#growing up my brother with bright red curly hair got the same treatment black people hate w strangers touching their hair
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Idk I think Irish people should start killing the English again
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bluereimovies · 3 years
Blog Post 5 The Superhero Coven
Nox Wish is the anti-hero Coven. At first what they thought would be some regular testing to attempt to heal their cancer turned into them acquiring superpowers. They went into the doctor’s office and began to speak to the doctors about the testing and the procedure that was going to happen. Their Doctor, Doctor Nash had the same horrid sense of humor as Nox did and because of that they go together amazingly. This new testing took different animals DNA and made it an injection to try to heal the cancerous skin cells in Nox’s body. After the shot was injected into Nox, they had to sit and wait for a little bit to see if the injection worked since they were the first human to have this testing be performed on them. While Nox was sitting their skin begam to change colors and rapidly grow hair. It was like their body was fighting the DNA that was introduced into their system. The hair and skin color changing had vanished as fast as it had started. Nox had decided to keep this a secret because they did not want to be tested on if this did become a bad thing. All that Nox wanted was to be cancer free. Weeks went on and Nox did not have the reaction again until one night in her apartment when they were sleeping. They had woken up from a dream to go grab a drink of water and suddenly they were on the ground looking at their once normal sized bed. The bed they saw now was much bigger and it looked as if a giant slept on it. Nox then went to move and they saw they didn’t have hands anymore but in fact they had frog hands. They then ran to the mirror and saw they had turned into a tree frog. They were bright green with giant red eyes and long frog legs. As soon as Nox screamed in fear they turned back to their normal self as a five-foot six person with tan skin and curly long hair. Soon after the first time turning into a frog, they also figured out they could become a wolf, a cat, a dog, a bird, a black tipped shark, and an elephant it was the animals DNA present in the injection from the testing. When Nox returned to their doctors they had learned there was many others who had gotten this testing done and their cancer was not cured, yet Nox’s cancer was gone, the treatment worked, and they had beaten cancer. Before cancer Nox was any other normal 22-year-old. They did not have many friends, but Nox had their pets. Nox has a German Shepard Corgi named Lina and their orange cat named Ralph. The first time that Nox turned into a dog they were playing with Lina outside and all the sudden like a snap of fingers they were an Alaskan Malad. They had run into their house and saw again not very human like arms and legs. Nox also had their siblings and their parents. Nox had two sisters and one brother all of whom were adopted by their Dad’s Andy and Grant. Nox’s sisters were named Rain and Ray. Rain is 22 as well and Ray is 18 years old. Both of them still lived at their dad’s house while they are in college. Then there is the youngest, their brother Jasper who is 16 years. Jasper goes to high school and sees his boyfriend on his free time. Nox had attended a very prodigious veterinary school and now has a job at one of the biggest vet clinics and hospitals. Nox and their family live in their hometown of Salem Massachusetts. In high school Nox had only been focused on getting good grades and visiting the animal shelter where they had eventually adopted Lina and Ralph.
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As Nox had grown up they continued to see the superheroes that were so popular destroy cities and towns trying to save people and be the “hero”. They did not believe that superheroes were very super, and they did not do anything but cause destruction. When Nox had been a child and had their biological parents, their parents had been in the crossfire of a superhero trying to save and in the end the building that their parents worked at had failed and Nox lost both their parents because of a hero trying to save the day. From the day Nox has lost their family they promised their self that they would never try to become a super. Many superheroes in 2030 made their own superpowers or they made super suits that gave them special powers. Many famous superheroes in the past like Ironman and Batman had built their own suits to become these superheroes with amazing powers. Some were like Deadpool who unfortunately got their powers similar to the way that Nox had gotten their powers. The worst superhero that Nox had seen is the superhero Cruizer. Cruizer was the superhero that had knocked the building down trying to save the city from the villain Perito. Perito luckily had been taken into police custody 7 years ago after a different hero had taken him down. Because of this experience Nox wants to save the world, but in a different way. Slowly as more population grows and less people care about the earth, the eco-system worsens. Nox had started a foundation to begin to help the planet heal itself so the earth can live for many more years. While Nox worked at their veterinary job they also go around the country trying to convince the world to become more eco-friendly. They want to see the endangered species in the world grow in population, so we do not lose any more wildlife due to humans being selfish. Many heroes only advocate for saving the city or telling people to stay safe and buy their t-shirts. The superheroes now a days aren’t like the ones in the past, none of them care about anything besides popularity.
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Another goal that Nox has to is to get back at Cruizer for killing their parents. When that day had happened, the superhero did not even come to Nox and apologize for what had happened Cruizer just got the news to show up and take pictures of him being amazing for injuring the villain. As Nox learned their powers more, the more they would go out in the world as a bird or a dog and just enjoy life, something in the past Nox had struggles doing. As Nox worked more and because of these powers they had gotten better at their job because when alone Nox would turn into a dog or cat and could communicate with their patients to calm them down, something they recently learned was how to communicate with these animals as an animal. Slowly because of these powers, Nox’s life began to improve and they were becoming a happier person. Before Nox was a very depressed person because of the stress of cancer treatment and how their life was going to go if they didn’t beat cancer. Nox’s persuit of Cruizer is easier now than it was before. The only thing stopping them is that they have morals, and they don’t know what they would do with Cruizer even if they did catch him. As Nox began to develop their powers more, the media began to take an interest at the random wolf running around stopping random robbers and then disappearing. Nox wasn’t a superhero don’t get them wrong, but they did not want to see anyone get hurt by others selfishness, Nox was becoming one of the very first nonbinary anti-heroes. The media was writing about random animals you wouldn’t normally see around Salem helping people then running off and then were nowhere to be seen. They had caught Nox in their plain black suit homemade suit a few times, but they never got to figuring out who the person avoiding the cameras was. The only people that had learned of the powers was Nox’s family when they began to turn into different animals. Their family supported Nox’s decision in helping others yet avoiding the popularity and tarnishing their reputation as someone that was just there to help. Weeks went by and the media caught more of Nox but nothing became of it until the day of the big car crash. Cruizer was there trying to help people but there were too many civilians that needed help. Nox arrived to start moving empty cars to clear up the debris so Cruizer could safely remove people from the cars that were not empty. Soon the debris was cleaned up and Nox turned back into their human body and they slowly walked over to Cruizer to be polite. This was the first time Nox had worked with a hero and showed what they had looked like not like an animal. They had thanked Cruizer for the help and was about to fly away as a bird when the media stopped them. Nox had only said one thing “I am Coven the skin changer, I am not hero nor villain, I am not man nor woman, but I will not be what the media has turned superheroes into.” They then turned to Cruizer and said “Years ago you killed people very close to me trying to catch Perito and you still failed at catching him. If you do anything like that again now, I will do everything in my power to stop you”. Nox then turned into a bird and disappeared by flying with a flock of birds.
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The media exploded because of this encounter and Coven then became the face of the LGBTQ community as Coven the nonbinary antihero. Coven may not be a fighter or a scary strong hero, but they fight for what is right and don’t feel the need to be in the spotlight. Coven did not want to be known as the person with great power that would kill someone in the blink in the eye, they wanted to be known as the great veterinarian and owner of a foundation. Many superheroes don’t have the same morals and they wanted to prove that not everyone with powers needed to be associated with the popular heroes that only have a good reputation because the media depicts them as amazing people when the heroes are actually killers. They don’t feel the need to be wanted by magazines for interviews or being the greatest hero there has ever been. Nox achieved in spreading their ecofriendly ideas and the world has begun to change into a better and healthier planet. Nox passed away in 2088. They had become one of the most revolutionary people as an advocate for an ecofriendly world, and with their success in their career. They had a beautiful family and got married to a beautiful girl. Nox and their wife adopted many children and eventually the foundation went to Nox’s child Wern. The legacy that Nox had created made it so they no longer have to worry about the earth becoming a toxic place. Nox was such an inspirational and well-known vet that they always had a big company CEO having their back or that the media gave Nox so much credit it was wrong to deny them their wish. Nox died happy to have a family and that they are able to protect their family if anything was to happen to them.
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Nox is very similar to the antihero Deadpool. I found Deadpool as an inspiration because they didn’t care about being a superhero once acquiring their powers. Wade only wanted to save his girlfriend but eventually his morals changed and because of his loss of his love, he eventually had a family even if they were not all blood related. Deadpool gave his all in saving the child after his girlfriend died because it became the only thing that mattered to him. I find Deadpool to be inspiring as his morals became more human like and less to what everyone would call the normal.
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