omeliaendgame · 4 years
Heyy Omelia-Fans :-) Here is the requested Fic about Amelia being airsick. I hope you all like it!
“Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard United airlines, flight 479 to Chiacago...”, the Stewardess welcomed the passengers. Meredith, who sat  next to Amelia took a deep breath. “Are you okay?”, Amelia asked her, since she knew about what happend to Meredith years ago. Meredith nodded. Meanwhile Owen, who sat on the other side of Amelia put away his phone and fastened his seatbelt. He took one look on Amelia´s and Meredith´s lap, as if he wanted to check their seatbelts too. He seemed to be satisfied and Amelia chuckled. “Do you know what´s great?”, Amelia asked him and leaned towards him. “What?”, he raised his one eyebrow. “When we arrive, we have the rest of the day to do whatever we want to do.”, she grinned. “Uh-huh, and what would that be?”, he asked with a premonition. Amelia tilted her head, as if she had to think about his question. Then he leaned towards him and whispered: “Let´s check out these hotel beds.” Owen smirked. “I heard they are particularly good for...” he whispered back but didn´t end the sentence. And he didn´t need to. These external missions were also known as “flirt-holidays” at the GSM. Just that until now, Owen and Amelia weren´t requested for the same case. But this time a complicated and rare case waited for them and Tom, Hayes, Jackson, Teddy and Jo, who sat in the rows before them.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, We are now crossing a zone of turbulence. Please return to your seats and keep your seatbelts fastened. Thank you.”, the stewardess announced after one hour. And only some minutes later the airplane began jolting a little. Meredith looked outside nervously and Amelia put her hand on her shoulder. But although it was just a slight turbulence, suddenly she felt a wave of nausea hit her. And the occasional bucking of the airplane didn´t make it any better, so she leaned back and closed her eyes. She pressed her hand on her stomach in the hope to make the sickness go away, but it didn´t help either. “Hey, what´s wrong.”, Meredith asked when she noticed Amelia´s position. Also Owen had recognized something was wrong. “I feel sick.”, Amelia answered without moving. “Do you want some water?”, Owen asked and didn´t wait for her answer. He grabbed a bottle out of his bag and handed it to her. Amelia took it thankfully. “Better?”, Meredith asked. Amelia sighed. “Not really...I think I´m gonna have to throw up.”, she said as the sickness in her stomach got worse. “Just don´t vomit all over me.”, Owen said and gave her one of the bags out of the seat pocket. “Very sympathetic.”, Meredith commented ironically and stroked Amelia´s arm, when she began to throw up. “Okay?”, Meredith asked, when she stopped, “Do you want me to get you something? Water?” Amelia shook her head. “Don´t you feel any better?”, she asked compassionately. Amelia shook her head again. “You could help, too, Owen.”; Meredtih said then and gave him a look. “What could I do?”, Owen replied. Meredith rolled her eyes. “Like, your wife is feeling really bad and you sit there and don´t even say something.” Then Meredith turned her attention to Amelia, who was emptying her stomach again. “Oh Amelia...What can I do?”, she asked but didn´t get an answer. Amelia instead leaned forwards and rested her forehead on Jackson´s seat before her. Meredith stroked her back and looked at Owen again, who didn´t know what to do. “You could try to sleep a little. And dream of a husband, who is a little more comforting.”, she said to Amelia. “That´s not fair. Aren´t you a little bit overprotective?”, Owen asked Meredith. “I don´t blame you, Owen. It´s just funny how insensitive men can be.”, Meredith replied, amused by his attemption to defend himself. “Stop it.”, Amelia groaned, as she took the bag again. But she could just dry-heave, because her stomach was already empty. Meredith didn´t know, what else she could try to help Amelia, but there wasn´t much they could do in the airplane. Amelia just wanted the sickness to go away. The dry-heaving made her stomach hurt a lot and her eyes watering. “I could ask for a soda water.”, Meredith proposed, “Or maybe they have something against nausea on board.” Amelia shook her head. She wanted Meredith to stop talking for a moment. She  really appreciated that her sister wanted to make her feel better, but she really hated to be pitied and Meredith exxagerated a little bit with that. But also Owen felt really bad for his wife now, because he could see how pained Amelia seemed to be. That couldn´t go on for the next 3 hours. He put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her back slightly. She laid down her head on his shoulder. “My stomach hurts.” she moaned. Owen laid his hand on her belly and stroked it gently. And just the feeling of his warm hand, made it a little better, so Amelia could relax for a moment. She was so exhausted after vomiting continuously. “Could you give me the water?”, she asked Meredith then. “Of course.”, she answered and handed her the bottle. She was glad that Amelia seemed to feel better. Now they just had to survive the next few hours in the airplane. And as Amelia, she was looking forward to try out these hotel beds. But definitely just for sleeping. 
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gl211 · 7 years
Tattered and Torn
So this is the beginning of what will hopefully be a small multi chapter story. Let me know what you guys think!
Meredith felt like she was dying. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt this sick. And of course of all the times to be sick, her kids were also getting over being sick. No one was around. Maggie was doing god knows what with who knows who at the hospital. Amelia was with Owen and dealing with Megan's arrival and recovery. Alex was still following Jo's ex husband, this time at a different conference. "Mama. Mama." Meredith sighed as Ellis called for her again for what felt like the 100th time in one hour. The littlest child was the last to catch whatever this virus thing was and she was slowly succumbing to it. She quickly climbed the stairs as fast as her ailing body could move in hopes she'd get to her before she woke up Zola and Bailey. As she reached for Ellis, she heard a knock at the door. She sighed loudly, wondering who could possibly be here. She shuffled down the stairs the whimpering toddler in her arms as she opened the door. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw Nathan standing there. Holding a plastic bag in one hand. "Hey." "What're you... why are you?" "Can I come in?" Meredith nodded as she shuffled Ellie in her arms, as she continued to fuss. "I heard you were sick. And the kids." "What're you doing here? Megan..." "She doesn't want to see me." Meredith smiled sadly at Nathan as he nervously twisted the bag in his hands. "Nathan. I'm sorry. But she'll come around. This is a lot for her." He shrugged. His eyes staring right into hers. "Maybe she will. Maybe she won't. I don't....I don't know if I want her to." Meredith felt her heart beat faster. Sickness. She would blame it on feeling sick. "Nathan..." "I know. We're not going to talk about it now. Especially not with you looking this sick." Meredith sighed as he put his cool hand to her clammy forehead. "You're burning up. You should be sleeping."
"Can't exactly do that." she said as she shifted Ellie again who was pulling at her ear and fighting back tears. They walked into the kitchen as Nathan placed the bag on the counter and pulled out chicken noodle soup, placing it on the counter. "Give her to me." "What? You've never met her. And she's sick she's not going to..." Nathan reached his arms out as Meredith sighed, relenting. She was sure that Ellie was going to scream bloody murder being handed off to a stranger. "Hi. You don't feel so good huh?" Ellie shook her head as she sniffled, tugging at her ear. Her blonde curls sticking out everywhere. Meredith smiled slightly as Ellis seemed to basically mold her body into Nathan's. Ellie was good with people, being that she was handed off a lot to various babysitters and family members, but she didn't expect her to just willingly go to Nathan. "She might puke on you." Nathan smirked slightly as Ellie leaned her head against his shoulder, her little fingers going to play with the collar of his shirt. "Wouldn't be the first time someone has. I'm a little more worried you might." Meredith smiled weakly as she smoothed her messy hair a bit. "Go lay down Mer. I've got it. There's soup. I'll bring you some a little later." Meredith nodded as she headed up the stairs. "If the kids wake up...." "I'm your friend, helping you out because you don't feel good. And then I'll give them two teaspoons of medicine and get them back in bed." She nodded. He really did have it covered. He wasn't trying to overstep, but he was trying to help. She climbed the stairs disappearing. Nathan sighed as she heard her door close. The woman looked ready to collapse. The past few days had taken a lot out of everyone. The rapist on the loose. The fire. Megan. "Okay. Let's get you some water and something to make that ear feel better." Ellie coughed against his shoulder, whining a little as she struggled to catch her breath. Nathan, in a effort to not put her down, pressed his lips to her forehead to gage if she was warm. Which of course she was. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out one of her sippy cups. He reached for the medicine on the counter, as he sat Ellis down, standing in front of her so she wouldn't slide around. He quickly put the spoon into it and pulled it out. "No." He should've known handing medicine to a toddler wasn't that simple. "It'll make your ear feel better. How about we make the funniest faces we can as you take it? Like this." He pulled an animated as Ellis giggled a little before it turned into a cough. He tried again with the spoon as the toddler took it once while making a sour funny face, Nathan smiling a little. "One more. Big funny face." She took it again, looking a little less amused, but pulling even more sour face. Nathan handed her the sippy cup which she gratefully took, sipping the water, her other hand still on her ear. "Okay. How about we try getting some rest?" "Stuffie." "You're all stuffed up too?" Ellis shook her head as he picked her up, pointing to the cloth animal on the counter. "Oh. This is Stuffie?" he questioned as he picked it up and held it. "Nice to meet you." as he mimicked shaking the stuffed toys paw, earning a laugh from Ellis. "Mama?" "Your mama is sleeping. Mama doesn't feel good." "Yucky?"
"Yes, very yucky." They walked into the living room. He sat Ellis down on the couch and moved to grab a blanket. He laid her down as he fixed the animal, covering her in the blanket. "Lay." Nathan smiled at her, as she reached up at him. For a little person, she sure adjusted to people quickly. "You want me to lay with you? Okay just for a little bit." He moved her a little closer to the cushion of the couch and sat the on the edge before moving his body. The little girl moved closer to him adjusting as the couch sunk a bit. Her little hand reaching and curling around a bit of his arm as she snuggled closer. "Sleep." whispered Ellis's little voice. Nathan chuckled and amused her by closing his eyes for a moment. -----------------------------------------------
What had felt like a moment, had turned into nearly four hours. Nathan popped open his eyes as he adjusted to the dimly lit living room. His ears listened, not hearing kids or puttering around, so he assumed at this point it was probably the middle of the night. He carefully shifted, moving Ellie a little bit. He sat up slowly, sneaking away, replacing his body with one of the pillows. He pushed the blanket over her little body, his heart fluttering in an unfamiliar way as she softly sighed, snuggling deeper into the pillow. He crept quietly to the kitchen, to see a piece of paper that hadn't been there before, recognizing Meredith's hand writing. Went to hospital. I'm fine, won't be gone long. Back before dawn. Was she out of her mind trying to consult on a patient when sick? He checked the clock to see it was nearly 3 AM. He grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and was turning just in time to be met with the door opening and Meredith coming in. Meredith came racing into the kitchen clearly not expecting anyone to be up. She stopped in her tracks as she came face to face with Nathan. He took a long slug of water eyeing her as she busied herself with putting a sippy cup in the sink. "What patient needed a consult? Bailey couldn't take it?" Meredith ignored him as she continued to scrub the cup, her motions getting visibly harder, as she bit her lip in attempt to not fall apart. "Meredith." He stilled her movements by placing a hand on her arm, as she dropped the cup. "There wasn't a patient." "Oh. Well did someone need someth-" "I'm pregnant. Not sick. Well I am sick, but I'm also pregnant." It felt like time froze for a minute. He hadn't been expecting her to say that. She grabbed a dish towel wiping her hands, as he saw them visibly shake. "I mean isn't that just the craziest thing you've ever heard? Like seriously." Before Nathan could even think of a reply she turned around to face him. "Do you know, I'm not even supposed to be able to get pregnant. I supposedly have a hostile uterus." Nathan watched as she flung the towel frantically to the island in front of her. "I'm pregnant. And Derek is dead. You're her. And Meagan is alive. And none of this makes sense. I don't know how.. how I got here. How this screwball version of my life is a resting reality. How the hell...." Nathan stopped her, putting both his hands on both sides of her face. "Meredith." His slightly tenacious tone got her to focus on him, stopping her mind from completely spinning out of control. Truthfully he had never seen Meredith like this, rambling and frantic. Unraveling. She stupidly felt tears escaping from her eyes and closed them in an effort to try and not completely lose it. "Hey. Look at me." His gentle command, different from before, got Meredith to open her eyes. She let out a shaky breath as she felt him wipe away the tears that had managed to escape. "You're right. Everything is screwed up. The world is one giant mess. But we're alive. You're alive, I'm alive. And safe. But nothing has to be decided right now. This will get figured out. Whatever... whatever you decide to do, I'll Okay?" He couldn't lie, part of his heart would break if she made one decision over the other. He'd missed that oppurnity with Megan. But at the end of the day, it was her decision to make, not his. "Okay." She let out a shaky breath as she sniffled, trying to pull herself together. One of Nathan's hands dropped from her face to the back of her neck, pulling her towards him. She relented as he pulled her close. She felt safe. She needed safe, even if it was just for a moment.
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