes. Everything’s fine. Just get good rest and eat lots.”
“Okay, I will.” Blacksong stood up and left the den, but she couldn’t stop herself from glancing over her shoulder at the elderly medicine cat sitting completely still, staring at nothing at all.
--Gorsedaisy changed the subject because she was uncomfortable, not for Blacksong.
--Blacksong having the same shape as Bella-May didn't make it into the dialogue, but I really like the idea! For some reason I thought that Gorsedaisy was guessing how the kits would look, hench the spotted and red comments.
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Muder boy, his manipulated wife, and their children
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Fun fact!
They are presented, left to right, in the order that they were born.
Another fun fact, they are also each seated beside their favourite sibling. Though they all got along very well (at least until Black's pregnancy), Light and Swan were best friends, Grebe and Broken were best friends, and Grey and Black were best friends (though the two latter came from a younger litter).
It was also mentioned on another post that Broken was a very shy kit and Grebekit acted like his protector.
I think I mostly wanted to see Red and Marble together
Base: cat family base f2u (ms paint friendly) by snowylynxx on DeviantArt
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"We Swore!"
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While Redjay loved all of his kits equally, Swankit had definitely been especially close to him. Because of that, he was the most emotionally affected by Redjay's betrayal.
He was the one to decide they end their bloodline, and his siblings agreed. When Blacksong got pregnant anyway, he was very emotional and furious with her (seen here), and didn't talk to her for a long time.
Though he's a sore subject for everyone, the family knows that with Swanmist in particular, not to mention Redjay or anything that could remotely relate to him.
That's part of why Redjay avoided his nephew. Not just because Blacksong got pregnant despite their oath, but because Myrtle looks so much like Redjay.
It took many moons, years even, for him to fully accept what had happened. He felt incredibly guilty when Myrtlewing was revealed as a murderer, and he would wonder until the day he died if things would have been different if he had just got over himself and showed his nephew some love.
(He didn't openly sneer at Myrtle, but he would avoid him any chance he got and didn't visit him in the nursery. It wasn't because he hated his nephew. His anger was directed at Blacksong and later Grebeglade, and deeper, that anger was truly directed at his father. If Myrtle didn't already have loving adults in his life, then he would have stepped in).
Base: FREE Warriors Lineart Pack 1 by LexisSketches on DeviantArt
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Ref: Newborn Kitten lineart F2U by Purrkiss on DeviantArt
I figured they wouldn't be old enough to have a good chance of escaping a horse water table, but perhaps old enough to begin speaking--I wonder what it sounded like to Brokenwhistle? Curses, taunts?
I also like to think that if they had lived, they could have stopped Myrtle and Alder much sooner, somehow.
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Gladey girl!
ref by turukhan
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Sickly -- 7
Blossomtuft grumbled sleepily. Through her dreams of chasing squirrels, she could hear the voice of her daughter calling her, getting louder and louder until the squirrels faded and she could only feel Silverkit’s little paws poking at her belly–her very sore belly.
“Silverkit, get off!” Blossomtuft snapped, then immediately felt bad when she saw Silverkit’s lip stick out in a pout. She rose up, curling a paw around Silverkit’s back. “I’m sorry, little love, I’m just cranky today.”
Silverkit tilted her head. “Dad says you’ve been cranky a lot!”
Blossomtuft frowned. “Well, now I’m really cranky.” Standing up, she stretched. “Aa-ag!” she gasped, curling back in on herself. The movement had been too much for her stomach, and she pressed it gently against the comfortable mossy nest, hoping that that would relieve it.
“Are you hurt?” Silverkit asked in alarm.
Blossomtuft looked at her, at the fear in her daughter’s eyes, and she made herself stand up. It wasn’t like it was unbearable pain. She was sure, now that it had faded to a dull ache, that she was only being dramatic,  that her tired state had made it seem worse than it really was. “No. But to prove just how healthy I am, let’s say you and I go visit Myrtlewing, hmm?”
“Yes! Yes!” Silverkit exclaimed. “Can I try some herbs?”
“Of course no…you’ll have to ask him,” Blossomtuft told her. No way was she going to be the one to tell her daughter ‘no,’ that tough job could be left to someone else.
On their way, they passed the warriors’ den. Blossomtuft slowed to a halt to smile smugly at Hazebird, who lay in a makeshift nest beside it. He had been sleeping there for the past four nights, since the old one, even replaced, still smelt of mushroom goo. That and it probably smelt better outside of the den than in it.  “Enjoying the dawn air?”
“Enjoying the flies in your ears?” Hazebird grumbled back. “Where are you off to?”
“Mama’s going to the medicine den!” Silverkit informed him.
Hazebird raised a brow. “Why, does something smell off? It’s probably just that mangy old fur of yours.”
“Very funny,” Blossomtuft sniffed. “It’s just a bellyache, nothing to be concerned about.”
“I wasn’t concerned.”
“Whatever,” Blossomtuft huffed, and kept walking. 
“Bye, Hazebird!” Silverkit called from behind her.
“Bye, dear!” Hazebird said cheerfully back.
When they entered the medicine den, Blossomtuft made sure to keep one eye on her daughter. Thankfully, though Silverkit gazed around the herb stock in awe, she stuck close to her mother’s side. 
Myrtlewing was finishing grooming Grebeglade’s fur for her–Blossomtuft thinks she remembers the elder catching a cold not long ago. He looked up at his new guest, waved a tail in greeting, and padded over to them. “Back again?” he asked. 
“Bellyache,” Blossomtuft informed him. “It couldn’t be due to the mouse-bile, could it?” She had been going to Myrtlewing at least once a day since Hazebird had fed her that lizard, but in all that time, the only side-effect was the foul taste that never apparently left her mouth. It wasn’t until today that her stomach cramped as though the mouse she ate last night was fighting back.
“I doubt it,” Myrtlewing replied. He sniffed along her pelt, ‘checking for outward signs of anything amiss.’ 
He went to his storage. As he searched through it, he asked, “has he fed you anything else, lately?”
Blossomtuft shook her head, then, remembering he had his back to her, answered “no. He’s never fed me anything painful before, anyway.”
“Then it must be bad timing,” Myrtlewing suggested. He pulled a cluster of small red berries, and dropped them at her paws.
Blossomtuft sniffed them tentatively. “What are they?”
“Red elderberries,” Myrtlewing told her. His eyes gleamed in excitement. “Coldwater told me about them–I never even knew they existed!”
“RED elderberries?” Weren’t they black? Or blue?
Myrtlewing nodded. “I thought the same thing. They grow on the same bushes as any, but it’s very rare to see them. Coldwater says it’s a sign of good luck from Starclan.”
Blossomtuft considered that. “I could use some good luck. Lowering her head, she swallowed up the herbs.
--I really enjoy writing this story! Not just because of it's dark themes (all my stories have those), but because out of all the chapter stories I'm writing right now, it's the easiest.
With every story, to me, it has to be really well written and utterly perfect. With Sickly, it's the one where I can take a break from that--just write a story to write a story no matter if it seems imperfect or simple.
Plus this is the one where some of the characters are based on characters in a comedy show, which is way it has a bit of that feeling to it.
--Myrtlewing got bored with the mouse-bile poisoning (might make another story about that later), and decided to switch to baneberries. He never got to use them before--which is the real reason he's excited--but knows in large amounts that they can be toxic thanks to a kittypet warning him not to touch them as he was going through someone's garden for this reason.
--As for Blossomtuft's stomach ache? It was just a normal stomach ache.
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Dark Forest Resident: Brokenwhistle
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Aliases / Nicknames: Father’s Son, Bad Seed, Monster, Kit Killer
Gender: male
Sexuality: pansexual
Family: Redjay (father), Marblegaze (mother), Grebeglade, Blacksong (sisters), Lightstream, Greydusk, Swanmist (brothers), Myrtlewing (nephew), Tadpolekit, Songkit (nieces)
Other Relations: Drizzlespots (mentor), Runningpaw (apprentice), Redjay (haunter)
Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: haunted by his father, not all there in the head
Number of Victims: 8
Number of Murders: 2
Murder Method: drowning
Known Victims: Grebeglade, Lightstream, Swanmist, Tadpolekit, Songkit, Birdflank, Blacksong, Greydusk
Victim Profile: nieces
Cause of Death: killed by Myrtlewing
Cautionary Tale: ??
Brokenwhistle pushed his way into the nursery, frowning when he saw his sister. Grebeglade- once so large and happy- had withered to almost half her size. Her fur was dull, and there were bags under her eyes.
She looked up and smiled. “Hey kiddo. Did you come to see the kits?”
Brokenwhistle reluctantly nodded, shuffling his paws anxiously.
Grebeglade moved, and the sight made Brokenwhistle recoil. These were not kits. That much was clear. They were shaped somewhat like kits, but their fur was patchy and thinning, and their still-closed eyes bulged out.
“Those aren’t kits.” He whispered.
“What do you mean?” Grebeglade asked, but her brother was already gone.
His head felt like it was full of wasps. He knew that those kits weren’t right, why couldn’t the others see it? What were they?
He slept poorly that night, dreaming of golden eyes and a smiling tom.
“Those kits bring death.” The darkness hissed. “They’ll kill you and your kin.”
The next morning, he went straight to the medicine den.
“Myrtlewing, I have a question.”
His nephew looked up, confused and surprised.
“Brokenwhistle, right? What do you need?”
Brokenwhistle’s ears flattened. “First I need to know that you won’t tell a soul I asked this. Swear it on Starclan.”
Myrtlewing took a step back, ears flat. “What’s this about?” He asked. Brokenwhistle saw his fear, smelled his fear, like a sulphur haze.
He would tell, he would tell, he couldn’t be trusted.
No one could be trusted.
Brokenwhistle went to his favorite place to get away from all the noise, all the horrible noise.
He wandered and wandered further and further away from camp until he came to with a small Windclan patrol staring at him. The scent of blood was thick in the air, but he couldn’t remember what the blood was from. All he heard was the smiling tom, whispering in his ears.
The Windclan warriors escorted him back to camp, speaking kindly- almost like they were trying to calm a confused elder.
After that incident, he was put under watch. Not formally, but everyone watched him. He could feel their eyes on him. And the things in the nursery were getting bigger, while Grebeglade was getting smaller.
The breaking point was when cats started dying. Fleetsong, Bluefeather, Fallendust.. after each death, The monsters grew bigger, as thought they had eaten the very souls of the missing cats.
On the night of the gathering, he stole the creatures, carried them all the way up to the Two-leg farm. He dropped them in the small lake that horses drank out of, then fled the clans. He didn’t want to be around when his siblings learned what he did.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor​
--The kits were normal, just premature.
--Myrtlewing not even knowing his name is so in-character.
--The fact that Myrtlewing was the one behind it the entire time, the nephew he didn’t suspect..
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Leader: Cuckoostar
Deputy: Stonefleck
Medicine cat: Hickoryskip
Conetoe (mother of Sweetkit)
Oatflight (mother of Owlkit and Rainkit)
Littlelight (carrying Russetkit)
*Time Skip*
Leader: Stonestar
Deputy: Aldereyes
Medicine cat: Myrtlewing
Russetnose (mother of Flickerkit, Lionkit, and Birdkit)
Blazepad (mother of Flickerkit, Lionkit, and Birdkit)
Grebeglade (expecting)
@ambitiousauthor potential character list for when Redjay was alive vs when Alder’s father was leader.
Italicized names are those who were killed
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Rainstar’s Burden / Sprouting Thorns / Gorsedaisy’s Nightmare Shadowclan cats I still gotta do (in no order)
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@ambitiousauthor do you think this is right? (Myrtle family)
Blacksong (mother), Buck (father), Grebeglade (aunt), Graydusk, Swanmist, Lightstream, Brokenwhistle (uncles), Redjay (maternal grandfather), Marblegaze (maternal grandmother), Lambs, Stubs, Whistler (granduncles), Bella-May (great-grandmother), Houndtooth (great-grandfather), Ash, Cody (great-grandaunts), Jacky, Snakewhistle (great great-great grandmothers), Dice, Burrtongue (great-great grandfathers), Shinewhisker (great-great grandaunt), Herringgaze (great-great granduncle), Luna, Webpoppy, Roseleg (great-great-great grandmothers), Brutus, Snowstem, Mothwillow (great-great-great grandfathers), Alderstar (mate)
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@ambitiousauthor would Lightstream, Swanmist, and Grebeglade still be warriors at the point of Rainstar’s Burden (or even alive), or would they be elders? Greydusk is younger than them, but he retired early (and is still rather old)
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@ambitiousauthor Brokenwhistle, Lightstream, Swanmist, Grebeglade
potential suffixes
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