desiderium-eden · 3 months
Bloom III
At first, he believed her to be an apparition. Dressed in whites and silvers, the lights gave her an almost ghostly glow. But she was there. Rigid as a great fir. Eyes trained on Caturix and he flinched. Bowing before her.
"Your Highness."
Chris followed suit. Though she didn't seem to acknowledge them. Only walked forward, in between the two as she made her way to the balcony railing. Both men shared a brief moment of eye contact before looking at her again. Wordlessly toying with the fabric of her shawl before she held it over the edge. All three watched as a gust of wind took it from her hands and down somewhere on the castle grounds.
"Shame he was so adamant on such pale colors today," she muttered. Her eyes stared off in the direction of the shawl a moment longer before they shifted to Caturix. "But you should be able to find it, right, Major?"
The Groaja gave her a perplexed look. But Aletris simply leaned a bit closer.
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"Run like a good little dog. And fetch it."
Her voice carried with it the same echo that Chris heard that night years ago. And it seemed to trigger something in the knight. But not as effectively as it did for Caturix. Chris watched as the other man's body tensed. Jerked and twitched as if fighting against a force pulling on him. Teeth bared at her.
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saiwola · 3 months
Thinking about the Constantin family.
tw: child abuse (emotional, neglect and hints to physical), murder, violence
Alys' mother and father had a loveless, arranged marriage. Not an uncommon thing in Nefestrai. And the Groaja, as a culture, already weren't the most nurturing or sentimental people. Like most couples, after they had kids, the couple went about their own lives.
The father poured himself into his work, running one of the territories bordering Navka and dealing with the frequent conflicts there. Rarely interacting with his children, but the few times he did, he would continue the same strict perfectionist style as his own father. Focused on Cyprus, his eldest son. Praising him for how easily things like swordsmanship, magic, athletics, business and even piano came to him while also pressuring him to do more. Largely neglecting his daughters except to admonish them for being lacking (such as Alys' struggles with magic). Deep down, I wonder if he does care. That he's only so hard on them because he believed them to be capable. But ... I don't know.
Their mother ... well, she wasn't around much either. Often going out to spend her husband's money. Shopping, gambling, and her children suspected sleeping around as well. She believed that popping out kids was all she had to do. And she even made sure there were "back ups". Her job was done. So she "deserved" to spend the rest of her life in luxury. She often spent more time in Valliki than her home. When she thought of her daughters, it was as extensions of herself. She favored pretty, sociable Diantha. Claiming she was practically a clone of her mother. Loved to show her off. And often pushed her young pretty daughter to soften up various men (friends of hers or people she wanted things from).
Alys however did not look like her thin and slender mother. She did not charm a crowd like her. (Alys' awkwardness was even portrayed as her being "slow" by her mother.) So she was an embarrassment. Often kept hidden when possible. With her mother having the servants "make sure" Alys would not embarrass the family further. Things like being forced to practice the same piano piece over and over again, unable to leave until it was perfect. Strict diets and etiquette lessons. But Alys could never measure up and her mother made sure she knew it.
And while in many cases, the siblings were pitted against each other (by their parents, family friends and even the servants), it didn't work to separate them like it would've for most.
Because with their parents rarely around, Cyprus and Alys were forced to take on the roles of father and mother for all three of them. There were servants and nannies, yes, but the two elder siblings were the ones to provide the emotional support they were all lacking.
It was Cyprus who...
taught Alys and Diantha how to shoot (and was so proud when they both surpassed him)
handled the hiring and firing of tutors for the three of them
punished and made examples of servants who hurt or disrespected his sisters
scrutinized and threatened Diantha's suitors
took his sisters out on hunting trips as he warned them about men and taught them "how to deal with dogs"
bought his sisters presents in place of their parents
was the one to manage and distribute an allowance for him and his siblings
sent Bastien in after her when their father abandoned Alys to the Whispering Wood
hid Alys when she was fleeing Orkaiis' proposal
killed their mother when she allowed Orkaiis to take Alys back to Valliki
told Alys, on their wedding day, to kill her husband or anyone in the royal family and that he would take the blame
is willing to commit treason for his sisters
helped Chris and Charlie when Alys tried to smuggle them out of Nefestrai
It was Alys who...
stayed with and comforted her siblings when they had nightmares or were scared
would keep an eye on the state of her brother and sister's things and clothing, making sure they got repaired or replaced before it was a dire necessity
baked cakes for her siblings' birthdays
often used her own allowance to make sure her siblings, but Diantha, especially had the best things to wear
actually scared off Diantha's suitors
listened, calmed and reassured to Cyprus and Diantha when they were stressed
took care of Cyrus' wounds
took the hand of the man who touched Dia without her consent
convinced Orkaiis to kill his father, not because the man had humiliated and hurt her but because after he was done, he made a comment about how he thought her sister was pretty
decided to stay with the Lecardes, not wanting her siblings to get in trouble
And it was Diantha who....
used her social skills to collect information and stand up for her siblings in society
got revenge on any noblewoman who spoke bad about Alys
put herself in front when it came to social obligations so that Alys didn't have to
often acts as a mediator whenever her siblings get into fights with other people in public
was the loudest when it came to telling Alys she didn't need to go to Valliki when her magic was discovered
distracted the guards whenever Cyprus needed to speak to Alys without the Lecarde's knowledge
helped Chris and Charlie when Alys tried to smuggle them out of Nefestrai
I just love siblings who, when family or outside forces try to pit them against each other, decide to stick together even more.
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ajaxmuseumnl · 6 years
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Amsterdam ArenA wordt officieel Johan Cruijff ArenA _____________________________________________________ ‪ ‬ De Amsterdam ArenA verandert bij de start van het voetbalseizoen 2018-2019 officieel van naam in de Johan Cruijff ArenA. Het nieuwe logo van de Johan Cruijff ArenA wordt onthuld rond 25 april, de dag waarop de grootste Ajacied aller tijden 71 zou zijn geworden. _____________________________________________________ ‪ ‬ Edwin van der Sar: ,,Johan Cruijff is de grootste voetballer die Ajax heeft voortgebracht. Mede dankzij hem is Ajax een grote naam in binnen- en buitenland. Mooi dat het stadion naar hem wordt vernoemd.'' Reactie familie Cruijff ,,We zijn blij met dit nieuws, en dat het nu daadwerkelijk zover is dat het stadion vanaf het nieuwe voetbalseizoen officieel de Johan Cruijff ArenA mag heten'', laat de familie Cruijff weten in het persbericht van de Amsterdam ArenA. _____________________________________________________ ‪ ‬ Legendarische Nummer 14 Cruijff was 1 van de beste voetballers ooit en veruit de bekendste Ajacied ter wereld. Als speler veroverde hij met Ajax onder andere 3 keer de Europa Cup 1, de Wereldbeker en 8 landskampioenschappen. Als trainer won Cruijff met Ajax de Europa Cup 2 (1987) en 2 maal de KNVB Beker. Sinds 10 jaar wordt als eerbetoon zijn legendarische rugnummer 14 niet meer gedragen door spelers van Ajax 1. _____________________________________________________ ‪ ‬ #wijzijnajax #afcajax #ajaxmuseum #eredivisie #ajax #76crew #ditismijnclub #groAJA #psvAJA Tekst en foto Ajax.nl #AJAher #wzawzdb #Arena #klaasjanhuntelaar #amsterdamarena #huntelaar #johancruijffarena #nummer14 #cruijffarena
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henkveen · 5 years
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#WIN deze #AJAX #tekening ✍️ en #voorspel #groAJA #VOLG ons #BEIDE en #RETWEET @ajaxfanzonenl #AJAX laat heel @fcgroningen #fcgroningen op zijn grondvesten beven https://www.instagram.com/p/B7xJ5WbpIMy/?igshid=1l0w5q8xiitaq
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ruremondeshirts · 5 years
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Huntelaar is de held van Amsterdam! #KJH #KlaasJan #Huntelaar #Hunter #wijzijnajax #wzawzdb #kampioenskoorts #GroAja (bij FC Groningen) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwfMbnJBAjW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2y5p5jdb5p9c
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bestbetontheweb · 8 years
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Odds correct score #FCGroningen - #Ajax at Unibet --> http://bit.ly/1MPy3Qj #Eredivisie #groaja #Amsterdam #Groningen
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852: 名無しさん@架空です 2017/03/07(火) 15:44:14.65 ID:moCAoHw10 アヤックスのGKwwwwww Drukzetten, vallen en opstaan! Bekijk hier de hele samenvatting van de wedstrijd tegen @AFCAjax:https://t.co/iwc6fEJs3R #groaja pic.twitter.com/4jqmzzSpCq — FC Groningen (@fcgroningen) 2017年3月6日 引用元: 管理人 続きを読む Source: WorldFootballNewS
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ajaxdaily · 10 years
Ajax zakt tegen Groningen wéér door ondergrens
Een stroeve competitiestart lijkt inmiddels inherent aan Ajax te zijn. In en tegen Groningen werd met 1-1 gelijkgespeeld, waardoor we in vijf wedstrijden tijd alweer zeven punten hebben laten liggen. In eerste instantie was er het geloof dat we dit seizoen stabieler en sterker zouden beginnen, maar het tegenovergestelde is de realiteit.
Natuurlijk heeft de selectie met het verlies van Eriksen, Alderweireld en tijdelijk De Jong een flinke deuk opgelopen. Toch mag dit niet als excuus worden gebruikt voor de zeer matige vertoning tegen Groningen. Ook voor het vertrek van eerdergenoemde sterkhouders was het spel vaak niet om aan te zien, en zijn er voldoende aanwijzingen geweest dat de club op dit moment onder haar niveau presteert.
Hoewel opportunisme hoogtij viert tijdens matige wedstrijden van Ons Aller Ajax, zou het vertrek van Eriksen en Alderweireld een ideaal moment moeten zijn om door te selecteren. Het moge duidelijk zijn dat de selectie schreeuwt om nieuw elan, en de doorvoering van een aantal wijzigingen in de startopstelling kan hier een mooie bijdrage aan leveren. Te veel basisspelers hebben te lang het voordeel van de twijfel gekregen, terwijl al een tijd blijkt dat de vorm niet aanwezig is.
Het passeren van Fischer was al een sterk signaal van De Boer, maar er is meer nodig om dit elftal weer aan het voetballen te krijgen. Jeugdige talenten als Andersen, Ligeon, Hoesen, Veltman en Bazoer kloppen nadrukkelijk op de deur, en kunnen toevalligerwijs uitstekend uit de voeten op de posities waar de huidige bezetting tegenvalt. Het feit dat Denswil en Serero, jonkies die de vertrokken vedettes vervingen, de beste spelers op het veld waren tegen Groningen is een prima argument om het aan te durven om nog meer wijzigingen door te voeren. Ook een kleine aanpassing aan het strijdplan, zoals een hoger tempo en meer drang naar voren in plaats van het obsessieve behoud van balbezit, zou het Ajax spel zeer ten goede komen.
Zoals ik al zei; opportunisme regeert op het moment van tegenslag, maar mijn ideaalplaatje wat betreft de nabije toekomst ziet er als volgt uit. Een elftal doordrenkt met talent, techniek en snelheid, maar tegelijkertijd uitermate jeugdig. Natuurlijk staat dit garant voor de nodige wisselvalligheid, en zullen hier en daar onnodig punten worden verspeeld. Mochten deze spelers zich echter in sneltreinvaart ontwikkelen, wat Frank de Boer is toevertrouwd, zit er veel meer potentie in dan de huidige basisopstelling.  Frank de Boer bezit naar mijn mening meer krediet dan ieder andere werknemer bij Ajax, en heeft de club eindelijk weer gebracht waar het op nationaal vlak thuishoort, aan de top. Het enige nadeel van onze trainer is zijn standvastigheid ten opzichte van zijn keuzes. Dit werd heel duidelijk geïllustreerd in de wedstrijd tegen Groningen; ondanks het slechte spel en de magere 0-1 voorsprong duurde het tot 70e minuut voor er ingegrepen werd. De kans dat er drastische wijzigingen doorgevoerd gaan worden aan zowel het spel als de opstelling lijken dan ook nihil, maar zijn wellicht essentieel voor het verdere verloop van de competitie.
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desiderium-eden · 3 months
Bloom I
It'd only been a couple years but Chris felt he may never get used to just how warm it was in Navka.
Navka seemed to be the definition of cozy. Even for someone like Chris. A man who had arrived with no wealth or connections.
Though the land was equally as plagued with winter and night and monsters as Nefestrai, warmth and community seemed to ooze from every lit corner in the kingdom. A land of fairytales that welcomed Charlie and him into their homes with open arms. A land where he could finally breathe, unburdened with the choice between his morals and survival. Though the shame and guilt of his past still twisted his stomach. Especially when he caught sight of the Groaja delegation.
Fortunately, he was there, not as a knight, but as a guest. Free to escape Nefestrai on one of the balconies leading outside.
Or at least, he thought he could.
His hair stood on end even before he heard the door open. Heart rate spiking as his hands tightened around the railing. And when he heard that voice, every instinct in his body told him to run...
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"... Hey, little pup..."
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saiwola · 3 months
Useless Headcanon of the Day:
Royal verse Alys still has that beast tamer type ability as regular verse. And as an addition to the normal animals, she also has command over the lycans in Nefestrai (strengthened with Kronid's corruption magic and her own Groaja magic). I mean, it is a curse, right? Might as well have some drawbacks, right? This also means that those with similar abilities will also have some level of influence over muses like Chris or Caturix. More so when shifted into beast form than humanoid.
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ajaxmuseumnl · 6 years
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Boys are back in town! ✖️✖️✖️ _____________________________________________________ ‪ ‬ #wijzijnajax #afcajax #ajaxmuseum #eredivisie #amsterdam #ajax #76crew #ditismijnclub #groaja foto’s.nl #training #detoekomst #wzawzdb
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henkveen · 5 years
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AJAX laat groningen op zijn grondvesten beven is it a bird is it a plane no it’s SUPER AJAX #WIN deze #AJAX #tekening ✍️ en #voorspel #groAJA #VOLG ons #BEIDE en #RETWEET @ajaxfanzonenl @ajaxfanzone_official https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwd-kgvDs8Q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=97qg31fbazwh
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bestbetontheweb · 4 years
An away match against FC Groningen awaits Ajax on Sunday. FC Groningen went down against both PSV and FC Twente and managed to narrowly beat ADO Den Haag in a very bad match. #FCGroningen #Ajax #Amsterdam #GROAJA 
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robintheghost · 12 years
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desiderium-eden · 3 months
Useless Headcanon of the Day:
In the fall, during the night when the moons change, Navka has a festival. It's believed that during this time, spirits of the dead travel to the afterlife. Navkans treat the festival as their last night with deceased loved ones before their souls pass on. And lanterns are released as a beacon to help guide those souls home for the night. Unbeknownst to them though, this tradition actually originated from Nefestrai. There, it is believed that the veil between the world and the afterlife is at its weakest, allowing even normal people in that kingdom to witness the "Elysian Sea". A phenomenon where the souls of the dead rise into and migrate across the Groaja sky. Appearing similar to a cross between an aurora borealis and a dense star shower. Areas with more "death" around it will have more "stars". During this time, lanterns are released into the sky with messages for departed loved ones and wishes. With the prevalence of necromantic magics in Nefestrai, it's believed that the souls of the dead are more capable of granting wishes during this time.
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saiwola · 3 months
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Alys had always hated these sorts of events back home. Too much noise. Too many people. It was always so overwhelming. So suffocating.
And this ... this was on a whole different level. So many nations. So many people. She hadn't even entered the main hall and she was already finding it difficult to breathe. Difficult to calm her trembling hands. Difficult to ignore just how uncomfortable she was in this dress.
White never suited her. The neckline was too low. Too distracting. And even with the translucent lace along her back, even with the modest length of the gown, she felt exposed. Calling to mind the judgemental eyes she'd had to pretend not to notice when she was younger.
It was a struggle to leave her room. To convince herself that she looked fine. To remember that even if she remained in place for another hour, she'd still be expected to make an appearance.
"You look beautiful. Simply parfaite..."
Her eyes lifted to briefly meet Bastien's. She gave her guard a short twitch of a smile and a nod of acknowledgement before looking at Kronid. Trying to read any form of expression from his stoic profile. He didn't look back at her, but he noticed her nerves she supposed. Or maybe he was just used to it from back in Nefestrai.
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"You'll do fine," he said. Voice low and as cold as it always was. "You always do."
As terrible as the Groaja king was at motivational speeches ... he was correct. She'd always managed to pull it together back home.
Straighten your posture. Deep breath. Now walk.
Once her feet crossed that threshold, it was like a spell had been cast. Any signs of her anxiety melted away. Her head held high, wearing a gracious smile, she strode into the room as if possessed.
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