#greg olear
never-was-has-been · 1 year
Clarence Thomas and Other Crow Holdings - Greg Olear
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nodynasty4us · 8 months
The tragedy in all of this is that Ivanka speaking out against Donald would have mattered. Ivanka speaking out would have had real power. Ivanka speaking out would have saved lives. Yes, there was a price she would have had to pay for speaking out—her father is a petty, vengeful fuck—but there is also a cost for staying silent. All those preventable COVID deaths brought on by Trump’s and Jared Kushner’s negligent mismanagement of the pandemic response? The officers who died on Jan. 6? All the pregnant women with inviable pregnancies who can’t get abortions? All the teenage rape victims in the red states? That blood is on her hands too. And no amount of the fancy beauty products she touts on her Instagram page will wash it off.
Greg Olear, Ivanka Trump Instagram: The former adviser to the president has slipped back into her rose-colored bubble.
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protoslacker · 1 year
Most Americans don’t share Leonard Leo’s creepy, fascistic predilections. And all the money in the world won’t make his extreme anti-abortion, anti-woman, virulently homophobic policies popular. But if you essentially buy the entire judicial branch of the federal government, and you use your considerable influence in the statehouses to gerrymander the fuck out of the districts to tilt the vote your way, the will of the people becomes secondary to the will of a radical Catholic weirdo from Central Jersey with a passion for enjoying fine wine and stripping away the rights of women and the LGBTQ community. As Burleigh puts it—and this is not hyperbole—“Medieval popes had less power.”
Greg Olear at his Substack Prevail. The Dark Seid
There's a new Pope Leo. He owns the Supreme Court. And now, he has more money than God.
Olear's piece refers to Nina Burleigh's reporting in The New Republic. Who Is Leonard Leo’s Mysterious Dark Money King? America needs to know who Barre Seid is, what kind of country he wants, and just how massive an impact his $1.6 billion gift can have on our political discourse.
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madamspeaker · 2 years
how did they manage to make an attack on an 82 year old man a referendum on his wife’s physical appearance
This is the right-wing MO. Everything ultimately comes down to some woman's appearance. They simply cannot fathom that there's a guy out there, still in love with this wife, 60+ years after meeting her. This is why they were so desperate for there to have been some mystery woman with Paul at the time of thr DUI - this despite no police report ever mentioning a passenger - because there wasn't one. And why they have spun the current bullshit that they have. Never forget this line from Greg Olear: "They hate her, too, because she’s an attractive woman. They simply don’t know how to process that an 82-year-old can look better than the Gen X banshee now dating FPOTUS’s namesake son."
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alicemccombs · 2 months
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nedsecondline · 3 months
Greg Olear: Six Justices Doing Their Best to End American Democracy
Greg Olear writes a terrific blog called PREVAIL about whatever he wants. He writes about the Supreme Court’s latest decision placing the President …Greg Olear: Six Justices Doing Their Best to End American Democracy
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garudabluffs · 6 months
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"If prosecuted, I will not run. If convicted, I will not serve."
Trump tried to act like a mob boss. Instead he's just a thug. January 19, 2021
Greg Olear, a political columnist and the author of Dirty Rubles: An Introduction to Trump/Russia, has done extensive research into Trump's real-life underworld connections, and how they emboldened him as the gangster-in-chief. "Donald Trump is a second-generation mob money launderer. His father, Fred Trump, was the same generation as Meyer Lansky, who invented money laundering," Olear says. "While Trump has been mob his whole life, he's not a mobster or a mob boss, as we understand it. He's a front man."
READ MORE https://theweek.com/articles/955997/trump-tried-act-like-mob-boss-instead-hes-just-thug
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nj-stone · 10 months
Elisabeth Grace - Monday 11/27/2023: Sneak Peek at the Week; Full Moon in Gemini; Mercury-Venus Demand Focushttps://elisabethgrace.com/monday-11-27-2023-sneak-peek-at-the-week-full-moon-in-gemini-mercury-venus-demand-focus/
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msclaritea · 1 year
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I can't tell if Robert F Kennedy sounds more like a Communist or a Socialist. He definitely doesn't sound like a Democrat. I'm sick of these homegrown traitors to my country. Greg OLear once said something that people need to hear, and repeat to themselves until they fully get it:
"In place of government, you will get the mob."
"In place of government, you will get the mob."
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dynopop · 2 years
It may be that Haddon did not set out to create a character with a specific DSM diagnosis; Schofield, in his Guardian essay, suggests as much. It may be that Haddon wasn't responsible for the words "Asperger's Syndrome" appearing on the back cover of his novel; publishers, not authors, usually have the final say on book jacket copy. It may be that Haddon didn't intend to negatively stereotype those with Asperger's; Morrow, the Rain Man screenwriter, who gave his Academy Award statue to Kim Peek, certainly did not intend to negatively stereotype autistics. But the fact remains: Haddon did write an Asperger's character, he did take advantage of the words "Asperger's Syndrome" in his marketing campaign, and knowingly or not, he did create a negative stereotype. And if he felt anything but indifference toward this literary exploitation after the fact, he would not have used the same narrator-with-relatively-rare-psychological-disorder gimmick in his follow-up novel, as he did with 2006's A Spot of Bother, replacing Asperger's with hypochrondria. In any case, the damage is done. Christopher John Francis Boone is to Asperger's what Raymond Babbitt is to autism. And aspies everywhere—including my son—must now live with it.
Greg Olear reviewing Curious Incident
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never-was-has-been · 2 years
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"The venerable institution...has been usurped by drunks, lechers, cultists, and pompous dimwits, all in thrall to dark money-funded Catholic radicals for whom democracy is nothing more than a speedbump on the road to despotism."
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ladythatsmyskull · 3 years
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nedsecondline · 4 months
Greg Olear: “Casablanca” Has a Message for Us Today | Diane Ravitch's blog
Source: Greg Olear: “Casablanca” Has a Message for Us Today | Diane Ravitch’s blog
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