#grey transitional style bedroom
toukomatsudaira · 1 year
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Guest in DC Metro
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eusthetic · 7 months
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Transitional Bedroom DC Metro Image of a medium-sized transitional guest bedroom with carpeting, beige walls, and no fireplace
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kahvikirahvi · 10 months
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Transitional Bedroom - Guest Mid-sized transitional guest carpeted bedroom photo with beige walls and no fireplace
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maggiewestphotography · 10 months
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DC Metro Transitional Bedroom Bedroom - mid-sized transitional guest carpeted bedroom idea with beige walls and no fireplace
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DC Metro Transitional Bedroom Bedroom - mid-sized transitional guest carpeted bedroom idea with beige walls and no fireplace
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whatsernameanyways · 1 year
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Guest (Orlando)
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rendezvousordie · 1 year
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Transitional Bedroom (Dallas)
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Tampa Bedroom Guest
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silasopossum · 1 month
just got the notification that my base is officially in transit to the USA, so im gonna discuss my plans for him rq :]
so basically, all my fursonas have historically been feline (once i got over my horse art phase. i was never really connected to my horse sona anyways). i WOULD have gotten a feline headbase, but the problem with that is very few makers specifically sell a BOBCAT base, it's usually a canadian lynx or domestic cat or lion or something. cool, but i love focusing on small details in species differences so it would bug me forever if i put my bobcat fursona on a canadian lynx base. the other issue is that if i DID make a fursuit for my bobcat sona, i would 100% want a realistic base, since her cartoony design changes so often. plenty of makers sell realistic 3d printed or resin bases, however i am NOT confident in my ability to transfer a realistic design onto a base myself (especially since most realism fursuits involve airbrushing. i dont think i could do that well in an ideal environment, much less my 115 square foot bedroom which is my only workspace). i just dont feel i would be able to do her justice... and i wouldnt really want a toony styled head for my actual fursona.
and making a base myself isn't an option because 1. i cant even sculpt clay symmetrically, it'd drive me crazy if i tried it and 2. aforementioned tiny apartment problems. im not dealing with foam going everywhere... OR learning how to 3d model and print or resin pour or whatever else people use to make fursuits.
so i was looking through makers just for funsies and then i found the opossum base by ligris cybernetics / ligrisprints. and idk why but every ounce of my impulsive body decided "YES. OPOSSUM FURSUIT. NOW." ive never even had an opossum fursona before so i have no idea why i was suddenly so sure about it. but i was! so i decided to just make a new character specifically for this project.
i decided on the name silas (at the URL implies) and i designed a quick character on the fly, based entirely off of photos of real opossums instead of already having an idea. this was interesting for me, since i didnt realize how common the white spots on opossum ears are? i always thought they were only black, but most photos i found showed a little bit of pink/white so i added it to the design
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(quick sketch, drawn over the sale image on ligris cybernetics' website. i also loosely based this off of the stylization of my one other opossum character's design. the black bits under the eyes are going to be eyelashes, cut out of felt. the grey will PROBABLY be fur markings, but i might change that to black felt too)
opossums are also fairly easy to design, since they are typically recognizable with only two fur colors (white and grey), and their faces are usually mostly white. it'll be easier for me if i only have to buy two fur colors.
another thing i'm planning on is having handpaws- this will be easy since opossums always have naked fingers... so i'm planning on just buying a pair of fingerless gloves and adding fur to the glove part and leaving my fingers out. will be much easier to wear too
one thing im unsure of is how to fur a moving jaw... ill need to look up some tutorials for this. because i think if i dont add at least a little fur around the hinge, the mouth will look way too wide...
another small issue is that this maker tells tpu ears for basically any species EXCEPT opossums. so my plan is to buy some fosshape plastic and make ears out of that? ill also add minky fur OR felt to them to add the color patterns. i havent decided between the two yet, but i think painting the ears would look strange? even if it's technically more accurate for the real animal.
i also got some fur color swatches a few weeks ago. getting swatches from fursuitsupplies, i tried out baby pink monster, silver lux fox, super short white, silver beaver, and silver lux shag. i like the color of the silver lux fox best, but the texture of the lux shag seems better for an opossum character, so i'm unsure. the beaver feels nice but is too short for what i want the longer bits of fur to be. the super short is nice, but i will still probably get the fur all in one length and just shave it. the monster fur feels gross to touch so i'm definitely not using that. i already know what minky fabric is like so i didn't bother getting samples for that (but i probably will order samples when i decide concretely on what fur to get once the base comes in, just to be sure of the color before i spend money on it).
i'm thinking of covering the nose of the base with pink minky OR pink felt, but i'm not sure if that would work with the base, so i'll decide that once i actually get my hands on it. otherwise, i will be painting it. i also think i'm gonna make a tongue with minky fabric
tail will also be a thing. since opossum tails are prehensile, i want to make it posable... i thought about using plastic ball joints / doll spines, but i know from my longfurby adventures that those are kind of heavy, so i think i will use wire instead.
not gonna bother with a bodysuit, those sound hellish to walk around in. i'm just gonna wear long sleeves and long pants
another thing i an excited / nervous about is adding hair... i want silas to have hair. SPECIFICALLY revenge era gerard way hair
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and i know a lot of fursuit makers create hair by putting together pulled-out yarn OR brushing out fur both ways... but i don't like how that looks. since if were meant to believe that a plush in the case of a fursuit tail is flesh, and fur is their actual skin/fur... then it's just like... amorphous globosus... or a gigantic skin tag / tumor... TO ME... many fursuits make this look amazing don't get me wrong but i just couldnt get it out of my head if it was on my own suit. so i decided that i'm going to try and weft the hair, like in this tutorial? https://www.tiktok.com/@chaoticreations/video/7334668616350092577 (sorry for tiktok link, i know this creator uploads to youtube but i couldn't find the short) and this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo4FCmT1DP8 i'm thinking that depending on how i'm able to fur the head, i might be able to make a kind of wig thing that magnets on? i don't want to add the hair directly onto the head in case it looks like shit and i get tired of it, so i want it easily removable. might use velcro instead... also want it really long in the back.
i also got the eye mesh pre-installed on the head by the maker. which will be easy for me if i like it... however i DID request slit pupils and i'm second guessing that decision right now. i'm also unsure if i shouldve made them green instead of grey... but i guess i'll see it once it arrives :]
i also was JUST barely in the sizing for a "small" size head according to this maker, but just to be safe i ordered a "medium" size head instead. if it's to big (which it probably will be), i'm going to add foam inside, which will probably make it more comfortable anyways. iirc you can also use foam to hide the hinges in moving jaws? so i can just use the foam for that too. not sure yet.
and i already have sandpaper and stuff for sanding down the 3d print. just gotta wait for it to arrive... probably a month since it's gonna go from poland to the usa... if it gets lost in shipping i WILL cry (since mail people love to just not deliver to my apartment complex. because apartments are haaaaaaaard to deliver to (even though all the doors are easily accessible from the street with no key necessary)...)
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Here are a few important colour tips.   From Apsect Property Phogography  - Real Estate Photography Melbourne
Choose exterior colours that complement the architecture of the property and blend  with the surrounding environment. Consider factors such as the style of the home, local area aesthetics, and regional preferences.
Select neutral paint colours for interior walls to create a versatile and universally appealing backdrop for potential buyers. Shades of white, beige, and grey are popular choices that make rooms feel spacious, airy, and light-filled.
Use accent colours sparingly to add pops of colour and personality to interior spaces. Incorporate colourful accessories, such as throw pillows, artwork, rugs, and flowers to inject warmth and visual interest into neutral interiors.
Consider the psychological impact of colours on potential buyers . Warm colours like yellow, orange, and red can evoke feelings of warmth and energy.  while cool colours like blue and green convey a sense of calmness.
 Try warm hues in living areas to promote sociability and relaxation, and cool tones in bedrooms and bathrooms to encourage rest and rejuvenation.
Ensure that colours transition smoothly from one room to another, creating a sense of continuity and unity throughout the property. Avoid jarring colour contrasts or abrupt transitions that disrupt the flow of the space.
For empty properties, use virtual staging  to showcase the property with different colour schemes and decor styles. Virtual staging allows you to experiment with different colours, furniture arrangements, and decor accessories to enhance the visual appeal and marketability of the property.
Use colour to enhance the curb appeal and outdoor living spaces of the property. Incorporate colourful landscaping, flower beds, and planters to add vibrancy and visual interest to the exterior. Use colourful outdoor furniture, cushions, and accessories to create inviting outdoor living areas that appeal to potential buyers.
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craneandcanopy · 7 months
Sleep Tips for the End of Daylight Savings
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Although the extra snooze time is always much appreciated with the end of daylight savings, this one-hour shift can make a surprisingly big impact on our sleep schedules and overall routine. Here are four helpful tips on how to seamlessly adjust to this annual time change.
Add warm layers to your bed
Now that there’s a chill in the air, it’s the perfect time to layer your bed to stay warm and cozy. Adding a soft quilt or throw blanket is an easy way to transition your bed from summer to fall without having to totally revamp your style. Neutral yet classic colors such as navy and grey will effortlessly bring the vibe of the changing seasons straight to your bedroom.
Incorporate movement into your day
Studies show that even 30 minutes of exercise a day leads to a better night’s sleep. Getting your blood flowing helps relieve stress, tires your body out, and improves your mood. Go for a run around your neighborhood, do some at-home pilates, or wind down with a bedtime yoga routine.
Focus on self-care
The sun setting an hour earlier and the resulting darkness can have a profound effect on our mood and happiness. More than ever, the importance of self-care in your daily routine cannot be overestimated. Whether that means cooking yourself an indulgent dinner, soaking in a warm bath and wrapping yourself up in a plush robe, lighting some candles and watching a movie, or simply cuddling up on the couch, prioritize what makes you happy, especially during this annual time change.
Prioritize bedtime
Shorter days often make us feel tired earlier, which means it’s more important than ever to prioritize sleep. Sticking to a routine bedtime, ditching the devices before bed, and sipping on warm non-caffeinated tea at night will prepare your body for a restful night of sleep. 
For more ways on how to adjust to the end of daylight savings, here are some tips on how to sleep better.
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designdekko · 10 months
Designing a modern, highly functional living space
The Lodha Park Marquise Apartment has been masterfully designed by Preetu Muley Pandey, the Founder and Chief Interior Designer of Pree D’fine. She has woven magic with her incredible talent and imagination, crafting a space that is both a feast for the eyes and a marvel of functionality. Preetu has truly set the bar high, showcasing her exceptional skills and creativity in fashioning a living space that is beyond compare.
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The deep blue and grey bedroom is a perfect blend of soothing colours, with subtle accents that add depth and character to the room. The lime green bedroom is an absolute delight, with a memory board resembling a map and pictures that add a personal touch, creating a cosy ambience.
The small but functional dining room-study-bar area is a testament to the designer's creativity and attention to detail, with perfectly placed lighting and décor that create a welcoming and inviting space. The living room is a work of art, featuring breathtaking artwork inspired by a phone booth in London that adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to the space. The movable bar counter adds flexibility to the location as well as purpose, allowing for seamless transitions from entertainment to dining.
Perhaps one of the most unique elements of the apartment is the wall art that opens up as a TV — which is hard to notice at first! This innovative design adds an element of surprise and excitement to the room, with sleek and modern technology seamlessly blending into the aesthetic of the space.
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Overall, Preetu has truly outdone herself with the breathtaking design of this apartment. Every aspect of the space exudes the young owners’ personality and style, resulting in a seamless and harmonious aesthetic. From the smallest decorative touches to the functional design elements, Preetu has thought of everything to create a true masterpiece.
This space is not only visually stunning but also highly functional. It's no surprise that Preetu deserves the highest praise for her exceptional work in crafting interior spaces that seamlessly blend beauty and practicality.
Also Read | Arabic Resin art decor launches by Artist Madhavi Adalja
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dbzbeds · 1 year
Wings Beds: A Majestic Statement of Luxury and Style
Wing bed, also known as wingback beds, are a captivating and regal choice for those seeking a touch of elegance and grandeur in their bedroom. With their distinctive wing-shaped headboards and luxurious upholstery, these beds exude a sense of opulence and sophistication. In this article, we will delve into the allure and benefits of wing beds, highlighting their exceptional design and the unique ambience they bring to any sleeping space.
Grandeur and Statement Piece:
Wing beds are synonymous with grandeur and make a bold statement in any bedroom. The defining feature of these beds is the prominent wing-shaped headboard that extends vertically from the mattress's sides. This eye-catching design element adds a touch of drama and creates a focal point that demands attention, instantly transforming your bedroom into a luxurious haven.
Classic Elegance and Versatility:
The timeless elegance of wing beds makes them suitable for a wide range of interior styles. Whether your bedroom decor leans towards traditional, transitional, or contemporary, wing beds effortlessly blend in and enhance the overall aesthetic. Available in various upholstery options, from sumptuous fabrics to rich leather, you can choose the texture and colour that perfectly complements your personal taste and interior design theme.
Comfort and Support:
While wing beds are revered for their aesthetic appeal, they also prioritize comfort and support. The tall and wing-shaped headboard offers a cosy and snug feeling, allowing you to lean back and relax while reading or enjoying a morning coffee in bed. The generous padding of the headboard provides an added layer of comfort, ensuring you have a comfortable surface to lean against.
Extra Back and Neck Support:
The wings of the headboard serve a practical purpose beyond their visual appeal. They provide additional support for your back and neck while sitting up in bed, making it more comfortable to engage in activities such as reading, working on a laptop, or watching television. This ergonomic design feature adds functionality to the bed, making it a practical choice for those who enjoy spending time in bed beyond sleeping hours.
Versatile Color and Design Options:
Wing beds offer a plethora of options when it comes to colour and design. From classic neutral tones like beige, grey, and white to bold jewel tones or vibrant patterns, you can find a wing bed that perfectly matches your desired colour scheme and decor. Furthermore, you can choose between different wing heights and shapes, allowing you to customize the bed to your liking and create a truly unique and personalized sleeping space.
Durability and Longevity:
Wing beds are typically crafted with exceptional attention to detail and using high-quality materials. The sturdy frame and robust construction ensure durability and longevity, making them a worthwhile investment. These beds are built to withstand the test of time, providing you with a reliable and stylish piece of furniture that will continue to elevate the ambience of your bedroom for years to come.
Wing beds represent the epitome of luxury and style, elevating any bedroom with their majestic presence. Their grandeur, timeless elegance, and comfortable design make them a popular choice among those who appreciate the finer things in life. With a variety of design options and exceptional craftsmanship, wing beds offer a unique blend of beauty and functionality. By choosing a wing bed, you create a captivating and opulent sleeping space that exudes sophistication and becomes the centrepiece of your bedroom decor.
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upkarma3 · 1 year
Best Lightweight Summer Bedding Collections In India
Summertime, and living is easy. That’s according to the classic song. Except when it’s a sweltering night that has you tossing and turning in bed instead of sleeping peacefully. When the temperature rises, so does the likelihood of disrupted sleep. And without enough rest, you are not at best mentally or physically. The easy solution : invest in suitable, comfortable bedding collections from Upkarma, the best bedding collection brand in India.
Getting a great sleep in winters could be hard. But when the heat is around you, lets figure out with the best bedding collections for summer that can give you a peaceful sleep or relax you.
Gulmarg Bedsheet - This hand block printed 100% Percale soft fabric comes with a beautiful bright pink and yellow colour. Soft in hand and can be a perfect match with our own Gulmarg Dohar and curtains to have and flaunt that classic co-ordinated look.
Gulnar Bedsheet - The transitional pattern hand block printed bedsheet gives a sophisticated and elegant look to your bedroom with the onset summer round you. Best matched/ coordinated with Gulnar Dohar / Quilt and Curtains.
Udyana Bedsheet - Inspired by the Mughal art this hand blocked printed bedsheet brings a royal feel. 100% cotton percale sheeting, soft in feel with rich and subtle colours to add x-factor to your room.
Amber Bedsheet – Designed with love for your personal space, this gorgeous toned bouquet bedsheet comes with soft premium fabric. A perfect match with Amber Dohar and Curtains.
When spring turns to summer, many people find their bedding becomes too hot for comfort. Before this happens to you, get a jump on warmer weather by replacing your comforter with a lightweight, seasonally suitable bedspread. Single-layer bedspreads are available in a variety of materials, thicknesses, and styles to keep you sleeping comfortably all summer long.
Upkarma, has the best bedspreads for summers to make your summers more special.
White Ornamental Jacquard - This beautiful jacquard woven bedspread is an ideal match for your bed with an overall Damask pattern.
Array Jacquard Checks - A simple yet elegant bedspread with pattern driven trend. The woven check pattern is a match for any cushion design.
Baoili Jacquard – Basic is classic ! This simple yet elegant woven bedspread brings that elegant look to your décor.
Arya Kantha - This hand blocked bedspread with a kantha stitch art comes with a personalized touch by women artisans of rural West Bengal. Hand Block printed cotton fabric layers pieced together with kantha stitches which make this piece of art irresistible. 
Begonia Kantha - The beautifully floral designed hand printed comes with white base and subtle grey colour, completely handmade by women artisans.
Bluebell Ajrakh -  This hand blocked printed cotton fabric is the most loved art of Ajrakh that enhances your décor serving all purpose- light blanket, bed cover and bedspread. Available in Blue, green and rust colors to suit your décor the best.
Melody Quilted – Most exclusive and beautifully hand crafted piece in our ensemble with Stunning tonal embroidery is finished with hand done scalloped edges to give your bed a luxurious feel. A perfect match with round and a square pillow to complete the look that rich feel your home. A perfect gifting solution for your bestie or daughter as a wedding Trousseau. Available in Ivory, Aqua and Blush colors reversing to sild cotton sheeting dyed to match.
No matter of any season its important to buy bedspreads and bed sheet collections. Try the best hand crafted, hand block printed bedding collections from Upkarma, the best designer bedding collection brand in India. We source the best sustainable fabrics without harmful chemicals so that you can rest easy , knowing that you are all set with the best bedding around.
To know more: https://upkarma.co.in/collections/kids-bedding
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hakesbros · 1 year
Cheap Homes For Sale In San Antonio, Tx 287 Listings
We've obtained the most up-to-date listings in South Texas and the knowledgeable REALTORS® to simplify the process for you. How a lot competitors is there to purchase a home in San Antonio, TX? In the final 30 days, the median variety of days a house in San Antonio remained on the new homes san antonio market was 36.9. In areas with a low DOM, homes are offered rapidly and the competition is fierce; in areas with larger DOMs, you may have extra options and extra time to make an offer.
Texas properties are spending more days on the market before they shut than in 2021, as nicely. According to ClosingCorp, the statewide common for closing costs, which usually run between 2 and 5 % of a loan new home builders san antonio amount, is $4,548. Living within the Lone Star State definitely has its perks. Not only are the winters milder than in much of the nation, but life’s on an everyday basis expenses are cheaper as well.
Single detached homes are the most typical housing kind, representing around two thirds of dwellings in San Antonio, whereas the rest are primarily large condo buildings and small apartment buildings. Roughly one quarter of properties on this city have been constructed in the 1960s and Nineteen Seventies, while most of the remaining buildings were constructed pre-1960 and in the 1980s. This a part of Bexar county provides primarily two bedroom and three bed room homes. Around 60% of the items in the metropolis are occupied by owners and the remaining are rented. Finding the right investment property could be a challenge.
Texas housing prices have been rising for years, till very lately. In January 2020, the median home sale value was $233,000, based on the Texas Real Estate Research Center. By mid-2022, median prices reached a peak of $360,000. They have since slowly ticked down, and as of November 2022, the state’s median sale value was $330,000. Before hiring a real homes for sale san antonio estate professional, make sure to inquire about their experience, working style, previous client successes and the rest that’s important to you. Treat it like a job interview — and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Driving is often the popular transportation possibility on this metropolis. Nearby highways, similar to US Highway 181, are fairly straightforward to access from anyplace on this metropolis, and it is rather convenient to park. However, commuting by public transit is difficult in San Antonio. Thankfully, property owners homes for sale san antonio tx benefit from over 100 bus strains, and bus stops are not very removed from most houses. San Antonio isn't significantly appropriate for strolling since carrying out daily needs is often tough.
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Shag Area Rugs: Colorful, Comfy, And Fashionable
Like Andy Warhol, Twiggy, Vidal Sassoon, and Disco, the shag area rug became a cultural phenomenon during the '60s and '70s. These rugs represent the spirit of the late 1960s and early 1970s. They're back, and they're better than ever; they have a whiff of the old, yet are distinctly modern. The shaggy texture is what sets a shag rug apart. It's manufactured with a novel technique where the fiber loops are preserved and the carpet strands are pulled to create a plush, opulent, high shaggy pile. Strings can be anywhere from 1 to 4 inches in length. This method, in addition to the carpets' natural fibers and other components, contributes to its plush feel underfoot and widespread acclaim among today's "ultra cool" youth.
Popular among young and old, style- and budget-conscious city dwellers and students alike. Rugs like this are perfect for providing a toasty feel to a cold floor in a new apartment or house. They provide an infinite amount of pzazz for very little outlay of cash. So soft and cushy that you may just want to curl up and take a nap on one, or at the very least, wriggle your toes in the fluffy pile. The range of colours is fantastic. You can get a wide choice of vibrant "retro" hues, from lime green and chartreuse to fuchsia and searing orange to saffron yellow, cobalt blue and turquoise and even multicolor options. White and other neutrals, as well as the rich, peaceful earth tones, are also available for those times when you'd prefer to keep things on the low key. In terms of interior design, modern shag rugs are a veritable feast.
The following are examples of some of the materials used to create shag rugs
Typically produced from cotton, chenille can also be crafted from acrylic, rayon, polyester, and olefin. Fabrics made of chenille, which are particularly plush, find widespread application as blankets and throws.
The Flokati pink rug is the apex of the "shag area rug" hierarchy. The wool used to make the flokati is pure. 100% New Zealand wool is required for a genuine flokati. Flokatis are often off-white, grey, or white, but can be dyed any colour. Felting is a procedure in which heat and moisture are used to compact and tighten wool fibres. The end product is a plush rug that sheds far less.
The "rugged" quality of a shag rug comes from the leather strips that make up its surface and are sewn onto a durable backing. Rugs made of a mixture of leather and other materials are often exceedingly plush. The price of a leather shag rug is more than that of a similar rug made from cotton or wool. Ribbons can be made from a wide variety of materials, including acrylic, rayon, or a mix of the two. Various shades of pink, from bright magenta to delicate baby pink, are currently riding high in terms of popularity.
The best place for your shag rug is in a bedroom or living room, where foot traffic is light. Your kids will love having them in their bedrooms. For whatever reason, they find them very comfortable for napping on. You shouldn't try to clean your shag rug by hand. Go have it cleaned. Be cautious when using a vacuum cleaner, too. Either the hose or the normal vacuum wand with an attachment should be used. Take the rug outside and give it a good shake if it is a little one. Although some flokatis are machine-washable, we advise against doing so. A shag area rug is a terrific way to inject some individuality and warmth into the decor of a modern home. It is also possible to use them beautifully in transitional decor. Your space will look great if you just utilise common sense and your own natural style.
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