never-was-has-been · 2 months
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Why Integrating Substack with Patreon Can Take Your Writing to Another Level
I turned the Chapter 15 of Substack Mastery book to a short podcast for anyone can understand in 4 minutes.  I had the privilege of being an editor for the early version of the best-selling Substack Mastery book authored by my mentor Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Main) who also introduced me to Substack when I totally lost hope on this platform and got disappointed with not being able to amplify important…
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worldlovetoughts · 3 months
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adribosch-fan · 8 months
🛑⚒️ | El destino del comunismo
Al recordar el centenario de la revolución comunista en Rusia, esperamos que la humanidad aprenda de este trágico error ESTEFANY ESCOBAR RORY BRANKER Photo by Daniil Onischenko on Unsplash En el oscuro escenario de la historia, el comunismo se convirtió en una enfermedad que pretendía ser la cura. Ahora en la actualidad puede que este resurgiendo y ganando fuerza una vez más. A pesar de los…
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coreymccomb · 2 years
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artdotpage · 11 months
Problems facing modern artists & creators
I've talked with hundreds of artists and creators about the difficulties they face trying to earn a living from their craft.
This post covers two of the big ones (social media algorithms & bargain basement marketplaces), and what tools are available to grow your business despite these issues.
Social Media Algorithms and Audience Ownership
Social media platforms are a godsend for getting your work in front of potential clients and building a loyal fan base.
However as you will all have experienced, it can take a mastermind to figure out what kind of content the algorithm wants you to post, and if you don't do that you'd be as well throwing your content into the void as even your own followers might not see your post, never mind new viewers.
It also means you don't truly own your audience, if you post something slightly controversial your account could be deleted without warning, or perhaps a billionaire buys the site and everyone flocks to a new platform where you have to start growing your following all over again.
Solution: Build a mailing list
This is perhaps the single best marketing tool available to any business, and is sorely overlooked by artists and creators.
It's cost effective and because you own your mailing list it doesn't matter what's happening on social sites, you can always keep in touch with them.
The tricky part is converting people into mailing list subscribers. However I've seen plenty of creators successfully build one by offering incentives including free digital downloads, early access to content, discounts on your store etc.
Those who sign up to your mailing list would be considered high quality followers, someone who is much more likely to convert to a paid client and buy from you again in the future compared to the average follower on social media.
Losing clients to undercutting competitors on the same platform/marketplace
If you run your business on a marketplace or platform, your clients are one click away from finding plenty of other choices who are willing to undercut everyone else to land a sale.
These sites have no incentive to make sure that traffic you drive to your profile actually purchase from you. Whether a sale is made through your listing or another seller, they collect their fee either way.
They also use uniform designs which reduce you to a generic product listing. Whilst this can simplify the customer experience, it means you have no control over the sales funnel and ability to differentiate yourself, making it harder to convert potential clients into paying customers.
Solution: Direct clients to your own site
Use your own personal website to make sales from, there are plenty of options with no monthly charge and lower fees than marketplaces. This lets you make dedicated marketing pages showcasing your best work to make a client excited about doing business with you, instead of just being a generic product listing.
Take advantage of marketplaces purely for their customer base. Don't rely on them as your sole business platform. This way, any fees you pay are worthwhile to generate sales you wouldn't have had otherwise. 
Interested in more?
There's plenty more I have to share on this topic, including:
How to properly use Print on Demand without getting ripped off
Streamline managing your business so you spend more time creating and growing your business.
How to better utilize your brand to connect with clients and increase sales
So let me know if you’re interested and I’ll get writing!
I'm building https://art.page to solve these exact issues, with the goal to create the best all in one site builder for artists and creators that makes running your business easy.
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elk64 · 1 year
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JOIN MY NEWSLETTER MAILING LIST -> https://elk64.substack.com/ Hello everyone ! I'm moving my mailing list to substack; if you have already joined you don't need to do anything, but if you haven't, newsletter is best way to stay in touch and not miss anything important!
Why subscribe? In this day social media age have turned into a full dystopia, granting us artist both autonomy and dependance. As years goes on, it get harder and harder for independent creative and their communities to keep in touch by a nebulous plays of algorithms and luck. To ensure to not rely exclusively on tier owned space, newsletter appear itself as a key option. This more intimate space give me the option for free content, more complex thought and also vital communication like shop opening, product evolution or commission availability.
No spamming as this newsletter will be limited to a monthly update. It will be a good general way to follow both project, life and product in case you're interested to buy print or other derivative.
- Never miss an update anymore.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
I am unable to cross-post this article:
(100) Weaponisation of the Food and Water Supplies (substack.com)
Worth a read, here’s the opening paragraphs:
“One aspect of the unfolding Omniwar is the weaponisation of the food and water supplies. In some respects, this has been going on for a long time, but since 2020 there have been some new and troubling developments.
What van Hamelen (2022) calls the Great Poisoning has been taking place for decades, e.g. through:
·        high-fructose corn syrup commonly used in processed foods and soft drinks (Nur Bulbul et al., 2024);
·        widely used additives such as the sweetener aspartame, which was recently classified as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” (WHO, 2023);
·        the presence of glyphosate, used in Roundup weedkiller and labelled as a “probable human carcinogen” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2015, in 80% of urine samples taken from U.S. children and adults (Gillam, 2022);
·        inorganic micro- and nanosized contaminants in food that are non-biodegradable, toxic, and without nutritional value (Gatti et al., 2009); and
·        fluoride in the drinking water of certain jurisdictions, which has “potential to cause major adverse human health problems” (Peckham & Awofoso, 2014).
Rising obesity and sickness levels in Western societies almost certainly have something to do with this gradual poisoning of the population.
Since 2020, however, food has been weaponized in new ways. There is a war against farmers, e.g. through the “European Green Deal,” which places extreme regulations on farmers, forcing many out of business (Vanheuckelom, 2023; van Hamelen, 2023).
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thatchronicfeeling · 8 months
Low Cost Stuff That May Help If You Get Covid
Brush your teeth as usual (+ floss if that's something you do)
Mouthwash (things you could use: CPC mouthwash; cooled green tea; salt water) cpc = cetylpyridinium chloride, an ingredient in many/most commercial mouthwashes
Green Tea (drink on an empty stomach if possible; can also be used for swishing/gargling once it has cooled; if green tea isn't doable for you, black tea is an alternative)
Nasal Spray (if chemicals in nasal spray causing an issue for you, saline nasal spray also an option)
Vitamin C supplement
Other prophylactics to consider: Nattokinase, Grape Seed Extract, EGCG supplements
Natto (if this is something you already eat, or would like to try. It's fermented soya beans and is popular in Japan, although I think there's a similar dish in Korea. I'd love to try this, but can't digest beans!)
The idea with all of this stuff is that it may work to reduce viral load in the hope of minimising symptoms. And your chance of developing Long Covid. These things may also help reduce/minimise some symptoms, if you have Long Covid already. I've been following this closely because I have severe ME and POTS and there's a big overlap. I have learned a lot from LongCovidPharmD, who has a great (free) substack, which shares research-based info on what might help: https://substack.com/profile/2921065-longcovidpharmd LongCovidPharmD emphasises safety re. dosages and potential interactions if you're already on any meds. **Just to include that this isn't medical advice and I'm not a medical doctor. Just a disabled person who wants us all to survive.**
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never-was-has-been · 2 months
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Substack Mastery Book: Chapter 1
What is Substack, why it matters, and how to start it Content Strategy, Development, & Marketing Insights Yesterday I announced my new book titled Substack Mastery: Insider Secrets from a Content Strategist & Seasoned Author. Its subtitle is “Learn the Basics, Stay Motivated, Grow Your Subscribers, Earn Money, & Thrive with the Support of Community,” summarizing the scope of the book.  As I…
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Dave Whammond
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Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV. Double Standard.
July 8, 2024
JUL 08, 2024
The mainstream media continues its whisper campaign against President Biden, as they report that anonymous “senior leaders” talk “in private” about approaching Joe Biden to urge him to drop out. At least Adam Schiff had the guts to express his qualms in public respectfully, even though I strongly disagree with his views (on this subject).
One evolving narrative among the press is that the Biden administration “concealed” the truth of Biden’s cognitive state—which supposedly justifies their righteous anger. Bull****. This is another example of a double standard applied by a media that is intent on driving Joe Biden out of the race—damn the facts!
Joe Biden has been transparent with the American people about his health—which cannot be said about Trump.
Remember Trump's unexplained visit to Walter Reed for a treatment that remains secret to this day? Or showing up to a debate in 2020 knowing he had tested positive for Covid but concealed that fact from Joe Biden, the debate moderators, and the American public?
Or having a doctor release a statement about Trump's health that was dictated by Trump? Or when the White House physician provided false information about Trump's vital statistics—like his weight—and said that Trump might be the first president to live to be 200?
Amid all the calls for “cognitive tests” for Biden—but not Trump—journalists are committing malpractice by failing to note that President Biden released a detailed summary of his annual physical in February of this year.
The full report is here: Health-Summary-2.28.pdf (whitehouse.gov). The examination included consultations with neurological experts at Walter Reed hospital. I urge you to read the entire report and consider how you would measure up to such a battery of tests!
So, Biden did have a “detailed neurological exam” four-and-half months ago. The widespread media demands that Biden “take a neurological exam” should be directed to Trump instead.
Predictably, this “proof” won’t be enough for the media. Just as the media refused to accept a certified copy of President Obama’s birth certificate, the goalposts will keep shifting.
The issue is not Joe Biden. It is Donald Trump—and the media’s arrogant refusal to apply the same scrutiny to Trump that it is applying to Biden. If they did, they would be demanding neurological exams of Trump and his withdrawal from the race. So far as we have been informed by Trump, his cognitive test consisted of recalling five objects: “Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.” Can you say, “double standard”?
Why isn’t the media making demands that Trump submit to “extremely detailed neurologic testing” by experts from a nationally recognized hospital?
The answer is simple. Trump has quashed dissent within his party. Anyone who dares raise a voice in dissent is the immediate recipient of anonymous death threats and public ridicule on Trump's vanity media platform. And Trump's para-military press surrogates leap into action, declaring that the dissidents are dead to MAGA.
So, the press's application of the same standards to Trump has no upside because it won’t incite the mass panic among Republicans that Democrats are willing to supply by the bucketful.
I accept at face value the good faith of readers who say they have lost confidence in Biden because of the debate or any other reason. That is a personal judgment only you can make. But I again remind everyone that “Biden should withdraw” is not a plan. If you believe a different path to victory is appropriate, then you must devote yourself to that path with all the vigor and financial resources you can muster.
Timothy Snyder (author of On Tyranny and Substack blog Thinking About), addressed the role that the press has been playing in whipping up “fascist froth” that helps Trump. See Timothy Snyder, Fascism and Fear (substack.com)
There are three tests of good faith for those who are proposing that President Biden step down. The first is recognition that Biden’s first term has been one of extraordinary achievement. The second is a plan for what the Democrats would do, should Biden withdraw, to select a nominee and win the election. The third is recognition that the threat of regime change is what might justify changing the nominee.
If I am right that much of the energy behind the Biden pile-on is displaced fear of a regime change, much of the media will continue to generate fascist froth for Trump, whether or not Biden is the Democratic nominee — unless, of course, journalists confront their fears, and keep the issue of regime change inside the story, and provide a constructive alternative alongside personal criticism.
[I inverted the order of Snyder’s two paragraphs above so they made more sense in a short quotation.]
And, finally, Rebecca Solnit wrote what I wish I had written. See her essay in The Guardian: Why is the pundit class so desperate to push Biden out of the race?
Solnit begins:
I am not usually one to offer diagnoses of people I’ve never met, but it does seem like the pundit class of the American media is suffering from severe memory loss. Because they’re doing exactly what they did in the 2016 presidential race – providing wildly asymmetrical and inflammatory coverage of the one candidate running against Donald J Trump. They have become a stampeding herd producing an avalanche of stories suggesting Biden is unfit, will lose and should go away, at a point in the campaign in which replacing him would likely be somewhere between extremely difficult and utterly catastrophic. They do this while ignoring something every scholar and critic of journalism knows well and every journalist should. As Nikole Hannah-Jones put it: “As media we consistently proclaim that we are just reporting the news when in fact we are driving it. What we cover, how we cover it, determines often what Americans think is important and how they perceive these issues yet we keep pretending it’s not so.” They are not reporting that he is a loser; they are making him one. And so it goes with what appears to be a journalistic competition to outdo each other in the aggressiveness of the attacks and the unreality of the proposals. It’s a dogpile and a panic, and there is no one more unable to understand their own emotional life, biases and motives than people who are utterly convinced of their own ironclad rationality and objectivity, [also known as] pundits.
Here's my advice to everyone—regardless of what side of the issue you take regarding Joe Biden’s continued candidacy. The issue is Trump, not Biden. Whether Biden drops out is not something you or I have control over. (Readers frequently write to me and say, “Please tell Joe Biden . . . .” The only thing Joe Biden knows about me is my credit card number.)
Joe Biden has control over his choices; his close advisors and family have influence; some senior leaders in the Democratic Party have some influence. They are talking amongst themselves. Let them have a rational, private conversation not played out on the front pages of the NYTimes and WaPo minutes after the latest exchange of views.
However, the one institution that has demonstrated it cannot be trusted to deal with this question is the media. They have a perverse financial incentive: Chaos = profit. They are agents of chaos at this moment in pursuit of the mighty dollar.
I believe that Joe Biden is the best candidate to defeat Trump, that replacing him at this point poses unacknowledged and unknowable risks, and that those who advocate a different path have the burden of identifying and funding an alternative candidate.
Our task has not changed. It is our moral and patriotic duty to alert all Americans about the threat posed by Trump and his fascist plan to undermine democracy. We have plenty of work and precious little time left to accomplish our task.
Let us channel all our energy away from debating Joe Biden’s age and health into defeating Trump. In that task, we must speak with one voice.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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porterdavis · 1 year
How's that 'trickle-down' working for you?
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has just released a report showing changes in the distribution of family wealth from 1989 to 2019 (the first and the most recent years for which comparable survey data on family wealth are available). Families in the top 10 percent of the distribution now hold more than two-thirds of all wealth. Families in the bottom half of the distribution hold only 2 percent of total wealth. (Families in the bottom quarter have negative net wealth — they’re in debt. Families in the top 1 percent — indeed, the top one-tenth of one percent — have a disproportionate share of the wealth of the top 10 percent.)
Robert Reich, [email protected]
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adribosch-fan · 8 months
✈️🍃| La caída del New York Times
El Times debe recuperar su esencia periodística y volver a ser un referente en la industria de las noticias DESTACADAS ESTEFANY ESCOBAR RORY BRANKER Photo by David Kovalenko on Unsplash ¿Has notado cómo el Times está perdiendo su toque? Al parecer se están poniendo “más en onda” con la censura y la parcialidad que con la diversidad y la objetividad. Los medios de comunicación no deberían estar…
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ozma914 · 1 month
Movie Review: Deadpool and Wolverine
 One danger of watching "Deadpool and Wolverine" in the theaters is that you never know what was spilled on that floor you're rolling around on.
And I don't mean you'll be making out with someone because the movie's boring, either. No, "Deadpool and Wolverine" is exactly what it's advertised to be: Profane, fast-paced, irreverent, hilarious, and ... oh, yeah. Emotional.
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That's the trick Ryan Reynolds and company manage to pull off. Deadpool speaks directly to the audience, talks about being in a movie, makes fun of Marvel and Disney, and just generally breaks all the rules. Then he grabs you by the feels and pulls you in until you actually care about this guy, despite the fact that you both know he's only a character.
Wade Wilson has left his super anti-hero days behind him and sells cars, badly, after a failed attempt to join the Avengers. But he's pulled back into his old life when he discovers his entire universe is going to end because of the loss of its anchor hero, Wolverine, who died during the events of "Logan". (Hey, it been out way too long for that to be a spoiler.)
That sends Wade on a multiverse-spanning search for another Logan to bring back, an attempt that treats us to several different Wolverines until Wade finds one that may work. Unfortunately, it's the worst Wolverine in all the universes. Together they set out on a blood splattered journey across timelines, encountering familiar help and villains along the way.
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Yes, it has a plot. But just putting Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in a room together would generate plenty of fun for two hours, all by itself. They're clearly having a blast here, and yet, as mentioned earlier, they also generate plenty of pathos and suspense. After all, there are millions of universes, and Deadpool's isn't even the main Marvel one. There's nothing to say it will survive the fight.
I'm not sure there's any way to communicate just how much fun "Deadpool and Wolverine" is. It helps to know something of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (especially the TV series Loki). It also helps to be a fan of the comics, although its not necessary. Most of the main points we hit along the way are familiar to even those with only a passing knowledge of the MCU, for the same reason someone who's never seen Star Wars can spout off a dozen catchphrases and the basic plot.
Just the same, the sheer number of cameos, references, and background clues will bring squeals of glee from comic fans, even as non-comic fans enjoy the fast pace and no holds barred banter. Oh, and the stabbing. Lots and lots of stabbing. Did I mentioned the movie's rated R? Do NOT take your kids to see it.
But take yourself to see it. If you have half as much fun as Reynolds and Jackman clearly did, it'll be a good day. Where to find our books or just have some fun:
Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B0058CL6OO
Barnes & Noble:  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/"Mark R Hunter"
Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4898846.Mark_R_Hunter
Blog: https://markrhunter.blogspot.com/
Website: http://www.markrhunter.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ozma914/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarkRHunter914
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrhunter/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkRHunter
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@MarkRHunter
Substack:  https://substack.com/@markrhunter
Tumblr:  https://www.tumblr.com/ozma914
Smashwords:  https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/ozma914
Remember: Books can be just as much fun as Deadpool, without having to clean up the blood.
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isittruecrime · 29 days
Jeffrey Dahmer, also known as “The Milwaukee Cannibal.”
Dahmer confessed to the murders of 17 young men between 1978 and 1991, and his crimes included not just murder but also necrophilia, dismemberment, and cannibalism. The details of his crimes are among the most horrific in modern history and have been widely reported, becoming a focal point for discussions about the nature of evil and the psychology of serial killers.
But is he really the “monster” we all think he is?
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Join us on our social media platforms to discover the exciting findings we've uncovered.
Our subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDahmerCase/
Our Substack: substack.com/@thedahmercase
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dahmer_analysis
Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/thedahmercase
YouTube: youtube.com/@DahmerAnalysis
Our Approach: Leveraging OSINT for Truth
In our quest to uncover the facts, we employed Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) methods to gather and analyze a wide array of publicly available information. This included:
- Reviewing Media Reports: We scrutinized countless articles, documentaries, and news segments for inconsistencies, biases, and possible sensationalism.
- Analyzing Legal Documents: Court transcripts, police reports, and evidence logs were meticulously reviewed to identify any discrepancies or unexplained gaps in the official story.
Identifying Anomalies: A Critical Examination
Through our detailed research, we identified numerous anomalies and inconsistencies in the story as presented by mainstream media and official sources. These include:
- Unexplained Evidence: Certain pieces of evidence, or the lack thereof, suggest that the full picture of what occurred may have been obscured or misrepresented. Items allegedly found in Dahmer’s possession, for instance, have unexplained origins or contradictory documentation.
- Media Sensationalism: The media played a pivotal role in shaping public perception of Dahmer. Our analysis suggests that some aspects of the story were exaggerated or manipulated to create a more horrifying and compelling narrative, possibly for ratings or to serve other agendas.
Challenging the Accepted Narrative
The more we uncovered, the clearer it became that the truth about Jeffrey Dahmer is far more complex than the simple "monster" label he has been given. Our research has led us to question whether Dahmer was truly responsible for all the crimes attributed to him, or whether there were elements of coercion, manipulation, or even a possible cover-up involved.
- Questioning the Confession: Dahmer’s detailed confessions were a cornerstone of his conviction, but we found reasons to question whether these admissions were made voluntarily or under duress. Were there external pressures that led him to take responsibility for crimes he did not commit?
- Possible Miscarriage of Justice: Given the anomalies and inconsistencies we’ve uncovered, there is a possibility that Dahmer was not the sole perpetrator of the crimes attributed to him—or that he was not guilty at all. This possibility opens the door to the need for a deeper investigation into who else might have been involved or what other motives might have driven the narrative.
Revealing the Hidden Truth
Our investigation is not just about revisiting history; it’s about correcting the record. The case of Jeffrey Dahmer is one of the most infamous in criminal history, but if our findings hold true, then the story we’ve all been told is, at best, incomplete—and at worst, a deliberate fabrication.
We present this research not to absolve Dahmer of any wrongdoing without proof, but to expose the very real possibility that the public has been misled. This case is not just about one man; it’s about how easily the truth can be obscured, and how important it is to question the narratives we are fed.
The Importance of Seeking Truth
Our work serves as a reminder that even the most established stories can have hidden layers that, when uncovered, reveal a very different reality. The Jeffrey Dahmer case deserves a second look, and the anomalies we’ve identified warrant a re-examination of the evidence, the narrative, and the truth itself.
Using OSINT and thorough investigative techniques, we have exposed what we believe to be a significant miscarriage of justice—or at the very least, a story that is not as clear-cut as we’ve been led to believe.
Here are the links on what has been uncovered so far.
The Peculiar Trial - How they pulled it off
The link provides a summary of a detailed analysis of a trial, highlighting several irregularities. Key points include:
1. Avoidance of a Preliminary Hearing: The trial bypassed a preliminary hearing, which is a crucial step in determining whether there is enough evidence to proceed with a trial.
2. Disposal of Key Evidence: Defense attorney Gerald Boyle allegedly recommended disposing of important biological evidence months before the trial, which would be a violation of Wisconsin law.
3. Faulty Confession: The only key physical evidence admitted at the trial was a confession that was flawed, containing another man's Social Security Number and other anomalies.
The analysis suggests these and possibly other irregularities cast doubt on the legitimacy of the trial.
The Signed Guilty Pleas Do Not Exist
A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request revealed that the 15 signed guilty pleas, which were central to a televised trial and used to waive the defendants' rights to a fair trial, do not exist. This discovery undermines the entire case narrative, raising serious concerns about how the defendant was compelled to give up his constitutional rights based on non-existent documents. The guilty pleas, which were foundational to the case, have been exposed as fictitious.
15 Missing Social Security Death Index
The new information states that 15 alleged victims in the case do not have records in the Social Security Death Index, which contradicts the narrative presented. Further investigation revealed that some "victims" supposedly died long before or after the alleged timeframe, and some are actually still alive. This raises serious doubts about the validity of the case and the accuracy of the information provided.
The Confession Contains Other man’s Social Security Number
The analysis suggests that the investigators have identified this other man, who maintained the same SSN from 1975 to 2000. Despite having an alleged serial murder conviction associated with his SSN, this man experienced no issues living under that identity. The implication is that these convictions may not have been real, raising serious questions about the validity of the evidence and the trial. We promise to explore the broader implications of this finding.
The Confession Was Not Taped Or Video Recorded
Detective Murphy, during court testimony, admitted that over 60 hours of discussions related to the case were not taped or video recorded. Instead, he "tried his best to write down what he could and what he thought was important."
This lack of proper documentation is criticized as deeply troubling, especially considering the importance of these discussions. Relying solely on the detective’s handwritten notes and memory of what was important is unacceptable and highlights this as a violation of standard investigative procedures. The implication is that this was not a legitimate case, as it lacked the necessary and expected level of documentation and evidence handling.
Jeff Was Using Movie Lines Word For Word In His Inside Edition Show
We have video evidence that Jeff used lines verbatim from the film script of the comedy horror movie "The Secret Life: Jeffrey Dahmer," which was written in 1992 and ready for distribution by September 1992. In his 1993 Inside Edition show, Jeff presented these lines as if they were his personal memories. The conclusion drawn is that Jeff was merely acting, using the movie script as his dialogue rather than sharing genuine experiences. This is presented as evidence that his public persona or testimony was not authentic.
Verified Background Checks Show 1 Conviction Only: For 1978 In Ohio
Verified background checks from reputable services like Intelius and BeenVerified show only one conviction for Jeff, which dates back to 1978 in Ohio. Wisconsin, which shares its information, has no record of any convictions for Jeff, suggesting that nothing happened in that state. A closer examination of the facts will follow, implying that the lack of additional convictions is significant and potentially undermines any claims of further criminal activity by Jeff in Wisconsin.
An Allstate Insurance Claim Shows How Parents Lionel, Joyce and Shari Were All Implicated In What Happened To Stephen Hicks in 1978
A recent discovery involving an Allstate insurance claim suggests that Jeff was not the only person implicated in what happened to Steven Hicks in 1978. It states that Jeff's parents, Lionel and Joyce, as well as Shari, were all accused and found guilty in a wrongful death lawsuit. The lawsuit also included charges of negligence and negligent entrustment.
The cover-up surrounding the case might have been more extensive than previously known. Our analysis raises questions about whether Jeff was truly acting alone or if he was trying to protect his family from their own culpability. It also questions why Shari was implicated.
There will be further exploration of the implications of this lawsuit.
Hidden evidence in Jeff's reports indicates he was suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease called polymyositis. This condition severely weakens muscles and joints, making even the simplest tasks challenging. While treatable, it is incurable.
The concerning issue raised is that this crucial medical information was never reported by the media or mentioned during Jeff's trial. This evidence was concealed because revealing Jeff's illness would have made the story they reported impossible for him to pursue.
There will be further exploration of the implications of this medical condition and its concealment during the trial.
The above information is just scratching the surface as much more has been found.
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