liecoris · 7 months
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@groazei sent:
😊 Sit down next to my muse
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Mukuro had been casually flipping through a magazine when he sat down next to her。 Normally such an action wouldn't cause much of a reaction out of her, but with the ample amount of seating literally everywhere else, it was more than odd that someone would choose the seat right next to her's。
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So her gaze lifts up from her magazine and instead focuses on the individual next to her。 Her eyes narrowing slightly as she measured whether or not this was just someone randomly choosing the seat next to her, or something else。
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【 non-verbal starters 】 ♡ 【 accepting 】
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fiorserpen · 4 months
it was a bit difficult, trying to get ahold of alucard when he's away on missions given he tends to make technology, like cellphones, go haywire. if agatha needed something passed along to him, it usually had to be through seras or sir integra. she was usually vague, even with innocuous things and usually asked them to just let him know there was something she needed to talk to or ask him about. agatha just... didn't expect him to approach her in concern, like there was something horribly wrong.
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agatha blinks up at him in confusion and surprise. " ...dad, i just need clothes for the next mission. overreacting a little, are we? "
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regulus-regent · 3 months
Alucard looking down at them and chuckling. ❝ Aren't you adorable with all that bark and little stance~ . ❞ [ hi my fiancé got me in DB recently, and I would love to have this two interact 'v' ]
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Vegeta's eyes narrowed, his nose crinkled in disgust as he sneered. They weren't human, they smelled of death. Whatever this being was it didn't deter the prince from stand his ground as he glared up at the other.
"I can get more adorable by snapping your legs clean off"
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gamenu · 8 months
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          Your uncle is kinda creepy and scary... Don't you worry he's gonna eat you?
                                                  -- Anonymous ( directed @groazei )
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         "He's creepy an' scary ta youse." There's a mild irritation on her face. She knows her uncle is. . .an acquired taste, for most of everyone else. Nicole however, adores her uncle. With her whole heart, she absolutely loves Alucard. So for someone to suggest he would bring her harm. . .it didn't sit right with her.
         "Why would I ever have ta fear Uncle Alucard? He's given me no reason ta be afraid. In fac', he's kep' me safe far more than a lotta people have, 'er even would botha ta try." Her arms fold together over her chest, and there's a small cant of her head. Nicole is trying to gauge whether they have genuine concern for her, or if they're another one of his. . .'friends'. If the latter, then with them trying to dissuade her from spending time with him would make sense, but still being awful.
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         ". . ." With a small purse of her lips, Nicole gives a shake of her head. No clear answer, better to remain neutral. "I'm fine wi' my Uncle. He's very kind ta me. An' he keeps me safe. If youse don' like him, then jus' go on wit' yer day. He won' bother youse none if youse don' bother him."
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hatredcurse · 8 months
A heavy wind swept up through the columns of trees, carrying the scent of evening dew and bitter copper. Something unwanted crawled in, closing in close— far much closer than the Uchiha preferred.
"You're unnatural," he said, without a hint of common courtesy; more of a note to himself than a formal greeting. "What is it that you seek?"
Madara's eyes did not spur on its red hue, not yet, but his vision searched through the darkness all the same for that vile source.
❤️ for starter || @groazei
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lunarscaled · 6 months
-> Lyric knew, in the reality, that this had not slain him. They knew that. Knew no matter how realistic he may have made it feel—blood in their nose and staining their shirt, the grip of the handle of the knife heavy in their hands, the way his muscle and bone cracked and squelched every time they sank it's blade in again and again and again—that this is all just like a hazy dream. A nightmare. Knew it the moment the chain of their blessed necklace snagged and popped apart and sent the charmed pendant rolling, the opening he was always waiting for, the moments they were no longer protected and could keep him away. He snapped shut around them like an alligator's jaws; Lyric had no grounding if this was real, or a hallucination, or some amalgamation of the two made to torture them.
And it does feel like torture. The high of feeling they might be free of him is so potent and brief—Icarus near the sun just before his wings fall apart.
-> They can't even bring themselves to feel disappointment or defeat. As their chest heaves and they hold the bloody knife in both hands, they are instead trembling when his eerie voice speaks from the corpse. When his empty eyes turn fresh again and the mass at their feet deforms. When he sets a hand on their shoulder, too long to feel human, and the chill of his dead self leaves shivers running down their spine when he leans closer to their ear. ( they want to turn the knife on their own throat instead. they think about it, and then think he'd get too much satisfaction from it, and then think he may do something worse just to keep them in his claws. horrifically unpredictable—they think his sadism has no end to it. they press the blade of the knife to their gut and wish it was more comfort. )
-> Their voice cracks out, mouth shaking, body rigid from the fear he creates. They fear that he may seize them from behind and wrap his hand around their throat, fit just right, and watch them choke until their voice is hoarse and non-existent but never until they pass out or perish. ( they fear he may do something even worse that plagues on their fragile mentality, still not sure what is real. where is real. were they even real? was this? were they having a nightmare right now? )
"Leave me alone...!"
@groazei from ask.
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vxmpirehunterd · 8 months
Alucard voice: How is my offspring doing today? (:
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It's a rare moment when father and son encounter each other, even more so when one inquires about the other's wellbeing. Perhaps their relationship was improving in that regard.
"Well I can't complain--the reason why I'm still alive centuries later is that your DNA runs in my veins."
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clown-demon · 8 months
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"I know a place to get the most AMAZING donuts!" Dazai told the stranger. Everyone loved donuts, right? "And it's just around the corner too!"
The detective was suppose to deliver something. He already did his job, but he didn't want to return to the office right now. He wanted donuts, and talking to someone about donuts would take up more time.. which meant he'd be away longer.. which he wanted.
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yunhuntress · 1 year
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@groazei asked: There's his friend for the night. He has drinks set at the bar for them both, wine preferably for Alucard's taste. He raises his cup to Fang and with a nod, smirks. ❝ Cheers. ❞
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Entering the bar, Fang found herself not as alone as she had intended for the evening. A smirk crossed her face as she sauntered over to join him. Grabbing her glass of whiskey, she chuckled. "Already knowing me so well hm?"
The evening wouldn't be so boring after all.
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empirelead-a · 1 year
@groazei​  -  cont.
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KUVIRA FROWNED upon hearing his curt response with her hands folded together over her mouth; something isn’t quite right about him, something that is off  ——  it’d be a wise idea not to get on his bad side today. She leaned forward in her desk with eyes that narrowed eyes, trying to get a  BETTER VIEW  of his towering form. “You seemed to be...a bit behind on your work.” It is all she could say without offending him, but she was still firm with her words. 
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uppertwo · 9 days
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blood, blood, gallons of the stuff! / " that's a lot of blood. " / @groazei
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dripping with a hollow sound, an empty sound, a lifeless sound — the demon dangles a talon over his tongue, letting the red liquid drizzle down onto the wet muscle. a mere glimpse of the wicked nature of the devil — manipulative and calculating. mere moments ago, this follower had been grovelling at his feet; bringing fame to his ability to give endless forgiveness and compassion.
where had that side of dōma gone?
“not a single morsel left,” he hums to himself, “how sad, they were so tasty…”
and then, rainbow hues look forwards alucard — they seemed so dazed; completely separate from the sin of murder he’d ultimately committed.
“oh well,” and like he’d done nothing wrong — killed no worthwhile existence — the blood seems to absorb into his clothes, then into his flesh. just like that, the follower had completely disappeared from this world; no corpse, for it was devoured, and not even blood followed them to their death, “i’ve always been told i’m a patient guy.”
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a shrug, “i’ll just have to wait.~”
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shinobinvku · 3 months
@groazei sent: 💋 (For Chitose)
Chitose stands before a floor-length mirror in their hotel room, examining herself in its reflection while wearing a thin, slate-blue yukata when suddenly she senses a presence looming over her. In the mirror’s reflection, there’s no one standing behind her nor is there any given notion of anyone else in the room. Yet, she smiles. 
In the reflection, a shadow casts over her and crinkles the fabric of her yukata as it grasps hold of her lithe waist. It ghosts up along her ribcage. Chitose closes her eyes and parts her lips with a soft gasp, relishing the sensation. 
“You look beautiful.” A deep voice coos in her ear. 
She slowly turns her back to the mirror to find Alucard towering before her, bare-chested, his sanguine-red eyes gleaming. Gloved fingers delicately trail along Chitose’s face upward until they take her by the chin, tilting her head to meet his gaze. With a dark smirk, Alucard leans in and soon his lips are hotly pressed against hers.
Kissing him can be a touch painful, not that Chitose mind. It’s merely an observation about kissing a vampire with fangs.
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iobartach · 4 months
@groazei asked; "What exactly is it you want me to do?"
network (1976) prompts
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Surrounded by gnashing teeth, the point of an elbow catches a random jaw, driving to ground a reanimated adversary. With an initial blow struck, more casualties were soon to follow as he stepped and pivoted, cleaving a distinct swathe through the shambling herd with a lethal combination of talons and armblades.
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Over and over, he'd repeat the same motions, slashing at shins, kicking at knees, trying every trick that he could think of to stem the writhing tide, not yet ready to admit that he was at risk at being overwhelmed, unless he received help first. As it would happen, just as Miguel reached the point of opening his mouth wide to shout, someone else would beat him to the punch, seek instruction from the Spider first, rather than pitch in automatically.
"You're kidding me?!" The irritation in his voice is difficult to conceal, especially as he suddenly finds himself fending off a half-rotten hand as it tries to grab his masked face. Snatching it in his own grip, he takes the chance to disposes of his felt frustration by driving his own clawed digits clean through the zombie's palm, earning a husky gasp and a rattle of bony shoulders from the once-human figure. Head on a swivel, his gaze had darted around the area once or twice, trying to pinpoint the stranger's location, but to no avail. Thankfully, his own presence wasn't hard to miss, with his luminant navy-blue costume shining like a beacon within the centre of the horde. The hunter who had became the hunted.
"Get the shock down here and help me deal with this mess!"
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fiorserpen · 5 months
“The sun isn’t rising anytime soon, you know.”
late night wanderings. / accepting!
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she hears alucard's voice behind her, glancing up and smiling back at him. " i know, but i was having some trouble sleeping, so i thought maybe i'd come out early to catch the sunrise. " agatha hated sitting still doing nothing for too long, though, so she brought along with her a flashlight and a book. her smile becomes apologetic now. " i hope my restlessness didn't disturb you. "
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zealctry · 6 months
like this post and I will write down 3-5 mannerisms/behaviours that Hidan exhibits around your muse(s), specifically.
> > > ft. : @groazei
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>>>   Hidan would absolutely, albeit good-humouredly ( and somewhat puppy-like in his excitement ), pester Alucard to teach him how to both handle and fire those guns. he holds no small amount of fascination with them, and he was never taught that taking ‘no’ for an answer is the polite thing to do.
>>>    since Hidan has a habit of giving petnames to people whose company he enjoys, Alucard now enjoys the privilege of being called random endearments like ‘bastard’, ‘Red’, and ‘old man’. no, he’s not particularly creative about them. what, wanna be called ‘flowy locks’??? he’s considered it.
>>>   he's insane enough to willingly let Alucard drain him ( and would likely prove to be an interesting, unique sort of flavour ) if he did it nicely ( he doesn’t exactly trust Alucard not to try to rip him apart ) ; but he certainly wouldn’t die, or have his soul yoinked out of him. he likely regenerates blood too fast for this to ever be an option.
>>>   dude also knows no fear, so he's more than happy to hang around way too close to him even in full ( or partial ) knowledge of what he is ( what he can do ). or maybe it's just a symptom of insanity. who is to tell??
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weavinghands · 2 months
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HOW ODD ; a being that was not of the world of the living , yet still heavy with a soul of a soilder . the shinigami does not ponder for long if she is seen by the other , but her eyes linger for only a moment as she glides into the crowd . should he be invested , he could follow ; shutara wished to speak out of earshot of mortals . . . they are far too pesky for their own good .
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