#groundpenetratingradarservices bridgeinspectioncompany Fdotbridgeinspections
robayethossen-blog · 6 years
This allows an inspector from the #highmastlightpole comfort of his office to visually see any imperfections in the pole, seams and luminaries. IPC retains a history of the inspections allowing a comparison with each subsequent inspection cycle to determine rates of deterioration over time as well as reporting rust, cracking or areas that may need immediate attention. Our advanced assessment shows all of the details required and are much less subjective than current manual inspections. Polescan®  provides 100% coverage of the entire hmlp (high mast light pole) including the pole, seams and luminaries. 
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TendonScan®  is a #groundpenetratingradarservices comprehensive post tension tendon inspection service that utilizes the latest in non destructive evaluation (NDE) and #Fdotbridgeinspections nondestructive testing (NDT) technologies to locate and assess voids, water, bleeding grout (grout not cured) as well as section loss (loss of metallic area) and corrosion in external tendons of segmental structures.
We have two separate #bridgeinspectioncompany patented portable units, one that utilizes RF an advancement in ECT Electrical Capacitance  Imaging  which  locates air, water and bleeding grout and another that utilizes Magnetic Flux Leakage to detect corrosion and locate section loss within a post tension tendon.
A proprietary tendon condition assessment report is generated identifying locations and sizes of any discontinuities.
TendonScan® is IPC’s term that encompasses both of these services. The RF unit is a light weight,  battery operated system that couples and travels along a tendon performing a MRI like inspection of the material within the tendon. The inspector stands at the control station located on a wheeled cart and moves along with the sensor. The sensor uses wireless connectivity to transmit the MRI like data to the control station where the inspector performs real-time assessments of the discontinuities within the tendon.
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monirjibon001-blog · 6 years
American writer and Professor of Biochemistry, Isaac Asimov, speaking at the Newark College of Engineering in New Jersey, once said, "I discovered, to my amazement that all through history there had been resistance and bitter, exaggerated, last-stitch resistance to every significant technological change that had taken place on earth.
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ashamoni-blog · 6 years
#groundpenetratingradarservices #bridgeinspectioncompany #fdotbridgeinspections https://www.infrastructurepc.com/high-mast-light-pole/
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Taking “NDE “(NonDestructive Evaluation) Services to the next level. IPC’s (HMLP) High Mast #highmastlightpole Light Pole Inspection Service takes high definition video of High Mast Light Poles and their components This allows an inspector from the comfort of his office to visually see any imperfections in the pole, seams and luminaries. IPC retains a history of the inspections allowing a comparison with each subsequent inspection cycle to determine rates of deterioration over time as well as reporting rust, cracking or areas that may need immediate attention. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
TendonScan® is IPC’s term that encompasses both of these services. The RF unit is #tendonscantma light weight,  battery operated system that couples and travels along a tendon performing a MRI like inspection of the material within the tendon. The inspector stands at the control station located on a wheeled cart and moves along with the sensor. The sensor uses wireless connectivity to transmit the MRI like data to the control station where the inspector performs real-time assessments of the discontinuities within the tendon. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
encompass a testing process #whatisnondestructivetesting whereby various materials, components or assemblies are tested for discontinuities, or differences in characteristics without destroying the serviceability (useability) of the part or process. In other words, when the testing company is done with their testing, the part
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
TendonScan® is IPC’s term that #tendonscantm encompasses both of these services. The RF unit is a light weight,  battery operated system that couples and travels along a tendon performing a MRI like inspection of the material within the tendon. The inspector stands at the control station located on a wheeled cart and moves along with the sensor. The sensor uses wireless connectivity to transmit the MRI like data to the control station where the inspector performs real-time assessments of the discontinuities within the tendon. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Along with ASTM (American #ndtoftanks Society for Testing and Materials), nondestructive testing standards, IPC utilizes nondestructive testing and robotics to provide the highest level of quantitative data to their asset owners. For more information fill in the form below. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Public and private parking garages are #parkinggarageinspections2 similar to bridges where vehicles are constantly entering and leaving on a daily basis. This creates constant movement of the structure otherwise known as “Moment”. Over time the load bearing elements weaken and moment increases. IPC performed a concrete deterioration assessments of the traffic ramps and load bearing areas of this garage. We can also perform a concrete crack assessment and monitor a potential increase in deterioration.
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
IPC’s concrete and bridge crack #concretecrackinspections inspection system allows for the mapping of the length, width and position of cracks on concrete structures. X, Y and Z axis. By monitoring the progression of the cracks in concrete, we can see the progression of deterioration in concrete and address areas of concern early. Making repairs to these areas of concern will result in prolonging the assets life, saving money and helping to protect the public safety. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
RopeScan™ IPC Robotic wire rope #otherserviceswireropeinspections inspections.  Find section loss without wedging a cable apart. Utilizes modern technology and robotics for wire rope inspections & cable assessments. For just about any cable from bridge suspender cables to mining cables, crane cables and more. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
CableScan® is a patented #cablestayinspection robotic cable stay inspection service that utilizes high definition video technology with crack measurement capabilities. CableScan® does not require lane closures, man-lifts, bucket trucks or night time inspections. It is a self-propelled robotic system controlled by a base station that receives HD video transmission from the robotic crawler. By utilizing IPC’s robotic CableScan® the coordinates of any imperfections along the cable stay are recorded as well as length traveled along the stay and corresponding length traveled along the deck. We can also provide the length and size of cracks and other abnormalities on the cable stay. A secondary CableScan® unit utilized magnetic flux leakage to locate section loss and corrosion of the steel cables.
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Robotic Column And Mining Shaft #columnscanroboticscreeninginspections Camera Inspection Service Infrastructure Preservation Corporation, A robotic engineering company based in Clearwater Florida launches the second generation of robotic A post tensioned tendon is a bundle of steel strands encased in grouted concrete and wrapped in a protective sheathing and then tensioned. Post tensioning
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Wire ropes are critical to many #otherserviceswireropeinspections of our most important tools and infrastructure assets. Deteriorated suspension and suspender cables on bridges can lead to bridge and roadway failure. It is important to regularly inspect wire ropes beyond the visual manual inspections that have been conducted in the past.
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Both TendonScan® units #groundpenetratingradarservices utilizes proprietary patented leading edge non-destructive testing (NDT) technology. The nondestructive #Fdotbridgeinspections testing NDT method used is based on  RF an advancement over the outdated Electrical Capacitance  (ECT).  RF and Magnetic Flux Leakage  are the industry’s newest NDT technologies that allows our inspectors to perform MRI like inspections of external bridge tendons.
The results provide a condition assessment of the internal sections of the tendon identifying the locations and sizes of water, air, and bleeding grout. The mag flux unit locates section loss and corrosion and is becoming more popular as the need to properly assess our ageing infrastructure becomes more critical.
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