#grem lynn
dark-kunzite · 3 months
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flarefighters-fr · 7 months
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Hehe! Today around 15:00 FR time they'll be off the AH forever! If someone wants a payment plan/hold for a week they'll have until then to ask as well!
Battlelust, Lynn, and Grem are an oldie family unit, Wishmaker and the unnamed imp are oldies, and the rest are fully gened G1s!
After today, I'm just keeping them for good! This'll be the last time they'll be for sale!
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coffeegremlynn · 8 months
Hello tumblr! Call me Lynn/Grem, I’m a concept artist, character designer, and illustrator. I’m starting an art blog to help promote my art so I can work towards freelancing. I’ll be posting some of my work here and giving updates about my website (linked) and other social media, sketches, life updates, whatever :D
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naming my alter ego Grem Lynne (gremlin)
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i did some sketches of the twins!
Grem and lynn
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sunnyskies281 · 2 years
You know what? Fuck it, it’s time for a random snippet from a fic I’ll never write.
“RiRi, are you sure you’re up to this?”
“Of course I am, Cal. I’m strong. I survived what happened to Grem Grem, I can survive seeing my mother again.”
“Alright then… I’ll be waiting out here for you.”
“Miss… Lynn, was it?”
“Correct. You’re the Kurain Master here, correct?”
“Yup, that’s me. I’m Maya Fey, I’ll be conducting the channeling today. Come, into the channeling chamber.”
“…So you got my letter, right? It had the photo and everything.”
“Yes, I did. But before I channel her, I just need to go over a few things. Some spirits move on immediately when they die, some don’t. There isn’t a guarantee I’ll be able to channel her. And I am not liable for any reactions you have to anything the spirit says or does. Got it?”
“Got it.”
“Alright, let’s begin.”
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mothgoop · 5 years
Sparklecare OC time (im too lazy to do the patient sheets and also 3 of them arent patients so like....h)
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Name: Sean Anculler Core
Age: 23
Sex: can you repeat that??
ID: bi demiboy
About: Sean was brought into the hospital for unknown reasons at the age of 19. He is top suspect for a series of 'art peices' that show up out of nowhere on the hospital walls. Nothing can be pinned to him directly, so other than a few snide remarks about the staff and hospital, he is a decent patient and is exempt from any treatments. This may change in the future.
Sean is a rat who was in a highschool band with two of his friends. He was sent to sparklecare to stay over the summer to get treatment for a non specified illness his parents hadnt told him about. Weither of not it he was really sick or his parents were just paranoid is unknown. He is very clingy and borderline obsessive. He cant stand being away from people for more than a few hours at a time. He is still not over the fact of most likly nit leaving the hospital and insists that his friends or parents will come and get him eventually. He still wears the symbol of his old band 'The Anarcists" on his hospital gown, written in a marker he found left under his bed. He often tears up his gown due to sensory issues, though it is not constant enough for him to get different outfit, as when he was given clothes more simmilar to the ones he came to the hospital in, he rejected them as well.
[Notes: he wears spiked bracelets and a checkered bandana that he was allowed to keep. The white wristband is for no treatment, yellow is since he ocasionally will claw others or himself when he becomes overly clingy to people and try to force them to stay near.]
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Name: Grem Lynn
Age: 22
ID: pan transguy
About: Grem is Seans old bandmate and ex boyfriend, unofficially breaking up with him after the first few months Sean was in the hospital. He is mostly a nihilist and sees most of the flaws in himself as well as society as a whole. He is a sphynx cat and, despite is outward look, is very caring and compassionate. He lives in his parents basement, which is where he used to hold band practice untill Sean, the lead guitarist, left. Not knowing where Sean went and assuming he had simply left town, Grem ended up moving on after months of trying to contact Sean with no answers. Despite being with someone else, he still misses him...
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Name: Tray Ashratt
Age: 20
ID: Ace/Gay Nonbinary (he/they)
About: Considered the 'chaotic good dumbass'of the group, Tray is a possum who always puts others first. He will do whatever it takes to make sure his friends are happy. He lives alone in a small apparentment with his pet clorb (carrot borb) called Round Boy. He has insomnia and often has trouble falling asleep at night without hugging a pillow for comfort. Though it may look lonely, Tray seems to be okay with it all. No one knows for sure if those are his legit feelings though.
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Name: Clem Minn Tine
Age: 24
ID: bi NB (xe/xer/xys)
About: With paranoia and anxiety, Clem is often found staying at home in bed, not daring to go outside unless it is an emergency or, in some cases, xe runs out of food. Very cautious about the unknown, Clem usually stays in xer own comfort zone. Currently, xe is trying to figure out what happened to xys sister, Val, who was sent to Sparklecare Hospital for a heart transplant to cure her Loves-a-Lot desease and never came back. Xe always had doubts about the hsopital, with great reveiws but never anyone leaving, only going in and never being heard from again. Xe assumed that maybe it was just xys usual "assume the worst untill its proven okay" thing, but maybe its something more...?
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dark-kunzite · 5 months
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5 years later...
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flarefighters-fr · 8 months
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Battlelust, Grem, and Lynn are son father and Uncle 8 year olds, the unnamed imp is an unbred 7 digit dragon, and Wishmaker is an unbred 7 digit XXX dragon!
Cardboard is a level 25 dragon
And the rest are unbred g1s!
I will be keeping them past the 28th!
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flarefighters-fr · 8 months
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Added a few more to the dragons I'll keep if they don't sell by the 28th. Grem and Lynn are Battlelust's Father and uncle, and all 3 are 8 years old.
Cardboard is just an XXY level 25 whom I love the colors for.
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