ashymcgee · 4 years
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I'm laying low. News has it that ammo all over the country is sold out and black influencers are telling their flock to not leave unless they are strapped. . Since I live in partial Proud Boi country, I opted to stay inside and read comics. I feel strongly about men having guns, but even stronger about men who hide behind them. . I returned to my first major love in comics. Between The Infinity Gauntlet, The X-men and the Death of Superman, I had a deep talk with my former comic shop slinger. Simplified, I stated that there were no heroes, just villains with a morality gradient. . The comic book shop owner stared. Why would a thirteen year old say such a thing? He stopped himself, turned and gave me Grendel. Matt Wagner feels the same way, but he's classier with his disdain. You will like him. . Matt Wagner is famous within the pulp circles, but Grendel had a cult following. I understood why. He was a sexier, sinister Batman. Hunter Rose played the game over champagne, philanthropy and all, and at night he assassinated people. . Sometimes good people. Sometimes innocent people. Sometimes bad people. The money was judge. The money was law. That's what he followed, all while maintaining a squeaky public clean face as he raised his daughter. Sounds very American, doesn't it? . I loved Grendel Tales, a post Apocalyptic spin off of various brutal tales about life. Matt Wagner led me to Frank Miller and Dennis O'Neil. Those are still my favorite authors. Gritty old men telling life like it is. . I am neutral today. I took advantage of my introspection and revisited why I love comics in the first place. Hell, even the original Infinity Gauntlet was unapologetic in its brutality. . So that's what I'm reading today. Matt Wagner and Frank Miller. Grit. Blood. Reality. There are no heroes, just masks and self interest. . It's fitting for today's atmosphere. . #blackgirlmagic #blacknerdgirls #seattle #comics #grendel #grendeltales #hunterrose #frankmiller #sincity #marthawashington (at The Bookshelf) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHI_FLwJLK1/?igshid=j9723db3t7ph
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