#but a lot of them are dead so there needed to also be a lot to remain
Crack idea Danny using the Lazarus pit ends up finding about Nanda Parbat and Ra al Ghul deciding to use his ghost King abilities decides that he's charging Ra al Ghul rent for the use of the Lazarus pits by living with him
He was kicked out by the Phantom parents at 15 for being a half gifts and the de-age half ghost Ellie and Danny needs a place that's safe for them
So Danny becomes a League of assassins definitely a not human roommate sometimes it's like Danny's not even there but out of nowhere you can just catch a pair of blue or green glowing guys standing in the room wouldn't even tiny your pair of green eyes in bundled up in Danny's arms
Or sometimes Danny will just come out of nowhere and hand Ra al Ghul Ellie in a baby sling and then in front of everyone can open a portal to the internet realm because he has something to go do as their King and he can't take Ellie
Danny stayed there until he was 19 during all this time he was a family like figure to Damien and the one that helped Jason with his brain deadness after getting up Lazarus pits
Jason and Danny also someone had a little bit of something going on but never were able to pursue it as Danny terrifies Ra al Ghul even if the immortal assassin will never admit it so he does not let them get into the business of the legal a lot
Danny also be using them like free babysitters hey Talia you're free hope my daughter real quick I got to go hunt some man named John Constantine down for his soul contracts don't hurt her
The Bat Family does not understand that Danny is terrifying because Danny to them act like a normal 19-year-old teenager a daughter that he had a young age while Damian and just knows Danny has his grandfather terrified of him
I hope you like my stupid crack idea of Danny just being terrifying to the League of assassins
I like the headcannon that even though Ra's is a piece of shit he's actually pretty good with/likes babies, and I think that's the only way Danny would hand Ellie to him. But I think this is funny! The assassins don't really know who Danny is and rumours abound because no one else treats him like that, just walks in hands him a baby and leaves. They even wonder if that's Ra's kid or something but if anyone ever asks Danny he reacts in such violent disgust that oookay clearly not! So grand child??? Something???
Ra's won't talk about it because he's embarrassed and also thinks it's probably best not to draw attention to this and just go for the ~mysterious vibe~
Danny's there to see Jason crazed and glowing dragging himself out of the pit and he's twirling his hair around a finger like "Omg being unhinged and creepy all by yourself handsome?!"
When Jason's ready to leave Danny's like "Hell no! You're not leaving without me, my kid, and your kid brother >:( If you try I'll drag you back into hell myself!"
"Well shit. I guess I'm a family man/crime lord now?" says Jason
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frenchkisstheabyss · 2 days
♱ ₮ⱧɆ ⱧɄ₦₲ɆⱤ: Ø₦Ɇ ♱
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♱ Pairings: boyfriend!yungi x chubby!fem!zombie!reader
♱ Genre: horror/angst/fluff/a micro drop of smut
♱ Summary: On your way back home from a party you and your boyfriends get into a terrible accident. While they walk away nearly unscathed, you don't walk away at all. The next day while mourning their loss your reanimated corpse finds its way back home and sparks their journey down a very bloody road that pushes the limits of what exactly they're willing to do for love.
♱ Word Count: 3.5k-ish
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♱ Warnings: you're dead, babes, sorry. Undead technically. Mentions of a car accident, some grieving, light descriptions of your undead body, technically necrophilia, blood play, blood drinking, a lil smidge of cannibalism if you squint, masochism, Yungi are like really obsessively dedicated to you, kissing, and a handjob to top off this totally normal list of warnings.
♱ A/N: If you're reading this I'm assuming you're also a fellow horror lover so, hello my love. I've been working on creating a lot of horror series lately and this is one of them. I'd consider this like the lightest appetizer, the bread before the meal so to speak. An intro before we head into a world of full blown erotic cannibalism, murder, dismemberment, ya know, fun wholesome things that await in further entries. So if this is too icky for you I beg of you stop here. It'll only get worse.
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The rain hasn’t stopped since. It began the moment you died. Sheets of it pouring down from the weeping and endless night sky. Down to the minute, down to the very second that doctors pronounced you dead. And even now, as the morning sun pries itself through a thick fog of gray clouds, it cascades around the quiet little house you called home. One that's been filled with sorrow because you’re lost. The two men inside seated opposite each other at the kitchen table, picking over a thrown together breakfast, have lost you.
And the rain…it hasn’t stopped since. 
But Mingi doesn’t mind. Everyone who needs to know has been informed and his phone has been on silent since. The rain’s an armor of sorts. Knowing no one can make the drive out to bother them in this weather has bought him the time he needs to accept a reality that doesn’t feel quite real yet. 
“You should eat something” Yunho insists, fork tapping at the edge of his ceramic plate, his own food untouched. He knows it’s nothing special, nothing close to the delicious meals they woke to everyday from you, but he poured everything he had into it.
Mingi raises an eyebrow, swirling the fork an inch or so above his plate before shoving the gleaming silver into the space between the cast on his left arm and his inflamed skin. Every human has two bones in their forearm. The ulna and the radius. Mingi walked away from the car accident having fractured both of them. Yunho, the driver, had gotten lucky with only a few cuts and bruises. A flesh wound to the abdomen. And you, well…
“Can you stop that?” Yunho asks, the sound of the metal back of Mingi’s fork scraping against plaster grating his ears. It isn’t his fault, though his heart aches in a thousand places thinking that it is. Mingi doesn’t blame him. He couldn’t have predicted the oncoming truck would swerve the way it did. No, he blames the world but, isolated between these eerily quiet walls, Yunho is all there is to it.
Mingi scratches faster, deriving some relief from the sting that comes along with it. “I’m sorry, is this bothering you?” 
Yunho breathes in and back out. In and back out again. Deep, full breaths meant to calm his boiling rage at that incessant screeching. Mingi doesn’t mean to do this. He’s just hurting. They both are. “Just ignore it” Yunho tells himself “Ignore him. Ignore the burning in the pit of your stomach. Ignore the tears.”
“Stop it before you hurt yourself!” Yunho shouts, snatching the fork from Mingi’s hand.
Blinking, his eyes dart over to his empty chair and back to a shocked Mingi. Yunho isn’t sure how he got over here. He doesn’t even remember getting up. A tear runs down his cheek, the exhaust from an overheated engine, and he swiftly wipes it away.
Mingi hangs his head, ashamed of his immaturity pushing Yunho a little too far. “I’m sorry” he says, sniffing back tears of his own, “But it hurts so much. It’s not fair. It’s not fucking fair. I just want her back”.
Yunho tosses the fork onto the table, taking Mingi into his arms just as he breaks down into tears, “I know, I want her back too. I’d give anything to see her smile or hear her call my name again.”
Tap. Tap. Tap.
A rattling at the front door lighter than a toddler’s, light enough that it’s nearly lost to the rain. “Yunie! Mingi!” a voice calls sweetly, broken and the faintest bit horse but distinctly yours. The blood in their veins runs ice cold, the color draining from their faces. The men look to each other, desperate for confirmation that they haven’t lost their minds. 
“Did you—” Mingi starts, rising from his chair, careful not to make a sound. 
Yunho nods, moving towards the front door, with Mingi close behind. They tiptoe down the hall, floorboards creaking here and there as they pass framed photos of the three of you together. “Open. Please. Cold. So cold” your voice croaks once more, Yunho’s fingers inches from grasping the doorknob.
Mingi slips off to the side, peeking through one of the curtains, and his heart nearly stops from what he sees. “Open the door! It’s her!” he shouts, pushing Yunho aside to unlock the door. 
Yunho slams it shut, unable to wrap his mind around what’s happening, “What do you mean it’s her? It can’t be her!”
“It’s her! I swear! Open the door!” Mingi begs, gripping the doorknob tightly enough that his hand’s begun to redden, “Yunho, please.” 
There has to be an explanation for this. Some shared hallucination fueled by their grief. They’re only hearing things, they must be, but Mingi seems to need this and Yunho can’t bring himself to deny him of it. “Okay” he sighs, backing away from the door, “Do it.”
Mingi wastes no time tearing it open, rain pouring in as you limp across the threshold. The two towering men shrink at the sight of you, terror freezing one where he stands and making the other retreat into a corner.  
Barefoot and soaking wet, you wear the tattered, blood stained dress you were rushed to the hospital in. In death your skin has paled, broken blood vessels giving your lips a light blue hue. Behind you is a trail of muddy footprints, marking your journey up the front stairs to this place you call home.
It’s a blur. Your death and your return. It’s all a series of broken memories, fragmented pieces of film that make you dizzy each time you attempt to piece them together. You can only recall a party filled with dancing and laughter. Headlights brighter than the sun. Screaming. A dark place. A coldness eating at your bones. Then, like magic, you were here, dragging yourself up to the front door with blistered feet and an unnerving stillness in your chest.
Turning to meet the faces of the men you love, faces that haven’t once failed to light up in your presence, you’re puzzled by their fear. Noticing Mingi’s injured arm, you run your fingers down his cast. 
“Mingi hurt?” you grunt softly. 
His eyes blur with tears and he blinks them away, quickly conjuring up a lie to soothe your worries. “Only a little. I was working on something out back and, well, you know how clumsy I can be, but it’s nothing” he says, smiling through the tears.
You return the comforting gesture with a smile of your own, placing a frozen palm against the warm wetness of his cheek. “Liar. Mingi hurt. And…sad?” 
“No, baby, not sad. I’m just happy to see you. We’re happy to see you, aren’t we?” Mingi looks to Yunho, confident that he feels the same way, but finds instead that he’s alone in his joy. 
Backed so far into a corner that he might as well be a part of the wood paneling, this is nothing short of a nightmare for him. This is unnatural. Far beyond anything that should be possible. You, the real you, is lying on a slab in a morgue somewhere. Whatever’s standing before him is something he can’t bring himself to trust. 
“Yunie hurt too?” you ask, turning your attention to the bruising around his jaw. You hobble over to him, nearly touching his hand before he snatches it away. 
“Don’t touch me.” 
His rejection is so alien to you that you don’t even process it as such, reaching out for him again. “Yun—”
Your fingers skim his, making his skin crawl. “Don’t touch me!” he yells, slinking clear of your grasp. “I don’t know what you are but you’re not her. She is dead. You are dead.”
“Me? Dead?” The word sends more memories racing through your head. The taste of wine. Your favorite. Mingi’s arms around your waist. A high pitched ringing in your ear. The beeping of machines. The visions drown you in an overwhelming sense of sadness that makes you want to crumble into pieces. 
“No! Don’t listen to him!” Mingi says, filling the space between you and Yunho,“You’re not dead, baby. You’re here with us and it’s a gift.” Ignoring the nagging pain of his injury, Mingi lifts you up into his arms, cradling you like a baby as he carries you up the stairs. 
“Now how about we get you cleaned up?”
“Take bath? Bubbles?”
Mingi laughs, smitten with you even in your undead form, “If that’s what you want, of course.” 
Yunho slides down to the floor, growing catatonic as he zones out to the sounds that come from above. The running of bathwater, his best friend’s laughter, and the broken words of some kind of monster. This has to be a nightmare. All he needs to do is wait it out until he wakes up. 
“Wake up” he whispers like Dorothy clicking her heels together three times to escape the land of Oz, “Wake up. Wake up…”
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Two showers, one long bath, and a few hours cuddled under the blankets with Mingi. That’s all it takes for you to begin to look more like yourself. You’re far from what you used to be, signs of your time as a lifeless corpse still showing through, but you’re coming back to yourself and, however long that takes, Mingi’s more than willing to wait it out.
While you’ve refused to eat, despite the grumbling of your empty stomach, he’s managed to keep you happy with movies and games which now litter the bed and the area around it. Much to Mingi’s dismay, beating him at everything is something you picked up on quickly. You’ve only been back to life for a few hours and already you’re kicking his ass again.
“Play again?” you ask, excitedly spreading your winning Uno hand out on the blanket. 
Mingi yawns, the sleep he lost last night beginning to catch up with him, but he shuffles the deck for a new game anyway. He knows he can’t keep this up much longer. His lids are growing heavy and his focus is waning but he can’t, for any reason, allow himself to drift off to sleep. While Yunho may be somewhere in this house terrified by the possibility that this isn’t just a dream, Mingi’s been haunted by the very real possibility that it might be. What if he closes his eyes and you’re gone again? That’d mean losing you twice and his heart can’t survive breaking for you a second time.
As Mingi deals the cards, you glance around your bedroom with fresh excitement. Every new color or scent brings your dulled senses back to you if only briefly. And every item has a memory attached to it. Some vague, some incredibly vivid, but all serve as a suitable feast for a brain hungry to recover what once was. Just as your focus hones in on a pair of fluffy puppy shaped slippers by the door, you catch a tall figure looming in the doorway. 
Halfway obscured by the wall, Yunho watches you the way a scientist would its test subject. Simply observing, waiting for you to do something that proves you’re an imposter. But you only smile at him the way you always have, making him feel strangely welcomed to enter the room.
Coming up here was far from his intention. The rain had let up almost immediately after your arrival and he’d picked up the car keys a half dozen times to leave. Once he got as far as the end of the driveway before he turned back, making it further up the steps each time until finally gaining the courage to face you.
And it is you. Despite the words he spat in fear and anger, he felt your energy all around him when he first heard your voice and that feeling’s grown in intensity every minute since. 
“Are you playing or are you just gonna watch like a pervert?” Mingi teases. 
Yunho steps from behind the wall, arms folded across his chest, “If I recall correctly you’re the one who likes to watch” he shoots back, cautiously entering the bedroom. 
“Ha” you snort, sorting through your hand, “Like with sex and stuff.” 
“Oh, I see you’ve been helping her get her language skills back. Starting with the important words first, huh?”
“Playing or watching? You pick. Quickly” you insist, patting Yunho on the arm, his prior reaction momentarily slipping your mind.
He winces a little, jogging your memory, and you go to pull away but he stops you, taking your hand into his. It’s like holding hands with a block of ice, making sense of the baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants you’re curled up in. What you said on the other side of the door had been true. Cold. So cold. 
Yunho’s thumb traces the blue collapsed veins down the back of your hand, brushing past your knuckles to an empty space on your ring finger. There used to be two gorgeous silver rings there, part of a set of six that he and Mingi had made for all of you. 
“Mingi says we’ll get back, won’t be a problem. Right, Mingi?” Your question’s met with the sound of snoring, a few seconds without stimulation being just what Mingi needed to drift off to sleep. You crawl up the bed to lay down beside him, poking at his cheek. “Mingiiii” you sing, softly flicking at his plush bottom lip. 
Yunho slips in on the other side of you, pulling your fingers away from Mingi’s face. “Maybe we don’t do that” he laughs, “We should let him rest. I think he’s tired.”
“Mingi’s tired and what about you?” you ask, rolling over to face him. The color of your eyes are marbled between the paleness of death and their natural shade. It’s bizarre but beautiful in a way that mesmerizes him. 
“Tell me, have you eat and sleep?” You pet his hair, watching it twirl around your fingertips in bouncy brown wisps. Being touched by you, it’s something he thought he’d never feel again, and the joy of it makes him want to cry almost as much as the fear did. 
“It’s ‘eaten and slept’ but no, I haven’t. I couldn’t” he says, “I’d ask you but…”
Your stomach grumbles, announcing its hunger. You hadn’t eaten before the accident. The party you were headed home from had been overflowing with alcohol but food, at least any you were interested in, was in short supply. 
“I can cook for you. We haven’t been shopping but I’m sure I can whip up something.” 
You shake your head, having already gone through this with Mingi, “Nothing really tastes good but the smells help.”
“The smells? What smells?”
“Mmm” you hum, sniffing the side of Yunho’s neck, “You and him. Your smell makes me warm inside.”
Nuzzling your nose against his neck, you inhale the scent beneath his cologne. The natural oils of his body are more fragrant than anything that comes in a bottle. You rest a hand on his heart, feeling it pound as your lips meet his heated skin like ice against fire.
Yunho can’t help but feel guilty about the way his body responds to you. He can’t manage to fight the instinct to bring you closer, massaging the fullness of your curves through the thick cotton of your clothing. You part your lips, dragging your tongue along veins that rush with hot, fresh blood. As they pulse below the surface of his skin, yours begin to pulse as well, matching the rhythm. 
“I…I’m not sure we should be doing this” Yunho stutters, his hands betraying his words to move under your sweatshirt and reacquaint themselves with the rise of your hips and the hills of your breasts. His lust for you only makes the blood pump through his body faster, worsening your hunger. 
“But I need you to keep me warm inside. Please don’t let me be cold again” you beg, sinking your teeth into his neck. Blood drips from his wounds, coating your tongue, pooling in the bottom of your mouth. It’s the taste of life, draining his to restore yours, and you’re ravenous for it.
Yunho screams out in pain, sacrificing a few shreds of flesh to tear himself free of you. “You bit me! Why would you do that?” he cries, stumbling to his feet, his sleeve pressed to his neck to control the bleeding.
On your hands and knees, you move to the edge of the bed like a lioness prowling for her next meal. Your eyes swell with tears at the pain you’ve inflicted but your mouth salivates at the delectable taste of his blood. The ecstacy of it sliding down your throat makes you feel more alive than you did when you actually were. 
“I’m sorry, Yunho. I didn’t mean to hurt you, really. I think I’m just, mmm, hungrier than I thought” you pout, speaking with perfect clarity for the first time.
“Hungrier? Are you…you’re trying to eat me?”
“Eat you? Of course not. I would never. I only needed a nibble to make me better.” You raise your shirt, stroking your exposed skin as it grows plumper and warmer to the touch. “Come feel me. Touch me.” 
Your voice is like a spell, drawing Yunho back in. Your body sings out to him, whispering how badly it longs for him. He wants you, though he shouldn’t. The searing pain in his neck dulls at the realization. It gets him off seeing that you need him this desperately. Not only for pleasure but to survive. 
Approaching the bed again, Yunho lowers his blood stained sleeve from his neck and caresses your body. The red liquid coating his fingers sticks to you like candy, leaving a trail of red along your belly. You lean into him, sliding a hand up his thigh to palm the growing bulge in his jeans. He lets out a satisfied moan, lightly tugging at your hair so that your head’s tilted back, sparkling eyes gazing up at him. 
“What are you?” he whispers with whatever speck of sanity he has remaining.
His bloody fingers find your mouth and you lazily lick them clean, savoring the taste. All the while your own hand’s undoing his zipper to stroke his length, your thumb circling the moist tip of his cock.
“What am I?” you giggle, “I’m yours, aren’t I?”
Releasing his middle finger from the suction of your soft lips, you push his sweater up to kiss your way across his lower stomach. Every kiss has his cock twitching in your grasp as his fingers tangle deeper into your hair, keeping you in place.
And then you find it. The perfect spot. You aren’t sure how you know but you just do. You suckle at his skin, letting your teeth gently pierce the surface until your tongue’s reintroduced to the taste of his blood. Yunho grits his teeth through pain that only makes the adrenaline rush that follows all the more pleasurable. 
“I’m still yours, aren’t I, Yunie?” you ask, his flesh still filling the space between your teeth.
Yunho pulls your head back and leans down to kiss you, the feeling of your lips against his worth the faint metallic taste that comes along with it.
“Of course you are, baby” he whispers, “You’ll always be mine and I’ll never let anything hurt you again. I promise.”
You lay back on the bed, pulling him on top of you, and wrap your legs around his waist. Yunho tears at your clothes, kissing you ravenously as if he’s the one with the undead hunger that must be fed. He’s ready to rip them off of you and take you right here with no regard at all for the best friend sleeping an inch away from you. But a loud banging at the downstairs door snaps him out of it, stirring Mingi from his sleep in the process. 
Mingi jolts upright in bed, on the verge of a heart attack, “Huh? What? What’s happening?” He glances over just in time to catch Yunho climbing off of you to zip his pants back up, the blood from your second bite already showing through his clothes.
You reach back to rub Mingi's leg, your view of him inverted, “Mingi, be calm.”
“Be calm?” he shouts, jumping to inspect the blood on your face, “Answer me now. What happened?”
The banging on the front door gets louder and Yunho throws a “Ssh” at Mingi, sneaking to the window to get a peek at the unexpected visitors. 
“Don’t shush me! Why’s there blood and why were you…” 
Yunho turns around slowly, eyes wide and hands trembling, “Mingi, shut up.”
“No, not until one of you tells me what’s going on and who the hell is that?” 
The banging continues, shaking the door so hard the hinges creak. Yunho sits back down on the bed, his brain firing off in a hundred directions at once. He wishes the knocking at the door were another minion of the undead—some corpse you accidentally drug back with you from the trenches of the morgue—but what awaits him this time, what awaits all of you, is something far worse. 
“It’s the fucking cops.”
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thegoldencontracts · 3 days
hello!! this is my first request!! can u write azul saving reader from drowning and gets angry at them out of worry? not realizing that he confessed to them just now until it sinks in?
Hiii sorry this took so long! This concept is sooo good, hope I managed to do it justice aughhh
Summary: Azul saves you after you fall into the Octavinelle pool. You're just hoping he doesn't expect repayment- Wait, why is he so upset?
Notes: There isn't much focus on the feeling of drowning, but there's still some. Anyways, hope you enjoy! Also, credit for the divider here!
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If a Darwin award existed, you were really one of the prime candidates to win it, it seemed.
You'd fallen into a pool. Actually, that was fairly normal. There was a very real risk of people falling into pools, that was why most public pools hired life-guards.
Octavinelle's pool, however, didn't abide by that policy, and so there was no one around as you'd fallen in. The panic was setting in at a rapid pace.
You couldn't breathe. Water was filling up your lungs, and you couldn't even cry out for help, and you couldn't breathe-
A splash. Someone was in the pool. Were they- here to save you?
They were approaching - closer, and closer. But you didn't get to see whether they saved you or not, because before they could even get near you, your vision went dark.
You woke up. That was good. Were you- in the afterlife or something? The silver-haired boy above you did seem angelically pretty, after all...
"You're awake."
You felt your face heat up. Nevermind. You were very much alive, and that guy you just called pretty was, in fact, Azul Ashengrotto, Octavinelle Housewarden, your crush, and maybe your friend. The jury was still out on that one. Azul never really admitted his friendships, but he gave you free stuff, so that was probably a good sign.
Would this be free, though? Even with Azul's "no free lunch" mentality, this seemed a bit too far.
"So," you started, voice hoarse. "Do you, uh, need something."
Azul looked at you for a second, expression all too void of emotion. Then, he spoke.
"What exactly were you thinking?" He demanded. "Approaching the pool in spite of your lack of ability to swim is the height of foolishness! If you truly wanted to come here, you should've simply asked me to accompany you!"
An uncharacteristically enraged Azul yelling at you was definitely- something to wake up to.
"I almost died- dude-"
"Precisely!" Azul said, eyes still burning with rage. "Were I not there, you wouldn't-"
He sighed.
"Don't do something so foolish again."
That was it? Azul Ashengrotto, not even expecting repayment? Weird.
"Listen," you said. "It's awesome that you care, but I can handle myself. I've learned my lesson."
"You quite nearly died," Azul said through grit teeth. "What if that happens once more, without me there? You'd die! And even if it weren't for my love for you, I simply cannot have-"
He cut himself off at the realization of what he'd just said. You took a second to process it too. Azul- liked you?
The universe had taken pity on you! Your crush liked you back!
"I- er, forgive me," he said, turning away his head in shame. "I suppose I got a tad carried away. Please, just allow me to accompany you the next time you come here."
"Why don't you also accompany me on a date sometime?" You said, before you could stop yourself. Azul looked at you in shock for a second, before clearing his throat.
"Are you being serious about this invitation?"
You nodded.
"Dead serious."
"Then," he said. "I'd love to accompany you."
And though you could sense he still had a lot more chastising to you, that you hadn't yet escaped scolding, nor the physical consequences of almost drowning, you couldn't help but feel oddly warm inside.
It seemed you'd found a silver lining here.
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t-5seconds · 10 hours
i'm doing a hunger games simulator of @linked-maze ! game under the cut- although i hit the tumblr image limit, so i will need to reblog this (here's a link to the reblog with the rest of the game in it)
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here's the lineup! i needed 24 characters, but linked maze doesn't quite have that many characters yet- so, some characters are in here twice, in both their hylian and animal forms. this gives them twice the chance to win, good odds, but in the hunger games, it's less about odds and more about blind luck. let's go!
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a lot of running away from the bloodbath. a reasonable but boring course of action
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a lot of weapon gathering as well, but still no violence. maybe this will be the first ever peaceful bloodbath
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more running, and koridai steals a mace from wolfy! i didn't know wolfy had hands
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wow. i can't believe it. a bloodbath with literally no blood. they all just ran away. onto day 1, let's see how long the peace lasts
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the peace did NOT last. wolf time attacks hylian time, despite the fact that A: they are on the same team and B: they're literally the same person. but both times survive. meanwhile, sheerow gets the first kill! rip minish
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compass kills hyrule (the hylian. fairy hyrule is still in the game)! meanwhile, everyone robs wind
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at the end of day 1, friendship blooms on the battlefield. that's nice
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minish and hyrule are dead. sheerow and compass have one kill each, meaning they're currently tied for first place!
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shadow makes four kill wolf time, but he spares bunny bunny! why did shadow do that to his own teammate? i don't know. at least hylian time is still alive. also, twilight kills wind. poor wind, everyone raided his camp and then he died.
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wild dies in a frozen lake... yeah, cold water is like the #1 most deadly thing in botw and totk, that's fair. rip. and djaevel kills warrior! i would not have thought he could do that, but i guess i thought wrong
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SHEEROW KILLS AGAIN! bunny is dead (the hylian one. bunny the bunny is fine). ravio lets time into his shelter, which i personally think is a bad idea but maybe it will work out. now for day 2
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twilight runs away from ravio. i think twilight would win that fight but i guess he's not as sure as i am
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sheerow continues to be a menace. now that wind is dead, everyone's stealing from four instead. djaevel falls in a hole and dies, which is embarrasing for him, and that's the end of day 2! 6 people died
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despite the deaths, no teams are wiped out yet. sheerow is in first place! for now. onto night 2
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i guess ravio letting time into his shelter did pay off after all! time is now extending kindness to world, and ravio gets to stay in someone else's shelter too
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everyone has a bad night. maybe sheerow is experiencing guilt for his murdering ways, and angel might be mourning djaevel, since he fell in a hole and died
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how did bunny start a fire? why did he cook his food, when bunnies do not need to do that? a mystery for the ages. onto day 3
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navi kills twilight! everyone else (including wolfy) just kind of runs around thinking about murder
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sheerow and koridai both discover a cave. is it the same cave? who knows! meanwhile angel does exactly what she usually does. a short and uneventful day (except for twilight dying, i guess)
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sheerow is still in first place! and there are still no eliminated teams. time for night 3
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four spares sky. angel dies of hypothermia? i guess she is naked, and it's cold. bunny cooks his food again. why does he keep doing that
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fairy friends! compass kills spirit! sheerow (who is a bird) loses sight of where he is, even though he can FLY. and that's the end of the night!
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everyone's doing well. or as well as they can be, given the circumstances
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bunny the bunny plans murder. what a short day!
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sheerow and compass are back to being tied for first! in an interesting twist, the first team to be wiped out was the twili siblings, followed shortly by wind and spirit.
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fairy hyrule spares compass, despite the fact that she killed hylian hyrule. time lets a wolf into his shelter like an idiot
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end of night 4! that was pretty short. hopefully day 5 is exciting
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day 5 is very short, but it is a little exciting! world makes sheerow kill koridai, putting sheerow back in first place!
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district two, minish and koridai's team, is wiped out. i'm starting to think sheerow is going to win, but you never know. onto night 5
(in the a reblog, because i hit the tumblr image limit. see the rest of the game here)
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colourstreakgryffin · 18 hours
Hey there, fellow writer! How are you doing? :) I just wanted to request a platonic Angel Dust x Nephew (or Niece) reader who is the son/daughter of Molly from when they were alive. Angel hadn’t really got to know them as he had died when they were little, so now that he's reconnected with them in hell, he's trying to bond with his niece/nephew as they are older now
Oh, Hello, fellow writer! I have returned from being dead and this is quite fun! Awww. Another Angel request and of course, it’s hella wholesome. I love it! Can do so! Have a great day, loves!
Angel Dust- Little Spiderling
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You know, right away, Angel drags you back to the Hotel when he finds out you’re his niece/nephew by pure accident. You aren’t the little child he had remembered once seeing his beloved Molly having but you’re still a minor, not eighteen yet! So, he must protect you! And he will!
Angel has a barley functional life down here and is really struggling through it but the one thing he knows how to do is express his love for people so he does it a lot to you
He tries SO hard to let his walls down to bond with you, to let you know you matter to him and he won’t shut you out. You are really the only person he doesn’t act like a sarcastic prick to but he will not tell you his problems since you’re his family, not his therapist
He really wishes he got to know you when you were both alive, he was so wrapped up in his own life, he didn’t acknowledge you. He barely remembered your name and he is clueless on what you like so he just tries to bond with you by trying to seem like that ‘cool Uncle’
Angel asks for advice all the time. He asks Husk, Charlie, even Vaggie. Advice for how he can try bond with you better and how to talk to you better. He already became your guardian… at his own word, so he needs to know how to connect with you
Angel often gets you gifts, it’s how he sees making you happy with him. Like, he’ll buy something whilst he’s out than he’ll offer it to you when he’s back at the Hotel, smiling so nervously and hoping you’ll like it. He is that one awkward but loving Uncle!
Angel basically dies again, of pure joy, when you express love or appreciation. He already has so much guilt for how little he knows you and how little he paid attention to you back on Earth but now, he wants to try again and he really wants to rekindle so he believes all his effort is always rewarded with the way you smile at him and say ‘thank you’ or ‘I love you’ or ‘I’m glad you want to join’
Angel is also that uncle who goes ‘aww, you’re so pretty. I remember when you were so little! Now, you’re big!’. If he had pictures of you, he’d be admiring them whilst crying
Angel does seem like a selfish man but he’s really only selfish with… everybody else. When it comes to you, he spoils you. He kinds parents you. He doesn’t know how to tell you your mom’s in Heaven so he distracts you with other stuff and he even shows off his beloved Fat Nuggets, to make you smile
Angel has a habit of picking you up, since he is much taller than you, and putting you on his back when it is time to go. He only does this when you escape the Hotel or leave against his wishes, and he can always keep his eyes on you this way
He also puts you on his back if you’re tired or want a nap or even miss him. You weigh nothing to him, and he can handle it well
Angel also loves taking you out to shopping trips with him and Cherri. He loves dressing you up in feminine/masculine clothing and praises you so you feel confident. You look great, and in-fact, he’ll buy that outfit so he can see you in it against and boost you up like a good Uncle does!
Angel actually trusts Cherri with you. He is very protective over you so really, only Charlie and Cherri have the permission to take care of you when he is busy
Sinners often confuse you for Angel’s son/daughter, mainly for the way he treats you, and even Valentino has called you Angel’s child before but he doesn’t take that shit from anybody and sets it straight. You’re his beloved sister’s baby and whilst he loves you, he’d never act as your parent. He is your guardian, that’s it
Angel teaches you how to cook the dishes of the family. He loves cooking and he’s happy to be a mentor so he’ll ensure you know how to take care of yourself if you’re ever without him and know how to whip up a fine cuisine treat. Cooking together is one of his personal made bonding methods
As well as baking. Angel knows you like baking so he tries to bake with you. Four arms are very useful and yes, he messes up a lot but the way you laugh at his attempt makes it feel like his floury burnt cake mess was totally worth it. You’re growing to like him more and not be annoyed with the fact he didn’t really care for you much in your past life
I will say now. Angel apologises a lot for the past but you take it maturely and understand his point of view. Though, your acceptance doesn’t remove Angel’s guilt and he takes a long time to feel better about himself, even when you two grow closer and you become more and more fine with him being your guardian
Angel doesn’t understand why he didn’t acknowledge you all those years ago… you’re so cute. What is there to not like?
Angel always sees his twin sister in you. You even look like her, so it means you look a bit like Angel too and he’s glad. It reminds him that he’ll always have a piece of his beloved sister with him as well as a family member who doesn’t dislike him
Angel’s kinda clingy, straight up. He cries whenever you do something he considers ‘cute’ and mews and calls you ‘Spiderling’ whilst hugging you. Angel is also THAT type of Uncle but it’s pretty cute how attached to you he is
Once more, he does get jealous of Arckaniss. He wants to be your favourite! Not his older brother so he sweeps in and steals you away if you’re talking to Arckaniss at all. He is soooooo much better!
Really. Angel, in this entire situation with you, is trying and always trying. He tries to be the best guardian for you, he tries to be the best best friend for you, he tries to be the coolest best uncle for you! He tries and he hopes it works
He is actually fine with you calling him ‘Anthony’ over ‘Angel Dust’ and to make it fair, he calls you your real name over your demon name too!
“Spiderling? Hey! Hey! You’ve been out all day! How come? I thought you liked our shopping trip together! I’m your coolest uncle, aren’t I? You liked that scarf I got you! Should I get another? Yeah? Yeah? What do you think?”
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whatshehassaid · 2 days
“I LOVED HER.” “BUT SHE DIDN’T LOVE YOU. Not like he did. Not like I have”
That isn’t Armand saying Claudia didn’t love Louis. She did. What he’s saying is that Louis was so fucking focused on PINING for Lestats love, superimposing Lestat on Claudia AND Armand that Louis refused to accept love from them. Because he didn’t want Claudia. He didn’t want Armand. He wanted Lestat and he couldn’t have him (whether it be because Louis convinced himself Lestat was bad, or dead, or because Louis is in denial). He tries to make villains out of Armand and Claudia.
“Speaking of mistakes…”
“Vintage Lioncourt.” “I’m not Lestat, Louis.” “Okay….”
“Picked ANOTHER ONE over ME”
“It was NEVER ABOUT ME. Another chapter in the FUCKED UP ROMANCE OF YOU TWO”
“If you want to escape this cage of empathy I’ve trapped you in all you had to do was ask, Louis.”
“Imagine me without the burden of her”
Louis can’t face the fact that he was IMPLICIT in what happened to Claudia in Paris. She wants a companion in Madeline cause she’s not getting in from Louis.
I feel like we may be going the route of Armand and Claudia (probably immediately after the trial and before her death) bonding over their experiences. Not just to do with Louis and Lestat… but their childhoods… being raped… being used… being turned so young…
I’m not 100% on this but if they do include the head swap thing (which is still fucked up, I’m still upset at Armand for that) I feel like Armand will frame it or believe that he can save her if he can just give her a woman’s body to match her mind. And I feel like Claudia will jump at the chance. Again, not 100% with that and it’s STILL super fucked up.. but I think if that happens Armand (AT THE TIME) would believe he was helping her. Like how he “helps” his victims. How he was never helped as a human child and as a vampire. They relate to each other because they’ve never been someone’s first choice… and I think the moment Armand hears her say those words (“it was never about me. Another chapter in the fucked up story/romance of you two”) he’s gonna realize how much they really have in common and feel empathy for her.
It makes a lot of sense with how Armand’s character (especially in the books) is. He has a thing about consent (it’s a bit twisted because you could argue he assumes he knows what’s best for people… and acts accordingly thinking that he’s helping them) But he needs people to consent at least somehow. Even if it’s coerced.
That’s also why I believe after Paris… Louis initially agreed to have the memories of his role in Claudia’s death suppressed. He couldn’t handle the guilt that he didn’t care enough to save her. Armand just took it to the point of constantly suppressing the triggering memories. Plus on TOP of that I’m 100% sure Louis is schizophrenic and it’s causing blackouts.
Armand wasn’t really lying when he said that “I protect Louis from himself.” He WAS being honest. It’s in a fucked up way, but I believe it’s true.
And then with Daniel, that’s a whole other can of worms because I don’t think Armand wiped his memories right after San Fran. I’m starting to believe it wasn’t just Louis telling him to keep Daniel alive. The minute Daniel admits he finds Armand fascinating… and tells him “you can read minds right?” Alluding to the fact that he ISN’T LYING. Daniel is intrigued by Armand… and that immediately catches Armand’s attention. We’ve only seen up to Louis attacking Daniel from an unbiased POV (the tape recording). The rest is MOSTLY FROM LOUIS. Who had had memories taken whether by Armand or by the blackouts… and remember he has a habit of trying to make himself look good in Daniel’s eyes. He tries to convince himself constantly that he’s not a bad guy - but in reality…. He’s done some shitty things too. So it wouldn’t surprise me if some of that was also lies to Daniel. “You’re a liar Louis. Whether you know it or not.”
Something happened in those 4 days with Armand and Daniel that I’m not sure Louis realizes. He may come in and out of actual remembrance where he KNOWS Armand and Daniel fell in love… and he uses it against them both… and then goes back into not knowing what’s happening.
I have a feeling we’re getting the trial/claudia’s death/a reveal about the blackouts etc/the fire from ARMAND. Hence the “imagine me without the burden of her” line that Louis says. He would NEVER in a million years admit to saying that. Definitely not to Daniel.
The Merrick storyline plays into this here. Finding Claudia’s diaries… realizing that Louis really treated her badly and that she hates him for it. And Louis not being able to take it.
I also feel like Lestat and Armand have teamed up in Dubai without Louis or Daniel realizing it. They may be trying to help cure him with the help of Dr. Bhansali.
(Also, devils minion definitely happened in the past… you can just see it in the way Armand sometimes looks at Daniel - and in the books even though he was a stickler for rules… his only exception has ALWAYS been Daniel. He loves Louis, he wouldn’t have put up with any of this if he didn’t… but Daniel? Daniel is really the love of Armand’s life. And Lestat is Louis’. I need them boys to figure this shit out - and with the fact that Daniel wasn’t listed in the Talamasca victims folder? Even though he was attacked, held hostage and tormented… means he is probably in ANOTHER folder - *cough* ARMANDSPARAMOURS *cough* I hope they have Daniel find his name in there cause THAT is gonna be J U I C Y.)
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imweirdimjazzy · 3 days
Questions of Hell
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Pairing: Alastor x GN!Reader
Description: after tiring a day, it wouldn’t be such a bad idea for the radio demon chasing you with questions spending the night, right?
Warnings: mentions of drugs and that’s about it (alastor is prick btw)
Word count: 2104
A/N: hello! This is kinda my first time posting here in tumblr so bear with me on my first post here. Also this isn’t proofread so there could be couple of mistakes here and there so I’m sorry about that. No use of Y/n. But please enjoy it! Btw this fic can be taken as romantic or platonic either could work. Enjoy! :)
For most of my human life I thought death would be simple and morbid. Once life expectancy reaches its limit for how much it can go, the body starts to get tired and the brain will shut, just as the body decomposes.
And just like that you would be dead.
I never tried hard to question the afterlife since it had gave me a headache if I had think too hard about it but I do admit I had a few times where I did think about it too hard.
I just didn’t expect to wind up as a goddamn sinner in a literal pot of hell.
I can admit I wasn’t exactly the most holiest person. I fucked up. Quite a lot of times. And I suppose that life is all about whether you be rewarded to get into heaven or thrown down to hell for punishment.
And for that I now have to deal with the princess of hell and her friends in the Hazbin Hotel.
Charlie was energetic to know that I was another guest at the hotel ready to redeem sinners and probably grab the chance to get to heaven. Seems quite ridiculous once the opportunity was handed to me. Honestly I stayed because I knew nowhere else would let me stay without paying or doing something to repay back.
Yet I got to meet some of the most interesting people. Starting with Angel Dust who was porn star himself and only seems to make it his whole personality but he sure knew how to make a party start going. He also makes anything—and I mean ANYTHING to be dirty.
Vaggie who seems to be strict on everyone and trying her best for all of us to actually have good morals. Sure, we didn’t care but we all understood she wanted for the best of us. Sir Pentious was there to spy on them because of the Vees but then accidentally liked the idea of staying and making a better change of himself.
And there was Nifty who has a certain quirk driven into her personality that was unlike everyone else but she was almost a kid just needed to be protected. Just try not to get stabbed by her. Husk who seems to tell everyone to fuck off even though he’s bartender and you’re sitting at the bar specifically wanting a drink. He acted he hated everyone, but he never really did. He just hated someone who seems to fake who they actually are.
And I’m guessing that’s why he isn’t particularly fond of Alastor.
Alastor is a unique demon. To say in a short sweet way to not say any bad word on his name. Yet it’s hard to say he’s quite a mystery to all of us. Charlie might own the hotel but Alastor is faculty manager of the hotel. He’s always looming somewhere in here and always there with an eye to watch us.
I have to admit I even avoid him. His presence was kind I never had bump into, I rather make it stay that way.
My legs had grown numb and heavier as I kept walking back to the hotel. I was exhausted from Charlie’s shenanigans today. Trying to encourage other sinners out there to come to the hotel and save themselves from the extermination. Failed horribly since how many either attempt to kill us, offer sex, or offer straight up cocaine.
I gave up and had left Charlie with the others to keep going. It was getting late either way and they were planning to go into club.
Didn’t want to get myself into too much trouble anymore either way.
Pushing the doors to let myself in the hotel—I had let out an exhale that I had held all day. My body was slumped and all I could think was my comfy bed.
“My, my, you look quite a mess dear!”
The radio voice had made me slightly jump out of my skin.
To the right of me I could see Alastor sitting on a couch in the lobby. One hand with whiskey in a glass cup and the other with a book. His legs crossed with one leg on top bouncing to the sound of jazz playing background.
“Didn’t expect a fellow like me up around this hour, but I couldn’t resist such a great novel here wouldn’t you say?”
He made that little hum that sparked a few radio statics in his voice.
“Look, if you’re here to mock or annoy me today I make sure those antlers of yours are gonna be long gone before you know it.”
Alastor laughed and got up with swift movement with his cane. That smile was almost stitched to his face every glance I took of him. I expect there won’t be a day where I don’t see that venom smile of his.
His hands clasped in front of him as he eyed me down. “Now why would I do that? I merely checking up on is all.”
He said it with such a smirk in his voice.
“Sure, whatever, do what you want I guess,” I grumbled under my breath.
Attempting to head upstairs, Alastor tried to get in my way as he kept reappearing in front of me in every corner I try to go.
“What the—“
“Ah, ah, ah. Where do you think you’re going?” A playful tone was layered into his voice. Letting out chuckle as his antlers move just for a second.
He knew it was getting on my nerves.
“To my room. Is there something that you want?”
I was a bit hesitant when I first spoke, especially since Alastor was a type of demon who never necessarily wants nothing out of someone except manipulation.
He makes that same hum again, letting out a sing-song voice. “Well, I’m bored and I’m in the mood of doing something.”
“Okay—kill someone or some deer.”
I tried again walking away but he reappears again in front of me on the steps of the stairs. Keeping his eyes on me as he leaned on the handrail of the stairs. I could tell from his eyes that my annoyance was kicking the roof by now.
“Not really in the mood for that kind of fun tonight dear. I was actually hoping to maybe play some sorts of game with you.”
“A game?” I questioned.
“Yes! Just any sort of ordinary game. A game where I can ask questions about you and you have to answer them.”
I blinked at him for a moment and then narrow my eyes.
“So you’re interrogating me.”
“No, nonsense! Now, come on, sit on the couch and make yourself comfortable.”
Alastor nudge me downstairs and I follow him. I had no choice and I rather didn’t wanna push any limits with radio demon exactly. He wasn’t the type to be messing around.
Suspicion was written all over my face as I sat down.
Alastor offers whiskey in a glass with a smile. “Whiskey, dear?”
“Um—-no, no thank you.”
He sets the glass on the side table along with the book. Peering to my side I notice the book was the classic Dracula book.
Alastor sat on the other end of the couch. A leg propped on the other. Resting his chin on his hand on the arm rest.
“Now, I’ll start of the with an easy question to start off soft,” stated Alastor. “Do I annoy you?”
“Yes. Next question.”
His smirk grew wide yet his eyes narrowed down on me. Letting out a laugh that sounded for sure forced but as well annoyed.
“Okay, let me ask an easier question. What is your favorite color?”
“Oh well um—maroon. Maroon is my favorite color.”
Alastor hummed to himself. “Quite an unique answer. Didn’t take you as the type to like color such as maroon.”
“Red or maroon. I just like good color of red. Next question.”
Alastor tapped his fingers along the arm rest as he thought of another question to ask.
“What’s your favorite time of day?
Looking back at him with a tilted head I raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
Alastor rolled his eyes jokingly and chuckled, seeming slightly amused of me. “I mean exactly what I said. What is your favorite time of day? Mornings? Afternoons? Nights?”
He lists off with this condescending tone, as if he spoke to me as a child.
“Watch your tone, and watch your ears, deer,” I hissed. But since you’re so damn curious. It’s night. And sometimes late afternoons. Not as much anymore though. I love them more in human life.”
“Human life you say?”
Alastor watches me as I adjust the black turtleneck I wore.
“Next question please.”
Alastor didn’t say anything but made a louder hum as he thought. Still overbearing me with annoyance of course.
“I’m running out of quite a lot of questions here but I suppose I should’ve asked this first, how are you liking this hotel so far?”
The tone switches and audibly notices it. Turning into this nonchalant tone. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to be curious or crack me under pressure with his eyes seeming to only stare at me.
With a sharp inhale I spoke direct.
“Annoying as fuck. I never was too fond of the idea of redeeming since it was hard to wrap my head around the fact that sinners here can even get the chance to go up to heaven with the rest of angels.”
He kept silent with his smile but I kept continuing.
“I didn’t think it would work. And I still have mixed feelings about it but…I do have to admit I kinda like the friends I made here.”
His eyebrow raised and he tilted his head almsot intrigued of what I had said. “I see. And these friends you’ve made here..”
His smile twisted into a smirk as he leaned forward slightly, his elbows on his knees.
“Any particular ones you admire the most?”
It was a question that had me actually thinking this time around and I knew it was a way for Alastor to get to me, and I didn’t want him too.
“Well, each person has their own unique thing to admire.”
He tweaks his head to the side and only narrows his eyes. Still with smile.
“Charlie can be a lot and maybe too hyper, but she’s willing to give people a chance. Vaggie pushes everyone and is harsh but does it for us to get better.. Sir Pentious is someone willing to give up villainous tendencies. Angel is…well Angel but he is a friend that is loyal and would do anything to back up friend.
Husker and Nifty are the same as well. All of them have everything to admire about.”
Alastor listened intently on how I spoke each of the hotel residents living here
“Interesting. Very interesting.”
He sat back once again, his legs still crossed and his hands back in his lap. Alastor chuckled again, looking at me for a moment.
“And what about me? Is there anything you admire about me?”
I scoffed and smirk a little.
“A bit full of yourself are you?”
His eye twitched a little and seemed ready to respond, but I quickly added on.
“You always stay in control. Even if you aren’t or you’re not wanting to, you always are. You piece of shit who certainly earn a spot living here. I’ll give you that, but even I can admit that you’re intelligent in what you do. Even how manic and evil it can be.”
Alastor chuckled again. He was quite amused by my words. That wasn’t what he was expecting, but he was satisfied by it. He leaned forward a bit again, resting his arms on his legs. His elbows on his knees once again as he stared right into your eyes with his permanent smirk.
“How observant you are my dear. I thought you’d think of me as a annoying bastard”
“No, I also think that too.”
A smile spread on my lips as genuine the pit of fire in hell and before another word had slipped out of Alastors mouth, a rush of familiar friends came through the door.
“I need fucking a drink what the hell was that!?” Angel's voice rang through the hotel and same with others.
I laughed and got distracted by them as soon they called for me but Alastor sat on the couch there observing the others.
Asking himself many questions of himself now.
For how much this sinner might’ve made him rethink his plan.
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altocat · 1 day
so I haven't played crisis core yet but what's sephiroth and genesis' relationship? I just saw the cutscene of them fighting. They're friends right? Or are they rivals
Serious answer: They're best friends/rivals. Genesis admires Sephiroth and wants to be his equal. But he's also kind of jealous and the sickness that claims him across the plot of CC warps said jealousy even more to the point where they have a lot of nasty encounters. Sephiroth, meanwhile, doesn't care about their rivalry and just wants Genesis (And Angeal) to come home, to the point where he becomes actively depressed over it.
In a nutshell:
Genesis: "FUCK THAT GUY I HATE HIM but also he's super cool and we should hang out this weekend BUT ALSO FUCK HIM THAT SMUG ASSHOLE IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME NOT HIM but also we need to share some apples together because he's my hero and I love him sm and I want him to be proud of me 🥺BUT ALSO FUCK THAT RAT BASTARD I HOPE HE DROPS DEAD SADFGHJGFDSADFGHGFDS"
Sephiroth: "Genesis left my field of vision for five seconds so I've decided to end it all 🙃"
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dangermousie · 3 days
The dynamic between Jiang Li and her husband continues to be FASCINATING to me and honestly, while man needs both serious jail time and serious therapy, he is the most interesting character in the drama to me. He saved her during the examination (it hinged solely on him whether she lost and had to go to the nunnery or won and stayed) but here this all comes to a boil point blank. Princess Wanning brings the charge of her actually being Xue Fangfei and when her other witness implodes, decides to use Shen Yurong to prove her identity.
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(Side note: loving that she managed to put in a dig about him loving her even in the middle of this! She's unhinged as fuck, is this really the time for one of her games?)
The problem is if you push someone enough they will break or hit back and honestly, Shen Yurong is at the stage where he's reached both. Maybe if she did this right after she made him kill his wife, he'd be in such terror etc he'd agree with anything she said and did. But he's been living haunted by what he did and wandering his mansion clutching his hair for months; he's dug up the grave like a mad person, and she's abused and humiliated and ground him down non stop since then (and at one point almost killed him), basically smacking down any time he tried to show any will or idealism and messing with even his career. He's just burned out. And if she can't control him by terror, she can't control him (he may feel some lust for her, who knows, but certainly not enough to derail his sanity or overcome his issues.) This man is a ghost and ghosts are not really controllable.
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I love the intercut of him walking towards her in court as to how he walked when he tried to kill her because that is what he is flashbacking to and picturing in his head.
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This is a dead man.
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I am genuinely unsure as to whether he believes this is his wife who survived and is protecting her (because he didn't want to kill her and doing so thrust him into hell so he's trying to make amends/dealing with regrets/trying to appease his demons) or he's so utterly broken he believes his wife is dead no matter what he sees (because he needs to, to maintain some sanity) and so his denial sticks to that an also is making some sort of protection to his wife's doppelganger in her honor. I don't think even he is 100% sure because he's not 100% sane any longer. But I love it.
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Love Li's face as princess loses her marbles in the background. For the rest of her revenge, it's very clear cut for Jiang Li - they are all monsters and for most of them she has no feeling and never had (the Jiangs, the princess, the new magistrate etc.) But the thing with the husband is so complex - she hates him but she loved him, he married her and killed her, he killed her under duress and is living in hell but HE KILLED HER and it's all such a mess. Whether she ultimately kills him or not, this is the target who haunts her the most.
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This is amazing. He's found the courage of despair and a spine because being spineless made it all worse. Once again, he's got nothing to lose so what can you threaten him with? (By making his life so bleak, she's taken away a lot of his fear of death.)
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OMG, he SNAPS!!! My jaw dropped open.
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She's really lost it. It shows what a loose cannon she is btw. Even if Shen Yurong was saner and more terrified of her, at least coordinate with him earlier, psycho! Even a fully rational man with zero pangs of conscience and genuine fondness for you (we are 0 for 3 here with SYR btw) might decide admitting this is his wife would lead to big issues for him and not bother.
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I am beginning to heavily bet he murders her. He was fail at first murder (seriously, there is no sufficiently describing the fail - he hit his wife with a shovel and she didn't even get a concussion; he buried her so shallowly and in such loose soil she was able to climb out with arms tied and without any martial skills) but practice makes perfect.
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buddie911abc · 3 days
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For the sake of discussion, let's say that Eddie comes out or has some sort of revelation about himself early in season 8. What do you guys want next? Personally, I want to continue with the slow-burn romance for a while longer, but I am ready for it to pick up speed. Seven years to get out of the closet was longer than ideal, but it gave us a lot of good material. As long as Buddie is happening, I'm going to trust the writers because I've enjoyed the Buddie moments so far. That said, I do have a wishlist of what I hope will happen.
If he has his moment of revelation (about his sexuality) in season 8 and we are guaranteed a season 9, then by the end of season 8, I would like him to realize he has feelings for Buck.
Also, by the end of 8, I would like him to come out to at least one person and confide in them about his feelings for Buck.
For Buck, by the end of season 8, I want him and Tommy to have parted ways as friends. I don't want Buck to get into another serious relationship, but I would like to see him go on a series of dates both male and female. I want the audience to be clear on the meaning of bi-sexuality.
By season 9, I'd like to see Eddie continue coming out to people around him, but not Buck. (obviously, not because Buck wouldn't take it well. Eddie has perfect trust in showing Buck every part of himself. He can't tell Buck because he knows that once he starts with the truth all of it would follow.
For Buck, I'd like to see him questioning why he can't hold onto any relationship and maybe through a conversation with Maddie, she could ask what he wants in a life partner. He might list a few characteristics that match Tommy (overlooking that the same match with Eddie.) Maddie does ask him if maybe there was someone else who shared those characteristics, and he has no answer. On Maddie's part, she is getting tired of biting her tongue and waiting for Buck and Eddie to figure it out. Chim thinks Buck needs to figure it out on his own. Maddie points out that if Buck had done that the two of them may still be pretending to be just friends.
I'd like to see more private conversations about Buck and Eddie because I do feel that at this point everyone who is closest to them knows they have feelings for each other. [This is not to be mistaken with knowing how they identify themselves sexually, though Buck coming out and perhaps Eddie's private conversations only solidify their certainty that the two are in love. So, in essence, Bobby and Athena are talking about it in private and with no one else. Maddie and Chim are talking about it privately and with no one else. Hen and Karen are talking about it privately and with no one else. The only clueless person is Ravi.
By the end of season 9, with a guarantee that there will be a season 10. I would like an EPIC emergency. I can't imagine what. During it, Buck and Eddie get separated and think the other is dead. (Not necessarily this specifically but something that causes Buck to realize it was Eddie all along and causes Eddie to realize that he couldn't live knowing he never spoke his truth to Buck. Bonus points to the writers if they have Eddie skip over "coming out" to Buck and go straight to a Kiss or Love confession.) In fact, a kiss at the emergency scene when they discover each other alive would be a great time for everyone to see them do it. Bobby, Hen, and Chim all pull out their phones to Facetime and record with their wives/partners. Ravi is standing there with his jaw on the floor and asking what is happening. (His shock is not about their sexuality so much as the fact that it is Buck & Eddie)
Early season 10 will see Buck and Eddie navigating their new relationship. I don't know how far ABC will go with allowing love scenes between two men, but if it is allowed, I'd rather it not be something that just happens off-screen. If it does happen off-screen, I hope that there is a lead-up to consummating the relationship that we can see on screen. I just feel like we've all waited so long, it should be special for the audience as well and not something that happens off-screen and never talked about. Depending on whether or not the show keeps going. Ten seasons would be pretty epic on its own, but if there is at least one more season (11), then the remainder of 10 should be a series of adjustments and learning that their friendship has not stopped, it has expanded. Depending on the status of the show, possibly a wedding at the end of season 10 or engagement if it goes into season 11.
Yep. I've thought that far ahead, but I've tried not to be too specific on how they get there to allow for changes. If the show is not renewed beyond season 8, I'd want the show to rush it. I would hate to have them rush it, but I would like to know that a happy ending is set up, and Buddie officially ends as canon.
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virgilphobic · 3 days
edwin know’s all kinds of musical machinery in dead boy detectives (s1 ep3), so what if he has a hidden admiration to music/is a music nerd?
these are my thoughts;
edwin knows a lot about the most basic things. he knows manners, he knows how to properly be a ghost detective, and he would also know a lot about music!
not in the way of the theory (while that is true, that is not really the main reason why he listens to music.) as he tells others, but in the way of the artist expressing their emotions freely and in a way that makes something beautiful. edwin does still listen for the theory that he learned and he does dissect some pieces of music, but he doesn’t do it to all of them.
he really likes frank sinatra. and classical. he loves operatic and soul music too. sometimes he listens to metal on the more chaotic days. he really does enjoy a tad of musical theatre here and there, though he hides that from charles. throughout his time, he has seen so much shift in the musicality of the world and he resonates with every single era in a different way. it’s edwin’s way of letting out his emotions without needing to speak. he just lets the lyrics and melody and rhythm wash over him and let him just…tune out.
okay let me give you a scenario
charles and edwin are in the office, charles somewhere in another room and edwin, lounging in his office chair with his feet on the side of their desk. he would call it his desk, but charles gets frazzled about it and they end up arguing about it for a very long time. so, it is their desk.
edwin sits with a book, his overcoat tossed to the side and his tie undone. he has his sleeves rolled up to over his elbows, and he is reading while the radio plays in the background. (pick a decade and use that device. your imagination is free <3 )
edwin finishes his page before he turns to go to the next. he tunes out for a moment, and hears on the radio a new song.
a love song
edwin didn’t jump to turn it off, or do anything for the matter.
he just sat there.
out of all of edwin’s skill fields, love was his least practiced. he felt no harm in hearing the song, so, he put his bookmark into the book and closed its cover.
he was a third through the song before he realized he was smiling, and he was thinking of charles.
edwin sits through the rest of the song, one arm crossed across his chest and the other crossed and in a fist at his collarbone. he feels sad when the end of the chorus comes and the last cadence plays out, and his imagination falls back to nothing. he realizes he’s tense. he rolls his shoulders, twice forward and twice backward, before going back to his book.
he just really likes music.
. . .
(and boys)
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Do you have any headcanons from your current fics (Mama Bird or Spoiled Brat) that you want to add into that fic but you can't figure out how to mention within a chapter? (without spoilers, of course)
YES! Also apologies for delayed awnsering I genuienly said to myself "God so many-" and didnt have the brainpower to sort through them all.
Heres a little list though (Some of these have been heavily implied but not yet/if at all driven into)
SB! Tim picked "Cardinal" both for the symbolism (devotion and tales of dead family members visiting via the bird) but also based on the Cardinal flower, native to NJ and one of Alfreds fav to grow.
MB! Barbara struggles with bounderies since she was constantly shown they could be broken at a moments notice "for teh greater good" or "for the job"
SB! Jason goes to college part time and is working towards an English PhD w/ a minor in Theater
SB! Cass accidently goes non verbal at times and prefers using sign language at times. BUT she does try to push herself to speak since its proof of how far shes come.
MB! Damian loves video games and begs Duke to take him to the store at least once a week (Duke likes the comic books)
SB! Dick learned to become an EMT after Jasons incident (its what helped him qualify as a firefighter EMT)
MB! Tim struggles with emotional outbursts where his emotions come out in "bursts" he learned to supress- until of course he reaches a point and needs to cool off lest he accidently snaps out.
MB! Duke doesnt always feel like part of the family and in turn pushing issues aside as "not his place" only further distancing himself (except for Damian, they are VERY close)
ALL of SB! Batfam have attended therapy, some just decided it didnt work for them or go more than others. Dick enjoys talk therapy, Jason and Damian prefer talking to the therapist to air their issues instead of addressing someone directly and Bruce enjoys it helps him see past his assumptions to other perspectives.
MB! Jason stress bakes. But he also just enjoys baking in general, its methodic and comforting to see the results of his work like that.
SB! Steph is a "regular" at like 30 different places for random reasons because she likes going to walk around to clear her head
These are just a few but I have TONS more- but ill be touching on a lot of them in future chapters!!
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lordkingsmith · 2 days
Still working on the fan power rangers show lol. It’s in its like. Seventh rewrite.
Max, the nonbinary hybrid orange ranger is, lovingly, my problem baby and I can’t decide what species mix they are. To be honest there’s too many gorgeous costume monster species designs and just one Max.
I have come up with a plausible reason for why rangers are letting the monster kids do the current rangerdom, and also have more fleshed out line up for the baddies.
The Z-Wave didn’t happen until Rito showed up again, so a lot of deaths and general plot has been a bit recontextualized and remixed. Rita decided she’d had enough of the villainy life and left siblings Thrax and Selena with Rito without a word-faked her own death. At the time she did this, Thrax was seven and Selena was three. Rito wants revenge but he’s mainly letting Selena and Thrax handle it while he does what he wants. Turn the moon into an amusement park. Because it’s fun and hey everyone loves fun right? And take care of the rangers he’s mind controlling because after the z-wave he’s more motivated by protecting “his kids” than actual revenge. Will throw down with Rita if needed, however.
Thrax has skin and so does Selena. Nobody looks flayed alive. Both of them greatly resemble Rita. Thrax is the one responsible for the giant version of their monsters, and as Val’s the one that often volunteers, this has led to teasing by Selena. Selena’s a lot like a spunky, smarter version of Rito. Thrax is more serious. Selena being the one who likes looking human most is often the one going down to earth to spy and cause trouble. Sometimes with Rito. Thrax prefers endless sulking and staying in more monstrous form, which is similar to Rito’s form. Keeps his opinions to himself, but is generally disgusted he got left behind while both parents decided to abandon him and Selena. Selena is also pissed but she holds out hope there’s a reason their mother abandoned them. Also more protective of her older brother. And her uncle. Is not afraid to kill. Nobody’s finding the bodies of those who hurt her family.
JJ when he was undercover had a fling with a woman in Skorpina’s gang, had a baby with her and they were briefly married and divorced…who came back as Quaxo. Think of this as the messiest custody battle in history. JJ, when he finds out, is…Not Pleased. Rito, Thrax and Selena don’t know who Quaxo really is and she’d rather keep it that way. Her son, however, does and has not been happy with the situation since. Flirts with Rito, though Rito has enough sense to recognize this is wholly because he’s the most powerful member of the group and generally acts extra ditzy to get her to leave him alone. As hyper as ever, as bone headed as ever, but this time he’s also a bit angry and the anger acts as just enough of a grounder to keep him somewhat dangerous. He does genuinely like the rangers, all of them, and much of his tension with his team and the human rangers is mutual misunderstanding based. Quaxo hasn’t quite understood this yet, and thinks it’s a game he’s playing. It’s not. Rito’s just Like That.
Billy’s Clone was located and brought back to life, and is making this everyone’s problem. He’s the one who made Rito’s Rangers their new morphers and he’s the one lowkey trying to get the other four killed by “accident” so he can take their power for himself. Guy goes by William. He’s responsible for Tommy, Jason, Trini and Udonna’s deaths but passed it off to everyone as accidents. Only person onto him is the new recruit, Valentine
Valentine “Val” Draven was directly affected by Z-Wave, losing his parents and aunt and uncle to it. He and his cousin Iva were spared by being in another dimension for a birthday party and while Iva’s fairly certain they wouldn’t have been destroyed or turned human anyway…Val’s less certain. He’s angry but he doesn’t know at who. He wants revenge but Zordon’s dead and Rito’s not a bad guy. Val’s also got the fact the color Fuchsia chose Iva, who happened to be in the room at the time, over him, who’d been asked to do this. He joins Rito because Rito makes sense. And the second he heard about Quaxo and William….well. He’s not a bad person. Not really. Someone’s got to make sure Rito’s Rangers are protected, and he’s not sure if Rito Thrax or Selena really understand how to keep the superpowered group safe. Plus, he might be a vampire but he’s got a sweet tooth. And he was promised unlimited cotton candy. Also a little bit sweet on Thrax but..who’s counting, really?
@augment-techs @skyland2703 @pinkrangerv
Just because I think you’d be interested lol, but yea it’s coming. Slowly. Working on first episode’s script, I shall keep you updated if you’d like :)
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rottingraisins · 2 days
it kinda sucks that you hc a canonically pansexual character as gay (clef)
i deliberated not answering this one bc i dont rlly mean to get into representation discourse or w/e during pride month of all things but i think the sentiment behind it is very fair so i feel bad ignoring it.
firstly, i think it needs to be said that clefs "canon" romantic orientation is very much just, whatevers funniest or most poignant for what youre trying to do with him. i understand the sentiment, there are characters in scp who are queer in a very specific and straightforward way where i'd also be upset if people erased that about them, but clef is not that guy. he is probably the single most contradictory character across the entire wiki, and everyones got a bit of their own take on him.
secondly, to defend my own take a little, i don't even really see clef as strictly homoromantic. i think when applying queer labels to fictional characters one tends to kind of treat them as these ontological, prescriptive truths, rather than how labels are used in real life, by the individual themselves to approximate their lived experience.
what i'm trying to say is i don't think clef the character, at least the version of him i'm most fond of, the fifty something year old reformed casual homophobe from resurrection and co, really knows what the term "pansexual" means, or "mlm", or "demiromantic", which are other words i'd use to describe him if i were using the prescriptive approach.
i think clefs relationship to romance is deeply complicated and not something he spends a lot of time really thinking about, and in practice, despite the theroretical breadth of his capacity to be attracted to other people, he's really only attracted to men, which is to say one particular man who also just so happens to be dead, so there's no point in really dwelling on it.
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techav · 3 days
Stepping Backwards a Bit (or 24)
I was looking for a simpler project. My recent 68030 work has been challenging and really pushing the limits of what I can do. I wanted something I could work on, but perhaps where someone else has already worked out the hardest parts.
I find laying out PCBs to be rather relaxing. It's one of those repetitive, almost meditative tasks, like needlepoint or whittling. The kind of hobby where I can turn on some music or a comfortable old TV show, zone out for a few hours, and wake up to this new thing that I created.
Debugging however is very mentally taxing, and the design work required to have a functional schematic to create a PCB for is an active whole-mind prices. So what I really needed was an existing project I could design a board for.
Enter [Grant Searle]. If you're not familiar with [Grant Searle], he has excellent designs for breadboard computers with a very minimal parts count. I studied his minimal Z80 design when I was first starting to build my own computers and learned a lot from it. I highly recommend his work for anyone who is interested in learning how to build their own computer but doesn't know where to start.
I was recently given a Rockwell 6502 CPU pulled from a dead LED marquee. I've never actually worked with 6502, so this seemed like a good time to try building Grant's 8-chip (or 7-chip) 6502 computer.
A few hours later, I had a PCB design completed, gerbers generated, and an order placed. Less than $5 for 5 boards, including shipping. A couple weeks later they arrived in the mail.
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I did end up making a few modifications to [Grant]'s design. Instead of a clock circuit made from a discrete crystal and a couple inverter gates, I used a TTL oscillator because I've always found them to be more reliable. I also added support for an FTDI USB Serial adapter chip so that the board can be used with a modern computer as a terminal. And finally, since a PCB is much harder to add new components to relative to a solderless breadboard, I added an expansion header. All of it wrapped up in a compact PCB with lots of helpful silkscreen marking.
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I realized after I had ordered the PCBs that the 16kB ROM chips [Grant] used are no longer manufactured or readily available. I have plenty of 8kB EEPROM chips on hand however. Thankfully the OSI BASIC interpreter [Grant] ported to this design fits within 8kB, so I was able to make a few adjustments and re-assemble it to work with the ROM chips I have on hand.
After a small glitch with my EEPROM programmer, it works!
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It's quite a change going from my 33MHz+ 68030 to this tiny 6502 running at just under 2MHz. The BASIC text-based Mandelbrot renderer that completes in seconds on my 68030 takes four and a half minutes on the 6502. Not bad at all, considering my bus-impaired 68000 build takes 9 minutes to do the same.
This was a fun little project. It was a nice little break from some of the more difficult projects I've been working on. I have shared the project on GitHub for anyone who might want to take a look.
I hope to have this project with me this weekend, June 14-16, 2024 at Vintage Computer Festival Southwest. I'll be at table 207 in the Tandy Assemble hall, just across the street from the main exhibit hall.
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duskymrel · 2 days
Part 8 of TWST as my friend group quotebook
These are getting worse and worse as time progresses (my friends and I are getting too comfortable). Also, as always, any line with a '^' before it was said, done, or about yours truly <3
Ace: Coochie-sakeonna😀
Vil: If a man wears a v-neck or a turtle neck, chances are that he’s a homosexual.
Lilia: *talking about cannibalizing men* girl dinner ✨殺留路
Vil: Fashionably ignorant?—
Malleus: Who said my name?
Floyd: Sell the children *maniacal laughter*
^Jack: I’m easy as fuck to manipulate if you appeal to my emotions. It’s all logic and critical thinking until you bring the wet dogs and starving kids out. 
Azul, reading a text from Idia: “list of things i’m handling well currently. #1: (silence)”
Lilia: pEEENISSS 😎😈💪💪
Crewel: Should minors be charged with adult crimes?
Leona: If they’re black, yes
^Lilia: If they’re one of them queers, yes
Rook: You're stepping up in the world
Vil: One stiletto at a time
Leona: Sometimes we have to sacrifice our lesbianism to become a straight man 
^Cater: I want him tied up under my Christmas tree in lingerie, oiled up, and covered in whipped cream and strawberries.
^Ace, about Idia: Be so for real, he is flat as a board. He has NO cake. When he throws it back you can hear bones rattling.
Trein: Y’all need to STOP calling the 80’s “oldies music”
^Deuce: Sir, that was 40 years ago
Trein: HUSH
^Riddle, talking about the Vargas: is he seriosuly making the powerpoint for todays notes on the smartboard WHILE we’re in class???
Trein: *trying to get the class to figure out a word on their own* What’s the n-word?
First-years: *dead silence*
Teacher: ...Nationalism. It’s nationalism. 
^Ace: *pointing to the things they're doing in Trein’s class*
Ace: Is this for a grade?
Jack: It’s just notes, Ace. 
^Ace: *immediately shuts binder and puts it away*
Deuce: DUDE??
Cater: *holding ^Lilia’s dice earrings*
Cater: If I roll a six it means I’m going to kms
Cater: *Rolls a six*
^Idia: My life was a lot better 18 years ago back when I was still residing in my mother’s uterus as an unfertilized egg.
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