#greg house did not sabotage that marriage
jameswilsonmybeloved · 4 months
Also also about Wilsons marriages, specifically his third one, House was actively trying to keep that marriage together wasn't he? He called Wilson out whenever he was flirting with a nurse etc (although he could've also just been jealous), when he was sure Wilson was cheating he advised him not to tell his wife so she wouldn't leave him, and Julie didn't seem to resent him as much as Bonnie did (from what we know). He also knew enough about Julie to know what color she hates.
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onisionhurtspeople · 5 years
The Cycle of Self-Victimization: Onision Style
Greg has an extremely predictable cycle that he likes to engage in when he gets a lot of backlash from the shit that he chooses to say on YouTube and Twitter. He’s in the middle of the most dramatic iteration of this behavior yet, so I figured I’d write a little post outlining it just for keks.
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1. Say something offensive/attack someone who isn't deserving of it ---> 
2. Huge community backlash (especially when he picks on someone who has enough clout to fight back for once (instead of random fans), like Shane Dawson, Blaire White, or Jaclyn Glenn) ---> 
3. Double down on ignorant/harmful opinion ---> 
4. Furor starts to die down -OR- get worse ---> 
5. Greg begins to act like a victim to evoke sympathy/evade criticism (because he's ~depressed~ and now all of a sudden you're attacking a depressed person, what kind of a monster are you??) ---> 
6. Continues acting like a victim until the whole issue blows over ---> 
7. Pretends he's going to change/Be tHe BeSt SeLf hE CaN bE/~think positive!~ ---> pretend to have seen the light and undergone a genuine change for a couple of days ---> 
8. Once he realizes that his last blow-up has lost him a ton of fans, he rapidly decompensates into his usual negative/toxic behavior ---> 
9. Begins attacking people again to get attention ---> 
10. Start all over again from step #1.
Currently, Greg is right in the middle of step #6, acting like a victim until the whole thing blows over and he can assess the damage. What’s different about this time (and the reason why he’s decompensating so rapidly right now compared to previous patterns) is because almost all of this is happening at the exact same time, and there’s no lull or resting period in between these cycles like there have been in past years. 
His fan base has had enough and is sick of defending him, the entire Internet knows what kind of a person he is at this point (thanks to Billie, who knocked over the first domino), he’s about to get reamed by the government and the IRS for well over 500k (which will take everything he has left), he’s trapped in a loveless marriage with a person that he isn’t attracted to and kids he doesn’t want to raise or be responsible for, and his increasing age and lowered income and sphere of influence have severely hampered his ability to attract the type of young alternative teen girl lovers that he’s actually attracted to, like Billie, Jaclyn Glenn, or Shiloh. He’s frittered away his entire multi-million dollar fortune on meaningless materialistic pursuits, like the ~$3000 worth of clothes, tattoos, tech, games, and makeup that Lainey has purchased in the past two months alone (and that isn’t even including upcoming Christmas expenditures, or Lainey’s recent posts and videos detailing her plans to throw away all of her clothes in order to buy new ones - yes, even the ones she just bought this month). His career is on its last legs, and at 33 years old, he has no bankable skills that he can use to get a real job because he never bothered looking into ways to supplement his income when YouTube was inevitably incapable of sustaining his lifestyle any longer; and even if he could, Greg is too much of a raging narcissist to be capable of not challenging the structure and hierarchy of any company that hired him. His wife won’t let him bring other women into their household or marriage anymore - gone are the days when he could simply whip up some manipulative language for plausible deniability later on, such as “I wouldn’t do anything that a friend wouldn’t do” - she knows his game now, and she’s having none of it. He wants to move on to a younger, hotter, more pliable teenage girl like Jessie Paege, but Lainey is saving her entire YouTube income to pay off his IRS debt (and whatever he owes after Shane Dawson (hopefully) sues him); he can’t just discard her and move on like he’s done with other exes before, he has too much to lose from it this time. He’s gone from owning two houses (one of which was a mansion) and two cars (one of which was a Tesla) to just one used truck and one three-bedroom house in the middle of a swamp. He used to make nearly $5000 a month from his 1200 fans on Patreon; now he makes $2600 a month from just over 600 of them, and those numbers are dwindling further every single month. And the best part is that he did all of this to himself. 
It’s no wonder that Greg has been stuck at some point in this cycle for the past three months straight. He’s dug himself into a hole so deep that not even the tree the IRS is about to charge him 100k to re-plant is tall enough to help him climb out of it. And I have to say - in all my years of watching Greg, observing him, analyzing his behavior, and hoping that he’d eventually take himself out of the game in exactly the way that he currently is - I NEVER thought that he had the capacity to sabotage himself to this extreme. What a wonderful Christmas present. 
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