antonyad2 · 2 years
Group tutorial
I found this tutorial very useful, although I came to it without any clear ideas.
- One of my teachers suggested answering the questions I already had and finding ones that offered lots of solutions and ideas.
So that's what I tried to do the next day and found it very helpful. There were so many questions that I thought were interesting, but it turned out that the answers were very short and boring. This task helped me narrow it down to three questions: Why do people like to plan but don't like to take action? Why do men have facial hair? Why do men have nipples?
The first question concerns me the most, because I tend to plan a lot, but when it comes to getting things done, I find it difficult. I usually struggle to get started, even though I know I'll enjoy it in the process or when it's over.
- Where does the question take me? 
- What is appropriate to communicate my idea?
- How do I pose the question?
- Sam Barkley, dyslexia project
- What is important: text? image? colour?
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Group Tutorial
Thursday 6th October 2022
During today's group tutorial I had a conversation with my lecturers to explain my work and receive any feedback. The feedback that I received was to have a look into the phobia and see how I can refine down my research to have a better understanding. This feedback was expected as I didn't feel 100% secure in my research and idea.
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summayahtheartist · 4 years
Group Tutorials
Now this was something I found quite useful - in the middle of my module, I fell pretty behind on my project, due to a side business I run as a customizer, and with orders piling up besides my University work, I had a lot of planning and scheduling to do to say the least.  
However, one thing I did try to keep consistent was making notes, whether it was on class presentations or extra research. Granted, much of it is yet to be posted onto the blog but the notes were made, mostly to prevent myself from falling further behind. And so this group tutorial with Joe definitely raised my confidence a little in resurrecting my project, with a lot of useful things learnt alongside, for example:
1. Posting that which I might not necessarily pursue - a lot of work I have done so far has been neglected completely, simply due to its difficulty or even irrelevance. And so, for that reason, I tried to almost forget that I even attempted it - an old trick used by a lot of A Levellers in my opinion. But, as I am to coming to realise lately, to bring awareness to even the start of an idea can a lot of the times aid in its development or lead to another stronger idea, which is what I believe happened in my case. 
2. I learnt that we could change around the order of the posts - by clicking the 3 dots at the bottom and changing the post’s date and time... so that’s something useful 
3. I learnt that this module, or rather any piece of art, doesn’t need to be finished - I’ve realised my previous mistake was channelling all my energy into a final piece despite how clear the command was to do the opposite - I guess now it’s become a habit after A Level Art. But I still don’t think I fully appreciate or yet explored what this actually means - I suppose executing the rest of my project as planned BUT with an open mind should allow me to at least begin to understand what I need to do to develop as a creative artist. 
(And the list is practically endless as every idea has its branches, but I am hoping to sort of piece together a plan of action from what I’ve learnt so far in the next post above).
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olivermviscom · 3 years
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Group Tutorials 1
Today I had my first group tutorial with Justin which was incredibly helpful it helped me discover an idea that works better for me and my work. I also got a design idea that I could apply towards my book design to add some uniqueness towards my design.
My original idea as seen before was going to be about Stereotypes but as seen above in the image I have decided to look into news papers and how these massive companies manipulate stories with language to grab a personas attention.
I believe this to be a very interesting topic and I am very excited to start looking at it further.
Overall the infomation and support that Justin had given us was incredibly helpful and I am happy that I am able to take part of it today.
Now I need to go out and buy a collection of newspapers as part of my research. Studying the price, language and imagery.
Within the group tutorial we wrote down our notes on this worksheet and it was able to copy what was written on paper below. Doing this has allowed me to have a copy whilst my tutors have one also. 
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secondprojectyear1 · 5 years
Just a reminder to myself for essay
(This is just so I remember what to say I’m going to be wrtining about in the upcoming group tutorial.)Also write about if the morals behind spirited away meant something different when it was released as to what they do today and why they could possibly change over time or even if you might take different meanings at different times in history or even in your own life (like a kid might get a different story to an adult)
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Group Tutorial
we had a mini group tutorial with gavin to discuss the process of our group project with our ideas. We showed him the screen stills from the blue velvet scene that we wanted to re-create, and he gave us loads of good advice about the lighting and how to achieve a similar vibe to the film. We were slightly set on making in work in the cute vibesy pub, however, he proved it would be easy to do the shoot in the studio. This would also mean that we would have a lot more time to concentrate on the lighting of the shoot, therefore learning more about the external lighting aspects of photography
we practiced in this shoot with location lights, so we still had the possibility of shooting at the pub. We had to get out two lighting sets, two lights to light the curtain red, making it more prominent. One to create the blue musk coming from the back right, and another to have at the front being the spotlight. Gavin recommended using a smoke machine to create the blue haze
the brightest light is directly in front (hard light) of the singer, to the right, with a snoot on it to concentrate the spotlight. We had a blue gel back light, above to the left, facing the singer from behind. This would also have to hit the musicians in the background, casting a blue haze over them as well. At first we used honeycomb cover on the blue light, but we later removed this which helped make the blue more prominent. We had two red gel lights on the back curtains to turn them from grey to red. We used barn doors to add the gels and to separate the lights, to stop them hitting any other part of the frame. We also used large reflectors to separate and reflect the light as well into the right places of the image. We used these large reflector blocks for the red background lights
we eventually got there after a day at uni practicing and changing things around. This was a very successful and motivating day as we re-created the image a lot more effectively than we were able to do on the first test shoot. This has shown us that our idea is definitely achievable and possible. We are going to plan another test shoot to perfect our lighting techniques before we conduct our final shoot with models
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